the tower bell - dgfumc€™ bible study ... tongues they had reached the height of christian...

Post on 25-Apr-2018






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“The Spirit has a Body, Jesus, and Jesus has a Body, us. We

are not meant to do ministry

alone.”IN THIS ISSUETHE BODY OF THE SPIRIT..................... P1CELEBRATE LIFE.................................... P2ADULT EDUCATION................................ P3COUPLES’ BIBLE STUDY........................ P3BRIDGE BOARD...................................... P3CERTIFIED LAY MINISTRY..................... P4CHILDREN AND FAMILY......................... P4CHURCH AND SOCIETY......................... P5ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP........ P5FINANCE.................................................. P5FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES............. P6HEALTH AND WELLNESS....................... P6MEMBERSHIP.......................................... P6MISSIONS................................................ P7MUSIC...................................................... P840’S AND 50’S GROUP............................ P8SANCTUARY WINDOW MEMORIAL PROJECT................................................. P8TRUSTEES CORNER............................. P9SCHOLARSHIP SEASON....................... P9UNITED METHODIST WOMEN............... P9WORSHIP............................................... P10YOUNG AT HEART................................. P10YOUTH INTENT...................................... P10KEEP IN TOUCH.................................... P11YOUTH MINISTRIES.............................. P11CHAPEL CHOIR TOUR CONCERTS..... P12SPECIAL SERVICES.............................. P12

oneThe Tower Bell

If you watch sports, especially team sports, it becomes clear which teams play together well and which teams are simply a collection of All-stars. It always amazes me when I look at professional football and watch teams that either win year after year, or stay in the hunt and make the Playoffs year after year. One thing about those teams is that they play as teams. Players seem to have one another’s back. They play together so if a position player is a rookie, or somewhat banged up, or lacks certain skills, then others help out. So when a no-name undrafted player is acquired during the year, we see that often they become overnight stars and we say, “Where were they hiding?” Often the secret is the system that gets individuals playing as a team, strengths maximized and weaknesses supported, where everyone has everyone else’s back. Paul had that kind of thing in mind when writing the church at Corinth, where the folks were a bunch of individuals and not a team. They said to each other, “We don’t need you,” or as the scripture says, “I have no need of you.” (1 Corinthians 12:21)They were, as some say, ‘one hot mess.’ They made the Kardashian family look good. Pastoral counseling and conflict mediation sessions did not work. When they came together things fell apart. They were the Humpty

Dumpty church—they fell and no one could put them back together again, so many factions and divisions and cliques. No coffee hour after church. No genuine communion. No sense of the common good. This was because many assumed that their being the Body of Christ did not matter. They believed that if they were gifted with the angelic gift of speaking in tongues they had reached the height of Christian spirituality and nothing else mattered, including how they treated one another. They were so beat-up from the feet up that they didn’t realize they had feet, had a Body. They didn’t realize that the Church was a Body, the Body of the Spirit.The Spirit has a Body, Jesus, and Jesus has a Body, us. We are not meant to do ministry alone. We cannot do our faith alone from the couch on Sunday mornings saying, “I don’t need those others.” This Spring theme is “Doing together what we can’t do alone.” I can’t give all the support money to all the missions our church supports -- we need each other. I can’t fix the boilers alone -- we need to pool our funds, called a pledge, and do it together. The choirs have more than one voice; the bells have more than one bell, the Work Areas have more than one person. Because most good things in life require doing together what we can’t do alone. ...continued on page 2

The Body of the Spirit - Jim McDonald

Tower BellThe

Downers Grove First United Methodist Church

Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do AloneSpring 2013

QuarterlyNewsletterVolume 7


In Memoriam

BaptismsMelanie Joy

Daughter of Laura & Joseph Felgenhauer

Jonah CobbSon of Katie & Shannon Files

Nora JosephineDaughter of Dana & Charlie Jacobson

Ethan JamesSon of Erica Neidlinger & Amy Vogt

Lincoln LewisSon of Aimee & Vincent Sevier

The Tower Bell

Martha Kays November 14, 2012

Mildred DrewNovember 26, 2012

Richard PyburnNovember 26, 2012

Justine SmithDecember 6, 2012

Elaine CarlsonDecember 16, 2012

Elaine ZichaDecember 16, 2012

Merna McDonaldDecember 31. 2012

The Tower Bell

Summer Camp Mark Your Calendars!

Church Camp at Wesley Woods will be June 24 to 28.

