the ultimate remodel planning · the tueluilmlua rodupinght | iii the bottom line .....17

Post on 22-Aug-2020






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ii | Building dream homes in the DC area for over 30 years

ABOUT THIS BOOK ................................................................................................................1

3 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOUR REMODEL PROJECT BEFORE DOING YOUR FIRST GOOGLE SEARCH ............................................................................2

FINDING JUST THE RIGHT REMODELING CONTRACTOR .............................................4

Always Check References ...............................................................................................................4

Check Business Watchdog Websites .........................................................................................4

Google the Contractor ..................................................................................................................... 5


At the Base of the Pyramid ............................................................................................................ 6

In The Middle of the Pyramid......................................................................................................... 7

And at the Tip of the Pyramid… .................................................................................................... 7

So, Which Type of Remodel Contractor is Best for Your Project? .................................. 7


Questions are OKAY! ......................................................................................................................... 9


Remodel or Interior Designer .......................................................................................................13

Architect ...............................................................................................................................................13

The Trade Differences ......................................................................................................................14

Cost Differences.................................................................................................................................14

SHOULD YOU HIRE THE CONTRACTOR YOU LIKE THE MOST? ................................. 15

That Gut Feeling… .............................................................................................................................15

TO SHARE OR NOT TO SHARE YOUR REMODELING BUDGET ................................... 17

What’s the Range .............................................................................................................................. 17


The Bottom Line ................................................................................................................................ 17

Have Some Reserve ..........................................................................................................................18

WHAT YOUR RENOVATION PROPOSAL SHOULD INCLUDE ....................................... 19

In a Word – Everything. ...................................................................................................................19

HOW MUCH SHOULD I PAY FOR REMODEL DESIGN? ................................................ 20

Even Small Projects Require Design Decisions… ................................................................. 20

Think Design/Build ......................................................................................................................... 20

So, How Much? ................................................................................................................................. 20

Don’t Pay Hourly! ...............................................................................................................................21

BUDGETING FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ..........................................22

The Bear Trap .....................................................................................................................................22

It’s Time to Break the Cycle ..........................................................................................................22

CUSTOM KITCHEN REMODELS – DESIGN VS. BUDGET ...............................................23

Function Trumps Form… ................................................................................................................23

…And Helps to Control Budget ...................................................................................................23

HOW MUCH DOES AND AVERAGE KITCHEN REMODEL COST? ............................... 24

Why Square Foot Pricing is a No-No! ......................................................................................24

Off on a Tangent… ............................................................................................................................24

The Olympic Standard….................................................................................................................25

Large Scale Project or Stand Alone? ........................................................................................25

How it Compares – Silver Level ..................................................................................................26

The Bronze Standard ......................................................................................................................26

A Great Option for Many ...............................................................................................................27

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Car or Kitchen Cabinets? ...............................................................................................................28

Three Avenues of Design ..............................................................................................................28

HOW MUCH DOES A BATHROOM REMODEL COST? ................................................... 29

At the Highest End of Bath Remodels .....................................................................................29

Custom Bath Remodel Pricing ....................................................................................................29

Still a Dream Remodel, Without a Nightmare Budget ...................................................... 30

WHAT DO I NEED TO BUY FOR MY KITCHEN REMODEL? ........................................... 31

Basic Appliance and Fixtures Package: ....................................................................................31

Optional Items to Consider: ..........................................................................................................31

THE BATHROOM REMODEL SHOPPING LIST .................................................................32

Basic Bathroom Fixtures ...............................................................................................................32

Optional Bathroom Fixtures ........................................................................................................33

5 REASONS WHY PEOPLE DON’T GET BUILDING PERMITS ...................................... 34

WHY YOUR REMODEL PROJECT SHOULD BE PERMITTED ....................................... 36

It’s the Law! .........................................................................................................................................36

Safety and Insurance .......................................................................................................................36

Checks and Balances ......................................................................................................................36

WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN THE INSPECTOR ARRIVES .................................................37

What the Inspector Says… Goes. ................................................................................................37

Corrections .........................................................................................................................................37

Previously Existing Conditions and Safety Items ................................................................37


HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE START OF YOUR REMODEL ..........................................38

Get Your Head in the Game..........................................................................................................38

Dust… in the wind, in your closet, in your cabinets… everywhere. ................................38

Clean Sweep .......................................................................................................................................38

Create Storage Space .....................................................................................................................39

Look After Your Four-Legged, Feathered and Scaly Family Members .......................39

Don’t Forget About Those Other Family Members… .........................................................39

IS YOUR REMODELING CONTRACTOR ACTIVE? .........................................................40

Is Your Potential Remodel Contractor Active? .................................................................... 40

National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) .............................................. 40

National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) ...................................................................41

District of Columbia Building Industry Association (DCBIA) ...........................................41

PLANNING A REMODEL… ................................................................................................ 42

The Pro and Con Game… ...............................................................................................................42

It’s Really All about You! ................................................................................................................42


Speaking for Myself… ......................................................................................................................43

No Stereotyping Intended! .......................................................................................................... 44

WHERE TO FIND THE BEST REMODEL CONTRACTORS ............................................ 45

What’s the Big Deal .........................................................................................................................45

Trade Organizations ........................................................................................................................45

REMODELING – SIZE SHOULDN’T MATTER .................................................................. 46

You Might Be Surprised! ............................................................................................................... 46

How Smart is Your Contractor? ................................................................................................. 46

vi | Building dream homes in the DC area for over 30 years


Outdoor Living Space or Room Addition? .............................................................................47


The Emotional Roller Coaster ......................................................................................................48


Don’t Kick Yourself ......................................................................................................................... 49

Circle Back to the Basics .............................................................................................................. 50

Final Notes: ..........................................................................................................................................51



Hi, I’m Tom Moriarty, President of Monument Estate Builders, a design & build remodel company here in Washington, D.C.

This book is meant to be a resource and planning guide for any homeowner to use in navigating the often serpentine waters of the remodeling process. From how to hire a contractor to what to expect from a designer, this book is chock full of information that everyone should know when planning to build a new house or for a remodeling project.

You may also find that many of the topics in this book directly address the Washington, D.C. market, where I live and do business, but in general, almost all the information here will have relevance to you no matter where you live.

I hope you enjoy this book, and, if you have any questions that I haven’t answered yet, feel free to drop me a line!

2 | Building dream homes in the DC area for over 30 years


It’s time. You’re ready to take the plunge and remodel your home. Now all you have to do is pull up your trusty Google search engine, type in a phrase like “Washington, D.C. home remodeling” and let the magic of search bring you your future contractor.

Except, there are a lot of contractors in and around Washington, D.C. How in the heck are you going to choose one? Where to even begin?

If you want to find the best contractor for your remodel, it helps to have an idea of what you want. So, before you start browsing all those listings, first make sure you:

1. Know How Far You Want to Go

You may know that you want to remodel your kitchen, but take a moment and think about exactly what you want the remodel to accomplish. Do you simply want to upgrade the cabinets and countertops, put on a new coat of paint and install a few recessed can lights, or are you gleefully envisioning a gutted room, tearing out of walls, changing the layout and generally a complete overhaul?

Keep in mind that contractors, like any other professional are NOT one-size-fits-all. Knowing the level of construction (and destruction) you want to achieve will help you identify the right types of remodeling contractor in your area and, even more importantly, help you set your budget for the project.

2. Know How Much You Want to Spend

Before you ever put your cursor into the Google search box or pick up the phone to call a remodeler, you should have a number in your mind or at least a range of what you’re willing to spend. Remodeling a home is one of those unique projects that can easily spiral out of control if you haven’t taken the time to set a limit on costs. Having at least an approximate notion of your budget will also help you through the interview and bidding phase of the project by allowing you to give all your potential remodel professionals an opportunity to bid on the same level. If you want to buy a BMW, you don’t go to a Chevy lot, or vice versa.


3. Know How Much Time and Effort You Should Dedicate to Your Remodel

Do you want a remodel contractor that provides you a full service, turn-key remodel experience, or do you want to spend a lot of time doing things like shopping for fixtures, granite, cabinets, etc.? This may be one of the most important things to consider prior to starting your renovation.

No matter what, your remodel is going to require some time and energy on your part. You’ll need to research and interview contractors, make design decisions, work around the tradesmen and crews in your home and communicate regularly with your remodeler or project manager.

Above and beyond this, you can choose a full-service remodeling contractor that will handle all aspects of your renovation, or you can roll up your sleeves and be a major part of your remodel. If you want to go with the rolled-sleeves option, be prepared to devote time to shopping for items, clearing the space that is to be remodeled, and doing some of the prep and cleanup work. You’ll most definitely be earning any savings you end up realizing.

