the university of wyoming minutes of the trustees...l1r fuller al~o repo:"te:l tni:'_t of...

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March 22-24, 1921

For the confidential information

of the Board of Trustee 

Record of Minut fs of Bo""d cf Trustees Meeting !.1ar c11 22 I 1921 19 .., ..::"7_,Sheet No. ,. -J -"


Th~ regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees was called. to ord r

this date w1t~ President I12I!!iltcn presiding. There were also in attendance, :,!r.

De!:1ing, UT. G ddes, Mr. Elliott, tir. Prosser. lllrs. Morton, Dr. iWlson, Mr. Fuller

and the secra ary.

Th oath of office riaS adminiatered to Mr. Elliott. Mr. Geddes and Mr.

Prosser, who '1ere then qualified to act as members of the Board.

Th; ninutes of the special Board n:eetine of iTovember 12th were' raoul and u,~

approved. Th minutes of the CO!:!!:litteo Heetings hold en December 9, 17 and 23, l""'~w: .j-t..;

am Janua.ry 2 a.Tld Febrllliry 21 were li...1<:m'Ji sa ra2d ani approved.

!.ir Fuller read applications fran 14r. H. W. IIawl:es for a on cert;l,in

lands in Sect on 9. TOl'mship 33. Range 76. for g;lrage purposes a.'1d from l,lr. D. F. -7,tStewart for a picture s.l-tow. After some discu~!lion. Mr ° Dem~ng w.ade a motion th;l.t

this Eoarcl ap rove these applications at a Clinimurn. rental of $1.00 per month in e.ach

case, and. for fl maxiraUI:l rental, which, in ths j-;n~lent of Mr. Baker, Cor-.rrnissioner

of Public Lanp.s, the applic..nts fer leases r/oulc; p2.y for the use of this land.

T:b..e motion wa~ secomed by IIiI'. Prosser u..T1d carrie::!.

Thp ~plicatlon of Ur. IUaurica E. for ~ extension of time to

July 1st. wit pin which to begin drilling,

made appli~t on for an assignment of the


was re:!d 6l.nd approved. Mr. Flavin also c...~7· _,-0,

. 1~/_T3'J,~/k

Wcst:one.,;ll•.J.L ({)..-o:( .the South-West quarter

(~;) of Sectio~ 1, Township 33, P.aJ" 76, containing 60 acrss, to Mro George C. Flavin,

an.rl after SOi~~ discussion t'lis applic.a.tion W~t.S approved. Dr. HOl1!Lilton reported t!l.~t

Georee C. Fla in h:ui. rscDntly revi8\¥ed the purposs of this assignrent with him, and

Dr. P.nmilton "las convinced that Mr. flavin W;lS I:kl!:ing every possible effort to raise

funds to dril t~is land.

Be "'erence 'vas also r.Ja!le by Lir. F.uller to the joint ~eting held in

Cheyeru1e wit::: the State Land Board on 17th, a.n:l he reported that ~r. Corthell

Record of Minut S of Bo,,-rd of Trustees Meeting. .r..reh:?2. 1921 19 Sheet No. ;J. 51



I would "\ppe~r Lot 10 otcloc..'t.: the morning to preser:-t 0.1. copy of the resolution to

be auopted by this Board.

Up n motion bl' ~lr. Geddes, seeonied by Llr. Elliott, tre Doard approved

the applicati n for _ le;l.s6 of eighty (gO) acres adjoining the Kinney lease in the

Big Muddy Fieh "-t a rental of $12.00 per year.

Mr. Fuller reported that the oil e0"'P,,-nies in the Big Mu:ldy field ,,.,re

metering the !F>s produced fro,"" ,,.,lls, and. for the ye"" 1920 an additional Gum of

$313.00 had. been collected and paid into the University Permanent Land Fund. At


the present rt te of production, ths increr!lent to this fund for tbo year 1921 shoul

avera!>" $100.(0 per month.

