the truth about the bds movement

Post on 10-Jan-2017






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The about the

What is BDS?

BDS stands for

Boycotts, Divestment, &


The BDS movement was started in 2005 by

disgruntled Palestinians (The Palestinian Civil


Their Target?

The Jewish Nation of Israel

Boycott:BDS activists lobby stores not to carry Israeli

products and encourage others not to purchase them. They send letters to artists, musicians,

authors, and academics, imploring them not to perform and appear in Israel or cooperate with

Israeli institutions.

Divestment:From companies that do business with Israel –

Distorting the concept of ethical investing, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) accuse

companies that conduct business in Israel of involvement in war crimes and violations of

international law. The NGOs approach investors, primarily large banks and pension funds, and push

for the exclusion of these companies.

Sanctions:Against self-defense measures – Anti-Israel

activists demand that the international community enact comprehensive sanctions

against Israel – treating Israel as a pariah state. The ultimate goal is legally enforced sanctions by the UN Security Council. Other forms of sanctions include arms embargoes, which are premised on

baseless charges of war crimes. Similarly, legal proceedings are initiated against Israeli officials to

punish Israel for defensive actions.

The Palestinian Civil Society’s Complaint:

1. They object strongly to the wall Israel is building.

2. They object to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, & the Golan Heights.

3. They object to Jewish settlements that continue to be built.

4. They object to Israel’s existence & believe that Palestinians were “ethnically” cleansed.

The Palestinian Civil Society’s Call to Action:

1. They seek non-violent, punitive measures.

2. They ask the international community of the world to impose broad boycotts & implement divestment initiatives against Israel- similar to those used in S. Africa to fight apartheid.

3. They are seeking sanctions & embargoes against Israel.

4. They ask conscientious Israelis to join their boycott.

The Palestinian Civil Society’s Desired Outcome:

1. They want Israel to end its occupation & stop Jewish settlements in Arab lands.

2. They want Israel to recognize the fundamental rights of Palestinian-Arab citizens of Israel to full equality.

3. They want Israel to respect, protect, and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes & properties.

Their “Desired” Outcome Sounds

Reasonable, Right?



The Palestinian “Civil” Society wants to overthrow & destroy

the Jewish nation of Israel. Their goal is anti-Semitic to the


How do I know?

Let’s take a look at a few of the “peace

loving” supporters of the BDS movement…

Council of National & Islamic Forces in Palestine

Includes both PLO & Non-PLO factions. Some organizations are listed as terrorists in

the West. This group’s committee includes: Fatah, Hamas,

& Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine

Al-Ard Committees for the Defense of the Right of Return-Syria

• This group was outlawed in Israel in 1964 because Palestinian Arab Communities inside Israel feared Al-Ard would destroy them.

• Syria is an enemy of Israel. They don’t recognize the State of Israel. There have not been diplomatic relations with Israel & Syria.

• The President of Syria even declared the “Arab world’s intention to fight against Israel.”

The PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)

• Formed in 1964 with the purpose of liberating Palestine using armed conflict!

• Seeks to destroy Zionism in the Middle East.• Was considered a terrorist organization until the 90s.• Fatah, which has a number of militant groups, is a member

of the PLO.• According to the U.N., the PLO is the primary representative

of the Palestinian people.• Many followers of the PLO have joined either Hamas or

Hezbollah (terrorist groups)

National Forum of Martyr’s Families, Palestine

• Islam’s definition of ‘martyr’ differs greatly from the universally accepted definition.

• Martyrs of Islam can include: suicide bombers, jihadists, anyone killed fighting unbelievers, etc. So if you died while attacking Israel or Jews, this group supports that!

• Abba’s Fattah declared that a Palestinian man who was killed while trying to attack Israeli troops is a “heroic martyr.”

Popular Committee – al-‘Azza (Beit Jibreen) refugee camp, Bethlehem

• The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is a terrorist organization. Are they the same group as above? Probably. The BDS website is purposely vague.

• This group has ties with China, Russia, Syria, S. Yemen, Libya, Iraq, & Iran.

• This group opposes negotiations with Israel.

Take a look at a few quotes from supporters

of the movement…

“The current phase has all the emblematic properties of what may be considered the final chapter of the Zionist project. We are

witnessing the rapid demise of Zionism, and nothing can be done to save it, for Zionism is

intent on killing itself. I, for one, support euthanasia.”

- Co-founder of Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

(PACBI) Omar Barghouti (2004)

“Justice and freedom for the Palestinians are incompatible with

the existence of the State of Israel.”

