the use of teachers’ questions technique to improve...

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(A Classroom Action Research of the Second Year Students of SMP N 3

Ampel in the Academic Year 2015/2016)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



113 11 099






إن الله هع الصابرين“Verily, Allah is with the patient ones”

(Q.S Al-Anfal: 46)

ىم حتى يغيروا ها بأنفسهنإن الله لا يغير ها بق “Verily, never will Allah change the condition of a people until they

change it themselves (with their own souls)”

(Q.S Ar- Ra’d: 11)

“Women with no tenderness like a flower without fragrance”

(The Writer)


I would like to dedicate this graduating paper:

1. My never dies lovely, my father (Muhammad Ghufon), my mother (Surtini), who always

gives me support both in spirit or finance, my sister (Nina, Nunung, Aska, Andra), and my

brother (Ulvi, Raynald, Syarifal and Mustaqim). I do love you all.

2. My beloved friend and partner (Deddy Septiyan), thanks for your patience, togetherness

and your support.

3. My best friends (Itsna „Ainul „Ulya, Durotun Nasikah, Mentari Mega W. and Mar‟atus

Sholikhah). Thank‟s for your support.

4. My special neighbor, Mas Amin and Mbak Jaya who help me to finish my graduating


5. All of my friends especially to TBI C and generally to IAIN Salatiga 2011. Everyone has a

special thing for me.


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Thanks to Allah SWT., The Lord of Universe. God the

almighty for the blessing given to the writer in completing and finishing this graduating

paper as one of the requirment for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department faculty of State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given

to our prophet Muhammad SAW., who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, guidance and

help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express special thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi,M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)


2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of States

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah,S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D as the Head of English Education Department of

States Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Maslihatul Umami,S.Pd.I.,M.A. as a counselor who has guided, directed, motivated,

and advised me patiently in the process of accomplishing this graduating paper.

5. All of the lecturers of English Education Department of States Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.


Fatmawati, Fila. 2016. The Use of Teachers’ Questions Technique to Improve Students’

Speaking Ability (A Classroom Action Research of the Second Year Students of SMP

N 3 Ampel in the Academic Year 2015/2016). A Graduating Paper. Teacher Training

and Education Faculty (TTEF). English Education Department of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.I,MA.

Keywords: Speaking Ability, Classroom Action Research, Teachers’ Questions Technique.

The aim of this research are to describe the procedure of improving students‟ speaking ability

by using “Teachers‟ Questions Technique” at the second year students of SMP N 3 Ampel in

academic year 2015/2016, to find out whether the “Teachers‟ Questions Technique” can

improve students‟ speaking ability or not, to find out the extent of the use of “Teachers‟

Questions Technique” improving students‟ speaking ability. The methodology of this

research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The procedure of this research there were

two cycles, each cycle consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher

found several findings on it. The findings show that the T-test calculation of cycle I is 11,34

and cycle II is 10,48, T-table with N=35 is 2.030. The increasing students‟ mean score in

percentage from cycle I to cycle II with the standardized score (the minimum of passing

criteria) is 70. The percentage of cycle I is 55,55% students and 83,33% in the cycle II. The

increasing of score in percentage from cycle I to cycle II is 27,78%. This indicates that there

is significant improvement of students‟ speaking ability by applying “Teachers‟ Questions

Technique” in VIII-D class of SMP N 3 Ampel in the academic year of 2015/2016.


TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ................................................................................. ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ............................................... iii

PAGE OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................ iv

MOTTO ................................................................................................ v

DEDICATION ..................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................. vii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURE ..................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................ 1

B. Statement of the Problem Study ................................................. 4

C. Objectives of the Study .............................................................. 4

D. Benefits of the Study ................................................................. 5

E. Limitation of the Study .............................................................. 6

F. Definition of the Key Terms ...................................................... 6

G. Review of Previous Researches ................................................. 8

H. Outline of the Graduating Paper ................................................. 9

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................... 11

A. Theachers‟ Questions Technique ............................................... 11

1. Definition of Techers‟ Questions ......................................... 11

2. Types of Teachers‟ Questions .............................................. 12

3. Questions Skills .................................................................... 15

4. Questions Strategies ............................................................. 17

B. Speaking ..................................................................................... 20

1. Definition of Speaking ......................................................... 20

2. Components of Speaking ..................................................... 20

3. Elements of Speaking ........................................................... 21

4. Types of Speaking ................................................................ 24

5. Indicators of Successful Speaking ....................................... 26

6. Teaching Speaking ............................................................... 27

7. Rubric of Assessment of Speaking Ability............................. 28

C. Teachers‟ Questions Technique and Speaking Ability .............. 30

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH ...................... 32

A. General Situation of SMP N 3 Ampel.......................................... 32

B. Subject of the Study .................................................................... 32

C. Methodology of the Research ..................................................... 34

1. Kind of Research ................................................................... 34

2. Components of Classroom Actions Research ...................... 35

3. Characteristics of Classroom Action Research .................... 36

4. Principle of Classroom Action esearch ................................ 37

D. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................... 39

E. Procedures of Research .............................................................. 40

F. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................................... 42


A. Cycle I ......................................................................................... 45

1. Planning ................................................................................ 45

2. Implementation Action ......................................................... 45

3. Observation ........................................................................... 51

4. Score of Speaking ................................................................. 54

5. Reflection .............................................................................. 58

B. Cycle II ........................................................................................ 59

1. Planning ................................................................................. 59

2. Implementation Action .......................................................... 59

3. Observation ............................................................................ 65

4. Score of Speaking .................................................................. 67

5. Reflection ............................................................................... 72

C. Description of Speaking Mastery Improvement .......................... 72

1. Analysis ................................................................................. 72

2. Discussion .............................................................................. 74

CHAPTER V: CLOSURE .................................................................. 75

A. Conclusion ................................................................................. 75

B. Suggestions ................................................................................ 76





List of Tables

Table 2.1 Scoring Rubric of Speaking ..................................................... 29

Table 2.2 Students’ Achievemnt .............................................................. 30

Table 3.1 List of Class VIII-D students of SMP N 3 Ampel .................. 33

Table 4.1 Students’ Observation Sheet I ................................................. 52

Table 4.2 Score Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle I ..................................... 54

Table 4.3 Students’ Observation Sheet II ............................................... 65

Table 4.4 Score Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle II .................................... 67

Table 4.5 Students’ Mean Score Percentage ........................................... 73

Table 4.6 Mean of Students’ Score ........................................................... 73


Figure 3.1 Procedure of Classroom Action Research ............................ 42



A. Background of the Study

Human always need each other. They need to communicate with language as a

means of communication with other people. Language is used by people to express

and receive some information, message, emotions and so on. There are many kinds of

languages that it used by people such as Bahasa, Arabic, English, etc. It depends on

where the people live. English is a foreign language in Indonesia. It is very important

for us to learn it, because English is international language.

There are four components of English skill, those are listening, speaking,

writing, and reading. One of the skills of English is speaking. Based on Nunan (1991:

39), speaking is very important because language is primarily speech. Oral

communication is seen as basic skill, so it is much needed. For most people,

mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspect of learning a second

or foreign language, and it is measured in term of ability to carry out a conversation in

a language.

When students want to learn English, they usually face some problems. Some

of problem that they meet are pronunciation, vocabularies, and English sentence

arragement. Those problem makes the English teachers have to be creative in order to

help them solve their problems.

Most of English teachers use discussion technique to improve the students‟

speaking ability. However, many people think that discussion is not easy like the

English teachers think. For example, the teacher comes to the class and says “today

we are going to discuss oil pollution”. What the students feel? The truth is that the

students probably they are not interesting in the subject, no relevant knowledge or

experience, no motivation, no desire or perceived need to speak about it and worst of

all, a slight panic: “The teacher wants me to say something and I haven’t had time to

think”. Hence, as a result many students say nothing instead of answering the

question. In this condition the teachers should help their students.

Teaching and learning are relationship and multi-dimensional processes which

both of them affect each other and they are important components in educational

contexts. In this context, teachers and students learn from one another as they build

up an English environment of learning in a class. One of the reasons that teachers tend

to over emphasize coverage over engaged thinking is that they assume that answers

can be taught separate from questions. When a teacher explains a textbook exercise to

students and monitoring the students‟ progress, usually teacher asks “have you

finished yet?” or “have you completed the questions at the bottom of the page?”,

students surely saying “no, not yet sir/miss” or “yes sir/miss” (Lyn Dawes, 2011).

The example above is one of the teachers‟ question by using a textbook, which

are answered by Indonesian students with yes or no, the teacher‟s questions and the

students‟ answer, both of them can affect to the result of English teaching. At this

point, learning process gains a role as a mean for negotiation within the English

foreign language setting and the success of this negotiation. Where both of them

mainly depend on the quality and quantity of students‟ participation to share some

informations to make the students speak in the class are the teacher‟s job and

responsibility to improve the students‟ speaking ability. The teachers can promote

their communication with the students by maintaining the teachers‟ questions

technique in order to make the students keep talking English.

Furthermore, the English teachers should make an effort to make Indonesian

students master English easily. They should understand the English learning process

in the classroom. By knowing the English learning process, they can predict the

learning problems that might be face by Indonesian students.

In SMP N 3 Ampel the writer found that many of the students in this school

have less ability in English especially speaking. They do not use English actively

because they feel afraid and shy to practice their speaking ability. From the English

learning process‟ problems in SMP N 3 Ampel the writer would like to investigate the

students speaking mastery from the teachers‟questions technique in order to help them

solve the problems.

Based on the problems above the writer would like to make a research entitled

“The Use of Teachers’ Questions Technique to Improve Students’ Speaking

Ability (A Classroom Action Research of the Second Year Students of SMP N 3

Ampel in the Academic Year 2015/2016)”.

B. Statement of the Problem Study

The problems that the writer would discuss in this study were formulated in

the following questions:

1. How is the procedure of implementating teachers‟ questions technique to improve

students‟ speaking ability of the second year students of SMP N 3 Ampel?

2. Whether the use of teachers‟ questions technique improve the students‟ speaking

ability of the second year students of SMP N 3 Ampel or not?

3. To what extent is the use of teachers‟ questions technique to improve students‟

speaking ability of the second year students of SMP N 3 Ampel?

C. Objectives of the Study

In accordance with the problem above, the purposes or the aims of the study

can be stated as follows:

1. To describe the procedure of implementation of teachers‟ questions technique to

improve students‟ speaking ability of the second year students of SMP N 3 Ampel.

2. To find out whether the implementation of teachers‟ questions technique improve

the students‟ speaking ability of the second year students of SMP N 3 Ampel.

3. To find out to what extent is the use of teachers‟ questions technique improve the

students‟ speaking ability of the second year students of SMP N 3 Ampel.

D. Benefits of the Study

The result of this research are expected to be useful for:

1. The students

After reading the result of this research, the students are able to increase their

ability in speaking. The students are more active in speaking than before.

Hopefully, it can also improve their English. The students will be more attracted in

learning English without under pressure feeling and forced.

2. The teachers

This research can help teachers in making their students accustom to speak up

by their own words. Teachers can use some questions to support and motivate their

students. They will know the students„ characters and competences.

3. The other writers

This research can help other writers to know some abilities of students in

speaking. On the other hand, other writers are able to know how the teachers make

their students accustom to speaking and they can know how far the influence of

teachers‟ question technique and students‟ speaking ability.

4. The writer

By doing the research, the writer hopes that she can study and get more

information to identify the problem in students‟ speaking ability. Besides that the

writer will get new experience and knowledge for the future of her life.