The FUMC Four will sing their fourth concert for Bridge on

May 5, 2013 at 3:00 pm.

Remember to order your Easter flowers beginning March 3.

Watch for envelopes in the pews.

Save the Date! Easter Flowers


There’s a lot happening at DGFUMC Bridge. As of November 1, we have a new client family -- a lady and her 3 sons, ages 11, 4 and 1 year. We are excited that she has recently attained a full time job with benefits! Child care is still being worked out. Our mentors are Janine and Dan Johnson, and Anne Miller. For those of you unfamiliar with Bridge, it is a 2-year program with mentorship, giving a homeless family living quarters, and taking them from homelessness to independent living. DGFUMC has been involved with this program for 13 years.Our Bridge Board is busily working on plans for our garden walk, which

Please come to our Annual Spring Tea

Come on! Come all!Saturday, April 6, 2013

2:00 - 4:00Tickets will go on sale on Sundays beginning March 10, in the parlor.

Proceeds will benefit the work of our Worship Work Area and

Guatemala connection.

Please come to the Spring Cantata as our Chancel Choir and guest orchestra present

John Rutter’s PSALMFESTSunday, April 21

9:30 & 11:00 worshipBring your friends and neighborsto hear this uplifting celebration of


Don’t Forget!Daylight Savings Time

Sunday, March 10Spring Ahead!

Adult Education will be hosting a workshop on Saturday, April 13. The workshop will be led by Jeff Ediger.After obtaining a doctorate in the philosophy of communication at the University of Illinois and doing postdoctoral studies in the Divinity School at the University of Chicago, Jeff despaired of finding wisdom in institutions of higher learning. So he began working as a craftsman, now specializing in the restoration of architectural wood. Having been recently described as a “contemplative craftsman,” he also strives, through his study and teaching, to become a craftsman of contemplative living. Jeff’s only qualification for teaching a workshop on courage is that he has been engaged in an independent study of this topic for the past four years while enrolled as a full-time student in the School of Life (Chicago campus).You don’t have to have the courage of Martin Luther King Jr., or Ghandi, or Christ. All you need is the courage

will take place in July. This and the men’s quartet in May are fundraisers for Bridge.We would like to thank the DGFUMC UMW Circles and others in the congregation who have generously donated to our Bridge Family. Also,

we would welcome any new members to our Bridge Board. Let us know if you would like to meet us and sit in on a Board meeting. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the church.Anne Miller, Chair

your own life requires. And that is good news! Because the seeds of it are already planted within you -- you just need to cultivate them.Some themes we will consider:• small acts of courage• standing by the core• slow courage• complacency zone• the threshold moment• co-couraging• befriend your fear

Bridge Board

Adult EducationCourage Comes From Within...Then Steps Up to the Plate!

Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone

Couples’ Bible StudyA new couples’ bible study group will begin on March 9. It will use the book “New Testament Stories from the Back Side” by J. Ellsworth Kalas as a guide to look at parts of the New Testament from the perspectives of some of the minor characters in each. There is no cost to participate, but it is strongly urged that each person have his or her own book. The books are available on-line at both Cokesbury and Amazon.This Saturday evening class is being facilitated by Maureen & Terry McDorman, and the first few sessions will be held at their home, with the concept of rotating the location among the participants. The group will meet monthly on the second Saturday at 7:00 pm. There will be time for fellowship, lively bible discussion and dessert.For planning purposes, we ask that you register with the church office or on-line through the church website.

Paul stresses unity and oneness. “Out of many, one.” One body with many body parts. Eyes and ears and mouth and nose, head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. There’s a foot in the body. Someone’s a hand or an arm. Someone may be an eyelash or even a toenail (now don’t go looking around to see who looks like a nail). All of these parts form a body, and without any of them there is no body. But there is one body made up of diverse parts that work together.All are connected, not over Facebook but in the Spirit. The Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation from one another. But we come together as a body made up of different parts. Diversity does not destroy the body. It is what makes the body beautiful. “If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be?” “If the whole body were...” well, you get the point. Everyone can’t do ministry, everyone can’t play music, everyone can’t administrate, but everyone is a body part and we need every part. Small eyes, long arms, strong hands, big mouth (yes, we need those too!). Parts you may have never considered to be important. We all need each other for the body to be one. I cannot be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be.

