the udder news - williams college

Post on 04-Oct-2021






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The Udder News

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season and hope that the holiday break is a restful

and restorative time for all.

-The Office of Human Resources

Martha | Bob | Simone | Janet | Colleen | James | Jeannine Danielle | Kris | Deb | Marybeth | Christa | Doris

Inside this issue:

Staff Interview: Emery Shriver 2

Cultural Competency Workshop 3

Open Enrollment 4

New Flex Spending: PayFlex 5

Wellness at Williams FAQ 6 - 7

Weight Watchers At Work 8


Hispanic Heritage Celebration 10

Spouse Partner Events 11

Payroll Pipeline 12

Have you herd? 13

Williams College

December 2012

Page 2 The Udder News

Where are you originally from and how did you end up here? Grew up in the mid-west, moved here from Michigan where I had lived since 1991. You are introduced to someone at a cocktail party. Describe what you do in two or three sentences. There are two parts to my job: one part reference li-brarian, connecting people with books and articles. Part two involves connecting people to resources via the web. Libraries were one of the first adopters of the in-ternet for sharing resources. Some people say libraries are going to become obsolete, but someone will still need to help navigate and sometimes evaluate the in-formation. Assuming you’re some kind of tech-nophile: is there a cool site or tool you’re into? What’s a meme? A Meme is an idea, an image or style that spreads from person to person; a kind of collective intelligence. What is the most important thing you've accomplished in your new media career? Creating a mobile version of the library site was a major accomplishment that I work closely on with Chris War-ren in OIT. What’s your favorite Berkshire activity? I love Cole Field because it is the unofficial dog park in town, and the views are incredible. I look around and

think to myself, “I can’t believe I live here”. What was your first job? My dad was in hotel manage-ment on Macki-nac Island; so I worked in the hotel child care center. What profes-sion other than yours would you like to attempt? Something with animals, but not a vet… way too stressful. Maybe a celebri-ty dog walker. Favorite Sesame Street Character? The Martians, aka the Yip Yips. Do you eat the stems of your broccoli? Only if they are in macaroni and cheese. I understand you are also a bit of a musician. I am drummer in the Berk-shire Highlanders Pipe Band. And we are always looking for new members, no expe-rience necessary!

Staff Interview with Emery Shriver

Emery Shriver, Reference and Web

Development Librarian at Sawyer Library

Improving Cultural Competence

Earlier this summer Muhammad Ali-

Salaam visited the Berkshires with

his granddaughter on a campus tour.

Muhammad works with the Depart-

ment of Justice Community Relations

Division. So after a recommendation

from Pittsfield Police Chief, Michael

Wynn '93, he stopped in to introduce

himself to Campus Safety Director,

David Boyer.

That happen-stance meeting lead to

a highly informative half-day work-

shop called “Improving Cultural

Competence” hosted by Campus Safety and Security on October 24th. While this certainly was not the first time the

Department of Justice had conducted this training, it was the first time they had ever presented to so many agencies

at one time. Dave Boyer and his staff were to convene a group of local po-

lice, county sheriffs, probation and court officers, local area college law

enforcement, regional FBI agents, and several other state agencies repre-

sentatives including District Attorney, David Capeless.

This workshop was also open to members of the Williams community; there were nearly 75 in attendance in total.

Campus Safety hopes this is the first of many joint ventures with the Department of Justice. They plan to hold work-

shops once a semester on the most current and relevant student issues.

Thank you to Campus Safety for bringing folks together for this very important educational opportunity.

Muhammad Ali-Salaam presenting

from the Department of Justice. Not

pictured: co-presenter, Jaswant

Singh Chani on the Sikh religion

“I don’t care what the training is, I will come because it’s Williams”. -workshop participant

Page 3 The Udder News

Page 4 The Udder News

January 1st marks the beginning of the plan year for the college’s Medical and Dental coverage, Healthcare Flexible Spending Ac-count (FSA) and Dependent Care Reim-bursement Account (DCRA) , and Life and Long-Term Disability insurance. Rates: There will be no increase to the cost of Den-tal, Life, and Long-Term Disability coverage. Health insurance rates for 2013 will in-crease by 3 percent. The dollar amounts listed include the $10.41 biweekly incentive for the new Wellness at Williams initiative. December 14, 2012 Deadlines: Medical and Dental Open Enrollment Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA) Resources: Medical and Dental Descriptions of the group insurance plan and retire-ment plan are at Plan Information can be found at

Your coverage will remain the same unless you return a completed enrollment form by Dec. 14, 2012 indicating that you want to: change your health insurance coverage add or remove a dependent from your health and/or

dental insurance enroll in health and/or dental insurance, if eligible but

not currently enrolled, and/or elect supplemental long-term disability insurance, if

eligible but not currently enrolled. For an enrollment form, please call x4355 or x4478 or stop by the HR Office (in the B&L Building at the bottom of Spring Street) between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Open Enrollment for Insurance Plans 2013

Blue Cross members can use the Mail Service Prescription Drug Program. Savings can sometimes be achieved by purchasing prescriptions on a long-term basis.