E. Limitation of the Study

The writer limits the problem only on improving students‟ speaking ability by

using teachers‟ questions technique to the students of the second year of SMP N 3


F. Definition of the Key Terms

A teachers‟ questions technique are pivotal to the instructional process

because questioning is the most frequently used instructional tool.

1. Definition of Teachers‟ Questions

According to Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classroom which

arranged by Jack C. Richard (1994), research suggests that questions is one of the

most common teaching used by teachers. Reasearcher have proposed that questions

play crucial role in language acquisition:

“They can be used to allow the learner to keep participating in the discourse

and even modify it so that the language used becomes more comprohensible

and personally relevant”.

2. Definition of Improving

Improve is to bring to more desirable or excellent condition; to ameliorate; to

better; to make; as land or real estate, more profitable by cultivication or

construction; to make more useful (Mario Pei, 1974:483).

3. Definition of Speaking

Based on Nunan (1991: 39), speaking is very important because language is

primarily speech. Oral communication is seen as basic skill, so it is much needed.

For most people, mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspect

of learning a second or foreign language, and it is measured in term of ability to

carry out a conversation in a language.

4. Definition of Ability

Ability is a present state of being able to make certain response perform

certain tastes, we say that a person has an ability to do something, we mean that he

can do that right now. Ability is the state or condition of being able; aptitude;

competence; capability; power to do something, whether physical, mental,

legal,etc. (Mario Pei, 1974:2).

G. Review of Previous Researches

In this graduating paper, the writer reviews several related studies to support

this paper, the first title is “The Use of Bamboo Dancing Method to Improve Student’s

Speaking Ability (A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year Students of SMP

Islam Sudirman Tengaran in the Academic Year 2012/2013)”, by Ela Wulansari. In

this graduating paper, she focused on the use of bamboo dancing to improve the

students speaking ability. According to her method can improve the students speaking

ability of the second year students of SMP Islam Sudirman Tengaran. To collect the

data she used three methods, there are observation, documentation and test method.

She did the research in three cycles in order to help the students improve their

speaking ability. After analyzing the result of cycle I until III, she conclude improving

students‟ speaking ability by bamboo dancing can motivated and improve students

speaking ability.

The second research report was written by Nur Ifka Elfiani, the student of

STAIN Salatiga in 2012, with her research paper entitle “The Use of Numbered Heads

Together Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill (A Classroom Action Research

of the Second Year Students of MAN Tengaran Semarang Regency in the Academic

Year of 2012/2013)”. In this research, she explained that the implementation of

numbered heads together method can improve students‟ speaking English actively

eventhough they still produce ungrammatical utterances. Besides, there is significant

different between pre-test and post-test.

Another research has been done by Ambar Wahyuni entitled “The

Effectiveness of Using Direct Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability for the

Tenth Grade Students of SMA N 1 Suruh in the Academic Year of 2012/2013 ”. In her

research she focused in the use of direct method where she did in three cycles. After

doing all of the cycles, the writer found that the use of direct method is effective to the

students to increase their speaking ability. It shows by the means of pre-test and post-

tes in the three cycles.

There are few differences between these studies. In this studies the writer

focus on the teachers‟ questions technique to help the students improve their speaking

ability. Furthermore, the writer will focus to improve the students‟ speaking ability.

That is all the differences between this study and the previous research review.

H. Outline of the Graduating Paper

The graduating paper is divided into five chapters as follows: Chapter I

contains introduction which covers the background of the study, statement of the

problem study, the objectives of the study, the benefit of the study, limitation of the

study, definition of key terms, the review of previous research and outline of the

graduating paper. Chapter II describes the theoretical framework, which consist of

theory of teachers‟ questions and speaking ability. The writer takes some books

written by many experts as references which will explain more about those. Chapter

III is methodology of research. In this chapter, the writer would like to describe the

description of this research and data source, method of collecting data, and like

consists of type of research, population, sample and sampling technique, method of

collecting data and data analysis. Chapter IV presents the data presentation and data

analysis. Data presentation consist of description of SMP N 3 Ampel and data

analysis consist of the result of the study, analysis of the study and interpretation of

the result. Chapter V is closure as the end of the graduating paper by giving

conclusion and suggestions. For the attachment there are bibliography and




In this chapter, the writer is going to explain briefly the theoretical framework which

includes the notion of teachers‟ questions technique and speaking ability.

A. Teachers’ Questions Technique

1. Definition of Teachers’ Questions

According to Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classroom which

arranged by Jack C. Richard (1994), research suggests that questioning is one of the

common techniques used by teachers. In some cassrooms over half of class time is

taken up with question and answer exchanges.

Second language writers have also examined the contribution of teachers‟

questions to classroom second language learning. They have proposed that the

question play a crucial role in language acquisition:

“they can be used to allow the learner to keep participating in the discourse

and even modify it so that language used becomes more comprehensible and

personally relevant” (Banbrook and Skehan 1989:142).

The importance of questions as an instructional strategy is widely

acknowledged in the literature on teaching and learning. Teachers‟ questions may

serve different functions, including focusing attention, exercising disciplinary control

in the course or an instruction, encouraging students‟ participation and moving the

lesson forward among others. The pervasiveness of teacher questions in the

classroom can be explained by the specific functions they perform.

According to the Richards & Lockhart (2000, p. 185), there are several

reasons why questions are so commonly used in teaching.

a. They stimulate and maintain students‟ interest.

b. They encourage students to think and focus on the content of the lesson.

c. They enable teacher to clarify what a student has said.

d. They enable to teacher to elicit particular structure or vocabulary items.

e. They enable to teacher to check students‟ understanding.

f. They encourage student participation in a lesson.

2. Types of Teachers’ Questions

There are many different ways to classify questions, and as writers have

observed it is sometimes difficult to arrive at discrete and directly observable

categories. From Richards & Lockhart (2000) the teacher‟s questions are classified

into three categories in terms of their purposes, that are:

a. Procedural Questions

Procedural questions have to do with classroom procedures and routines, and

classroom management, as opposed to the content of learning. For the example,

the following questions occured in classroms while teachers were checking that

assignment had been completed, that instruction, for a task were clear, and that

students were ready for a new task.

Did everyone bring their homework

Do you all understand what I want you to do?

Can you all read what I’ve written on the blackboard?

Did anyone bring a dictionary to class, and etc. (Richards & Lockhart, 2000)

Procedural questions have a different function from questions designed to help

students master the content of a lesson.

b. Convergent Questions

Convergent questions encourage similar student responses,or responses which

focus on a central theme. These responses are often short answers, such as “yes”

or “no” or short statements. Language teachers often ask a rapid sequence of

convergent questions to help develop aural skills and vocabulary and to

encourage whole-class participation before moving on to some other teaching

technique. For example, the following questions were used by a teacher in

introducing a reading lesson focusing on the efffects of computers on everyday

life. Before the teacher began the lesson she led students into the topic of the

reading by asking the following convergent questions:

How many of you have a personal computer in your home?

Do you use it everyday?

What do you mainly ise it for?

What are some other machines that you have in your home?

What are the names of some computer companies?

What is the difference between software and hardware? (Richards &

Lockhart, 2000)

c. Divergent Questions

Divergent questions are the opposite of convergent questions. They encourage

diverse student responses which are not short answer and which require students

to engage in higher-level thinking. They encourage students to provide their own

information rather than to recall prevoiusly presented information. For example,

after asking the convergent questions above, the teacher went on to ask divergent

questions such as the following:

How have computers had an economic impact on society?

How would businesses today function without computers?

Do you think computers have had any negative effects on society?

What are the best ways of promoting the use of computers in education.(

Richards & Lockhart, 2000)

Another categorization, which will be fundamental for this research, for

teachers‟ question was presented by Wajnryb (1992,p.47) as follows:

a. Yes/No questions, example “here is a picture of woman. Have you seen her face


b. Short answer/ retrieval-style questions, example “what did she say about the


c. Open-ended questions, example “whom could he have telephoned?”.

d. Display questions, it is questioning information already known to the questioner.

For example “what colour is this pen?”.

e. Referential questions, it is questions requesting new information. Example “what

did you study at university?”.

f. Non-retrievel, imagine questions, it is question that do not require the learner to

retrieve given information but instead call on inferred information or information

in which an opinion judgment is called for. The example is “what do you think the

writer was suggesting by making the central character an animal?”.

3. Questions Skills

In view of the importance of the quetioning as a teaching strategy, the skill

with which teachers use questions has received a conciderable amount of attention in

techer education. Among that issues Richard (2000) identified questions skills as


a. The Range of Question Types Teachers Use

It has often been observed that teachers tend to ask more convergent than

divergent questions. These questinonsserve to facilitate the recall of information

rather than to generate student ideas and classroom communication. Since

convergent questions rquire short answers, they may likewise provide limited

opportunities for students to produce and practice the target language (Richards &

Lockhart, 2000).

Long and Sato (1983) compared the number of “display questions” (questions

that teachers know the answer to and which are designed to elicit or display

particular structures) and “referential questions” (questions that teachers do not

know the answer to) in naturalictic and classroom discourse. They found that in

naturalistic discourse referential questions are more frequent than display

questions, whereas display questions are much more frequent in whole-class

teaching in English second language classrooms.

b. Student Participation

In many classroom, student have few opportunities to ask questions on their

own, although they may be given the opportunity to answer questions. Even when

teacher give students opportunities to ask and answer questions, they may address

their questionsto only a few of the students in the class-those lying within their

action zone.

Aacording to Jackson and Lahaderne (1967) found that some students are

twenty five times more likely to be called on to speak in a class than others. In

language classroom, where students may be of different levels of ability, the fact

that some students have much more difficulty answering questions than others

may lead the teacher to call on only those students in the class who can be relied

upon to answer the question in order to maintain the momentum of the class. This

reinforces the teacher‟s tendency to direct questions to only certain students in the


c. Wait Time

An important dimension of a teacher‟s questioning skills is wait time, that is

the length of time the teacher waits after asking the question before calling on a

student to answer it, rephrasing the question, directing the question to another

students, or giving the answer. Teacher often use a very short wait time, example

one second, which is rarely sufficient to enable students to respond. When wait

time is increase to three to five seconds, the amount of the student participation as

well as the quality of that participation often increases (Long et al. 1984).

4. Questions Strategies

The effective questions are not based on intuition, but they are carefully

designed and planned for specific outcomes. An effective question motivates student

engagement by providing the right words and enough response time for students to

compose a response. Great questions are crafted with attention to voice inflection,

word emphasis, word choice, timing, the audience‟s (students‟) prior knowledge and

needed challenges, the goals of a lesson, and the context in which the questions are

raised. There are two kinds of questioning strategies by Lynn, 2003:

1. Strategies to use when students respond

a. Reinforcement: the teacher should reinforce student responses and questions in

positive way in order to encourage future participation. The type of

reinforcement will be determined by:

a) The correctness of the answer. If a student gives an answer that is off-target

or incorrect, the instructor may want to briefly acknowledge the response

but not spend muchtime on it and then move to the correct respense.

b) The number of times a student has responded. Instructors may want to

provide a student who has never responded in class with more

reinforcement than someone who responds often.

b. Probing: the initial response of students may be superficial. The teacher need

probing to make students explore initial comments. Probes can be use to:

a) Analyze a student‟s statement. Make a student aware of

underlyingassumptions, or justify or evaluate a statement.

b) Help students deduce relationships. Instructors may ask students to judge

the implications of their statement or to compare and contrast concept.

c) Have students clarify or elaborate on their comments by asking for more


c. Adjust/Refocus: when a student provides a response that appears out of text, the

instructor can refocus to encourage the student to tie her response to the content

being discussed. This technique is also used to shift attention to a new topic.

