+the thirteenth sunday after pentecost sunday, 11 ... · 3 service of remembrance in honor of those...

Post on 17-Sep-2018






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Hanna Endresen

Kai Hauge Anne Lise Holter Tove Ashill Knutsen

Kjersti Sandberg Trond Berntsen Monica Boesei

Tore Eikeland Hanne Balch Fjalestad Silje Merete Fjellbu

Margrethe Boeyum Kloeven Syvert Knudsen Gunnar Linaker

Even Flugstad Malmedal Diderik Aamodt Olsen Bano Abobakar Rashid

Synne Roeyneland Simon Saebo Birgitte Smetbak

Sharidyn Svebakk-Boehn Ismail Haji Ahmed Modupe Ellen Awoyemi

Lene Maria Bergum Kevin Daae Berland Sverre Flate Bjoerkavag

Sondre Furseth Dale Gizem Dogan Sondre Kjoeren

Bendik Rosnaes Ellingsen Hanne Kristine Fridtun Andreas Dalby Groennesby

Silje Stamneshagen Snorre Haller Guro Vartdal Havoll

Eivind Hovden Maria Maageroe Johannesen Rolf Christopher Johansen Perreau

Tamta Lipartelliani Eva Kathinka Lutken Johannes Buoe

Hakon Oedegaard Henrik Pedersen Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr.

Edelmiro Abad

Joanne Marie Ahladiotis

Shabbir Ahmed Terrance Andre Aiken Godwin Ajala

Gertrude M. Alagero Andrew Alameno Margaret Ann Alario

Gary M. Albero Jon Leslie Albert Peter Alderman

Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge David D. Alger Sarah Ali-Escarcega

Ernest Alikakos Edward L. Allegretto Eric Allen

Joseph Ryan Allen Richard Dennis Allen Richard Lanard Allen

Christopher E. Allingham Janet M. Alonso Arturo Alva-Moreno

Anthony Alvarado Antonio Javier Alvarez Victoria Alvarez-Brito

Telmo E. Alvear Cesar Amoranto Alviar Tariq Amanullah

Angelo Amaranto James M. Amato Joseph Christopher Charles

Kazuhiro Anai Joseph Angelini, Sr. Laura Angilletta

Doreen J. Angrisani Lorraine Antigua Peter Paul Apollo

Faustino Apostol, Jr. Frank Thomas Aquilino Patrick Michael Aranyos

David Arce Michael George Arczynski Louis Arena

Adam P. Arias

Yvette Constance Anderson

John Andreacchio Michael Rourke Andrews Jean Ann Andrucki

Siew-Nya Ang Joseph Angelini, Jr. Victor Daniel Barbosa

Colleen Ann Barkow David Michael Barkway Matthew Barnes

Sheila Patricia Barnes Evan J. BaronScott D. Bart Carlton W. Bartels

Guy Barzvi Inna B. Basina Alysia Basmajian

Kenneth William Basnicki Steven Bates Paul James Battaglia

Walter David Bauer, Jr. Marlyn Capito Bautista Jasper Baxter

Michele Beale Paul Frederick Beatini Jane S. Beatty

Lawrence Ira Beck Manette Marie Beckles Carl John Bedigian

Michael Earnest Beekman Maria A. Behr Yelena Belilovsky

Nina Patrice Bell Debbie Bellows Stephen Elliot Belson

Paul M. Benedetti Denise Lenore Benedetto Maria Bengochea

Bryan Craig Bennett Eric L. Bennett Oliver Duncan Bennett

Margaret L. Benson Dominick J. Berardi James Patrick Berger

Steven Howard Berger

A Service of Commemoration, Thanksgiving, and Commitment to Service in a World of Need +The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, 11 September 2011 Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA

Kermit Charles Anderson

Susan M. Bochino Bruce D. Boehm Yvonne Lucia Bonomo

Genieve Bonsignore, 3 Seaon Booker Sherry Ann Bordeaux

Krystine Bordenabe Martin Boryczewski Richard Edward Bosco

John H. Boulton Francisco Eligio Bourdier Thomas Harold Bowden, Jr.