For the body to be One, every part has to do its part, even if someone does something in a different way than we would do it. We are a unified body, not an uniform one.To use Paul’s words, “you are the body of Christ.” And what a body! We cannot do ministry alone. That’s why the Lord’s Prayer doesn’t contain the word “I” but keeps using “our” and “us.” It’s how the Spirit comes, it comes in bodies coming together to do things together that we can’t do alone.

-- Jeff Ediger


Earth Day Celebration - April 28

A Giving Opportunity For SeniorsIRA Charitable Rollover


Environmental Stewardship

Are we good stewards of our planet? On April 22, more than one billion people around the world will take part in the 43rd Anniversary of Earth Day.Come to our Earth Day presentations sponsored by the Environmental Stewardship Work Area to see how you can live, work and move toward a responsible life on our planet. See how the church has responded to conserving energy and becoming a good steward. Exhibits will be in the parlor and in the back parking lot after all worship services on April 28.

Thanks to all who took part in the “Souper Bowl” for the People’s Resource Center! Our congregation was able to contribute $542.00 to the PRC to provide food, employment assistance and other resources to people in our local area. Special thanks go to the 13 youth of our church who held the soup pots after each worship service on February 3, to collect our loose change. Together, our small gifts are making a big difference!

What do you do? What is your reason? Exhibits will help you look at various ways you can help. In your household, at your work and as you move, there are many ways to become good stewards of the earth.

Thank you to everyone who turned in a 2013 pledge commitment. Your response to the “Grateful” annual campaign has resulted in pledge commitments of approximately $880,000. Your generous giving supports the many programs and missions so important to our church families, the local community and beyond. If you have not yet returned your pledge commitment card, it is never too late. Please drop it off at the church office, via email to Carolyn Donnelly at, or by phone at 630.968.7120.Based on the current pledge commitments and estimates of other church income, the Administrative Council has approved an operating budget of $1,040,400. While this is a very large amount of money, the 2013 operating budget is lower than it was five years ago. There are many ever growing costs, such as maintaining and repairing our historic church building, which make it increasingly difficult to keep our budget in balance. Over the next year, the Finance Work Area will continue to investigate options to increase financial resources and look for areas where spending can be done more effectively.

Church Financial Summary As of December 2012Operating FundPledge Commitments $882,818 Actual Pledge Collections $872,773Budgeted Revenue $1,049,831 Actual Revenue $1.040.221Budgeted Expenditures $1,049,220 Actual Expenditures $1,020,844Budgeted Net Increase/(Decrease) $611Actual Net Increase/(Decrease) $19,377

Church Internal Fund Loan*Property Fund $246,154*Cash borrowed from other Church funds to purchase property without additional external debt and interest costs.

Church External DebtMortgage $536,844Line of Credit $57,695Please contact Carolyn Donnelly at 630.968.7120 ext. 208 for more detailed information.

Congress recently enacted the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 and it includes an extension of the IRA Charitable Rollover. It offers seniors age 70 1/2 and older an opportunity to make charitable gifts to qualified public charities, including Downers Grove First United, directly from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) with no negative tax consequences and, in some cases, with tax advantages. The legislation extends the opportunity until December 31, 2013. YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A SIGNIFICANT GIFT TO OUR CHURCH!• Make a special gift to fund a

ministry or project that you cherish

• Leave a legacy by funding a permanent endowment

• Add to your annual pledge or capital campaign gift

For more information about your options for the IRA Charitable Rollover, contact Carolyn Donnelly at 630.968.7120.


The Tower Bell The Tower Bell five

Children and Family

Calling Campers: 2nd - 9th GradeLocation: Wesley Woods Conference Center, Williams Bay, WI Dates: Bus departs the church Monday, June 24 at 8:00 am and returns Friday, June 28 at 12:00 pmRegistration for members begins on March 1, 2013. Registration for non-members begins on April 1, 2013. A $50 deposit is due at time of registration with payment in full due by June 16, 2013. The grade listed is the grade the student will be entering in the fall of 2013. Space is limited, so

register now! Note: All first time 2nd and 3rd grade campers will need a parent to attend camp (the parent will attend at no cost). Full camp details can be found on the church’s website under the Children tab.