2. Strategies to use when students do not respond

a. Redirect: when a student responds to a question, the teacher can ask another

student to comment on his statement. The purpose of this technique are to

anable more students to participate and to allow a student to correct another

student‟s incorrect statement or respond to another student‟s question.

b. Rephrasing: this technique is used when a student provides an incorrect

response or no response. There are three strategies:

a) The teacher can try to reword the question to make it clearer, the question

may have been poorly phrased.

b) The teacher can provide some information to help students come up with the


c) The teacher can break the question down into more manageable parts.

c. Using “wait time”: one factor that can have powerful effects on student

participation is the amount of time a teacher pauses between asking a question

and doing something else. (Lynn, 2003).

After teachers were trained to allow three to five seconds of wait time the

following significant changes in their classrooms occured (from Rowe, 1974):

the number of students who failed to respond when calles on decreased, the

number of unsocilited but appropriate responses increased, the lenght of student

responses increased, the number of student statements where evidence was used

to make inferences increased, the number of responses from students identified

by teacher as less able increased, the number of student questions increased.

B. Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking derived from word “speak” means to utter words or articulate

sounds with ordinary speech modulation; to convey thoughts, opinions, or

emotions orally, to express oneself, to be on speaking terms, etc. (The American

Heritage dictionary, 2000:1668). So, speaking is conveying the language to be

meaningful in speaking. Brown (1980: 8) states that teaching cannot be defined a

part from learning because it is guiding and facilities of learning, enabling the

learner to learn and setting the condition for learning.

2. Components of Speaking

According to Harris (1969:81), speaking is a skill requiring the

simultaneous use of member of different abbilities. There are five components in

speaking skill, they are:

a) Pronunciation

Way in which language is spoken.

b) Grammar

Rule for forming words and making sentence

c) Vocabulary

Total number of words that make up a language.

d) Fluency

It is quality or condition of person to speak a language easily and well.

e) Comprehension

For oral communication certainly requires a subject to responds to speech as

well as to initiate it.

To most people, mastering the art of speaking is the single most important

aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in term

of ability to carry out a conversation in the language. (David Nunan, 1991:39)

Speaking is one aspect of the language that very important to be mastered. And

also one of the reach of studying a foreign language is people could speak

fluently. So by learning to speak English well, students gain a valuable skill which

can be useful in their lives and contribute to their community.

3. Elements of Speaking

The ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language

features, but also the ability to process information and language „on the spot‟.

Based on Harmer (2001:269) there are two elements of speaking, they are:

1. Language Features

Among the elements necessary for spoken production (as opposed to

the production of practice examples in language drills, for example), are the


a) Connected Speech : effective speakers of English need to be able not only

to produce the individual phonemes of English (as in saying I would have

gone) but also to use fluent „connected speech‟ (as I‟d‟ve gone). It is for

this reason that we should involve students in activities designed

specifically to improve their connected speech.

b) Expressive Devices: native speakers of English change the pitch and stress

of particular parts of utterance, vary volume and speed, and show by other

physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling

(especially in face-to-face interaction. The use of these devices contributes

to the ability to convey meanings. They allow the extra expression of

emotion and intensity. Students should be able to deploy at least some of

such suprasegmentally features and device in the same way if they are to

be fully effective communicators.

c) Lexis and grammar: spontaneous speech is marked by the use of a number

of common lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain

language function. Where students are involved in specific speaking

context such as a job interview, we can prime them, in the same way with

certain useful phrase with they can produce at various stages of an


d) Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiator

language we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we

are saying.

2. Mental/ social Processing

If part of speaker‟s productive ability involves the knowledge of

language skills such as those discussed above, success is also dependent upon

the rapid processing skills that talking necessitates:

a) Language processing: effective speakers need to able to process language

in their own heads and put it into coherent order so that it comes out in

forms that are not only comprehensible, but also convey the meanings that

are intended.

b) Interacting with others: most speaking involves interaction with one or

more participants. This means that effective speaking also involves a good

deal of listening, an understanding of how the other participants are

feeling, and a knowledge of how linguistically to take turns or allow others

to do so.

c) (On-the-spot) information processing: quite apart from our response to

others‟ feelings, we also need to be able to process the information they

tell us the moment we get it. The longer it takes for „the penny to drop‟ the

less effective we are instant communicators.

4. Types of Speaking

Speaking is one of the language skill that have to mastery by students in every

level. According to Brown, (2004: 141-142) there are five basic types of speaking

activity, they are:

a. Imitative

At one end of a continuum of types of speaking performance is the

ability to simply parrot back (imitative) a word or phrase or possibly a

sentence. While this is a purely phonetic level of oral production, a number of

prosodic, lexical, and grammatical properties of language may be included in

the criterion performance.

b. Intensive

A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment contexts

is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate

competence in narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological

relationships (such as prosodic elements-intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture).

The speaker must be aware of semantic properties in order to be able to

respond, but interaction with an interlocutor or test administrator is minimal at


c. Responsive

Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test

comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversation,

standard greeting and small talk, simple requests and comment, and the like.

The stimulus is almost always a spoken prompt (in order to preserve

authenticity), with perhaps only one or two follow-up questions or retorts.

d. Interactive

The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is in the

length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes multiple

exchanges and/or multiple participants. Interaction can take the two forms of

transactional language, which has the purpose of exchanging specific

information, or interpersonal exchange, which have the purpose of

maintaining social relationship. In interpersonal exchange, oral production can

become pragmatically complex with the need to speak in casual register and

use colloquial language ellipsis, slang, humor, and other sociolinguistic


e. Extensive (monologue)

Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentation,

and story-telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from

listeners is either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal responses) or ruled out

together (Brown, 2004:141).

5. Indicators of Successful Speaking

To support the teaching learning process of speaking skill, the teachers must

know about the characteristics of students and also the characteristics of

successful speaking activity. If the teacher knows about the characteristics of each

student, the teacher can easily give the material to students. According to Underhil

(1987; 120), there are some characteristics of successful speaking activity:

a. Students talk a lot

As much as possible period of time allotted to the activity occupied by

students talk. This is obvious, but often most time is taken up with teacher

talks or pauses. It means the students must be active to speak with their friends

as mush as possible. It is very clear that the students are busy, but they seldom

spent their time to talk with their teacher.

b. Participation is even

Classroom discussion is not dominated by a monitory of talkative

participants: all get a chance to speak, and contributions are fairly evenly

distributed. It means that the classroom discussion is not dominated by one

participant only, but all of participants get a same chance to speak.

c. Motivation is high

Students are eager to speak: because they are interested in the topic and

have something new to say about it, or because they want to contribute to

achieve an objective task. It means that the students have high motivation to

speak English. By having a high motivation, the students will be interested in

learning English, especially in speaking. They often try to deliver their own

idea confidently.

d. Language is of an acceptable level

Students express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily

comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of language accuracy.

It means that they use the components of speaking which are relevant with the

acceptable level of language such as, pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and

comprehensible. So, the students often try to speaking English correctly in real


6. Teaching Speaking

In this modern era, English is one of the most important language in

Indonesia, since many job vacancies which should be mastered, both in orally and

written. Improving the speaking skills of students is difficult, but the added benefit

is building confidence in students for speaking skills and strategies.

Formulation what is meant by teaching speaking as follows (Nunan,


a. Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns.

b. Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhytm of the second


c. Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting,

audience, situation and subject matter.

d. Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.

e. Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.

f. Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is

called as fluency.

Speaking lessons often tie in pronunciation and grammar. Based on this

guide, the discussion can be done elsewhere. In addition, it necessary for effective

oral communication. Grammar or reading lesson may incorporate a speaking

activity. Either way, your students will need some preparation before the speaking

task. This includes introducing the topic and providing a model of the speech they

are to produce. As Flores say that speaking is “an interactive process of

constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing

information‟ (Bayley dan Nunan, 2005:2). A model may not apply to discussion-

type activities, in which case students will need clear and specific instructions

about the task to be accomplished. Then the students will practice with the actual

speaking activity.

7. Rubric of Assessment of Speaking Ability

Rubrics are known as a popular tool used by teachers to communicate

expectations for an assignment, providing focused feedback on works in progress

and grading final products. (Stiggins, 2001). Rubrics identify complex, meaningful

tasks and allow for conistent judgements regarding the quality of student work. The

features of quality work of the students which are observed are what a rubric

defines (Arter and Chappuis: 2006). There are a rubric of grading for English

speaking test (Madsen,1983:169-170)

Table 2.1. Scoring Rubric of Speaking


Fluency 16-20 Fluent communication

11-15 Good communication

6-10 Satisfactory

0-5 Communication minimal

Vocabulary 16-20 Wholly appropriate

11-15 Few limitation

6-10 Sometimes limited

0-5 Limitation affected the task

Grammar 16-20 No or few grammatical errors

11-15 Occasionally makes grammatical errors but

does not affect the meaning

6-10 Often make grammatical errors which affect


0-5 A lot of grammatical errors that impede

meaning and often rearranging sentences

Pronunciation 16-20 Clear pronunciation

11-15 Few inaccurate pronunciation

6-10 Inaccuracy of pronunciation do not seriously

impede understanding

0-5 Inaccuracy of pronunciation do not seriously

impede understanding

Understanding 16-20 The understanding of all without any difficulty

11-15 Understanding of almost everything, although

there is repetition in certain parts

6-10 Understanding most of what was said when

speaking slowed down somewhat although

there is repetition

0-5 Difficult to follow what was said

Table 2.2. Students’ Achievement

Criteria of Assessment Grade

90-100 Excellent

81-90 Very good

71-80 Good

61-70 Fair

51-60 Poor

Less than 50 Very poor

C. Teachers’ Questions Technique and Speaking Ability

The teachers‟ questions technique is defined as the nature of questions posed by the

teachers in class, as to whether these questions are higher order thinking questions

(HOT) that meet student‟ readiness and scaffold students‟ thinking processes or


In determining theoretical framework, the writer to think base on the problem of the

students in studying the English. In teaching and learning process, especially in English,

many problems and activities faced by the students and also the teachers. But, mostly the

success of the students in English learning should be determined by themselves. Beside

the students study English at the school, they should study hard at home again by

repeating what they are getting at the school from the teacher to recognize or memorize

the materials.

In other instance, the students often get failed in their learning cause of many

factors, such as feels strange to the materials, confuse and uninterested situation in

teaching learning process in the classroom. So, the teachers‟ duty is how to develop the

students‟ potential in studying English especially in speaking. Speaking is one of the

components of language that has function to express feeling, opinion, ideas, and

emotions. Through teachers‟ questions as one of the technique can facilitated the

teaching speaking, and it can be able to overcome the failure of students in learning.

Therefore, the writer thinks by investigating teachers‟ questions technique in teaching

and learning process will carry out the teaching and learning better, and the achievement

of students will be increased especially speaking ability.



A. General situation of SMP N 3 Ampel

The research is located at SMP N 3 Ampel in Jl. Pantaran KM 5 Ampel, exactly in

Kembangsari village. Area of land owned is 6000 . The research was applied for the

students of second year students in this school. They are from various level of economic

families. The students have ability in English but most of them have difficulties in

speaking ability that it caused by lack of vocabulary, shy, and afraid of creating mistakes

which lead them to, use their mother tongue instead using English.

SMP N 3 Ampel was built in 1996 initiated by Department Head of subdistrict Ampel,

Mr. Rohadi, MM and this idea was supported by National Education Department. At the

first time, SMPN 3 Ampel only has two classes. The process of teaching and learning held

in the afternoon because they have to borrow an Elementary School‟s building in

Candisari. The teacher at that time are teacher from SMP N 1 Ampel, they are Mr.

