the thouband islands. from people. bot-ham* · the thoubandislands. a 1 ftter from db. j. «....

Post on 07-Mar-2019






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A 1 FTTER FROM DB. J. «. BOt-hAM*TOBWToaof Bcnnwurr-a vs mon nrncnns.

T1. . nen er. i s

,, vs,t :¦ ot ."nowBK-ssn.R -bi

tm aid; -nvtsun io no tm

*_.- -XTR-UOU to* ,ii. :.' mvimvk Vs.vriuN.

yo th, I dller -' ms *>»*«**«

gn |f Ie bb ur.-ont a -sir mpeeaseaa ad tba. Rh and i

du.._ - amer montha, I am sure I aball do

^oat ravor te tbs people el New-Tork City and tl

"tla. ,.,l i tm entirely aaavit

v.' j pl*, and all people wbe lit--

9ea< s i_ ilieir Summer chance in Iha b

tarter. I ease baas a aimpts etd wossaa, wba,a bi

mJv . i nhnagi sf bit replied that abe bi

char, iioush, for she weal from lbs BBttartasIan -rn limes a dis. ami sftea ¦

.,',,<,.. BBd the barn. The New Yorker wi

pork- ' BUmnRH' chance at "Seaport, iit Lor

"c,:1 :... bland, ar Koskas ls ha

abeu: as mu.-ti aa tba etd wsaaaa did, inr be aavi

haves tt* kind of air tbal bs bras bs. Ittofreehi.,.¦ ne seaside resent near hollie, kt

tiny l: f«- bim no ladies I Bed S8SS8*S-Ul chas*Thus, wbe gs to the ITkits Motrntufaa, Wea Bl

i n.el Vstnasot, da batu r, but tho*

amt Brass -UM. I a:n tom, ia best. tor utan

r-.- there is rot on tte face of the globe sue

¦Bethel rives i,s ths Bt Lnfiuues. Imagine.vine from three in ilea to ten nub

iu . th.- creal Amelie au lakes by w.ite

tbat le ikepasaagebaadsposrted all its tilth aa

du-t. ni.: ..mes. alter ita lambie wt m Efiaaar I alla0 | -alto its tina] passaan totheaoiInia_:i:*' this aagSSb stream ii idiag its BSBBjOas v. a

tliit.ii- . I .il-vruit li ol 1.800 latauds, arnon sr which

man am] asd fordaya witta ai evsrenastagb-Btraelwith.. a red of dead water aloeg ita skolwith ni ten a aaspinion of malana in tinphire above it. Imagine n Summer elimata Iwhich the days sib sever hot ead Kithe rt- i-are always COO* and biacins. and th

damp as So maka n ni

a (lour*, sad y m bavs lbs conti.;at tba ih .us.inii I.-la

A ii'i'.F.U -AN tl Ali' M.

j fourth "lamana! bete, sad my rm

{Towing love and .nliinration of tl,

r at. great aa new, and 1 sm eoi

_ ittaad io kt ctitiie tbs gras! san

tar... datura of**tbeothitiglike inotbiag thateons

tr. I - st eil aeoegh fer the New-Terker wholion- sss to bpi nd a night and a daat tl .¦ resorts of eas] access, bat tbe famlusi ammer. oalthe fut Ole, I alu convince d, ci

nior ne of the boala life to be found en tbe Cnn

li. ssho lands at ( layton, one of (litics aad Bl ick Kivsi

dadwbicb he left about fourteen i

i. ri rv well k" ..

nn1Cape Vincent at

pasbliss lad I

A*'i_ ll Ii.i O, belliss |bO flt it ll!" ts bi

.:. cr. tod I and justSbo-i

..f thia ht''.e-l weare the ss¦

rcs. and sold. Tbplace proaons.

will I h. d at tbe head ot Welltbs " 1 bot

earn:es ban

and .- -nunnet

wini.- maa

Sommer fat

_j * hr cooTer-Inni) is qnl

flit tho riser .-. ltt.i'i.of iii' m. where i

(otb I S-amsaet One af those groaps¦.i.i-" r-ii-,)' Oaks." The favorable point

on *

roap t-i eigfaar tai built and iababited by a

from -. Ihe lower end ol Wellis or er Peak, a Presbyterial

i a chm md tenun ber ofbe some 1 mrtea i

nu lc. a i out.

iI.M'.M Rj_B_TS.I of Sommer Ufa here i tier

1: eesaplss tin- nu"-! pie tareaqac poettion t the river, the-tlaada aear it aroccu; kasai dwellings, sad tba bitiie ; pslatia! after tba showy maaner oBunni, in ids. I will hoi andertaks toetatatbtBBpaeity of tbsss houses, bat tbe Tboosaad lalaiMHou.- i verj largs, and the Piessmsn Hausaorly -. p aJihouul, 1 believe Lt ia Boon ts bidaahl, In Ita gaeet-holding capacity. They an

both very good boasas l in v do imf eqaal theVs i Hr.-ti,, rt. lu:t the*, are luxurelm. nen;...itel sviih aaytbins I have ever found SI

the t ftf MsIbO I believe bot ii bonnes do betteibv ¦!.. .'..(-, tkaa Ikey ssa B-fbrdts do. Tbsnisa great.almosts bitter.oompetitioa betwssithi m. one lint 1 disk ko to sae, .ind ohm thatbaal lo either.for there is patronage for then:

Saab, lt this time beth are full, or nearly-often. .'. :,..- height ol tbe eeasoo, they are com¬

pelled :¦. lodge a part ot their gSMSSS about tin.villa, Bags bus two churches and sxeel*Inn s. .:. stone und a population of nbowl Bvibundi d pe-,ph.-, devoted m.. riser m tinciifa ty ol ..- i-i.uiider-i andaeraa_ea.

t uni'nt of ids regioa aa a Samasar re-nut began i good many peen ago, with tho latter-len. :.. ... w;_i, iii,,. ]n rhe old times, ami".et"! -rum all There waa duck-.noil il,,. Autumn, and this brought onlymen: bal la precess sf ttuR tbsae ipartsBnen beganto brm. tb ,i-wives and children. Uwaaaet tbemajhaat iseai people, bul aasoog them wars oar-tsinlv t r Ugliest in tbs land, prSB-dsaSB, StBtSB>nun, politiciaas aad diviass. The ti.hiug wa* fol-lowed c." .r v. bewares, ami at last the rccion.°"1 -'¦ rues for iperting purposes, and thenthere .._¦.. to SSSBS a better eel ad people. Tlii.bssgoue un until this year, when if i_ evident thal.BBBTi ifiaarclsSSaf vis,torrs than ever b. fore,.a* or its ;]._. -i fionn. ol tlie two houses paUBSUt Snuns sf metal elsgnees nnd pysSj that would ix.-Qtnte ut boan bj Newport anal Bnmtogn.

ni ii nura ram ..i-u.-r.-.

"'*'- g on rapidly aa tba river thii

r*oo. Ea Jadgt -pencer, ol \r--v-York, han just BBSS-si raaldlinea aa Manhattan jr'nni.

wluel, ii. .jeep,,., Wlt|, (.-apt.ini J. L.¦BBSs* I. aUo of Msw-rstfc. Tho lia.

