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The Value of Transactional Co-op Data


Joe Tropeano,VP B2B Brokerage Infogroup Targeting Solutions

2 The Value of Transactional Co-op Data, Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Transactional Co-op.................................................................. 3Targeting valuable customers at the right time

Closing the Gaps ..................................................................................... 4Measuring marketing efforts

The Bene�ts .................................................................................................... 5Optimizing your campaign

One Solution, Multiple Problems Solved........................ 6Steamlining the marketing process

Leverage the Power of Transactional Data .................. 7Bridging the gap between online and offline data

3 The Value of Transactional Co-op Data, The Transactional Co-op

The Transactional Co-op Targeting Valuable Customers at the Right TimeModern marketers face many challenges, and one of the biggest right now is finding a way to best target high-value prospects at the right time. Cross-channel integration between traditional and digital marketing is a must to optimize spend and maximize communications with current and future customers alike, but it’s finding the best potential customers from all channels and speaking to them with relevant marketing communications when they’re ready to purchase that really impacts revenue.

Direct mail costs are rising. Postage costs, paper costs, and printing prices are all going up, and prospecting databases aren’t getting any cheaper

Closing the GapsMeasuring Marketing Efforts The ability to measure marketing efforts has never been more important. Every organization is feeling the pressure to find hard numbers in marketing initiatives, from the top on down. At the same time, there’s more data available than ever, creating a situation of data overload for many marketers.

However, the data surplus is also an incredible opportunity to find the right customer at the right time. Being able to make use of the numbers to boost ROI and increase conversions is a major factor for success in 2012. An unprecedented explosion of data drives responsibility on marketers to close the gap between sales and marketing, which means marketers must make data-driven decisions to increase the value of every marketing spend. Marketing departments simply can’t be viewed as separate from sales departments to be successful—the two are intertwined, working toward the same goal of a higher conversion rate.

To effectively drive sales, marketers must keep focus on revenue-driving prospects, which means letting data lead the way. Data is being collected more efficiently from more sources than ever before. A recent study by data management company Krux Digital found that the average website visit in

December 2011 triggered 56 instances of data collection, up from only 10 in November 2010. Personalized URLs and cookies in emails also help track online behavior and aid in retargeting, creating the opportunity to market to the right customer with relevant information at the right time—when the customer is interested in making a purchase.

The data influx also creates a unique opportunity to close the gap between online and offline initiatives. Time spent with digital is up, but offline efforts like direct mail and telemarketing are still large contributors to sales. In fact, a recent Epsilon Targeting study of nearly 5,000 North Americans found that 50 percent actually prefer direct mail to email. The study’s numbers suggest that brands should begin with trusted, traditional channels, subsequently “layering the message to re-enforce it through other channels.” MarketingSherpa data reinforces this concept, finding that 79 percent of B2B companies still find direct mail effective.

The speed of data is increasing every day, creating opportunities as well as challenges. Marketers must find a great data partner to refine marketing efforts, integrating offline and online efforts for maximum impact on high-quality prospects. When data is put to its ideal use, marketing channels can work together, creating a powerful blend of targeting, lead generation, and sales.

The Bene�tsOptimizing your campaignThough not all data is created equal, transactional data helps get to the right customer at the right time. Customer data is a powerful card for a marketer to hold—finding out who customers are and what their preferences are gives a view into how to best market to them in the future. Transactional data also helps

marketers find similar prospects, provides insightful buying behavior and purchase history, as well as provides an understanding into customer preferences.

By taking advantage of a transactional co-op database, marketers can get even deeper information on current and future customers, as well as future motivation. The transactional co-op environment brings in a larger

pool of online and offline information, allowing marketers to look at larger spending trends and increase the effectiveness of their current data. Transactional data is predictive in nature—past purchase history gives marketers a clear window into what prospects will find relevant in the future, what motivates prospects to become customers, and what leads customers to make future purchases.

The optimized transactional co-op solution also provides access to a developed prospecting environment. Information can be tailored to individual business needs while still maintaining the benefits of a full database. This also means a large number of variables to use for modeling—after all, the more data that goes into the model, the more powerful the model becomes in its focus and impact. A developed prospecting environment allows marketers to ID a larger number of sites as well, and make use of contacts within sites.

