the use of social media ‘instagram’ for small medium

Post on 08-Feb-2022






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By : Mar’athus Sholikhah


Thesis submitted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree in Communications Studies

(Public Relations/Film and Television/Journalism)

Supervised by Mariani Amri S.Sos., M.Si

Communication Studies School of Humanities


The Use of Social Media ‘Instagram’ for Small Medium Enterprise as a New Marketing Strategy

Case study: Skip Coffee

Mar’athus Sholikhah, Mariani Amri S.Sos., M.Si Mar’athus Sholikhah, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Jababeka, Cikarang

Baru, 082220822582, Mariani Amri S.Sos.,, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara,

Kota Jababeka, Cikarang Baru

Statement of Authorship


Abstract This research is based on communication strategy conducted by Small Medium Enterprise that using social media Instagram for marketing promotion on developing the business. This study wanted to know how the marketing communication strategies that used by Skip Coffe as Small Medium Enterprise. Skip Coffee is one of successfull small medium enterprise that can improve their performance (sales, customer, and income) by using social media instagram eventhough the official account only has 290 followers. This research method used descriptive qualitative research method which is intended to explore data and information both process and mechanism. The data was collected by the researcher through interviews, observation, and documentation. Result showed that ‘Instagram’ as Social Network Marketing plays an important role to improve business performance. Researcher found that amount of followers in social media can’t be the measurement of succesfull SME. Consumer interaction is prefered over the amount of followers and likes. Long term engagement between the seller and customers becomes a cruicial thing to sustain the performance of SME. To build consumer interaction the business account needs provide interesting visual content to reach the market on social media Instagram. Based on the analysis conducted can be concluded that marketing communication strategies in Skip Coffee use promotion mix such as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and marketing events. Marketing communication activities are supported by the company's brand or principal holder. Keyword: Small Medium Enterprise; SNM ‘Instagram’; Performance Improvement; Customer Interaction; Visual Content

Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to say thank you for the Most Gracious and

the Most Merciful, the Almighty Allah SWT who always blesses me,

gives me strength, gives me health,and pleasures during my thesis

which I am very grateful of.

I would like to deliver my best appreciation to Mrs. Mariani Amri as

my Thesis advisor. Thank you for motivating and guiding me to

finish my thesis through your patient, excellent ideas, and

constructive comments. I really owe you much valuabe advice and

guidance to finish my thesis.

I present my sincere appreciation to Dr. Endi Haryono as the Dean

Faculty Humanities. Mr. Dindin Dimyati, S.Sos., MM, as Head of

Communication Study Program in President University. I will be

nothing without his great leadership and motivation which teach

and lead me until this point, finishing this thesis.

Thanks for all of Communication studies lecturers Mohammad

Shihab, M.I.Kom, Anathasia Citra, S.Sos., Abhirama Perdana, M.Ed.,

M.Comn&MediaSt, M.Si, Drs. I Nyoman Musiasa, MAMC., Raudy

Gathmyr, S.Sos., M.Si, Syamsuddin Aziz, Ph.D., Sylvia Savitri, S.IP.,

M.Si, Achmad Supardi, S.IP., M.A., Meri Kristina, S.E For all of your

valuable knowledge during the class.

My acknowledgement would be incomplete without thanking the

biggest source of my strength, my beloved family. For my dad

Drs.Saimin Samsuri M.M, M.H and my mom Ari Handayani

who always beside me, give me the never ending support for

everythings, taking time to take care of me, and pray for me every

single night. And also for my beloved brother Muhammad Abdul

Aziz and Muhammad Ridwan Thohari who never stop asking about

the compliment of my study. Their text messages keep me annoyed

but magically give me reaseason to finish my study as soon as


I would like to thank for SKIP CREATIVE team, Ulfa DF and Shafira

Ajeng for involve in my thesis as my informant. As well as for your

kindness, for giving your time, share your information, help and

support me during this thesis writing

I am very grateful to have Nadya Ayunda, Nadiffa Makarim, Rianti

Soedarto, Yachinta Sonia, Yosephine Mendrofa, Kevin Darmawan,

Sigit Naufal, Farhan Alfaridzi, Jody Aryoseno, Dicky Aries, Alvin

Adibarata, and Daffa Fachri for being my best friend during my

university life.

Last but not least I would like to thank Akmal Muhammad Fauzan

for being almost 24/7 a good listener for every problem I faced

during my thesis, thank you for never give up to giving me support.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................ i

List of Tables and Figures .................................................................. iii

Introduction ....................................................................................... 1

1. Literature Review ........................................................................... 6

1.1 Marketing ................................................................................ 7

1.2 Small Medium Enterprise ........................................................ 8

1.2 Social Media .......................................................................... 11

1.2.2 Social Media Instagram ................................................. 16

1.3 Social Media Marketing ......................................................... 18

1.3.1 Customer Interaction ..................................................... 21

1.4. Integrated Marketing Communication ................................. 23

2. Methodology ................................................................................ 25

2.1 Research Methodology ......................................................... 25

2.2 Research Approach ............................................................... 27

2.3. Data Collection ..................................................................... 29

Primary Data ................................................................................ 29

2.5 Conceptual framework .......................................................... 31

2.6 Data Collection Technique .................................................... 33

2.6.1 Interview ........................................................................ 33

2.7 Coding Process ...................................................................... 36

2.7.1 Credibility....................................................................... 36

2.7.2 Triangulation.................................................................. 37

2.8 Data Analysis ......................................................................... 38


3. Results and Discussions ................................................................ 39

3.1 Result ..................................................................................... 39

3.1.1 Data Findings ................................................................. 39

3.2 Discussion .............................................................................. 47

4. Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................ 50

Appendices ....................................................................................... 60

Letter of Consent Ulfah Dinyah ................................................... 61

Interview Verbatim ..................................................................... 62


List of Tables and Figures FIGURE 1: Conceptual Framework..................................,,,,,,,,,,.......31

FIGURE 2: Amount of visitor on Skip Official Instagram...................41

FIGURE 3: Figure 03 – Audience Insight of Skip Coffee official


FIGURE 4: The way Skip Coffee communicate with customer……….44

Figure 5 : Skip coffee Profile (Instagram Feeds)………….…………..……45

Figure 6 : Shafira Ajeng (Informant)……………………………………..….…112

Figure 7 : Ulfa Dinya F (Informant)……………………………………………..112

Figure 8 : Skip Coffee team on #BackToSchool Campaign……………112



The development of digital technology is growing rapidly. It’s

becomes a lifestyle for society especially for Millennial generation.

The internet not only for communicate but also can be used for

business includes marketing activities, buying and selling

transactions. Buying and selling activities using internet facilities are

more familiar with the term e-commerce. The existence of internet

facilities with supporting systems can help companies to create

value for the goods or services offered.

According to the data from (Kominfo 2017) Indonesia has a large

number of Small and Medium Enterprises or usually known as

Usaha Kecil Mikro Menengah (UMKM). In the past 8 years, the

number of SME’s in Indonesia has increased from 52.9 million to 59

million. Around 3.79 million Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)

used online platforms to promote their products. This number is

around 8 percent of the total SME’s in Indonesia.These conditions

are in line with government programs to develop the Indonesian

economy. To grow the number of SMEs who's active on cyberspace,

The Ministry of Communication and Information (KemKominfo)

collaborate with e-commerce actors initiated a program entitled 8

Million UMKM Go Digital. UMKM Go Digital Program is expected to

expand the SMEs by utilizing technology efficiently.

Social media plays an important role in most people lives as means

of information acquirement and sharing. In term of bussiness, social


media has function for connecting between the market and the

company. Over the past few years, many SMEs adopted information

and communication technology have finally succeeded managing

their business. They see technology plays an important role to

develop and manage SME businesses. Technology has a significant

effect on the development of Small and Medium Enterprises

(Ozigbo & Ezeaku, 2009) This condition raises competition between

business owners to get market attention. Social media user's tend to

looking for new ways to filter the content that they want. The

marketers have to be more creative and innovative to create an

interested content to satisfied their target market desired.

Otherwise the company wouldnt be noticed (Neher, 2013).

Using social media instagram as promotion media also very easy and

freely accessed for anyone. (Jakpat, 2015). Promotion by utilizing

internet / social media technology is considered more efficient. In

addition to minimizing advertising costs and it is easier to reach

(Segmentation) the target market is appropriate as desired by SME


Life of millennial generation cannot be separated from technology,

especially the internet, entertainment / entertainment has become

a basic need for this generation. The social media platform that is

popular among Millennials is Instagram. Instagram is social media

that focused giving information through photo and caption to

elaborate the meaning in the photo. Millennial generation tend to

tune out traditional advertising in form of billboard and magazine


advertisement are not nearly as effective with this generation as

they are with older consumers. Therefore marketers conclude that

social media is the best way to reach millennial. The report was

based on data from a survey conducted by (Spout social index,

2017) found 49% of Millennial they currently follow at least one

brand on social media.

Problem identification

To use social media effectively, the owner of the business must

have a strategy how it's used and consider why the owner using it

and specifically how social media can be used to reach the company

goals. (Stockdale et al, 2012). To make sure that social media is

effectively used, the company must have a clear plan to shows how

it will be used and what it will be used for. Without the clear plan

the company would be hard to determine its usefulness or


Skip Creative is one of Small medium enterprise located in President

University. This business concept was founded by Prata Praudy Alif

& friends in 2015. Previously it was known as Kopi Louie. Kopi Louie

is created by a group of President University students who often

skip the classes. Unfortunately this business not running smoothly,

there are many obstacles come up such as member turnover, and a

lot of people underestimate this business. They decide to re-

branding the name becomes Skip Creative. SKIP itself comes from

the condition of the group member at the time that often skip to

the classes because they are lazy comes to campus. Currently Skip


Creative focus on coffee shop business and it is well known as SKIP


Begin from selling a little cup coffee that was made from the

boarding rooms. Skip Coffee can be called as one of the SMEs who

successfully developed their business by using social media as a part

of its marketing strategy. Skip Coffee has been present on

Instagram, however, it is still looking for the right way to

communicate to its followers. Currently, the official account

instagram of Skip Coffee 294 followers’ with 120 following account.

Research Question :

(1) How does Instagram play role as the marketing strategy for Skip


(2) How content and consumers’ interaction with social media has

become crucial to marketers?

Research Objective

The research objective is analyzed the current situation and trends

of Instagram marketing as part of SME business marketing strategy.

Significance of the Study

Theoritical Significance:

Expected to be able gives scientific contributions to the

development of knowledge especially in the field of marketing

communication to be used as a reference or reference for similar

research or further research


Practical Significance:

Hopefully the results of this study can be used as input in promoting

products so that will help the company grow their performance

including sales, promotion, and customer performance.

Scope & limitation

As all scholarly studies contain some limitations, this study has

some limitations too. First of all, this study investigates the role of

social media ‘instagram’ as the marketing strategy for Skip Coffe as

one of Small Medium Enterprise. Research approach was decided as

qualitative content analysis with in depth interview to get the

information from the primary and secondary infromant. Future

researchers should conduct interviews with more informant such as

the digital marketing observer obtain more detailed and more

specific information, related to their firms social network marketing

activities to reach their overall marketing targets. Additionally

research other Small Medium Enterprise bussiness with other social

media mediums should be observed (E-Commerce Platform,

Twitter, Faceboook, Google+, LinkedIn, internet forum blogs)


1. Literature Review

This research was supported by the research gap in some previous

studies that examined the several crucial factors affect the

performance SME’s business

Previous research conducted by (Oztamura & Karakadilarb on 2015)

about analyzing the role of social media as a new marketing

strategy tool for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to

increase the business performance. Qualitative research used by

the researcher to analyze the engagement of online customer and

use social media as a strategic tool of social network marketing

(SNM). This research supports the case study including an analysis

of American and Turkish Facebook and Twitter accounts in the

number of likes and followers, wealth of content, customer

interaction and language that used on the content.

The brief findings from this study show that language that used on

the content affect engagement between the market and the sellers

of Turkish SMEs. Using formal language during the customer

communication process and creating unattractive content that is

less rich to attract the attention of their customers in their social

media activities. While the coming problem from the perspective of

American SMEs, they are less effective in using.

Another results of the study by (Krisnawati 2018) shows Digital

technology plays big role in the business and marketing of Small

Medium Enterprise in case study culinary SME "Kepiting Nyinyir" .

The result shows that the use of digital technology on the concept


of digital marketing is a combination of online and also offline

strategies, where digital media marketing should be supported by

offline content that contains of "human-to-human touch" to

creating engagement with consumers

1.1 Marketing

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012: 5) Marketing is the

process by which companies create value for customers and build

customer relationships strong to support customer value as an

imbalance. Marketing, according to Daryanto (2011: 1) is "a social

process and managerial where individuals and groups get their

needs and desires them by creating, offering, and exchanging

something valued one same lying down.

Kotler dan Armstrong (2012) defines marketing mix as set of

marketing tools as a set of marketing tools that collaborated to

satisfy customer need and build customer relationships. Marketing

mix are consists of 4 elements:

1. Product is anything that can be offered to the market to fulfill

your wishes or

needs, including physical goods, services, experiences, events,

people, places, Property, organization, information and ideas.

2. Price is amount of money charged for products or services. More

broadly, price is the sum of all the values that customers submit to

get the benefits of owning or using a product or services.


3. Place (distribution) is a set of interdependent organizations that

help each other companies make their products or services

available for use or consumed by consumer or business users.

4. Promotion means that companies use to inform, persuade, and

remind consumers - directly or indirectly - about productsand the

brands that they sell

1.2 Small Medium Enterprise

Ahmad et al. (2014) defines e-commerce as a set of product, service

and information exchange transaction processes using intranet and

internet computer networks. Ahmad et al. (2014) conducted a study

involving 307 SMEs in Malaysia and obtained sufficient evidence

that the existence of a developer company and government policy

had a significant positive effect on the adoption of e-commerce.

They stated that the government's involvement in this matter in the

form of incentives and assistance during the system set-up process

was very useful in adopting.