Sarjono, Mr. Asman Indraji, Mr. Sunaryo, Mr. Yanto Hardoyo, and Mrs. Yani Purniasih as

a Head master. In 1998, a new building was built that located in Mulyosari, Kembang,

Ampel, Boyolali. Now SMP N 3 Ampel has 12 classes.

B. Subject of the Study

In this research, the writer chooses SMP N 3 Ampel as object as the study. The

population of the study are all of the second year students‟ of SMP N 3 Ampel, because

they are all members of the research subject. Population is all members of the research

subject (Suharsimi Arikunto,1996: 115). The total number of population are 143 which are

divided in four classes. According to Suharsimi Arikunto (1996) if the population is more

than 100 subjects, the research can take about 10-15% or 20-25% or more out of the

population. In her research, the writer took class VIII-D in SMP N 3 Ampel as the sample

of research. Sample is part of subject research. The sample must represent the population,

because the result of the research will be generated toward the entired population.

Representative sample will influence the validity to the result. This class is consist of 36

students. The students‟ list is presented in detail below:

Table 3.1

List of VIII-D Sudents SMP N 3 Ampel

No. Name Sex

1 Angga Budiyanto Male

2 Ana Rira Sri Lestari Female

3 Arif Darmawan Male

4 Arif Munandar Male

5 Arum Setyaningsih Female

6 Arum Widyaningsih Female

7 Ayu Ardani Female

8 Basuki Rohmad Male

9 Dewi Ageftina Female

10 Dwi Andriyanto Male

11 Haniatus Sholikhah Female

12 Daniel Andika Yoga P. Male

13 Heri Ludfiyanto Male

14 Ida Iisnaeni Setyorini Female

15 Ika Widiyanti Female

16 Ikhsanudin Male

17 Irfan Arifianto Male

18 Lilik Lestyo Male

19 Mikael Rio Febriyanto Male

20 Munafi‟ah Female

21 Murniyati Female

22 Nur Arifin Male

23 Nur Alif Satria Male

24 Nur Ismiyati Female

25 Nurul Anisa Female

26 Paskahani Susrahayu Female

27 Purwadi Male

28 Putri Yati Female

29 Rinti Khasanah Female

30 Sarwono Male

31 Siti Mudrikah Female


C. Methodology of Research

1. Kind of Research

The research is actions research. According to Elliot (1991: 24), actions research is

concerned with social practice, aimed towards improvement a cyclical process, pursued by

systematic enquiry, a reflective process, determined by the practitioners. Kemmis and Mc

Taggarrt (in Aqib, 2006 : 22) stated that actions research is series of reflective spirals

consisting of four components, there are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The

cycle is then moved to new and revised plan with action, observation, and further


In this research the writer applies Classroom Action Reaserch is an action research,

which have spesific aim and correlation with class. According to Kemmis in Wiriaatmadja


“Penelitian tindakan kelas adalah bentuk inkuiri reflektif yang dilakukan secara

kemitraan mengenai situasi sosial tertentu (termasuk pendidikan) untuk meningkatkan

rasionalitas dan keadilan dari a) kegiatan praktik sosial atau pendidikan mereka, b)

pemahaman mereka mengenai kegiatan-kegiatan praktik ini, dan c)situasi yang

memungkinkan terlaksananya kegiaatan praktik ini.”

“Action reaserch as a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in

social (including educational) situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of

a) their own social or educational practices, b) their understanding of these practices, and

c) the situatuins (and institutions) in which practices arecarried out”

2. Components of Classroom Action Research

32 Siti Istikomah Female

33 Tri Istanto Male

34 Wahyu Harjanto Male

35 Wahyu Kurniawan Male

36 Yohana Dian Ambarwati Female

According to Arikunto (2006:3), there are three components in classroom action

research, they are:

a. Research

An activity to observe the object by use the ways and metodologies to get the

useful data or information to improve the quality of thing and that is necessary

for writer.

b. Action

A movement activity deriberately to action with spesific purpose, in the form

of activity cycle network for the student.

c. Classroom

A group of students, the got a lesson from the teacher in the same time.

From the explanation above the writer concludes that classroom action

research means monitoring toward teaching learning process in the form of an

action, which is deliberated on action and accur in the class. Action research deals

with social practice. Education is a social practice. In the most case, it involve the

direct interaction of teacher and groups of students. Classroom is complex areas

secondary schools are live of intergue and conspiracy. Trying to reach understanding

of issues concerned with teaching and learning, therefore implies getting to grips

with a work range of human issues such as the attitude of students, the politics

within departements and the ethos an environment of the institutions.

The aim of action research is to feed practical judgment in concrete situation,

and the validity of the theories or hypothesis it is not generate depend so much on

spesific test of truth as their usefulness in helping people to act more intelegently

and skillfully. In resent years action research has been applied to problem involving

curriculum development and in service education, particuly whitin the field of sefl –

avaliation (Arikunto,2006;57).

3. Characteristics of Classroom Action Research

Syamsudin and Damaianti (2007:197) outline the following characteristics of

the classroom action research:

a. It examines problem which are deemed problematic by writer in teaching

learning process.

b. The writer can give treatment which planned actions to solve the problem and

improve the quality, so the subject can get the implication.

c. The steps of the research in the form of cycle.

d. Such reflective thingking from writer both after and before research.

e. Contextual situation, which related to diagnosing and solving the problem

f. Classroom action research use collaborative approach.

g. Participatory, which each team member accompany in the research.

h. Self evaluative, which the reseacher evaluate by self continually to improve the


i. The procedure of the research is on- the- spot which designed to handle the real

problem in that area.

j. The result applied immediatelly, long – range in perspective, meansuring up to

supple and adaptive.

4. Principles of Classroom Action Research

According to Hopkins (1993;57-61) there are six principle of classroom action

research by teachers. Some of them are followed as:

a. The teacher‟s primary job is to teach. And any research method should not

interfere with or disrupt the teaching commitement.

b. The mothod of data collection must not be to demanding on the teachers time.

c. The metodology employed must be reliable enough to allow teachers to formulate

hypotheses convidently and develop strategies applicable to their classroom.

d. The research problem under taken by the teacher should be one to which he or she

is committed.

e. The need for teacher writers to pay close attention to the athical prosedures

surrounding the work.

f. That as far as possible classroom research should adopt a classroom axceeding

perspective. This is that all members of school community actively build and share

a common vision of their main purpose.

In accordance with the principles that classroom action research have to concentrated

with the matters of happened in the class. A class is one unity of the concerning element

and to reach the specific aim. The component from the class are the students, teachers,

which is teaching lesson item, medium of used, result of the study and the management

that conducted by head of the school. The object of the perceived in classroom action

research not have always when process of the study underway because class is not room,

but it is group of students (Arikunto, 2006:24).

According to Aqip (2006:18) classroom action research is one of the strategies way

for the teacher to improve the educational service which must be carried out in the

context of study in the class and improvement of the school program quality on the

whole. The aim of the classroom action research is to improve and to increase the

process of the study in the class to be carried out continuous. This aim is close

relationship with the teacher in fulfill their professional mission of educationally. Related

with components of the study, classroom are:

a. Innovation of the study

b. Development of the curriculum in the school and class level

c. Improvement of the teacher professionalism.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

In this classroom action research, the data is taken from:

1. Observation

Technical observation is watching and noting systematically toward phenomenon

that is visible on the object of observation (Margono in Tanzeh, 2009:58). The writer

plans this observation fixable and writes something that happens in the classroom. It

is used to know the situation of the teaching learning process and the use of technique

applied in learning process, namely Teachers‟ Questions Technique.

2. Documentation

Documentation is collecting data by looking or noting of report that is available

(Tanzeh, 2009:66). Documentation technique benefits in the collecting student‟s

grade as secondary data to know their advancement speaking ability, the condition of

teachers, students, staffs, and location of SMP N 3 Ampel.

3. Testing

Testing is a number measuring a person ability, knowledge, or performance in a

given domain (Brown, 2001:3). In this research the writer used oral pre test and post

test. Testing is used to measure the student‟ speaking ability after being taught by

using Tecachers‟ Questions Tehnique in teaching learning process. In the all pre test

and post test, the teacher gave three questions of five questions and the students have

to answer the orally and directly one by one. To economize the time, pre test and post

test were written in by sheet of questions and before students answer the questions

they have five minutes to learn them and they need approximately one minute to

answer the questions. When the students answer the questions, the teacher appraises.

E. Procedures of the Research

The reasercher pays attention much toward classroom action research recently,

because this research can offer new technique to fix and improve profesionalism of teacher

in leraning process by watching over the students condition. Classroom action research is

a reflective shape does by teacher self toward curriculum, school development, improves

achievement, and skill development, etc (Arikunto, Suhardjono, and Supardi, 2009:102).

In this classroom action research, the writer has two cyclus that consist of one

meeting in every cycle. The steps in this research have four stages in each cycle, they are:

1. Planning

The activities in the planning are:

a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the steps in doing the action.

b. Preparing list of students‟ name and scoring.

c. Preparing teaching aids.

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of teaching

learning process when the technique is applied).

e. Preparing a test (to know whether students‟ speaking ability improved or not).

2. Action

a. Giving pre test

b. Teaching speaking by using Teachers‟ Questions Technique.

c. Application of Teachers‟ Questions Technique that applies activities consisting of

dividing group, discussion, and answer the question.

d. Giving chance to students to ask any dufficulties or problems.

e. Giving post test.

3. Observation

The writer does observation and notes all of case which happened during

observes that is needed carefully.

4. Reflection

A reflection is an effect to inspect what has or has not been done, what has or has

not yet resulted offer having an alternative action. The result is used to establish the

next steps of the research. In the other words, a reflection is the inspection effort on

the success or the failure in reaching the temporary purposes in order to determine the

alternative steps that are probably made to get the final goals of the research

(Hopkins, 1993:48). The writer‟ s reflection is done by discussing with her

collaborator involved in analyzing the result of observation, identification of the

problem and find out the alternative decision of problem solving. Then the next cycle

can be decided or designed.

Figure 3.1

Procedure of Classroom Action Research

1. Planning 1. Plannning

4.Reflection 2. Action 4. Reflection 2. Action

3. Observation 3.Observation

F. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer will calculate the mean of the students‟ score. This

method is used to know the students‟ score in speaking in each cycle. To analyze the data

of the research, the writer uses these formulas, they are:

1. Mean score

Cycle I

Cycle II

M =


M = the mean of obtained

Σx = the sum of test

N = the number of group

2. SD (Standard Deviation)

To find out the deviation standard, the writer uses a formula:

SD = √


SD = standard deviation

D = difference between pre-test and post test

N = the number of sample

3. T-Test

After calculating the SD, the writer doing test to know is there any significant

differences or not between pre-test and post-test,








T = T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

SD = Deviation Standard for one sample T-test

∑D = Different between pre-test and post-test

N = Number of observation in sample

4. Percentage score

Standarized minimum score in SMP N 3 Ampel is 70. If students have low mark from

the standarized, they will be assumed that they have not passed. While students who

pass the standarized are students who have equal mark or good mark.

≥ 70 = pass the oral test.

≤ 70 = fail the oral test.

The formula is:


x 100%


P = percentage of students‟ score

F = total of students who pass the KKM (the minimum ofpassing criteria)

N = number of observation in sample



In this research implementation, the writer as the writer in SMP N 3 Ampel has

arranged two cycles. In each cycle the steps consist of: planning, acting, observing, and


A. Cycle 1

1. Planning

The activities that are prepared:

a. Preparing materials, making lesson-plan, and designing the steps in doing the


b. Preparing list of the students: name and scoring.

c. Preparing teaching- purpose.