“A transactional co-op environment is a great way to improve targeting and narrow focus to the best prospects, maximizing spend and increasing ROI.”increasing ROI.”

Timing and personalization are crucial factors to maximize sales from the modern customer. A powerful model can incorporate both of these, tailoring communications across multiple channels. An optimized transactional co-op environment allows for enhanced timing and personalization in email, direct mail, and remarketing, all based on what led to purchases in the past.

either. Meanwhile, the focus is being turned toward online marketing, and online sales create more data from each digital channel than ever before—data that is constantly increasing. But how can marketers make sense of it all to center marketing initiatives on what’s working best for the prospects that have the most effect on the bottom line?

The goal is to focus all marketing efforts so that they complement each other and drive action from high-value customers, integrating every marketing channel to target the right prospects while minimizing wasteful spend. This takes an efficient method for collecting data and measuring marketing’s worth for key demographics. A transactional co-op environment is a great way to improve targeting and narrow focus to the best prospects, maximizing spend and increasing ROI.

One Solution, Multiple Problems SolvedStreamlining the Marketing ProcessTransactional co-op environments solve efficiency problems on multiple levels, enhancing the entire marketing apparatus.

Email can be used for grasping and testing as well as lead generation. A personalized URL inserted into each email allows for monitoring of digital behavior and patterns to optimize the email channel’s timing and personalization efforts. Capturing cookies gives even further marketing opportunities through remarketing—banner ads that run personalized

marketing copy based on past browsing history. By creating more brand impressions and a call to action in further web interactions, remarketing finds prospects at a time when purchase is top-of-mind.

Online data can also be used to retarget offline marketing efforts like direct mail. Transactional data and online behavioral patterns give marketers excellent opportunities to tailor direct mail for the best prospects and take an integrated approach. This not only minimizes wasted direct mail spend for low-quality prospects, but also increases the effectiveness for high-value prospects—by emailing the key demographic before and after each direct mail push, personalization and timing can create a perfect storm for increasing conversions.

Leverage the Power ofTransactional DataBridging the Gap Between Online and Of�ine DataThe sheer amount of data in 2012 is staggering. It’s more readily available every day, and this data explosion is outpacing the time marketers have for giving it the necessary analysis it needs to be of real use.

However, increased data availability is a real opportunity to optimize marketing efforts if used properly. As marketers are increasingly held accountable for hard numbers and demonstrating

value in ROI, transactional data offers a solution by closing the sales and marketing loop.

Though time spent in digital channels is up, it’s important to remember that many customers still prefer traditional marketing as well. Finding the right mix of each channel helps convert the high-value customers where they prefer to be reached, bridging the gap between online and offline marketing.

With an optimized transactional co-op environment, marketing initiatives can be refined to target the best prospects both online and offline, blending lead generation with conversion and retention.

4 The Value of Transactional Co-op Data, Closing the Gaps

The Transactional Co-op Targeting Valuable Customers at the Right TimeModern marketers face many challenges, and one of the biggest right now is finding a way to best target high-value prospects at the right time. Cross-channel integration between traditional and digital marketing is a must to optimize spend and maximize communications with current and future customers alike, but it’s finding the best potential customers from all channels and speaking to them with relevant marketing communications when they’re ready to purchase that really impacts revenue.

Direct mail costs are rising. Postage costs, paper costs, and printing prices are all going up, and prospecting databases aren’t getting any cheaper

Closing the GapsMeasuring Marketing Efforts The ability to measure marketing efforts has never been more important. Every organization is feeling the pressure to find hard numbers in marketing initiatives, from the top on down. At the same time, there’s more data available than ever, creating a situation of data overload for many marketers.

However, the data surplus is also an incredible opportunity to find the right customer at the right time. Being able to make use of the numbers to boost ROI and increase conversions is a major factor for success in 2012. An unprecedented explosion of data drives responsibility on marketers to close the gap between sales and marketing, which means marketers must make data-driven decisions to increase the value of every marketing spend. Marketing departments simply can’t be viewed as separate from sales departments to be successful—the two are intertwined, working toward the same goal of a higher conversion rate.