Up to a 90-day supply of most drugs can be bought through the mail for one co-payment.

An enrollment form is available in the Office of Human Resources or at










HMO Blue Individual $426.35 $155.69 $25.41

Family $1105.96 $370.68 $32.44

Blue Choice Individual $426.35 $192.91 $26.49

Family $1,105.96 $468.44 $35.29

Mail Service Prescription Drug Program

Page 5 The Udder News

Notice of Creditable Coverage Requirement

Regulations require employers that offer prescription drug coverage on a group basis to their active and retired em-ployees and to Medicare Part D eligible individuals to provide an annual notice. For details please visit .

2013 Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts (DCRA)

Healthcare FSA and DCRA accounts allow eligible faculty and staff to reduce their taxes through pre-tax deductions to pay for uncovered medical expenses, such as co-payments, glasses, or massages (when medically necessary), or for work-related dependent care.

Effective 1/1/2013 the maximum election amount for a Healthcare FSA will be reduced to $2,500 from the current $5,000.

Health Care Reform Changes in Healthcare FSA from 1/1/2011 continue. Over-the-counter medications are not eligi-ble for reimbursement through a Healthcare FSA without a prescription.

To enhance the overall flexible spending experience we are excited to intro-duce PayFlex® as our new Healthcare FSA and DCRA vendor effective Janu-ary 1, 2013. The PayFlex - Health Hub website includes tools and calculators to help you determine if a flexible spending account is right for you.

Enrollment in a Healthcare FSA and DCRA begins on November 27, 2012 through December 14, 2012. Enrollment is done online at PayFlex - Health Hub website. Step by step instructions can be downloaded from the HR website at .

Additional online resources include:

The Savings Calculator—to help you itemize unreimbursed healthcare and dependent care expenses and estimate the amount of your annual flexible spending if you should choose to participate:

Dependent Care Tax Credit Wizard— to help you determine the best way for you and your family to take ad-vantage of the tax savings allowed by the IRS:

Eligible Expense Items—to help you determine if your expenses are eligible or ineligible for reimbursement:

You will receive your PayFlex® card during the first week of January 2013. The card provides point-of-sale access to your account funds. It’s the most convenient way to pay for your eligible healthcare expenses. NOTE: The IRS requires that receipts be kept for all flexible spending transactions even when using the PayFlex® card.

Introducing PayFlex!

Page 6 The Udder News

Wellness at Williams Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wellness at Williams? Wellness at Williams is a new program designed to help motivate employees and their families to get and stay healthy. In addition, it can help to better manage health care costs for us all.

Wellness at Williams is a series of health improvement initiatives intended to heighten the awareness of facul-ty and staff about the importance of healthy life choices and how they relate to healthcare premiums. The pro-gram is completely voluntary, totally confidential, and includes a direct financial incentive. It asks that you:

• “Know your numbers” and take a Personal Health As-sessment to learn about your health and any issues you may have. You’ll receive a Personal Wellness Report you can share with your doctor so that, together, you can plan for a healthy future. The best time to complete these is January 1 – April 30, 2013. • Use a BCBSMA health coach to assist you with setting goals to improve your health. • Take advantage of nurse case managers from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA) who are available to help you manage chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease. • Familiarize yourself with the wide variety of informa-tional tools provided by BCBSMA, including websites, workshops, webinars, and on-campus programs.

How does Wellness at Williams relate to health care costs? The primary goals of Well-ness at Williams are to encourage employees and their families to make healthier choices and, over time, to foster a campus-wide culture of health awareness. If the initiative ultimately results in a healthier workforce, that will have a positive impact on medical plan costs because those relate directly to claims incurred by plan participants. That would benefit employees, who pay a portion of the costs, as well as the college.