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of teaching-

learning process when the technique applied).

e. Preparing a test (to know whether students‟ speaking will improve or not)

2. Implementation Action

On Thursday morning, February, 04th 2016 at 09.30 a.m the English teacher of SMP

N 3 Ampel, the writer and the observer entered the English class in VIII-D class. Then,

they stood up in front of the class. The English teacher looked at all of students, then he

conditioned the class and wait the students until they were ready to get lesson. Next, the

English teacher introduced the writer and the observer, and he explained that D class

will be taught by the writer for several meetings. After that, the English teacher gave

the time to the writer and left the class. The writer put the class and start.

Teacher : “Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb”

Students : Wa’alaikumsalam wr.wb”

Teacher : “Good morning students?”

Students : “Good morning miss...”

Teacher : “How are you today?”

Students : “I‟m fine, thank you? And you?”

Teacher : “I‟m very well thank you. Tadi sudah kenalan ya dengan saya dan

teman saya, kalian boleh memanggil kami Miss Fila dan Miss Asri

(you were know who am I and my friend, you can call us Miss Fila

and Miss Asri).”

Students : “Ok miss...”

Teacher : “Well class..., who is absent today?”

Students : “No one miss.”

Teacher : “Ok... Class, let‟s start our meeting by saying Basmalah together.”

Students : “(together) Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim.

Teacher : “Know our matherial is invitation, and when I teach you here I will

use teachers‟ questions technique for you to mastery our lesson. Ok?!”

Student : “Ok miss, tapi miss teachers’ questions technique itu apa ya? (but

miss what is teachers‟ questions technique mean?)”

Teacher : “Owh ya, teachers’ questions technique itu adalah sebuah teknik

untuk mengasah kemampuan kalian dalam berbahasa Ingrris, nanti

kita akan belajar dengan menggunakannya. (teachers‟ questions

technique is a way in research to improve your speaking ability, and

you will leran more later) Are you ready now?”

Students : “All right miss, yes we are ready..!”

Teacher : “Ok class..., before we study invitation perfectly, I will ask you who

know what the meaning of invitation? Please rise you hand.”

Student : “saya miss, invitation itu artinya undangan (please me miss,

invitation undangan).”

Teacher : “Ok good, what‟s your name?”

Wahyu : “My name is Wahyu miss. Saya kan murid miss Fila di SD dulu,

masa lupa miss? (I‟m your student in elementary school miss, do you

forget me miss?)”

Teacher : “Upss.... I‟m sorry Wahyu, kamu duduk di belakang saya tidak bisa

melihatmu (you shit down over there and I can‟t see you well). Owh

ya, your friend also here, that are Paskahani and Hani, right?”

Wahyu : “Yes miss... we are here.”

Teacher : “Ok.... We continue our lesson. Now, who knows what is the kind of

invitation? Tell me please mas Arif? (asking a student namely Arif to


Arif : “Tapi kalau salah jangan diketawain ya miss, mungkin jenisnya ijoan

dan surat uleman ya miss? (but if I‟m wrong don‟t laugh miss, the kind

of invitation is direct and indirect miss).”

Teacher : “You are right mas Arif, invitation means undangan. And the kind is

direct and indirect. Now, please mbak Putri tell me the example of


Putri : “The example of invitation when there a wedding, or birthday party


Teacher : “Good, and what else guys? Please specificly the example of direct

and indirect invitaion. C‟mon mas Ikhsanudin.”

Ikhsanudin : “Hehe... Apa ya miss, kalau biasanya yang undangan kertas itu pas

nikahan ya miss, kalau yang ijoan malah kalau ada tahlilan miss

(usually indirect invitation/ card when there is a wedding party, and the

direct is when there a tahlilan miss?).”

Then the class became crowd, because students laughing together the answer of

Ikhsan about tahlilan.

Teacher : “Ok class... Silent please. Ikhsanudin was right. Thank you Ikhsan for

your answer.”

Next, the teacher explained more detail about the meaning of invitation. She tell

to the students the definition of invitation, the kind of invitation and give them the

example about it one by one. Only few students asked to the teacher if they not

understand yet. When the teacher write down about matherial on the whiteboard the

students also wrote on the book. After finished to write down, the teacher ask to

students to made some example the direct invitation. She directly asking some students

to make an invitation according to the explanation.

Teacher : “Ok class... understand so far?”

Students : “Yes miss...”

Teacher : “Ok... Please Hani make an invitation about anything.”

Hani : “Yes miss... I‟ll try. “would you like to come to my birthday party

miss?” gitu boleh miss? (if like that miss?).”

Teacher : “Yeah... That‟s good Hani. Thank you? And guys if we accepting we

say what?”

Students : (together) “Sure/ certainly/ ok! I‟ll be there/ I would come. Thank


Teacher :”Then... Who else will try make the invitation?”

Daniel : “Please me miss? saya nyoba ya miss? salah nggak apa-apa kan?

“why don‟t we study together this morning?” (I‟ll try miss, but if I‟m

wrong it doesn‟t matter, right?)”

Teacher : “Iya nggak apa-apa Daniel, itu sudah bagus lho. Jangan takut salah

kalau belum mencoba. Itu tadi dari Daniel, coba kalau undangannya

Daniel ditolak gimana jawabnya? (it‟s ok Daniel... It was good. Don‟t

be afraid if you not try yet. That is from Daniel, now.. How the

respond if we refuse that invitation?)”

Students : “Sorry I can‟t/ I would come but I have cough.”

Teacher : “That‟s good class.. If we accepting always say “thank you” and if we

refusing we say “sorry”. Understand so far?”

Students : (together) “Yes miss..., understand.”

Next, the teacher ask the students to make some direct invitation and give the

respond, and they should come in front of the class to perform. The teacher ask every

students must have couple, and giving asking and responding about the invitation.

Teacher : “Well... class, have you finished to make the example?”

Students : “Yes miss/ not yet miss..”

Teacher : “Ok... Please, who were finish come in front of class with your friend

and the other please listen. I will call mbak Yohana and friend, c‟mon.”

Yohana : “Saya miss, yang lain dulu aja ya? (me?? Please the other miss?)”

Teacher : “No, you both mbak. Please come here.”

Then Yohana and friend come in front of class and perform about direct

invitation. After Yohana and friend, the teacher asking some students to join in front of

class to perform their work. The students present their result and the teacher facilitates

the students during the presentation and helps the students to understand the material.

Teacher : “Give applause to us.. All of you are the best students. Ok... class, I

think enough for today, we has studied about invitation by teachers‟

questions technique and we had practiced, next meeting we still learn

about same material and you have homework on page 24-25. Well...

Class, any question so far?”

Students : “Ok miss..., nothing question miss.”

Teacher : “If nothing question, we close our meeting today by reciting

Hamdallah together, thanks for your attention, Wassalamu’alaikum


Students : (together) “Alhamdulillahhirobbil’alamiin..., Wassalamu’alaikum wr.


3. Observation

In the first cycle, the resercher and her collaborator observed teaching learning

process by monitoring the students‟ activities and attention during the action, we can

see that most of students were enthusiastic in the taching learning process. It causes the

using teachers‟ questions teachnique make the students speak up even in English or

more in Bahasa, but there were some students who had a little difficulty to answer the

question from the teacher because they lack of vocabulary. So, they used Bahasa when

they answer each question. When students present their result in front of class, they

still did not have convidence. Beside that, some of them had cracked joke too much, it

made the students were shy to speak up and afraid if they would do mistake in their

pronunciation. Most of them were also poor in grammar. In the other hand, some

students had not understand to the method because they did nit pay attention when the

teacher gave guidance.

Table 4.1

Students’ Observation Sheet I




Note Pay



in asking






in doing


1 Angga



2 Ana Rira Sri



3 Arif



4 Arif Munandar V

5 Arum



6 Arum



7 Ayu Ardani V V

8 Basuki


9 Dewi Ageftina V

10 Dwi



11 Haniatus



12 Daniel Andika

Yoga P.


13 Heri



14 Ida Iisnaeni



15 Ika Widiyanti V

16 Ikhsanudin V V

17 Irfan Arifianto V

18 Lilik Lestyo V

19 Mikael Rio



20 Munafi‟ah V

21 Murniyati V

22 Nur Arifin V

23 Nur Alif Satria V V

24 Nur Ismiyati V

25 Nurul Anisa V

26 Paskahani



27 Purwadi V V

28 Putri Yati V

29 Rinti



30 Sarwono V V

31 Siti Mudrikah V

32 Siti Istikomah V

33 Tri Istanto V

34 Wahyu



35 Wahyu



36 Yohana Dian



4. Score of Speaking

Table 4.2

Score of pre-test and post test cycle I

No. Name of students Pre-test




test I





1 Angga Budiyanto 60 60 0 0

2 Ana Rira Sri Lestari 65 68 3 9

3 Arif Darmawan 65 70 5 25

4 Arif Munandar 60 68 8 64

5 Arum Setyaningsih 65 67 2 4

6 Arum Widyaningsih 65 68 3 9

7 Ayu Ardani 70 74 4 16

8 Basuki Rohmad 63 66 3 9

9 Dewi Ageftina 73 77 4 16

10 Dwi Andriyanto 59 65 6 36

11 Haniatus Sholikhah 68 70 2 4

12 Daniel Andika Yoga P. 70 75 5 25

13 Heri Ludfiyanto 65 70 5 25

14 Ida Iisnaeni Setyorini 60 64 4 16

15 Ika Widiyanti 63 68 5 25

16 Ikhsanudin 75 79 4 16

17 Irfan Arifianto 60 69 9 81

18 Lilik Lestyo 58 64 8 64

19 Mikael Rio Febriyanto 70 75 5 25

20 Munafi‟ah 65 70 5 25

21 Murniyati 68 72 4 16

22 Nur Arifin 60 68 8 64

23 Nur Alif Satria 65 75 10 100

24 Nur Ismiyati 70 76 6 36

25 Nurul Anisa 68 70 2 4

26 Paskahani Susrahayu 78 81 3 9

27 Purwadi 70 74 4 16

28 Putri Yati 68 70 2 4

29 Rinti Khasanah 78 80 2 4

30 Sarwono 68 72 4 16

31 Siti Mudrikah 60 68 8 64

32 Siti Istikomah 65 70 5 25

33 Tri Istanto 60 68 8 64

34 Wahyu Harjanto 75 80 5 25

35 Wahyu Kurniawan 57 69 12 144

36 Yohana Dian Ambarwati 65 68 3 9

TOTAL 2374 2548 176 1094

a.) Mean of pre-test I

Mx =

Mx =

Mx = 65,94

b.) Mean of post-test I

My =

My =

My = 70,77

c.) Standard Deviation (SD)

From the data above, the teacher calculate SD pre test and post test:

SD = √

= √


= √

= 2,56

d.) T- test calculation







T =





T =




T =




T =

T = 11,34

T-Test is 11,34

e.) Interpretation

1. Calculating of DF (Degree of freedom)

Degree of freedom (DF) = (N – 1 )

= 36 – 1

= 35

2. Approving the T-Table distribution

With degree of freedom is 35, the value of T-Table with the degree of

significant 5% is 2,030.

3. Comparing T-Test with T-Table

T-Test = 11,34 therefore to is greater than T-Table with the level of the

degree of significant 5%.

4. Conclusion

If arithmetic T-Test is greater than T-Table, the null hypothesis is rejected.

a. Ho (null hypothesis) = there is no significant influence between pre-test and


b. T-Table with N= 35 is 2,030, while arithmetic T-Test is 11,34.

c. T-Table < T-Test = 2,030 < 11,34.

It shows that Ho is rejected. So, there is a significant influence between pre-

test and post-test in cycle I with level significant 5% T-Table is 2,030. It means

that the use of teachers‟ questions technique can help the students to improve their

ability in speaking English.

