the warren report and the jfk...

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September 25-28, 2014

Bethesda Hyatt Regency

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Program Schedule Thursday September 25, 2014

6:30 PM until conclusion: Meet and greet in our Hospitality Suite (the Presidential Suite). Free

to AARC members. Membership can be purchased at the door for $35 less the $25 registration

fee discount for members or $10.

7:00-9:00 PM Registration

Friday, September 26, 2014


8:00-8:10 AM Introduction: Alan Dale and James Lesar

8:15-8:25 AM Alan Dale: Kickoff and Introduction of AARC President James Lesar: “Why This

Conference Matters”

8:30-8:40 AM AARC Executive Director Jerry Policoff: Historical Background and Conference


8:45-8:55 AM Andrew Kreig: “Current Implications of JFK Assassination Cover-Up”

9:00-9:20 AM Alan Dale: “What We Now Know that the Warren Commission Didn’t Know”

9:20-9:30 AM Break


9:30-11:00 AM Prof. G. Robert Blakey, Dan Hardway, Edwin Lopez: “The HSCA and the CIA:

The View from the Trenches and the View from the Top”

James Lesar will give an account of new Freedom of Information Act requests submitted to the

CIA on behalf of Prof. Blakey, Dan Hardway Edwin Lopez and the AARC.

11:00-11:10 AM Break

11:10-12:25 AM Dr. John Newman: "Dark Operations: Deciphering the CIA's Cuban Secrets."

This presentation will expose long-protected pseudonyms for some of the CIA’s most notorious

officers connected with the JFK case – including David Phillips and Antonio Sforza. It will also

disclose an important multiple identity which figures in Newman’s forthcoming book, “Where

Angels Tread Lightly.”

12:25-1:30 PM Break for Lunch

1:30-2:05 PM Jefferson Morley: “The CIA and the Culture of Secrecy”

2:10-2:40 PM Panel: Jefferson Morley, Dr. John Newman, and (by phone) David Talbot: “The

Continuing Cover-Up: New and Newsworthy”

2:45-3:25 PM Anthony Summers: “After Not in Your Lifetime”


3:30-3:45 PM Antonio Veciana: “Maurice Bishop, My CIA contact Agent, was David Atlee

Phillips, the man I saw in Dallas with Lee Harvey Oswald” (Antonio Veciana will speak in Spanish

with Fernald Armand as translator. Marie Fonzi will provide an introduction.)

3:50-4:10 PM Anthony Summers Moderates Antonio Veciana’s Question and Answer Period

4:10-4:20 PM Break

4:20-4:55 PM Prof. Ernst Titovets: “Oswald Was My Best Friend”

5:00-5:25 PM Buell Wesley Frazier: “Oswald, Friend and Family Man”


5:30-5:55 PM Don Thomas: “The Tippit Murder: Rosetta Stone to the Warren Commission


6:00-6:30 PM Bill Simpich: "How Captain Westbrook and the Tippit Shooting Provide a

Counter-Narrative to the Warren Report”

6:30 PM End of day’s proceedings

Friday Evening:

8:00-10:00 PM-Memorials: Tributes to Roger Feinman, Gaeton Fonzi, Sylvia Meagher, Kevin

Walsh, John Judge, Earl Golz

Saturday, September 27, 2014


8:00-8:40 AM Introduction of Peter Kornbluh by Brenda Brody, with example of what

National Security Archive releases have meant to the research community.

Peter Kornbluh: “U.S.-Cuba Back-Channel Negotiations After the Bay of Pigs”

BREAKOUT SESSION-8:00-8:45 AM Pat Speer: “The Single-Bullet Theory, Voodoo Science, and

Zombie Lies”


8:45-9:10 AM Dr. Cyril Wecht: “Two Autopsies, Two Cover-ups: JFK, RFK”

9:15-9:55 AM Dr. Gary Aguilar: “Junk Science and the Death of JFK — What We Now Know

that We Didn’t Know Then”

10:00-10:25 AM Dr. Don Thomas: “JFK Acoustical Evidence: Challenge and Corroboration”

BREAKOUT SESSION-10:15-11:00 AM Dr. Grover P. Proctor Jr.: “The Raleigh Call and the

Fingerprints of Intelligence”

10:30-11:00 AM Dr. Randolph Robertson — "The JFK Assassination: 5 shots + 3 shooters + 3

snipers nests = CONSPIRACY”

*Dr. David Mantik will speak on the JFK autopsy X-rays, photographs and medical evidence in a

breakout room following these presentations, and then he will be joined in a panel discussion

by Dr. Robertson.

