the undateables

Post on 03-Aug-2015






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The undateables

Mixed documentary

The undateables is a mixed documentary as it uses narration, observation and interviews. The voice over throughout explains who the person is and their disability. This adds to the impact it has on the audience and the interviews allow the audience to know how they are feeling and why they find it hard to go on dates.


The themes for the undateables are’DatingLoveRelationshipsDisabilitiesSingle peoplelonely

Narrative structure

The undateables is a linear documentary which means it is in chronological order, this means that the audience can understand easily what is going on and because the documentary is closed, it answers all the questions and leaves the audience of full knowledge. The documentary is multi strand which makes the audience more interested and shows a lot of people who find it hard to date people due to disabilities, this makes the audience feel pathos for them and realise that not every is as lucky to have found someone they love.

Camera work

There are lots of close-ups throughout the documentary to show the emotions of the people. When they are lonely and talking about not having dates, the audience can see from their expression that they are upset about this and want it to change, however, when they start going on dates they become happier and the audience can see this and feel happy for them. This makes the audience stay tuned to see what happens.

There are also lots of interviews which contain medium close-ups, this also allows us to see the emotions of the person and how they are feeling. It creates pathos for them and allows us to understand how they are feeling. The emotions are linked to what they are saying in the interviews which gives the audience a true insight of their lives and how they are coping with their disability and love life.

Mise en scene

Setting:The setting is mostly homes at the beginning as

they are explaining how lonely they are feeling, also their work environment so the audience can see what their jobs are. However as the documentary progresses, the setting changes to dates in cafe’s, restaurants and this links to how the people are feeling and then makes the audience feel happy for them.

Costume:The costume throughout is casual so that we

can get a glimpse of the persons personality, until they start going on dates, then they dress up and put an effort in, this shows how much they want to go out and have a relationship. It shows that all people deserve to be happy and how people shouldn't judge others by what they look like.

Props:The props throughout are medical equipment

for if the person is severely disabled, other than that the props used are normal every day objects from home or work, this represents how they deal with everyday objects and nothing is ever new to them however, this is all soon to change when they start going on dates and maybe gain a relationship.

Movement and expression

At the beginning, the people are lonely and sad as they live on their own, don't have any dates and don't get out much, however, when they start going on dates and go out more meeting new people, they begin to become happier. This is all shown through their expressions throughout and their movement from one place to another, and how this movement can effect their emotion dramatically.


The editing is very fast paced and there are many jump cuts at the beginning. There are lots of captions throughout informing the audience of peoples names so that they become more personal and this lures the audience in and makes them want the person to be happy and do well getting dates.


Throughout the documentary there are sections with non diagetic sound, EG. Music. This music connotes the emotions of the people. As they are sad and lonely at the beginning, the music is slower and quieter however at the end the music increases both in volume and pitch. Also throughout there is lots of voiceovers that explains the image shown and reinforces the message. It tells us the peoples disability and the names of people. This creates more pathos for the person and the audience becomes sympathetic.

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