Remember, the more information you bring to the table at the start of your remodel project, the faster and easier the initial consultation, bidding and contractor selection process will be. If you know what you want, you won’t waste your time on the phone or in meetings with contractors who can’t meet your goals, your budget or your time-frame.

4 | Building dream homes in the DC area for over 30 years


How to go about finding just the right contractor to remodel your bathroom, renovate your kitchen or perform your whole house makeover may be one of the greatest mysteries the world has ever known. Let’s face it, all the websites look the same, the ads in the newspaper could be all talking about the same guy, and, well…who uses the Yellow Pages anymore, except as a booster seat?

Never fear, help is here. There are some very simple steps you can take to ensure that the guy you’re about to set loose with hammers, saws and all manner of power tools to work on your home, is at least an honest person.

As with any search for a reliable service provider, start with a referral if possible. Ask your friends, family and neighbors if they have used a contractor. Secondary contractor locator options include Internet searches and noting ads on TV, the radio and in local home and garden magazines.

Regardless how you find your renovator, here are some ways to ensure they are legit.

Always Check References

Once you have a contractor or two in mind, ask them to provide you with references. And remember, just because a contractor hands you a list of references, doesn’t mean they are any good. Call the references! Find out about their overall experience with the contractor. Ask them about any issues they might have had during their project. Remember, issues during a renovation project are not necessarily a terrible thing. If there were any issues, find out how the contractor handled them. I’m a firm believer that you really find the true character of a person not when things are going well, but when things have gone a little bit sideways.

Check Business Watchdog Websites

Start with the Better Business Bureau. While a lot of companies, including contractors, may not have paid the fee to be a BBB member, a company with a fair amount of time in business and some track record should at least have a BBB rating. Additionally, member or not, the BBB will still list whether the contractor has had any complaints.

Also check with your local or state contractor licensing agency. In Washington D.C., you can check the contractor’s license by going to


Google the Contractor

You may be surprised by what you find if you just Google the contractor’s name. You might stumble across their Facebook page, reviews they may have written on other sites or products, reviews they’ve received from others or all kind of interesting tidbits, some of which may contribute to the overall picture of the person you’re thinking of hiring. Additionally, there are tons of review sites out there now, from Yelp to Angie’s List. See if your prospective contractor has a presence and, if he does, what others think about him.

I think character extends past the boundaries of a person’s business. The more you know of your remodel contractor’s character, the better decision you’ll be able to make as to whether he or she is the right fit for you, your home and your family.

6 | Building dream homes in the DC area for over 30 years


When you begin to seriously consider a renovation on your home, you might be tempted to pick up the phone and start calling contractors. As I’ve previously written, this might not be the first thing you want to do. Instead, you’ll first want to think about what TYPE of remodeler will best suit your needs.

Let’s go back to the buying a car analogy. Are you looking for performance, comfort or safety? Sleek and modern or throwback and nostalgic? Do you want speed or 50 mpg?

Generally, you will find three fairly distinct levels of renovator, and each of these levels has its pros and cons. It’s easiest to picture the contractor hierarchy as a pyramid.

At the Base of the Pyramid

Where most contractors start out, you have the guys that I refer to with great affection as “Joe Contractor”. These contractors, usually running their businesses from their truck, can range from very capable contractors running one or two-man operations to … let’s say, the shadier side of the remodel industry. It’s not such a bad place to be for the contractor or client. These guys have few, if any, employees; low, if any, overhead; a small, tight circle of contacts and influence; contracts containing just as much information as necessary; and a comfort zone about a mile wide. Joe Contractor doesn’t have a lot of risk, but also doesn’t have a lot of opportunity to grow or provide a higher level of service either. Many consider these guys the gypsies of the remodel industry – have truck, will travel.

The upside is that Joe Contractor, because of his leaner, meaner operation, can provide a very personal and personable service. There’s not a lot of red tape in making decisions, and changes can be implemented quickly and seamlessly when needed, resulting in lower overall costs of the remodel project.

On the other hand, Joe can be hard to track down if he doesn’t want to be found. Due to lower profit margins, he can’t always afford to stand behind his work – he needs to move from job to job to pay the bills. He often doesn’t like changes, because changes always cost him time and money. You may also notice that his smaller circle of acquaintances in the trades limits his resources and knowledge. Surfing, hunting, skiing, boating and other myriad hobbies can sometimes take priority over completing a remodel project.


In The Middle of the Pyramid

This is where you’ll find what I call the “Professional Contractor” – the remodeler running a business. This guy can type, do math in his head, motivate his crews and support staff, problem solve on the fly, properly manage and oversee multiple functions and job sites as needed, and, most importantly, acknowledge his limitations. He understands the core concepts of leadership, customer service, attention to detail and constant communication to alleviate misunderstanding.

At this level, you can often still expect personal service, but with a professional execution. The Professional Contractor can implement changes rapidly and efficiently because of his greater ability to manage, and his larger pool of resources and contacts usually translates into better overall results. He has a reputation to uphold and is known in the community, which means he’s likely to stand behind his work and directly address client concerns and questions.

Yes, the Professional Contractor makes a profit, but by doing so he can afford to do more precise work and, most importantly, warranty his work. You will usually experience shorter project start times and more efficient production schedules with this type of contractor.

And at the Tip of the Pyramid…

Many in the remodel industry refer to the companies at the top of the remodel pyramid as “The Machines”. These businesses are most easily recognizable by their plentiful TV and radio campaigns. They have figured out that magic formula for marketing on a huge scale and “burning and churning” through remodel jobs like a John Deere tractor through a cornfield and can, at any given time, have 20 – 30 projects going at one time.

The Machines most definitely turn out beautiful projects, it’s how they got to where they are. Because of their higher overhead, they will usually have higher overall costs. They also have processes in place to help with their very hectic production schedules. Overall, clients dealing with The Machines may not experience an extremely personal experience as their huge production scheduling issues translate better to a “one size fits all” approach.

So, Which Type of Remodel Contractor is Best for Your Project?

That will depend on your budget, the specific needs of your project (i.e. is it a simple job that Joe Contractor can handle easily and cheaply or something

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more advanced that will require more than one guy), and the level of professionalism you prefer.

As a “Professional Contractor” myself, you would correctly assume that I have a strong bias toward the medium-sized business described above that can give you the personal care of the small guy and the professionalism and quality results of the big guy, all for a fair price. But I started off as a “Joe” and know some of the “Machines” in our local remodel industry and wouldn’t hesitate to refer many of them. The decision as to whom might be the best fit for your project ultimately, is yours.



There’s something about finalizing your contractor selection that’s a bit liberating. It means you’ve found the right person for the job and it’s time to actually start getting some building done. Your contractor selection will have a huge impact on your project. He or she will determine the final cost of the remodel, provide insight and ideas, guide you through the details of the project and put their unique stamp on the overall result.

In other words, this isn’t a decision you should take lightly.

After you’ve done your initial contractor research, you may have narrowed down your list of potential home remodelers to a couple of top choices that you’d like to meet in person. The initial consultation is an important opportunity for you to share your current remodel vision with the contractor, seek advice and feedback and gauge the contractor’s personality and credentials.

The process can be a little nerve wracking, and if you’re worried about asking the right questions or forgetting the questions you need to ask, let this chapter give you a head start. Below are the top ten questions you should ask a remodeling contractor during the initial consultation.

Questions are OKAY!

Don’t be embarrassed to ask these questions. In fact, if you have questions that are not on this list – add them. Remember, you are entering into a business relationship with your remodel contractor. By asking these questions, you are establishing the beginnings of a good relationship and a measure of trust with your renovator. While you may not have a ton of experience doing business at this level, trust me – he or she does, which means that he or she should be used to answering these questions. Any contractor that cannot answer these questions or acts surprised that you are asking them would rate a big red flag.

1. Can You Provide Your References in Writing?

Any contractor worth his or her salt should have a list of references at hand. The best contractors will provide that information to you before you even have to ask. If there is any sense that the contractor is not ready to willingly provide you these references, pay close attention to the rest of the answers he or she gives.

10 | Building dream homes in the DC area for over 30 years

2. Can you Provide Proof of Your General Liability Insurance?

In many areas, general liability insurance is not required for contractors – hard to believe, but true. However, just because it isn’t required doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea to hire a contractor who doesn’t carry it, no matter how good a reputation and references they may have. Let’s face it – accidents and unforeseen circumstances occur – that’s why they’re called accidents and unforeseen circumstances. By investing in liability insurance, your potential remodeling contractor is taking that extra step to protect you and your home against these possible mishaps.