¦J* Calombns, Obie, are seunt-mHj* snlnsr* ,u -1 .»'' .'uiiiociaii-ina. They ruuat have

**kairia_aada dooen alinntnms. nktsk give toUtlnl"' d0B_B-a a v.-rv al tractive and pieti ireHcjue

"efasrsiice. The Packer hilly, sd Pe-nu.ylvania,Zj!*\ '.tau **JI'W' «¦ "' upon Jd_ud." on.- of Iks

JJj"'^'ju-it boii8ht MIdlewild,"M leland rory'Spurt," and u now puttingup bi. boat-houm*.

jr*"1 b*»d »n elegant dwaUiag next BBUOBa. Mn«**fcL_s*"Wel1 ia'"w" ,,Uil-!<T from OgdsnsbMi._______

¦M*ti*na ht-r-. and ia putting up nest Btno-"."."lau.ljreetious.thstm. *VoluU'orb-»ldiiigmi the main shore.tallar nfl0' illtxf:tit/«' Wltu .'"I-* baya for the

ttoAt J,. "*u:(Jo'*»P'<;uoas aaaoag tbs pmuuas**** tdw_rare<1 lH" l0'Ut Mli"',l*'r"*!." the redd. ROS

.tatadsti nthoD-VT' or -Nevr-York. Ameagtbs^^iiupl^i°r^Uvmt'M"HU'h- [ w;i»mvi-».R_,v ,

"****» day or two »ine_ iu a ride acro-va"' *m*iU> V»y ton. with the very favorable

charaet-srof the inlands of the hay for bnildir.c pur-There in an inland reaSea at. that pata! al

th.* niosl invltinir character, kbavs the BOWfl ofan, sa the main la-nt, a eeaBpaef bas reeeally

luie! ont lioaiiect I' irk. winch really aesuptas one oftim Bbsetdesi able pointe eu tho river.

I am a saber bmw, ami I hope I u.iv.i ont atooentliii.i asiie ..ver tins r.v.r. 1 bara no land toHell, and no Limos bera te soi ve, but the-herc .luring ibis ISBBBB, When yon h.tressed with bsoi in Rsa fork, could hardly becompeteatly ebaractariaed by ai | tbcnalstout thoa heavenly. Wa h..v. Im _¦ twtllg_*" almost read a rn- (repaper at 0 ,,'i""1 ike ev. snipeBkaMy lae. Th

I Wilt boats ol vai.mia kudu, afl cvc-tyl'otisBaas evsrywbsra here ta ;i n, d,, m

'I- '' !' I-St S.lcllt..lhere*sra many h-rr tor tbs smiles ad boto: visit¬ors, and th-- owner, ol __la__ds aro huytag |for their private use. \ ,...v vac,!, belonging tathe Packer-, ia to smre wrtbia a week, aad tbsboeill ii p.-oin- are H With l.vely laSsSSet,

i- suppose.I io ne "' te clean us all'li._ " masqaito ti.-.-t," as ii la sailed hero, i.s a rap-idly growing ono, and tin-, tun", is not tm distaalwbsa thia pun of tbs user aril] ba coveted bj itAs ii ia now, one can har-iiy look from on.'-, oil dow

.' m-riinr a iiii*-i.l.-r ot it, ami Hice STOoftena doaaa ad tbam la sinnt. ihe lively chatter oltuen .. iiii-crt rrbaasl " Ula the air.

J O. HoiiAN-n.Alexandria Bay, X. Y., July 16, 1.80.


BUJTDAT Al LOM. BRANCH.Diet.M.s nr vmrroaa ar tuf nosr.a hot kobb-

ini. r itxowxn nv a o u un t

ll Ku.

ld>\<; Branch, July 18..Munday at the"l-i.. eh,** inti nilii-uuii ni simd.ty trama amSeadsy i>. i.-, R altogether th. Urrellaai day of tn. weeli.¦estel iBeameeti sb the hotels attend shaieB erna dasden rum, bet them wh eeeas by Baeday tr.ona andli-aia are nat for a hnlliay, an 1 lU.y IhrnBgtbS bSSOband avenie. mak'ii.. the llmlBBSl SUB uf SllJ

ir- iii. ic. .t.'n.iii -si tn yerocas esme br lae Bermuir te day, ead ths Plymoett Beeb bseagai las lerpeetlead te tho pier that Ikara. Bec fi of ti,e

peeked, aad the uuminr oabeard .i ,ns' bara b BOO.

lb snath wts,l haa benn Mowles .*n div, int aptr ._' p. m. ll was BA -i.If), lent tn ISmBSr the liiiZii).'

sun asibrellaa were ta active disiced ai im'nn.i- vlad hauled a few potats

...,-. i table... it i,.

.' *¦-¦¦,.-:.¦!- ¦. :. in- inn.--,is ss ere preferred.nn.i un- piir!m ¦ were ali - cia.

an; rr.tully ul, In-re for theBand iv pepi rs. 1

nf» morn'.' I., at, wnitii l.niii.- |i. r ..1 i. io li's innr ,. li the II

ii-u .liv Sappi)) : M .. lir..-.- ii." uri sin

rs tbe < i-i Bal it cae be d tiielr.. ;,:v tapp

Tbe water is warm to-diy, and tratblas bal been ss

fl h. v. lin :, marredthe ri' i 'nith.

,i " CB " in ;,!)".:1 mos tn day,ta to S less' ba

:.m-t of ri.e-.« tying ..i!

A- ti : Branch wis


I pro) Ibe tr.irk nu I

Iii*- rsi. ..mi


ii.' tbe -iiiiinicr. In-. Jane-.

;. .! il..-.

all on

T: e !."'.V Vi.

and lamilititi, r, it- lion. (.-I me

en n. Strahan, J B. i.I. l-r lilli, \. t> ',

N l ii:n ¦:: li _m*toy;P. Il ./.ti i...-I il- ;n li rubeitDc

n li' 1) \si, :'.\y ni K.

.*. .. Vi ri;.¦nd Hotel.Mn. I. G. Hustace, 8. ITalatead Swan,

Broe.Kljrnj M inn,"I..-!;. Ni'Xi"; I;. .1. ss-. s i.. Lewia and wi pul pula HenryI.. L ni li- it" li. ... M. Hu..

¦i. ir. ( J. \..n ern !; F-rry. B. False, W. A.End Hotel.Senator Kerami. Utica; Robert Gar

ri-11 .uni fuiiiil.. W 1 1 f*-, Baltimore; ex-Qovei on, K ntockr i '¦ 's th r Cu d,

.r i: -. ] jvrn,.r( otraell » U.C, EUldwln,

United Slolet Hotel Henri .'ranee,Ur, R. I."

>S. SS.