Kimberly S. Bowers Veronique Nicole Bowers Larry Bowman

Shawn Edward Bowman, Jr. Kevin L. Bowser Gary R. Box

Gennady Boyarsky Pamela Boyce Michael Boyle

Alfred Braca Kevin Bracken David Brian Brady

Alexander Braginsky Nicholas W. Brandemarti Michelle Renee Bratton

Patrice Braut Lydia E. Bravo Ronald Michael Breitweiser

Edward A. Brennan III Francis Henry Brennan Michael E. Brennan

Peter Brennan Thomas M. Brennan Daniel J. Brethel

Gary Lee Bright Jonathan Briley Mark A. Brisman

Paul Gary Bristow Mark Francis Broderick Herman Charles Broghammer

Keith A. Broomfield Ethel Brown Janice Juloise Brown

Lloyd Stanford Brown Patrick J. Brown Bettina Browne

Mark Bruce Richard George Bruehert Andrew Brunn Vincent Brunton

Ronald Paul Bucca Brandon J. Buchanan Gregory Joseph Buck

Dennis Buckley Nancy Clare Bueche Patrick Joseph Buhse

John Edwards Bulaga, Jr. Stephen Bunin Matthew J. Burke

Thomas Daniel Burke William Francis Burke, Jr. Donald J. Burns

Kathleen Anne Burns Keith James Burns John Patrick Burnside

Irina Buslo Milton G. Bustillo Thomas M. Butler

Patrick Byrne


About today’s liturgy… We gather today as God’s people who both relish the joy of life and are perplexed by the world’s pain and suffering. As we commemorate the violent terrorist attack of ten years ago, we are also reeling beneath the ravishes of continuing violence. We are confronted once again by the destruc-tive force of nature in the devastation of earthquakes, hurricanes, famine, and drought. We are still a nation at war. Every day men and women who serve our country sacrifice their lives in Afghani-stan and elsewhere, and the men, women, and children of that nation suffer immeasurably. Each of us brings to this worship the pain and losses of our own lives. The challenges of sickness, of emotional and psychological distress, and of vocational and financial losses are very real for many of us. Yet we come always — always — to this place as a people of hope. Our ears are tuned to hear the prayer so intimately connected to what we do in this place by bringing new people to Christ through The WAY: You, O God have called all people from darkness into light, from error into truth, from death into life. Only in the waters of baptism can these two divergent themes of our lives be reconciled. Water is both great gift and great danger. It both drowns and gives new life. It kills and heals. It is the pri-mordial element over which the Spirit blew in Creation. It is through water that Israel made its way from slavery to freedom. Immersion in water begins our lifelong baptismal journey from death to new life in Christ. To baptismal waters, therefore, we come to find hope in the midst of despair, memory that transcends pain, a commitment to service in a Church and a world that is in desperate need of the Gospel promise. In worship today we will both weep and smile, mourn and be pointed toward the Source of hope. Our prayers of lament are given a voice, as are our prayers and commitments to continue to serve in God’s Church and world. We will both receive the body of Christ and then be reminded that we are the body of Christ in the world. We go in peace to serve the Lord as “little Christs,” ordained in our baptism to be God’s ministers through the sharing of our pain, our compassion, and our very selves in a needy, suffering world. + + +


Service of Remembrance

In honor of those whose lives have been devastated or lost, please enter and gather in silence…

Solemn Procession Please stand and turn to face the cross at the entrance of the church at the sound of the handbell. Slowly and quietly at first, then building in intensity, please read aloud the names of the victims of terrorist attacks, war, famine, and other disasters that you have been given. Offer these names continually until the procession reaches the front of the church.

Prayer for the Deceased El molei rachamim O God full of compassion, Eternal Spirit of the Universe, grant perfect rest under the wings of your presence to our loved ones who have entered eternity. Master of Mercy, let them find refuge forever in the shadow of your wings, and let their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life. The eternal God is their inheritance. May they rest in peace, and let us say: Amen.

Invocation and Prayer P: In the name of the Father, and of the Son (+) and of the Holy Spirit. C: Amen L: Out of the depths we cry to you, O Lord. C: Lord, hear the voice of your people. L: Let your ears hear our voices crying. C: If you, O Lord, would count our sins, we could not stand. L: But with you, O God, there is forgiveness. C: And so, O God, we wait for you in hope. (Based on Psalm 130)

P: The Lord be with you. C: And also with you. P: Let us pray… C: Amen

+ + +


Anthem May the Words Sol Zim May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

First Lesson Genesis 50:15-21 Joseph reconciles with his brothers.