Okay, I understand that our health care costs ultimate-

ly reflect the claims of those who are insured. But I’m just one person…Can I really have an impact? Each step that you take to understand your health and get healthier has the potential to make a positive impact. The smallest action—taking the stairs instead of the elevator, eating carrot sticks instead of potato chips, completing your Personal Health Assessment—can lead to healthier habits for a lifetime. In addition, your actions can inspire another person to take that first important step. Working together we can all be healthier. That’d be great in itself,

plus there’s the oppor-tunity to control premium costs.

What’s the Personal Health Assessment? The PHA is an online, evi-dence-based question-naire administered by BCBSMA to help you iden-tify potential health risks

early. This information can then be used to ensure you receive proper care before any risk becomes more serious.

The questionnaire includes questions about your health history and lifestyle. A personal report with the results from the PHA is provided confidentially to you and the BCBSMA nurse case managers. Williams will not receive this information. To complete the PHA visit

Who’s eligible to take the PHA? Any employee who is the subscriber in a Williams health insurance plan is invited to complete the PHA. A subscriber is the person who carries the insurance on behalf of the family.

Am I required to complete a PHA? No, completing the PHA is voluntary. Responding to the confidential PHA can provide you with valuable

information about your health and lifestyle. There are no right or wrong answers. Taking your PHA will tell you if you’re on the right track to good health and, if not, how to get there. Plus, when you complete the online PHA with required biometric numbers, you will receive a cash incen-tive.

Page 7

Wellness FAQ’s continued

How can you guarantee that my private health information will be kept secure? Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act in 1996 to protect your personal information from being inappropriately disclosed. All those who provide medical services have com-pleted HIPAA training and are in compli-

ance with HIPAA privacy guidelines. In addition, strict confidentiality and data security protocols are in place and adhered to by all healthcare employees.

What information must be included in the PHA? Each person completing the PHA must include his or her required biometric numbers to be eligible for the incen-tive. These include your height, weight, blood pres-sure, total and HDL cholester-ol levels, and glucose level. If these questions do not have a numeric answer in the PHA, you can’t receive the incentive.

I just went for my annual physical and got my biomet-rics measured? Can I use this data? Yes. If you’ve had a routine physical exam within the past year with a primary care provider in northern Berk-shire, your test results should be on file with North Ad-ams Regional Hospital (NARH). Complete a Release Form to receive your results in the mail. If your primary care provider is outside the northern Berkshire, please contact the provider’s office directly to request your results.

What are my other options to learn my numbers? There will be on-site screening clinics beginning in Feb-ruary for eligible subscribers needing to update their biometrics. The screening will include a finger stick blood test, which doesn’t require fasting. An online scheduler will be available beginning in December.

What’s the incentive for Know Your Numbers and tak-ing the PHA? After you complete your online PHA, a payment of $500, less applicable taxes, will be added to your regu-

lar paycheck.

I’m not currently enrolled in the Williams health insur-ance plan; can I still participate and receive the incentive? No, currently only subscribers in one of the college’s health insurance plans are eligible, though we expect to expand this in the future.

How is the incentive being funded? Medical insurance premiums will increase $250 annually for all participants. In addition the college will contribute an additional $250 from other college resources to fund

the wellness incentive.

I run three miles every other day, watch my weight and eat right. Why should I take the Per-sonal Health Assessment (PHA)? Everyone knows that choices such as diet and exercise can have a major effect on your health. But some of the biggest threats to your health

are things you don’t know or can’t see. The first step to better health is clearer understanding of your personal health status. The PHA is your chance to take this im-portant first step.

Let’s cut to the chase…. I’ve heard that programs like Wellness at Williams work for a year, but then people lose interest and go back to the same bad habits. How is this different? Williams is making a long-term commitment to maintain-ing and measurably improving the health of our faculty and staff. Wellness at Williams combines personal health knowledge through the PHA with coaching to improve life choices and to better manage chronic conditions. We’ll regularly monitor our wellness programs to keep faculty and staff engaged and motivated. In this way we aim to make healthy living a continuous part of the Williams cul-ture.

The Udder News

Check out current Wellness Class offerings at:


Weight Watchers at Work Program Kick-Off Informational and Registration Meeting will be Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 4:30pm at The Log. Wellness at Williams will offer a 12 week series for $156 (includes 14 weeks of free eTools) with a minimum of 15 paid members.. Wellness at Williams will offer a 12 week series for $156 (includes 14 weeks of free eTools) with a minimum of 15 paid members. Weekly meetings will last 30 minutes with a confidential weigh-in beginning at 4:15pm. If you are interested in Eating Smarter, Moving More, Changing Habits, and Group Support offered by Weight Watchers email . *Williams College BCBS Members are eligible for a $150/year/family reimbursement*

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

Page 8 The Udder News

TIAA New Investment Options

By now you’re heard about the new TIAA investment options. Effective December 3rd we introduced enhancements to

the investment options for the Williams College Retirement Income Plan (the “Plan”) investment menu.

