the tidings - pineda pres · pineda presbyterian church lectionary readings january 7th genesis...

Post on 26-May-2020






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January 7th (Communion Served)

8:30 a.m. — Celebration Service (Fellowship Hall)

9:45 a.m. — Adult Christian Education*

11:00 a.m. — Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

January 14th

8:30 a.m. — Celebration Service (Fellowship Hall)

9:45 a.m. — Adult Christian Education*

11:00 a.m. — Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

January 21st

8:30 a.m. — Celebration Service (Fellowship Hall)

9:45 a.m. — Adult Christian Education*

11:00 a.m. — Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

January 28th (Blanket Sunday)

10:00 a.m. Combined Service (Sanctuary)

Followed by Annual Congregational Meeting

Installation of Presbyterian Women Officers

Blanket Sunday Offering will be received

*Adult Christian Education Classes are held in Sanctuary Rooms

A & C, the Fellowship Hall and Christian Life Center Room C.

Classes are not held on Combined Service Sundays. Children’s

Church for children up to 1st grade takes place after the

Children’s Sermon at the 11:00 Service in Sanctuary Room B.

The Tidings

t he mon th l y news l e t t er o f

P i neda Pr e sby te r i an C hur ch


January 7th

Genesis 1:1-5

Acts 19:1-7

Mark 1:4-11

January 14th

1 Samuel 3:1-20

1 Corinthians 6:12-20

John 1:43-51

January 21st

Jonah 3:1-5

1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Mark 1:14-20

January 28th

Deuteronomy 18:15-20

1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Mark 1:21-28

1/1 Bea Farahay

1/2 Karen Smith

1/3 Kathy Glines

1/6 Phil Veatch

1/9 Muriel Touretzky

1/19 Mike Mathewson

1/22 Charlie Ellis

1/24 Lori Bell

1/25 Zan Burton

1/29 Paul Pratt

1/30 Linda Arnold

Ruth Gardner

Dian Walker


Cliff & Karen Smith


John & Marilyn Ameigh


Don & Linda Arnold

George & Marilyn Papp

Join us for Beach Clean-Up

Saturday, January 20th@ 8:30 a.m.

at Seagull Park in Satellite Beach.

Followed by


Ladies, please save the date for

the PPW Winter Gathering to be

held on Saturday, February

10th at 11:00 a.m. in the

Fellowship Hall. More

information will follow in

next month’s newsletter.

Winter Term

meeting at

Ascension Catholic

Church 2950 N. Harbor City

Blvd. in Melbourne

January 16th through

March 7th!

SAIL is offering classes in exercise, art, writing, foreign

language, history, politics, travel, religion, archaeology,

literature, crafting and more!

Classes meet on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. The cost for

the entire term is $30 for either day or $45 for both for

the entire 8-week term. Pick up a brochure in the

Fellowship Hall for additional information.

The Session has called the Annual Meeting of the

Congregation & Corporation for Sunday, January 28th

immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Combined Service in the

Sanctuary. All church members are encouraged to attend.

Annual Reports from Ministry Team and Committee Leaders

should be sent by e-mail to the church office by January 14th.

Presbyterian Women At their Fall Gathering in November, Presbyterian Women elected officers for 2018.

Officers will be installed at the Combined Service at 10:00 on Sunday, January 28th.

Moderator—Karen Smith

Secretary—Mary Inkpen

Treasurer—Barb Mathewson

Sunshine—Nancy McIntyre

Mission—Helga Wilson & Hannah Webb

Historians—Dian Walker & Lori Bell

Miriam Circle Leader—Karen Shumaker

Dorcas Circle Leader—Helga Wilson

Lydia Circle Leader—Dian Walker

W.O.W. Returns January 17th! Join us on the 3rd Wednesdays of January, February and March at 5:30 p.m. in the

Fellowship Hall for W.O.W. Dinner and World Religions Presentations! Each month

we will have a guest speaker share about a different religion. The cost for dinner is

$6 per person. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall.

January 17th—Hinduism

February 21st—Islam

March 21st—Judaism

Cuba Mission Trip Potluck & Presentation On January 31st the Mission Team invites you to

bring a dish and join us for a potluck dinner and

presentation from our Cuba Mission Trip Team!