2nd Annual Easter Egg HuntSaturday, March 30 at FUMC all children ages 3-12 are invited to hunt for some eggs. The hunt will take place inside the church. This event is for the entire family. Bring your kids, watch the hunt and then stay for a time of refreshments and fellowship. The egg hunt will begin at 9:00 am. Invite a friend!Free Throw CompetitionSaturday, March 16 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Sponsored by the 5th and 6th graders. Stay tuned for more details!

allowed to perform the sacramental parts of Baptism & Communion, this can be done with the permission of supervising clergy. Like all in vocational ministry, a CLM must follow guidelines for continuing education and spiritual development.Some folks have asked “What do we call you?” I am not ordained, so am not a “Reverend” (although some of my friends have taken to calling me “The Rev”), or Deacon and technically I am not a Pastor. You can call me Minister, but Terry works just fine.So, as I continue this exciting way of serving the people of God, I ask that you keep this ministry in your prayers. I know that Christ walks with us all each and every day of our lives. I am available to you in the office up in the tower. You can reach me via email or by calling the church office. My extension is 212. I am usually in the office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings as well as on Sunday. You may also call me at home any time.Blessings & peace,Terry McDorman

For the past year and a half it has indeed been my privilege to serve this congregation and the Northern Illinois Conference as a Certified Lay Minister. This really has been a dual-focused ministry, with responsibility across the Conference working with multiple congregations to make their houses of worship accessible to all, while also being a part of the ministry team right here at DGFUMC. Additionally, I serve on the Global Board of Ministry United Methodist Committee on Disability Ministries (UMCODM), representing the North Central Jurisdiction.During this time, I have come to know many of you in new and exciting ways. Together we have tried new worship experiences such as the come-and-go Communion on Maundy Thursday, the new tradition of a Christmas Peace service, and others. I have met some of you in the settings of our local hospitals or visiting in your homes. During this past Lent, there were several groups of “Wesley’s Great Experiment”, bringing us back into the vision that John & Charles Wesley used as the foundations of

Methodism. This year, there is an opportunity to participate in “24 Hours That Changed the World”, a detailed look at the last twenty-four hours of the life of Jesus.I was asked recently how one becomes a Certified Lay Minister and where does this fit within the UMC structure. To become a CLM takes about 3 years of a combination of course work and supervised training all under the oversight of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry. I will gladly discuss this in greater detail if anyone would be interested. A CLM is authorized, per the “Book of Discipline” to “preach the Word, provide a care ministry to the congregation, assist in program leadership, and be a witness in the community for the growth, missional and connectional thrust of the United Methodist Church…” The exact role of a CLM varies greatly depending upon the Conference in which the Minister serves. In some, CLM’s actually are assigned to a church or a cluster of smaller churches to serve as the pastoral leader of the congregations. While not normally

Certified Lay Ministry

Upcoming Events

Church and Society

Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone

sevensix The Tower Bell The Tower Bell

If you are interested in joining FUMC, New Members Classes are offered throughout the year. The next classes will be on Sunday, April 7 at 11:00 am and Sunday, April 14 at 9:30 am.New members will be received into membership on Sunday, April 28 at the 9:30 am worship service.

If you want to be a part of the next New Member Class, please contact either Pastor Jim at or Pastor Greta at or by telephone 630.968.7120. You may also contact Marilou Welch at 630.968.4136.

A Warm our newest church members!On Sunday, February 24, 2013, during the 11:00 worship we welcomed two persons into our membership. They include:Luke and Crystal Manganaro 244 S. Berkley Ave, Elmhurst, IL 60126 630.359.4817 Luke and Crystal joined on their Confessions of Faith.

Membership Development

Have you made it to Friday Night at the Movies yet? We have focused on Oscar winners this year and are now busy planning for the rest of the 2012-2013 season. We usually meet on the third Friday of each month, at 7:30 pm, at the home theatre of Don and Caryl Safford. They are joined by Downers Grove South High School film teacher Sue Thornquist in sponsoring this program; Sue brings a great deal of expertise to our series with her love of and wide knowledge of films. After watching a film selected from a wide range of genres, we enjoy a lively and thought-provoking discussion before indulging in a delicious dessert. Did we say the movie comes with popcorn too?!

Members and friends of FUMC select the movies and then lead the discussion afterward. We would love to have you be one of those leaders! Andrew and Cindy Johnson presented The Artist, on February 22. Subsequent dates and films include Philadelphia in March [tentative], and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid on April 19, presented by Peg Schultz. Then we hope to wind up the year with a film selected and presented by the founder of Friday Night at the Movies, Carol Lysne.It is not too early to start thinking about movies for 2013-2014. Give one of us a call or email

Friday Night at the Movies

The Health and Wellness Work Area began the year by offering a Sunday afternoon lunch and workshop on Stress Care in January.Caring Connections continues to be one of the ministries overseen through the Health and Wellness Area. Members of our congregation are available to help provide transportation to medical appointments, or provide meals if needed following hospital stays. If you know of someone who would like to know more about this, please leave word with Pastor Greta at the church.

