the unexpanded ontology. partially expanded structural hierarchy, tree connections represent part-of...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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The unexpanded ontology

Partially expanded structural hierarchy, tree connections represent part-of relations; note ‘types-of‘ structures are also shown (‘synandrium’ is a type of androecium).

Regions – not explicitly added to the structural hierarchy.

Generic Structures - not explicitly added to the structural hierarchy.

State Groups in the ontology – these usage groups may be linked to the structures that they are allowed to describe (here states describing the concept ‘margin detail’ are linked to a number of leaf and petal like structures).

more state groups

An expanded state group ‘Flower Shapes’ showing the member states (which have been divided into subgroups for ease of display). Again this group is linked to a number of structures that its member states may describe.

The Qualitative Property hierarchy derived by analysis of the state usage groups.

Expanding the property Arrangement reveals all its subproperties. There are also 4 context groupings of states belonging to the property arrangement.

The states specifically belonging to Arrangement (whilst not a member of one of its subproperties) are shown, as are the subset of these that have not been defined as part of a context group of arrangement. The subproperties of Arrangement are shown Aestivation, Architecture etc

Expansion of two of the context groups of Arrangement – showing the member states and the structures that they may be used to describe.

Expansion of the subproperty Aestivation, showing member states, none of which are in subproperties or context groups, but the whole group of states belonging to this property has been linked to a number of allowed structures

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