The improvement is also can be calculated in percentage by calculating

students‟ pre-test and post test score. The calculation can be shown below:

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 3.53 %

The calculation which shows the class percentage of students who pass the KKM

(the minimum of passing criteria) is:

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 55,55%

It means there were 55.55% of students‟ who pass the standardized score (the

minimum of passing criteria). Only 20 students who pass the KKM. It indicates that

the successful of cycle I should be improved. Finally, the writer did the second cycle

so that 80% students were able to pass the KKM.

5. Reflection

After analyzing the result of the first meeting, There were 55.55% students who

passed the KKM (the minimum of passing criteria). The writer and observer concluded

that in the first cycle the mean of post test was higher than pre test. In this meeting,

most of students felt bored with a method that usually used by the English teacher in

the classroom. The teacher had to be more creative to provide materials. It was an effort

to make the students to be more interested and active to speak English with confidence.

The result of post test showed that the students‟ speaking ability were good enough.

The result of pre test was 65,94, meanwhile in post test was 70,77. It was very

important for the reseacher to continue the next cycle, to imprve the students‟ speaking

ability with the same technique namely “teachers‟ questions”. In the second meeting,

the writer hoped the students were more active to share their ideas to the class and

speak confidentally with friends.

B. Cycle 2

1. Planning

The teacher was:

a. Preparing the materials, making lesson-plan, and designing the steps in doing the


b. Preparing list of students‟ name and scoring.

c. Determining teaching aids ( e.g board marker, digital camera, laptop)

d. Preparing sheet of classroom observation

e. Determining test (pre-test and post-test).

2. The implementation Action

On Tuesday, February, 9th 2016 at 07.35 a.m the writer and observer Asri

Ristiyani entered the class by greeting and asking students‟ condition. She continued

the lesson with the same material but different theme. In the second meeting, the

writer explained about teachers‟ questions technique more detail in order to make sure

that students have a fully understanding about it. Before the learning process began

the teacher gave stimulus for students to speak up.

Teacher : “Assalamu”alaikum Wr.Wb...”

Students : “Wa”alaikumsalam Wr.Wb...”

Teacher : “Good morning students?”

Students : “Good morning miss..”.

Teacher : “How are you today?”

Students : “I‟m fine thank you, and you?”

Teacher : “I‟m pretty well thank you. Ok, let‟s start our meeting today by

saying Basmallah all together and continue by singing Indonesia Raya


Students : (together) “Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim.. Indonesia tanah airku,

tanah tumpah darahku............... (sing the song)”

Teacher : “Who is absent today?”

Students : “nihil miss, semua masuk (the students are all here miss).”

Teacher : “Before we continue to our lesson, let me ask you about what have

we learn last week?”

Students : “Tentang undangan miss, secara tak langsung dan secara langsung

(we learn about invitation, in the direct and indirect miss)”.

Teacher : “So.., what is the example of each?”

Rinti : “Yang direct contohnya kalau undangan untuk orang yang lebih

dihormati ya miss, contohnya bisa undangan pernikahan atau tahlilan.

(the example of direct is when we invite someone who was respected,

for example wedding invitation or tahlilan miss)”

Teacher : “Good answer Rinti, anyone else?”

Nur Alif : “The example of indirect is by card miss.”

Teacher :“Well... Very good Nur. Here I want to show you a simple dialogue

about invitation, how to respond and refuse it. Attention please and

listen carefully.”

Then teacher give the students some simple dialogue to remind the last material.

Teacher :“Do you understand the conversation guys?”

Students : “Yes miss...”

Teacher : “What are they talking about?”

Students : “tentang undangan untuk pergi bersama ya bu? (About invitation to

go together miss)”

Teacher : “That‟s right. Ok... Now I will give you a pre test and please practice

a simple dialogue with your partner about the invitation and the topic is

free. You have 10 minutes.”

Students : “Yes, miss...”

When a pre test has done, the teacher explained the card invitation and gave some

comments about it.

Teacher : “Are you ready to the next topic students? We will use the teachers‟

questions technique”

Students : “Siap miss..., tapi jangan yang susah susah ya miss, jelasin sekali

lagi miss gimana tekniknya kurang paham e miss. (I am ready miss,

but take the easy one mom and please explain one more time about that


Teacher started to explain about the technique by using English and Bahasa untill

the students understand how to apply it.

Teacher : “Well..., students, the technique is easy right?”

Wahyu H : “Of course miss..., we want answer by using English miss, we will


Teacher : “Good job Wahyu, I will appreciate who want using English even just

simple sentence.”

Arum : “Miss, kalau belum bisa pakai bahasa Indonesia boleh kan? (Miss, if

we have difficulties, we use Bahasa more than English is it ok?)”

Teacher : “Usahakan pakai Bahasa Inggris ya, biar nanti jadi terbiasa juga.

Kalau ada kosakata sulit boleh ditanyakan. (Try to use English, it

makes you accustomed in speaking. If any difficult vocabulary you can

ask me).”

Next, the teacher showed the power point about the example of invitation card.

Teacher : “Well..., if you all have understand about the technique, let‟s begin

our discussion about the next page. Please prepare your group well and

share your ideas, find as much as possible the information based on the

material and listen carefully to my instruction yet. Do not move if I

have not given an instruction. Remember students! Try to use English

do not be worry to make a mistake or error when you speak, just take it

easy and trust yourself that you can do it. Have fun!”

After the students have been finished their work, the teacher ordered them to

report and share to what they had about the invitation and their thought in front of

class. When a group finished perform the teacher asked to the other students about the

main of text, many students answer well by using English. After all done, the teacher

asked the students about the difficulties in the materials and took a conclusion of the

topic in the end of teaching learning process.

Teacher : “Do you feel enjoy with this Technique? Do you feel relax and

confident when you speak with other? Or maybe you feel afraid when

you speak up”

Students : “Ya miss..., kelas jadi rame sahut-sahutan mau jawab, mau

praktikkan bahasa Inggris kami miss. (Yes miss, the class become

noisy to answer your questions, it cause we want to practice ur English

ability miss).”

Teacher : “Great students..., you have to be confident when you speak, do not

be afraid to do an errors because though that mistakes we can learn

more and better. Just trust on yourself you can speak English well. Do

not forget to always practice your skill in speaking on your daily life

litle by litle.”

Students : “Siap laksanakan miss!! (Yes of course mom!).”

Teacher : “Ok students..., the class is up, so give applause for us, I will be so

glad because we can learn together and share each other‟s. Thank you

so much for your participations, your activeness and your attentions.

Let‟s close our meeting today by saying Hamdallah together.”

Students :Ok miss..You are welcome. Alhamdulillahirabbilalamiin”.

Teacher : “Nice to meet you all and see you again...”

Students : “See you miss...”

Teacher : “Wassalmualaikum Wr.Wb.”

Students : “Wa’alaikumsalam Wr,Wb...”

3. Observation

In cycle II, most of the students were more active in the learning process because

they had already understand how to apply teachers‟ questions technique. They

practiced the dialog with confidence and they did not afraid to make mistakes because

the writer said to the students that mistakes were a process of learning. The students

became enjoy with lesson without shy to ask something if they found a difficulties. It

was meant that the technique given by the writer was successfully improve students‟

speaking ability.

Table 4.3

Students’ Observation Sheet II








in asking






in doing


1 Angga Budiyanto


2 Ana Rira Sri



3 Arif Darmawan V V

4 Arif Munandar V V

5 Arum Setyaningsih V V

6 Arum



7 Ayu Ardani V V

8 Basuki Rohmad V V

9 Dewi Ageftina V

10 Dwi Andriyanto V

11 Haniatus



12 Daniel Andika

Yoga P.


13 Heri Ludfiyanto V

14 Ida Iisnaeni



15 Ika Widiyanti V V

16 Ikhsanudin V V V

17 Irfan Arifianto V V

18 Lilik Lestyo V V

19 Mikael Rio



20 Munafi‟ah V V

21 Murniyati V V

22 Nur Arifin V V

23 Nur Alif Satria V V

24 Nur Ismiyati V V

25 Nurul Anisa V

26 Paskahani



27 Purwadi V V

28 Putri Yati V V

29 Rinti Khasanah V V V

30 Sarwono V V

31 Siti Mudrikah V V

32 Siti Istikomah V

33 Tri Istanto V V

34 Wahyu Harjanto V V V

35 Wahyu Kurniawan V V

36 Yohana Dian



4. Score of Speaking

Table 4.4

Score of pre-test and post test cycle II

No. Name of students Pre-test




test II





1 Angga Budiyanto 62 68 4 16

2 Ana Rira Sri Lestari 68 75 7 49

3 Arif Darmawan 70 75 5 25

4 Arif Munandar 64 68 4 16

5 Arum Setyaningsih 67 74 7 49

6 Arum Widyaningsih 70 76 6 36

7 Ayu Ardani 74 74 0 0

8 Basuki Rohmad 65 68 3 9

9 Dewi Ageftina 75 80 5 25

10 Dwi Andriyanto 64 72 8 64

11 Haniatus Sholikhah 70 77 7 49

12 Daniel Andika Yoga P. 74 80 6 36

13 Heri Ludfiyanto 70 77 7 49

14 Ida Isnaeni Setyorini 68 74 6 36

15 Ika Widiyanti 67 75 8 64

16 Ikhsanudin 78 81 3 9

17 Irfan Arifianto 65 69 6 36

18 Lilik Lestyo 68 68 0 0

19 Mikael Rio Febriyanto 78 80 2 4

20 Munafi‟ah 72 76 4 16

21 Murniyati 76 76 0 0

22 Nur Arifin 66 68 2 4

23 Nur Alif Satria 73 78 5 25

24 Nur Ismiyati 76 76 0 0

25 Nurul Anisa 72 75 3 9

26 Paskahani Susrahayu 80 84 4 16

27 Purwadi 73 76 3 9

28 Putri Yati 72 75 3 9

29 Rinti Khasanah 80 85 5 25

30 Sarwono 72 74 2 4

31 Siti Mudrikah 70 74 4 16

32 Siti Istikomah 68 75 7 49

33 Tri Istanto 66 70 4 16

34 Wahyu Harjanto 79 84 5 25

35 Wahyu Kurniawan 65 72 7 49

36 Yohana Dian Ambarwati 73 78 5 25

TOTAL 2550 2707 155 884

a.) Mean of pre test II

Mx =

Mx =

Mx = 70,83

b.) Mean of post test II

My =

My =

My = 75,19

c.) SD of post test and pre test

From the data above, the teacher calculates SD pre test and post tes:












= √

= √

= 2,46

d.) T-Test calculation












T =




T =




T = 41,0


T = 10,48

T-Test calculation is 10,48

e.) Interpretation

1. Calculating DF

Degree of freedom (DF) = (N – 1)

= 36 – 1

= 35

2. Approving the T-Table distribution

With degree of freedom is 35, the value of T-Table with the degree of

significant 5% is 2,030.

3. Comparing T-Test with T-Table

T-Test is 10,48 therefore to is greater than T-Table with level of the

degree of significant 5%.

4. Conclusion

If arithmetic T-Test is greater than T-Table, the null hypothesis is


a. Ho (null hypothesis) = there is no significant influence between pre test and

post test.

b. T-Table with N= 35 is 2.030, while arithmetic T-Test is 10,48.

c. T-Table < T-Test = 2,030 < 10,48

It shows that Ho is rejected. So, there is a significant influence between

pre-test and post-test in cycle II with level significant 5%, T-Table = 2.030. It

means that the use of teachers‟ questions technique can help the students to

improve their speaking ability.