3. Can You Provide Proof of Your Worker’s Compensation Insurance?

Once again, this is another protection for you. Many contractors will try to skirt the worker’s compensation laws by claiming that everyone on your job site is a sub-contractor. If that is the case, ask for the insurance certificates to be provided by all sub-contractors as well. The bottom line is this – if a worker is injured while working on your home and is not covered by worker’s compensation insurance, you may end up being liable for that person’s medical care.

4. Can You Provide Your Timeline and Work Processes for Me?

Many of the professional contractors you work with will probably have this information available for you before you ask. You will want to know things like:

• Who will be supervising my project?

• What are the work hours and days of the week?

• What is the length of the project from proposal to completion?

• What are the milestones at which payments will be made? (You should have these defined in your home improvement contract)


5. If there are any Changes to My Project, How Will They be Handled?

This procedure should be addressed in your home improvement contract. All changes should be agreed upon in writing by both the remodel contractor and you, with the total dollar amount of the changes (whether additions or subtractions) clearly stated on the change order, as well as any revision in completion time of the project.

6. Do You Have Experience with My Type of Remodel Project?

Often, in economic downturns, many contractors take jobs outside of their areas of expertise to stay afloat. Contractors who generally specialize in commercial ground up building consider taking residential remodeling jobs just to keep the doors open. On the flip side, some remodelers feeling the pinch will take on commercial tenant improvements. Satisfy yourself that the contractor you decide to hire is competent and well-experienced handling your type of project.

7. Will You Pull All Required Permits?

Pulling permits is required on many types of remodel projects by most municipalities. They need not be complicated or expensive on the majority of simple remodel projects. Many kitchen, bath and entire home remodels that do not entail major structural changes can often get by with a “combo” or “miscellaneous” permit, which encompasses electrical/ plumbing/HVAC/drywall inspections. While there is some cost and additional time required to accomplish these inspections, you will be able to rest assured that the work your contractor is performing is in compliance with all local building codes.

8. What is Your Workmanship Warranty?

Many states and municipalities may have statutes in place addressing minimum time limits for discovering and reporting defects in construction workmanship. Find out what these are and ensure that, at the least, your general contractor is aware and will honor these. However, your best remodel contractors will usually have the confidence in their work to give you a specific warranty.

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9. Are You a Full Service General Contractor or Specialty Firm?

Ensure that your contractor is licensed to perform all the work that you are contracting for in your remodel. Sometimes, when business is slow, you will find specialty contractors like plumbers, electricians and even landscapers and roofers turning to general remodel to pay the bills. If this is the case and your remodeling project becomes problematic, you may have problems resolving the issues.

10. Do You Belong to Any Trade Organizations

Organizations like the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) demand high professional standards from their membership and provide contractors an opportunity to network with other professionals in their industry. Conscientious remodel contractors often seek out and belong to these types of professional organizations for continued education, staying current on industry trends and regulations and to add credibility to their businesses and reputations.



In the planning phases of your residential or home remodeling project, you will need to figure out if you need an architect or a designer – or possibly both. The two are not created equally, so let’s start by looking at how they differ.

Remodel or Interior Designer

A designer (which could be a landscape designer, feng shui designer, interior designer, cabinet designer or any other specialty that might require special artistic skills) usually does not require a license to practice their profession. Designers may (and often do) have certifications, college educations and lots of alphabet soup after their name, but generally are not regulated by any state or local agencies.

A remodel designer’s expertise can range from choosing colors that go together to imagining new room layouts and floor plans. A good designer can put together a dynamic and cohesive room plan on even a modest budget. The skills a designer brings to the table can range from hand drawing of special details on a project to full CAD layouts of room additions, kitchen remodels and bathroom renovations.

Quite often on home renovation projects where there will be no or only minor structural changes to the house, a designer can do all the floor plans, elevations and perspectives to be used by your remodel contractor in the execution of the project.


Architects are usually regulated by state or local agencies. They require special licenses and education to practice their craft. On a remodel project, architects generally only get involved when there will be structural changes to the existing home that will require engineering and permitting.

Many architects also double as designers or have designers on staff, so that they can handle the design burden of a project as well as the plans and drawings required for permitting and submittal to the planning departments.

Full service architects will be able to produce “existing” and “proposed” versions of the home to be remodeled as well as ensure that all permits and approvals are issued so that the remodel contractor can begin the build.

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The Trade Differences

Generally, the easiest way to tell the difference between the two trades of architect and designer would be this:

If you will be knocking out walls and changing around the basic structure of your home during your remodel, you will probably want to ensure that an architect is involved. If you simply need some help envisioning and planning a cohesive and well-thought-out design, you should be just fine with a designer.

Cost Differences

The cost differences between the two, architect and designer, can vary a bit.

Architects as of the writing of this article, are charging from $160 - $300 per hour for their services. Since their services are often more technical in nature, the ultimate cost will be determined by the complexity of the project.

Most designers will often put a price tag ranging from $150 - $250 per hour, depending on the level of consultation they offer. Quite often, the design fees on a project will outpace the architectural and structural fees due to the intense amount of time that can go into making the style and color related choices that impact the final outcome of a remodel.

Keep in mind that if your remodel project needs both an architect and an interior designer, finding a way to combine those services into one contract, either with an architect that has a design background or vice versa, can often result in a lower overall cost.


SHOULD YOU HIRE THE CONTRACTOR YOU LIKE THE MOST?(And, how many should you talk to?)

Let’s start first by talking about how many contractors you should interview. Over the years, I’ve had some clients tell me they plan on interviewing up to ten contractors and others who made one phone call. By all means, diligence in choosing your contractor is important. We’ve discussed previously some of those steps you can take.

Over-diligence, however, can make your decision much more difficult. Keep in mind that contractors are a unique breed of business. Most of them came up through the trades, learning their skills in the field and picking up just enough business knowledge to let them stand out from the field. As a result, the more contractors you talk to, the more different styles and approaches you’ll get, not just in executing your project, but also in the way they are initially presented.

Aside from the substantial amount of time you’ll invest in interviewing multiple contractors, you’ll also need to plan on much more time reading and deciphering their proposals. You’ll likely be very surprised how different each proposal will look for the same project. Very rarely will you be able to make an “apples to apples” comparison. Different formatting, wording and contractual stipulations from one contractor to the next can easily stymie and delay your efforts in making a decision.

You’re considering investing a large sum of your money into improving your home by renovating. But, because there is little consistency in pricing benchmarks, business models and personalities when it comes to the oodles of remodeling contractors you have to choose from, weeding through the information to make the right selection can be daunting to say the least.

That Gut Feeling…

But, there is light at the end of the tunnel. While you might not have experience in reading a remodel proposal or an understanding of how to compare two or three very different looking proposals, you do have experience in knowing what kind of people you like having in your home.

While I’m not suggesting that you choose a contractor strictly on whether you like him (or her), it’s as good a starting point as any other. Figure out who you had the best feeling about during the interview process and then carefully analyze that proposal. Find the things you like about that bid and the things you don’t. See if it includes everything you asked for. Then, use this as your benchmark.

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Analyze the other bids you received for your renovation on their own merits as well. If one of those jumps out at you as a clear favorite, that’s a good thing. But, if you find you’re having a hard time comparing, use your benchmark proposal from the contractor you had the best feeling about to see what the differences might be.

If you think you’ve identified a contractor as a front runner, call him and see if he’d be willing to spend some time with you answering questions about your project and proposal. His willingness (or unwillingness) to be helpful might be another factor in your decision.

Above all, keep in mind that the best value in your remodel will be a well-executed, efficiently run, on budget project with clear and consistent communication from your contractor. If all of these things come together, you can count on enjoying your newly refurbished home for years to come.



Whether or not to share your remodeling budget is a sticky subject, assuming you have set a firm budget (which you should have) by the time you are ready to request bids.

The first thought that most people have is that if they tell potential remodeling contractors their budget, the contractors will most likely find a way to use up every penny… and then some. On the other hand, most remodeling contractors are so used to being stonewalled on the budget question, they may not even bother to ask.

My opinion is this – you should be concerned if a potential remodeling contractor doesn’t ask about your project budget. Project budgets can range from very low to very high, depending on the quality of fixtures, workmanship and detail requested by the client. Most reputable remodel contractors know that without at least having a basic budget to shoot for, it is impossible to propose a project properly.

What’s the Range

For this reason, it is wise for you to at least share a budget range with potential contractors. If, for instance, you are planning a guest bath renovation and know that you would like to spend a total of $20 - $30k for the entire project – those are the numbers you should share with your potential contractor.