To effectively drive sales, marketers must keep focus on revenue-driving prospects, which means letting data lead the way. Data is being collected more efficiently from more sources than ever before. A recent study by data management company Krux Digital found that the average website visit in

December 2011 triggered 56 instances of data collection, up from only 10 in November 2010. Personalized URLs and cookies in emails also help track online behavior and aid in retargeting, creating the opportunity to market to the right customer with relevant information at the right time—when the customer is interested in making a purchase.

The data influx also creates a unique opportunity to close the gap between online and offline initiatives. Time spent with digital is up, but offline efforts like direct mail and telemarketing are still large contributors to sales. In fact, a recent Epsilon Targeting study of nearly 5,000 North Americans found that 50 percent actually prefer direct mail to email. The study’s numbers suggest that brands should begin with trusted, traditional channels, subsequently “layering the message to re-enforce it through other channels.” MarketingSherpa data reinforces this concept, finding that 79 percent of B2B companies still find direct mail effective.

The speed of data is increasing every day, creating opportunities as well as challenges. Marketers must find a great data partner to refine marketing efforts, integrating offline and online efforts for maximum impact on high-quality prospects. When data is put to its ideal use, marketing channels can work together, creating a powerful blend of targeting, lead generation, and sales.

The Bene�tsOptimizing your campaignThough not all data is created equal, transactional data helps get to the right customer at the right time. Customer data is a powerful card for a marketer to hold—finding out who customers are and what their preferences are gives a view into how to best market to them in the future. Transactional data also helps

marketers find similar prospects, provides insightful buying behavior and purchase history, as well as provides an understanding into customer preferences.

By taking advantage of a transactional co-op database, marketers can get even deeper information on current and future customers, as well as future motivation. The transactional co-op environment brings in a larger

pool of online and offline information, allowing marketers to look at larger spending trends and increase the effectiveness of their current data. Transactional data is predictive in nature—past purchase history gives marketers a clear window into what prospects will find relevant in the future, what motivates prospects to become customers, and what leads customers to make future purchases.

The optimized transactional co-op solution also provides access to a developed prospecting environment. Information can be tailored to individual business needs while still maintaining the benefits of a full database. This also means a large number of variables to use for modeling—after all, the more data that goes into the model, the more powerful the model becomes in its focus and impact. A developed prospecting environment allows marketers to ID a larger number of sites as well, and make use of contacts within sites.

Timing and personalization are crucial factors to maximize sales from the modern customer. A powerful model can incorporate both of these, tailoring communications across multiple channels. An optimized transactional co-op environment allows for enhanced timing and personalization in email, direct mail, and remarketing, all based on what led to purchases in the past.

either. Meanwhile, the focus is being turned toward online marketing, and online sales create more data from each digital channel than ever before—data that is constantly increasing. But how can marketers make sense of it all to center marketing initiatives on what’s working best for the prospects that have the most effect on the bottom line?

The goal is to focus all marketing efforts so that they complement each other and drive action from high-value customers, integrating every marketing channel to target the right prospects while minimizing wasteful spend. This takes an efficient method for collecting data and measuring marketing’s worth for key demographics. A transactional co-op environment is a great way to improve targeting and narrow focus to the best prospects, maximizing spend and increasing ROI.

One Solution, Multiple Problems SolvedStreamlining the Marketing ProcessTransactional co-op environments solve efficiency problems on multiple levels, enhancing the entire marketing apparatus.

Email can be used for grasping and testing as well as lead generation. A personalized URL inserted into each email allows for monitoring of digital behavior and patterns to optimize the email channel’s timing and personalization efforts. Capturing cookies gives even further marketing opportunities through remarketing—banner ads that run personalized

marketing copy based on past browsing history. By creating more brand impressions and a call to action in further web interactions, remarketing finds prospects at a time when purchase is top-of-mind.

Online data can also be used to retarget offline marketing efforts like direct mail. Transactional data and online behavioral patterns give marketers excellent opportunities to tailor direct mail for the best prospects and take an integrated approach. This not only minimizes wasted direct mail spend for low-quality prospects, but also increases the effectiveness for high-value prospects—by emailing the key demographic before and after each direct mail push, personalization and timing can create a perfect storm for increasing conversions.