Dinner will begin at 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall

followed by the presentation. Please join us!

Soup Needed for the Cold Night Shelter

The Cold Night Shelter is in need of homemade

soup for its ministry to the homeless. Please place

soup in double freezer bags labeling the type, and

place it in the freezer marked “CNS” in the kitchen.

Alternative Gift Market Update

Many thanks to all who supported the Heifer International

Market in December. Together, we raised $1185 to assist in

providing income-producing animals such as pigs, bees,

chicks, sheep, rabbits and more for some of the

world’s neediest people.

This year we also had a table for “Think Humanity”

which sold handmade African ornaments to raise funds

to purchase mosquito nets. $600 was raised which

is enough to purchase 60 mosquito nets!

Many thanks for your continued support of this ministry!

Food Pantry Donations

Sunday, January 7th—Canned corn

Sunday, January 14th—Canned baked beans

or beanie weenies

Sunday, January 21st—Peanut Butter

Sunday, January 28th—Canned or pouch tuna

Leadership Training for Elders, Deacons, Pastors, Educators,

& Church Committee Members


8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Westminster by the Sea Presbyterian, Daytona Beach Shores

Pastor Jim and Denise Moran will both be teaching classes at this year’s C.O.L.E. Session!

Information packets are available in the Fellowship Hall. The cost for participants will be

paid for by the church. Please return registration forms to our church office by Wednesday,

January 10th and we will register the group together and plan a carpool.

The Literature & Scripture Sunday School Class will

resume our study of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

in January! If you are reading along, we will be

covering chapters 13-17 and talking about “class

differences” in society and the weight of the

conscience in moral choices. You do not have to read

the material to participate in class. All are welcome!

Many thanks to everyone who did so much to make our

Christmas Dinner a great success. From setting up and

decorating tables to serving the food, to cleaning up the

kitchen, so many lent a hand. Special thanks to Pastor Jim

and Pastor David for being willing to get “down and

dirty”. We truly have a warm and loving congregation.

Per Capita Contributions As active members of a Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation we are

part of a connectional system composed of almost 2 million individual

members, nearly 11,000 local congregations, as well as 173 Presbyteries, 16

Synods, AND the General Assembly. This connectional system exists

because we believe we can serve God more effectively together than we can

separate from one another. “Per-Capita Assessment” is our way of sharing

the administrative costs involved with staffing and operating Central Florida

Presbytery, the Synod of the South Atlantic, and the General Assembly


For 2018 our “Per-Capita Assessment” supports the work of Central Florida Presbytery; the Synod of

the South Atlantic; and the General Assembly. This year’s amount is $16.75 per active member.

When you contribute your $16.75 per individual or $33.50 per couple to help fulfill Pineda’s

“Per-Capita Assessment” you accomplish two things. First, you free up dollars which can then be put to

use in other areas of our budget. And second, you help us celebrate our connection to the other

congregations and governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

There is a blue envelope marked “Per-Capita” in your box of offering envelopes. If you did not

receive a box of offering envelopes, please call the Church Office to request one.

Session Sound Bites (From December 18th Meeting)

Opened with Devotion & Prayer led by Elder Ed Walker. Approved the minutes of the November 20, 2017 Stated and December 11, 2017 Called

Session Meetings. Heard report by Elder Commissioner Pa Zinn on December 5th Presbytery Meeting. Reviewed report of September 25th Triennial Visit by Central Florida Presbytery Committee

on Ministry. Received reports from Pastor Jim and Pastor David, and approved mileage reimbursements. Sustained examinations of Elder Ed Walker and Deacon Al Giddings and approved them for

installation on January 14, 2018. Received the Treasurer’s Report. Heard a report from the Diaconate. Learned that Buildings and Grounds will purchase material to fill in the depressions in the

parking lot. Noted that additional estimates are being sought to replace the sanctuary roof capping

(hurricane damage). Learned that W.O.W. events will be held on January 17th (Hinduism), February 21st (Islam),

and March 21st (Judaism). Heard that the Mission Team has scheduled a Cuba Mission Trip report to the congregation

and pot luck dinner on January 31. Noted the called session meeting on January 8, 2018 to meet with the Rev. Robert Hay of