Af er nowe discussion Of the application for ~ renerlal of the en

562.12 acres f Universi ty land locate"'..l in the C-oshen Eole Country, legally des­

cribed aG Sec ion 2, TO'vVClShip 21, Ra~ 62, the applic~~tion ~"as granted :l.t a.

r.1iniL'lw renta of 15f. per acre. The previous rental had b:3on 5~~ per acre, and

wag L~cre:l.sed at Mr. Fuller's suggastion.

l1r Fuller al ~o repo:"te:l tni:'_t of the original gr-"l.nt of 2BVg!1ty-two

aect i.ons of U. lversi ty hmd, th9rrl rew.ainod 1.76 acre s to be selected.

Til value of an ~utor:lobile to he used by Mr. FUller in the dischargeI

It1«.tr,~ l''of hi2 duties WGt.S also disC'..lssed, u"'1.d upon notion m.ade by i,Jr. Deming, gecondad. - ./

by 1;1"r. Elliot I bir. Fuller was authorized to a car unier the best possible


Ph January oil royaltie£ \iOre reported as ~ou~ting to $27.496.56. '-'" I-

At this tir.lS the President introduced Mr. J. C. Fi ttersr who submitted

maps and est.uj1ates of the cost of the installation of drainage projects on the

Stock fan J:.l!1' the Gra-onroy ram. Upon notion b~1 Mr. Deming, secon::1.ed by Mrs.

Horton, Dr. Hfml1ton a::,pointed VIr. PrOGGflr, Ur. TIlliott and Ur. C-ed:les as a

Record of Minui s ofBo~rd of TrU2tees Meeiing 19 Sheel No. 7.55

cOr:T.littee to the ex.isting conditions at these two farms, 2..'1d to report

further to th41 Doar.L

Pr sident Nelson then read a bri~f sumnary of Mr. F~lerls activities

for the ye~r 920.

Th rest of the afternoon W~$ then taken ur> wi th the ~..iscu.ssion by

Ptesident Uel on of the policy to be carried o"U.t by the State Farm Boare for the

next biennium The St~l.te Farm Board conf3i~tG of five tn3mbers appointed. br the

Governor, wit the D:.'la.11 of the Agricultural College as ex-officio chairman of the

Board. The amual meeting had been held in Cheyenne on H"rch 14th, and ,,-t this

t~A tho fut, e policy ,~~s discussei. Sone" of the lands now being withheld fram

!3~e (pending an investiBUtion by the ABricultural College for use in connection

with their TO! ge e~er:h~H!lltS) I adjoL"s the.State Industrial FarrJ:i.t Ylorland, It

\7;1.5 thought tf'1.Ott this land could be selected anil. a COOIH3!"at1ve agreement entered.

into between he St.?vte lniustri:ll F~rm and the Un iv~rsi ty, whereby ex~riments

could be conducted both on University an]. Stat'e Farm lm"i.

TJ: ho'll' of 6 o'clock havincr arriveq., the Board adjourned to President

Uelsonls home for dinner. and to !iJ.(3et again at 8=30 o'clock P. M.

-: :-

9:00 P . !.

Tn~ Board ag:dn resi.E9d its ssssion with th(~ Bame I:!.ernbers present as

:it the OJ.fterr.~on meeting. with tho exception of Viro" Horton.

Ur. Hoefer, Professor of 1I1ech.'\.nical 8: E19ctrrcal Engineering, a.m,

!o1r" John Ber zen of the City Pltlr!lbine; Q.nd Heating COr:I.!'uny of ::aoulder, Colorado.

w~re also in u.ttcn..i.3J'1.{~e, mit r,lr. Hoefer outlined hiH plans for the proposed heat-

inB plant. !.r. H. R. Byers, representi..Y'l~ the :Babcock ec Wilcox COl!lpany, then

suboittsd to the Board a propoeition from his cOi!1pa."ly for Babcock 8: Wilcox boilers

and stoker}], together \'with l1ricee of other erp.lipnsnt necessary to.7.. pO\'Jer plant,



_Record of Minu ~s of Board of Trusteeo Mee.ting a"rch 22, 1921 19 Shee'Jio. -2:if., .

with the exe ption of the building. The heatinf) plant a,'ld the Babcock & Wilcox

propoeition '" ere discussed for the remi!.inder 0:;." the evening, al"l.d. at 11 P. r·I.

the Board to k adjournment to m~~et at 8 A. M. the following morning.