Whereas in Indonesia Small Medium Enterprise usually known as

UMKM regulated in Undang Undang. According to Undang-Undang

Nomor 20 tahun 2008 tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah

(UU UMKM) the definition of UMKM are:

a. Usaha mikro adalah usaha produktif milik orang

perorangan/ badan usaha perorangan yang memenuhi

kriteria usaha mikro sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-

Undang ini (UU UMKM Nomor 20 tahun 2008).


b. Usaha kecil adalah usaha ekonomi produktif yang berdiri

sendiri, yang dilakukan oleh orang perorangan atau badan

usaha yang bukan merupakan anak perusahaan atau

bukan cabang perusahaan yang dimiliki, dikuasai, atau

menjadi bagian baik langsung maupun tidak langsung dari

usaha menengah atau usaha besar yang memenuhi kriteria

usaha kecil sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang

ini (UU UMKM Nomor 20 tahun 2008).

c. Usaha Menengah adalah usaha ekonomi produktif yang

berdiri sendiri, yang dilakukan oleh orang perorangan atau

badan usaha yang bukan merupakan anak perusahaan

atau bukan cabang perusahaan yang dimiliki, dikuasai,

atau menjadi bagian baik langsung maupun tidak langsung

dari usaha kecil atau usaha besar dengan jumlah kekayaan

bersih atau hasil penjualan tahunan sebagaimana

dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang ini (UU UMKM Nomor 20

tahun 2008).

2. Kriteria Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM)

a. Usaha Mikro memiliki kekayaan bersih paling banyak Rp.

50.000.000 (lima puluh juta rupiah) tidak termasuk tanah

dan bangunan tempat usaha; atau memiliki hasil penjualan

tahunan paling banyak Rp. 300.000.000 (tiga puluh juta


b. Usaha Kecil memiliki kekayaan bersih lebih dari Rp.

50.000.000 (lima puluh juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling

banyak Rp. 500.000.000 (lima ratus juta rupiah) tidak


termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha; atau

memiliki hasil penjualan tahunan lebih dari Rp.

300.000.000 (tiga ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling

banyak Rp. 2.500.000.000 (dua miliar lima ratus juta


c. Usaha Menengah memiliki kekayaan bersih lebih dari Rp.

500.000.000 (lima ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling

banyak Rp. (sepuluh miliar rupiah) tidak

termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha atau memiliki

hasil penjualan tahunan lebih dari Rp. 2.500.000.000 (dua

miliar lima ratus juta rupiah) sampai dengan paling banyak

Rp. (lima puluh miliar rupiah).

The deployment of SMEs in Indonesia is also driven by the

advancement of digital technology. Digital technology makes the

consumer base to access these SMEs easily. In the past five years,

internet penetration in Indonesia has increased from 82 million to

143 million. In 2017, APJII (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet

Indonesia) declare that the ratio of internet users in Indonesia

touched 54.68% from the total population of Indonesia and

amounted 49.2% from aged 14-35, which has great potential as a

consumption base (, 2018). Rahayu & Day (2016)

founds that there were six benefits of adopting e-commerce in

SMEs in Indonesia such as extending market reach, increasing sales,

increasing corporate communication, improve processing speed,

and increases employee productivity.


Hence the government support is one the major variable that

ensures the business success of the SME’s. One of the significant

characteristics of a flourishing and growing economy is a booming

and blooming small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sector. Small

and medium enterprises play an important role in the development

of a country (Curran, 2007). SMEs contribute to economic

development in various ways: by creating employment for rural and

urban growing labour force, providing desirable sustainability and

innovation in the economy as a whole. In addition to that, large

number of people relies on the small and medium enterprises

directly or indirectly (cited from Jasra et, al 2011)

As one of the developing countries with a relatively large

population, Indonesia becomes a paradise for trade business.

Provision of infrastructure capable of supporting digital trade

transactions gives e-commerce space to continue to grow.

Economic benefits from the development of e-commerce can be

obtained through collaboration of creative ideas of business people

and the existence of government policy support.

1.2 Social Media

(Safako cited from Afriani, 2011) describes social media as an

extension of traditional media employing a more sophisticated set

of tools, techniques and technologies for connecting, building

relationships and social interactions. Social media is an online media

where users can easily participate, share and create content

including blogs, social networks or social networks, wikis, forums


and the virtual world. Blogs, social networks and wikis are probably

the most commonly used forms of social media by people

throughout the world. According to Safako social media is a set of

new tools, new technology, that allows us to be more connected

efficiently and constructively relationship with our consumers and

prospects. Social media also has the same function with telephone,

direct mail, print advertising, radio, television and bill boards, but

social media offered more effective way. (Safako, 2010)

Social media basically same with other media that focus on

providing information, photos, videos and other content to

audiences who want to learn and want to be entertained. The

things that made social media different is because the content,

social media not produced as company monologues such as

newspapers and company websites but as a conversation with all

participants having the ability to upload content and discuss,

change, or rate other participants content. Another difference is

that social media participants can form relationships social and

business based on interactions on social media, and sometimes this

relationship continues offline. (Strauss & Frost, 2011: 328)

Mayfield (2008), clasified social media as a media group new online

that has the following characteristics:

• Participation: Social media encourages contributions and

feedback from all people who are interested. There is no more

limiting between the media and the audience.

• Openness: most social media services are very open with

feedback and participation. Sangang social media encourages


voting, provides comments and sharing information. Very rarely

there are limitations in accessing and take advantage of existing

content on social media.

• Conversation: A fundamental difference between conventional

media and social media is conventional media that is informational

(one-way), whereas social media is more of a two-way or more


• Community: Social media is very possible for communities to form

quickly and can communicate efficiently. Community used to share

interests between each other such as love for photography, political

issues, or favorite TV shows.

• Connnectedness: The nature of social media is networked.

Between one and the other will be connected to each other. The

success of social media lies in the link-

links that connect social media with sites, between social media, as

well as people.

1.2.1 Social Media Users

(Pew Research, 2010 ) Found their research if the Millennials tend

to spend more their time online (using social media) rather than

reading a newspaper or watching television. According to a recent

Pew Research Centre report (Pew Research, 2010) also shows 83%

of Americans between 18 and 33 years old are already users of

Social Networking Sites (SNS). A study carried out by Statistics

Netherlands (2010) also showed that 91% of Dutch youths between

16 and 25 years old were active on Social Network Sites in 2010.


(Boyd and Ellison, 2018) consider social media in the broadest sense

of the term and define it as the media online service thatt allows

the users to creates and share a variety of content. Although social

media have existed from the birth of Gen Y (1981), they were

widely adopted after 2003.

Research on social media broadly classifies consumer activities as

either contribution (posting) or consumption (lurking or observing)

activities (Schlosser, 2005; Shao, 2009); it suggests that most users

consume rather than contribute to social media. For example, about

53% of active social media users follow a brand (Nielsen, 2009)

rather than actively contribute content about the brand.

In a survey of ten global markets, social networks and blogs are the

top online destinations in each country, accounting for the majority

of time online and reaching 60% or more of active internet users

(Nielsen, 2009). 5% of the public used social networking sites, the

amount of social network sites users increased to 11% in 2006 and

27% in 2008. In the current survey, 41% say they have created their

own profile on a social networking site, such as Facebook, MySpace

or LinkedIn. (Pew research 2010) The share of Millennials using

social networking sites has been fairly stable since 2008, with 75%

now saying they have created their own social networking profile.

More than half of social network user visit these sites at least once a

day, and an additional 20% only a few days. Only a quarter visit

social networking sites weekly (10%) or less often (15%)

The generation that was born on 1980-2001 named as ‘Millennials’

or as ‘Y generation’ as more commonly known are the children of


globalization. For the children of this generation who have accessed

the development and easiness of technology, technology is one of

the cornerstones of life. Y generation which has an important place

especially in business life has been subject for various studies today.

(S. Berkup, 2014). Millennial generation also known as Y generation,

this generation is the individuals who were born with access to

technology and high purchasing power (consumptive) (Becker,

2012). Millennial generation had constant access to technology

(computer, cell phones) in their youth (Business Dictionary, 2013).

More than half of Millennials have at least some college education

(54%), compared with 49% of Gen Xers, 36% of Boomers and 24% of

the Silent generation when they were ages 18 to 28. (Pew Research,

2018). 90% of college students own a computer, 65% have

broadband connection, 77% own a cell phone, and 41% can use

their cell phone to access the Internet (Harris Interactive). Colleges

and universities are adapting their resources and services to the

technologically perceptive students.A key formative characteristic

for Gen Y is early and frequent exposure to technology, which has

advantages and disadvantages in terms of cognitive, emotional, and

social outcomes (Boltom, 2012). For example, they rely heavily on

technology for entertainment, to interact with others – and even

for emotion regulation. Members have experienced long periods of

economic prosperity (until the past few years) and a rapid advance

in instant communication technologies, social networking, and



1.2.2 Social Media Instagram

According to (Walter&Gioglio, 2014) Instagram is a free social

network that provides visual content by focusing on taking & shares

photos with friends and followers within a mobile application. The

photos are cropped into the universal size and can be edited by

ading some filter toc reate the different effect. The instagram user

can tag others user from the photos, tag the pkace where the

photos is taken, and write a caption that included hasgtag and

mention by using the symbol of "#" and "@" as the mark to share

the photos and categorize the content. The founders of Instagram

are Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and its release on October 6,

2010. Now Instagram is developed by Facebook, inc. Facebook

acquired the service in April 2012 for approximately US$1 billion in

cash and stock.

Instagram becomes the fastest growing of social media now days

(Garioba, 2016). This application is the most popular online photo

social web service (Sheldon & Bryant, 2016). Since Instagram

introduced business profile in middle 2016 there are 25 million

active business accoussnts. This situation shows its increases up

from 15 million from the previous year ( 2018). Social

media instagram has reach 1000 million user on June 2018, its

shows that the instagram active user has been increase around 300

people from 700 million since September 2017 ( 2018).

Instagram is one of social media that is commonly used for

shopping. This platform actually designed as photo & video sharing

applications. As time goes by a marketplace is formed within


Instagram (Pijar.S 2018). The application allows one to use their

mobile phone to snap a photograph, choose a filter to transform

the image, and post it on the application. Everyone who creates an

account on Instagram has a profile and news feed. Every user

profile has a “Followers” and “Following” count which represent

how many people they follow and how many users are following

them (Webtrends, 2015). Instagram could be consied as a content

based community. Because the main concept of instagram is

sharing images with friends and followers. The main focus of

instagram is not on the user profile / connecting with the others

users same as Facebook or Linkeind, but simply for share and enjoy

the visual content on the platform. Sharing images is the main focus

and purpose of the existance of instagram (Hellberg, 2015).

Instagram demonstrated the trend towards visual storytelling and

shift from sharing images rather than text (Neher 2013, 63).

Understand and know who is the target market is a must for a

company. Without knowing the user preferences and attitudes that

the company cannot necessarily communicate with their market in

a way they are understood correctly (Hellberg, 2015) Instagram

allows you to adopt the best possible strategy by observing the

user, the behaviour and the expectations of Instagram users but

also the relationship they maintain with the brands they follow

(Clasen, 2017) .

Cited from Ashley (2014) On January 2011, Instagram added the use

of hashtags to help users discover both photographs and each

other. A hashtag can be defined as a word or phrase proceeded by a


hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific

topic. On December 2013, Instagram added Direct. This feature

allowed users to send photos to specific people directly from the

application as a messaging service. Through the last five years,

Instagram has become a place where people can visually share and

interact with each other in a new way. Instagram highlights also

another trend. Instagram makes business and brand owners more

relatable. Customers prefer to deal with people that they know, like

and trust and Instagram gives you the opportunity to show

consumers who the people are working behind the company.

(Wood 2015, 71, Zimmerman 2013, 82.)

1.3 Social Media Marketing

Today social media has expand their function for their user,

instagram no more as social networking sharing photo application

but performs as an important role in the economic interests of small

businesses (Habibi et al, 2014). Instagram gained 1 million users two

months after its launching and hasn’t stopped growing consistently

every year. It’s take around 1 year to growth for the other social

media like Twitter & Facebook ( 2017). This condition

is used by the marketer to be promotion strategy on branding their

product (Evans, Bratton, & McKee 2010).

A brand have to undertsand how to use social media and how

company takes the benefit from it, because the way people buying

and doing reseach about the brand is changing (Nummila, 2015) The

use of social networking sites is now no more restricted to chatting,


creating a page or making friends but has now moved to another

level which involves Online Retailing. Trading with online systems

allows simplification of transaction activities, customers can place

orders without being constrained by time and place factors (Kotler,

2009 in Suryana et al., 2013). Marketing and operations are the core

elements that support the selling process in social media (Evans,

McKee 2010, 62-63). However the company also needs to

understand how its customers or stakeholders connect to its

business. By understanding and actively licensing customers,

stakeholders and employees of the company may have a significant

promotional value, as the business will respond better to

marketplace dynamics and competitive opportunities. (Dave and

McKee 2010) .

After the emergence of new technologies, customers have been

looking at social media instead of Google or other search engines in

order to get information about the companies (Newman, 2013). The

advantage of social media is can be place to build the trust between

customer and the company that was never been happens in

traditional media (Chai et al., 2011). Social Network Marketing

(SNM) is more effective in building brand awareness and enhancing

brand reputation than generating leads and increasing sales.

However, SNM is only one part of integrated marketing

communications and it is difficult to ascertain its contribution

compared to paid advertising and other types of promotion

(Pentina et al., 2012: 68). The main benefits identified from the use

of social media were increasing brand awareness; better


communication with customers , better communication and

marketing of products/services, better ability to showcase company

expertise, gain more business contacts, social media survey

(Margaret, McCann, Alexis, and Barlow 2015)

Rouse (2011) states that the goal of Socoal Netwotk Marketing is to

produce content that users will share with their social network to

help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer

reach. This type of marketing is done through various social media

websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more to

promote website traffic and engage users. Successful social media

marketing is done when companies create content that attract an

audience and others share it on their social media outlets. The

process of sharing content with others is called electronic Word of

Mouth. Most businesses can benefit from a social media plan and

use social media as a key part of their sales cycle. However, if the

company does not have the resources, knowledge or time to be

active on the social media sites they should not be doing it. (Miles

2014, 39.) Numila (2015) expand Social media is a relatively

inexpensive way of marketing. With social media marketing

companies can promote its products and services for a fraction of

the cost, compared to the traditional media. With the right strategy

a company can reach more customers and build awareness

regionally, nationally and even globally. Thus, an effective approach

requires commitment, planning and persistence.