The Bottom Line

Here’s the bottom line… most good contractors can do a bathroom remodel project for a variety of budgets and tastes. If you don’t let them know what your budget expectations are, bids may come in all over the place.

The most common complaint from potential clients is that they received bids that are all over the map. The first question is whether or not they shared their budget up front. Without doing so, it is impossible to get apples-to-apples bids from multiple companies.

If you walk onto a car lot and simply say, “I want to buy a car” without sharing your budget with the salesperson, what keeps them from showing you the most expensive cars? Now, it may be that you can afford and want the most expensive car. If that’s the case, then you don’t want to waste your time looking at the cheapos.

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Have Some Reserve

Leave a little bit of your budget in reserve. Do a little shopping for fixtures, appliances and cabinets prior to meeting with potential remodelers. Understand your project and budget and make sure to give this information to potential contractors so they and provide accurate proposals. It will save you time, money and give you an opportunity to choose your contractor based on the scopes of work and the contractor’s reputation instead of deciding who to hire solely on the basis of price.



Now that you’ve met and discussed your renovation with your potential contractor, your custom proposal has arrived. What are some of the things that it should include?

In a Word – Everything.

Keep in mind that remodel contractors as a breed are often not great with pen, paper or keyboards. This can be a bit of a problem during the bidding phase, especially with some of the smaller companies whose desk is the center console of their work truck.

In my time as a contractor, I’ve spent countless hours sitting down with clients and comparing proposals for them. I’ve seen everything from whole house remodel estimates scribbled on a napkin to bids for room additions written on the back of a business card. I’ve even heard stories of contractors refusing to provide a written estimate until they have a signed contract.

Just say NO to all of the above. In my opinion, a home improvement proposal should be no less detailed than the receipt you would get at a grocery store. While there is no necessity for it to be written in college essay form, every detail of the project should be clearly accounted for in writing.

Some of the details you should expect to see specified in a remodeling contract would be:

1. All areas of the house that will be worked on.

2. All trades (individually listed) to be performed in each area.

3. All specific operations to be performed within each trade.

4. All materials to be used in the completion of the project and who’s buying them.

5. Any fees or expenses outside of the actual labor and materials that will apply.

6. Any specific exclusions from the scope of work for the project.

7. An approximate timeline for the completion of the project.

8. A range or “Estimated Cost” for finish items, which will be specified by you.

9. A total budget for your project, including “Estimated Costs” or allowances.

Remember, as with any business transaction, whether it be buying tires or eating at a restaurant, it is reasonable to expect a detailed description of what you are being asked to pay for.

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When most homeowners think about a remodeling project, they imagine guys knocking down walls, setting tile, putting up new cabinets and basically all the building aspects of the project. While the remodeling phase usually gets the most attention (mainly through the dust, noise and inconvenience it causes), many renovation projects can only begin after a design has been completed and approved.

Even Small Projects Require Design Decisions…

Even the smallest remodeling projects will require some “design” work. Whether it be picking out paint, tile or grout colors to deciding on the style of cabinet doors you would like, each of these decisions falls within the realm of design.

On larger projects, you may need to work directly with a professional architect, draftsman or designer who is specifically trained to help flesh out your remodel vision into practical instructions for the build team.

Think Design/Build

Some medium to larger-sized remodel companies have trained designers and architects on staff or, at least may be able to make recommendations. If possible, look for one of these companies, generally referred to as Design/Build Remodel firms. Having the design and construction professionals working on the same page from the very beginning of the project results in a faster, more organized and streamlined process.

If your chosen remodel contractor does not come with a designer, you’ll need to choose a freelance designer and budget appropriately.

The best way to approach the task of budgeting for a designer is in terms of the overall remodel budget and what percentage of it should be allotted for design.

So, How Much?

The issue with designers (as well as remodel contractors, architects, bookkeepers, lawyers, mechanics and, heck, just about any service provider) is that the hourly rates and services offered are all as varied as the individuals offering them.

If one considers that designers are very much on the artistic side of the


spectrum when it comes to remodel planning and execution, they are, by definition, not very duplicable. Therefore, your first and most important consideration should be whether or not you are working with the right designer for your renovation.

Exacerbating the issue is the fact that many designers are not great business people or time managers, which means that when they start charging by the hour, things can get very scary and very expensive in a hurry.

It’s a good idea to interview designers the same way as you would a contractor - with a budget in mind. I usually recommend setting the budget as a percentage of the overall construction budget for the remodel.

For a small remodel budget, allotting 3% - 6% of the overall budget to design would be enough. On a $30,000 bathroom remodel, for instance, $900 - $1,800 should be sufficient to cover the cost of a designer for simple items like paint color, tile design and maybe even specifying a style of fixture.

On a mid- to high-level remodeling project, 5% - 10% of the overall construction budget would be a fair amount to allot to design, as the design needs would be greater and would likely encompass more duties for the designer, such as finish specifications, shopping trips, etc… So, on a $150,000 room addition, $7,500 - $15,000 would be a reasonable budget for design.

Don’t Pay Hourly!

While interviewing and deciding on a designer, unless it is a small, limited consultation project, work to eliminate the hourly rate if at all possible. Ask the designer if they would be willing to put together a “package” that would include most, if not all of the designs tasks needed to successfully build out the project. Often, this package will still be accompanied by an hourly rate that will kick in if the parameters of the “design package” are exceeded. But, this approach should help to keep the budget under control to some extent.

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A home renovation is a big and complicated project. Understandably, there are a lot of questions about the process from clients and prospective clients. The Holy Grail of answers that almost all clients seem to be seeking, however, is how to budget for a kitchen, bath, whole home or room addition remodel.

Why is it so hard to find good information on how to budget for a remodel? Perhaps it’s because contractors as a breed can seem so darned evasive, vague and non-committal when it comes to saying a “number” or price out loud.

The Bear Trap

From the perspective of the remodel contractor, stating a number out loud can almost feel like stepping into a steel-toothed bear trap. A verbal estimate or “guesstimate” based on an incomplete job description could come back to haunt the contractor if the numbers don’t end up working out when the contractor puts pen to paper (the metaphor being that the bear trap snaps shut causing lots of profit bleeding and the possible need to give up the leg entirely). And, it’s a vicious cycle… Since the remodel contractor is so vague on naming a price, the prospective client feels that they should be vague on revealing what their budget is.

It’s Time to Break the Cycle

As the client, know your budget and don’t be afraid to verbalize this number when discussing your project with your potential contractor. Don’t depend on the contractor to set it for you. It’s your money, your home, your renovation project. Start with a number you’re comfortable spending on your remodel, ensure that it’s reasonable and let the contractor meet your budget.

Don’t just pull a number out of thin air. Do some research on the different finishes you want to add to your kitchen or bath renovation or room addition. Look at cabinets, plumbing fixtures and appliances. Make lists of the things you think you’ll need for your project.

Your remodel contractor should be able to help you with some of these resources. But always keep in mind that it’s in your best interest to bring a budget to your contractor and let him or her work within it.



When thinking about a custom kitchen remodeling project, I believe one of the first things to consider is the design. I know that many people say to consider the kitchen remodeling budget first, but I don’t believe that is accurate. I like to play the “if I could have my kitchen remodeled for free, what would I do?” game. In other words, I think it’s easier to shoot for the stars and then cut back on the scale and scope of the custom kitchen design and kitchen remodeling project to meet a certain budget than to set a budget first and then try to design to it.

Function Trumps Form…

Many custom kitchen designers will tell you that functionality should always trump form. In other words, the most beautiful kitchen design cosmetically does not mean that it will be a functional kitchen design. It is important to have all appliances and fixtures located properly and then to worry about what the cabinet detail and design look like.

The alternative, which is to design a kitchen that looks nice, but does not flow or have the easy functionality that a kitchen should have can result in a lot of money being spent in the wrong places and even more money and time being spent trying to fix the functionality mid-way through the project.

… And Helps to Control Budget

Often, if functionality is the basis for the overall kitchen designs, the budget becomes ultimately more controllable. After function, the cost increases in kitchens are usually related to the bigger, better appliances, fancier cabinets and all the bells and whistles that are usually not as related to the function of the kitchen design as the overall appearance.

So, keep in mind that a beautiful kitchen design starts out with the functionality in mind and then works its way to form. By using this approach, if at the end of the kitchen design phase, you find you have exceeded your budget, you can then start to back out the least important items until you’ve reached a more comfortable budget level while still maintaining the overall feel of your newly designed kitchen!