March 23, 1921.

T e Board ag.:lin re!3uraed its session with all the memb'3rs present as

on the prHvi us afternoon. I'

. ~ .

P esident Nelson thp.rl proceeded. with a brief report in which he touc.>'ed~ II,

on rHgistrat on matters for the year, the University High School, and recent efior. sI -Ito have the gricultur~l College removed, a:a~ th~ future of the Extension Divisionj Iand his m'l!l ersonal relation!;hil) to the PrG9idency. (Correction by BOa.!"d of Trustees,June 1

H a.lso s1.lbr..litted the fol10\\'ing salary schedule for the next acadr.mic


Prote sears .. .........•$2700 to $3600

Associate pr fessors •.. $2400 to $3000

Assistant Pr fecsors •.• $1600 to $2400

Instructors. ... " ...••$1200 to $1600

Deans .........•Salaries to be ti~:eli according to re~pon!Jibilitie9 and dutie~


Tl e President having completed his report, the Board consid.ered some of

the reCOI:lJ1en ~tion2 r..1ade therein. Upon motion "oy Mr. Deming, seconded. by Mr.~I

Prosser, the following reGol ution clw.nging the ru.tI!Y3 of the University Hig'l SCJ~ool

to tlle St::.~te Tr:aining Pre!laratory School WaS aclopted:


\'11 EB3:.J\S, for ru~ny years th.sre has been conducted in con..Yl8ction with thsUniversity 0 WyominG, a University HigTl School, for the benefit of students fromcommunities n which no high schools exist, and for the training of teach13ra inthe public s hobls, and

WI EREAS, 9tu:1.ents bave been adD5.ttsd from cor.:mrunities in which highscl1001s do e' ist, thus adding to th~ expense of conducting the University Hi~~

School, and


< , ~

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Correction in minutes, m:l~.e by Board of Trustees,Ju.'"1e 13 t 1921"

President Hel on t in a r/ri t ten stD.teme nt quoted from a cmm::li ttee report I signedw. C. Deming. !-A':-9. J:':ltharine Uorton and Dr. A. B. fulnilton, relative to hisservices as P esidont. In the report J?ro Nelson ViaS q,uoted as suggesting th."\.the bring up t •. e r.J:.1.tter of his t-9nllre of office at the ~,iarch~ lS21 meeting. InpursU:.1.nce the eof r Pr(-)side!1t Nelson while not offering his reer1gnation , statedth::.t his futu: e phlns were contingent upon knowing his st~tllS for the follo"r'lingcollege year., F..e said if he ,.,.'ere to resume the toaching of Botr:..."1.y. it wouldnot be necess~ry to engage a n,~w instructor for th9..t department ..


Dr. Ne'lsoJl retired r,11ile the ma.tter W2,S being discussed.return he wa.s advised that it \\';?s the sense of those p:'8sent at therneotir..g thn.t r~ should cont inue e.G P,resident.

Dr. Ne!son tha~~d th8 Board for its courtesyo

Upon his!,j,~Tch


R ot'<1 of tlinutes of BOARi) OF IT.UST:;r.B

'I','hereas. t.he name University High Sohool is misleading

m cnusCl.s crit.icisn.

TIl" REFORE. DE IT Rr.SOLVfD. that effective after the end of

th present school ~'oar tho naw univoys ity tiigh School be nbnl' its plnee the name state ~ining Preparatory School·be

lld ecl snd thereaf'tei' be !:!ade tho offioial designtltion of tho scidtr ining 6chool.