1.3.1 Customer Interaction

Social media is a platform that offering new many ways to

communicate with their target market. Traditional form of brand

communicating has been replaced by the time (Hellberg, 2015).

Social media bring direct communication to hilight the changes of

brand communicating. (Petters, 2013) conclude brand

communication is no longer one-way communication but it works

continously in a dialogue manner between the seller and customer.

While communicating in social media, a brand should create

content that fit with the media. Its means a brand have to

understand what the content that fit and how many interactivity

can be accepted by the market (peters 2013)

According to Tuten & Solomon (2013), there are several options for

branding such as placing paid display advertising, participating in

social networks as a brand persona, developing branded

engagement opportunities for customer participation within social

networks, and publishing branded content. On the social media

channels consumers are sharing their own experiences with brands,

products and services. Likewise, customers are more likely to

investigate the feedback from other customers online before

making a purchasing decision. This is why the social media

sometimes referred as digital word-of-mouth. (Kabani 2010) Social

media may serve as a channel for many marketing activities

including customer relationship management, customer service,

buyer research, lead generation, sales promotion delivery channel,

paid advertising channel, and branding. Regardless of the goal,


information about the brand must be relevant to the consumer if

you want the consumer to engage with a brand in self-relevant

ways (Schmitt, 2012).

(Petina et al 2012) define success of social media performance can

be measured from companies that can beyond the retweets and

likes from social media account. In other words, they should also

remember to measure beyond the numbers. Because these results

are going to be helpful in terms of managing crisis; increasing brand

sentiment besides reactive and proactive social support.

Meanwhile De Vries, Gensler & Leeflang (2012) conducted research

about what is the reason people following a brand on social media.

The result shows that people that following a brand in social media

tend to be more willing to get a news and information about the

brand. But if they following a brand for a certain purposes such as

winning prizes or hoping to get a free gift, the value of those

engagements are questionable. (Peters, 2013) claimed the

amount of followers in instagram can be the basic measurement of

succesfull social media. According to him perhaps a smaller number

of followers is more valuable then the big one. If those followers are

truly engage with the brand it would be give a larger effect.

Content also becomes a crucial aspect for a brand. Because content

is one of ascpet that be used to create an engagement with

customer. In this study engagement means the users that put likes,

comment, sharing or following a brand. When a brand understand

what their market needs, a brand can produce a valuable content

will build an engagement with the market. (Walter & Gioglio 2014).


Oztamur (2015) stated Web 2.0 social media is a potentially

powerful medium for finding key consumer influencers, engaging

them, and generating brand advocates. However, in order to build

viral campaigns and foster online word of mouth marketing (WOM),

trust must be established and subsequently reinforced in order to

overcome any reluctance on the part of the would be consumer

(Miller and Lammas, 2010).

1.4. Integrated Marketing Communication

The American Marketing Association in Kotler and Keller (2012: 495)

establishes Integrated Marketing Communcation as a planning

process designed to ensure that all brand contacts received by

customers or prospects of a product, service, or organization are

relevant to that person and consistent over time. (Kotler and Keller

2012) defined Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is the

concept of communication planning marketing that recognizes the

added value of a comprehensive plan. Whereas according to Baack

and Clow (2012: 24) IMC can be defined as the coordination and

integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues, and

sources in a company into a seamless program designed to

maximize the impact on customers and stake holders. Integrated

Marketing Communication can be concluded as a process

communications that includes plan, carry out, coordinate and

integrate resources in the company into a program will create

customer relationships.

(Turow, 2014) stated there are three related activities in integrated


marketing communication: Branded entertainment, direct

marketing and relationship marketing. According to him branded

entertainment is the activity of linking the firm of product name’s

and personality with an activtity that can makes the target enjoys.

Direct marketing is marketing that used media tool that created by

marketer through phone, email, postal mailings to send persuasive

messages asking that the consumer who receive them respond to

the marketer. Relationship marketing is a firm process maintaining

long-term contact with its customer.


2. Methodology

Methodology research is basically a scientific way to obtain data

with specific purposes and uses. General data obtained from the

research can be used to answer the research question and solve the

problem. This study uses a qualitative method research, where this

research is conducted to understand the phenomenon that occurs,

namely the development of digital technology, which has given a

role to the concepts and business strategies and marketing of a

Small Medium Enterprise Business. In this chapter, the researcher

is going to explain briefly in a sub point of: (1) Method of Study, (2)

Research Approach, (3) Conceptual Framework, (4) Research

Paradigm, (5) Data Collection, (6) Coding Process, and (7) Data

Analysis of the research.

2.1 Research Methodology

The methodology in this study using a qualitative approach, it is

based on a Strategy pattern that appears in the previous research.

So the researchers had to do exploration study aims to understand

and explain patterns of development strategy about Small Medium

Enterprise ' Skip Coffee ' that became the focus of the problem in

this research. Then the collection of various data and information

will be carried out through the participation of observation,

interview, and related documentation required data source.

Oun and Bach (2014) defined qualitative methods is a method for

testing and answering questions about how, where, what, when,

and why someone acts in certain ways on specific problems. Burns


& Grove quoted from Khan 2014) Definition of qualitative

researches as a system and subjective approach to explain and

hilight the experiences of daily life. According to him, after the

process it was continued with giving meaning to the collected data.

By using qualitative researh, the researchers can explore deeply

human attitudes, different perspectives, and life experiences to find

complexity in situations through a holistic framework.

Creswell (2008) defines the qualitative approach to explore and

understand a central phenomenon. To understand the central

phenomenon the researcher collected the information by

conducting an interview with participant informants. Information is

usually in form of words / text. The result can be a description

(Cited from Semiawan & Conny R. 2010) Then Creswell (2014)

suggests that there are several characteristics of qualitative

research including:

a) begins with assumptions and uses interpretive or

theoretical frameworks that bring research problems

related to the meanings imposed by individuals or groups

on a social problem

b) Collection of data on natural networks that are sensitive to

community and research sites,

c) analysis of data that is inductive or deductive in nature and

shaping various patterns or themes,

d) Final written reports include various information from

participants, reflexive researchers, descriptions and


interpretations of research problems, contributions to the

literature for change

Qualitative research determines how to provide tools in

understanding the profound meanings that discuss complex

phenomena and processes in the practice of social life (Denzin dan

Lincoln cited from Brady: 2015). Qualitative methods are inductive,

starting from facts,reality, facts, problems obtained through special

observation. From this particular reality and facts, the researcher

constructs general patterns. Inductive means starting from the

specific to the general (Semiawan, 2010)

2.2 Research Approach

This Research applies a case study approach; according to research

objective in the form of a case study to examines the utilization of

social media as a marketing strategy of Skip Coffee as Small Medium

Enterprise business. Case Study is a series of scientific activities

carried out intensively, in detail and in depth about a program,

phenomenon, and activity, both at the level of individuals, a group

of people, institutions, or organizations to gain in-depth knowledge

of that phenomenon (Rahardjo, 2017) . The phenomenon referred

as the case. Case is the actual thing (real-life events), which is

ongoing, not something that has been passed.

According to Endraswara (2012) Case Studies can be divided into

two groups, consisting of reasonableness deviations and Case

Studies towards positive developments. The first Case Study is


curative, and the Retrospective Case Study, which allows for follow-

up healing or improvement of a case (treatment). The improvement

does not have to be done by researchers, but by other people who

are competent. The researcher only gave suggestions from the

results of the study. The second is called the Prospective Case

Study. This type of Case Study is needed to find trends and direction

for the development of a case. To follow up Action Research is

needed by other competent people.

The form of case studies can be either descriptive, exploratory. A

descriptiv case study aims to describe a symptom, facts or reality.

Exploratory means of finding out more about a case to provide a

hypothesis. But the point this method was about to capture the

deepest meaning of a case. (Semiawan, C. R. 2010). Case studies

have been generally used in social sciences and have been found to

be especially valuable in practice-oriented fields (such as education,

management, public administration, and social work). But despite

the long history and widespread use, case studies have received

little attention among various methodologies in social science

research. According to the authors of the Encyclopedia of Case

Study Research (Mills et al. 2010)


2.3. Data Collection

Primary Data

According to Etta and Sopiah (2013) Primary data is a source of

research data obtained directly from original sources (not through

intermediaries). Primary sources are sources of material or

documents that are presented or described by the person or party

present at the time of the event described, so that they can be used

as witnesses. In this study the primary data collection method is

done by direct interview with the informant. The informants in this

study were members of the Skip Creative team as participants and

primary data sources in this study. Primary data comes from direct

interviews with Skip coffee team.

Secondary Data

Secondary sources are sources of study material described by non-

direct people who have experienced or are present at the time of

the event. Secondary data used in this study is through documents

or literature from the internet, journals, theses, etc. related to this

research then analyzed using descriptive methods. The researcher

used result of the insight from Skip Coffee account to support the

primary data.


2.4 Reseach Paradigm

Research paradigm is a frame of mind that explains how researchers

view the facts of social life and the treatment of researchers

towards science or theory. The research paradigm also explains how

researchers understand a problem, and testing criteria as a basis for

answering research problems. Paradigm is a research perspective

used by researchers that contains how researchers see reality

(world views), how to study phenomena, ways that are used in

research and the ways used in interpreting findings. The selection of

research paradigms describes the choice of a belief that will

underlie and guide the entire research process (Guba, 1990).

Research paradigms determine what problems are addressed and

what types of explanations can be accepted (Kuhn, 1970).

Interpretivsm / Interpretivist research paradigm is the paradigm

that relates with this resarch. According to Willis (2007)

interpretivism usually seeks to understand a particular context, and

the core belief of the interpretive paradigm is that reality is socially

constructed. Interpretivist paradigm, it is originally rooted in the

fact that methods used to understanding knowledge related to

human and social sciences cannot be the same as its usage in

physical sciences because human interprets their world and then

acts based on such interpretation while the world does not

(Hammersley, 2013).


According to Tuli (2010) Interpretivism paradigm researchers also

can conduct these types of research in natural setting via utilising

key methodologies as grounded theory, ethnography, case study or

life history to gain the insider’s insights of research’s objects to

provide with more authentic information related to the object of


2.5 Conceptual framework

Figure 1 – Conceptual Framework

The research of conceptual framework (Figure 1) shows the

discussion on topic of research. How is the marketing strategy of

Small Medium Enterprise. On defining the succesful of marketing

Social Network Marketing

on Instagram

Marketing Communication



Sales Performanc

Financial Performance

Customer Performance 1. Social

Media Content 2. Customer

Interaction for Engagement


strategy it can be measure from the development of the business

performance . The performance improvement consist of

incomes,sales, and customer performance. In this conceptual

framework, there is the correlation between performance

improvements of SME with factor that might be impact from the

social media. Social Network as the marketing tool for SME product

should concern on social media content and customer interaction to

build customer engagement. If social network marketing by

instagram fulfills the factors above, it will trigger the successful

social media marketing for Small Medium Enterprise business.

2.5 Key Informant

The key informants in this study consisted of people who had

information, capabilities, and network knowledge on the subject of

research which would eventually direct the researcher to the

selected informant. The key informant in this study was a member

of the Skip Creative team who carried out the digital marketing

process directly.

Skip Creative is one of Small medium enterprise located in President

University. This business concept was founded by Prata Praudy Alif

& friends in 2015. Previously it was known as Kopi Louie. Kopi Louie

is created by a group of President University students who often

skip the classes. Unfortunately this business not running smoothly,

there are many obstacles come up such as member turnover, and a

lot of people underestimate this business. Until today there are 5

permanent members; Prata Praudy, Farhan Alfaridzi, Hari Syafar,


Fadlan Abdullah and Sigit Naufal. They decide to re- branding the

name becomes Skip Creative. SKIP itself comes from the condition

of the group member at the time that often skip to the classes

because they are lazy comes to campus. Currently Skip Creative

focus on coffee shop business and it is well known as SKIP COFFEE.

Begin from selling a little cup coffee that was made from the

boarding rooms. Skip Coffee can be called as one of the SMEs who

successfully developed their business by using social media as a part

of its marketing strategy. Skip Coffee has been present on

Instagram, however, it is still looking for the right way to

communicate to its followers. Currently, the official account

instagram of Skip Coffee 294 followers’ with 120 following account.

Even their followers seem so small, but Skip coffee can reach their

income arround 20 million in a month.

2.6 Data Collection Technique

2.6.1 Interview

Interviews are data collection techniques by conducting dialogue

directly with data sources, which are carried out in a structured

manner, where participants get the freedom and opportunity to

naturally express thoughts, views, and feelings. Open-ended

questions are submitted to participants in order to give detailed

answers to what they want to say, open-ended questions will

facilitate the process of dialogue and help participants describe their


pages clearly without any artificial elements (Moustakas, 1994;

Creswell; 2008)

Interviews are conducted to obtain information, which cannot be

obtained through observation or questionnaires. In interviews

session the researchers not only giving questions, but also

understanding how people life’s experience. This is only obtained by

in-depth interviews. With in-depth interviews with researchers, it

will give meaning to participants to their experience. These

experiences and opinions are the basic ingredients of the data that

will be analyzed. Because when people tell the stories, participants

are selecting important things from their experiences that arise in

consciousness. (Semiawan, 2010) The questions that asked to key

informants are listed below:

1. Name of Company / SMEs’ Business? What is the Business


2. Who’s the owner?

3. The history of the company?

4. Amount of Employee?

5. Who’s the target market?

6. Company vision & Mission?

7. How would you define digital marketing?

8. How do you use Digital Marketing tools?

9. What channels do you think are most relevant to your

business and why?


10. What attracted you to use Digital Marketing as promotion


11. Why is online marketing increasingly preferred over offline


12. How do you stay updated with news and latest Digital

Marketing trends?

13. Tell me about a successful marketing campaign you’ve run

from beginning to end.

14. The number of likes/follows versus engagement numbers.

Which one is important? Why?

15. How do you use social media as a tool for customer


16. What are the limitations of digital Marketing?

17. Say there’s a crisis on one of your social media channels.

How do you handle it?

18. What makes a piece of social media content successful?

19. How would you approach budgeting for marketing


20. How about the performance of your brand after using

social media as the promotion tool?