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Determining the average cost of a kitchen remodel is not an easy task. You might be surprised to learn that kitchen remodels come in all shapes in sizes. In this article, I’ve decided to go with the Olympic standard and divide kitchen remodels into three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Why Square Foot Pricing is a No-No!

Before we get into the different “levels” of kitchen renovation, let’s talk about how they should never be budgeted for.

For goodness’ sake, DO NOT let a remodel contractor give you a “per square foot” price for your kitchen remodel. “Per square foot” pricing can apply in remodeling, mostly in regards to room additions or specific products like flooring where there is often an industry standard for the general construction costs and materials. In a kitchen remodel or bath remodel, however, this standard simply doesn’t apply. On high-end remodels particularly, this “per square foot” type of estimating can have a devastating effect on the budget when change orders start to pile up.

Off on a Tangent…

In fact, I once looked at a kitchen remodel where the client stated he would only accept proposals on per square foot basis. His reasoning was this: He felt that if he could build an entire house for $225 per s.f. (at the time), then the logical reasoning is that his 80 s.f. kitchen should then total out to $18,000.

Here’s why that approach doesn’t work: (back to the car analogy), the “engine” of the home would be contained in the kitchen and bathrooms. That’s one of the reasons you seldom hear anyone talk about remodeling their guest bedroom. The kitchen and bathrooms of your home contain the appliances, the plumbing, the major electrical, the cabinets, the countertops – all of the moving parts of the house, whereas in the other parts of the house, there is a little bit of paint and flooring to consider – no moving parts except the doors and windows, really.

Alright, with that information covered, let’s take a look at what you can get at the “Gold” of kitchen remodeling.


The Olympic Standard…

Obviously, it’s a stretch to try and compare the Olympics to a kitchen remodel, but let’s try anyway. Most clients dream of that gold level kitchen remodel. They’ve been researching cabinets, appliances, countertops and backsplashes. Simply, they’re looking for their dream kitchen. Conversations about this level of kitchen renovation can often include references to “bulldoze everything down and start from scratch.”

It’s safe to say that when you’re considering the gold level for your kitchen renovation, “The sky’s the limit” for your budget.

With that said, even if you already know that you want your kitchen to be “the best of the best”, you should still set a budget. It doesn’t matter if a kitchen remodel budget is $30,000 or $200,000 – there is equal potential at both ends of the spectrum to exceed the budget if proper design, management and planning practices are not instituted early in the project.

Large Scale Project or Stand Alone?

Quite often an upper end kitchen remodel is associated with a larger-scale whole house remodeling project, although they are common as stand-alone projects as well. Room additions at this level are not uncommon. A design team will likely be involved to ensure that all structural and design considerations meet necessary guidelines and the client’s desires.

Time may seem to slow to a crawl as the higher-end appliances and products for this level of remodel may need to be special ordered. In a world where everything is possible, usually time and patience is all that is required to ensure getting exactly the right finish on your custom commercial range or exactly the right cabinet pull.

The scope of the kitchen portion of a whole house renovation will most likely be coordinated with tradesmen working on other portions of the build, causing an even slower rate of completion. In other words, if there is a full scale remodel going in other parts of the house, and the scope of work includes framing, electrical, plumbing and other trades that will be performed in areas beside the kitchen, then the kitchen portion will likely not progress independently of the entire project. For efficiency and budget purposes, the framers will do all of the framing at the same time, electricians will wire all portions of the house, etc., unless you’ve specifically worked out with your remodel contractor to have the kitchen portion finished on an independent schedule.

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A good remodel contractor should share this information with you prior to beginning so as to properly set your expectations. Given that there are high end appliance packages from well- known manufacturers that can easily exceed $20k to $30k, custom cabinets that can exceed $40k - $60k and exotic granite countertops that can equal the cost of a used car, the price tag on this spectacular level of kitchen remodeling would usually start at around $100k with, realistically, no upper limit. This is the type of project where budget takes a distant back seat to design, function and aesthetics.

How it Compares – Silver Level

Many homeowners are a bit more budget conscious regarding their renovations. They would still like the great look and functionality of a modern, updated kitchen, but are willing to forgo some of the ultra-premium options to help keep the budget manageable. Design costs on this level of kitchen renovation can also be minimized if the contractor has a good cabinet designer or in-house design professionals.

A silver level kitchen remodel can include minor re-configuring of the kitchen layout that may include some structural changes such as moving or building walls. Drywall may have to be removed to access electrical and plumbing, as well as HVAC. Flooring will almost certainly be replaced, which is okay, because there is often some underground plumbing or electrical to be addressed. The design of the kitchen is generally fairly sophisticated on the functionality side with design aspects following function.

The silver level kitchen remodel costs will usually also include new appliances and finishes. The specific types of appliance and finishes chosen by the client will have a large impact on the budget. So, too, will the labor costs. These considerations, in addition to the overall length of the project, will usually put the price of the silver level kitchen remodel in the range of $60k - $100k, allowing the silver level renovation to vastly improve a kitchen’s mojo without making the homeowners’ budget cry uncle.

The Bronze Standard

The bronze level of kitchen remodeling is often described as “R&R” or “Remove and Replace” in the remodel industry. In most cases, this includes replacing the cabinets, countertops, appliances, fixtures and possibly the flooring. What differentiates the bronze level kitchen remodel from the higher levels is that it usually entails no structural changes and only very minor trade work such as electrical, plumbing or drywall. At the most, some outlets may


need re-locating, new lighting may be installed and new water supply lines may be added. Minor drywall patching and repair might be expected because of the removal of the old cabinets and countertops.

A Great Option for Many

This is the perfect level of kitchen remodeling for the homeowner who loves their kitchen layout but wants to update an older or worn kitchen to more modern standards. Often, this level of project will start with the homeowners discussing new appliances and perhaps a “facelift” or paint job on the cabinets and maybe some new granite or quartz countertops. The natural evolution of this discussion is to think about updating everything (why leave 30- year-old cabinets in a kitchen where everything else is new?)

At the bronze level of kitchen remodeling, most of the costs will go toward the purchase of the items such as cabinets, countertops, appliances and fixtures. While there are obviously labor considerations, they will generally be very manageable at this level of renovation. Allowing for the wide range of finish materials costs, this level of kitchen remodel can range from $40k - $60k.

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When it comes to kitchen remodeling, cabinet design and selection are the main thing to consider. The kitchen cabinets are like the body of a car, they form the basis for the overall layout and footprint of a kitchen. Essentially, once the cabinet design is completed for your kitchen remodel, everything else can be selected.

Car or Kitchen Cabinets?

But let’s return to the “body of the car” analogy. Most people don’t pick out a car based on the tires, steering wheel, rear view mirror or antenna. They choose their car based on the overall look and, of course, function. The same is true of your cabinets. Accessories such as fancy moldings, roll-out shelves, soft close hinges and pull out garbage bins can be added or deleted at will once the basic cabinet design is developed for your kitchen.

Three Avenues of Design

There are basically three avenues to consider in having your dream kitchen designed. Some people go directly to the remodeling contractor. Often, the contractor will have kitchen designers, interior designers or cabinet designers that he either works with or employs that can help with the new kitchen design. Some contractors will double as their own designer – many have drafting, architectural or design backgrounds in addition to skill as a builder.

Some remodel clients will find a kitchen or cabinet designer first and then look for a home remodeling contractor to bring the designs to reality. Doing so will ensure that, when searching for bids after the design is complete, all contractors will be bidding the same project. A word of caution here – quite often, designers will put the priority on design before budget. Be very clear with your designer up front as to the budget you would like them to design to. The world is littered with beautiful designs that do not get built because they were designed with no budget parameters in mind.

The third avenue, the best of both worlds, would be to find a design/build remodeling contractor that can marry the design, build and budget into a cohesive residential kitchen remodeling project with all items being considered throughout the design process. By doing this, you can ensure a beautiful kitchen remodel brought in on time and on budget that will last for years.



As you may imagine, pricing for a bathroom remodel can vary greatly. How much, you ask? Think bathtubs. You can swing by a home improvement store and pick up a pretty standard bathtub for as little as $200. There’s really nothing wrong with that if the thing holds water.

Then again, perhaps you have a taste for beautiful design and features on your remodel, not to mention a budget to get you there. You really want to do your renovation “right,” and, naturally, bathtubs come to mind. In this case, you could head on down to your local plumbing fixture showroom and pick out a beautiful freestanding tub for $10,000, give or take some change.

This same cost scale applies to cabinets, tile, stone and the myriad other style-oriented items you can put into your bathroom.