Alia,it,, Until.yi. i Lresvcr ann w n-. Sacramento;I -l. M;in.-!i >i r, R. .1.; W. H. ii.

it. .1 Bunk N. J .1. u. Stembergb. Readme.PenBrooklyn; R. lt. Vaugbt,

li I'. ',_ I- :i ... ... ii n-riiil 1 water, James Flanagan ami

v. is mik.m-

NEWPORT NolLS.Ni w po UT, R. I., July 18..The weather is

srowlns ti.niii-in- warmer, .. .u t ie he rl-keepersaadtue proprietors of the ba th are coi:

lagty i.

i .ms tin- Rev. c. i.. Rteharda, of Providence "fnelated .r, dil ¦slats' Chapel i.i pince nf me h. v. ii. (

Potter,D.C..of Wew-YorR. im- Res -i i> PUtrletS.etan af ths aasae-eea Mleetoearynoeleiy.asa-dacted ths aei rises al i sm s bapsl to day.Tne It.-s. Mr. Photo,ef K -ors Chapel, Ruston, hal!i.n.i nf mr -rivices nt the i.';::".ir..ui Chapel.The luiuier.. hnuu is, etc., hsloagiag lo the Queens

('minty Heat, anise .inn on BatBMey BCXt,I, P.. Blackmas aad elle, ni ;hi_ city, ure iu camp at

iinniiii:i_iiiin, Baaea Cooaty,H. Y.Mr. ami Hm i) R Brows, ni Prorldeaae, h.ive* taken

in tm tat the seseea a' tin- Conanteai Part BetaLMr Jii.u any, .ir., of Nen York, a prsmiaaal ni

(asm-, vt ho mis beeu Ui for auuio tillie, ia nott SSflUldsri ili. preat ii a.. beSMlMr. I. ..'iiim Winthrop, ot Bow York, ia a srueat of

I,ih broiie-iniav Hollis Huuuewell, of Bunton.Rnyal Phelp., of Pew-Yert, BBB of Hie Gi.vernor* of

tba St-¦¦ linn . ..h:ini., H.-p.ncr hsahaaati lsd hf tn ct.u ui of Nathaniel Tbat-er, Jr., of BoeteB.

T. Rnni.-oQ. a ¦Basher <»r tn BOMS Hoard Bf Charitiesiiim I'tiirei 1 mi ol >*ew-Yort, Uaa smvsd at (he PettyHi .use.One at tbs members of the 0 em liaise erebaei rn.

Carl M-irt.i. was -, member ol the tamoas u noam-.

llano, tl icil pi ay ead at thS satur lintel thirty tviil'it BOO.Ur min-, .j .'iris aaeoeieted niui.-s.lf isun iae R¦ona flu a eu*- Ctah, and anet travelltas shoal tbecount j foriwea y fran, rafnmed loBarepe. BB lannw ber tut he ti"-t 'iii"- ni h. :" v" tr-.

Tbedredaiuc in,d rnnet Pomnier apparatns ol sPiab Commission baa arrived trom

Baee.. waare tl aae Besa stared stoes lest sammer, whes lbs iieartquariei. ol IM I neel

*****-'. r. *. ...i_.

l.i Kc. A. li alon, ot HI. t en; nt . ( liunh. Rew-Ymk BBd Iha BOV. W. W, Mor«au, ol Ht. Tuuiuaa'.Csar.ii. sn la iowa. . _-... «_._».

Tba Ber Dr. Bee|emto Wataon, of Philadelpbla. wboi- .pt adina tbt ssaeoa bare, um received toa ini.ii'

ceaes oi tBe dssth sf his fatai sw.Au iii.nisiriui kCbool ie lo be 'ere w.fh tlie

aid of ih. .*> i rc.-nu ta, abeam latssaBtse iu t;.*-

uit.V" unitL_ic 1...1.-; eniralK Ind ulm -

Hotel .lu'inn eic In I I .1 in, M. Iliiuc-nck,lld-. K. J _>.Vis. I.. Uinill aid

w)fe, hnsi n .1 ll Bolitoe, Woroeater; I.. P. Orieuld.New-Haven; .olin A mir*-a, li.-i.i-n; 1-. Steel amiwife ll ..¦sn, We»,i.urv .'.-; Edwin rieininB.

.;j,. p. ranter, Bi s V..rS; M>du.:> O, PasBer,

''fnltnl^Wte, HOM V. I' AU-(nail.- A nmI WlfOi AC, Hit*leeton; r". E Bose sad wifs.CbiCaiifo; H-dacbaWif.i ( .n.i.i:- J... kr nu. pt\^*"*mA ,'Oildersleeve, PhRadelpsla; -';'..'.'"."" 5K Rack. *New-Londoo; HranrBlaiSwsll, RVsMil"' ll. I'nce.J.iUirstt (like. Hi-"nieuuH. Seri; Boeee.ol r ;;..; -

u.u t» if.-. H. L BraB.PraaeiBOB-tley.W. V, lt..y and H.

W, li. Howard, of New-Yoi k.

numil ai BdJUTooi.Saratoua, July 18..Ths Lu.p ot the United

Htafs Hn el ISSI nl8ht waa a very brilliant ail-

ciaily I***"" naSBUnl M made ot dteaa thia year RRW

BBSB-J but the ladiea dieaa ni better taate than a few

ysars'sgo If not so citraragantly. There are moec solid

Wen ef wr.'th. e-ntfnre :ind -eielu.1 or |>ri.rcs«|.i|i,i'"-''" 01 In funner yeas*.red thi-. I-annieWhat apparent at ll,.. Beeta! rv nts ike thu at tin

ii "i "-n's hy . ,

Naaraad vt-. 1 ¦.

wife. Mi*. Miles Br1 Bra. 1f il i.e. I


Mis ( i, nrlelt. Mr. C. Morse, Mias Giio.'i'; Mr. sud ti ,

nuii.n.i. J. ff L


Viii Bli

J. J. I-. ti i, ¦¦' I-.lelpui ..ul-.- .Mr-, and Mi's Ka.

.HM" J i. I. 1 (,till.lilli, ol H

Tbe floor was aader tba .barge of Mr Protbtili

i .. \, nie a Int.e ei

io believe U ms a Ul next ste *


AKBIYALB IX I UK CATSKILLS.KnraBTOR, N. V.. Julv 17.. lin- ai li vals at

tbe Catskill betels doiieg tue wash bete am geldc. (be expcetettono el ihehmdtoB hotel bi

MooeS se this ssaasa they have uad no cause in

¦Say of th" iiiit"i- bare ii thew teems . n-

gaaei for thc rnnaiuderof thia luoutli and tho montani .\n_ii.-r.