Furthermore, each interview was recorded on the researcher

mobile phone and transcribed to ensure that no piece of

information was forgotten or overlooked. Additionally, notes were

taken during the interview to get down any ideas that came to mind

during the conversations (Patton 2008). Researchers not only


focused on information from participants and key informants

through in-depth interviews, but also people around the research

subject, daily notes on subject activities or track record of subjects

(Followers Skip Coffee on Instagram)

2.7 Coding Process

Saldana (2015) defines a code in qualitative research is refers to a

phrase or short words in symbolic ways that aims to summarize by

focused on the information and idea from a portion of a language

based on visual data. Data collected might be included from

interview transcripts, observation field notes, journals, documents,

literature, artifacts, photographs, video, websites, e-mails, etc.

Saldana (2015) stated that what should be code is behavior, the

activities, perceptions, and the tangible documents and artifacts

that produced by the informants or, say, a slices of participants

social life that recorded in the data collected.

2.7.1 Credibility

Credibility in this research is carried out in the form of; 1) carefully

record the findings in the field; 2) arrange the findings completely

and regularly; 3) member check, namely by asking participants to re-

read the findings that were recorded and signed; 4) peer checking,

in the form of checking the results of interviews, observations with

colleagues and supervisors through discussion; 5) data triangulation,


in the form of checking the validity of data through other sources,

namely; written documents, the school and related agencies; 5)

adequacy of references, namely; as a tool that can help researchers

in the field and as an evaluation tool in compiling research results.

In addition to the use of sources, researchers also use triangulation

techniques that utilize theory. According to Paton (1987) quoted by

Moleong (2006), based on the assumption that examination of the

degree of trust can be implemented and it is called the rival

explanation. Triangulation means using various approaches in

conducting research. That is, in qualitative research, researchers can

use various data sources, theories, methods and investigators so

that the information presented is consistent.

Therefore, to understand and look for answers to research

questions, researchers can use more than one theory, more than

one method (review, observation and analysis of documents). In

addition, researchers conduct interviews from subordinates to

superiors and interpret findings with other parties.

2.7.2 Triangulation

The reason for using triangulation is that there is no single data

collection method that is very suitable and can be truly perfect. The

use of triangulation is very helpful. In many qualitative studies,

researchers generally use triangulation techniques in the sense of

using interviews and observation (Semiawan, 2014)


To avoid bias data the researcher using triangulation method by

conducting an interview with two of participants. The participants

are those who fulfill the following categories:

- Should be as a Skip Coffee followers on Instagram

- buy skip coffee products within a minimum 3 times in a


- Often posted a skip coffee product on their social media

2.8 Data Analysis

Basically, data analysis is an activity to give meaning or interpret

data by arranging, sorting, and grouping, coding or marking, and

categorizing it into parts based on certain groupings so that a

finding is found on the formulation of the proposed problem

(Rahardjo, 2017).

First, the researcher will collect the data by conducting an interview

process. After that, researcher will transcript the audio recorder to

verbatim. This steps is done to ensure that the researcher become

acquainted with the data for the purpose of analyzing and

interpretation. Next, the researcher will do the coding process by

classify the data based on the theme. Then, the codes will be

evaluated and listed in categories. Last step of this data analysis is to

represent the data by descriptive analysis


3. Results and Discussions

3.1 Result

Based on the results of observation, in-depth interviews, field

observations and analysis of the marketing communication strategy

at Skip Coffee, it can be stated in developing marketing

communications that companies use forms of marketing

communication with social media Instagram. The researcher found

there is a significant performance improvement of the business

included (sales, customer, incomes). There are some requirements

that must be considered to achieve the goals using social media as

the marketing strategy. Content and customer engagement is the

main important requirement to increasing the business


3.1.1 Data Findings

Defining social media marketing

As a result Skip Coffee define social media marketing as the easiest

way to spreading information about the product or a brand digitally.

According to him social media marketing give such a chances for

Small Medium Enterprise to promoting their product with minimum

budget with maximal chance reach the target.

“…social media marketing itu menggunakan semuanya itu dengan

digital jadi apa- apa kita ga menggunakan ini lagi jadi kita kaya

mempermudah....” “…digital marketing itu sangat membantu bagi


orang-orang yang sedang , merintis usahanya atau UMKM

namanya (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah) “

Social media marketing also define as the utilization of technology

for promoting a brand on social media. And it is an important thing

that should be adopted by a brand to reach their market. Because

people now a days can’t be separated from social media.

Social Media Plays Important Role.

Instagram is selected as the main promotion tool for Skip Coffee.

Based on the target market Instagram becomes the one of social

media that can reach the target market because it is mostly used by

Millenials. It is proved by the increasing of the profit from amount

of cup of coffee that been sold. The more a business account active

on the social media the larger advatange that can reach. By social

media also Skip Coffee successes conduct #BacktoSchool campaign.

This campaign was conducted to by Skip coffee as the way to come

back after semester break.

“….instagram itu mempermudah kita untuk ngasih tau temen-

temen yang lain tentang campaign apasih yang buat kedepannya ,

event apa sih yang bakal ada kedepannya ,karena kita banyak

campaign banyak juga yang ngasih-ngasih something….”

Researcher found #BacktoSchool campaign was one of successful

Skip Coffee campaign. It is proven by the amount of visitor on Skip


coffee official account. By this campaign Skip coffee succeed reach

800 visitor in a week.

“…..naik sampai 3 kali lipat , awalnya cuman 300 an trus sekarang

sampai 800 loh itu 300 di akhir tahun ga sih kemarin , dalam waktu

sebulan kurang dari seminggu malah. Dengan umlah follower cuma

290-an orang..

Figure 02 – Amount of visitor on Skip Official Instagram Account

Business Account Feature Helps Segmenting the


Since instagram launched business account their platform it is very

useful for a brand that used social media as their promotion tool.

On business account there is insight menu that can shows the

diagram about the activity, content, and audience.


“..bisnis profile dari itu kita bisa melihat insightnya kan ,bisa lihat

orang-orang berapa sih yang like, like itu juga dipelukan ,brarti

berapa orang yang kasarnya sekedar melihat itu udah tertarik sama

skip gitu lah, jadi disitu pr nya juga gimana caranya bisa

menambahakan like juga dari feeds kita jadi dari like sendiri bisa

mengundang interest si orang itu…”

From the insight menu the seller will easily segmenting their target

market based on their demographic Audience. The insight shows

the diagram of top location of Skip coffee audience. It also shows

the diagram of age range and gender. There are also shows the

diagram of rush hour to understand the best time to interact with

the audience.

Figure 03 – Audience Insight of Skip Coffee official account


Customer Engagement is Important for Social Media

Marketing Strategy

In digital marketing strategy the relation between the seller and

customer can be measured as how success the strategy used. The

relationship here’s means long term relation. If the seller and

customer can building a chemistry, means there will be customer

satisfaction. Customer satsfied with the It would be nothing if we

success gaining a lot of followers but we can’t building good relation

with customer. Customer satisfaction is important than amount of

followers. As stated “…Lebih ke relation sih apasih artinya followers

dibandingkan dengan kesetianaan gitu loh maksudnya followers

kan cuma pengikut ya tapi yaa , ya percuma kita diikutin sama 2

juta orang misalnya tapi itu isinya cuman palsu..”

Customer engagement also can makes the customer feeling

appreciated, when the seller feeling familiar with the brand, it will

lead them to repurchase their product. As stated by one of

customer Skip Coffee “…for me I tend to re purchase something

from the internet / social media if their admin is friendly. The way

they interact with us as the customer shows if the brand or the seller

appreciate us as their customer…”

The way skip coffee keep in touch with customer is quiete good,

How small it’s feedback for the customer its has big meaning from

them. “...


Figure 04 – The way Skip Coffee communicate with customer by

reposting instastory from customer


Skip Coffee also utilize social media instagram as their tool to solve

the problem that might be needed. As the result of interview Skip

Coffee explain if someday there might be problem. Because social

media has the big power.

Visual Content Attract Customer to visit the profile

Figure 5 – Skip coffee Profile (Instagram Feeds)

The main goals having business account is to gaining a lot of visitor.

After conducted an interview the researcher found that Visual

content interested content is the main reason followers to visit the

problem. They define interested content is the content that has

value of art. ”..In my opinion interested content in instagram is

content that have values of art. I mean the content is anti-

mainstream, there is something special that makes a content

different with the others content..”


To maintained the amount of visitor that viewing content instagram

of Skip coffee. They have to be stay up to date with the trend, used

Gimmick as their theme. Same with Skip followers answer, Skip try

to create unusual content like pay more attention to the little things

that will bring it a lifestyle. For example content about why should

we support to using reusable straw. This content is kind of trend

today. Hopefully by following the trend Skip coffe still can accepted

by the followers.

Limitation of using social media marketing

There is a limitation and obsctacle on using social media as the

promotion tool. Skip coffee the limitation that they found during

using instagram is a bit difficult on segmenting the design. As

stated on interview “…Limitation lebih ke segmentasi nya ga sih

lebih ke segmentasi , misal kayak ada orang yang bisa menerima

suka sama design-design tapi ada orang yang bilang terlalu apasih..”

Becausee people have their own perception about the design, Skip

coffee still trying to looking for a way to segmenting the design

because design is part of content. It is becomes important aspect to

gain visitor on Instagram. If skip coffee already found the best way

to segmenting the design based on the customer perception. The

researcher surely enough Skip coffee will gain more interaction.


3.2 Discussion

After conducted an interview the researcher found the general

definition of social media or social network marketing generalize

describe as the way a brand or company utilize technology to

promote their product through social media to make improve their

performance. The informant prove the definition of social media

marketing by Oztamur (2015) Web 2.0 social media is a potentially

powerful medium for finding key consumer influencers, engaging

them, and generating brand advocates. However, in order to build

viral campaigns and foster online word of mouth marketing (WOM),

trust must be established and subsequently reinforced in order to

overcome any reluctance on the part of the would be consumer.

Lately, Skip coffee success conducted a campaign #backtoschool.

This campaign is going viral because most of people amazed by the

concepts that they use, during the campaign skip coffee team

wearing an elementary school uniform. And it's going to be viral by

instagram, because it's the most catching moment and then publish

to instastory. It is also successful in increasing the amount of


According to the result of the interview, the researcher found is the

way communicating Skip coffee and their customer becomes a

crucial elements. Ulfah and Shafira as the representative of Skip

customer said that they are as the customer feels appreciated when

the seller tries to engage with customer. As they said the respond /

the way Skip coffee giving feedback is affected the customer


decision making to repurchase the product. This statement was

along with (Gligorijevic and Leong, 2011) explain Appropriate

communication channels and context of messages are crucial

elements in developing trust, as they help to clarify expectations in

prospective relationships between companies and their customers.

Understanding the market demographic helps a brand create a

good market place.Skip coffee using the data insight as guideline to

segmenting their target market. By segmenting the target market it

would help to satisfy what their market needs. When the target

market satisfied with the product it would be an asset for a long

term. The company also needs to understand how its customers or

stakeholders connect to its business. By understanding and actively

licensing customers, stakeholders and employees of the company

may have a significant promotional value, as the business will

respond better to marketplace dynamics and competitive

opportunities. (Dave and McKee 2010)

The main target market of skip coffee today is millennial. According

to the interview result, both of Ulfa and Shafira stated that they are

is millennial. As the millennial they tend to spend most of their time

on gadget to looking for a brand or product. Moreover as a

millennial they don’t want to outdate of some situation. It makes

them becomes the consumptive generation because it hard to them

to control their want. This condition is in line with the statement

from (Becker, 2012) to The Millennial generation also known as Y


generation, this generation is the individuals who were born with

access to technology and high purchasing power (consumptive)

(Becker, 2012).

The successful utilization of social media marketing can’t be

measured from the amount of like and comments or the amount of

their followers. Skip coffee assume that relation between the

customer and seller is more important rather than the amount of

followers. According to him it would be nothing if a brand has many

followers but the brand couldn’t crate an engagement. Small

followers are better than many fake followers, Skip coffee believes

that keeping a good communication with the customer will obtain

beyond the expectation.

(Peters, 2013) claimed the amount of followers in instagram

can’t be the basic measurement of successful social media.

According to him perhaps a smaller number of followers are more

valuable than the big one. If those followers are truly engage with

the brand it would be give a larger effect.

The other marketing strategy that used by Skip coffee is create an

interested content. Content also becomes a crucial aspect for a

brand. Because content is one of aspect that be used to create an

engagement with customer. The researcher found different

explanation how to engage with customer. In this study

engagement means the users that put likes, comment, sharing or

following a brand. When a brand understand what their market

needs, a brand can produce a valuable content will build an

engagement with the market (Walter & Gioglio 2014)


4. Conclusions and Recommendations

4.1 Conclusions

In this chapter, the researcher presents the summary of the finding

and conclusion about the role social media instagram as marketing

strategy for Small Medium Enterprise.

The researcher conclude that Social media plays an important role

for increasing performance of Skip coffee as Small Medium

Enterprise. There are many benefit using social media as marketing

strategy such as minimize the budget for promotion, expand the

market, and get customer engagement.

There are some requirements on defining a successful promotion by

utilized social media instagram. Customer engagement and visual

content becomes important aspect to achieve sucsefull social media

marketing. Long-term relation between customer and seller is

preffered over the amount of comment, like and followers. Visual

content becomes an important aspect for social media marketing

because visual design has big impact for attract the target market.

4.2 Recommendation

Skip Coffee

The researcher suggest to improving the feeds on instagram,

because feeds is part of visual content on social media. To reach

more audience Skip coffee has to be more often posting on social

media, not only in few of event. The researcher also recommends

Skip coffee to maximize using feature of business account on


Instagram. The researcher found Skip coffees haven’t yet utilize the

entire menu to expand their business such as Highlight and

Instagram TV. It is also part of visual content that can attract people

to visit your profile. The more people put attention on your content

the larger your market. The researcher also sugest Skip Coffee to

take concern about the amount of followers. For some people the

amount of followers on social media is matter. People usually assess

how reliable online business from the amount of followers. If the

account can reach many followers some people percieved the

bussiness well known by a lot people and it’s lead to good image on

that account.


