the ward matriarchy - chapter 3

Post on 15-May-2015






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Welcome to my legacy!

Last time, Abiona finally gave birth to a girl to carry out the witch lineage. Francis and Diana grew up to teenagers, spending a lot of their childhood annoying one another. Diana started to snoop around, so Abiona told her they would one day share a secret and our founder became an elder.

The day after Diana had grown into a teenager, she sat to eat lunch with Francis, after school.

“So, how was your birthday?” he asked.


“Oh, it was quiet, I guess. Nothing like your party,” the girl added with a sigh. She was disappointed. Her mother had told her nothing about the secret.

“Yes, my birthday was quite the celebration. But after all, I am the Ward heir.”


“What it that supposed to mean?”

“Well, I'm a boy and boys inherit. That's the way things are, you know that,” Francis said, with a smug grin.


“Don't you remember that Papa was the one to take Mama's name? Who tells you I won't be the Ward heir?” asked Diana, briskly.

Francis had never thought about that. But his sister was right, of course. Why couldn't his family be like all the other ones?


“I'm the oldest,” he stubbornly pursued.

“Believe what you want. But I'm telling you, you could be surprised.” Diana had no idea if she was getting ahead of herself, but she had a feeling the secret her mother was supposed to tell her would give her some answers.


Hoping to prove to his parents what a good heir he would make, Francis spent a lot of time doing his homework. It was paying off as he was at the top of his class.

Master Hickey, at the apothecary, was also very pleased with his work. Francis found it hard to always be told what to do, but he knew it would benefit him in the long run so he never complained.


Abiona knew how hard her son was working and she took every opportunity to congratulate him.

“Francis, I met Master Hickey, the other day, in town. He had nothing but praises for you,” she happily told him. “Do you like working for him?”


“I do, Mama,” he nodded. “He is demanding and sometimes I don't really understand why he wants things done a certain way, but I do as he says and until now, he has been a good boss to me.”


“I'm glad to know that and to see that you are becoming a mature young man, darling.” She had to admit to herself that, as Francis was growing up, she had doubted if he would ever be able to take orders from others. “I'm sure that this will help you in your career.”

Francis could only agree with his mother.


The teenager was not succeeding in every aspects of his life, though. One day, he invited a girl from his class back home.

He thought she was pretty in her own way and he told her so, but she did not react as he had expected.


So, Francis chose to focus on learning as much as he could before leaving for university.

While Diana painted, he would practice playing the violin, as he realized he really liked the instrument after his first try, all these years ago.



“I thought you said the sound of violin made your nose bleed,” Diana would tease him.

“No,” he replied, “you playing it did.”

“Do you think you are better than I am?”

“Maybe not yet,” he admitted, “but I will try to be. It would help me get a scholarship.”


As for Diana, she was starting to wonder if she had imagined the conversation with her mother, as a child. What if she had actually dreamed it all? What if there was no secret? That it was really just something she wished for so much that she made it up?


After all, if there was a secret, why had her mother said nothing about it, yet? She was old enough now, she had never told anyone about it and she had made sure to be nicer to people around her, even if it was not easy at times.

Diana was starting to become very frustrated by it all.


Abiona could see it, too. If she had not told Diana about her powers, it was simply because she did not know which words to use.

She couldn't think about anything else, yet she couldn't find the right way to tell Diana about what they were.


After all, she had only learned about it by accident, while reading her mother's journal.

“That's it!” she exclaimed. “I'm going to ask Diana to read the journal. It will break the ice and then, I can tell her what I've found out,” she told herself.


When she saw Diana enter the room, she decided to stay at the table. Jake was outside, taking care of the garden and Francis was with Master Hickey. She knew she could talk freely.


Diana was wondering what her mother wanted. Even if she had started to think there was actually no secret and that Abiona had told her that just so she would be nice, a part of her still hoped it was all true. She couldn't help but feel excited as she sat down.


“Sweetheart,” Abby started, taking a breath, “do you remember, when you were little, I told you to stop snooping around?”

“I do, Mama. And I've kept my promise, you know that.”