Leverage the Power ofTransactional DataBridging the Gap Between Online and Of�ine DataThe sheer amount of data in 2012 is staggering. It’s more readily available every day, and this data explosion is outpacing the time marketers have for giving it the necessary analysis it needs to be of real use.

However, increased data availability is a real opportunity to optimize marketing efforts if used properly. As marketers are increasingly held accountable for hard numbers and demonstrating

value in ROI, transactional data offers a solution by closing the sales and marketing loop.

Though time spent in digital channels is up, it’s important to remember that many customers still prefer traditional marketing as well. Finding the right mix of each channel helps convert the high-value customers where they prefer to be reached, bridging the gap between online and offline marketing.

With an optimized transactional co-op environment, marketing initiatives can be refined to target the best prospects both online and offline, blending lead generation with conversion and retention.

5 The Value of Transactional Co-op Data, The Benefits

The Transactional Co-op Targeting Valuable Customers at the Right TimeModern marketers face many challenges, and one of the biggest right now is finding a way to best target high-value prospects at the right time. Cross-channel integration between traditional and digital marketing is a must to optimize spend and maximize communications with current and future customers alike, but it’s finding the best potential customers from all channels and speaking to them with relevant marketing communications when they’re ready to purchase that really impacts revenue.

Direct mail costs are rising. Postage costs, paper costs, and printing prices are all going up, and prospecting databases aren’t getting any cheaper

Closing the GapsMeasuring Marketing Efforts The ability to measure marketing efforts has never been more important. Every organization is feeling the pressure to find hard numbers in marketing initiatives, from the top on down. At the same time, there’s more data available than ever, creating a situation of data overload for many marketers.

However, the data surplus is also an incredible opportunity to find the right customer at the right time. Being able to make use of the numbers to boost ROI and increase conversions is a major factor for success in 2012. An unprecedented explosion of data drives responsibility on marketers to close the gap between sales and marketing, which means marketers must make data-driven decisions to increase the value of every marketing spend. Marketing departments simply can’t be viewed as separate from sales departments to be successful—the two are intertwined, working toward the same goal of a higher conversion rate.

To effectively drive sales, marketers must keep focus on revenue-driving prospects, which means letting data lead the way. Data is being collected more efficiently from more sources than ever before. A recent study by data management company Krux Digital found that the average website visit in

December 2011 triggered 56 instances of data collection, up from only 10 in November 2010. Personalized URLs and cookies in emails also help track online behavior and aid in retargeting, creating the opportunity to market to the right customer with relevant information at the right time—when the customer is interested in making a purchase.

The data influx also creates a unique opportunity to close the gap between online and offline initiatives. Time spent with digital is up, but offline efforts like direct mail and telemarketing are still large contributors to sales. In fact, a recent Epsilon Targeting study of nearly 5,000 North Americans found that 50 percent actually prefer direct mail to email. The study’s numbers suggest that brands should begin with trusted, traditional channels, subsequently “layering the message to re-enforce it through other channels.” MarketingSherpa data reinforces this concept, finding that 79 percent of B2B companies still find direct mail effective.

The speed of data is increasing every day, creating opportunities as well as challenges. Marketers must find a great data partner to refine marketing efforts, integrating offline and online efforts for maximum impact on high-quality prospects. When data is put to its ideal use, marketing channels can work together, creating a powerful blend of targeting, lead generation, and sales.

The Bene�tsOptimizing your campaignThough not all data is created equal, transactional data helps get to the right customer at the right time. Customer data is a powerful card for a marketer to hold—finding out who customers are and what their preferences are gives a view into how to best market to them in the future. Transactional data also helps

marketers find similar prospects, provides insightful buying behavior and purchase history, as well as provides an understanding into customer preferences.

By taking advantage of a transactional co-op database, marketers can get even deeper information on current and future customers, as well as future motivation. The transactional co-op environment brings in a larger

pool of online and offline information, allowing marketers to look at larger spending trends and increase the effectiveness of their current data. Transactional data is predictive in nature—past purchase history gives marketers a clear window into what prospects will find relevant in the future, what motivates prospects to become customers, and what leads customers to make future purchases.