The researcher suggests society to put attention on Small Medium

Enterprise product. Currently in Indonesia there is a huge

development of Small Medium Enterprise. By consuming SME

products it means that we already helped the country to groth the

Indonesia economy. The Researchers also want to encourage the

society to explore more of what products that produces by SME in

Indonesia. Although it is local made, but it has a good taste and



For the future research the researcher suggest figuring out another

Small Medium Enterprise with the different tool of strategy




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Leter of Consent Shafira Ajeng


Letter of Consent Ulfah Dinyah


Letter of Consent Skip Coffee

Interview Verbatim


Key Informant : Skip Coffee team

A : The Researcher

B : Key Informant (Skip Coffe team)

Date : January 18, 2019

Location : Skip Coffee Shop

A : Good evening,First of all I would like to say thankyou for willing to be my key informant for my reseach. There will be several question on this interview session. I hope you can answer wisely.

B : Yes, takes your time. Let’s start.

A : “What is Name of this Company / SMEs’ Business?’ B : “Kalau nama company sendiri ini adalah skip creative” A : “What is the Business Concern?” B : “Bisnis concern nya terbagi-bagi kak jadi creative itu ,kenapa kita bilang namanya skip creative bukan cuma skip coffe doang soalnya ,skip ini akan berkembang lagi kita harapanya sih akhir tahun ini kita udah buka PH juga terus habis itu sembari kita jalan , selain jualan coffe mulai buat jualan baju juga apparel juga , tapi buat apparel sendiri masih ke suspend ,masih kaya ke postpone soalnya kita lagi fokus balikin modal si coffe shop ini dulu setelah ini kelar ,lanjut ke PH soalnya kita liat semakin kesini itu dunia digital semakin “Gila” orang semakin kesini banyak yang nonton kaya youtube dibandingkan membaca koran mungkin ya saya belum tau sih ,banyak orang yang enjoy ,menonton youtube dibandingkan membaca koran ,untuk mengetahui apa sih yang terjadi di dunia sekrang gitu” A : “So, for this time Skip Creative focused on developing the coffee shop ? “ B : “Iya baru di coffe shopnya aja “ A : “Who’s the owner ?’’


B : “Untuk pemiliknya skip sendiri ini unik kak kita mempunyai bentuk yang namanya collectiv colegial, jadi kepimpinan skip itu owner nya di miliki oleh lima orang yang ada disini tapi kalau secara formal itu ownernyaadalah Alif gitu kak “ A : “The history of the company?” B : “Jadi sebenarnya critanya panjang kalau nanya historialnya , jadi awalnya itu saya sama farhan kita berdua awalnya tambah ada tiga orang lagi dulu jadi berlima kita buka kopi-kopian lucu gitu cuman gak berjalan ,posisinya kita emang banyak retake sering skip kuliah , setelah tadi yang peratama gagal eeee sebenarnya ilangnya satu per satu sih orangnya mulai mundur satu per satu , akhirnya masuk lah orang – orang baru dari orang berlima tadi karena kalau saya pribadi gakmau banyak – banyak tim nya cukup lima aja tapi bisa menguncang dunia gitu , terus masuk satu per satu keluar , pertama masuk Hary , Hary masuk ada lagi yang keluar satu di isi oleh Sigit satu lagi masuk baru di isi oleh Alan , habis itu kita ngobrolin lagi tu kayaknya kita regrending ulang nama deh dulu nama awal nya kan kopi Louy kita ngumpul pikirin lagi tu kira –kira nama bagus apa nih buat kita terlintaslah pertama di awal tadi skip coffe dan sekarang dari ide – ide kita semua jadi lah skip creative “ A : How is the physolophy taking name as SKIP? B : “ Itu diambil dari kita semua karena dulu kita sering skip kuliah, sering skip kelas kita mau mengubah trend yang negatif itu jadi sebuah trend yang positif kalau yang namanya skip kelas itu ga mesti hal yang buruk gitu , itu menjadi hal positif juga gitu , makanya diawal tahun ini awal tahun 2019 kita mengadakan campaign kecil- kecilan gitu , gimana skip kelas itu membuka eee apa membuat bukan membuka ,membuat campaign baru yaitu back to school tujuannya itu ini loh kita setiap tahun kan kalo misalnya kita flashback ke zaman kita sd dulu back to school itu eeeee back to school itu digambarkan dengan hal – hal yang baru kayak baju baru , sepatu baru , tempat duduk paling depan yang kayak gitu kan , nah kita harapanya skip ini bisa jadi paling depan di daerah cikarang ,skip ini akan selalu berinovasi , kita juga gakmau dikatain kayak waktu kita awal buka gitu kan ,”Lo gausah jualaan lah “ buat


apa jualan capek mending beli aja kalau cuma kayak gitu doang kan murah sampai kita di kritik juga , nah itu perlunya kita berinovasi gitu jadi kedepannya akan banyak campaign – campaign lagi seperti yang kita jalanin sekarang ini gitu “ A :”Is there any people that under estimate this business, and how you face it? “ B :”Banyak banyak , balik lagi sebenarnya skip sendiri itu intinya orang- orang yang pinter bukan bearti yang kuliah nya mandet yang ga masuk kuliah dalam “bego”bukan berartian dia bodo mencari ilmu istilahnya mencari IPK di luar IPK jadi kita mencari hal-hal baru karena kita kayak udah fed di lingkungan belajar kita sendiri , jadi kita mencoba hal-hal baru yang lain dimana kita bisa survive di situ kayak gitu kayak mencari ,kalau misalnya gak dapet IPK yang bagus dari dalam lingkungan pendidikan kita mencari IPK kita sendiri membuka jalan kita sendiri” A :” Amount of Employee for this time? “ B :”Untuk sekarang itu,kemarin sempet membayar dua karyawan , semapat membayar dua karyawan dan sekarang ee untuk sekarang yang menjalankan campaign baru back to school itu masih kita berlima dulu karena banyak hal-hal yang harus kita perbaiki dari dalam kita sendiri jadi masih kita dulu yang urus segala macemnya kalo misalkan memang sudah pas waktunya karena kita mencari karyawan bukan untuk bekerja aja untuk dirinya sendiri tapi giving benefit to us and to the employes “ A : ’Who’s the target market?’’ B : “Kalau ke target market sendiri itu kita apa ya lebih ke anak muda sih. A : “Is it included the millennials? “ B : “Iyaa millenial masuk golongan target market kita, tp Bukan milenial aja sih sebenernya. Karena kalau di bilang millenial aja kita munafik sendiri kalau misalnya ternyata ada orang berumur 40 malah lebih suka kopi kita dibandingkan anak muda ,soalnya kita punya ketakutan sendiri gitu di saat kita kan bukanya di perkampusan president yang rata – rata mahasiswa dan mahasiswi


nya itu adalah orang-orang golongan menengah ke atas dan dimana mererka berfikiran seperti ini “kalau saya ingin menghabiskan uang 20 ribu hanya untuk sebuah kopi kenapa saya ga ke starbucks gitu” nah itu lah itu PR kita , jadi kalau dibilang target market kita sendiri buat anak muda aja sih sebenernya untuk saat ini, terutama mahasiswa President University “ A : “I heard from a lot of people Skip Coffee already available in Gojek . Is that true? B : “Iya, sekarang kita sudah menjadi mitra Gojek.” A :”Is that means Skip coffee want to expand the target market from students to publics?” B :”Pastinya soalnya kita berpikir kayak gini kita berbisnis di tengah kota industri kenapa kita gak coba buat kerja sama , kerjasama dengan Gojek biar melebarkan sayap kita aja biar kita lebih dikenal aja , kita lebih dikenal aja sama orang- orang PT gitu , pikirin aja misalnya di satu PT itu ada 5 ribu karyawan setidaknya mungkin misalnya kita udah masuk ketahuan ada kopi murah loh cuman 18 ribu satu cup nya , itu pasti ya dari 5 ribu itu sekitar 100 orang yang mau itu cuman satu PT sedangkan di Jababeka ini ada banyak saya kurang tahu juga “ A : “ Could you please explain Company vision & Mission?’ B : “Visi misi itu kembali ke nama kita skip creative kita orang-orang yang suka skip tapi creative nah visi kita itu kita disini bentuk skip untuk sama-sama memajukan kita pribadi kita masing-masing sebagai batu loncatan nah untuk merealisasikan semua ide-ide yang ada di kebun ide yang ada dikepala kita masing-masing karena yang saya pribadi liat dari temen-temen sendiri itu mereka adalah para-para pemimpi tapi mereka bertanggung jawab pada mimpi mereka masing-masing , itu semua di wujudkan dari visi misi kita dari tadi kaya skip coffe skip apparel terus skip Production House , terus skip space yang bakal ada nantinya dan skip-skip yang bakal ada nantinya “ A : “How would you define digital marketing?”


B : “ Kalau menurut saya ya , saya tu sebenarnya nyesel dulu tu pas ada subject digital marketing di kelas saya , saya retake karena gak pernah masuk ,dan betapa bodohnya saya , saya baru tahun kalau digital marketing itu sangat penting harus saya pelajari harus saya tau ,karena digital marketing itu ,nih sekarang di zaman era yang bener-bener semuanya tu menggunakan digital rata-rata eee kenapa ini penting karena gimana ya digital marketing itu gini deh digital marketing ,digital marketing itu menggunakan semuanya itu dengan digital jadi apa- apa kita ga menggunakan ini lagi jadi kita kaya mempermudah semuanya kayak kita gak perlu pake data base yang harus tulis tangan segala macem nya itu mempermudah kita juga dan kaya memudahkan gitu loh , memudahkan kita untuk menyebar keluar , menyebar informasi segala macem , menyebar apa yang kita ingin sebar itu gampang menurut saya itu sih , jadi ga perlu pake brosur-brosur print dan digital marketing itu sangat membantu bagi orang-orang yang sedang , merintis usahanya atau UMKM namanya (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah ) dan terus kalau yang kita liat sekarangkan penguna sosial media di Indonesia tu menurut data dari kominfo ada 63 juta orang kan , it’s a good market okey kan itu market yang sangat bagus untuk kita mencari peluang disitukan , jadi tugas kita adalah bagaimana membuat konten se menarik mungkin untuk menarik pelanggan ke skip coffe atau skip creative kita , jadi ya lebih berkecimpung di dunia digital bagaimana orang memegang gadget nya sendiri kayak misalkan media- media cetak juga udah mulai runtuh perlahan-lahankan sekarang orang-orang lebih suka menjual e-book di banding media cetak karena dari daya jual juga media cetak belum lagi biaya produksi ,biaya kirim segala macem ,kalau e-book tinggal beli aja Cuma sekedar 10 ribu gitu orang bisa mendapatkan informasi yang luas karena ya balik lagi semua udah berkecimpung didunia gadget semua ora udah istilah udah menundukan kepala untuk melihat gadgetnya sendiri ya itu dia disitu yang di namakan digitalnya dan disitu kita bergerak untuk eeee mengayunkan sayap kita lebih lebar lagi “ A : “What channels do you think are most relevant to your business and why? ”


B : “Kalau kita selain ngejalanin skip cofee sendiri sih yang paling sering kita pakai itu instagram sih line add , apalagi udah itu sih dua paling terasa lah ya . Karena balik lagi kata Farhan tadi pengguna sosial media ya 63 juta orang dalam sehari yaa ,bayangkan kita update gambar foto gambar kopi , fotokopi dilihat oleh 63 juta orang sekarang sih masih 300 orang yang mengunjungi instagran kita ,tapi semakin hari semakin kesini itu pengunjung skip sendiri itu nyampe di angka 800 per satu minggu dengan jumlah follower cuma 200 orang bisa visit instagram skip sendiri itu bisa 800 orang gitu , per minggu ,padahal dibandingkan dengan akun kita sendiri gitu kaya saya instagran saya gak sampe paling Cuma 60 orang per minggu seperti itu “ A : “Why choose instagram and Line add ? “ B :”Kalau misalkan instagram itu mempermudah kita untuk ngasih tau temen-temen yang lain tentang campaign apasih yang buat kedepannya , event apa sih yang bakal ada kedepannya ,karena kita banyak campaign banyak juga yang ngasih-ngasih something terus line add nya pesen minuman dari jauh itu digital sama Gojek. A : “ Tapi untuk saat ini di instagram lebih fokus ke posting di fed atau di instastory ?” B : “dua dua nya sih tapi mungkin lebih kencengnya di instastory , karena isntastory instant lebih instant dibanding fed kalau fed udah namanya kita membuat market membuat produk kita sendiri membuat market kita sendiri ya kita harus juga memberikan ke orang itu yang wah lebih apa ya prosesnya lebih berlika liku dibanding instastory karena isntastory juga orang dengan adanya instastory orang lebih memilih instastory di banding fed sendiri di banding timeline lain-lain isntagram berupa fed sendiri kalau di lihat dari plaform instagram itu juga udah seperti poster dimana terisi dari ee typografi tulisan dan visualnya gambarnya yaudah di skip itu nanti bentuk gambarnya nanti di tambahin caption yang berupa teksnya jadi kayak orang udah melihat isitlahnya lihat poster reklame kayak badut sulap di pinggir jalan seperti itu produk gambarnya sama typografinya “


A :” Do you think that Digital Marketing will completely replace traditional marketing practices in near future? B :”Tapi dari kita sendiri nanti punya keinginan sendiri kayak someday kalau kita bener- bener gede kita ga akan nerima yang namanya take away , kita akan balik ke warkop yang paling awal gitu diamana warkop itu tempatnya orang cerita tempatnya orang berkumpul bener bener lu ke warkop buat cerita bukan buat nongkrong gitu jadi terus melestarikan esensi kenapa sih adanya coffe shop ,karena semakin sekarang dengan berkembangnya era digital ya manusia pun semakin digital semakin introvet kayak apa apa ya ngapain sih keluar rumah kalau bisa take away pesen gojek lama kelamaan namanya era coffe shop yang terus begitu bakal musnah jadi kita bakal coba untuk melestarikan itu “, A : “How do you stay updated with news and latest Digital Marketing trends?” B : “Gimick sih lebih ke riset dan gimick gitu soalnya campaign yang paling baru yang back to school itukan salah satu campaign yang di pake oleh salah satu departemen store kita mikirnya kayak kenapa hanya departement store yang buat kenapa bukan kita gitu , jadi di balik hastag back to school ini , kita juga pakai hastag skip kelas gitu juga , lebih ke ini sih lihat hal hal kecil yang dimana hal hal kecil itu yang jarang di luapain orang tapi velue nya besar kayak misalkan channel “kok bisa “di youtube liatain aja dia tu ga membahas kenapa ada bigbang redbang ,kenapa manusia bisa bersin , kenapa manusia bisa kentut , padahal tu rancangan ilmiahnya besar tapi hal hal yang sama manusia tu di ulik lagi sama mereka untuk menyampaikan ke khalayak ramai maksudnya ke orang orang umum yang ga tau apa apa jadi tau hal hal yang sekecil itu jadi kita lebih memeperhatian hal hal kecil itu gitu loh jadi kayak kita lebih memperhatikan hal hal kecil dama kita memperhatikan hal hal yang akan menjadikan lifestyle , seperti halnya kita kan udah berhenti untuk menggunakan yang namannya sedotan plastik kita beragapan semua kita kompak kita beranggapan sedotan stenlis ini sedotan yang terbuat dari bambu atau rumput laut itu kedepannya akan menjadi lifestyle “