Health and Wellness


In the Northern Illinois Conference, local churches make a commitment to support local, regional and international mission projects and ministries because Jesus calls us to bring healing and restoration wherever we can. One of the ways we do this is through the Rainbow Covenant. Each year we invite our congregation to help carry out these missions of hope and healing by participating in our Special Easter Offering, which funds the Rainbow Covenant giving of DGFUMC.After our church has fulfilled its basic first-mile apportionment commitment to the Conference, we go the second-mile as a Rainbow Covenant congregation. The second-mile giving

channel is called the Advance. Started in 1948, the Advance is the United Methodist program for voluntary, designated mission giving. Because our church’s apportionment helps underwrite administrative costs, 100% of your Easter offering gifts go directly to specific Advance missions and projects selected. That selection is the responsibility of the Missions Work Area.Easter offering envelopes will arrive in the mail soon. Remember, every contribution received through

the Easter Offering is dedicated to supporting missions locally, regionally and abroad.

One group who did not worry about whether or not the Mayan calendar was predicting the end of the world last December were the 71 Mayan ladies who make up the UPAVIM Guatemalan craft cooperative – they were too busy working! The DGFUMC Guatemala Connection committee thought we would share with everyone some of UPAVIM’s accomplishments this past year:• The medical clinic that UPAVIM

operates treated 1500 people.• The medical clinic laboratory was

reopened on a limited basis and will fully reopen once final legal documents are approved by the local government. DGFUMC partnered with UPAVIM over the past two years to raise funds for updating the clinic equipment, hiring a technician, and paying licensing fees.

• UPAVIM was able to afford to reopen the baby weight monitoring program and child

vaccination programs to the La Esperanza community where UPAVIM is located within Guatemala City.

• UPAVIM’s K-6 school was attended by 200 students.

• UPAVIM craft sales allowed UPAVIM to award 381 scholarships throughout their community for students in K-9, plus 26 special scholarships for higher learning programs such as teacher training and accounting.

Many thanks to everyone who purchased crafts at our Advent crafts sale – as you can see, your purchases do much to help UPAVIM serve many needy people within La Esperanza. Please join us in the parlor for our spring crafts sale ahead of Mother’s Day.And plan to meet several of these remarkable ladies when they travel from Guatemala to visit us this fall! More on this in the next Tower Bell.

Missions of Hope and Healing

UPAVIM Advent Craft Sales Follow-up - The Year 2012 at UPAVIM

Adult Mission ScholarshipEver think about taking a mission trip somewhere? Giving your time and energy to others in a new way? The Missions Work Area is offering a $1,000 scholarship to an adult member of our church who wants to embark on a Christian mission trip in the coming year. Guidelines are specified on the application form found on Applications are due to by March 15, 2013.

Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone


Celebrate the Gift

The Tower Belleight The Tower Bell

In looking ahead to our theme for this Spring Quarter, Committing to Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone, I find it easy to see that our music program would be dismal without the commitment of so many people working together! A current example is the Chapel Choir Tour, leaving on March 23 for a week long trip to and from New Orleans, with stops along the way, would never happen without the commitment of our high school youth, the chaperones and Katie, Chad and Bobbi, all working together to make a meaningful, fun experience for everyone (please come to their pre-

The congregation will soon have an opportunity to honor a loved one through our Sanctuary Window Memorial Project. This memorial project, funded entirely by private donations, offers a unique opportunity to honor and remember a loved one for generations to come.The side Sanctuary windows are the originals from 1927 (85 years old). They are constructed of single pane glass that is compromised due to the deterioration of the leaded joints that hold the glass pieces together. Over the past several years, many possible solutions to repair/restore/improve these windows have been explored,

tour concert on Sunday, March 17 at the LaGrange UMC and their at home concert on April 7). The Chancel Choir will be presenting Psalmfest by John Rutter with a guest orchestra on Sunday, April 21 at the 9:30 and 11:00 services. This cantata contains psalm settings written by Rutter over a twenty year period with several settings published for the first time in this work. This presentation provides an ideal time to invite family and friends to visit our church and enjoy the beautiful sounds of choir and orchestra.

however none proved feasible. Our only option is full replacement.During the month of February, everyone had the opportunity to learn more about this memorial project. The congregation was able to view designs created by three artists, ask questions and offer input. A decision will be made, at the end of February, as to which design has been chosen. Information will be available in the Happenings and Weekly Word as the project progresses, please watch for it!We look forward to your participation in this unique endeavor that will provide a lasting memorial.