The optimized transactional co-op solution also provides access to a developed prospecting environment. Information can be tailored to individual business needs while still maintaining the benefits of a full database. This also means a large number of variables to use for modeling—after all, the more data that goes into the model, the more powerful the model becomes in its focus and impact. A developed prospecting environment allows marketers to ID a larger number of sites as well, and make use of contacts within sites.

“not all data is created equal, transactional data helps get to the right customer at the right time”

Timing and personalization are crucial factors to maximize sales from the modern customer. A powerful model can incorporate both of these, tailoring communications across multiple channels. An optimized transactional co-op environment allows for enhanced timing and personalization in email, direct mail, and remarketing, all based on what led to purchases in the past.

either. Meanwhile, the focus is being turned toward online marketing, and online sales create more data from each digital channel than ever before—data that is constantly increasing. But how can marketers make sense of it all to center marketing initiatives on what’s working best for the prospects that have the most effect on the bottom line?

The goal is to focus all marketing efforts so that they complement each other and drive action from high-value customers, integrating every marketing channel to target the right prospects while minimizing wasteful spend. This takes an efficient method for collecting data and measuring marketing’s worth for key demographics. A transactional co-op environment is a great way to improve targeting and narrow focus to the best prospects, maximizing spend and increasing ROI.

One Solution, Multiple Problems SolvedStreamlining the Marketing ProcessTransactional co-op environments solve efficiency problems on multiple levels, enhancing the entire marketing apparatus.

Email can be used for grasping and testing as well as lead generation. A personalized URL inserted into each email allows for monitoring of digital behavior and patterns to optimize the email channel’s timing and personalization efforts. Capturing cookies gives even further marketing opportunities through remarketing—banner ads that run personalized

marketing copy based on past browsing history. By creating more brand impressions and a call to action in further web interactions, remarketing finds prospects at a time when purchase is top-of-mind.

Online data can also be used to retarget offline marketing efforts like direct mail. Transactional data and online behavioral patterns give marketers excellent opportunities to tailor direct mail for the best prospects and take an integrated approach. This not only minimizes wasted direct mail spend for low-quality prospects, but also increases the effectiveness for high-value prospects—by emailing the key demographic before and after each direct mail push, personalization and timing can create a perfect storm for increasing conversions.

Leverage the Power ofTransactional DataBridging the Gap Between Online and Of�ine DataThe sheer amount of data in 2012 is staggering. It’s more readily available every day, and this data explosion is outpacing the time marketers have for giving it the necessary analysis it needs to be of real use.

However, increased data availability is a real opportunity to optimize marketing efforts if used properly. As marketers are increasingly held accountable for hard numbers and demonstrating

value in ROI, transactional data offers a solution by closing the sales and marketing loop.

Though time spent in digital channels is up, it’s important to remember that many customers still prefer traditional marketing as well. Finding the right mix of each channel helps convert the high-value customers where they prefer to be reached, bridging the gap between online and offline marketing.

With an optimized transactional co-op environment, marketing initiatives can be refined to target the best prospects both online and offline, blending lead generation with conversion and retention.

6 The Value of Transactional Co-op Data, One Solution, Multiple Problems Solved

The Transactional Co-op Targeting Valuable Customers at the Right TimeModern marketers face many challenges, and one of the biggest right now is finding a way to best target high-value prospects at the right time. Cross-channel integration between traditional and digital marketing is a must to optimize spend and maximize communications with current and future customers alike, but it’s finding the best potential customers from all channels and speaking to them with relevant marketing communications when they’re ready to purchase that really impacts revenue.

Direct mail costs are rising. Postage costs, paper costs, and printing prices are all going up, and prospecting databases aren’t getting any cheaper

Closing the GapsMeasuring Marketing Efforts The ability to measure marketing efforts has never been more important. Every organization is feeling the pressure to find hard numbers in marketing initiatives, from the top on down. At the same time, there’s more data available than ever, creating a situation of data overload for many marketers.

However, the data surplus is also an incredible opportunity to find the right customer at the right time. Being able to make use of the numbers to boost ROI and increase conversions is a major factor for success in 2012. An unprecedented explosion of data drives responsibility on marketers to close the gap between sales and marketing, which means marketers must make data-driven decisions to increase the value of every marketing spend. Marketing departments simply can’t be viewed as separate from sales departments to be successful—the two are intertwined, working toward the same goal of a higher conversion rate.