11:00-11:10 AM Break


11:10 AM-Noon Joan Mellen — "CIA and the HSCA: How CIA Controlled the HSCA and the

Writing of its Final Report”

BREAKOUT SESSION-11:15 AM-Noon Bill Kelly: “The Air Force One Tapes”

12:00-1:15 Lunch

1:15-1:55 PM David Kaiser: “What We’ve Learned Since The Road to Dallas”

BREAKOUT SESSION-1:15-2:10 PM Jim DiEugenio: “Who was John F. Kennedy, and Why Was He


2:00-2:40 PM Eric Hamburg: “Conversations with Fabian Escalante and E. Howard Hunt —

Two Views of the Kennedy Assassination”

BREAKOUT SESSION-2:15-3:00 PM Lisa Pease: “James Jesus Angleton and The Warren



2:45-3:30 PM Panel: “Why Won’t the Media Cover the Story?”

Jefferson Morley, Jerry Policoff, Mal Hyman, Russ Baker, Andrew Kreig (moderator)

BREAKOUT SESSION-3:15-4:00 PM Larry Hancock: “A Political H Bomb – How John Roselli and

William Harvey Preempted the Garrison Investigation in Washington D.C.”

3:30-3:40 PM Break

3:40-4:10 PM Andrew Kreig: “The JFK Cover-up’s Long Shadow”


BREAKOUT SESSION-4:00-4:45 PM Walt Brown: “The Dulles Commission – the 50th


4:15-4:55 PM Russ Baker: “The Role of the WC Staff in the Cover-Up”

5:00-5:40 PM Prof. David Wrone: “The Warren Report on the Murder of JFK: Truth or Cover-


BREAKOUT SESSION-5:15-6:00 PM Robert Groden: “A View From the Grassy Knoll”


5:45 -7:00 PM A reading of the January 22, 1964 Executive Session Transcript by a troupe of

professional actors

Dramatization of the January 22, 1964 Executive Session Transcript where the commissioners

realized that FBI would never “run out all the leads” and would “have us fold up and quit.”

Other early comments: “They found their man. There is nothing more to do.” Allen Dulles

suggested “this record should be destroyed.” It wasn’t. It was transcribed more than a decade

later as a result of a Harold Weisberg lawsuit and Congressional pressure.

7:00 PM Adjourn for banquet

7:30-9:00 PM Banquet + Tributes (will include cash bar)

Oliver Stone was unable to attend the conference due to previous commitments, but he will

address it via a pre-recorded message.

Keynote Speaker-Peter Kuznick: “JFK: To the Brink”

Sunday, September 28, 2014



9:00-9:55 AM Joe Backes: “Report on JFK Records Withheld until 2017″

BREAKOUT SESSION-9:00-9:45 AM Marie Fonzi: “On the Home Front”

10:00-10:25 AM Lamar Waldron — "Withheld in Full”

BREAKOUT SESSION-10:00-10:45 AM Malcolm Blunt Q&A: This will not be a formal

presentation, but rather a Q&A on NARA, Warren Commission Files, Church Committee and


10:30-10:55 AM Rex Bradford: “The Church Committee and CIA Assassination Plots”

11:00-11:55 AM Peter Dale Scott (by live closed-circuit hook-up: “Dallas and Other Deep


12:00-12:25 PM James Lesar: “The CIA and NARA Thwart Congress and the JFK Act”

12:30-1:30 PM Panel Discussion: Rex Bradford, Joe Backes, Lamar Waldron and James Lesar,

led by Marie Fonzi: “Where Do We Go From Here?”