,efter some discussion of the l}Oli~j with reference t.o tho

at etlClanee at t.he High Sohool. the follC1.\o"ing resolution vms. upon

mo ion by !Jr. ;>orS601". seconded L-y 11r. Elliott, adopted:

In vil3'\'l' of the presrnt orOlYded oondit.ion of the State TrainingPr pnratory Sohool. and in ordor that this school may servo morond uately the needs 0·1' those COClttUl1ities not yet provided with highISO 001 faoil!ties.

Bf IT RFSOLV!'D. that stueents be not aeo r • ted !'rOll! tarns orunities having fully organized high sch~ols, unless for exceptional

sons ,ann then only upon the urgent reoo-,endations of theerintendeot or _ incipal of :;uoh sohools, atld for reasona thllt secure0pprev-al of the President of the University.

Record of Minut~ of Board of Trustees Meeting !",roh 23; 1921 19 Sheet No. J.:57

Wit RF...AS, the n::une University High School is L1isle~ing and. causescriticism,

m RZFO~J BE IT R~r..LVEDt that effective after the end of the presentschool ~tear t1 e ru.u-re Uni1ersi ty High School be abandoned, and in its place thel1IUne Stotts Tr iI!L'1g Prep"ratory School be adopted acl therea.ff-t'er be =de tIleofficial dRsi ~a t ion of the said training A chool.

Ai er some discussion cf the polio? ,with reference to the attendance

at tho High S heel, the follolVing resolution was, upon motion by Mr. Prosser,

seconded by M . Elliott, adopted:

In view of the preoent crowied condition of the State Training Prepara­tory Acheol, . nd in order that this school may serve nore adequately the needs ofthose cor-JtlUni ies not yet provided with high school facilities.

133havbg fullyupon the urgeand for reaso

IT ID."-SOLVED, that students be not acceptoo. from towns or COIIlmU nitiesrg<U1izeci high schools, unless for exceptional reasons, and then onlyt recommendations of the Superintendent or Princip2.1 of such schools.s tmt Gecure the approval of the President of the University.

. increase th'iJ' resident's salary $500.00 for the next academic year.-k~"-"" .'

.rr • Morten J.eft the Boa.rd meeting at t.l,.is time, since it Vias nece ssary

The Board al so voted to

inadequacy of coqpensation paid to collefls professors mld instructors

and upon motion regularly lrade, seconded and carried/ the Pre:3id~nt ~~~.

to prepare the burlget to be submitted at the June meeting of the Board


~~c-.. ....


f the new sal~ry s~ho1uJ.e prepared by hi~.


on the basi s

was authcri:~e

that she return to Cheyerme to attoni a meeting which had been arranged. previous

to notice of h~ Board meeting.

l-!r IT. E. Corthel1 then entered the r!l6eting and. spoke briefly with

reference to he resolution to be adopted by the Board regarcling the control of

hmd llQtters. Actio~ on this resolution waG deferred for further consideration. Corthe11 hen gave as hin verbal opinion on Chapter 1~3, Session L:AWS of 1921,

that all fml'i t those arising within the institution, sho'.J1d be deposited

with the Stat Treasurer J lLT'ld tho Secret~ry \\2.$ 5.nstructed to act eccordingly.

~n liability of the ~iversity under the Uorkrnens CQDpens~tion Act \Y-tS

again discuss d, a"1d it W·..lS r.Ir. Ccrth91l ' S opinirn t!1.9.t no ch2nge h:d been rnade

VJ.r~ "'" 4~'-:"'; :.::. ~ 7;;'

Record of Minut s of Board of Trustees Meeting March 25. 1921. 19 Sheet No. ).,./

by the ~ssiJ.f,:e of recent legislation.

P esidcnt Nelson then r:entioncd the matter of establishnent by the

Episcopal ChL1I"ch of a girls' !lehocl in Laramie, using part of toe Church propert~

for housing :u1d tr.:B Universi ty High School an:! the Larm:lie High School facilities

for acaclouic training. iJo forraal action, hmvever, was taken on this m<:!.tter.

Dr. Ha."':lilton stated that with the expira.tion of the terms of Mr.