1 ta K's i'. Y. KwaD, D. H.. and wife of Newark. NVObaiimJeakase sad frsrafly, fl. ft Dowies, mus i.Left, Cbarlea Beasett, Bew-Yertt aad B P. Stereos,ni Prnnkiyn, an-a: Fitch'oCottage, sa ths Little

Prate -nr Arnols and Mrs. Theodore QoldaaUth, elBreebli a ur" ut ths .lewett Beigbta ti.mae.¦hedr Grove Elom Bassav-lle, is tilled to lu utuinst

ciiiitity.I fl ii.itor WoeradsO, of Pennsylvania, accompanied

to- in*, rau.iii, eeeehsaee ami private eeaveyaaee, RrRrftlBS tin- Csrsklll ¦oeBtataa.Qaaaeal lewtaaaada pan.' af Manda laaaasd IhR

cits- yselei las BB ths '-'e.iin va.".il Runaway. They looka : Pip lo Un' ()-, ii n.k Mmnit.i in ll.,u se.Mia. Kiu-t 11 r nek, better Beowu se Mi-s Men Bart

lett, ef WaUeeh'e Ybestre, ls apoaflmg the aranon at"¦1 aatala Boase,

J.e.-c ni,rn -, I; /* 11'- Mniititii.n Hnuse.'¦ ls el rae in,tris are

ll,nut in, Swam A Brtereon aad wife, s. L. LntklnnBad s- If,.. A. H. I .ns. B, Vs ill i.-k. A. A. Rilli. Dr. Vi W.M.ixssnl wife. J J. Atirni.e. Colonel R.B. Wood,

i I I s's. Taylor, BS,Il B 'li. C. H. 4tW0( '!. 1)" vs. w fl ¦ stir,,, Rei. Al. tanner McM!:. 1. Rei 1 lal i. R*w Yoi k Chi II"r ,c

tal c, ( .. \s. li K n .1..,' Mi-.I. -.

Ewin*, At llpbta;., .eui s. :.-. (,.-i

sv f.-. Ullin- B -n, sv "iii.| stir. J. I.. If;,:.-, M.,1: r. Ml

\t. J si ,1 11. uieac ¦; W, H. ME. D.Palm,: ttoci ester; I.


((issn; I wife. New 1

nun.; Cuomaa L. 1 .. I. i

Englewood. K. J.;Hi iieord. Mieb.;

1 rani lions* i

Irnff. W. R

! W. R I'hartise



A. ll Ira. J. H. I

i",|-ii--utnuier resort. 1

! Miss'. rk.


ord i'li-t .*'. Mrs. |

M. (i. F.iati

/ /.. fl

-itu: Mles Jniiu A.el_ _______



IO. 1 n. m..The bur-n tbe Middle ai

I .. Of-...r.-kv

fountains, es 1 ipi flew Valley. Rortoeaetei nerallrpret:.¦ Cpper Lake ramon aad Cpp r Mississippi VIII) If.l lliwr-li-ns li l-l.-l-'TtllT.

.riv ami IRrbter tn-h. The temperatnreBS ll-'- -1 -lilly III tbs IS8S IC

s Middle Aft. i, clear or parr's- cloudyblaber cern*

i" -tr Si-rit w tattooer, tel I iRoasry crover bal omet ir.

ntlBlTX"; LOCAL !-":Tl I"! IV-:.

; ______

r 1.

.- ra lur

*a .Il_.i_.r_ |.) |_M li- ...

Bro. mts

IB-Bui Inly lu. l a. m .Exceottna rise, the -beares la tbs bercmstsr yesterdayese slu'iit. CL nr ami fair w prevailed Theiinpei Blare moced

ipead-Bg dav- .1 ur.lav.

inni clear iud pattll einmiv Weather, Wltbrntiit ebonee* ol iirc-ii.-'.t.ii.ii mowers late m the day,lay ou expected to-dsy in ibis Ity sad eRSatty.

1 RRTRAJ. I'AKK OBSBBYATIOBB.I McttoroliU' Ott _'i*. erieiaa o' 1 p. m.,

juiiii: ;BAROUSTKIL Dntrrrt.

[. 1 . . .- I

[rn :>_ BJ-,Jd ¦'. in 'I" 1

lin. lia ia. m.. Jun. I._,,_¦. .......... I "I B in-'*- .-1-0Distance tr:n-«ilrtl by the wont tluriii« Mir ..-ek. 1,083 tm.ea.

tn-si auk-. Auiiiuui nf a-at.r.

Slr ll. ri'.n fruin '.'io p ni. tn 4:10 |>. Ill.BS 1'- i> in. .70 ni' ii.

un Uni. n il m. to 8a ¦ .

: i_.', boa : .1 _. te B ll » ¦ . .;¦>; lath,uui ___<.um ..; nemh . ¦_... IulIi.lula

Till, tiki- UECOBD.


IJai.tiM'iKK. Md., .Inly 17..The ipif StOCJrn kim. Kl and IS, (.ranln at., SOSS-ptad SWBelia fl Oe. nedor ths neem nt the Allaetie Parat*

ire ('niiii.ali.', ssitii tbs i, was

itally dseSrerod by Im this aa ri. I ms on

oehaad Bsoebtoery le eetlma ¦' st 033.000, sed onie bandies and ma BBbliaBaah[$15,000 Belli A. ..: pol on n unman ii- tn

i, f,,ui i,ui iii-uiss ii companies oil maehlarry,(ie- ami efflce tnroitere. The teenraecs un tee

nek iimi !.u:ii nu: ladtetnbuted a__on>f a lar^e nu

eoanpeetee.A CHK fl "I \ i ::'i BUBBCD.

run v.". July 18..The starch sad glucoseiiiotv.ti 'li*- Boreel of WtlUesB-ea. uni Anefiu sre

ii re ly eon- waa

p.- no in OOO '.ver tl lathtime.

Al' ROUE -Vl'M V. C I! -LOM1Iaui.'.\, V .-., Juls l-v-McDoa Jd Brae.

tj .uni ii- re's Bseshi du. s, (. R., w.-re destroyed l.y fire this moreB-g.

II ii! 'I .11 ii. -iI.ii.i..S J. l.iU./, 111.. .1 lj 17..Judge Stephen

¦. nil

' -mir

.rmi. rn In ¦-*: Ur Lau isa ¦.¦brr of lbiriiin im. coavantloa ol 1847. Bud wa, psBftaaalj»i_«s eircieai Jeda*, leelgelea '"' Bsse.

Tp Quoqcr..*Buldh*eded Barter* "'A;.'-.lln,' lu lol .. "li l-l', a r Aii"W me to reen,i.mendur Rmnofcrtpioiiui.11'a eousidered in'a.. in .e." eu*

.,..,; .. ah, w.-i. .ms Mit's i*m sSaaT yea uss year*¦ A, you Saew.** U*uaan.