A : “Tell me about a successful marketing campaign you’ve run from beginning to end ? B :” Semuanya kayak nya berhasil “ A :”I mean the most successful campaign“ B :”Kalau menurut saya ini yang back to school kemarin ya saoalnya itu kerasa banget ya , kita kan pakai itu kan setiap hari senin aja ya pakai pakain seragam sd begitu hari selasa kita ga pake lagi begitu jualan banyak tu yang tanya tanya kok ga pakai baju sd lagi , begitu kita keluar juga itu melekat di orang orang gitu kita keluar juga ga jualan ditanyain gitu kok ga pake baju sd kok ga pakai baju sd gitu jadi menurut saya itu yang paling berhasil saat ini” A :” The number of likes/follows versus engagement numbers. Which one is important? Why?” B :”Lebih ke relation sih apasih artinya followers dibandingkan dengan kesetianaan gitu loh maksudnya followers kan cuma pengikut ya tapi yaa , ya percuma kita diikutin sama 2 juta orang misalnya tapi itu isinya cuman palsu gitu karena ga enak gitu loh atau emang Cuma karena ee di datang sekali terus ngliat event kita seru terus di follow terus habis itu udah dilupakan gitu jadi kita lebih memilih relation kita sih makanya kita juga disini menggunakan 3S juga Senyum ,Salam,Sapa juga . A :” How do you use social media as a tool for customer service? ?” B :”Ngerepost , dari ngerepost terus lebih aktif membalas, eee chat mention-mention mereka atau Dm-dm mereka gitu ada testimoni juga dari mereka kita sangat-sangat apa ya menghargai itu gitu karena tanpa mereka ya kita bukan apa-apa gitu A “jadi setiap ada yang ngetag skip kalian ngerepost sebagai salah satu bentuk engagement sama customer “ B :”Tapi ,paling ga semua hari itu direpost hari itu juga takutnya besoknya jualan sepi ga ada yang ngrepost jadi isi di instagram sendiri kosong jadi itu untuk menutupi”


A :” What are the limitations of using social media for develop your bussiness ?” B :”Limitation lebih ke segmentasi nya ga sih lebih ke segmentasi , misal kayak ada orang yang bisa menerima suka sama design-design tapi ada orang yang bilang terlalu apasih , ngomongin dari segi visual yak eee karena kalo kita liat dari beberapa kopi-kopi yang lain kayak ,ini juga ada yang masuk ketelinga saya beberapa dari orang bilang eeee skip ni bagus gitu karena dari mereka itu yudah bisa nya cuma nama brand mereka udah itu terus gitu dan stylenya seperti warung-warung kopi yang lain dari style fed segala macemnya dan yang ingin kita bangun untuk dari segi packaging sendiri gimana caranya skip ini bisa memberikan mood tersendiri atau memeberikan hal-hal unik yang lainnya entah dari per cup nya design nya berbeda beda entah dari ee segi branding di intasgramnya dari fed instagramnya juga beda-beda ga ke kopi banget lah kalau misalkan ee kopikan yaudah cuma sekedar kayak gitu entah jadi kita gabungin sama street art kita gabungin sama seni-seni yang lain gitu , itu untuk lebih ke menarik orang-orang kayak cuman bilang wah keren nih udah kalau dilihat dari kata-kata wah keren nih itu bisa berkambang lain ke yang lain-lain dari pemikiran orang itu kayak gitu ,wah keren nih coba ah kesini ,wah keren nih ni apaan gitu ,kalau obstaclenya kalau diturutin lagi ya ke segmentasinya sih kayak apakah orang itu bisa menerima fed kita ,story kita kaya gitu , sama ini di instagram sendirikan ada yang namanya profile , eeh bisnis profile dari itu kita bisa melihat insidenya kan ,bisa lihat orang-orang berapa sih yang like ketika karena menurut saya like menurut kami like itu juga dipelukan ,brarti kalau misalnya like itu diperlukan berapa orang yang kasarnya sekedar melihat itu udah tertarik sama skip gitu lah ee jadi sempet di cek beberapa kali yang ngevisit banyak yang like sedikit jadi disitu pr nya juga gimana caranya bisa menambahakan like juga dari fed-fed kita jadi dari like sendiri bisa mengundang interest si orang itu A : “Say there’s a crisis on one of your social media channels. How do you handle it ? “ B :”Paling ini yaa eeeeeee”


A :”Atau mungkin krisis yang lain yang kali temui di complain sosisal media “ B :”Sejauh ini belum ada dan semoga gak akan ada gitu kita juga memaintance bahan baku kita juga ada yang basi kita minum sendiri , nah untuk menjaga itu meyelesaikan dengan apa ya mungkin akan ada kayak tantangan gitu sih ,kita buktin loh kalau misalnya itu buruk banget ketemu itu basi gitu ya pertama kita , pasti kita klarifikasi dulu mengapa itu basi melalui mungkin bisa melalui instagram atau mungkin melalui sosmed-sosmed yang lain kayak youtube mungkin kita bikin klalifikasi soalnya itu juga sangat berguna itu sangat powerfull kalau zaman sekarang dan kita akan menantang sih kalau menurutku saya sebagai salah satu anggota skip akan menantang dia untuk datang lagi kesini ingin cobain saya juga minum apa yang dia minum dan saya akan membuat sebuah apa gebrakan kayak ee skip your day ,campaign lagi ,jadi kita ada hatters berarti kita udah di bicarain dong gimana cara kita pr adalah bagaimana caranya kita bisa membuat hatters itu jadi pecinta kita “ A :”Okey ,itu kan tantangan secara langsung ya ,katakanlah ini di instastory ada customer posting nih upadate skip coffe nya gini-gini nih, respons skip pertama bagaimana mau replay story atau bentuk klalifikasi ke public ?” B :”Pertama ya pasti replay ,minta maaf , ga pernah minta maaf skip itu keren ,keras , kita ga pernah salah kita tu trend center kalau minuman itu basi itu kesalahan kalian itu yang akan saya bilang kalau misalnya ada yang bertanya seperti itu ,karena kita pun balik lagi ke tadi hal kecil apa lagii dari bahan baku yang kita pakai pun begitu kita selalu berusaha buat konsisten ngejaga semua minuman yang keluar itu dalam bentuk yang baik nanti kalau ada complain kedepannya ya kita udah pastiin itu keluar dengan baik kalau itu memang salah di anda maaf bukan salah kami “ A : “ Let’s say mungkin ada miss komunikasi udah pesen nih via line terus kemudian kok di tunggu-tunggu ga dateng-dateng terus dia marah gimana sih ini skip gue udah pesen ga dateng-dateng itu gimana cara kalian menghadapi krisis itu ?” B : “Kalau yang kayak gitu kita paling coba kayak untuk memahamkan pasti dia pengertian masalahnya kita ini berlima


belum ada tim yang buat mengantar gitu saoalnya kita buat anter pesanan yang di luar daerah Jababeka pun itu masih pakai orang lain bukan orang skip sendiri dan dia juga eee dia kerja sama orang lain juga gitu jadi lebih pada kita minta maaf terus kita kasih complementary kayak mungkin besok dia bisa pesen lagi langsung dianterin gitu atau ga yaa apaya lebih ke minta maaf aja ya kayak gitu ,sealama ini paling ya orang marah temen-temen kita sendiri juga , tapi yang pernah kita alami kayak gitu sih kita pernah kadang kita pernah kasih gratis juga ,skip itu baik loh “ A :” In your opinion What makes a piece of social media content successful” B :”Yaaaa mungkin minggu ini saya akan ngulik , sempat ada di trend nya orang creative di instagram ada nama nya creative multifull post , gimana creative mutlifull post itu bisa membuat zine , zine itu majalah kecil lah , di instagram itu sendiri jadi membuat si multifull post ini seperti majalah dan mungkin yang ingin saya apa namanya yangb ingin kami luncurkan di deket-deket ini ya itu untuk dari segi eee apa namanya isinya konten visualnya sendiri tadi juga udah sempet ngambil beberapa gambar untuk nanti kita edit untuk kita jadikan multifull post itu , mungkin pertama kali nanti keluar bakal pengenalan dari skip itu sendiri pengenal dari kami-kami berlima ini ,jadi lebih memainkan , apa ya memainkan instagram itu ga cuma sekedar post foto dan caption memainkannya lebih menarik lah kayak tadi multifull post itu buat majalah kecil-kecilan entah membuat ee sebuah gambar yang penuh dengan visual metaforanya gitu , simple nya berarti tips and tricknya anda butuh orang design yang hebat “ A : “How would you approach budgeting for marketing expenses? B :”Sebenarnya budgeting nya tu kalau buat digital tu belum ya , jadi ya ngapain sih pelit , kayak ini loh kita bangun sama-sama kita belum bisa membagi ini duit buat marketing nih ,ini duit buat eeee bisnis development nih , ini duit buat ee operasinya production nya ini belum jadi sejauh ini kita masih menyatukan dana itu dan masih menggunakan dana pribadi juga sampai nanti kita sudah sangat-sangat besar baru lah akan ada dana-dana


tersebut gitu ,” A :”Jaadi dana baru dibagi-bagi gitu ya “ B :”Soalnya kita masih berlima nih belum berdelapan belum bersepuluh yang kita baru bisa profer itu ya dana tak terduga buat menggantikan uang yang kita keluarkan kayak misalkan ,duit bensin kita pergi kemana bareng-bareng atau untuk belanja misalkan pakai kendaraan siapa ganti bensinnya dan yang lain-lainnya kurang lebih seperti itu “ A :”Berarti yang buat digital marketing nya masih suka rela gitu?” B :”Paling yang megang instagram skip kita berlima ,second account , kebetulan skip itu second account kita buat kita ngestalk orang ,jadi nama siapa yang paling pertama , misal ni kalau misalnya pas buka akun skip nih pas liat search kayak ih ini yang lagi di deketin sama ini deh ooo brarti dia yang abis ngestalk,tempat mainan berarti punya sigit A :”After using social media for promotion is there any performance increased” (income, brand image, engagement with customer) B :”Ehhhmm ya pastinya ada ya kayak sebelum itu ee seblum tahun baru ini ya sebelum awal 2019 kita itu udah lama ga buat campaign ya , di awal-awal ini kita buat campaign bacl to school itu semakin banyak yang eee ngetag nama skip untuk di post ke snapgram mereka , di bantu Alan , jadi waktu itu ada campaign back to school waktu itu , itu saya alami sendiri jadi kita campaign nya back to school untuk hari pertama kita buka nah bener-bener kita pakai baju sd walaupun itu campaign orang ngeliat kita lucu nih anak kuliah kok pakai baju sd mau ngapain terdampar kesini mau tawuran atau gimana –mana , trus waktu itu tu saya pulang malem jam 10 masih pakai baju sd jadi kayak ada customer yang beli tadi pagi loh bukannya tadi ada yang di skip anak sd ga boleh pulan malem-malem kayak gitu-gitu pokoknya jadi kaya ada bahan buat ngobrol gitu sama customer yang gitu deh , dan kita pertama memberitahukan pada orang-orang kita menggunakan baju sd itu lewat instagram dan line add sendiri gitu dab banyak juga orang yang penasaran dan kita kan buat dekor-dekornya ya penasaran terus sebenarnya sih gimana disana kayak Cuma melihat sekilas


highlight-highligt di sosial media itu kayak orang tertarik gitu gua mau liat deh gimana suasananya sih ,jadi kalo di bilang perform sangat – sangat meningkat dari sebelunya gitu dari beberapa dari yang Cuma 50 orang per hari sampai hari ini kita udah sentuh rata-rata 100 orang sampai yang brand image nya skip itu cuman anak-anak nakal yang suka skip kelas sampai orang membutuhkan skip untuk ke kelas gitu” A :”Jadi untuk itu sosial media berperan penting banget ya dalam sebagai salah satu media promosi untuk skip? “ B :”Ooo jelas , satu hal lagi sih dari skip ya skip itu juga membatu teman-teman kita yang jarang kuliah untuk termotivasi untuk kuliah lagi dulunya tu mereka misalnya ada kuliah pagi sama sore nah , misalnya mereka udah kuliah pagi kan kalau udah pulang ke kosan tu jadi mager ya semenjak ada skip di kampus mereka tu pada yaudah gue abisin waktu di skip aja nih ,siang gue di skip aja nongkrong , banyak yang temen-temen kita menghabiskan waktunya sembari menunggu waktu untuk kuliah lagi jadi habisin waktu di skip ,kayak aah gua ga mau kuliah ke skip aja pas lagi di skip nongkrong-nongkrong ketemu temenya eh ayo kuliah dia kuliah kalau ga ayo kuliah ga ydeh habis ini balik aja , jadi ya beneran skip “ A :”Tapi setelah engagement sama customer setelah campaign back to school itu meningkat ga ? kayak jumlah visitor di instagram “ B :”Naik sampai 3 kali lipat , awalnya cuman 200 an trus sekarang sampai 800 loh itu 200 di akhir tahun ga sih kemarin , dalam waktu sebulan kurang dari seminggu malah , untuk interaksi langsung kita juga ada ini , kita kembali lagi ke sd bikin gambar-gambar kayak anak sd terus kita menyuruh customor menilai ,jadi yang kita ga kenal sama sekali ga berani ngomong sama sekali cuma bilang tolong dong nilai gini-gini terus udah tu terjadi interaksi – interaksi A “Satu lagi terakhir skip pernah ngadain ga campaign bukan campaign sih sejenis foto kontes gitu foto dengan produk skip atau foto di store mungkin dengan kemarin ada campaign back to school itu pernah ga ?”