Spow.ding and Hr. Arnold, he \V"~s the only remaining meober of th8 Executive COr.:2i tee,. J~ani also tha. the University Board was wi them a Treasurer. Nanmaticns were d v-..e............. 1

--. "'.cIa-red open or Treasurer, and l:!+,. Geddes was norainated to this position_ Upon

motion regul~rly made, seconded ani can"ried, t1113 noni!'..atio\ls. wero declared close

Board in Jun •

with hi.I.:l as J.ernbers of the EK.ecutive Cormaittee until the annual meeting of the

and the sccr ..tary \-/as instructed to cast the ballot of the Boa..-rd for !ir. Geddes

Tre Board than adjourned to neat ag:>.in at 1 o' clock P. M.


Dr. l!aznilto:l then appointed Mr. Geddes and Mr. Prosser to serveag Trea.9urer

T e Board, together with L'ea'1 Faville and Mr. Fitterer. were taken

to the Stock Furm aTld Agronomy J?an.1, and spent the hours from 1 to 3 P. M.

investig:::Lti~g condi.tions at th~ farms with SI)8cial r~ference to the 12lld. in

need of dr~inage.

APt~r their return from the farms I the Board a.gain resuned the

diseuesicn of' the he~tting plant. !.ir. John Bernzen, Mr. S. G. Elby, and Mr. ;;

Frazer (of t[lC Hcmlrie & Boltheff COI!T.!)any of Denve:-) I preGented his pro-

posit ion for furni9h~3 e:luiprwnt.

1]: Ie nou.:' of 6 h~ving nrrived., thp. Do2.I'd adjourned to D8et again at

I!8 p. ~l.

-: :-

Record of Minute~ of Do:ml of Trustees Meeting March 23. 1921. 19 Sheet No. :2 51

1;1s:oo P. II. III

Th Boarcl :a"ain resunoo its session with I,lr. William Dubois of Cheyenne Jl4yJ~in at tendance who presented hi s plans for the cwpletion of Hoyt 1lo.11. After ~ A.4--A

i, ~'" -r... I ~ .

consid~rable: iscussion of the plan!3 J Mr. Prosser T.1ov·~~l that Hr. Dubois be authoriz-I . :

ed. to prepare plans nutl !J}.1ecificaticns for the cor.rpleticn of Hoyt Ifall, and the

secretar;,)' ;-Jas instructed to advertise for bic1r; on t'\.lis work, to be opened at the