On May 8, our Children’s Choirs will join together to present Rescue In the Night, the story of Daniel in the Lions’ Den, with the Cherubs being the fearsome lions. Then on Saturday, May 18 at 7:00 our bell choirs have committed to ring together as they present their Annual Spring Ring. Just think of what these musical groups would be without the support of each other. Just like our church family, we all commit to do together to accomplish what we could never do alone.--Andi Kinsella, Music Coordinator

Music Trustees

It’s a new year and a new Board of Trustees, or is it? I want to thank those who served on the Board of Trustees this past year. We must have done something right because two of the three members of the Class of 2012 elected to serve a second three year term and become members of the class of 2015. I want to thank Robert Murphy for his service over the past three years and we want to welcome Mike Roth. At our January meeting, the board has re-elected the same board members to lead us in the coming year. Diane Kerr is our Recording Secretary, Don Safford is the Vice Chair, and I will be the Chair for another year.On Sunday, January 27 the Administrative Council met to approve the 2013 Budget. Because pledges from the congregation didn’t cover all budget needs, cuts to the proposed budget were necessary. Thankfully, additional pledges did come in, but our Trustee budget is still short of all we need to make the necessary repairs to our building. As I reported in the last Trustees’ Cornerstone there are several areas of the church requiring work to prevent future damage to the structure. This year we must also schedule work

to upgrade our elevator to meet future code changes. At the present time, the Trustees’ Property Budget is $37,000 less than we believe is needed to maintain the building, cover increases in utilities, and pay for the major repair work. Last year when we realized we needed to do major work on the mortar around the Shepherd Window, the response from the congregation was unprecedented and we were able to have the repairs implemented immediately. This year we have already received a contribution from a Congregational Angel to replace the carpeting in the main entry because the aged carpet was curling and creating a tripping hazard to everyone. While I would like to avoid having to make special appeals to the congregation for every major repair we need to make, I believe we may be forced to make one or more appeals for funds in the coming year. With this in mind, I would like to ask you the congregation to provide me with feedback on which items you consider the most critical to for us to deal with, and if any one of you wishes to be an “Angel” and contribute some or all of the funds to implement another repair,

please contact the Trustees or Carolyn Donnelly. As a reminder, here is a list of the known repairs needed and the estimated cost to implement the repairs:

• Elevator Code Upgrades - $5000• Educational Building Roof Repairs - $10,000• 2nd Floor Prayer Garden Exterior Wall Repairs - $3,500• Parlor Bay Window Roof Repairs – $2,500• Boiler/Piping Repairs - $12,000

I would appreciate your thoughts, so please feel free to drop me a note in the Trustee’s Folder in the Church Office.--Allen DeBraal, Chair of Trustees


Sanctuary Window Memorial Project

40’s & 50’s GroupWe’re starting a 40’s/50’s group for individuals who are interested in socializing with people from church. We’ll be getting together in casual settings that will consist primarily of people’s homes. All you’ll need to do is bring yourself, your spouse, or a friend, and an appetizer and beverage to share with the group.Our first gathering will take place at 7:00 pm on Saturday, March 16, in the home of Lenore and Mark Pitstick. Please call Lenore Pitstick at 630.527.9717 or Dana Murphy at 630.964.5822 for details or to RSVP.

Scholarship SeasonSunday, May 5 marks the beginning of the DGFUMC Scholarship season! Scholarship applications will be available for church members who have completed at least one year of college. Completed applications are due July 1. There will also be envelopes in the pews through June for individuals wanting to donate to this important ministry.Have questions? Contact Katie Kiss!

Sweet RepeatUnited Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women would like to remind you that while you do your spring-cleaning, please save items for our annual Sweet Repeat Sale. Examples of items we are accepting include adult and children’s clothing, shoes, books, DVDs, toys, and housewares.This year’s sale will be held on Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14. We will be collecting items the week of September 9. We will have a

sign-up sheet at the Purchase with a Purpose table on Sundays over the summer. Please sign up to work a shift and shop while you work! Also you may join United Methodist Women and Facebook and sign up on-line. All the money raised during this sale goes to missions for women and children around the world. Look for updates as we near the sale date!

Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone

The Tower Bell The Tower Bellten

Youth MinistriesSpring is an exciting time in the world of Youth Ministry! Here’s a look at what’s happening over the next few months:March10th: Ignite! Junior High meets from 4:00-5:00 pm in Open Door, Senior High meets from 6:00-7:00 pm, and a meal is shared by all from 5:00-6:00 pm. We spend the evening discussing relevant faith topics and playing awesome games (including the favorite “zombies vs. humans”)! Come and bring a friend! 17th: Chapel Choir Pre-Tour Concert @ LaGrange UMC23-30th: Chapel Choir Tour to New Orleans, LA

April7th: Chapel Choir Home Concerts in the Sanctuary at 4:00 & 7:00 pm14th: Ignite 20th: Laser Tag @ LaserQuest from 4:00-6:00 pm21st: Youth Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser between worship services28th: Summer Activities Meeting in Open Door @ 12:15 pm. All youth (6th-12th grade) and parents are invited to this important meeting! We will discuss all the opportunities available to students this summer as well as adult volunteer needs. Ignite also meets from 4:00-7:00 pm

May:1st: Chapel Choir Banquet @ Ashton Place10th-11th: Confirmation Retreat18th: Field Day! More information to be announced soon19th: Confirmation Sunday May also marks the beginning of our Youth InTent program. This program is an excellent way for youth to raise funds for Mission Trip and Choir Tour. This year, additional adult leaders are needed to assist with the program. Contact Katie if you are interested in this opportunity!

Young At HeartYoung at Heart is a group of senior adults who get together once a month for a social activity, fun and fellowship. They have the following activities planned for Spring.Wednesday, March 13, 2013Visit to Spice Merchants located at 5225 Main St., DG at 11:00 am. This unique store carries spices and coffees and homemade blends that are difficult to find elsewhere. Samples will be given to us.We will have lunch together at a local restaurant with each one paying for their own lunch.Wednesday, April 10, 2013Gourmet lunch at Wheat Café at the College of DuPage. We will have lunch at 11:15 am prepared by students at the College of DuPage. We will be able to select from the Wheat Café menu, which includes soup, salad and three different entrees.Cost will be $18.00 per person, which includes cost of meal and gratuity. After lunch we will take a tour of the College of DuPage.Wednesday, May 8, 2012A one day trip to Fair Oaks Farm in Indiana. More information will be forthcoming.

If you are interested in any or all of these events, you may sign-up in the parlor between and after Worship Services on Sunday mornings or by calling Marilou Welch at 630.968.4136.

Youth InTentHaving an Upcoming Party?As the season approaches for graduation parties and other celebrations, remember that you can rent tents, tables, and chairs from DGFUMC Youth Ministries.Our pricing is highly competitive, especially considering that delivery, set-up and take down is included. All proceeds help fund our various youth programs and trips. Brochures are available in the church office or contact Don Dunham at 630.362.3164 or for more information.


Keep In TOUCHwith all the DGFUMC News and EventsHere are all the ways you can keep in touch with happenings around the church:Church Web Site - www.dgfumc.orgWeekly Word - distributed on Sunday and mailed upon requestDGFUMC E-News (Happenings) - In depth emails (emailed to all and US mailed upon request)Church Blog - - -!/dgfumcPosters and BrochuresDo we have your email? If not, send it to: diane@dgfumc.orgPublications deadline for the Summer Tower Bell is May 1st.

The Annual Spring Tea will be held on Saturday, April 6th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm in the church gym. We will enjoy tea and refreshments (including tea sandwiches and chocolate fountains!) as we celebrate quilts. Chris Hudson will talk about how she creates beautiful quilts. We will have quilts on display from many of the talented quilters in our congregation. If you have a quilt you would like to share with us, bring it along and tell your story. Attendees will decorate fabric squares which will be made into a commemorative quilt, and we will have special activities for children. Bring your friends with you for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Tickets, which are $15 for adults and $8 for those 12 and under, will be available Sunday mornings in the parlor beginning March 10th. Proceeds from this year’s tea will benefit the Worship Work Area and the Guatemala Connection group. If you have a teapot or two you

would be willing to lend us, please let us know. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Andi Kinsella (630.968.7120 or or Nancy Bifulco (630.241.3530 or We hope to see you there!