1:30 PM Conference closes


John Heard - Allen W. Dulles

John Lescault - Chief Justice Earl Warren

Michael Quinlan - Gerald R. Ford

Michael Willis- John Sherman Cooper

Dave Fendig - Hale Boggs

Ed Lieberman - John J. McCloy

Andy Brownstein- Richard B. Russell

Robert Connors - standby


Brian Connors - J Lee Rankin

Conference Speakers

Presenter Gary Aguilar

Topic Junk Science and the Death of JFK - What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then

Summary In a History News Network Interview, attorney Vincent Bugliosi opined “[e]verything

pointed toward Oswald’s guilt. All the physical evidence, all the scientific evidence.”

At one time it might have been reasonable to believe that. But no longer.

Discoveries and disclosures over the decades have knocked the struts out from

under the medical and scientific case for a lone assassin. This presentation will

outline important discoveries concerning JFK’s autopsy, the bullets, the

government’s trajectory analysis and its duplication experiments.

Presenter Joseph Backes

Topic The Withheld Until 2017 Documents

Summary Will demonstrate, based on information published in The Federal Register and from

the Assassination Records Review Board the totality of documents withheld until


Presenter Russ Baker

Topic Warren Commission Staff Role in Cover-up

Summary Evidence the commission intended a cover-up. Special focus on key staffers,

especially Albert Jenner and his patron, businessman Henry Crown. Jenner handled

the highly sensitive witness, George de Mohrenschildt

Presenter G. Robert Blakey

Topic The HSCA and the CIA: The View from the Trenches and from the Top (with G.

Robert Blakey and Dan Hardway)

Summary Blakey will discuss the House Select Committee on Assassinations

Presenter Malcolm Blunt

Topic Classified Files and Related Material

Summary Will conduct a Q&A on NARA, Warren Commission Files, the Church Committee, CIA

(personalities, record keeping, etc)

Presenter Rex Bradford

Topic The Church Committee and CIA Assassination Plots

Summary The mid-1970s "Church Committee," revealed CIA plots to assassinate Fidel Castro

and other foreign leaders and issued a scathing rebuke of the Warren Commission's

reliance on CIA and FBI officials, whom Senator Schweiker declared "directed the

cover-up". This talk discusses the Committee's findings and the state of Church

Committee records, most of which are still withheld.

Presenter Brenda Brody

Topic What the National Security Archive Means to the Research Community

Summary After a long effort by the National Security Archive (NSA, the CIA finally declassified

and released four of the five volumes written about the Bay of Pigs by their in-house

historian. The volumes tell an amazing story, and there are many reasons to believe

that the final unreleased volume contains important new information.

Presenter Walt Brown

Topic The Dulles Commission-the 50th Anniversary

Summary “The Dulles Commission” will demonstrate that Earl Warren was but a figurehead on

the “Warren” Commission, and that the real leadership of the official investigation

into the murder of John F. Kennedy was Allen Dulles, former Director of the Central

Intelligence Agency

Presenter Brian Connors*

Topic Dramatization of 1/22/64 Executive Session Transcript

Summary The theater event is a reading of the January 22nd Warren Commission Executive

session transcript. This session was convoked on an emergency basis because

Warren Commission General Counsel J. Lee Rankin had received that morning a call

from Texas Attorney General Wagoner Carr reporting credible information that

Oswald was an FBI agent and had an FBI informant number. The Warren

Commission discussed this in a very agitated state, speculating that because there

were "all kinds of leads" pointing to a conspiracy that had not been checked out, the

fact that J. Edgar Hoover was saying Oswald was the only guilty party meant he was

trying to close the case without any real investigation of it. [The FBI] "would like to

have us fold up and quit," observes one Commissioner. "This closes the case you

see? Don't You see?" adds another. "They found their man. There is nothing more

to do. The Commission supports their conclusions and we can go home and that is

the end of it," opines another participant. Finally former CIA Director and Warren

Commissioner Allen Dulles suggests: "I think this record should be destroyed. Do

you think we need to record this?"

The transcript was not typed up until more than a decade later, when, under

pressure from Representative Bella Abzug, the GSA finally produced a transcript

prepared by a Pentagon steno typist rather than a Ward & Paul official court

reporter. The transcript blows the myth of the Warren Commission's belief in the

lone assassin theory to smithereens.

Presenter Alan Dale

Topic Moderator

Presenter Jim DiEugenio

Topic Who was John F. Kennedy, and Why was He Murdered?