The improvement is also can be calculated in percentage by calculating

students‟ pre-test and post-test score. The calculation can be shown below:

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 2,98 %

The calculation which shows the class percentage of students who pass

the KKM (the minimum of passing criteria) is:


x 100%


x 100%

P= 83,33%

It means that 83.33% students pass the KKM. There were 30 students

who passed the KKM. Meanwhile, 6 students did not pass the KKM. It

concluded that the improvement of students‟ speaking ability was better than

cycle I.

5. Reflection

In previous cycle, the result of post-test I shows 55,55% students can pass the

standarize score. While in the pos-test II 83,33% students can pass the standarize score.

The writer concluded that there was an improvement of students‟ speaking ability

through teachers‟ questions technique. It was proved by the result of score in cycle II.

From the result of cycle I and II, the implementation of teachers‟ questions technique

improve the students‟ speaking ability. Therefore, the more students feel interest, the

more students gain ability to speak in English

C. Description of Speaking Mastery Improvement

1. Analysis

From the result of analysis in cycle 1 and 2, the teacher will analysis the

improvement of students‟ speaking ability in every cycle as follows:

Table 4.5

Students’ Mean Score in Percentage

Category Cycle 1 Cycle 2

≤70 44,45% 16,67%

≥70 55,55% 83,33%

Table 4.6

Mean of Students’ Scores

No Analyze Cycle I Cycle II

1. Mean Pre-test






2. T-Table N= 36 2.030 2.030

3. T- Test calculation 11,34 10,48

There were 83,33% students pass the KKM (the minimum of passing criteria) and

16,76% students who do not pass on it. The score of pre-test cycle II is 70,83 which is

higher than pre-test of cycle I, i.e. 65,94. Meanwhile, the score of post-test cycle II is

75,19 which is higher than post-test cycle I, i.e. 70,77. In addition, the students seem to

be more enthusiastic and interest to speak English in the class. It is caused by the

implementation of teachers‟ questions technique, the technique stimulates the

atmosphere in the class and make it not too formal so the students free to speak and

enjoy the speaking activity.

2. Discussion

Teachers‟ questions is one of the technique which the students have to answer

all of the questions from the teacher. They must speak English actively even they feel

difficult when they try to speak. From this technique the students can express their

ideas obviously.

Related to the research finding in the theoretical framework, teachers‟ questions

technique encourages students to think and focus on the content of the lesson.

Eventhough teachers‟ questions have different functions, including focusing attention

or exercising disciplinary control to students, it is effective to make the students‟

participations. It also enable teachers to check the students understanding about the

lesson. Teachers‟ questions give the students opportunities to ask and answer by their

opinions (Richard and Lockhart, 2000). By using this technique, the students have

sense of curiosity, so they will develop their thinking skills. It will stimulate discussion

in teaching learning process and show concern over the idea and students‟ apply as

subjects of education.

The use of teachers‟ questions technique helps students to increase their

speaking ability. It can be concluded that most of students have a great motivation and

active in learning speaking speaking teachers‟ questions was applied. The technique

helps the students to decrease their anxiety to speak in English. The students are able to

express their idea and opinion during the implementation of classroom action research

by using the technique. They are more confident, more enjoyable, and more active in

the class.



A. Conclusion

Based on the theoretical review and the implementation of study, the writer can draw

the conclusion of this graduating paper as follows:

1. Procedures of implementation of teachers‟ questions technique can be described are as

follows: preparing lesson plan, make the students in couple with their classmate,

dividing students into small group, discussing the material, asking students to come in

front of class to explains their result, concluding the conclusion from the material that

has been discussed.

2. According to the teaching and learning process, the accomplishment of using teachers‟

questions technique, students can improve their speaking English actively eventhough

they still produce ungrammatical utterances. At the first cycle, the mean of post-test

(70,77) is higher than pre-test (65,94). In the second cycle,the mean of post-test

(75,19) also higher than pre-test (70,83). It means that there is significant difference

mean between pre-test and post-test. This indicates that teachers‟ questions technique

can improve the students‟ speaking ability of the second year students of SMP N 3

Ampel in the academic year 2015/2016.

3. The extent of using teachers‟ questions technique can be proved by t-test calculation.

T-test is formula to know the significant differences between pre-test and post-test.

The result of the t-calculation in first cycle is bigger than t-table that is 11,34 and from

t-table 2,030. The t-calculation in second cycle is 10,48 that higher than 2,030 from t-

table. Also the increasing students‟ mean score in percentage from cycle I to cycle II

with the standardized score (the minimum of passing criteria) is 70. At the cycle I is

55,55% students and 83,33 % in the cycle II. The increasing of score in percentage

from cycle I to cycle II is 27,78%. This indicates that by performing the classroom

action reaserch by using the teachers‟ questions technique provide significant

contribution in improving the students speaking ability.

B. Suggestions

Based on the result of the study and conclusion that regarding to teach speaking by

using teachers‟ questions technique is effective and enjoyable, the writer would like to

suggest as follows:

1. To the teacher

The teacher should be selective to choose the method or technique in teaching

learning process. They have to put in self as controller, facilitator, and guide all

students who need help when they face the problem of learning in speaking. They have

to give opportunity to the students to express their ideas. They always must appreciate

the students‟ opinion even that is right or wrong and not allowed to kill their opinion.

2. To the students

The students should take part actively in learning process, so not shy and afraid to

mke a mistake in the grammar or pronunciation. They should be accustomed to speak

English to the teacher or their friends to improve their skill. They also must pay

attention, quite, and seroiusly in teaching learning process.

3. To the other writer

Based on the result that Teachers‟ questions technique can improve the students‟

speaking ability, the writer suggests to the other writer to implement this technique in

teaching speaking. Furthermore, the result can be used as the reference for further

research in another topic discussion, in different English language abilities by the

deeper investigation. It may also useful to have research with different students‟

condition like students‟ motivation interest.


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Rahmawati,M.Si, Diana. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Accessed on 15 November2015.


Richard, Jack C. & Charles Lockhart. 1994. Reflective Teaching in Second Language

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Scrivener, Jim. 1994. The Teacher Development Series Learning Teaching A Guidebook for

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Turk, Christopher. 2003. Effective Speaking Communicating in Speech. British: Spon Press.

Underhil nic. 1987. Testing Spoken Language. London: Cambridge University Press.

Widayati, Ani. 2008. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Indonesia: Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi


Widyaningsih, Mila Januar. 2014. Improving Speaking Skill By Using Chain Drill Technique.

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Wiriaatmadja, Rochiati. 2008. Metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Bandung: PT Remaja

Rosdakarya Offset.


A. Personal Identity

Full Name : Fila Fatmawati

Sex : Female

Place/ Date of Birth : Boyolali, 23 June 1993

Address : Wonosari RT 03/ RW 06, Candisari, Kec. Ampel, Kab.


E-mail/ Number : 085728317517

Major : English Department

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty (TTEF)

B. Educational Background

1. TK Pertiwi Candisari graduated in 1999

2. SD N I Candisari graduated in 2005

3. SMP N 3 Ampel graduated in 2008

4. MA Nurul Islam Ngemplak, Boyolali graduated in 2011

5. IAIN Salatiga graduated in 2016

The Writer



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 3 Ampel

Matapel/ Tema : Bahasa Inggris/ Giving and Responding Invitation

Kelas/ Semester : VIII/ I

Jenis Teks : Teks lisan fungsional

Aspek/ Skill : Berbicara

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

I. Standar Kompetensi:

1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar:

1.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar, dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan

undangan dan merespon undangan.

III. Indikator:

Mampu mengungkapkan secara lisan tindak tutur menyampaikan undangan atau

ajakan dan merspon undangan, baik menerima atau menolak.

Mampu menggunakan tindak tutur secara lisan untuk menyampaikan undangan atau

ajakan dan responnya dengan tata bahasa yang fasih dan baik.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

Siswa mampu melafalkan ungkapan mengundang dan merespon undangan.

Siswa mampu mengungkapkan pendapat tentang teks berbentuk undangan.

V. Pengembangan Karakter:

Macam-macam karakter yang dikembangkan yaitu:

Dapat dipercaya (trustworthiness)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect)

Tekun (diligence)

Komunikatif (communicative)

Aktif (active)

Religius (religious)

Demokratis (democratic)

Berani (brave)

Toleransi (tolerance)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran:

Jika kita menerima atau menolak undangan dari seseorang sebaiknya kita

menggunakan bahasa yang sopan dan tidak menyinggung perasaan orang lain yang

telah mengundang kita.berikut contoh ekspresi mengungkapkan undangan dan cara

menolak atau menerima dengan sopan:

Expression of Giving and Responding Invitation

Giving Invitation Responding Invitation

Receiving Refusing

Would you like to....?

e.g: would you like to come to my


I would like to I would love to, but ....

e.g: I would love to, but I

have a lot of homework

Would you mind joining us to....?

e.g: Would you mind joining us to


I would, thank


I wish I could, but ....

e.g: I wish I coould, but I

have to see the doctor.

Shall we ....?

e.g: shall we go to the beach?

That would be


Thank you for asking me,

but ....

e.g: Thank you for asking

me, but I don’t enough


What about ....?

e.g: what about having dinner in the


Wonderful/great I‟m sorry, I think I can‟t.

Why don‟t we ....?

e.g: why don’t we go to the zoo


All right Sorry, I can not. But

thanks a way.

VII. Metode Pembelajaran:

Diskusi, Teachers‟ Questions Technique, penugasan

VIII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (25 menit) - Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa, berdoa (nilai yang

diutamakan sopan santun dan religious).

- Memeriksa kehadiran siswa (nilai yang diutamakan disiplin, rajin).

- Mengaitkan materi yang akan dipelajari dengan mengajak siswa untuk

menebak/ memberi jawaban atas petunjuk-petunjuk yang diberikan guru untuk

siswa (nilai yang diutamakan kreatif).

- Memberikan stimulus (pre-test) berupa contoh dialog (invitation) dan meminta

mereka untuk menerapkan satu persatu.

B. Kegiatan Inti (55 menit)


- Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan guru mengenai materi expression of giving and

responding invitation

- Guru meminta peserta didik membaca kemudian menirukan pengucapan guru.

- Guru membagi siswa dalam kelompok kecil (teman sebangku).

- Guru memberikan tema undangan pada siswa (satu baris satu tema).


- Siswa memahami ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah diberikan guru

- Siswa membuat kalimat dengan pola yang telah dijelaskan oleh guru.

- Siswa membacakan hasil pekerjaannya kepada siswa-siswa yang lain.

- (Post test) setiap kelompok/sebangku menjawab pertanyaan guru dan

mengemukakan hasil kerjanya.

- siswa yang lain mengikuti setiap pertanyaan dan jawaban yang diberikan oleh



Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi:

- Siswa bersama guru melakukan flasback dan feedback agar memperoleh

pengalaman belajar dengan menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam

mengungkapkan/ mengekspresikan: menyampaikan dan merespon undangan

- Guru memberi tugas siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas dalam buku lembar kerja

siswa sebagai pekerjaan rumah.

C. Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit) - Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran

- Meminta siswa untuk menerapkan ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipelajari dalam

situasi yang sebenarnya.

- Mengucapkan salam penutup.

IX. Sumber/Media Belajar: - Buku teks yang relevan (LKS Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII, semester 2).

- Sumber :Internet

- Media: kertas, spidol, laptop dan LCD.