LETT__.RS FROM I ii,. PEOPLE.MMH.- PM OA-tFIBLD.;o Tint i>i.m>>( itseY.ran mauiinn a^ in mb wan went

To th' Mdt tar pf The Tribune.Sm : The c unpnii temn-

f a dinami'" hiirriih," finnd.-.l on ara ti .stitt)

-i- teer shares mi tin-of h.- i s iee nf -; imped-

.illy if

.- s ir ll f "f Un- pr ibeblllty Unit for e.-i

relefttbi ia 11 tn .i b(

i sn sow ns tiir> watt Sarlaathe war. ead a aoRd. fbctloee Soatb presrat. :ia breeraa fwet to Uta todapsadSnl Rertbera States aa

r yi nra ef ths -tebellioe.I who have raSad the P.e-

svar cii-t (heir (pst votes forI L and their Repabllcanl«m is

rooted. They are t ti t. k ag, intelll-aad r,mnot he persuaded t.i fitrsnk"* theb

pi mr.plea for B ni in. Sltbeogb thal inri tua v havein iirase j rn mi tie. Ba is yet only a figurehead

fhr tbe anare aga! na perilled their tiree darinn tbe li'-'it' "ii. Tlie I. pert! i...s Bsaat-BStad ths se-rlt.ilili- " niau nu bon Ifl uast a wmit li t- spoken sad written for years.a asea bra I lu thsArmy ami fad, slothed aad -ii pi mr it tl by the Qevaramaalnineo Ina boyhonil and our old ("'opp rli-a-i enemies BX-hati.-t theinsciv.-a in praises of tbs ratteotdeeds rsift -,.i i ii.i eb sad lbs (Taloa Army al Qettysbarg

la. Wiiitt b eonveralon ls thiel ltart hm 88BBB only a short time since Itnin-nek ead the-.r i,a rps were struirpimi. in UM SnIS BgataW bettnp. n null sipeeled no .-.a tune whee :t waa BC ras'irs iha, tne BSBeen of brave Insli r.-_r-

in.eii's irntii fl w Tori City tteeld bm R heael-fnartera tents ou tbs < BickahoflBiay, aad thara adopt

on. den ranetoa the aetlaa af thom si,me Clipper¬s'.,nh fer treseaeenls nt eranoss, sad for

theirbimadta*of the brave s,,;,iu-rs ..f fha Arms-or the1' tonne :_s lincoln's murderers amt lnile!ier«."

Ir tin- orara and .bin-Irons Pml Kearney w--n- alive

adopt iob nf ibo red nait'.i or dianri,ti,pm,i. be v l rub hi- eyeo at tba oroati-tution of tbe Bc-eoud Corpe bedse tn the yeer 1880. t'be

ol Iron-bt arted corpe le now paraded i-ysx*Bad small eew ¦ irers. the .r.iil army of ¦' -.iii..-i .-i'' ami

.. e-eieih-rs," who in. | iktt -ot our armies, ndsiimiik irom he antoni nt tx pun. are a.-t o

SSr ir.II-' l- .. If.I";to tear from their breasts ai the approach of tne pro-vt'-t-i." ; > returntin- i- proper --illili,ii: ,la. I jit,mil-. norrtl

i oir old army

inni tm-ni un-ol tbe 8 rer i. ni canse itnr-.-. ur io ir- uah un ¦.! of bl

and of the bloody and Ue-ariy bought honors indeliblyVerily th- m

- dd) irs' ..r -anl i ittons, 1. 0 "I

-uI-1¦«> i.ik Hunt o i'hey are difficult ioi: ri,, ii adv ic.ha e.. equal

il Uteii.- il ,,! em to

ii IV- no .

:r hp t*ii; P,


in- ol' to-day

nbackcaod lent, Ibe Hon. M. E. Cntts, ofOsba-

... '. .if the

(oar or tit-,

one ol¦¦lir, tuc

_. --. '. .



rem be.-,


br. .. u.12, I--".

LAH RD, I- RULES.Tn the r d it ir or The Tr itt

- Wi __ lo hereby protest montempbatieal of Joly l at

ii line ,,; anR

lin dowalti ow eiven to despotism ie repiarempararewhoop -. la iTiitiie revolu¬tion ross in el ihe svoik.

ra, bul tin- corpora¬tions of tin- ku..rum ir the

ni thei why did lt not choose for one of the days upon

which to distilbeta tin- Sags tlie aniuvi rs.,rv .>: (tief the Republic svsr ths Billed urmici ot

kines! Orery.Oai iel s, Gallifel hail to n

tbe rood p -oi' - "oi whleb waa.- .-:. nie rel

mads tbe dtatrtnntlon of tli_s to thosoldiers, niii tv i" be later, iu June, -lit.-"' seaaesoldiers, under the orders of thu samn men nf tbatpro-

lutn ruui.-ui. liii'l "it tba work.ujiuieu at tho

Parisians, remember I The time of the sword la;. neiii'i n. Ui .-lick a,ir .M.. '. io!

lood tot ern mi nt of nations.s. orb i-1 tn- ruler Olva place to workman.en.Chtoutm,Jaly 16. "Las utvuiEns."

A BOLDlEB'd CHOICE.To the Editor uf l/i' I rib u w.

Bibi I wns n soldier of the Union Anny foram theos yenr*. aad im tunv om- e,f ths many

thooseede stn. s sppll attona fm Bsas-ons ara pondingihmgtea. I ahould like io kiiosv wbel is yoet

opinion of our (lbesros if thr Tl mcoeed,,,n"l tin as nnl) into the

bends ef soaao rebel BrlgaSler, wttb a lol sf bx waalsiperheeds taexaariae aad dsslda apon oar elaims.

WobM o':;- i-hiinci-s be BS pood as ihey are BOW, wuh thei,lllcc in Reptibi eau li ir .I*, and Union men, many olu- io ear swa eM ocaaRler oaralalmsi

in.rt. 1 sTitil'iil rather mist tho*e who Wnie the, . tbe gray,or wbo sympathise:]

wuh t iiiui. ssii n sod e (tigearaayl Veryrespeetl Jobs K. Tatrrtaaa,

H li Maine Vuiuuleers.Wt trim rup., rt. Moss J.liv fl, 1880IThi-v weald passably pal yea sa a r>ar wuh tba

rebels, and. reckless all.S BB ts tba prtaeipls in¬

volved or tue b.inkiiip!(**t' threaten-.I, WBUld launchal on tin- il.eors od paying mnstoos al,ko to tbs

¦.oiilii rs wbe Isofbl to sara lbs Daiee and thosewho Cough! tu il -stru. it..Ed.I

why ra ruin cobm retreated.r., Ihe Bdltmr nf I ht Tribune.

Sib : I tere rend with niter"-! tte reportsof the Warran lagstry. to|aadastal 4 Ibe

nil-, I would IRmM sn '¬ro aeratoe the bettie af GrarsUy Baa, oe the mermea

i aa.l kent us liu-s :h-. n: Bfll iii'-n \l

..i.... aape aeU] alBight, in nc.ur tts reade aedUslda rerj Tm-

ware ms Oar slethiBB was wes.aad.1ai.r,'. eaadliies fer it* raabBat wa farmed la Maa afl bettie, eraseed tte Ban aadtu ale tbs aila. k. fbi our -urprisc nm sa.ll -i |S8 nf

oar mn rash sayu.n "k r.,,.|,

ntl erli ., I. ni.'B nur .una nut. The re-bels

:' .'...,'

g. nml'», ..-n,r m.ti ibe be-leia rime dowe Ubiin.,1 i., ... ¦'. a * coupe l .-.I in re

Rat we feraees aerate, cl -a "i '"U nur mosheta,iresheuppl] of emmunitlim, aad drove Ms raemyhaefein Uri mut wo uiticti. in sades - ma prisoners tba