At the Highest End of Bath Remodels

In the interests of brevity, let’s start backward and set the high range of the costs for a bathroom remodel at $60k and up. This is where the rain showerhead meets the stratosphere. Walls full of custom glass tile, stone fabricated into crown molding, remote controlled shower functions and craftsmen taking days to complete the most intricate details are the flavor of the day at this level of custom remodeling.

Custom Bath Remodel Pricing

At the most common level of custom bathroom remodels the range of expected costs is $30k to $60k. This price range includes tons of options. From custom stone and tile work to heated towel racks, everything from the obvious to the invisible features of a custom bathroom renovation can be considered. Even a steam shower can often be worked into this budget. Working a designer into the overall budget is also an option, which can have a significant impact on getting the most bang for your buck. No need to have cold feet at this price point of remodeling, because there is room in the budget for in-floor, under-tile heating!

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Still a Dream Remodel, Without a Nightmare Budget

At $30k and below, a bathroom project can still be the dream remodel you’ve always wanted. Careful budgeting, shopping and using the right contractor at the right time can result in a fashionable result that rivals the looks of a more expensive renovation. Usually here, there are a few custom elements such as tile layout and upgraded fixtures, but there won’t be any work along the lines of structural or layout changes.

Whatever the cost of your bathroom remodel, patience, research and a firm understanding of your needs and wants can all contribute to getting the most value out of your investment.



When budgeting for a kitchen remodel project, it helps to know exactly what items you’ll need to put on your appliance shopping list. Your chosen remodel contractor may or may not provide you with a full list of these items and also may or may not include them in the construction proposal.

Here, I’ll give you two good starter lists to work from. For initial budgeting purposes you will want to do some research on some of the following essential items:

Basic Appliance and Fixtures Package:

❖ Kitchen sink

❖ Garbage disposal

❖ Airgap (that silver thing behind your sink that no one know what it is…)

❖ Kitchen faucet

❖ Range

❖ Microwave

❖ Refrigerator

❖ Dishwasher

❖ Hood vent

Optional Items to Consider:

❖ Cabinet pulls or knobs

❖ Warming drawer decorative, under cabinet or over cabinet lighting

❖ Garbage compactor

❖ Wine or beverage refrigerator

The list is the easy part. Wait till you step into your local hardware store and see how many different kinds of cabinet knobs there are to choose from (Hint: the answer is A LOT). Appliance options are almost limitless, and manufacturers are always introducing new finishes, and styles to stay ahead of the design curve.

Use this list as a jumping off point and then do a little window shopping. Getting familiar with some of the options and the associated price points will help you nail down some of the costs associated with your remodeling budget.

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Every remodel requires shopping. Depending on the specifics of your project, you may need to pick out new cabinets, flooring, countertops, handles, light fixtures, paint colors and more. For some, this is a wonderful and thrilling experience filled with endless possibilities. For others, shopping is a long and tedious chore. Whatever your outlook, the shopping has got to be done, so do your best to embrace it!

Even more so than kitchens, the available fixtures for bathrooms seem endless. The finishes and colors alone are almost too many to remember, and it seems like a new one is introduced every year. While there are some basic fixtures that need to be installed during a bathroom remodel, the budget can end up going wild if proper preparation and research is not performed beforehand.

Take your time before the remodel to study your options, develop your budget and find fixtures you like that are in your ideal price range. To help you out, here’s a list of basic bathroom fixtures you’ll likely need as part of your bathroom remodel and a secondary list of optional bathroom fixtures (the bells and whistles).

Basic Bathroom Fixtures

❖ Bathtub

❖ Lighting

❖ Medicine chest/medicine cabinet

❖ Mirrors

❖ Shower head

❖ Shower valve

❖ Toilet

❖ Towel bars

❖ Toilet paper holder

❖ Tub valve

❖ Vanity faucet(s)

❖ Vanity sink(s)

And here’s where it gets exciting…


Optional Bathroom Fixtures

❖ Body jets

❖ Electronic toilet seats

❖ Handheld shower head with hose and slide bar

❖ Multiple shower heads and diverters

❖ Rain shower head

❖ Remote control shower fixtures

❖ Robe hooks

❖ Steam shower (steam generator)

❖ Towel rings

❖ Wet speakers

If you’re starting to itch for a bathroom remodel, keep these two lists close and get ready to put in some quality shopping time. Remember to always keep your budget firmly in mind before entering a large home improvement store or website. And don’t forget to ask your contractor his opinion. If you’ve hired an experienced contractor who has built hundreds of custom bathrooms, he should be able to shed some light on how your choices and selections will impact your overall remodel project.

Happy Shopping!

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Let me just get this out of the way: Building and construction permits, not to mention the inspectors that enforce them, can be costly, time consuming and, overall, a huge pain for homeowners and remodeling contractors alike. We deal with permitting and planning departments all the time, and, as with any other bureaucratic process involving getting permission from the government to do something, the permit process is rarely smooth or enjoyable at all.

It’s not surprising that many homeowners (studies have shown over 75%) never get a permit to renovate their home, nor do they require their contractors to pull permits. Here are the top five reasons why:

1. Permits Not Required

It may seem like permits are required for every home project, including setting up a plastic kiddie pool in the backyard. The truth is, however, that permits aren’t required for many different kinds of remodeling projects, including certain kitchen and bathroom remodels that encompass a lengthy scope of work. For instance, if you are removing your kitchen countertops, cabinets and flooring, but are, for the most part, keeping your same kitchen layout, you may not require a permit. If the utilities are existing and not undergoing any major re-configuration and there is no new structural work, in many municipalities there is nothing to inspect. Items like cabinet and countertop installation, painting, flooring install and other cosmetic trades do not show up on most inspection cards.

2. Expense

Yes, permits cost money. There is a fee associated with pulling even a minor permit for an interior remodeling project. The fees increase depending on the scope of the project and the potential inspections needed. A permit for a room addition, for instance, will be much more expensive than a plumbing, electrical and drywall permit for a bathroom remodel. For those looking to save money on an expensive remodel, skipping the permit process and the associated costs can be very tempting.


3. Delays

Major remodels requiring architectural and engineering review by your municipality will definitely take some time to get approved, usually around a month, often longer. On top of that, certain trades and phases of construction will need to be inspected before the project can continue. These delays are usually less noticeable on a larger project like a room addition, but when your kitchen or bathroom is out of commission and time is lost due to waiting on an inspector to show up, it can put a dent in the projected completion time.

4. Inspectors

There are definitely some good inspectors around who care about not just their job, but also the taxpaying homeowner who is helping to cover their salary. Good inspectors are concerned about the safety and adherence to appropriate building code during the project and also for the convenience of the homeowner who is living in a house under construction. Unfortunately, there are some of the other kinds of inspectors, too. The kind who like to boss people around and take pleasure in thinking up new and inventive ways of inconveniencing contractors and homeowners alike. Some of the worst inspectors don’t really know their job, yet can get away with throwing around unrealistic requirements because, well – they are the inspector, so there! One bad round with competence-challenged inspector will make any homeowner think twice before pulling a new permit.

5. Privacy

In America many homeowners feel that their home is their castle. They don’t want anybody poking around and telling them what to do with that castle, much less some inspector who could reject a request.

With so many legitimate reasons to abhor the permit process, is there any to justify the extra cost, time, and possible rejection that pulling a permit entails (besides that pesky legality issue)?

Actually, yes. In the next chapter, find out why – despite all the reasons listed

in this article – you should have a building permit.

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You’ve read about the Top 5 Reasons That Remodels Aren’t Permitted. Now, let’s talk about why you or your contractor should pull all the necessary permits for your remodel. Really, there’s one main reason…

It’s the Law!

I can’t speak for every city, county or municipality, but in my experience, most local building codes require permits for basic remodeling work to be done. From electrical re-wiring to replacing a water heater, even some of the things that dads do on the weekends should, in fact, be permitted to be in compliance with the law.

Penalties for not permitting a project can range from fines to removing all un-permitted work done to the structure.

Safety and Insurance

Another reason for permitting has to do with a combination of safety and insurance coverage. If your inspector or inspectors are good at their job, they may catch some code or safety violations early enough in your project so that they can be remedied without too much expense or delay. Items like electrical and plumbing should be done so that they completely conform to the local building code. In fact, electrical and plumbing work is considered serious enough that some homeowner insurance policies will not cover losses that are caused by un-permitted work.

Checks and Balances

Also consider your permit as a type of checks and balances on your contractor. Once the permits are pulled, the contractor knows that his or her work will be inspected. Therefore, the contractor will at least strive to perform work so that it will pass the keen eye of a good inspector.