Summary James DiEugenio will discuss long-overlooked and belatedly discovered evidence and

leads, such as: Oswald did not order the alleged assassination rifle; and JFK’s hidden

foreign policy initiatives and their reversal after his death. The presentation also will

describe why historians have only recently addressed such topics.

Presenter Marie Fonzi

Topic On the Home front

Summary Marie Fonzi will share personal anecdotes related to Gaeton Fonzi's groundbreaking

Arlen Specter interviews, as well as Fonzi's visit to de Mohrenschildt on the morning

of his death. She will relate what was Gaeton's and later her Odyssey, leading to

Antonio Veciana's 2013 admission of the real identity of his CIA contact.

Presenter Buell Wesley Frazier

Topic The Oswald I Knew

Summary Frazier worked with Lee Harvey Oswald at the Book Depository and drove him to

work that fateful day. He describes an intelligent and well-read man who was loved

by and loved children. Frazier’s description of a thin package that he carried to work

that day cannot be reconciled with the Warren Commission’s insistence that it was

the much longer and much bulkier disassembled rifle allegedly used to assassinate

President Kennedy.

Presenter Robert Groden

Topic A View From The Grassy Knoll

Summary An overview of the most important of the early photographic evidence that I

presented before Congress in 1975 which prompted Congressman Thomas Downing

to introduce the resolution to re-investigate the assassination of President Kennedy

and the first showing of the Zapruder film on Goodnight America in 1975.

Presenter Eric Hamburg

Topic Conversations with Fabian Escalante and E. Howard Hunt: Two views of the

Kennedy assassination

Summary Examine the theories advanced by former Cuban intelligence officer Fabian

Escalante and former CIA agent E. Howard Hunt regarding individuals possibly

involved in a plot to kill John F. Kennedy.

Presenter Larry Hancock

Topic A Political H Bomb - How John Roselli and William Harvey Preempted the Garrison

Investigation in Washington D.C.

Summary How John Roselli, preempted the Garrison investigation by taking an assassination

story to Earl Warren, the Secret Service, the FBI and ultimately via Jack Anderson to

President Johnson, all part of an effort to expose and undermine the Garrison


Presenter Dan Hardway

Topic The HSCA and the CIA: The View from the Trenches and from the Top (With G.

Robert Blakey and Ed Lopez)

Summary These three alumni of the House Select Committee on Assassinations will provide

insight into their roles and evidence of how they were stonewalled and interfered


Presenter Mal Hyman

Topic LBJ's Media Damage Control

Summary Lyndon Johnson's phone calls in the immediate aftermath of the JFK assassination

reveal his aggressive courtship of the mass media. Johnson quickly understood he

would have to contend with competing and murky investigations with enormous


Presenter David Kaiser

Topic What I've Learned Since The Road to Dallas

Summary While nothing has emerged since 2008 to alter Kaiser’s conclusions of The Road to

Dallas, a number of new facts about important aspects of the case have come to

light regarding the Odio incident, the possible role of the CIA in New Orleans in the

summer of 1963, and some interesting information from Carlos Bringuier's book.

Kaiser will also discuss possible new areas of research in FBI and CIA archives.

Presenter Bill Kelly

Topic The Air Force One Tapes

Summary William Kelly, co-founder of the Committee for an Open Archives and an original

member of COPA, transcribed two versions of the Air Force One radio tapes and

arranged for an acoustical expert to refine and combine them. He will introduce a

new, two-hour, high-fidelity, broadcast-quality version of the tapes.

Presenter Peter Kornbluh

Topic Kennedy's Secret Efforts at Rapprochement with Castro

Summary In his last foreign policy act as President, John Kennedy was attempting to explore

an accommodation with Fidel Castro's Cuba; indeed an emissary was on a

"mission of peace" to Havana, meeting with Castro, at the very moment the

President was shot in Dallas. Kornbluh will offer a comprehensive account of the

Kennedy-Castro détente, and how it evolved in the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs and

the Cuban Missile Crisis into a secret dialogue in 1963, abetted by the assistance of a

New York lawyer and an ABC journalist as back channel intermediaries.