A copy of that notice can be viewed on our website at: Williams College Retirement Income Plan Default Investment

Notice Fall 2012

If you have not taken any action yet, don’t worry. Your Plan account will be in-

vested in the default investment option for the Williams College Retirement In-

come Plan which is the age-based Vanguard Target Date Fund that corresponds

to your estimated date of retirement. And if the default investment funds

change at any time in the future, you will be notified.

You can obtain updated information on fee expenses and a more detailed expla-

nation at or by con-

tacting TIAA-CREF at 800 842-2252.

Also, you can contact Kris Maloney at (413) 597-4478


You can change the investment allocation of your account at any time. If you elect to change

the investment allocation of your account from one of the Vanguard Target Retirement

Funds there are no fees or expenses imposed in connection with that transfer. See the fund

prospectus for more details on restrictions on frequent transfers.

You can change how your account is invested, among the Plan’s offered investment funds,

by contacting TIAA-CREF at 800 842-2252 or accessing your

account online at .

Have Questions?

TIAA-CREF is Here to Help

If you have questions about

the Plan enhancements or

any aspect of the Williams

College Retirement Income

Plan, please call TIAA-CREF

at 800 842-2252, Monday

through Friday, 8 a.m. to

10 p.m., or Saturday, 9 a.m.

to 6 p.m. (ET). Or visit

to learn more about the

Plan, view investment and

performance information,

or make allocation changes.

Williams College has worked closely with TIAA-CREF to bring some exciting en-hancements to your retirement plan. We now have available additional investment options, objective advice and planning services, and a dedicated website putting all your investment option information at your fingertips.

To schedule your appointment, please call TIAA-CREF at their special scheduling number, 800-732-

8353 . Licensed representatives will be available to speak to you about your planning goals and

needs via phone and, if you prefer to discuss these issues face-to-face, will be able to set up an ap-

pointment time that is convenient for you.

Page 9 The Udder News

Each year, the college celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with a variety of activities highlighting the histories, cultures

and contributions of our ancestors who came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. This

year was particularly special for me as I was invited to share my grandmother’s recipe for the main course of the cele-

bration dinner. But the real pleasure came from working along side

the fabulous staff in dining services; many of whom rearranged their

schedules just to take part in the event.

I wanted to convey my sincere gratitude for creating an amazing meal

and welcoming Marcela and I into your kitchen. And as my Abuela said

”you put her on the map” - well at least in New England.

¡Gracias para todo lo que hacen!


Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month!

The Udder News Page 10

From left: Reina Gutierrez, Jeritza Garcia, Leticia Guzman, Ada Moreno, Besy Montoya, Maria Restrepo, Marsha Williams and

Maria Oliva (Not pictured: Lili Rice)

Danielle Gonzalez and Tha Pouek

David Berger and Marcela Peacock with members of VISTA

Marybeth Mitts, Manager of Spouse Partner Resources, worked with Dining Services to host a creative series of cook-ing workshops. Catering Chef Jimmy Guiden was kind enough to share one of his recipes below.

Do you have a spouse or partner looking to get connected? Have them check out the upcoming Meet Up Tuesday, February 12 from 12:30-2:30pm.

It’s a great opportunity to meet talent from all corners of the community. App designers, entrepreneurs, public rela-tions gurus, yoga instructors and aspiring caterers - you know who you are - this is a creative crowd. All you need to bring is your interest and enthusiasm to join in. For more info visit:

Please call or email Marybeth with questions or 413.597.4587

Spouses & Partners Come Together

The Udder News Page 11

Pictured: Charlotte Kelton, Lee Venolia, Doris Devadoss, Suellen Solomon, Andee Johnston, Diane Taylor and Moira Jones making Feta and Chive Phyllo Triangles

Catering Chef Jimmy Guiden demonstrates the best way to mix feta and fresh chives for our phyllo triangles