“Yes and I thank you for that. Don't you worry, I've noticed that your character and attitude have changed for the better since you were a child.”

“You have?” Diana was happy. She never thought her mother had paid attention.


“Of course, my darling,” Abiona smiled. “And you must also remember I told you we would share a secret, you and I, right? You must be getting quite upset about me not saying anything even though you've grown.”

“I... I am,” Diana admitted as she blushed. She certainly didn't think her frustration was so obvious.


“It's all right, sweetheart. I can understand. I was once in the same situation,” Abby reassured her. She now had her daughter’s full attention.

“You see, shortly after my father died, I found out that my mother, whom I named you after, kept a journal. I read it and discovered some very interesting things. And now, I would like you to read it.”


“A journal?” said Diana, disappointed. Was that all it was? The big secret was some old lady's writings?

“Just read it. We will talk about it when you are done. And make sure no one else but you sees it,” added Abiona seriously before giving the book to the girl.


As soon as she had a chance, Diana sat down to read the journal. At first, she didn't see what was so special about it. The old Diana, her grandmother, only wrote about her daily life as a young wife and mother.

That's when Diana read something that startled her. She kept on reading and it dawned on her what the big secret was.


Diana couldn't believe her eyes. Her mother was not kidding when she said she had a secret! She couldn't wait to talk about it with her!

She stayed up most of the night, reading the journal from cover to cover, too excited to even think about sleep. Finally, something was happening to her!


The next morning, Diana had finished to read everything. She was eager to talk about it with her mother, but she couldn't find her anywhere.

“Papa,” she asked Jake when she saw him, “have you seen Mama?”


“Abiona is at work, sweetheart.”

“Oh,” replied Diana, disappointed.

“Is something the matter?” Jake looked concerned.


“No, no, don't worry, Papa,” said Diana. She knew she couldn't tell anything to her father. Apparently, Abiona had managed to keep their nature a secret, so she couldn't be the one to let him know. “I just need to talk to her about something.”

“Are you sure it's nothing I can help you with?”


“Yes, I'm sure. But thank you, Papa, I appreciate it.”

“Alright. Your mother should be back this evening,” Jake added. He knew some things were between mothers and daughters and was not offended Diana did not want to tell him what was on her mind.


The moment Abiona was home, Diana went to see her and told her she had finished reading the journal. Abby insisted on sitting down to talk.

“So, now you know,” Abiona began.

“I think so... but is it true, Mama?” asked Diana, still amazed by it all.


“Yes, it is, darling. When I first read my mother's journal, I couldn't believe she could be a witch, either. But then, I came to Shelterwoods and I met another witch. You might remember her, my friend, Linda Wilson.”

“She's a witch, too?”


“That's right. And she's the one who told me what the journal didn't explain.”

“Will she tell me, now?”

“No, there is no need for that, Diana. I'm your mother, it's my job to do that. She only helped me because I didn't have a mother myself.”


“That must have been hard, Mama,” the teenager whispered. She couldn't imagine not having parents.

“Yes, well, it's been a long time. I'm just happy to be able to tell you what you should know.”

“Is there more?”


“You can say that. The journal doesn't say everything. You see, the Ward women have been witches for generations. They were once a very powerful lineage. I'm afraid that I have not lived up to our heritage, personally. But now, it's your turn, Diana. As my only daughter, you will carry out our name and our secret,” Abiona announced.

“I will?” Diana had thought about it all night long and was expecting something like that, but it was still so surprising. 

“Of course. And I am certain you will be a great witch. You have the gene, all you need to do is work and you will certainly become very powerful.”

“I'll do my best, Mama,” Diana promised. She felt very proud, but also nervous. She hoped she could handle the challenge.

“I'm not worried.”


Then, Abiona stood up and asked Diana to follow her.

They stood in front of the bookcase.

“You were right, you know, sweetheart, when you thought something was hidden in this bookshelf. Actually, it's not hiding in it, but behind it.”


She encouraged her daughter to take out one of the books. When she did, much to her surprise, the bookcase swung open, bringing Diana in a green room.