To effectively drive sales, marketers must keep focus on revenue-driving prospects, which means letting data lead the way. Data is being collected more efficiently from more sources than ever before. A recent study by data management company Krux Digital found that the average website visit in

December 2011 triggered 56 instances of data collection, up from only 10 in November 2010. Personalized URLs and cookies in emails also help track online behavior and aid in retargeting, creating the opportunity to market to the right customer with relevant information at the right time—when the customer is interested in making a purchase.

The data influx also creates a unique opportunity to close the gap between online and offline initiatives. Time spent with digital is up, but offline efforts like direct mail and telemarketing are still large contributors to sales. In fact, a recent Epsilon Targeting study of nearly 5,000 North Americans found that 50 percent actually prefer direct mail to email. The study’s numbers suggest that brands should begin with trusted, traditional channels, subsequently “layering the message to re-enforce it through other channels.” MarketingSherpa data reinforces this concept, finding that 79 percent of B2B companies still find direct mail effective.

The speed of data is increasing every day, creating opportunities as well as challenges. Marketers must find a great data partner to refine marketing efforts, integrating offline and online efforts for maximum impact on high-quality prospects. When data is put to its ideal use, marketing channels can work together, creating a powerful blend of targeting, lead generation, and sales.

The Bene�tsOptimizing your campaignThough not all data is created equal, transactional data helps get to the right customer at the right time. Customer data is a powerful card for a marketer to hold—finding out who customers are and what their preferences are gives a view into how to best market to them in the future. Transactional data also helps

marketers find similar prospects, provides insightful buying behavior and purchase history, as well as provides an understanding into customer preferences.

By taking advantage of a transactional co-op database, marketers can get even deeper information on current and future customers, as well as future motivation. The transactional co-op environment brings in a larger

pool of online and offline information, allowing marketers to look at larger spending trends and increase the effectiveness of their current data. Transactional data is predictive in nature—past purchase history gives marketers a clear window into what prospects will find relevant in the future, what motivates prospects to become customers, and what leads customers to make future purchases.

The optimized transactional co-op solution also provides access to a developed prospecting environment. Information can be tailored to individual business needs while still maintaining the benefits of a full database. This also means a large number of variables to use for modeling—after all, the more data that goes into the model, the more powerful the model becomes in its focus and impact. A developed prospecting environment allows marketers to ID a larger number of sites as well, and make use of contacts within sites.

Timing and personalization are crucial factors to maximize sales from the modern customer. A powerful model can incorporate both of these, tailoring communications across multiple channels. An optimized transactional co-op environment allows for enhanced timing and personalization in email, direct mail, and remarketing, all based on what led to purchases in the past.

either. Meanwhile, the focus is being turned toward online marketing, and online sales create more data from each digital channel than ever before—data that is constantly increasing. But how can marketers make sense of it all to center marketing initiatives on what’s working best for the prospects that have the most effect on the bottom line?

The goal is to focus all marketing efforts so that they complement each other and drive action from high-value customers, integrating every marketing channel to target the right prospects while minimizing wasteful spend. This takes an efficient method for collecting data and measuring marketing’s worth for key demographics. A transactional co-op environment is a great way to improve targeting and narrow focus to the best prospects, maximizing spend and increasing ROI.

One Solution, Multiple Problems SolvedStreamlining the Marketing ProcessTransactional co-op environments solve efficiency problems on multiple levels, enhancing the entire marketing apparatus.

Email can be used for grasping and testing as well as lead generation. A personalized URL inserted into each email allows for monitoring of digital behavior and patterns to optimize the email channel’s timing and personalization efforts. Capturing cookies gives even further marketing opportunities through remarketing—banner ads that run personalized

marketing copy based on past browsing history. By creating more brand impressions and a call to action in further web interactions, remarketing finds prospects at a time when purchase is top-of-mind.