B :”Kalau untuk foto kontes kita ga pernah ya tapi kita ,pernah dulu itu buat event yang sejenis itu baru-baru skip buka ya nah itu sekaligus juga untuk memperkenalkan siapa aja sih personil – personil skip nah jadi kita membuat sebuah event yang bertemakan the caracter nah jadi kita buat itu eee sebuah sayembara itu kumpulin 10 setiker barang siapa yang berhasil mengumpulkan , sepuluh orang yang beruntung berhasil menumpulkan 10 setiker the caracter itu dia akan mendapatkan satu buah baju gratis dari skip dan itu bener-bener ini titk orang-orang tau skip titik pasar titik kita membuat pasar disitu jadi eeee waktu itu sebelum kita megenal , sebelum kita mulai mengeprint cup kita sendiri kita ee potong-potong stiker kita , kita potong-potong design kita sendiri dan itu ingin beda dari kopi yang lain beberapa gambar beberapa caracter stiker itu ,nah di tambah lagi dari stiker kita berlima , dan itu kita kagetnya ada orang yang bener-bener sampai stikernya di cabut di tempel sama dia di snapgram sampai di post di instagram dia dan itu muali dimana orang-orang mulai tau skip “ A :”Tapi untuk sounding yang ada Campaign, maksudnya yang ada event itu soundingnya via mounth to mounth atau via sosial media?” B :”Sosial media , mounth to mounth juga iya “ A : “ I think is enough, once again im going to say thank you so much for your time, I hope your explanation can help me to find out the answer of my research. B : You’re welcome.


Second Infromant : Ulfah Dinyah F ( Skip cofee followers) A : The Researcher

B : Ulfah Dinyah F (Followers of Skip Coffee on instagram)

A : where do you know about skip coffee? Why did you follow their

instagram account?

B : The first time know skip is from instagram, After one of my

senior posted photos a cup of coffee on his Instastory, then I

started to tap the tag and started to follow the official account

because I am curious from their user name. And then I follow the

official account to looking for what their product. After that I’m

curious to buy one of their product which is ‘kopi susu’ because a

lot of my friends also update it on instagram, and by the way it has

a good taste. At the time Skip coffee just launched and they posted

some promo on their instagram. I don’t want to missed the

information about their promo.

A : how often do you buy the product of skip coffe?

B : Usually almost once in a week I buy one cup of Skip coffee


A : how do you describe digital marketing? Is digital marketing

important ?

B : digital marketing is such an the way how a brand or a company

promote their product using technology. For me as a university

students, I am more interested searching a brand from internet or

online because like everybody today always in touch with their


smart phone. And from their smart phone they usually tend to use

to open social media. Social media is a trend for millennial

generation, its help me to keeping up to date with everything. In my

opinion using social media is a must for a company or a brand if

their target is millennial. Because you know millennial can’t be

separated from social media.

A : do you think skip coffee already uses digital marketing strategy?

please give your opinion.

B : I think skip coffee already using social media as their tool for

building their brand. As I stated before digital marketing is the way

a brand utilize technology to promote their product. As I know skip

coffee using instagram and line add to sell their product.

A : Have you ever posted about skip coffee on your social media?

And what that attracts you to posted on your instastory?

B : Yes, I usually posted a photos on my insta story after buy a cup

of skip coffee product. First, the function of social instagram itself is

for updated about your activity. What I am doing, where I am, what

kind of food that I ate. It is something that usual activity of

millennial while using social media. It’s like a trend, to share what’s

up on their life on social media to interact with their friends.

Second, skip coffee have unusual design of their cup. The design is

consist of much character that makes skip coffee different with

others coffee shop. And also their admin is kind of a friendly person

that represent skip is a part of our day. Even the respond only

replying my story to say thank you through direct message,


sometimes the admin also repost my instastory. It makes me as the

customer feeling appreciated.

A : Do you think the seller feedback is important? Why?

B : I think a feedback from the seller is very important, for me I tend

to re purchase something from the internet / social media if their

admin is friendly. The little thing like the way they response our

comment or giving such an informative description about the

product that they sell makes me as the customer feel comfortable

and like there is no gap between the customer and the seller, more

over if there is something uncomfortable things / problems that

happen when we ordering their product, I am as the customer need

a fast respond from the seller to offering solution from the problem.

The way they interact with us as the customer shows if the brand or

the seller appreciate us as their customer. I mean like ‘tidak

menyepelekan customer’

A : How do you think the interesting Instagram content is?

B : In my opinion interested content in instagram is content that

have values of art. I mean the content is anti-mainstream, there is

something special that makes a content different with the others

content. Moreover, something that makes the audience curious to

find out more what that’s content about.

A :What are your recommendations for skip so that you can attract

more customers by their social media?

B: ummm maybe Skip coffee should be more updating the feeds on

their account, even though lately Skip coffee account already active

posting on insta story. I think they also need to create an intersting


feed, because if they online focus on instastory it would be limit

their market. As we know insta story is the feature that only can

saves the video for 24 hours. Moreover the duration of the video is

only 15 seconds. If the followers not viewing the story in 24 hours

after its updated it means that the followers miss out the

information from the brand. If it also posted in the feed it will be

keep for a long time.


Third Infromant : Shafira Ajeng ( Skip cofee followers) A : The Researcher

B : Shafira Ajeng (Followers of Skip Coffee on instagram)

Date : January 21, 2018

Location : PU Canteen

A : where do you know about skip coffee? Why did you follow their

instagram account?

B :"ehhhmmm aku itu tau skip waktu pas, baru sih baru pas dia

buka di sini waktu dia di kosan - kosan gak tau, terus kenapa aku

follow ? Karena ya, waktu itu kan ada yang promosi north to east Di

situ aku follow instagramnya skip

A : how often you buy product of skip coffee?

B :" I usually buy skip coffee almost every day, maybe just off

consuming coffee in two days.

A : how do you describe digital marketing? Is digital marketing


B :" Digital marketing is like we want to promote something using

instagram or secial media, in my opinion for now a days digital

marketing is important because most of youth / millennial using

social media instagram. And for me I feels like, sometimes I see a

product in instagram then I think “hmm its cute” then I decided go

to the store to try its product.

A : Do you think skip coffee already used digital marketing strategy?

Please give your opinion


B : In my opinion skip coffee already using digital marketing in form

of social media instagram, in insta stories they are good enough on

promotion.. but maybe minus on their instagram feeds.

A : Have you ever posted something about skip coffee on your social

media? And what attract you to posted on yours social media?

B : “Yes, I usually posted on my instastory, umm because I am as the

skip lover I feels like skip has a good taste, and the price is worth for

students. I mean with that price we can enjoy a delicious cup of

coffee. Especially in President University campus there is rarely

coffee like that. By the way I usually posted a picture that focused

on the design of the cup. Skip has a cute design kak, so it’s like same

with millennial interested on. Moreover for this week, during their

back to school campaign, the one that I am interested most is they

wear an elementary uniform.

A : Do you think seller feedback is important? Why?

B : " ehmmm in my opinion feedback is something important, I

mean we are as the customer, at least we paid, it like we feel

appreciated as the customer. So it’s make me come again to the

coffee shop. It will create an chemistry between the seller and the


A : How do you think about the interested instagram content?

B : "nah in my opinion interested content are, first it comes from

the feeds. The second is from instastory, I usually viewing my

friends videos, for me in interested video content Is like video with

the decoration, I mean the ordinary decoration, not too mych , the


better it looks the more I am curious to follow it, especially feed

Instagram is important enough. how interested feeds of instagram,

according to me, the content is the first, I can take this photo like

this, maybe its just an ordianry phoro, but the way they takes the

picture, the fiter is good, well, I see it from how they managing

rows on the content.

A : What is your recommendation for skip coffee to attract more

customer by their social media?

B :" if in my opinion, actually so far they are pretty good on

appreciating their customers and uploading them on instagram,

maybe they are lack on instastory, like they rarely upload photos ,

maybe only a few that they upload, it's more important, not just

uploading the story, because if you upload a photo, you see in the

timeline, open the profile like that, for their design it's interesting,

for the design is good enough just need a bit improvement.


Coding Metrix

Question Answer Interpretation

How you Define Digital Marketing ?

“digital marketing itu menggunakan

semuanya itu dengan digital “

, memudahkan kita untuk menyebar

keluar , menyebar informasi segala

macem , menyebar apa yang kita ingin sebar itu gampang

menurut saya itu sih , jadi ga perlu pake

brosur-brosur print dan digital marketing itu sangat membantu

bagi orang-orang yang sedang , merintis


Definition of digital mareting

What channels do

“Kalau kita selain ngejalanin skip cofee sendiri sih yang paling


you think are most

relevant to your

business and why?

sering kita pakai itu instagram dan line add , Kalau misalkan instagram itu mempermudah kita untuk ngasih tau temen-temen yang lain tentang campaign apasih yang buat kedepannya , event apa sih yang bakal ada kedepannya ,karena kita banyak campaign banyak juga yang ngasih-ngasih something terus line add nya pesen minuman dari jauh itu digital sama Gojek.

For this time Instagram account of Skip coffee focus on feeds or Insta story ?

“dua dua nya sih tapi mungkin lebih kencengnya di instastory , karena instastory instant lebih instant dibanding feeds” kalau fed udah namanya kita membuat market membuat produk kita sendiri membuat market kita sendiri ya kita harus juga memberikan ke orang

The main Instagram feature that often



itu yang wah lebih apa ya prosesnya lebih berlika liku dibanding instastory karena instastory juga orang dengan adanya instastory orang lebih memilih instastory di banding feeds sendiri di banding timeline lain-lain isntagram berupa fed sendiri kalau di lihat dari plaform instagram itu juga udah seperti poster dimana terisi dari ee typografi tulisan dan visualnya gambarnya yaudah di skip itu nanti bentuk gambarnya nanti di tambahin caption yang berupa teksnya jadi kayak orang udah melihat isitlahnya lihat poster reklame kayak badut sulap di pinggir jalan seperti itu produk gambarnya sama typografinya “

What channels do you think are most relevant to your business and why?

“pengguna sosial media ya 63 juta orang dalam sehari yaa ,bayangkan kita update gambar foto gambar kopi , fotokopi

The most relevant social media chanel

for develop the bussines


dilihat oleh 63 juta orang sekarang sih masih 300 orang yang mengunjungi instagran kita ,tapi semakin hari semakin kesini itu pengunjung skip sendiri itu nyampe di angka 800 per satu minggu dengan jumlah follower cuma 200 orang bisa visit instagram skip sendiri itu bisa 800 orang gitu , per minggu ,padahal dibandingkan dengan akun kita sendiri gitu kaya saya instagran saya gak sampe paling Cuma 60 orang per minggu seperti itu

How do you stay updated with news and latest Digital Marketing trends

Gimick sih lebih ke riset dan gimick gitu soalnya campaign yang paling baru yang back to school itukan salah satu campaign yang di pake oleh salah satu departemen store kita mikirnya kayak kenapa hanya departement store yang buat kenapa bukan kita gitu , jadi di balik hashtag back to school ini , kita juga pakai hastag skip


kelas gitu juga , lebih ke ini sih lihat hal hal kecil yang dimana hal hal kecil itu yang jarang di luapain orang tapi velue nya besar “ kita lebih memperhatikan hal hal kecin yg dijadikan lifestyle , seperti halnya kita kan udah berhenti untuk menggunakan yang namannya sedotan plastik kita beragapan semua kita kompak kita beranggapan sedotan stenlis ini sedotan yang terbuat dari bambu atau rumput laut itu kedepannya akan menjadi lifestyle “

Tell me about a successful marketing campaign you’ve run from beginning to end?

Kalau menurut saya ini yang back to school kemarin ya saoalnya itu kerasa banget ya , kita kan pakai itu kan setiap hari senin aja ya pakai pakain seragam sd begitu hari selasa kita ga pake lagi begitu jualan banyak


tu yang tanya tanya kok ga pakai baju sd lagi , begitu kita keluar juga itu melekat di orang orang gitu kita keluar juga ga jualan ditanyain gitu kok ga pake baju sd kok ga pakai baju sd gitu jadi menurut saya itu yang paling berhasil saat ini

The number of likes/follows versus engagement numbers. Which one is important? Why?”

Lebih ke relation sih apasih artinya followers dibandingkan dengan kesetianaan gitu loh maksudnya followers kan cuma pengikut ya tapi yaa , ya percuma kita diikutin sama 2 juta orang misalnya tapi itu isinya cuman palsu gitu karena ga enak gitu loh atau emang Cuma karena ee di datang sekali terus ngliat event kita seru terus di follow terus habis itu udah dilupakan gitu jadi kita lebih memilih relation kita sih makanya kita juga disini menggunakan 3S juga Senyum ,Salam,Sapa juga

Customer engagement becomes the

priotity to reach market.

How do you use social media as a

“Ngerepost , dari ngerepost terus lebih

The way engage with customer


tool for customer service?

aktif membalas, eee chat mention-mention mereka atau Dm-dm mereka gitu ada testimoni juga dari mereka kita sangat-sangat apa ya menghargai itu gitu karena tanpa mereka ya kita bukan apa-apa gitu “

What are the limitations of digital Marketing ?