Presenter Andrew Kreig

Topic The JFK Murder Cover-up’s Long Shadow

Summary Debunks the myth that JFK research has scant continuing importance. He presents

research showing that the unsolved murder and cover-up undermine democracy,

much as feared by Truman, Eisenhower and JFK. Today’s results show

empowerment of anti-democratic forces that include Wall Street and their de facto

minions in the intelligence agencies, as well as cowardly and self-serving policies by

government officials. Meanwhile legal and media watchdog institutions mask their

self-censorship and fear on all manner of issue with vacuous self-promotion.

Presenter Peter Kuznick

Topic JFK: To the Brink

Summary American University historian Dr. Peter Kuznick draws from the JFK segment of his

2012 documentary film series and book produced in collaboration with Oliver Stone

–“The Untold History of the United States.”

The film episode shows why President Kennedy’s policies, including those JFK

proposed in a speech in 1963 at American University, antagonized powerful


Presenter James Lesar

Topic NARA and CIA Thwart Congress and JFK Act Goal

Summary Congress unanimously passed the JFK Act to ensure that the American public would

be fully informed about the President's assassination. NARA and the CIA have joined

forces to defeat that goal in violation of the law. Congress must act to correct this


Presenter Ed Lopez with Dan Hardway and G. Robert Blakey

Topic The HSCA and the CIA: The View from the Trenches and from the Top (with G.

Robert Blakey and Dan Hardway)

Summary This presentation will cover the relationship between the CIA and the HSCA from the

perspective of a researcher working daily with agency records and from the chief of

staff of the Committee. The presentation will address the history of Congressional

investigations into the CIA and its activities, as well as the fundamental flaws in the

structure, whether the structure is compatible with the fundamental principles of

our form of constitutional government, and possible solutions to the problems

posed by the structural problems of, and created by, intelligence agency secrecy and

lack of accountability.

Presenter David Mantik

Topic Fifteen Clues to the Occipital Origin of the Harper Fragment

Summary This presentation will review the photographs and X-rays of the Harper fragment

and list fifteen independent and self-consistent clues for its origin from JFK’s upper

occiput. This lecture is an excerpt from a comprehensive essay on the Harper


Presenter Joan Mellen

Topic CIA and HSCA: How CIA Controlled the HSCA Investigation

Summary The stories of Gustavo de los Reyes and Alberto Fernandez Hechavarria.

Presenter Jefferson Morley

Topic The Warren Commission and the Birth of the Secret State

Summary The Warren Commission’s role in the ascendancy of what Bob Woodward calls “the

secret world” of the national security agencies.

Presenter John Newman

Topic Cuba and the Cold War: The CIA's Deepest Secrets

Summary This presentation will expose long-protected pseudonyms for some of the CIA’s most

notorious officers connected with the JFK case – including David Phillips and Antonio

Sforza. It will also preview an important multiple identity in Newman’s forthcoming

book, “Where Angels Tread Lightly.”

Presenter Lisa Pease

Topic James Jesus Angleton and The Warren Commission

Summary James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s longtime and controversial counterintelligence chief,

was the CIA’s official liaison to the Warren Commission and also controlled the CIA’s

liaison with the FBI. He enjoyed a close friendship with Warren Commission member

and former CIA Chief Allen Dulles. Add it all up and you have a man with a unique

ability to influence and shape the Warren Report by controlling which information

did and didn’t reach the Commission.

Presenter Jerry Policoff

Topic The Blurry Line Between JFK Media Coverage and Government Manipulation of the


Summary Explores the intelligence connections of many journalists whose JFK coverage served

the interests of the government and the Intelligence Community.

Presenter Dr. Grover B. Proctor Jr.

Topic The Raleigh Call and the Fingerprints of Intelligence

Summary The HSCA concluded that Lee Oswald attempted to call a former Army

Counterintelligence agent from the Dallas jail. Who told him to, with whom he was

working, and does it prove the “fingerprints of intelligence”?