Psalm 33:1 Hinei ma tov How good and pleasant it is when kindred dwell together in unity. (Psalm 133:1)

Please join in singing this setting of the psalm. Remain seated. The choir will sing an additional setting following this one.

Gospel Verse Alleluia The cantor will sing the verse once. Please rise to join in singing and prepare to hear the Gospel proclaimed as the Alleluia is sung a second time. Holy Gospel Matthew 18:21-35 A parable of forgiveness.


Silence of Reflection

Response to the Word of God and Offering Throughout the sanctuary there are various tables today, each representing these groups of persons for whom we mourn: The victims of 9/11 The nameless, faceless victims of starvation, war, poverty, and deprivation across the world The victims of the terrorist attacks in Norway on 22 July 2011. Those brothers and sisters in Christ from Indonesian Lutheran Fellowship who have been deported or who have chosen to leave the U. S. since 9/11


As the music is played, you are invited to visit one or several of the tables. You may pause there to pray, to light a candle, to give thanks to God for the blessings of your lives. There will also be offering plates on these tables to receive your offerings for today. You might also consider this an appropriate day for a special gift to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal or Disaster Relief Fund that combats hunger and poverty globally, or to the PRLC Food Bank, working to alleviate hunger in our own neighborhood. Feel free to also visit the baptismal font for a moment of baptismal renewal and refreshment. In a rite such as this, typically new candles would be used. Today we are instead lighting candles already partially spent, a reminder that the lives we remember and recall are lives that were cut short in their prime.

Music during the Response Elegy Edvard Grieg

Call to Prayer Sh’ma koleinu Listen to our voices, Adonai, our God. Spare us and have mercy on us, and receive our prayers with compassion and willingness.

Prayers and Peace After each petition which ends Gracious God, please respond:

Hear our prayer. The peace of the Lord be with you always.

And also with you. Hymn as the Table is Set ELW #704 When pain of the world surrounds us Words of Institution and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, you will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen

Distribution to the Faithful

Music during the Distribution ELW #703 O God, why are you silent? ELW #795 God, my Lord, my strength ELW #618 Guide me ever, great redeemer


Post-Communion Blessing

Post Communion Prayer Inscription of Hope Z. Randall Stroope The following words were inscribed on the walls of a cellar in Cologne, Germany, where Jews were hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Hope was all they had to hold on to; hope was their only bridge to a brighter tomor-row. The Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church Youth Choir sang this text and setting in Beijing during their visit to China in 2003.

I believe in the sun even when it is not shining, And I believe in love, even when there’s no one there. And I believe in God even when God is silent. I believe through any trial there is always a way. But sometimes in this suffering and hopeless despair, My heart cries for shelter, to know someone’s there. But a voice rises within me saying hold on, my child; I’ll give you strength. I’ll give you hope. Just stay a little while.

May there someday be sunshine. May there someday be happiness. May there someday be love. May there someday be peace.

Benediction Dismissal Go in peace. Serve the Lord. Thanks be to God

+ + +


Participants in Today’s Liturgy

PRESIDER Pastor Paul E. Hoffman


Pastor Beverly R. Piro

ASSISTING MINISTERS Vicar Gina Herman Diakonda Gurning


Linda Quammen and Emily MacEwen (8:30) David and Katy Arndt (11:00)


Karen Clark (8:30) Janet Deters (11:00)

ACOLYTES Avery Carlson and Katie Mockett (8:30)

Ian McGregor and Katrina Hendrickson (11:00)

BOOK BEARERS Mark Mockett (8:30) Jill Yetman (11:00)


Barbara Mockett (8:30) Mark Yetman (11:00)


Valerie Shields


Temple De Hirsch Sinai

Children of all ages are in-

vited to bring their school

backpacks to church on

September 18th and lay them in front of the altar. During Children’s Word, we will bless the backpacks that

will accompany our children throughout the year as well as the school kits that will

help children in developing countries be successful in

their schooling. Young chil-dren are welcome to bring a special “lovie” that is impor-

tant to them for a special blessing AND adults are wel-come to bring a briefcase,

computer case, or whatever it is that connects you with your daily work.

Blessing of LWR School Kits and Backpacks

for Children and Adults Next Sunday

“Inscription of Hope”, by Z. Randall Stroope. Copyright 1994 - Heritage Music Press/Lorenz. Reprinted by permission under OneLicense.net License #A706856.

From Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2011 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.

Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #36567.

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the

United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Our Weekly Circle of Prayer

For homebound members and friends of Phinney Clara Hammer, Martin Vezzetti, Lorraine Olson, Bernice Anderson, Dorothy Reukauf

For our partner congregations Woodland Park Presbyterian Church, as they celebrate their 100th anniversary this week

Recent hospitalizations, illnesses, and other concerns Carol Fuson, friend of Marian Klingensmith, balance problems Kris, friend of the Thorsons, pancreatic cancer Ann VanCamp, recovering from a bad fall Patty Price, former PRLC member, recovering from a stroke at Northwest Hospital Wally, Steve, and Steph Troy Ekins, grandson of Gary and Caroline Brakken, in recovery from drug addiction Sue Nelson-Strutz, friend of the Maier family and cousin of Mary Lydic, undergoing chemo Kathy Lea, friend of Cathy Bachmann, personal concerns Connie Melvin, friend of Bev Piro, stage 4 cancer Lynn Bradshaw, daughter of Mary and Bill Bergstrom Norm Laurendeau, friend of Jane Bengtson Kathy Codanti, cousin of Jeri Lloyd, diagnosed with uterine cancer Charlotte Gaddis, recuperating from surgery on Aug 25 for pinched nerve in right arm Mary, who is scheduling knee surgery Jan Christensen, friend of Sallie Shippen, recovering from surgery Marie Willhite, aunt of Elsie Schleiger, recovering from surgery for broken hip David Anderson, recovering at home following a stroke Pastor John Nasstrom, recently diagnosed with cancer Pastor Paul Hoffman, recovering from surgery for torn rotator cuff Jena Meagher, health concerns Karen Graf, friend of Mary and David Fagerstrom, in treatment for eye cancer Joan Kolnes, sister-in-law of Mabel Rockness, in hospice care Betty, aunt of Judy Lee, in transition from independent living Donna Reilly Williams, in hospice care at home Jonathan Lipson-Turner, friend of Reier VanSanford Orinne Jones, mother of Susan Huber, recovering from open heart surgery Katie, friend of the Hostetlers, struggling with depression and anxiety Beth Ludwig, friend of Ruth Moore, suffering complications of knee replacement surgery Lem Beardsley, in hospice Jim Herzog, friend of Kristin Cox, recovering from shoulder surgery

+Faith, hope and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love. Congratulations and best

wishes for God’s rich blessings are offered to Van Chu and Eric Bahna, who were married here last Sunday, September 4. God who ordained marriage blesses it still with abundant and ever-present support+

+And the two shall become one flesh. The prayers and best wishes of the congregation are offered

today for Sarah Carr and Jeffrey Bloomfield as they prepare for their wedding next Sunday, September 18. Your prayers as they begin their lives together are a precious gift.


For persons diagnosed with cancer, undergoing treatments George Irwin, Megan Vogel, KC Carmichael, Rolando Correa, Lois Stettner, Regnor, Mack Her-mansen, Karen Sater, Gladys McGuire, Donna K., John Jordan, Pat Warneke, Jon Lehman, Christine McBeth, Kellie Harns, Lorna, Christoph Schmidt, Wright, Teresa Pate, Joan, Tara Yoder, Terry Blais, Ruth Berven, Lana Meredith, Fred Page

For persons with ongoing needs Harlan Kahle, Karen Kosciolek and Amber, Margaret Pederson, Doug, Rachel Brosten, Sandy, Luella, Andrew Leckie, Katie Hansen, Nancy Harris & family, Trevor, Patty, Stephanie, Paul Mockett Sr., Lakshmi, Ray, Lorraine Olson, Sr. Barbara Lee McCormick, Charlotte Gaddis, Bill Atkinson, Wally, Iris, Jared & Bailey, Jon, Michelle, Buffy, Nancy, Deirdre, Karen Buchholz, Sharon Alley, Jena Meagher, Mickey Morris, Bart Brosten, Bob Ramborger, Ruth Jackson, Marisue Thomas, John, Rebecca, Marian, Mike, Jane, Sue, Debra, Ryan, Bonnie, Barbara W-J, Kerstin, Nikki, Tenesha, Carla, Barb, Robin, Wayne M., Scott, Dolly Johnson, Norris Oines, Chris Knight, Mary Chadwick, Don Devera