There, the young girl saw what seemed to be a grimoire, as well as a cauldron. She was speechless.


“This is so amazing,” she tought. “Look at that!” She examined the book with great interest, wondering when she would have the chance to study all the spells it must contain.

When she came out of the secret room, Abiona was waiting for her.


“Are those things yours?” she asked her mother.

“Yes. But soon, you will have your very own spell book and cauldron.”

“When?” Diana was impatient to start her new life.


“Soon. In the meantime, remember that no one must know about this. Not your father, not your brother. And you cannot tell your husband, when you get married.”

“I understand, Mama.”

“It will also be your responsibility to carry the lineage, just like it was mine. You will have a daughter and teach her everything you will learn during your lifetime.” 

“I know it's important, Mama, and you can trust me. I will take this very seriously.”

Abiona was very proud of Diana. She also felt relieved. She had finally managed to tell the truth and she knew her daughter would be true to her word. She had taken the news better than expected, really.


Later, Diana snuck out. She simply couldn’t sleep, there were so many things going through her mind.

Looking at the stars, she thought about the meaning of what her mother had said, about how it would change her life.


“I knew there was something different about us… about me!” she told herself.

She was imagining everything she would be able to do, once she started to learn about magic. The possibilities were endless.


Abiona had said that she had never fully developed her powers, being too busy with her job and her family.

“Well, that is not going to happen to me,” Diana promised. “I will make magic my priority.”


Laying beside Jake, a few nights later, Abiona was starting to wonder if she had been right to keep her powers a secret.

Jake could always see when his wife had something on her mind.

“Abby, tell me.”


“I’m sorry, what?” she said, emerging from her thoughts.

“You have something to tell me, don’t you? Is it about Diana?”


“Um…” she hesitated. How could he know? She had been very careful to speak only when she was sure he was outside or fast asleep. And she had not spent any time in her secret room, lately. “What do you mean?”

“She seemed worried about something, the other day, when she came to me. But she only wanted to talk about it with you,” he continued. “Is it a boy?” 

“Oh!” Abiona was relieved. Jake knew nothing! “Um, well, yes it was something to do with a lad in her class. You know, girl talk,” she shrugged.

“That’s what I thought. I guess a mother knows more about these things than a father,” he laughed.

“I guess so.”


Abiona felt guilty about lying to Jake. He had been so understanding about everything, their whole life together. She really wished she could tell him the truth. But she also remembered how harsh Linda could be. Like when she almost threatened her, before she had a girl.

No, it was best to keep everything as it was. And by telling Jake, she would have to tell Francis, too. And that was sure to be a disaster.


Thinking about her son made her realize something else.

“I'll have to find a way to let Francis know that his sister is going to be carrying out our name,” she thought, as Jake rose to go take care of the garden.

She was not looking forward to that conversation.


Not long after, it was Jake’s turn to become an elder. His family and friends were happy to come celebrate the event with him and Abby.


Jake thought about his life so far and had absolutely no regrets about anything. He had a loving wife and smart children. He could only hope that Francis and Diana would both give him many grandchildren to care for.


“You see, sweetie,” he told Abiona, “now I'm just like you!”

“Yes, you are. We make a mighty fine pair of elders, don't we?” she giggled.

“We sure do! The best there is! Let's just hope we passed on our good genes to Diana and Francis,” he joked.


Meanwhile, Diana had started to read through her brand new spell book. As promised, Abiona had given it to her soon after their conversation and hid it with hers in the secret room.

What Diana was learning kept surprising her. All that knowledge, all those spells! How was she going to remember everything?


More particularly, some spells seemed to be different from the others. They were written in very black ink on darker pages than the others.

Diana decided she would ask her mother about them.


“Really, sweetheart, I have no idea,” Abiona answered when she finally found a quiet moment to talk to her about it. “To be honest, I haven't had that much time to read my own book. I've been so busy with everything else.”


“But, Mama,” continued Diana, “it might be something important!”

“You might be right. I'll tell you what, maybe you could talk with Mrs. Wilson about it. If anyone knows anything about those spells, it would be her.”