Online data can also be used to retarget offline marketing efforts like direct mail. Transactional data and online behavioral patterns give marketers excellent opportunities to tailor direct mail for the best prospects and take an integrated approach. This not only minimizes wasted direct mail spend for low-quality prospects, but also increases the effectiveness for high-value prospects—by emailing the key demographic before and after each direct mail push, personalization and timing can create a perfect storm for increasing conversions.

Leverage the Power ofTransactional DataBridging the Gap Between Online and Of�ine DataThe sheer amount of data in 2012 is staggering. It’s more readily available every day, and this data explosion is outpacing the time marketers have for giving it the necessary analysis it needs to be of real use.

However, increased data availability is a real opportunity to optimize marketing efforts if used properly. As marketers are increasingly held accountable for hard numbers and demonstrating

value in ROI, transactional data offers a solution by closing the sales and marketing loop.

Though time spent in digital channels is up, it’s important to remember that many customers still prefer traditional marketing as well. Finding the right mix of each channel helps convert the high-value customers where they prefer to be reached, bridging the gap between online and offline marketing.

With an optimized transactional co-op environment, marketing initiatives can be refined to target the best prospects both online and offline, blending lead generation with conversion and retention.

7 The Value of Transactional Co-op Data, Leverage the Power of Transactional Data

The Transactional Co-op Targeting Valuable Customers at the Right TimeModern marketers face many challenges, and one of the biggest right now is finding a way to best target high-value prospects at the right time. Cross-channel integration between traditional and digital marketing is a must to optimize spend and maximize communications with current and future customers alike, but it’s finding the best potential customers from all channels and speaking to them with relevant marketing communications when they’re ready to purchase that really impacts revenue.

Direct mail costs are rising. Postage costs, paper costs, and printing prices are all going up, and prospecting databases aren’t getting any cheaper

Closing the GapsMeasuring Marketing Efforts The ability to measure marketing efforts has never been more important. Every organization is feeling the pressure to find hard numbers in marketing initiatives, from the top on down. At the same time, there’s more data available than ever, creating a situation of data overload for many marketers.

However, the data surplus is also an incredible opportunity to find the right customer at the right time. Being able to make use of the numbers to boost ROI and increase conversions is a major factor for success in 2012. An unprecedented explosion of data drives responsibility on marketers to close the gap between sales and marketing, which means marketers must make data-driven decisions to increase the value of every marketing spend. Marketing departments simply can’t be viewed as separate from sales departments to be successful—the two are intertwined, working toward the same goal of a higher conversion rate.

To effectively drive sales, marketers must keep focus on revenue-driving prospects, which means letting data lead the way. Data is being collected more efficiently from more sources than ever before. A recent study by data management company Krux Digital found that the average website visit in

December 2011 triggered 56 instances of data collection, up from only 10 in November 2010. Personalized URLs and cookies in emails also help track online behavior and aid in retargeting, creating the opportunity to market to the right customer with relevant information at the right time—when the customer is interested in making a purchase.

The data influx also creates a unique opportunity to close the gap between online and offline initiatives. Time spent with digital is up, but offline efforts like direct mail and telemarketing are still large contributors to sales. In fact, a recent Epsilon Targeting study of nearly 5,000 North Americans found that 50 percent actually prefer direct mail to email. The study’s numbers suggest that brands should begin with trusted, traditional channels, subsequently “layering the message to re-enforce it through other channels.” MarketingSherpa data reinforces this concept, finding that 79 percent of B2B companies still find direct mail effective.

The speed of data is increasing every day, creating opportunities as well as challenges. Marketers must find a great data partner to refine marketing efforts, integrating offline and online efforts for maximum impact on high-quality prospects. When data is put to its ideal use, marketing channels can work together, creating a powerful blend of targeting, lead generation, and sales.

The Bene�tsOptimizing your campaignThough not all data is created equal, transactional data helps get to the right customer at the right time. Customer data is a powerful card for a marketer to hold—finding out who customers are and what their preferences are gives a view into how to best market to them in the future. Transactional data also helps

marketers find similar prospects, provides insightful buying behavior and purchase history, as well as provides an understanding into customer preferences.