Special requests for prayer Those affected by violence against women in the developing world Innocent victims of war Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, diplomats, & peacemakers; the unemployed



PRLC Gets National Press PRLC has received some significant national press in the past week or so through both an ad and an article about The WAY in our congregation's ministry. The Christian Century is a national periodical widely read by clergy and laypeople

across the country. Copies of parts of the magazine have been reprinted with the publisher's permission and are avail-able to you today at Grace Station. Feel free to pick up a copy. Enjoy reading it yourself, and then pass it on to a friend, relative, or co-worker as a way of sharing the good news of Christ that is being proclaimed at Phinney Ridge Lu-theran Church.

Women’s Bible Study Circles Circle Bible studies for this month will be led by Pastor Hoffman with our new Vicar Gina Herman attending and get-ting to know each of the Circles. Mary/Martha: Wed Sept. 14, 1:00 in Tree of Life

Bethany: Mon Sept. 19, 9:30 at Birgit Lyshol’s home

Salem: Wed Sept. 21, 9:30 in the Library The Bible study text for the September study is the story of Joseph and his brothers, which is also the Old Testament reading for today. It is found in Genesis 50:15-21.

Spirited Women Resume This Week, Sept. 14 Every Wednesday morning a group of Spirited Women gathers in the Tree of Life room from 10:00 to 11:30. We share snacks at the beginning and prayer at the end and in between we consider matters of faith and life. This lively group resumes regular weekly meetings on September 14. At our first meeting, we will fill the school kits for Lutheran World Relief and prepare them for shipping. The next week, September 21, our meetings will center on a new video series that introduces "Uppity Women of the Bible" in a fun and scholarly way. Who were these women: Ruth, Esther and Judith? And how did the racy Song of Songs make it into the collection of writings that make up our Bible? Spirited Women is open to all women and child care is provided by Jo-Ann Cress in the nursery. Contact Pastor Bev for more information. No need to register. Just come!

As of this morning, September 11, worship times are returning to their regular

schedule of

8:30 and

11:00 a.m.

We have Sunday School and an engaging roster of Adult Forum topics lined up

(see p. 14 of the bulletin) to enjoy between the services. See you there!

***Sunday School starts today and Bread for the Journey begins on Wednesday. Please help us to better serve

your children by stopping by the Children and Family Ministry Table (by the espresso cart in Fellowship

Hall) to learn more about our programs and to complete an information form. ***


LYONS NEWS Fall Kick-Off Cookout.—Next Sun-day!!! September 18th - (5:00pm - 7:00pm) At the Den - 1501 NW 90th St. Join us as we celebrate the start of our 2011-12 programming year! After School Hours - Tuesdays are High School (2:30 - 5:00) -- Wednes-days are Middle School (2:30 - 5:00) **starts 1:00pm for Early Dismissals

High School Lock-in! Friday, September 23rd - (7:00pm - 8:00am) Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church.

Middle School Crown Hill Chill, Sunday, September 25th - (5:00 - 6:30). At the Den.

Guitar Night!!! Tuesdays - (7:00pm) - Come play some songs, and learn a few chords with the one and only Larry Burris. Any level of playing is welcome, so if you've never played, we'll teach you. If you got a guitar,

bring it along, but if you don't - we have one for you! Volunteers still needed! If you enjoy working with youth, or would like to volunteer behind the scenes, contact Jon Ross at Lyonsdirector@roaringlyons.org today!

Holden Social at Luther's Table: It's a restaurant mission start-up of the ELCA across the street from Renton High School. And, folks who love Holden will contribute their enthusiasm (yes, bring instruments too) to

Open Mic on Thursday, September 15th at 7pm. Better yet, come for dinner and fellowship around 6:00

pm., plus Open Mic. Check out their WEB site: www.lutherstable.org. Luther's Table 419 2nd St Suite 1, Ren-

ton, WA 98057 425-970-3157. Please contact Monnie, 425-746-8604 with numbers attending by 09-13-

11. (Thanks)!


Inquiring minds want to know: What do the ancient scriptures have to say to us today? Join in a time away from everyday life for fellowship, fun, and wor-ship. Break open your Bible for a refreshing look at Bible study and God’s Word for you today.

