the toy what do you think? that saved christmas...but noah and his family loved god, and god showed...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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What is the STORY about?Larry the Cucumber is Minnesota Cuke, a children’s museum curator and part-time detective hired to find the famous Noah’s Ark . But his search gets complicated when he learns of Noah’s mysterious and powerful umbrella…and a clever villain who wants it for his own selfish gain! Will Minnesota find the confidence to continue the search, face the villain and protect the umbrella—or will all hope of finding the ark be washed away for good?

● A Lesson in Confidence

● Key Passage: Genesis 6-9:17

● Running time: 50 minutes

What do you THINK?● Name some times when others laughed at Larry/Minnesota Cuke.

(When Larry prayed before eating at Burger Bell, returning stolen fish, falling and wearing a dress and clown wig, going to Mexico to look for clues, Minnesota’s singing abilities with Julia, climbing up the pyramid backwards, holding Julia’s purse, singing clues at Kuman Inn and stepping on tiles in the right order, helping the poor man, praying before eating cookies.)

● What was the word Julia used to describe people who do the right thing? (Righteous)

● How did Minnesota Cuke overcome and ignore the teasing and laughing? (He remembered that God was smiling on him when he was doing the right thing.)

● By following the clues and doing what was right, Minnesota Cuke was able to find Noah’s umbrella. What treasure did he find in the umbrella? (The Bible verse from Psalm 5:12 “For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.”)

What does the BIBLE say?Genesis 6-9:17 tells the biblical account of Noah’s Ark . Read portions of those chapters to your group OR tell the story in the following condensed version .Noah was a righteous man living among unrighteous people. God saw how wicked the people had become, so he decided to wipe mankind from the face of the earth. But Noah and his family loved God, and God showed favor toward them. God instructed Noah to build an ark because God was going to destroy the earth with a great flood. Noah and his family would be safe in the ark. God also told Noah to take two of every animal—male and female—with him into the ark. Noah followed all of God’s instructions. Finally, the time came for Noah and his family to enter the ark along with the animals. Then God closed the door. It rained, and rained, and rained…for forty days and forty nights! Every living thing on earth was destroyed—men and animals and birds. Only Noah and those with him in the ark remained safe. When the flood waters went down, Noah sent out a dove to see if it was safe to leave the boat. The third time he sent out a dove it did not return, and Noah knew the earth was completely dry. So Noah and his family and all of the creatures came

The ToyThat Saved Christmas



Help the children find these Bible verses to read aloud.

33 33out of the ark. Noah built an altar as a “thank you” to the Lord. God blessed Noah and his sons and sent a rainbow as a promise that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood.

ACTIVITY You will need one umbrella for this sit-down review activity . Have the children seated on the floor near you . Open the umbrella and stand beneath it as you begin the story…Minnesota Cuke was playing hide and seek with his friend Martin. He was hiding in a tree house when he heard three scallions talking about…Ask for a volunteer to come and stand under the umbrella (while you

sit down) to continue with the story . After the volunteer has completed a few more sentences of the story, ask for another volunteer to continue the tale under the umbrella . Allow as many children as possible to hold the umbrella and contribute to the story . (Prompt the children with parts of the story they may have forgotten or left

out .) Continue until the story is complete . End the session by singing Noah’s Arky-Arky Song (“Arise and Shine”) .

What can we DO?Recall again the times in the show when others laughed at Larry/Minnesota Cuke (Listed in the THINK section .) Ask the children for examples of times when others have laughed at them in a ridiculing way . (Tripping or falling, making a mistake when speaking in front of a group or doing something in front of an audience, not knowing the answer to a question .) Encourage discussion with the following questions:

● How do you feel when someone laughs at you?

● How do you react when others laugh at you?

● Have you ever made fun of someone by laughing at them?

● How can you overcome teasing and ridicule from others? (Remember that God is smiling on you if you know you are doing the right thing .)

Things to remember about Noah

1 . Noah was a RIGHTEOUS man

2 . He OBEYED God’s instructions

3 . The ARK provided safety for Noah and his family during the great flood

KEY VERSE (Proverbs 29:25) “Being afraid of people can get you into trouble, but if you trust in the Lord, you will be safe .”

KEY NUGGETGod will help us overcome our fear of ridicule in the service of doing the right thing .



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● Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?”

● Joshua 1:9 “…Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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