¦ nra i. tuc mea to wadem-ro-a tbe 1 '¦. p I baoe tba >s., rwaa up lo my ca. milgo box. tiopiujt I Uav. jiv.u a

i.r t i,. rel "nt of tile Rift*) t'oriis outte milli,me of Merah SI ISSh I am r>-ara truly,

rt lill SM -ALT.WHO WAS niEBBKheabrth. S.J..-1

ALEX, ir BT1 PH *S OH NH E8BJ0-KTo the I. d ilar ot the. Tribune.Bibi Tour editoriel in ts dsj*s TbibU-BB,

liilill.-d '. Rerea'liiK* I heir Real i'urtin-c." la gSSSL Hyeadsaare taler bera thone! esatta nts af Rta mmaetag Democratic e laaaaastthslvon prto I a few seeteacea from A fl Strpbeea's " Bo.

rs Rev ..-wed." Fir malan..-, in tin: pnr:i-

sraah.oa pegs 44, asaajrat " lue war wasmuiBuraudItv tl.--iiinrton . . . Willie fie

- ion- ra, with the olive branch of

hinds," etc On pagBfll he cay*: " fhsrsis BS such th:np a*

.:.i rtshti It eriat»

Bel ..v virtue of the (ons; tnt ;oti, inn by vii in* of Statea..vere':.-,nv.'' lii.T" is BBOBgB Bl |eef saeS dev!l»hni*ss

ifn-,and l! will do mon harm than A. ll Bte

,oe puns 32,h.n he na'.- iva i,aa. '. in tbe

-.oi,." ibe people of tts North benRoo, Be "»

in ff),* int. only a little mo. .-nnninp than the other*.V ? fn v. T.Watha man D. C., July io i


sbusoits rbsstlts or tann**! sum s iva ruuhrbbni 'WU! Iii.. SV'UAI MAY I'ltoVK A M I.'Kl iKit.

A Bamber of htbsears. among whom sv.m MichealMoran, ot N"i. 440 -..'li-rry-st., visile.1 several aa-

a Grund snd Cbsrry-sts. ht-t evening, sud alof t tie tu hnnamn Interisalnd. Moran was met by an

aeflnaiatanoa Basssd Joba Mac's about i) o'clock atJeekaon aad Cbtny sis. Mack saw tbat ba waa seta la to walk aloin- wttboal staggoriiMraadbeoff-redto help lum heme, ¦oran replied tnat bs did aolwant, to ga bone. Fearing that Moran wonld bo

arre-sfed. Mack took him by tin* arni SDdsodsato lent lum away, wbctsemoa Miran drew a knifesadsttasspSsd I-. Rab bli friend.Two brothers Biased Ih unis anil John Lsddy,

¦¦*¦ In.-.- Ininn' ia at No. _' .. I' i .'irey-st.. SOW Innidraw the knife aili liny ruslieel iorwnrd ti

prevent bim from usinj- ii. Tbirmssli-il'is si/ el the drunken mau by the shoulder, ..ndar lbs s.iino moment Horan tuned OB hun andstabbed bim in fin* abdomen. Tba wounded mam

tbegreaod with a -mun. '.tinto his brotheraticuu_ii<,i to ii-:.- Before be couldsucceed in his at tenta! bs received a eui la tho leftlire:,st, lou :n lu-. ezeiteBBeat be e!nl nutmu ice tin- svoinid af t,,e t.tiii*. After In- np

-,| Mnian was permitted lo he ;. r icipth mada nis way to Ins

is I. d iv ssas taken to Bellevue Hospital,waa believed te be fated. His

t John w [eon st 'hesntb Precise! Police Station and ttwaa tonne'.

r.inu bia left lu uk had been penetratedby tba haifa. tl to go te

\ ar. andIlilli tiie brothers were saul by tba police te bsrespectable workingmen. Neither ">t them

I. M'.i-.-ni wss arrested et his boan*, and ss .-

np in i bc Si reel Pt ho fl atlon.He is a marble-cutter. thirty-Are years old. sod

;: h his peronta Ile ss

time that h.- eonid not tell Intelligibly ol" "'.!-J*-



Tbet ''" ilga of au imt ky inira lo iii in tbsiiiil ni the city. A In icm: reporter

stroll eiday In »*. eat and Sontb-i.n.ti teal tba aaoal reeerta of aaeaa-

lanica and laboreia a


or cheri v. tor a living, aro now employed.I uo

.ur who rn.liv v.'.s.i"-. to work needs to remaindie. Ihe !. oe ol the¦m p ii stuci city thal nol since bs

i bad there, ulled and unskilled

ind n mm.ri- a bo Land al Oar lea, cape

he meei .

Not only has there boen an increased demand fori.ut in tbo Isa rably

r unusual act ivil > to ths rnFuton in-.

to other man

00k io LUUt._,

THU TTRIBXWB.Tbe following were a soial faatai

'ii-.: -i !>sy li.inr.M-::k.Ia his reen -ii Mr.

.i sa which ;¦

.--. ..... ,-:i .! lo ."1;

o. n i.-i .mr srounu Me world, lassiaed mit.

peri i.r s., anaH Ur6vy au. tj minetta.


ism -'. I ii J i atiri'Hy's articleir ¦ i on ti:"- ups .nd

U|| ni ica ero.i .in,

un. in ii .'¦ late'inu lei tail) le Editors of !,_

nut-cs* iu Boston, V-st Vina un.t VNaahiugtou, aa(Mea.

Expu ri letter coeb led 'o tbs i alsien

udsever lei criptiooeof theoorho ii re pr m lent,

dent,rrom Mentor, Oux>, nave many Intereatiuc facta

\.. lauder c

.'..-.. s-, im tiieliarch.

: by..Io tuts letter from Concord.lee ni- ns uni Rev. Dr. W. EL ( hann

., _.'i ji-m." were n-*' ll ut">n si oonslderabM length.Anion*, other feature*, foreiga, doeasstre, Hterary

i scienlide re thees:N.-w Publications..Aa ex i*ia*_lvs review .!" Meelera

'a book wriiieu bj R. .i.c.i. li.. Bl, p..-,1'rrU IB til' ¦' QlttJgOW.

i ii'im ni tin- M in iiui ¦-. i in.-<¦ selections Includedmoos ¦'.tr.-. --An fltagllsb woman on ths;ur.ii Yankee,*1 from ihe AHomtioj "Tbs Peters Bf

loss si o.i..r',:u lite .', n- ten,thtntUrp; " Marrytnaa title,''by Albert Rbodee,ttuntn toner's ll o nihi,) "Thai reed i f im- Araos iee," by

II. '¦: ¦ineirenth Ct tilmy; ann 1 ta.l a," ny Cuarlsaiiudiej Waraer, n-oui .>e*riiV

er i Monthly.- -Lettersof un en:, rta niau ebano*

¦ii LoBg lUaiirn. newport. Beretoas and Rtuckn.'-tner is lion ' the sceues and

rowdsonBaturdaj atConej Uleads Wife..A readsM. dory by G. R-

liiiU't. from The A r

Tue M.i.-el..,..A ai .icu- BB IhS dainties f..r Ule tabb-,if Uso,ga ile., ami irmis, whtaB

re noe ia -eaeon together witt a menu tor a RtUsuiiiii r mil n.i i reeKnotum- and -"rootlet.

i. r Ul Pe opie.1. _,.,ns lulel_i£( eoe und i arron, B-itfi ms Opinion.Dremei u Rotee.ll... . I i.i,iie,.-iii.