The 42nd Annual Chapel Choir Spring Break Tour will take place March 23-30. The choir will travel to New Orleans and back while sharing their music and message along the way. Through the theme of “A Journey to Grace” they plan to use this Holy Week tour to move audiences to a closer relationship with Christ. Under the direction of Chad Goetz, accompanied by Bobbi Mielcarski, the 40 choir members will use songs and skits to detail our sometimes simple and sometimes difficult pursuit of

grace. The concert will show how we might overcome the hurdles we put in our own path that keep us from a closer walk with God. Their aim is that each audience member might find inspiration that they might use in their own “Journey to Grace.”In addition to presenting a pre-tour concert on Sunday, March 17 at LaGrange United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m., the choir will sing at six churches in seven nights while on tour, including participation in Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

worship services. Host churches will be located in Carbondale, IL; Walls, Clinton and Grenada, MS; Slidell, LA; and Cape Girardeau, MO.The tour will also include sightseeing in New Orleans and some mission work at the Methodist Children’s Home near Jackson, MS.Two free home concerts will be presented Sunday, April 7 at 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.The Chapel Choir is very appreciative of the continued support provided by members of this church.


Worship Work Area honored their dedicated volunteers, past and present at their annual Volunteer Breakfast on Saturday, February 2. The theme, “Hats Off to You” celebrated our commitment to doing together what we can’t do alone. The theme also served as a memorial remembrance of one of our most beloved volunteers, Ted Kraft. Since he was generally seen sporting a baseball cap, a variety of team hats “decorated” each table. Thanks again for all of your hard work and dedication Ted! We miss you.Worship Work Area is continually looking for new volunteers to join in the friendship and camaraderie gained by volunteering on our teams. There is always a need for help in the parking lot, ushering, counting contributions or the Altar guild. Please contact the church office if you would like to help Worship Work Area “Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone”!

Spring Tea - Quilt StoriesOverview

Chapel Choir Headed to New Orleans!

Stay up to date with all Youth events by visiting our website: http://www.

Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone Committing To Do Together What We Can’t Do Alone


SUNDAY WORSHIP 8:15, 9:30* & 11:00 a.m.

*9:30 Interpreted for Deaf/Hard of Hearing

SUNDAY SCHOOL9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

First United Methodist Church1032 Maple Avenue

Downers Grove, IL 60515630.968.7120 FAX 630.968.4901Web Site:

email: dgfumc@dgfumc.orgOur Staff

Rev. Jim McDonald, PastorRev. Greta McDonald, Pastor

Rev. John Smoke, Director of Children & Family Ministries

Katie Kiss, Youth Pastor

Saturday, March 23First United Methodist Church214 West Main St.Carbondale, IL7:00 pm - ConcertSunday, March 24First United Methodist Church214 West Main St.Carbondale, IL8:15 am - Worship ServiceSunday, March 24Minor Memorial UMC6120 Goodman Rd. W.Walls, MS7:00 pm - ConcertMonday, March 25First United Methodist Church100 Mt. Salus Dr.Clinton, MS7:00 pm - Concert

Tuesday, March 26Aldersgate UMC360 Robert Blvd.Slidell, LA7:00 pm - ConcertThursday, March 28First United Methodist Church161 South Line St.Grenada, MS7:00 pm - Maundy Thursday serviceFriday, March 29Centenary UMC300 North Ellis St.Cape Girardeau, MO7:00 pm - Good Friday ServiceSpread the word! If you know of anyone who lives in these areas and might come out to support our Chapel Choir, please share these dates with them.

Palm Sunday ServicesSunday, March 248:15, 9:30, and 11:00 amMaundy ThursdayThursday, March 286:00 pm to 8:00 pmCome and Go CommunionGood Friday ServicesFriday, March 297:30 pmMessage by Pastor JimMusic by Chancel ChoirEaster Sunday ServicesSunday, March 31All Services are in the SanctuaryMessage by Pastor Greta8:00 am - Music by Chapel Choir9:30 am and 11:00 am - Music by Chancel Choir and Brass Ensemble

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH1032 Maple AvenueDowners Grove, IL 60515

The Tower Bell

Chapel Choir Tour Concerts Special Services

Non-Profit OrganizationU. S. Postage

PAIDDowners Grove, Illinois

Permit No. 32

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