The Presbyterian Foundation. Adjourned with prayer by Moderator Jim Moran

Pastor’s Pondering

January 2018 Happy New Year! Dear Pineda Family, It has been a wonderful, blessed Advent and Christmas at Pineda Presbyterian Church! You have been a blessing to the Morans! I pray that we all, as the body of Christ, are a blessing to God Almighty. The last day of Christmastide is January 6th, or Epiphany, where we remember the story of the wise men arriving to worship the newborn King. On January 7th we begin “Ordinary Time” and will gather around the Table of our Lord for our first worship together in the New Year. On this Sunday, we will remember the Baptism of our Lord and begin our look at Jesus in the Gospels and the early church. Who is Jesus? What does it really mean to follow Jesus? As Ordinary Time begins our New Year, we may also want to take a look in the mirror at ourselves. Who am I, and who am I as a Christian? Am I a “good Christian”? If I am, what does a “good Christian” look like? Liturgical Year: the Worship of God prepared by the Ministry Unit on Theology and Worship of the PC(USA) says:

Ordinary Time is the norm of time kept by the church. The Sundays of Ordinary Time celebrate the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection, and the unfolding presence of the new creation. Ordinary Time presents us with an ongoing opportunity to witness to the living

Lord who makes all things new. The standard time of the church is Ordinary Time. (50) The liturgical term “ordinary” means that which is “normative,” “usual,” or “standard.” As we begin the New Year, the entire congregation is invited to join me at a “Town Hall” meeting on Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. to: review the two survey findings of the congregation for the future vision of Pineda PC;

review the highlights (i.e. inverted pyramid, Vital Congregation Ministry Wheel, Faith Formation, and the local demographics survey) taught/shared during the Cottage Meetings; and

claim a vision and chart a plan for where we are going as the particular body of Christ, named Pineda Presbyterian Church PCUSA.

The whole church is invited to the “Town Hall” meeting on Sunday, January 28 at 4:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. May you see yourself through the gracious eyes of our loving God, like God’s Son Jesus. May Peace be with you in the New Year, Jim


Hopefully, you remember the day Rev. Mary McKee was with us to talk about “The Jethro Tree” and how we can use a representation of that tree to help us see and understand how the various gifts and skills our members and friends possess fit together to make Pineda the wonderful congregation we all know and love.

A number of our people spent numerous hours putting together our Jethro Tree which is a visual representation of the boards, committees, teams, activities and groups that make up our congregation. Many, many thanks to those who helped with this challenging project.

Now it is time for us to take the next step. On Sunday, January 21st, we will be holding a special worship service built upon the story of Jethro and his son-in-law, Moses. Please read the 18th chapter of Exodus in advance. The story you read there is about the day Jethro helped Moses see and understand that he could not possibly do everything by himself.

I think we all know that no one person can do everything. And the reality is that no one person possesses all the gifts and skills necessary to bring life to a congregation. What an interesting lesson to learn.

Here at Pineda, our Session members, Deacons, Stephen Ministers, Pineda Presbyterian Women, committees, teams and pastors do many different things. But, no one does it all.

Our Jethro Tree is intended to help you see there is some place in the life of Pineda where you can place a leaf on a life-giving branch, and be a part of our ministry. The tree will show you the many opportunities there are to help and serve as we share the gifts and skills God has given us.

So, on Sunday, January 21st, near the end of our worship service, EVERYONE will be given the opportunity to take a leaf (or two or three) put their name upon the leaf (or two or three) and attach their leaf (or leaves) to the tree where they see themselves connecting to the life of our congregation. We are hopeful that we will see a Jethro Tree filled with leaves, showing us how God provides for the needs of our congregation through the gifts and skills He has given us.

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither -- whatever they do prospers.” (Psalm 1:1-3)

Pastor David Lindemer

Pineda Presbyterian Church (USA)

5650 N. Wickham Road, Palm Shores, FL 32940


Scottish New Year

Potluck & Party


December 31st

at 5:30 p.m.

Bring your favorite dish!

The New Year will be

celebrated at 7:00 p.m. (midnight in Scotland)

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