:,. Schoolhi\ i-riibl uni- and OJ B'.i* a poca-.y O.W. Ii. linea,

(iiiverniir LoursSetiBiiore Home.Mottoes and Rev lera,

SOS Lecnis rearol Albert -".uri Johnston.

.. i: .. sit a nf Pana.1 ni "i uta ol Junien P. Kii-inuniiiiiir. .linnie to South *rlca.Hpeukcr Ilauilail at Boase.1 be iie,esiiri-M ni ihe Au-c*.

Hum ii ri ...d Ma rita rei of Italy.The Moral Lsasoa of ihe lanie Ceca Apple.Maria Mallbran.eetamentary ( inosltuta.

i be imams] uf Coneac.H.- Call Aiuiuls.

s ll, l: Lilli.¦ii 'cr and his Wife.

.ni at vs .luiat.r.(i.u nc.o'- bravery.

>->s i of tLe day ta pointed out in tho follow-ig sum::, a rv

FoRBian,.Tho London cable dis|)atc!i to Tm-:kim Si. am oiinrra that baeiassa muk -s slow

iii tba li" i*. of Commons; iiisoracrlr.: n.'H ocriir uightlj : bean *-taaley will-put ihe will of Par.-a .nut m

.gard tu tbs Napoleon memorial.==hs Pans cai..e telsgraej te In'. I-ibobb

., OOO ...I,leia of K'-'cLt-tort'siiirn .I stern eircalated iu one day.

he i ip- match lief ss. m lin* I.ords ami Cont¬inua ten-k plans al Wimbledon Betarday. -

urns iin-ie is,- ti al the Porte is eecouraiiios the Al¬ain ui nu li is doubtful fiai Generallot '/ales V.-.iH been electee! Pr. si.lent ol Mcx-.ii; the eleetiea n.av develsa ea Ceesraaa.

I. a present of Ur, Barbel sod ether \.s rise io much surmise at St.

' lei -.t.iirit.1).,sii--.-in-.- l'hi. inrcatigation late lbs Narra-

gan tlatarday at N, Cobb. tala Payaa sad tareaty-tweiiilo'.sn* base lier:) dr lliv'aelui^h.- Indian lerrttory, s = Aa as-rebel soldier

r beamy meaev ar the Peneton Hu-i m. ol tie Haasiblloea aemlaeea for'remileuti il elector iu Oregon ls said to bs disqaali-ed. = Judge "st.-piien i'. Logan, of Hpriagllohl,ll., died. Aseistant bccreiury French says

mai ai!'thiailv eolon-d angara will beseized if imported.* .' A meetirn. >I fha ('otu.iiii-s:oii.-rs te ti-* Wiwid'a For lino boeeBelled by the I'r. lent. i-t IndianaBBB -:nd '.- dr. rn peere, I b BaasBauu

I- ni tveli. (whekilled a fn.i'i tu a duel *. h < ira, ina*

M allowed to un oa liifht bail. -:-; Mr.I'mikling sus s he in no! Ki.iiiB ah-n ad.(hy snd **. bi nus.-Jeha l. Davaopeel cars

more deli,Us e,f tbe D'UK-e-rU - ¦ the Wallace Commit i> ¦. |»r.Taaaarwaain aeod coaditiee. io* ax»»i*i-*

tie Cit Wl.a blineel. (

were VKior'oiiH in l_,er.,i»ae on - iaaa kaaml.

( Oles of ihe paper may still be had by mail or atTm: Tatmura cemassr. Pries Banaba


rRACriCAf. - V. R. B. feitBre.The ILui. ii. I'.. I-<.il"-. c.t Huston, who haa

in-ei, fceowa ho'.a at home and for ¦ore than e

.piiirte r o,' aeeatatyaa ' -'*rrn.uni', al a,, iss :,. ¦.',.-r) st-t ino ant work i .

colin'ry ti|si i. llfi*-#ftV)!)f epj llano s.wrlteeuk foll jfc to IBs HotltiH Advertiser :

Whithir the law ret( ores lt or not. alltins aletiiners ru-iunie on toe eanmt wnors.'i:-mi parties sbeels have aS lease

ii'- li at lor evi-rv ho na al¬lowed; tue as" aad

lots, rmi., a., t ,.,. in :. .1tr.i.i ti* .-a Any one who la t. i beelacnn rt adily ipi ii then i - -t lee

wbteb wu* mi alen leu tm s

bar, arraiik'-ia io BWiBS IB ead eat, _. moeb viler I aaI., ..* rile BorKs ri "... .:.-.

ever Itensvsla i oe)S tam dowe n lune.,sshi n t..e luca wi I I..- .. .singeui siii.-iii, reedy telewi rea more re-

¦.I-o-iie .iu ibero ai rm inr-Mm-, eamir exeA Hie > o' rt-.ouls

!"¦ O-BeMe, a -if i-i.-'!i;in/, self-del *,-.,: t.nttlie,,-vain.elie pi. i-i "tn-- .sins(lie lu,;., too lii-.i.s_\ tml I..nave !ife-lio_f*, let us have raf's. Lei no have Setteecenk IMS bolto j tue !»'». r> nm-len mat hey aha), nec."inline of miriam,Uj_ ai\ ,-ru .

imUi-h fir a tl'..eoougb ioi woiui-Qand persona who babow ts nos Ibern As a rale tbs lire-belie i,»if a tri nraflt only to Uoltl fa*t a ennis's aj". M areoften fi.nnd i-npaire.l l.y inf mid m. '.- ta*aaoal life-belt, there simillet bs ..¦ are

called itel "ir ofCork. n.e , l,oil .11 to ,dace lt miler tbe.irina. Th.--e h. bunao] liabi -mi->ow ami store rail ..-¦¦ shoals iieveinns oi f"iir or t'.-.e fi- orme (t fojttt at-tei ..ed lo iieln »¦. tb.tnivfltns .ii Hie ws ir Ail dee! «¦' s ., .ei d_«Sited ae liie-preeervt-i^ ai *iai -roossshould also be Sued ao aa to bc i s .. utaged uudr,n r i-u iii." ra IS. And e'. .1

i-tr'iiiiui.s ii

lite ptr-iSill lilli l/e Hight -SV.h., nll'l -

Use of llfe-pi't nerf r«.

TBR Ot E U ... .. I Mi.ri,: -

X. ,(.. .Inly lg..Ths W.t-ii -.i.aii i .. nags en*!-

.- mere aa ss -. Mad si a teas-

I<1 li) a ser¬

mon, ii. Un- _*btaaaaael n m t

raia* uieeS-.-. in- Son tbe bee -i ny

a.preside) I .

n 'ber nu- r-ui




1" fYBB, Col., July 18..A ' sr, there

tbey wore me bj a ia _..¦ l na

nunu-di .leis on tue ai rival .¦! Un- u nu.