“Can't you ask her to come over?”

“Alright, but it will have to wait for a day when your father and brother are in town. We can't have them overhear something by accident.”


And so, a few weeks later, Diana finally had a chance to talk to Linda about what she had read.

“Thank you, Mrs. Wilson, for accepting to come over,” Diana began.


Diana had never met someone as old as the woman. Maybe being a powerful witch could make you live longer? She would have to ask her, but not today. She had other things on her mind.

“Not at all, it's a pleasure, my child. I'm happy to know you are aware of your powers, now. Go ahead, tell me what I can do for you exactly.”


“I've been reading the spell book my mother gave me and I found some very intriguing spells. I was just wondering what they were,” she continued as they both sat.

“I see what you mean, but to be honest, I'm not sure I should tell you,” frowned Mrs. Wilson.

“Why not?”


“You see, Diana, there are two sides to magic. I chose to be on the side of the light. I chose to do good around me with my powers. But not everyone is like me.”

Diana was listening intensely. Mrs. Wilson was telling her what she had suspected all along.


“There are other witches,” the old woman continued. “At some point, I don’t really know why, they decided that they wanted to practice another kind of magic. Dark magic,” she added in a whisper.

Linda could see that the young girl was fascinated by what she was saying. She had to be careful about how she would present things.


“Now, Diana, I know that dark magic can seem appealing. But trust me, it is not. When one chooses that path, the sacrifices that have to be made are tremendous. It affects every aspects of their life.”

“But Mrs. Wilson, if a witch is careful and uses a darker spell because it is absolutely needed…”


Linda did not let Diana finish her sentence.

“Child, there are no good reasons to use dark magic, ever!” she said, becoming agitated. “And remember the rules of witchcraft! You must have read them by now. Everything you do will come back to you three times. I would suggest you think about that before getting into things you don’t completely understand.”


Diana felt like Mrs. Wilson was treating her as if she was still a little girl. What she had read in the journal and in her spell book did not seem so dangerous.


“You are still young, Diana. You still need to learn a lot. Please, trust me on this. Stay away from those spells,” the older witch added before standing up to leave.


Going to bed, that night, Diana was thinking about the conversation she had with her mother’s friend.

“As if I can’t see the difference between a fun spell and a dangerous one!” she hissed. “She was almost threatening me!”


She also had read the rules about spells coming back, but she was not taking them seriously. “They are just like bedtime stories. Old witches probably made them up to scare the young ones. That way, they made sure we would never become as powerful as them!”


Diana was really annoyed with Mrs. Wilson. If anything, their talk made her want to learn more about dark magic. Before, it was simply curiosity. But seeing Linda get so defensive triggered something in her.

“I’m sure she didn’t tell me everything. She’s hiding something,” she thought as she promised herself to find out what is was.


A few weeks later, Abiona was enjoying an afternoon of painting while Jake read.

“Sweetheart, have you noticed how hard Francis has been working in school and with Master Hickey?” Jake asked her.

“I have and I’ve congratulated him on it.”


“So did I. He’s really impressing me. I guess he’ll be leaving for university, soon.”

“Probably,” Abiona replied. Jake must have been thinking about the future of their children as much as she had. “I hope his good grades can help him get a few scholarships.”


“I’m sure it will,” said Jake, confidently.

Abiona knew this was the perfect time to tell her husband about Diana being the heiress. She hoped he would support her decision.


“Jake, I’ve been thinking. And although Francis has matured greatly in the last few years, I still want Diana to be the one to come back and live with us when she graduates from university. I want her to inherit our house,” she said in one breath. “I would like our home to be passed on from mothers to daughters, for many generations.”


“I know,” Jake simply replied.

“You know?”

“Yes, Abby. I figured that out long ago,” he winked.

“But, how…?”


“I just know you well, I suppose. And I agree with you, too. I think it’s a wonderful idea. Francis will do great on his own, I’m sure of it.”

Once again, Abiona felt gratitude for being married to Jake.

“Now, we just have to tell him. It won’t be easy; he’s expecting to be our heir, being a boy and everything. I don’t know who put those ideas in his head,” she sighed.