X. Penilaian

1. Penilaian proses


Bentuk: Observasi oleh Guru








































A: Pay Attention C: Activeness in Responding

B: Activeness in Asking Questions D: Enthusiasm in Doing Test

2. Penilaian Ketrampilan



Fluency 16-20 Fluent communication

11-15 Good communication

6-10 Satisfactory

0-5 Communication minimal

Vocabulary 16-20 Wholly appropriate

11-15 Few limitation

6-10 Sometimes limited

0-5 Limitation affected the task

Grammar 16-20 No or few grammatical errors

11-15 Occasionally makes grammatical errors but

does not affect the meaning

6-10 Often make grammatical errors which affect


0-5 A lot of grammatical errors that impede

meaning and often rearranging sentences

Pronunciation 16-20 Clear pronunciation

11-15 Few inaccurate pronunciation

6-10 Inaccuracy of pronunciation do not seriously

impede understanding

0-5 Inaccuracy of pronunciation do not seriously

impede understanding

Understanding 16-20 The understanding of all without any difficulty

11-15 Understanding of almost everything, although

there is repetition in certain parts

6-10 Understanding most of what was said when

speaking slowed down somewhat although

there is repetition

0-5 Difficult to follow what was said

Skor maksimal keseluruhan = 100


Criteria of Assessment Grade

90-100 Excellent

81-90 Very good

71-80 Good

61-70 Fair

51-60 Poor

Less than 50 Very poor

Ampel, 04 Februari 2016


Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nur Khanif, S.Pd.I Fila Fatmawati

NIP. 19710407 200501 2 006 NIM. 1130099



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 3 Ampel

Matapel/ Tema : Bahasa Inggris/ Giving and Responding Invitation

Kelas/ Semester : VIII/ I

Jenis Teks : Teks lisan fungsional

Aspek/ Skill : Berbicara

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

I. Standar Kompetensi:

1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar:

1.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar, dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan

undangan dan merespon undangan.

III. Indikator:

Mampu mengungkapkan secara lisan tindak tutur menyampaikan undangan atau

ajakan dan merspon undangan, baik menerima atau menolak.

Mampu menggunakan tindak tutur secara lisan untuk menyampaikan undangan atau

ajakan dan responnya dengan tata bahasa yang fasih dan baik.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

Siswa mampu melafalkan ungkapan mengundang dan merespon undangan.

Siswa mampu mengungkapkan pendapat tentang teks berbentuk undangan.

V. Pengembangan Karakter:

Macam-macam karakter yang dikembangkan yaitu:

Dapat dipercaya (trustworthiness)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect)

Tekun (diligence)

Komunikatif (communicative)

Aktif (active)

Religius (religious)

Demokratis (democratic)

Berani (brave)

Toleransi (tolerance)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran:

Jika kita menerima atau menolak undangan dari seseorang sebaiknya kita

menggunakan bahasa yang sopan dan tidak menyinggung perasaan orang lain yang

telah mengundang kita.berikut contoh ekspresi mengungkapkan undangan dan cara

menolak atau menerima dengan sopan:

Expression of Giving and Responding Invitation

Giving Invitation Responding Invitation

Receiving Refusing

Would you like to....?

e.g: would you like to come to my


I would like to I would love to, but ....

e.g: I would love to, but I

have a lot of homework

Would you mind joining us to....?

e.g: Would you mind joining us to


I would, thank


I wish I could, but ....

e.g: I wish I coould, but I

have to see the doctor.

Shall we ....?

e.g: shall we go to the beach?

That would be


Thank you for asking me,

but ....

e.g: Thank you for asking

me, but I don’t enough


What about ....?

e.g: what about having dinner in the


Wonderful/great I‟m sorry, I think I can‟t.

Why don‟t we ....?

e.g: why don’t we go to the zoo


All right Sorry, I can not. But

thanks a way.

Invitation by Card

1. Invitationcard are typically used to invite events such as birthday paarty party,

wedding and other events.

2. Part of Invitation Letter:

- Title (Birthday party, wedding party, etc)

- Invite (Maya, Rama, etc)

- Time/ Date/ place

- Sender

Example: To: Bisma (Invite)

Hi Bisma, I would like to invite you to my birthday party. (Occasion)

On Sunday, 9th March 2016 (Day/ Date)

01.00- 03.00 pm. (Time)

At my home on Jl. Mawar No. 11, Boyolali. (Place)

From: Boni (Sender)

3. The kind of Invitation

There are two kinds of invitation:

Formal Invitation: it usually originates from institutes, companies, and kind of


Informal Invitation: it is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc.

4. Example of card

It is birthday party for Lucas Caramoy.

Come and share the joy.

There will be ice cream and cakes for every boy and girl.

Saturday, April 8th 2016 06.00 p.m

At Caramoy‟s house

Jl. Meelati Blok C No. 09, Solo

Phone: 08577723232626

VII. Metode Pembelajaran:

Diskusi, Teachers‟ Questions Technique, penugasan/praktik

VIII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (25 menit) - Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa, berdoa, menyanyikan lagu

nasional (nilai yang diutamakan sopan santun, religious, dan cinta tanah air).

- Memeriksa kehadiran siswa (nilai yang diutamakan disiplin, rajin).

- Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang menyampaikan undangan dan mersponnya

(nilai yang diutamakan kreatif).

- Menanyakan tugas rumah yang telah disampaikan pada pertemuan sebelumnya.

- Guru memberikan siswa pre-test berupa dialog pendek tentang invitation dan

meminta mereka mengungkapkan satu persatu di depan kelas secara singkat.

B. Kegiatan Inti (55 menit)


- Guru menjelaskan kelanjutan materi tentang invitation.

- Siswa mendengar penjelasan guru mengenai kata-kata apa saja yang digunakan

untuk mengekspresikan menyampaikan dan merespon undangan.

- Guru memberikan beberapa contoh undangan dengan memakia kartu.

- Guru membagi siswa kedalam beberapa kelompok (4-5 orang perkelompok) dan

meminta siswa membuat sebuah kartu undangan.


- Siswa memahami ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah diberikan guru.

- (Post test) setiap kelompok menjawab teks tertulis dan berbicara, dengan

mengajak atau merespon undangan dari guru.

- Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan hasil kerjanya kedepan kelas, dan

kelompok lain menjawab pertanyaan dari guru sesuai isi dari hasil kerja

kelompok tersebut.

- Guru menanyakan kembali isi dari hasil kerja kepada kelompok yang maju,

guna memancing pemahaman siswa.


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi:

- Siswa bersama guru melakukan flashback dan feedback agar memperoleh

pengalaman belajar dengan menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam

mengungkapkan/ mengekspresikan: menyampaikan dan merespon undangan

- Guru memberi tugas siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas dalam buku lembar kerja

siswa sebagai pekerjaan rumah.

C. Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit) - Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.

- Meminta siswa untuk menerapkan ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipelajari dalam

situasi yang sebenarnya.

- Mengucapkan salam penutup.

IX. Sumber/Media Belajar: - Buku teks yang relevan (LKS Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII, semester 2).

- Media: kertas, spidol, laptop dan LCD.

X. Penilaian

3. Penilaian proses


Bentuk: Observasi oleh Guru








































A: Pay Attention C: Activeness in Responding

B: Activeness in Asking Questions D: Enthusiasm in Doing Test

4. Penilaian Ketrampilan



Fluency 16-20 Fluent communication

11-15 Good communication

6-10 Satisfactory

0-5 Communication minimal

Vocabulary 16-20 Wholly appropriate

11-15 Few limitation

6-10 Sometimes limited

0-5 Limitation affected the task

Grammar 16-20 No or few grammatical errors

11-15 Occasionally makes grammatical errors but

does not affect the meaning

6-10 Often make grammatical errors which affect


0-5 A lot of grammatical errors that impede

meaning and often rearranging sentences

Pronunciation 16-20 Clear pronunciation

11-15 Few inaccurate pronunciation

6-10 Inaccuracy of pronunciation do not seriously

impede understanding

0-5 Inaccuracy of pronunciation do not seriously

impede understanding

Understanding 16-20

The understanding of all without any difficulty

11-15 Understanding of almost everything, although

there is repetition in certain parts

6-10 Understanding most of what was said when

speaking slowed down somewhat although

there is repetition

0-5 Difficult to follow what was said

Skor maksimal keseluruhan = 100


Criteria of Assessment Grade

90-100 Excellent

81-90 Very good

71-80 Good

61-70 Fair

51-60 Poor

Less than 50 Very poor

Ampel, 09 Februari 2016


Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Nur Khanif, S.Pd.I Fila Fatmawati

NIP. 19710407 200501 2 006 NIM. 1130099






1 Teacher prepared the material well

2 Teacher conduct the classroom well

3 Teacher use the time effectively

4 Teacher convey the word families game clearly

5 Teacher give evaluation after the lesson plan

6 Teacher ask the students‟ difficulties

7 Students feel enthusiastic to follow the lesson

8 Students give attention to teacher‟s explanation

9 Students active during learning process

10 Students apply word families game well

11 Students understand the teacher‟s explanation

12 Students do the evaluation well

Ampel, 04 February 2016


Asry Ristiyani






1 Teacher prepared the material well

2 Teacher conduct the classroom well

3 Teacher use the time effectively

4 Teacher convey the word families game clearly

5 Teacher give evaluation after the lesson plan

6 Teacher ask the students‟ difficulties

7 Students feel enthusiastic to follow the lesson

8 Students give attention to teacher‟s explanation

9 Students active during learning process

10 Students apply word families game well

11 Students understand the teacher‟s explanation

12 Students do the evaluation well

Ampel, 09 February 2016


Asry Ristiyani


YEAR OF 2015/2016

No. Facilities Total

1 Classroom 12

2 Principal room 1

3 Teacher room 1

4 Administration room 1

5 Library room 1

6 Mosque 1

7 OSIS room 1

8 Computer room 1

9 Science laboratory 1

10 Skill room 1

11 Counseling room 1

12 Toilet room 13

13 Health room 1

14 Shop/ canteen 2

15 Play ground 1

16 Parking area 2

17 Security room 1


YEAR OF 2015/2016

No. Name Duty Lesson

1 Bambang Untoro, S.Pd Head Master English

2 Emawati, S.Pd Teacher Geography

3 Budiyono, S.Pd Teacher Biology

4 Drs. Dri Tawanto, M.H Teacher Civics Education

5 Drs. Budi Supriyana Teacher English

6 Stiti Kustinah, S.Pd Teacher Accounting

7 Sugijanta, S.Pd Teacher Mathematics

8 Muh. Abdullah BAQ, S.Pd Teacher Sport Education

9 Sukartini, S.Pd Teacher History

10 Ivonne Nancy Mandagi,


Teacher Biology

11 Sumardi, S.Pd Teacher Art

12 Winarni, S.Pd Teacher Islamic Education

13 Budi Waluyo, S.Pd Teacher Art/ Computer

14 Fikta Devit Rendra A, S.pd Teacher Music Art

15 Sri Sumarsih, S.Pd Teacher Indonesian

16 Rustiyah, S.Pd Teacher Biology

17 Sri Supriyatiningsih, S.Pd Teacher Methematics

18 Mohtarom, S.Pd Teacher Indonesian

19 Sri Wahyudi, S.Pd Teacher Javanese

20 Nur Khanif, S.Pd Teacher English

21 Joko Sutopo, S.Pd Teacher Indonesian

22 Eko Putranto, A.Md Teacher Physics

23 Karniwati, S.Pd Teacher Christian Education

24 Ahmad Syaifudin, S.Pd Teacher Computer/

Conseling Guidance

25 Istikhomah, S.Pd Teacher Accounting

26 Caterine Wulandini Administrator

27 Umi Fatmawati Administrator

28 Sri Maryani Administrator

29 Sukirno Administrator

30 Jumar Administrator

31 Suwardi Security



No. Class Group Sum of Students


A 36

B 36

C 36

D 36


A 36

B 36

C 35

D 36

3 IX

A 36

B 36

C 36

D 35

Total 430



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