- As'ad Abu Khalil, a central activist in the U.S. (2012)

“OK, fine. So BDS does mean the end of the Jewish state.... I view the BDS movement as a

long-term project with radically transformative potential....In other words,

BDS is not another step on the way to the final showdown; BDS is The Final Showdown.”

- Pro-BDS author Ahmed Moor

Well, there you have it! The truth is laid bare, but…

To their shame, “Christian” Churches are

even joining this anti-Semitic movement…

Churches Who Support BDS Direct Quotes

The British Methodist Church “This decision has not been taken lightly, but after months

of research, careful consideration and finally,

today’s debate at the Conference. The goal of the

boycott is to put an end to the existing injustice.”-Christine Elliott

Churches Who Support BDS

Direct Quotes

The National Council of Churches (Australia)

Represents the Catholic & Anglican churches of Australia.

Rev Tara Curlewis, General Secretary of the NCCA said ‘We

are asking the member Churches of the NCCA to consider

boycotting particular goods produced in Israeli settlements in

the Occupied Palestinian Territories.”

Churches Who Support BDS

Direct Quotes

Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Received a resolution recommending that

Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard (HP), and Motorola Solutions

"be placed on the General Assembly Divestment List until such time as they have ceased

profiting from non-peaceful pursuits in Israel-Palestine."

Churches Who Support BDS

Direct Quotes

The United Church of Christ

/01/us-churches-vote-on-joining-bds-movement-targeting-israel Believes in a two state solution:

“We similarly assert the right of Palestinians to have a sovereign,

independent and viable state within secure and recognized


Churches that have joined this movement have left the teachings of the Bible,

& they have erroneously embraced a social Gospel. Their desire to solve world

problems like poverty, slums, poor nutrition, education, crime & war has

blinded them from the truths found in the eternal Word of God!

These churches love to make Jesus a social

crusader, only , & not the Messiah of Israel!

So what does the Bible & the Messiah teach about


Abraham’s grandson Jacob (through Isaac) was renamed Israel (by God Himself)-Genesis 35:10

Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel- Gen. 46

When Jacob died, his bones were carried to Israel as an eternal sign that God would bring Israel back from their captivity & place them in the land once again- Gen. 46:4

The prophet Ezekiel had a vision of dry bones coming to life (Ezekiel 37)

The dry bones are the entire house of Israel & the eternal God promised to bring them back to Israel (Ezekiel 37:12).

Ezekiel’s ancient prophecy was fulfilled in 1948!

Israel’s history goes all the way back to

the book of Beginnings!

What about Abraham’s firstborn son, Ishmael?

Ishmael was not the son of promise (Romans 9:9), Isaac was.

Even so, God promised to bless Ishmael, and He did (Gen. 17:20).

But Ishmael’s descendants have been at war with the son of promise for thousands of years (Gen. 16:12).

Ishmael’s descendants include: Ishmaelites from the area between the Persian Gulf & Sinai Peninsula, Ishmaelites from the countries of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, & Iraq, and Bedouins.

Father Abraham had 2 Sons…

Ishmael was NOT given inheritance rights to the land of

Israel, Isaac was! Genesis 21:10

But, that’s not fair!Ishmael was Abraham’s


God’s definition of ‘fair’ is much higher than man’s

definition of ‘fair!’

And since God created EVERYTHING, He gets to call the

shots, & He has decided that Israel

belongs to the descendants of Isaac (through his son Jacob)-

the Jews!

God’s Words, Not Mine…

Concerning Israel Reference

“Do NOT curse these people (Israel) for they are blessed!”

Numbers 22:12

God will turn every curse against Israel into a blessing!

Deuteronomy 23:5

God will personally save Israel & make her a blessing to the nations

who cursed her!

Zechariah 8:13

Israel is, and will forever be, the apple of God’s eye!

Zechariah 2:8

In essence, the BDS movement is a modern day curse upon Israel which God

will NOT allow!

By the way, Jesus made it perfectly clear that He was

called, first , to the “lost sheep of the House of

Israel.”-Matthew 10:6

Therefore, the Church’s mission is to the Jews first, then to the

Gentiles. Romans 1:16

(Relax, it’s o.k. God planned it this way!)

Church, it’s time to accept your true mission:

1. Pray for Israel2. Reject the BDS Movement3. Love Jews4. Love Palestinians & Gentiles5. Be Biblical !!!!







Bless Israel by Visiting the Holy Land- Christian Tourism is one of Israel’s Main Sources of Income!

According to CNBC, Israel’s Stock Market is “Walloping” its Neighbors!

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