Overall, playing by the rules usually works out better than taking shortcuts. Sure, you might get away with it most of the time, but if/when you get caught, the punishment won’t be worth the potential benefit of not permitting. Can you imagine spending $60k on a kitchen remodel only to have a big chunk of the work torn down because it wasn’t permitted? Pull your permits, start your

remodel off on the right foot and enjoy the resulting peace of mind.



So, we’ve pulled the permit for your project and work has commenced. We’re now calling for the first inspection – How exciting! Or, maybe, it might just get a little TOO exciting…

What the Inspector Says… Goes.Inspectors are pretty much the final word as to what will be accepted and approved regarding any type of permitted construction project. Obviously, the more reasonable the inspector, the more likely that small, marginal items might not be called out for correction. Overall, most inspectors will be looking for obvious construction defects and safety issues at each phase of the project. Generally, the inspectors can tell when they walk on a job site whether or not the contractor is competent. The more competent the contractor appears, the more likely the inspector is going to accept the work at face value without questioning a lot of items.

CorrectionsCode and compliance items that the inspector finds during inspections are called Corrections. These are items that the inspector will want to see resolved either before work can progress or before he signs off on final inspection. Unfortunately, corrections on many remodel projects are somewhat common, often due to previously existing conditions, and can slow down the progress on a project.

Previously Existing Conditions and Safety ItemsOnce an inspector has access to a property by virtue of the permit being pulled, he has the right to inspect everything on the property. If he notes any code or safety issues on the property, he can require them to be fixed and addressed at the owner’s cost. In a best case scenario, the inspector will confine his scope of inspection to the area being worked on, but often, inspectors will take a tour through the entire house looking for issues.

There are a myriad of items that will be written up as corrections if they are noticed including but not limited to electrical, plumbing and other safety issues.

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Well, the moment of truth has arrived. Your remodel contractor has told you that he will be starting your project next week. What should you expect, and what do you need to do?

The best thing to do, obviously, is to directly ask your contractor how you can best prepare for the remodel. In lieu of their answer, however, there are some remodel preparation aspects that are universal.

Get Your Head in the Game

First and foremost, prepare yourself mentally. Remodeling your home is uncomfortable. Parts of your home will be out of commission or inaccessible during the renovation process. Your daily schedule will be disrupted by workers showing up early in the morning and sometimes working into the evening. Doors and windows will be left open all day…and…

Dust… in the wind, in your closet, in your cabinets… everywhere.

There will be dust – a lot of it.

Even if your contractor masks against the dust, it will find ways to seep through. Hanging plastic and taping up areas helps (which your remodeling contractor may do for you), but keep in mind that the dust travels in the air, on clothing, on shoes and can tend to get all over the place.

Even with careful containment, the workers will still have to enter and exit the workspace, carrying tools and building supplies. The dust will waft after them when they enter and exit. And the dust will stick to the masking materials as well. When the plastic is rolled up at the end of the day, even with the utmost care, the dust from the day’s work will get airborne.

Clean Sweep

Take the time to remove items from the immediate surrounding area of your remodel that you don’t want to get dusty. Also, remove fragile items or anything that might be close to the traffic paths going to and from the work areas. Even careful workers and contractors can have accidents, especially when carrying tools and construction supplies in and out of your home.

Remove everything in the immediate work area. Empty out cabinets (especially if they are being removed), take clothes from closets, and pull


pretty much anything on any surface, including pictures, lamps, and furniture. Your contractor may have agreed to help you move some of the heavier furniture items, if needed, but take the time to empty them out as well to lighten the load.

Create Storage Space

Ensure that there is ample area somewhere onsite for your contractor to store the construction materials and tools that he or she will be using during your remodel. It should be a secure area, safe from the elements and with limited access by children, pets and strangers.

Look After Your Four-Legged, Feathered and Scaly Family Members

Speaking of pets…of course they are family. Most experienced remodel contractors have spent some time in their careers chasing down the four-legged family members that have somehow escaped the house through an open door or window. I know from personal experience that there is no worse feeling, as a contractor, than knowing that the family pet has gotten out during a remodel.

Find a quiet, secure area like a laundry room or back bedroom away from the remodeled space to set up as your pet’s sanctuary during construction. Between the noise, the disruption and the dust, the farther away from the action you can get your pet, the happier it will be.

Don’t Forget About Those Other Family Members…

And for the two-legged family members that aren’t adults – some of the same rules apply. If there are school-aged children in the household that may be returning home before a parent arrives, make sure that both the contractor and the children are aware of what is going on each day. Giving the children instructions and a place to stay out of work areas can go a long way toward preventing accidents and possible damage to work performed during the day.

Taking these precautions before your home improvement project starts can help ensure an efficient, timely and cleaner completion of your dream remodel!

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It sometimes seems as though anyone can hang a shingle on their truck and call themselves a remodeling contractor. From the weekend do-it yourselfer that built their own fence five years ago to the intrepid handyman who “has truck, will travel”, the remodeling industry has a broad range of those who consider themselves experts.

It’s no surprise that homeowners can sometimes have trouble distinguishing just what they’re going to get when they pick up the phone and start calling around for remodel contractors in your area - a glorified handyman or a professional, licensed and experienced remodel or building contractor.

The best way to tell if a remodeler is truly worth their salt is to check out the company’s customer rating on sites like the Better Business Bureau, Yelp, and Angie’s List. Of course, checking out the contractor’s basic bona fides with the proper authorities ranks high on the list as well.

Is Your Potential Remodel Contractor Active?

Another good way to pre-qualify a remodeling contractor who will be working on your dream kitchen renovation or custom bath makeover is to ask if he or she is an active member of a professional remodeling or building association with a chapter in your area. Trade associations often provide their members with professional standards, continuing education, and other important resources related to their trade. Being an active member of a local remodeling or building association demonstrates that your remodeling contractor is dedicated to growing their knowledge and improving their craft.

While there are many different remodeling and building trade organizations with chapters here in Washington, D.C., below are 3 to consider to in the local Remodel scene.

National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI)

One thing that sets NARI apart from other trade organizations is their mandate that all members adhere to a very strict code of ethics as well as standards of practice. NARI, also provides lots of educational opportunities for remodelers and considers sponsorship of charity projects each year.


National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA)

While primarily the domain of designers, the NKBA is open to distributors, retailers, remodelers, manufacturers and other professionals involved in kitchen and bath remodeling. The primary focus of this association is continuing education. They offer certificate and degree programs to help remodel contractors grow their skills and knowledge. Particularly, the NKBA has taken the lead in green remodeling education. The local chapter of NKBA is a great credential for any local remodeler.

District of Columbia Building Industry Association (DCBIA)

The DCBIA is geared toward homebuilders, trade contractors, architects, engineers, designers and other industry professionals. While the DCBIA includes educational resources and networking opportunities, it’s main focus is squarely on political reform. The national association sends lobbyists to Congress, and the Washington, D.C. chapter is active in local politics, fighting to improve standards and regulations for the remodeling industry.

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The same question tends to arise whenever a client is planning a remodeling project. I hear it all the time...Which area of my house should I hire my contractor to do first?

The Pro and Con Game…

Usually, residential remodel clients will play the Pro and Con game when deciding which big remodel project to take on...

“On the one hand, if we do the kitchen first, we’ll be able to replace our appliances, have that party island so everyone can gather around and be able to actually reach all the pots, pans and dishes...”

“On the other hand, if we renovate the bathroom first, we won’t have to share a sink and we’ll actually be able to take a shower without feeling like we’re the assistant in a magician’s disappearing person trick...”

And the truth is, that may be exactly what the final decision on your home remodeling project comes down to.

It’s Really All about You!

True, CUSTOM remodeling is about what you, the client really wants. If it’s a bathroom, kitchen or even a whole house remodel - each detail, right down to the color of the walls, placement of each tile and even the finish on the “little flushy handle” on your toilet should be whatever you want.

Find a local remodel contractor you trust and let him guide you through the choices and myriad preference related items, but always insist that your custom home remodeling project look the way you want it - not the way your remodeling contractor thinks you want it!



It would be fair to say that remodeling in the Washington, D.C. and all the different cities around the Metro area would represent a colorful quilt of cultures, styles and wealth distribution. From the strong military presence to the diversity of population, this is a social hodgepodge and unique melting pot of the best of the best from around the world.

Some clients have wondered from time to time how remodeling pricing differs based on location. For instance, they may worry that Washington, D.C. remodelers and remodeling contractors may see that they live in Georgetown and charge more for a kitchen remodel than they would for a similar kitchen remodel in Chevy Chase.

Speaking for Myself…

Remodeling prices do differ from city to city, though not for the reasons you might think!

