the vocab weekly_issue 21

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  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21



    Title Page No.1. Abet 1

    2. Attrition 2

    3. Barefaced 3

    4. Bridle 45. Catharsis 5

    6. Clandestine 6

    7. Inveterate 7

    8. Work Out Zone 89. Answers 9

  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    1 March 1-March 7| Issue 21



    Abet is common word, made commoner in phrase aid and abet. And actually this phrase carries a certainredundancy: both the words carry almost the same meaning. The use of aid in this expression is more for the

    effect that it makes rather than adding any practical meaning to the phrase.

    The dictionary definitions for Abet are as follows:1. To approve, encourage, and support (an action or a plan of action); urge and help on. (verb)

    2. To urge, encourage, or help (a person), esp. in wrongdoing. (verb)

    Masters Tip to remember Abet:Each one of us has seen a crutch (A wooden or metal staff that fits under the armpit and reaches to the ground;

    used by disabled person while walking) and at some point of time, we have acted as one for someone or the

    other. The Crutch is our method of remembering Abet: To act as one in thought, to provide assistance or helpis what to abet is all about.

    Usage:In terms of usage, the word abet can be used in the following ways:

    1. Even Lady Janet was not far enough gone in folly to abet him in this. -The New Magdalen by Collins,

  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    2 March 1-March 7| Issue 21



    The gradual decline in numbers and strength due to stress, harassment and other factors in called Attrition. Asdemonstrated, it can be used to represent decline sales in statistical report, or weakening of resistance.

    Attrition carries the following dictionary definitions:1. A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death.

    2. A reduction in size, numbers or strength.

    3. Wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as a result of continuous pressure or harassment

    Usage examples of Attrition:1. The dentist warned him that the attrition caused by grinding his teeth frequently was wearing the tooth


    2. The rebels bombarded the security forces in attrition.

    Synonyms:Wearing down: (geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles

    washing over it

    Deteriorating : Weakening down

    Detrition: The wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice/Erosion by friction.

    Eating away: Wear away or erode
  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    3 March 1-March 7| Issue 21



    Congratulations, you just discovered a new insult for your ex-boy/girlfriend! A person is said to be barefacedwhen he/she acts without shame or hesitation, with no intention to hide anything.

    Barefaced carries the following dictionary definitions:1. Without concealment or disguise; boldly open.

    2. Undisguised bold.

    Master tips for barefaced:

    Dont confuse barefaced with boldface! Boldface is a style of textual print. This is boldface. Barefaced on theother hand indicates someone who in unaffected by shame or hesitation.

    Remember barefaced as something that is bare so it doesnt need to hide or Camouflage itself.

    Usage examples of barefaced:1. Evolution is a barefaced fact.

    2. He could not survive in politics as he was too honest and barefaced.

    Synonyms:Open - unrestrained by convention or propriety

    Unashamed - used of persons or their behavior; feeling no shame
  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    4 March 1-March 7| Issue 21



    Bridle is a word that can be learnt easily. All you need to do is bring to mind the picture of a horse and how

    he is tied up in a bridle around his neck. This is basically a control that the rider can use to maneuver thehorse.

    Bridle carries the following dictionary definitions:1. Art of the tack or harness of a horse, consisting usually of a headstall, bit, and reins. (noun)

    2. Anything that restrains or curbs. (noun)

    3. To put a bridle on. (verb)

    4. To control or hold back; restrain; curb. (verb)

    5. To draw up the head and draw in the chin, as in disdain or resentment. (verb)

    Usage examples for Bridle:1. Stupidity is a bridle that prevents success.

    Synonyms:1. Restrain: Keep under control; keep in check.

    2. Inhibit: To put down by force or authority/ Control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires,

    impulses, or behavior.

    3. Curb: The act of restraining power or action or limiting excess/ Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in

    restraint; hold or keep within limits.