special neeti g of the Board of Trustees on April 25 at 4 P. M. The motion was

seconded by M . Deming and carried•

TI.1r Hoefer and r':1r. H. R. Byers then continwd a further discussion of I A

~~~~dC'. :t'the ~a.ting pant.

Th Boan! thon adj01L.""!100 to meet the following Dorning at s: 30 A. IJ.

Ma.rch 24. 1921.

Th neeting of the Board v.'U.s ~lled to order by Dr. !!at:lil ton, \7!lO

proceeded. to sport on ". visit ho bacl uo.ic to the nefi~ery, ~.,d. ~is conference

~\'!r. J. F. Cul en. the superintendent. As !w.d previously been mentioned by 1,11".



the p09sibili y of fuel oil being used. in t:"e new hc~t1n3 pl(IDt was considered. a."Xl

after he;l.ring Dr. Eaniltonls report on tl,i5 l)oi.'1t. it \ r.JOved, seconded an'l ro.rriedI

that oil burn nn equipment be ins tallecl.

!!l'. Cullen's invitation to the. Board toI

inspe at the Refinery Was accept~dJ

i:l.'"1i the TIoa:-d th9n ma'ie ;:~ vis! t to the Hdnest Refinery, to 5.r:.3pcct their install-

ation consist ng of four 300 IT. Fa tk'1G. two 440 I!. P. ~-bcocl: & Wilcox boilers

e~uipped with all O"'..ll'"11erSa The Board ;.Uso visited t·}1.e Union Pacific pmver pl.ant J

which i"s·tall tion consist. of four 256 H. P. Sterlinll boilers equipped with

Green chain e ate stokers.

Af~er returning froF.i thas::: trips, th9 proposition of burning fro1 oil

WaG aGain dis!cu938n, ru1:l ir. Hoefer \?:lS iUlvioe:::l to provide fer t~e future possible

installation pf co~l han(l1ing and burning ey,u,ipnent. In vierl of the momy prcp~si-

tiona ::lnd vo.rling prices suboitted to the~ :So.::.rd. for QI.,J..11i,fr:lent ir, th'3 pO;'fer ?lant,


Record of Minute of ?o:mi of ~'ru3tees Meeting '!aroh 24, 1921. 19 Sheet No. :J r;, 0

i t w~s mov~d 1:iY Mr. DOCling- a:riL sGconded. by JI:!r. Pross or , that l\1r. Hoefer be

autborized to prepoxe comprehensive plans ~'I'ld 3pecifications and. the secret:iry to

advert1s9 fer bids en e<luipment to be im~tallect. Phis motion w'as carried. These

bid~ ware tto ] .elme buildinG I stack, boilers .and :L11 ether necessary equipmsnt I

~nd the Board of'~;lt t~lH.t this :i.etien Ylas neces,sary in oroer to obtain comparo.tive

aT1d com,lJetiti"e prices.

The; oo;J.!"d then adjourned to noet again ut 1 =30 P. M.

-: :- )

t.Phe Bo~rd ugai"1 resumed its session, and the resolutions prepared. by

Mr. earthsll regarding the future administration of Univ~rfiity and. Agricultural

College lands 'erl~ reM.-. By motion regu.l;:.rly Iilade t seconde<l and. c::4rried 1 tbfJ

followin& reG lutions were then adopted:

Hi? OJ,\r.;:]) , that the Resolu.tion of thi3 Board o.dopted. August 30, 1907,re(luirincr and cmpO\'.ering the State Comndssion8r of Publ ic Lands, U1'leier the super­vision ;md di eetion of the St~,te Board of Laud Coomissioners to 'care for andlease l ...nds of th~ U!1iv~rsity, as well :.J,.!> those of the ABricultural College: alsothe Resolutio adopted June 15, 1910, authorizing' t.>mpo\",erin~ the Exact:.tiveCoreraittee of Ihis Boa::-e. to sell and. dispose of Im-lua granted by the United Stat~o

to the Univer i ty, including Agricul tur~l College IJ2.nds, be reocinded :md repealed.

RE OL'nm .EURTHER. that henceforth all lando which have been heretoforegranted, or w1 ich may be gr~nt!;d herc~:'ter b~, Congress unto the Univsrsi ty a.s such,or in .dd of he instruction to be given in u.ny of the repartments with all other Ierants, inclu/ mg, umong othern, the granta of lando for University purposeG, mdthe grantf> of for AgricultllJ'~_ll College purposes shall b'J meer the m:a.nagetrent:and subject t the control ~nd disposition of this Board, e>:cept as r.1inisterial Iduties nay fr !!I. time to ti!.1e be 8spe cial~;v delegated to agents of the Boa.rd..

(2) Imr ~mAS) the office of the Ccr.nissioner of Public JJan~ls is nosteffi cisntly 0 g~ized 04'"1d equi];p9d for the gerforrnance of the routine a..Yld ministerialdutiea relntil g to the r.'I.anN.ger.aent and dinpO!1al of pUblic lands; t11!~refore