Remodeling project costs tend to increase in higher-wealth areas, but this is usually a direct result of providing for the needs and level of sophistication requested by the client. For instance, when performing a kitchen remodel in an upscale neighborhood, clients tend to have residences and tastes with more unique needs, ranging from the accessibility challenges to eclectic finish fixture selection. Remodel clients in theses areas tend to request higher-end finishes, finer quality workmanship and seek more extensive remodel projects to keep up with the standards they are accustomed to and which will most likely be expected in their geographic location.

Homeowners living in cities with a higher population of more moderate budgets, are more likely to request renovations that are a bit more toned down and will often look to save budget on finishes. They can also tend to shy away from some of the specialty design extras that can quickly increase the final price of the project.

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No Stereotyping Intended!

Obviously, this is a broad stereotype and doesn’t come close to applying to everyone in every area. There are plenty of high-end remodeled homes in densely populated areas and plenty of upscale homeowners who just want a small kitchen renovation.

Generally speaking, however, remodel clients living in more affluent areas tend to prefer intricate tile backsplashes and $8,000 tubs, while a homeowner with a remodel project in a more middle class area may be comfortable picking out a nice $1,000 tub and passing on the tile backsplash.

Also affecting the budget at this level is that higher end items often take more care, knowledge and time to install properly. In short, every little decision affects the bottom line of a remodeling project. Consulting with your experienced local remodel contractor will help you to determine what best suits your needs, budget and neighborhood

Regardless of location, each custom remodel project is unique (that’s why they’re called custom!) and the costs should be based on the requirements of the project, rather than where it is located.



There are several remodeling and building trade associations with local chapters. Let’s face it, remodeling is a big industry.

What’s the Big Deal

You may think, “big deal”. What does a home improvement contractor belonging to a trade association have to do with you and your home remodeling project?

A lot, actually, assuming you want a knowledgeable, honest and legitimate contractor knocking out your walls and laying tile in your kitchen. Membership in a local remodeling or building association is a key indicator that you’re dealing with a professional.

It sometimes seems as though anyone with a truck, hammer and pair of dusty jeans can call themselves a remodeling contractor, whether it’s legal or not. As far too many disappointed homeowners have found out, jeans don’t always make the contractor.

There are handymen all over the metro area, who may be great for replacing a cabinet but are not the guy to call if you want to redesign and remodel your entire kitchen.

Trade Organizations

One of the basic ways to tell the difference between “Joe Contractor” and a company you can count on for quality and accountability is membership in a recognized remodeling or building association like NARI, NKBA or DCBIA.Investing time outside of their business can be vital for contractors to become better versions of themselves.

Organizations can provide for continuing education, foster an environment for new ideas, allow remodelers to share advice and to become closer to their communities through charity work.

When comparing different remodelers and custom remodel professionals in and around Washington, D.C., look for their trade association affiliations. It’ll tell you a lot about their commitment to their craft.

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Often potential clients who would like to start a small remodeling project, but are concerned that their project is “too small” to be taken seriously by the better remodeling contractors.

You Might Be Surprised!

In fact, many homeowners contemplating a small remodel project would be surprised at how many small projects even the larger remodel contractors perform on a regular basis.

Let’s face it, remodeling is a business. While it’s hard to compare a service business to a retail type business, there are some similarities to consider. For instance, if you walk in your local grocery store, they will not complain if all you buy is a piece of gum. Why? Because they would like you to buy all of your groceries there and if it takes a piece of gum to get you in the store to do that, well, so be it.

How Smart is Your Contractor?

Smart remodeling contractors think along the same lines. Whether it is a tub to shower conversion or sprucing up an existing bathroom layout with new tile, or new granite countertops on your kitchen cabinets, the bottom line is that a remodel is a remodel. Even the largest full house remodel that entails a complete layout change and weeks or months of work have the same basic components as the smallest bathroom remodel R&R (remove and replace).

So, don’t fret! If you have a small to medium sized remodeling project, don’t feel limited about who you can call. The top remodel contractors look at, consider and take on even the smallest of projects, providing they fall within their areas of expertise.



With the cost of living at one of the highest rates in the country, we could certainly stand to save a little bit of money on remodeling wherever possible.

But let’s face it, it’s worth it and custom home remodeling in Washington, D.C. is the best way of transforming your “meh” backyard into the dream outdoor space you always envisioned.

A kitchen or bath remodel can certainly bring a lot of pride and pleasure, but an outdoor living room remodel is like expanding your home’s footprint and reclaiming your backyard.

Outdoor Living Space or Room Addition?

The key here is that an outdoor living space can provide much more additional living space to your home at a fraction of the cost of a true “room addition”.

Building an outdoor remodel project can drastically increase your perceived amount of space. You’re literally adding on a whole new room to your house at a fraction of the cost of a traditional room addition. Outdoor living rooms also add to the overall attractiveness of the house and will increase the value of your home.

There are a lot of people who want to increase the value of their home, add more space and enjoy a beautiful fall afternoon or a warm summer nights. An outdoor living room remodel might be the answer.

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As in every relationship, the most important factor in a remodeling project is trust. And it is not just that the client should trust the contractor...the trust needs to be a two-way street.

Both the client and the remodel contractor should start forming the basis for a trusting relationship very early in the process of planning the project. By checking references and licensing, the client can ensure that they are working with a contractor that has a reputation of performing and completing his projects in a manner that meets with their expectations.

Many remodeling contractors I know also take care to check out their potential clients. From Google search to websites like LinkedIn and Facebook, there is a wealth of information available now about the people who we will be doing business with.

Why is it important that this strong sense of trust be developed?

The Emotional Roller Coaster

Too often, while riding the emotional roller coaster that remodeling a home can be, if a firm basis of trust was not established, then the project can fall apart. Accusations of misdeeds can fly from both sides as well as bad feelings fermented.

A remodeling project is tough enough when everyone is on the same page and getting along...walls torn down, pipes and cables hanging, holes in the floor and a crew showing up at 7:30 a.m. in the morning, every morning, to make more noise and dust - without a firm sense of trust established, this can be a recipe for disaster.

Each day of a remodeling project, whether it be a kitchen remodel, bathroom remodel or a room addition can bring to light new unanticipated issues that need to be discussed and figured out and this can only be achieved with a clear and stable line of communication.

Check out your remodeling contractor, make sure up front he (or she) is the right person for your project and try to remember that at 4:00 in the morning when you’re in the middle of creating your dream remodel!



Dust is in the air… Hammers are banging, electric tools whirring away, your future dream space is shrouded in plastic, mysteriously murky and just out of reach…

But now you realize there are some questions you haven’t considered yet. Questions like:

❖ What if I want to change something that doesn’t look right?

❖ When should I make payments and for how much?

❖ I never see my contractor/salesman now that the project is underway. Who do I call?

❖ What is the process for understanding a change in the scope of my remodel, and how do we agree on a price?

❖ Will my contractor put the knobs and pulls on my cabinets for me?

❖ How come I don’t have any hot water at night?

Don’t Kick Yourself

Honestly, this list could fill a book all by itself. Of course, you don’t want to wait until construction begins to find out that your salesman is not your project manager or that your contractor has suddenly stopped taking your calls.

By taking the time to sit down and think of some of the questions you may have prior to construction beginning, you may be able to save yourself some heartache. Talking to friends, neighbors and family members who have been through the remodeling process before will help you see some potential issues that you might want to bring up with your contractor before you sign on the dotted line.

If you’re on the Internet a lot, look for some educational sites, blogs and chat rooms where others may be sharing some of their experiences. Remember, a remodel is a large investment. You want to make sure you’re fully comfortable with the entire process before signing off.

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Circle Back to the Basics

Consider this article just a circle back to the basics… It’s okay to be cautious, in fact, consider it mandatory. Really.

Do your research and ask your contractor the hard questions early in the planning process so that you can feel comfortable during the construction phase of your remodel. For the competent remodel contractor the hardest part of the job is ensuring the clients’ satisfaction through constant, timely communication and real-time posting of project status through an online project management system. These are the most important elements he can bring to his clients’ projects.

Find that guy!

Or, at least do everything you can to get someone like him. I firmly believe that there are better remodel contractors running loose than the other kind. I hope the information you’ve read here goes a long way toward helping you leave the other kind behind…

And, keep checking back here. As our library of educational articles expands, so will this book. Feel free to download it as many times as you like.

And don’t hesitate to give me a call directly if you have any questions.


Final Notes:_____________________________________________________________________________________





















Tom Moriarty Monument Estate Builders 202-718-8926For more information and topics, check out:

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