“Why don’t you let me talk to him?”

“You would do that?” Abby asked.

“Of course,” Jake answered, looking at his wife lovingly.


And so, soon after, Jake took Francis fishing. He thought they could bond that way. He also hoped he would be able to gently break the news to his son.


Francis was wondering why his father was suddenly interested in fishing. But, at the same time, he knew he would soon be leaving for university and thought Jake wanted to take every opportunity to spend time with him.

After all, Shelter Academy was not so close; he would not be able to visit often once there.


“This is nice, isn’t it?” Jake began.

“Yes, it is. I’m not sure I will catch anything, though.”

“Ha! Trust yourself, son! Look at me! I didn't think I would either and look!”


Jake wondered how exactly he was going to say what he needed to. He knew Francis had a temper and could overreact if he did not use the right words.

“So, have you been thinking about university?”


“Yes, I have, Papa. I applied for a few scholarships, last week. I’m waiting to hear from the Academy in the next month, or so.”

“I’m proud of you, Francis. You’re a hard worker.”


“Thanks, Papa.” It meant a lot to Francis to hear that. As much as he wanted to impress Master Hickey, he also wished to make his parents happy. “But it’s only normal, really. I want to be a good heir to you and Mama.”


Jake suddenly realized how much his son wanted to inherit from their house. The next few minutes were not going to be fun. But he also knew he had to do it. He couldn’t let Francis have false hopes.

“Well,” he said after clearing his throat, “about that, I do have something to tell you.”


Francis was not worried, he kept looking at the pond. What could his father have to say that would affect him that much?

“Francis, this isn’t easy for me to say. But, you have to know that your mother and I decided that Diana would be the one to inherit the house.”


Francis thought for a second he didn’t hear properly.

“I – I’m sorry, what?”

“Abiona was the first to settle in Shelterwoods and we wish for the house to be handed over to the Ward women,” Jake continue, trying to sound calm, but firm.


Francis finally realized what his father was saying. He felt rage rising in his chest. How could that be? He was the oldest son! Why wasn’t he the heir? He felt completely cheated.

“Are you serious? You are chosing Diana?” he blurted out.

“I’m sorry, son. I know you were hoping…”


“You don’t know anything!” Francis yelled. “This family is ridiculous! I’ll be the laughing stock of the whole county! The only first born male without a heritage!”

“Please, don’t take it like that. We know you would have made a wonderful heir. But this is just not how things are,” Jake added, shaking his head slowly.


“Nonsense! If you thought I was so great, if you loved me, you would not make me a joke for everyone!”

“You are saying things you don’t really mean. Of course, we love you,” said Jake, softly. “This has nothing to do with it.”


Francis chose not to answer, shutting his father out. He was furious. He needed to be by himself for a while.

“Alright. I’m going back home. I’ll leave you to your thoughts,” Jake concluded. He knew Francis often lost his temper when faced with something unexpected. But once he would've had time to mull things over, he would probably see the situation more clearly.


Francis didn’t even look at his father. He simply put another worm on his line and threw it in the pond, trying to make sense of it all.

“Diana was right, in the end,” he said through gritted teeth.


The next day, Diana asked Francis to come with her to Old Shelterton. She could tell something was on his mind. He hadn’t said a word since he came back from fishing.

At first, Francis didn’t want to go, but then he thought it might help him clear his mind. He just didn’t want Diana to gloat because he had been wrong.


“Alright, tell me,” Diana finally said, as they sat at the town square café.

“Tell you what?” pouted Francis. He was still in a very bad mood.


“What makes you angry.”

“I’m not angry!”

“Francis! You’re my brother, I’ve known you forever. I can see when something is bothering you,” she told him, raising her eyebrows.


Her brother sighed before speaking.

“You want to know why I’m mad? It will make you very happy,” he said in a sarcastic tone. “Our dear parents have decided I’m not good enough to inherit the family house after university.”


“Oh, that.”

“You knew?” Francis asked, surprised. Seeing Diana’s face he could tell that she did. “Great, I’m the last one to learn about, it appears. Wonderful.”