BE IT PESOLVEJ), tj-l..:at tb.c Comnissioner be re{lllested Ol.l1d authorized undertile su:rsrvisi n of the University Board of Trustees to continm the performance ofsuch duties w th respect to the Ul1iv~rslt;r a~d Agricultur2.l College l~s.



T'n President then presented the budgot IJJ'epared by the secret:'.Xy, an:'~ ,(;:liu--"

....,.;:r- I~ r C Jupon mot ioY'. b !\!r. Deoint;l se condsd by Mr. Ell iot t, the buigct W~5 adoptee.. Th,s

Record of Minu jes of lla:<rd of Trustees Meeting 19 Sheet No. ).{, (

main pu..~ose of the budgat was to transfer u..'r'1used appropriations to other accounts

wlwre the appropriat ion h•.'1.d been overdrawn I and. to properly care f<?r' nppointI:lent s

and ,);e-adjus !!!.ents ClO1C.A in certain departI:lents after the budget fer the year 1920-

1921 had b.el1 adepted.

A plic3.tions from the First llational ThlnJ<, the Alba..,y National n""k o.rrl Uri"" .~ _

the FirfJt St te fu.nk" for their u.ppointGlent a.s dapo~itories of University funcls, y,-ere'f..1~ I,

re:J.d, a.."d up r.. motion regularly ~"'e, sC3conded C:J.rried , the three banks ....18re

:na.c.led deposi ories for University furds.

Tle President than oentione'i the ret!.l1irerr:.ents of other institutions /JIr-:;-,,, "

with referen ...e to bO*LrC. and row accounts) and labor~tor~T fees. Upon motion regular~yj~O .'"'...... 0..'

made, ae conti. d and Cl.rriecl, labora.tory fe sa we],"6 marIe payable in advance for the ': t·

entire tem, anrl board ;,tnd roct) are rmy...ble i11 afrva..'rlCe by the month. The Pre"sident

W:Ls instruct d. to have this rt1gul;t.tion printed in the new catalogue.

Quoti!.tions frorJ the Laramie Printing Comparl.~' and the Wyoming Labor

Journal for",

rint i11g the Univerai ty c;atalogue fox the year 1921 were read I and u::>o~

motion by Hr. Prosser, second-cd by Mr. Geddes, th~ contr.ct for this job was

to the LariiU'J, e Printi.'!1.g Ccmp:a.ny.

T e proje ct at 'lihe farms WaS then eli scussed.. Upon urotion by

Mr. Prosser, seccrrled b~r l!r. Ged.des, D3an Favil18" \Vas authorized to procead With

the werl: of evelL"lE! a1'1d. preparing for cultivation thp. field south of the Colorado,

1?yC'!!'ting C:. ~ tern R. R. trac!: at t he Stock farm, and to obtain estimates on the


instillll:ltion cf a..'1 intercept ina ditc..'1. at the Ac;rOllCl!{{ farm.

T 1e followir.8 resolution was thp.n introoueed, a..11d upon motion by bir.

Demng, seeo .ned by 1.11'. Proc;o;er l wus ad.opted.:

ynER~S, the terr.:l; of office of Judge Joseph M. Carey, Hr. C. D.Spalding, a..--1 !~!r. G. P • •l\rnold. have expired, :md.

~~~EP.F".:ASt their fellow ~e:J.bers on the l!oarc.. of

I'eCOB-:1iz~ t!" hig:-t chara_cter of their aervices :.1:1(1 t~1B:t!'

Trustees of the University

unselfish devotion to

Record of Minui S of Board of TrU!Jtees

......~ "•.,." ca.

Meeting , r.iarc." 24, 1921. 19 .Sheet Np. ;Z,~,:1.

the best inte esto of the Institution, therefore be it

HE OLV:;]) , that this BO:~.l'd spread upon it~ minutes this z:ternoran·itml of itsdeep'recia ion of the years of faithful attontion given by each to the Universitybusiness , a..'1d be it further

BE ~!'vJ1Il1 t...llat we express to 5ac~ our regrets beC;.l.use of the tennin3.tionof the pleusn t busL'1ess and Gocial relationn onjoyed with then! during the sessionsof the Board) ani be it further

TIE ~LVl1), that \\o'e cxtel"l...."l to eac~ our best wishes and that we express thehope th&.t the r counsel and their loyal support may still continue to the greatadvantab~ of he sta.te I a.,d finally be it

HE OLVRD, that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to each by theSecretary of ~e Board.

no furth~r busi~ss appearing, the nesting .:.cijourned.


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