By taking advantage of a transactional co-op database, marketers can get even deeper information on current and future customers, as well as future motivation. The transactional co-op environment brings in a larger

pool of online and offline information, allowing marketers to look at larger spending trends and increase the effectiveness of their current data. Transactional data is predictive in nature—past purchase history gives marketers a clear window into what prospects will find relevant in the future, what motivates prospects to become customers, and what leads customers to make future purchases.

The optimized transactional co-op solution also provides access to a developed prospecting environment. Information can be tailored to individual business needs while still maintaining the benefits of a full database. This also means a large number of variables to use for modeling—after all, the more data that goes into the model, the more powerful the model becomes in its focus and impact. A developed prospecting environment allows marketers to ID a larger number of sites as well, and make use of contacts within sites.

Timing and personalization are crucial factors to maximize sales from the modern customer. A powerful model can incorporate both of these, tailoring communications across multiple channels. An optimized transactional co-op environment allows for enhanced timing and personalization in email, direct mail, and remarketing, all based on what led to purchases in the past.

either. Meanwhile, the focus is being turned toward online marketing, and online sales create more data from each digital channel than ever before—data that is constantly increasing. But how can marketers make sense of it all to center marketing initiatives on what’s working best for the prospects that have the most effect on the bottom line?

The goal is to focus all marketing efforts so that they complement each other and drive action from high-value customers, integrating every marketing channel to target the right prospects while minimizing wasteful spend. This takes an efficient method for collecting data and measuring marketing’s worth for key demographics. A transactional co-op environment is a great way to improve targeting and narrow focus to the best prospects, maximizing spend and increasing ROI.

One Solution, Multiple Problems SolvedStreamlining the Marketing ProcessTransactional co-op environments solve efficiency problems on multiple levels, enhancing the entire marketing apparatus.

Email can be used for grasping and testing as well as lead generation. A personalized URL inserted into each email allows for monitoring of digital behavior and patterns to optimize the email channel’s timing and personalization efforts. Capturing cookies gives even further marketing opportunities through remarketing—banner ads that run personalized

marketing copy based on past browsing history. By creating more brand impressions and a call to action in further web interactions, remarketing finds prospects at a time when purchase is top-of-mind.

Online data can also be used to retarget offline marketing efforts like direct mail. Transactional data and online behavioral patterns give marketers excellent opportunities to tailor direct mail for the best prospects and take an integrated approach. This not only minimizes wasted direct mail spend for low-quality prospects, but also increases the effectiveness for high-value prospects—by emailing the key demographic before and after each direct mail push, personalization and timing can create a perfect storm for increasing conversions.

Leverage the Power ofTransactional DataBridging the Gap Between Online and Of�ine DataThe sheer amount of data in 2012 is staggering. It’s more readily available every day, and this data explosion is outpacing the time marketers have for giving it the necessary analysis it needs to be of real use.

However, increased data availability is a real opportunity to optimize marketing efforts if used properly. As marketers are increasingly held accountable for hard numbers and demonstrating

value in ROI, transactional data offers a solution by closing the sales and marketing loop.

Though time spent in digital channels is up, it’s important to remember that many customers still prefer traditional marketing as well. Finding the right mix of each channel helps convert the high-value customers where they prefer to be reached, bridging the gap between online and offline marketing.

With an optimized transactional co-op environment, marketing initiatives can be refined to target the best prospects both online and offline, blending lead generation with conversion and retention.

“Increased data availability is a real opportunity to optimize marketing efforts if used properly.”

8 The Value of Transactional Co-op Data, About Us

About Joe Tropeano:Joe Tropeano brings over 13 years experience in the direct marketing industry. Joe joins Infogroup Targeting Solutions from Direct Media where he was initially employed as a list manager. Joe’s interest in database marketing helped to pave the way for his role as a broker and he was promoted in 2008. He built his clientele through his knowledge of database strategy and prospecting environments. Today, Joe is the VP B2B List brokerage and works on high profile accounts to deliver optimal results.

About Infogroup Targeting SolutionsInfogroup Targeting Solutions helps companies increase sales and customer loyalty through analyti-cally driven consumer and business data and database marketing solutions. With exclusive access to the Data Axle™ and our Marketzone Customer Engagement Platforms, we build provide custom multichannel solutions using strategic insights on over 230MM individuals and 24MM businesses.

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