    4. Suppress: To put an end to the activities of (a person, body of persons, etc.)
  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    5 March 1-March 7| Issue 21



    Catharsis is a technique in psychology, which is defined as A technique used to relieve tension and anxietyby bringing repressed feelings and fears to consciousness. Basically what it does is act as a release for all thetensions in ones life, the same thing that can be achieved through meditation.

    Catharsis carries the following dictionary definitions:1. Medicine: Purgation, especially for the digestive system.

    2. A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, described by Aristotle as an

    effect of tragic drama on its audience.

    3. A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit.

    Usage examples for Catharsis:1. A catharsis of emotions is an absolute, else it leads to a situation where a person is stifled and can sink into


    2. Society has its forms of catharsis, with protests and revolutions being symbols of stress created by

    inefficient governments.


    1. Purging the body by the use of a cathartic to stimulate evacuation of the bowels

    2. A ceremonial cleansing from defilement or uncleanness by the performance of appropriate rites

    3. The act of clearing yourself (or another) from some stigma or charge

    Abreaction: (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions.

    Katharsis: purging of emotional tensions; - usually spelled catharsis.
  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    6 March 1-March 7| Issue 21



    A feline pet always likes to sip its milk in clandestine, in its own privacy and secrecy. If you like to work in

    sleuth mode and surprise your competitors, or lie to your friends about your unpreparedness for tomorrowstest whereas you spent all day studying it, youre not only a bad friend but also a pro at being clandestine!

    The dictionary definitions for Clandestine are as follows:1. Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose

    2. Hidden and masked

    Master tips for Clandestine:Plan(Clan) this(des) time(tine) in Clandestine --- Plan this time secretly. This is the simple mnemonic will

    help you memorize this word.

    Usage examples for Clandestine:1. They had a clandestine meeting behind the federal court house.

    2. I want to know why everyone is behaving so clandestine today!

    Synonyms:Covert -Secret or hidden; not openly practised or engaged in or shown or avowed

    Hush-hush : Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

    Surreptitious: Marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed

    Hole-and-corner : Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    7 March 1-March 7| Issue 21



    Some things never change

    Origin of the word inveterateInveterate is a word that comes to us from the Latin roots vetus;, meaning old, aged, old age.

    The connection to this root is pretty simple actually. It comes from the fact that inveterate means that whichhas existed or continued for a long time; ofold standing; aged.

    Masters tips for Inveterate:Simple tip to learn this word: Some habits are inveterate by nature.

    For example: smoking and drinking, these just do not go away.

    Usage examples for Inveterate:

    1. Liars are inherently inveterate characters by nature.2. As age goes on, individuals develop inveterate preferences.

    Synonyms:Chronic: Being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering/ Of long duration.

    Long-standing: For an extended time or at a distant time

    Incorrigible: Impervious to correction by punishment, habitual.

    Dyed-in-the-wool: Having fixed opinions, uncompromising.
  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    8 March 1-March 7| Issue 21

    Work Out Zone

    Work Out 1: Match the following words with their respective meanings or synonyms.

    Word Meaning or Synonym

    1 Abet A Restrain

    2 Attrition B Purgation3 Barefaced C Aid

    4 Bridle D Stealthy

    5 Catharsis E Grinding Down

    6 Clandestine F Chronic

    7 Inveterate G Shameless

    Work Out 2: Did you really understand the word?

    1. Criminals should be abetted in their crime. yes no

    2. IT companies have high rates of attrition. yes no3. Eve-teasers are generally barefaced. yes no

    4. Horses are controlled with the help of bridles. yes no

    5. Its never good to have a catharsis. yes no

    6. Cats drink milk clandestinely. yes no

    7. Inveterate liars should be punished. yes no

  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


    The Vocab Weekly

    9 March 1-March 7| Issue 21

    Answers: Work Out Zone

    Work Out 1

    1-C, 2-E, 3-G, 4-A, 5-B, 6-D, 7-F

    Work Out 2

    1-yes, 2-yes, 3-yes, 4-yes, 5-no, 6-yes, 7-yes

  • 8/2/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue 21


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