Ij 10..Th. Cfo- sal of

Interpret t. Ths:.



PORT OP V[el Wtnilsor | liars,

... in j \"trpo il .; i "lays,

wit!, nu iei t'.t., ir.m

tn uni-S - iiays^

-irlo m.'i-i ressac ta n i.


-i in



- * sm-.. can rn sinsnu.!uHair sck.O WB 0 iiBrown, n mn. a

r, M's* F. I.St

i. i .i. Mrii Ity, J D .m.!

is Mrsun .sirs

A-i.ui.- Cholera, cholera Morons, Summer. Atf.-e

ti ,*i- .¦* the ;. .- .-r adnlieii

allays the itt banud brun, pl"-!-.:,in to til- ta-te is au acoepubie

rilli-uv to thr yo mi; at in tte f.iutiv. .

marriscHT.i Osasssj n..-T(s,

neal M ."itu .i;.-. Ullin . ly.: Rev. il"iin A s'.nwiii, 1.8 blay

tn Mary A., ilani|:.le V Lt II. eve.

All rin'nv* .)"' ',/!'. I' UH

casie and address.

DIED.URUWB1 Kit-un Un, loth ,.,-f. n Pine Hill, '" 'skill W-entaniH. Harald wilkin, only ailie -a.sad

..1 r. ti..nv,tr. uf Rewarb, -*> J., agni ,.i uioeiaeami I. it, vs

Iut.-riii.nt i llronklina, Masa.BC KN Ki' stn,* .ntl Mirna r.irmly, 1 /,Julv . ei 1) 1.lin..-c. iKa.1 .'Tiaaii '......otha.

lill!..'" "ii - ii Ij !n 7 V Ul I.. ( hil.I. St Cdsreit.-ir.- ef ber g sndsoe, (J senile M. weeks, at nu omMelli \ J.

hiiner.i; *¦ sirrs ta ii be held el 30 a '».. reeaSBp. inly 8fliTba-rio | m. tram timm Sae toe o( lianiai si. ai R . at

Hltsr il.'i.i In tun. for ide services.Im ul* BN .us ie i.

Ut'VA.M. st on I'rnl-'.- J'i!r ld, of ma lari SJtiver, lol" am Ujitv lia vail, son of tlie .ate n .I..4.U I laeI,tis-ali. ot Predefine Ceauty. Mil, in ._« .dst root ot bteaam

OBI RVK At tl,,- Hiirhisnd*. V J JSly 17 Joaapli HarrieCree.. iii -. riir t lr* u.'r

Boiatrvoa oed Meeds are r*-a|nM-tt_iiv levtsad t> stt-n.t therou. a. inn- -¦(. An.ln.wai.nt.rr Kourth »rs. a.,a 1-Mlast.. Harlem :n inst At I ;. iu.

Sin.KM' on the- Inch loat., Ma,, laira 'A,mt. mitt »( UMBer. Alrre.1 ll Mnm.'iit. tn Una tty.

Puiiera wi victw at-i'iia8 s rael freshytoDas Cbereh. oelay. al o'elem Beianvee ami frioo.u eta i<.-»_a

omit Sow- rs.

61 i)DliAllI)-isiiili1eii|y, ,,t Uier.aiil,-lin nf her limiter. Dr.Pli.eli Sew P.... -sun lay. July ls, Mra. Usa.* A.

Si ' ¦niii). N. 1N.i UM n( luuetal i.e. ealtel.

tiBccial .Nonce.

ll .*n.. Made Preserves.ri m. i riuiA.M jki.i.v.

BPMxnn srocabb rb rai'rrs.JAMS, J_.I.1.IKS. Pl, Kl K-*. -tr.

iinusi heaasee wisiuuk _baeaaaaaMS_Mi bbae i'm_ ¦ *i taea-iene.1 mun- i-L-cnlput. ami ss orran Ucl -v-rteellr pure, mi. nt,Intlaeansn - Mt ki.ha ri!, msnesiaaai. scssetya, i. l

( ireiilars With rete: snena arni pr;eea »r_t na ai) pl. ral lou.ooqbb btobbp exTr i. ai ii ms sv:ii_-s) dbwinan,

rmnt ll ne. *..'.,<..The forei ea inti a fir m #... ,lt- -il'i'tnf

July .1 -- '. rn wa a: tuaiY. atni. tar niiiiMi. ov suaiuaniy -tertlna. ria 141 MSB

Ina llli'iirrna'joilileii.e tn, .i'ali.r u.i.t . , ,. Q _at)tl)ia dat p. ni (ur i-i* .. ,1.4111..on ram »_»Unvii-.iin 1 ii ii-.* has. .«. i. :i m.. lor Ku .tnom-ahlp 1.miler, rta 1'iumuiii. Cberboare aad llam'mr/ *

lea lor irrianil umai ir ap-«--sli_| .Ml atI. sa. fur,,.«. si ssaaaaaS s (iv al Moa tra*. » . ju~^m-

n sa i iciiA V. at 1 a. m., inr Kuii.|k<(.-miaulr, via Uimeiiatsiwu a lat oarii__uvand s, niau 1 inna! lie speeially sddraaead sad el * a. st. forWsillseri .m.-i-i lu seaaiiisBip rm nala .mi as

1 m. I..r taralla bs slat. sim. Smestor via -Miuinaoi. lani-Ul lli-nir-u. lb., ma.ui Inr Ha___ai a. .-narr.!.-1 stn! N.nwarsre elispatrtintt itv ll.iu.'nni -.- an ll euiou at-auiera iii* Nun.1 Hayti am! Maracaiboleav Mew-Vors Jolymaila lui Uoinluraa an_ nauieaia.a. ian. Nae r 9Sl'nr niai'* Inr Uar il leave Sew Tni S JiUi Ji. in-maa.* farUaiiui. .ae sen \ nra J ulr .'I ami .'- I'lin nu.. Bbs ta¬ni nra. (iiiitcssu, sasa..i..a, SIC l«M .N»w i nfl Ju.V' lim SSinilwar.t >t,--,t ItnUrs ,«avi" Neiv \ ,r_

l.i. wo. a lor Aauinwaii ami -ouili Paul8. laav*Ile iuai!» f nj tani leas. Nav-

YorbJul ter" * ami Caiaew mare\..ra Jills Jl I foi inn 1 1.1 , Jin.., 1 *v inn Krail-

y 81. 1 ii* .ian, ;.r leeseaSe, ela .mt s*. r'raa-cia. nj Hiv 81. Til*- | - ItOaMW.

- . . -so._s.ine(ii,-e. !n»|Mlc*r«-un 1 1" .-» .

funa losli. a: v ami auarj I, oui«l. ra 1 au lt, 1I K.N TIS VOA N I II.-, il I). IA l.a-',u*l...i «.-«. iihm- J ,1.1 SS

Political Saturn.I'olaical buaaatr ina liinarinra. .\_4iou_J Ceuip-J-ra

nar au.i >' weeBM u«-. std Voa_y at.

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