“Come on, Francis, don’t be like that.”


“And how should I be, exactly? Papa and Mama chose you, of course it’s easy for you.”

“It’s not that they chose me. It’s just me because I’m a girl. It had nothing to do with personality or intelligence, you know,” Diana tried to comfort her brother. It was not something she was used to do. She normally spent more time mocking him.


“That’s what Papa said, too.”

“It’s true. You were just unlucky to be born a boy, that’s all. You can’t be perfect like me,” she winked.

Francis had a small smile for the first time. It was certainly odd to think being a male could be unlucky!

“It still hurts.”


“I can understand that,” Diana said. “So, what are you going to do?”

“It was almost time for me to leave for Shelter Academy, anyways. I guess I will simply go a bit earlier.”

“You know what? I bet you will meet the finest girl there and that she will be very happy she won’t have to deal with the complete family, once you’re married,” joked his sister.


“Yes, I suppose that’s one of the good sides of it. I will get to have my own home and do as I please in it. You won’t!” he laughed.

Diana sighed and raised her shoulders.

“Nothing’s perfect,” she smiled. “Now, we should go. The sky is clouding up.”


As they started walking towards home, Francis thought about what was awaiting him in college. All of a sudden, all doors were open. He could do whatever he wanted, there were no boundaries.

He would make his life as perfect as it could be.

“I’ll start my own traditions, my own heritage,” he told himself.


So, as soon as he heard back about his scholarships, Francis packed his belongings and left for Shelter Academy. He was satisfied. He had received three different grants. His hard work had paid off.

He also left Master Hickey’s apothecary with great references. That would certainly prove to be helpful in the future.


Jake and Abiona were sad to see him leave like that. Francis had remained cold towards them ever since Jake had talked to him. They understood his disappointment, but hoped their relationship with him would not be strained for too long.


Abiona and Jake both felt Francis’ absence at home.

“It’s strange, not hearing anyone bicker, isn’t it, honey?” Abby whispered to her husband, as they were enjoying each other’s company.


“It sure is. I think Diana doesn’t quite know what to do with herself,” Jake laughed.

“I hope he’s settled in all right,” the worried mother added.

“I’m sure he’s fine, Abby,” Jake reassured her. “Francis has always been a resourceful boy and I have no doubt his university experience will be a success on all levels.”


“You’re right. I just wish he would write to let us know how everything is,” she sighed.

“Give it time. His pride was hurt. He will lick his wounds and, in time, all will be forgotten.”

“Do you really think so?”


“I’m sure of it,” Jake stated. “I know my son. Now come here, my sweet wife.”

She abandoned herself to Jake’s embrace. Abiona knew that everything he had said made a lot of sense. She would simply have to be patient and trust that they had raised Francis as not to become a bitter man.


The couple took advantage of the free time they had. They did not have the opportunity often.

Abby was still working very hard to reach her dream of owning the Old Shelterton Herald and Jake was busier than ever with his garden.


In fact, he had recently built a small barn on their property where he was selling his produce. Things were going well and he was quickly gaining customers. The word was spreading that he had the best tomatoes in Shelterwoods.


Meanwhile, Diana had other things on her mind.

Even though she was saddened by Francis’ departure for university, she also knew that it had been coming. It was not really a surprise.


What was surprising, however, was what Mrs. Wilson had said, or rather had not said. She had insisted so much about how Diana should not learn anything about dark magic…

Diana was still convinced that she had not told her everything she knew and was more determined than ever to find out more. Her mother didn’t know anything and if Mrs. Wilson wasn’t willing to help her, she would find someone who would.


In the past weeks, Diana had continued her research and had discovered that the name of a place near Woodvale was mentioned frequently when dark magic was concerned.

Making sure her parents didn’t notice, she decided to go and see what exactly was this Beldam Manor was.


Upon arriving, Diana immediately noticed that the house seemed empty. All of sudden, she wasn’t so sure this was a good idea. The place was so eery!

“No,” she thought, “I have made it this far. I have to keep going.”