Feta & Chive Triangles 4oz Cream Cheese ¼ cup Chives chopped 16oz. crumbled feta cheese 12 sheets phyllo dough (14 inches x 9 inches) Salt & Pepper to taste Butter-flavored cooking spray Directions In a Small Mixing Bowl, combine all ingredients and mix together and set aside. Spray one sheet of phyllo dough with butter-flavored cooking spray. (Keep remaining phyllo covered with plastic wrap and a damp towel to prevent drying.) Fold dough in half lengthwise; spray with butter-flavored cooking spray. Cut dough in half length-wise, forming two strips. Place 1 tablespoon of the filling mixture on low-er corner of each strip. Fold dough over filling, forming a triangle. Continue folding, like a flag, until you come to the end of each strip. Spray with butter-flavored cooking spray, making sure all edges are sprayed and sealed. Repeat with remaining phyllo and filling. Place triangles on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Bake at 375° for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove to a wire rack. Serve warm. Yield: 2 dozen.

Payroll Pipeline

The Udder News Page 12

With the end of the year approaching, here are some helpful remind-

ers to think about:

Payroll tax cut set to expire December 31, 2012. For the past two

years Congress approved a 2% temporary tax cut on the employee

portion of the Social Security tax. If the tax cut is not extended, the

2% tax increase will take effect with the first January payroll.

Social Security Statements: As a reminder, the Social Security Administration no longer mails statements detailing

your estimated benefits. To view your personalized statement, please

visit the Social Security Administration website.

W2 forms: The 2012 W2 forms will be mailed by January 31, 2013. Elec-

tronic copies will also be available through PeopleSoft Self Service after

this date.

For Financial Aid recipients and others that need to file their taxes early,

all of the income information appearing on your W2 can be found in

your paycheck dated December 21, 2012.

Please make sure your mailing address is current to receive your W2 form in a timely manner. Visit PeopleSoft Self Ser-vice to update your address.

W4 Forms: If you have a change in number of dependents or marital status it is a good idea to review your Federal tax withholding and complete a new W4 form. Owed too much in in-come tax last year? The IRS offers a W4 calculator to help you complete a new W4 form to avoid under withholding.

Identity theft awareness: The IRS offers ways to help protect your identity, including order-ing your free annual credit report and review it for any errors or suspicious activity. For more information, please click here.

Direct deposit: Thank you to everyone who elected direct deposit of their paycheck this past year. We are excited to announce that staff participation of direct deposit has increased from 34% in 2011 to 42% in 2012! Haven’t made the switch yet? Sign up today by completing and returning this form.

Going green: In addition to protecting your confidential information, signing up for direct deposit along with paperless pay advices allows you to do your part in reducing greenhouse gases, saving trees and cutting costs for the college. We are pleased to announce that beginning in 2012, our student employees are no longer receiving paper pay advices, but view their pay advices online through Self Service. Way to go!!!

Page 13

Have you “herd”...

Take advantage of employee discounts during the holidays.

Who wouldn't love some of these as gifts!

Apple Computers Williams faculty, staff and students are

eligible for the Apple Education discount; this applies to

computers, software and some third party products. Note

that there are usually no discounts on the more popular

items like iPads.

Jiminy Peak

Williams Office of Human Resources

Discount lift tickets (limited supply) are available Dec.-March from 8am-9am or Noon-2pm only, Monday-Friday. Midweek,

Weekend, and Non-Holiday $49; Holiday $59; 8-Hour Twilight (after 3pm) $28; 4-Hour Twilight

(after 3pm) $25.

Natures Closet

61 Spring Street, Williamstown, MA 01267 (413) 458-7909 10% off everyday except sale items.

Tsubo Massage

193 Water Street, Williamstown, MA (413) 458-0321

Effective 1/1/2012 $20 off a one hour massage with Geneva, Zoe, or Genevieve. $15 off acu-

puncture treatments with Sandy Camper. Book appointments on line or by phone.

Where’d You Get That!? 100 Spring Street, Williamstown, MA 01267 10% Discount on Tuesdays

Williams College Museum of Art (WCMA) 15 Lawrence Hall Drive, Ste. 2, Williamstown, MA 01267 (413) 597-2429

Discount on gift shop purchases

Visit out website to view the full list: New discounts for

auto, homeowners, and renters insurance are available for employees and retirees through Liberty Mutual.

Williams College in no way endorses the products or specifically supports the patronage of the vendors/products listed.

Employee Discounts for the holidays!

The annual campaigns for the

Williamstown Community Chest

and United Way have begun.

How can you help make a difference?

Will iams Co l l ege 100 Spring Street |Suite 201 | Williamstown, MA 01267

413.597.2681 | E-mail:

The Udder News

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