Limitation lebih ke segmentasi nya ga sih lebih ke segmentasi , misal kayak ada orang yang bisa menerima suka sama design-design tapi ada orang yang bilang terlalu apasih , ngomongin dari segi visual yak eee karena kalo kita liat dari beberapa kopi-kopi yang lain kayak ,ini juga ada yang masuk ketelinga saya beberapa dari orang bilang eeee skip ni bagus gitu karena dari mereka itu yudah bisa nya cuma nama brand mereka udah itu terus gitu dan stylenya seperti warung-warung kopi yang lain dari style fed segala macemnya dan yang

The obstacle using social media as promotio tool


ingin kita bangun untuk dari segi packaging sendiri gimana caranya skip ini bisa memberikan mood tersendiri atau memeberikan hal-hal unik yang lainnya entah dari per cup nya design nya berbeda beda entah dari ee segi branding di intasgramnya dari fed instagramnya juga beda-beda ga ke kopi banget lah kalau misalkan ee kopikan yaudah cuma sekedar kayak gitu entah jadi kita gabungin sama street art kita gabungin sama seni-seni yang lain gitu , itu untuk lebih ke menarik orang-orang kayak cuman bilang wah keren nih udah kalau dilihat dari kata-kata wah keren nih itu bisa berkambang lain ke yang lain-lain dari pemikiran orang itu kayak gitu ,wah keren nih coba ah kesini ,wah keren nih ni apaan gitu , kalau obstaclenya


kalau diturutin lagi ya ke segmentasinya sih kayak apakah orang itu bisa menerima feeds kita ,story kita kaya gitu , sama ini di instagram sendirikan ada yang namanya profile , eeh bisnis profile dari itu kita bisa melihat insight kan ,bisa lihat orang-orang berapa sih yang like ketika karena menurut saya like menurut kami like itu juga dipelukan ,brarti kalau misalnya like itu diperlukan berapa orang yang kasarnya sekedar melihat itu udah tertarik sama skip gitu lah ee jadi sempet di cek beberapa kali yang ngevisit banyak yang like sedikit jadi disitu pr nya juga gimana caranya bisa menambahakan like juga dari feeds-feeds kita jadi dari like sendiri bisa mengundang interest si orang itu

Say there’s a crisis on one of your

Sejauh ini belum ada dan semoga gak akan

Social media used to handle customer


social media channels. How do you handle it ? For example There are stale ingridients on the coffee

ada gitu kita juga memaintance bahan baku kita juga ada yang basi kita minum sendiri , kita buktin loh kalau misalnya itu buruk banget ketemu itu basi gitu ya pertama kita , pasti kita klarifikasi dulu mengapa itu basi melalui mungkin bisa melalui instagram atau mungkin melalui sosmed-sosmed yang lain kayak youtube mungkin kita bikin klalifikasi soalnya itu juga sangat berguna itu sangat powerfull


Or maybe Let’s say there is miss communication when their delivery order was delayed?

“Kalau yang kayak gitu kita paling coba kayak untuk memahamkan pasti dia pengertian “ “jadi lebih pada kita minta maaf terus kita kasih complementary kayak mungkin besok dia bisa pesen lagi langsung dianterin gitu atau ga yaa apaya lebih ke minta maaf aja ya kayak gitu ,sealama ini paling ya orang marah temen-

Facing the problem on social media


temen kita sendiri juga , tapi yang pernah kita alami kayak gitu sih kita pernah kadang kita pernah kasih gratis juga ,skip itu baik loh “

What makes a piece of social media content successful

“Yaaaa mungkin minggu ini saya akan ngulik , sempat ada di trend nya orang creative di instagram ada nama nya creative multifull post “ gimana creative mutlifull post itu bisa membuat zine , zine itu majalah kecil lah , di instagram itu sendiri jadi membuat si multiple post ini seperti majalah dan mungkin kami luncurkan di deket-deket ini ya itu untuk dari segi eee apa namanya isinya konten visualnya sendiri tadi juga udah sempet ngambil beberapa gambar untuk nanti kita edit untuk kita jadikan multiple post itu , mungkin pertama kali


nanti keluar bakal pengenalan dari skip itu sendiri pengenal dari kami-kami berlima ini ,jadi lebih memainkan , apa ya memainkan instagram itu ga cuma sekedar post foto dan caption memainkannya lebih menarik lah kayak tadi multiple post itu buat majalah kecil-kecilan entah membuat sebuah gambar yang penuh dengan visual metaforanya gitu ,

How would you approach budgeting for marketing expenses?

Sebenarnya budgeting nya tu kalau buat digital tu belum ya , jadi ya ngapain sih pelit , kayak ini loh kita bangun sama-sama kita belum bisa membagi ini duit buat marketing nih ,ini duit buat eeee bisnis development nih , ini duit buat ee operasinya production nya ini belum jadi sejauh ini kita masih menyatukan dana itu dan masih menggunakan dana pribadi juga sampai

Arrangement of digital marketing



nanti kita sudah sangat-sangat besar baru lah akan ada dana-dana tersebut gitu ,” Soalnya kita masih berlima nih belum berdelapan belum bersepuluh yang kita baru bisa profer itu ya dana tak terduga buat menggantikan uang yang kita keluarkan kayak misalkan ,duit bensin kita pergi kemana bareng-bareng atau untuk belanja misalkan pakai kendaraan siapa ganti bensinnya dan yang lain-lainnya kurang lebih seperti itu

After using social media for promotion is there any performance increased” (income, brand image, engagement with customer)

Ehhhmm ya pastinya ada ya kayak sebelum itu seeblum tahun baru ini ya sebelum awal 2019 kita itu udah lama ga buat campaign ya , di awal-awal ini kita buat campaign bacl to school itu semakin banyak yang ngetag nama skip untuk di post ke snapgram

There is any significant

performance incrased after

conducting campaign on social



mereka , “jadi kalo di bilang perform sangat – sangat meningkat dari sebelunya gitu dari beberapa dari yang Cuma 50 orang per hari sampai hari ini kita udah sentuh rata-rata 100 orang sampai yang brand image nya skip itu cuman anak-anak nakal yang suka skip kelas sampai orang membutuhkan skip untuk ke kelas gitu

Can we conclude that social media is important for your


Ooo jelas , satu hal lagi sih dari skip ya

skip itu juga membatu teman-teman kita yang jarang kuliah untuk termotivasi untuk kuliah lagi

dulunya tu mereka misalnya ada kuliah pagi sama sore nah ,

misalnya mereka udah kuliah pagi kan kalau udah pulang ke kosan

tu jadi mager ya semenjak ada skip di kampus mereka tu pada yaudah gue

abisin waktu di skip aja nih ,siang gue di skip aja nongkrong ,

Social media plays an important role

for marketing startegy


banyak yang temen-temen kita

menghabiskan waktunya sembari menunggu waktu

untuk kuliah lagi jadi habisin waktu di skip

,kayak aah gua ga mau kuliah ke skip aja pas

lagi di skip nongkrong-nongkrong ketemu

temenya eh ayo kuliah dia kuliah kalau ga ayo

kuliah ga ydeh habis ini balik aja , jadi ya

beneran skip

Is there any performance increased after Skip try to engage with customer by respoting the insta story?

Naik sampai 3 kali lipat , awalnya cuman 200 an trus sekarang sampai 800 loh itu 200 di akhir tahun ga sih kemarin , dalam waktu sebulan kurang dari seminggu malah , “untuk interaksi langsung kita juga ada ini , kita kembali lagi ke sd bikin gambar-gambar kayak anak sd terus kita menyuruh customor menilai ,jadi yang kita ga kenal sama sekali ga berani ngomong sama sekali cuma bilang tolong dong nilai gini-gini terus udah tu terjadi

Customer Performance

increased after campaign on



interaksi – interaksi “

The last one, do you

ever held a photo contest about your campaign or event

that posted on Instagram ?

Kalau untuk foto kontes kita ga pernah ya tapi kita ,pernah dulu itu buat event

yang sejenis itu baru-baru skip buka ya nah

itu sekaligus juga untuk

memperkenalkan siapa aja sih personil – personil skip nah jadi kita membuat sebuah

event yang bertemakan the

caracter nah jadi kita buat itu eee sebuah

sayembara itu kumpulin 10 setiker barang siapa yang

berhasil mengumpulkan ,

sepuluh orang yang beruntung berhasil menumpulkan 10

setiker the caracter itu dia akan

mendapatkan satu buah baju gratis dari

skip dan itu bener-bener ini titk orang-orang tau skip titik

pasar titik kita membuat pasar disitu

jadi eeee waktu itu sebelum kita megenal , sebelum kita mulai

First Strategy that used to Branding

on Instagram


mengeprint cup kita sendiri kita ee potong-

potong stiker kita , kita potong-potong

design kita sendiri dan itu ingin beda dari

kopi yang lain beberapa gambar beberapa caracter

stiker itu ,nah di tambah lagi dari stiker kita berlima , dan itu

kita kagetnya ada orang yang bener-

bener sampai stikernya di cabut di tempel sama dia di

snapgram sampai di post di instagram dia dan itu muali dimana

orang-orang mulai tau skip


Coding Matrix

Question where do you know about skip coffee? Why did you

follow their instagram account?

Answer Interpretation

Ulfa DF

“The first time know skip is from instagram, After one of my senior posted photos a cup of coffee on his Instastory”

“Then I started to tap the tag and started to follow the official account because I am curious from their user name. And then I follow the official account to looking for what their product”

At the time Skip coffee just” launched their coffee shop and

they posted some promo on their instagram. I don’t want to missed the information about

their promo”

Reason following official acoount of

Skip Coffee

Shafira Ajeng

ehhhmmm I know skip at the time when skip just opened the store at canteen, and reason why I followed the instagram is because at the time if I am not mistaken there is collaboration between north to east, and skip give promo for their beverage, so I started to follow the instagram to get the promo.


Question How often do you buy the product of skip coffe?

Answer Interpretation

Ulfa DF

“Usually almost once in a week I buy one cup of Skip coffee product”

Long period buy

skip product

Shafira Ajeng

I usually buy skip coffee almost every day, maybe just off

consuming coffee in two days

Question How do you describe digital marketing? Is digital

marketing important?

Answer Interpretation

Ulfa DF

“digital marketing is such an the way how a brand or a company promote their product using technology”

For me as a university students, I am more interested searching a brand from internet or online because like everybody today always in touch with their smart phone. And from their smart phone they usually tend to use to open social media. Social media is a trend for millennial generation, its help me to keeping up to date with everything

General Definiton Digital Marketing


Shafira Ajeng

Digital marketing is like we want to promote something using instagram or secial media, in my opinion for now a days digital marketing is important because most of youth / millennial using social media instagram. And for me I feels like, sometimes I see a product in instagram then I think “hmm its cute” then I decided go to the store to try its product

Question Do you think skip coffee already uses digital marketing

strategy? please give your opinion.

Answer Interpretation

Ulfa DF

I think skip coffee already using social media as their tool for

building their brand. As I stated before digital marketing is the way a brand utilize technology to promote their product. As I

know skip coffee using instagram and line add to sell

their product

Define skip as SME

that used digital marketing

Shafira Ajeng

In my opinion skip coffee already using digital marketing in form of social media instagram, in insta stories they are good enough on promotion.. but maybe minus on their instagram feeds.



Have you ever posted about skip coffee on your social media? And what that attracts you to posted on your


Answer Interpretation

Ulfa DF

Yes, I usually posted a photos on my insta story after buy a cup of skip coffee product.

First, the function of social instagram itself is for updated about your activity. What I am

doing, where I am, what kind of food that I ate. It is something that usual activity of millennial

while using social media. It’s like a trend, to share what’s up on

their life on social media to interact with their friends.

Second, skip coffee have unusual design of their cup. The

design is consist of much character that makes skip

coffee different with others coffee shop. And also their admin is kind of a friendly

person that represent skip is a part of our day. Even the

respond only replying my story to say thank you through direct message, sometimes the admin

also repost my instastory. It makes me as the customer

feeling appreciated

Things that attract to posting about skip


Shafira Ajeng

Yes, I usually posted on my instastory, umm because I am as the skip lover I feels like skip


has a good taste, and the price is worth for students. I mean with that price we can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee. Especially in President University campus there is rarely coffee like that. By the way I usually posted a picture that focused on the design of the cup. Skip has a cute design kak, so it’s like same with millennial interested on. Moreover for this week, during their back to school campaign, the one that I am interested most is they wear an elementary uniform.

Question Do you think the seller's feedback is important? Why?

Answer Interpretation

Ulfa DF

“I think a feedback from the seller is very important”

“The little thing like the way they response our comment or

giving such an informative description about the product that they sell makes me as the customer feel comfortable and

Reason why seller feedback is important


like there is no gap between the customer and the seller, more

over if there is something uncomfortable things /

problems that happen when we ordering their product, I am as

the customer need a fast respond from the seller to offering solution from the

problem. The way they interact with us as the customer shows

if the brand or the seller appreciate us as their customer. I mean like ‘tidak menyepelekan

customer’ “

Shafira Ajeng

ehmmm in my opinion feedback is something important, I mean we are as the customer, at least we paid, it like we feel appreciated as the customer. So it’s make me come again to the coffee shop. It will create an chemistry between the seller and the customer"

Question How do you think about the interested instagram


Answer Interpretation

Ulfa DF

In my opinion interested content in instagram is content that have values of art. I mean the content is anti-mainstream; there is something special that makes content different with

Define Interested content


the others content. Moreover, something that makes the audience curious to find out more what that’s content about.

Shafira Ajeng

nah in my opinion interested content are, first it comes from the feeds. The second is from instastory, I usually viewing my friends videos, for me in interested video content Is like video with the decoration, I mean the ordinary decoration, not too mych , the better it looks the more I am curious to follow it, especially feed Instagram is important enough. how interested feeds of instagram, according to me, the content is the first, I can take this photo like this, maybe its just an ordianry phoro, but the way they takes the picture, the fiter is good, well, I see it from how they managing rows on the content

Question What are your recommendations for skip so that you can attract more customers by their social media?

Answer Interpretation

Ulfa DF

ummm maybe Skip coffee should be more updating the feeds on their account, even

though lately Skip coffee

The recommendation for

skip coffee to improve their


account already active posting on instastory. I think they also

need to create an intersting feed, because if they online

focus on instastory it would be limit their market. As we know insta story is the feature that

only can saves the video for 24 hours. Moreover the duration

of the video is only 15 seconds. If the followers not viewing the

story in 24 hours after its updated it means that the

followers miss out the information from the brand. If it also posted in the feed it will be

keep for a long time

strategy communication

using social media

Shafira Ajeng

if in my opinion, actually so far they are pretty good on appreciating their customers and uploading them on instagram, maybe they are lack on instastory, like they rarely upload photos, maybe only a few that they upload, it's more important, not just uploading the story, because if you upload a photo, you see in the timeline, open the profile like that, for their design it's interesting, for the design is good enough just need a bit improvement.


Documentation photos

Figure 6 – Shafira Ajeng (Informant) – Ulfa Dinyah F (Informant)

Figure 7 – Skip Coffee team on #BackToSchool Campaign

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