Presenter Randy Robertson

Topic The JFK Assassination: 5 Shots + 3 Shooters + 3 Snipers' Nests = CONSPIRACY

Summary An analysis and synchronization of the JFK assassination acoustics and photographic


Presenter Bill Simpich

Topic How Captain Westbrook and the Tippit Shooting Provide a Counter-Narrative to the

Warren Report

Summary TV news footage taken at the scene of the Tippit shooting on November 22, 1963

shows a Dallas Police officer handling a wallet that appears to be that of Lee Harvey

Oswald, yet Dallas police authorities have consistently maintained that the wallet

was taken from Oswald's back pocket after his arrest in the Texas Theater. There is a

major conflict between FBI accounts and Dallas Police accounts of where the wallet

was found, and combined with other evidence found at the Tippit crime scene it

suggests a counter-narrative of the entire Warren Report.

Presenter Pat Speer

Topic The Single-Bullet Theory, Voodoo Science, and Zombie Lies

Summary A critical look at the single-bullet theory, focusing on the Warren Commission's

inaccurate depiction of the back wound location, and the probability it was an

orchestrated lie.

Presenter Oliver Stone

Topic He will address the Conference via a pre-recorded message before the Banquet

Presenter Tony Summers

Topic After "Not In Your Lifetime"

Summary Anthony Summers assesses what he thinks one can responsibly say of the case -

more than three decades after his award-winning book “Not in Your Lifetime” was

first published.

Presenter Ernst Titovets

Topic A Russian Friend Describes ‘The Real Oswald’

Summary Ernst Titovets became Lee Harvey Oswald’s closest and only English-speaking friend

from 1959-1962 when Oswald lived in Minsk, then part of the Soviet Union. Titovets

chronicled his friendship with Oswald in his 2010 book “Oswald: Russian Episode,”

where Oswald emerges as a fully human character. During the period in Minsk,

Oswald was under constant surveillance by the KGB, anxious to learn if his defection

was a ruse.

Presenter David Talbot

Topic A panelist and discussing his forthcoming book about Allen Dulles, introducing

1/22/64 dramatization.

Presenter Don Thomas

Topic The Tippitt Murder: The Rosetta Stone of the Warren Commission Cover-Up

Summary The Warren Commission as a potential staging point for an escape plan. Instead the

Warren Commission covered up actions by Dallas police officers Murray Jackson,

Harry Olsen, Ronald Nelson and Tippit that suggest an involvement with Oswald’s


Topic 2 Breaking Open the Cover Up – Acoustics Evidence Analysis

Summary 2 Acoustical experts for the HSCA determined that the Dallas Police radio system had

captured the assassination gunfire and that it included a gunshot from the grassy

knoll. Not one of the many challenges to these findings has stood up to scrutiny. Dr.

Thomas will demonstrate that the latest 2013 challenge, which asserted that the

that the ambient sounds on the police recording originated from a different location

and are motorcycle motor noises in reality adds further corroboration to the

Acoustical evidence.

Presenter Antonio Veciana

Topic “Maurice Bishop, my CIA contact agent, was David Atlee Phillips, the man I saw with

Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas.”

Summary Antonio Veciana, the founder of the CIA funded anti-Castro organization Alpha-66,

met Lee Harvey Oswald in the company of his CIA official Maurice Bishop. He now

confirms the case developed by House and Senate investigator Gaeton Fonzi that

Bishop was an alias of David Atlee Phillips, the high-ranking CIA official responsible

for all CIA operations in the Western Hemisphere At the time.

Presenter Lamar Waldron

Topic Withheld in Full

Summary "Withheld in Full" focuses on crucial CIA, FBI, and military intelligence files that were

withheld not only from the Warren Commission, but also from the Church

Committee, the HSCA, and even the ARRB.

Presenter Cyril Wecht

Topic 2 Autopsies; 2 Cover-ups: JFK and RFK

Summary The JFK autopsy report and the RFK autopsy report are studies in contrast. The

former was a superficial, incomplete, inadequate effort. The RFK autopsy was

thorough and effective, yet both offer persuasive evidence of more than one


Presenter David Wrone

Topic The Warren Report as a Political Document

Summary Using common historical principles a critical examination of the Warren Report

shows it to be a whitewash, not a celebrated report on the criminal investigation of

the crime, but a carefully crafted political document largely dross and primarily

diversion from the true facts, suffused with corruption of the evidentiary base.

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