Besides, she could feel that she was getting close to finally getting some answers. By the look of the manor, dark magic was surely practiced here.

Diana shivered as she passed the tall dark gates.

“Why do I always have such brilliant ideas?” she asked herself, sarcastic. But still, she kept walking.


Soon, she reached the door. She bravely pushed it and it opened slightly, giving her enough space to enter.

“Wow,” Diana whispered as she looked at the wide black hall. This was not what she had expected.

She could see something glowing in the distance and so, she stepped forward. She could feel the excitement overtaking her, fighting the fear away.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dark-skinned woman appeared. Diana was startled. She did not know that the color of your skin could be green. Was she a dark witch?

“Hum,” she thought, “that could be a drawback…” She definitely did not want to have green skin! “ I guess it’s time to find out about that and about all the rest.”


“Hello,” Diana called as she reached the woman who did not even look at her.

Determined, the girl climbed the few steps and faced the witch who finally noticed her.

“And what are you doing here, exactly?”


“I’m D – ” Diana began.

“I know who you are, Miss Diana of the Ward lineage we all thought had disappeared,” the woman harshly said, startling Diana. “What I’m wondering is why you, of a neutral witchcraft tradition, are doing here, in Beldam Manor?”


Diana took a few seconds to collect herself. This was not the kind of conversation she had been hoping for. She had to make that woman understand that she was not interested in doing simple spells all her life.

“May – May I ask for your name, Madam?” she hesitantly asked.


The witch burst out laughing. “Well, aren’t you a bold one! How refreshing!” She stopped laughing. “I’m Belinda Cox, the atrociously evil witch, at your service!”

Diana raised her eyebrows at the title. Maybe she was getting into something bigger than she could handle… but then again, she wanted to know about those spells.


“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Cox. I’ve actually come because I have questions about some of the things I read in my spell book. I asked Mrs. Linda Wilson, but she wouldn’t tell me anything. In fact, she advised me to stay away from those writings,” Diana said in one breath.


“Humph! That does not surprise me at all! Linda can be so conservative!” the witch said. She looked at Diana, impressed. “I take it you did not like her advice?”

“I want to learn all I can about my powers. I don’t want to be limited!” Diana exclaimed.


“Oh, how I understand you! You remind me of myself when I was your age! And because of that, I will help you.”

Diana was overwhelmed. “Really?”

“Yes. What do you want to know?”


And so, Diana asked every question she could think of about the spells she had read. Belinda was more than happy to give her detailed answers. It was not often that such a promising young witch showed interest in the dark side of magic.


“Most of all,” the woman said as Diana tried to remember every word, “don’t be afraid to defy your family’s traditions. Real supremacy can only be obtained by learning the most powerful spells and those are the ones only the dark arts can teach you.”


In the end, Diana only had one subject she still hadn’t dared to enquire about. She knew she would have to leave soon, so she gathered her courage and asked Mrs. Cox.

“There is one last thing I’m wondering about…”

“Go ahead, Diana. I will answer as truthfully as I can.”


“Well, I… If I… Will my skin turn green?” she finally managed to burst out.

Once again, Belinda laughed. “Oh, child! You are marvellous! I hadn’t laughed like that in a long time!”

“So… it won’t?”

“Well, I can’t promise you anything, but if it does, you’ll be powerful enough to turn it back, do not worry.”


With that, Diana said her goodbyes and left the manor. As she walked away, she thought about everything Mrs. Cox had said, mostly about her lineage being traditionally neutral.


“I will have to keep my research to myself, I suppose,” she sighed. “Mama would not like to see me learn dark spells. She would probably tell Mrs. Wilson about it, too.”

But Diana was willing to do all it would take to reach the potential she knew she had. “So be it, then.”


Well, this is it for now, guys! Once again, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment on boolprop :)

Will Francis forgive his parents? What will happen to him in Shelter Academy? Will Diana keep going on the dark path of magic or will she see the light?


Jake Ward: Jake Gyllenhal, by Udontknow on Modthesims

Many thanks to all the wonderful CC creators on and on modthesims!!

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