A time away for fellowship, fun, worship and study

Word of Life Our Daily Bread

Dumas Bay Retreat Center, Federal Way Register by next Sunday, September 18 ♦ Special 50% scholarships for women under 30 and over 70. Additional

financial aid available by request. ♦ A single room plus five delicious meals costs $200 ♦ Retreat led by Pastor Bev Piro

♦ Beautiful setting with expansive grounds on Puget Sound ♦ Carpooling encouraged




Choir Opportunities at PRLC

Chancel Choir is for singers who enjoy leading in worship with the classic music of the church. Psalms, hymns, Spirituals and world music, as well as choral masterpieces from the Baroque to the present are part of the Chancel Choir repertoire. The Chancel Choir leads congregational song and sings an offertory anthem for 11:00 worship most weeks, and rehearses Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm beginning Sept. 14. Previous choir or music-reading experience is helpful but not required.

Beginning and Advanced Handbell Choirs meet for 5-6 weeks in the fall and 5-6 weeks in the spring. Each 5-6 week session includes Sunday rehearsals, 4:15-5:30 pm and ringing in several worship services. For the beginning group, no experience is necessary, but some music-reading ability is required. (A great opportunity for lapsed instrumentalists!) For the advanced group, significant handbell experience is expected.

Gospel Choir is for singers and instrumentalists who enjoy singing contemporary gospel, spirituals, and songs of freedom and peace. We rehearse each Wednesday from 6:20-7:15 during Bread for the Journey. This is an especially convenient time for parents who have children or youth involved in our choirs or confir-mation. You are warmly welcomed to check us out in the Tree of Life room. Experience is not necessary. The choir sings monthly in worship and at various concerts and community events throughout the year. Regular rehearsals begin Sept. 14.

The Angel Choir, for 4 year-olds and pre-K students, meets from 5:30-6:00 on Wednesday evening. Discov-ering the joy of music, singing and forming a group of friends with whom to sing are just some of the goals of the Angel Choir. The Angel Choir’s first worship leadership experience is singing “Away in a Manger” with the Cherub Choir on Christmas Eve at the 5 PM service. Regular rehearsals begin Sept. 14.

The Cherub Choir, for children kindergarten through second grade, meets from 5:30-6:00 on Wednesday evening in the Tree of Life Room. As beginning singers, they learn music to sing for Sunday worship. They enjoy music as a means of self-expression, work on matching pitch, learn to discover and use their voices well and explore rhythm and text. The Cherubs sing in worship one Sunday per month. They also sing at the 5 PM Christmas Eve Service and at the Easter Vigil in the spring. Regular rehearsals begin Sept. 14.

The Choristers, a choir for students in third through sixth grade, meet in the Choir Room from 6:20-7:05 on Wednes-day evening. They learn to read music, explore the connec-tion between text and tune and experience the joy and chal-lenge of playing handbells. The Choristers prepare for a variety of worship leadership roles - learning anthems, hymn verses, descants, and other elements of the Sunday service. They sing in worship one Sunday per month. They also sing at the 5 PM Christmas Eve Service and at the Easter Vigil in the spring. Regular rehearsals begin Sept. 14.

The Youth Choir, for students in grades 7-12, sings under the direction of Valerie Shields and is accompa-nied by Shari Anderson. Meeting each Wednesday 5:00-6:00 in the Choir Room, the Youth Choir works on a challenging, classical repertoire from unison to multi-part singing. They lead worship with anthems, Psalm settings, and other liturgical music. Members of the Youth Choir are encouraged to prepare for solo and en-semble singing and are given the opportunity to provide instrumental offerings during Sunday services. Indi-vidual coaching is available from Valerie on request. The choir also enjoys several social gatherings through-out the year. To have one of our directors contact you with more information, please sign up on today’s Count-Me-In.


Adult Forums in September Sunday, 11 September 2011 Christians and Muslims living in harmony: a new vision for a new age Building on his experiences this summer as a participant in Georgetown University's Christian/Muslim Institute, Pastor Hoffman will lead adult forum on 9/11 that helps us as Christians better understand the inter-relationships between ourselves and the

Muslim neighbors who live next door to us. There will be comparative readings from the Bible and the Qur'an; explanations of typical Muslim practices and beliefs, and an-ecdotal recollections of the institutes proceedings. When you leave the forum you will know more about the Muslim practices of daily prayer, the core tenets of their faith, the origins of the Qur'an, and -- probably most surprisingly -- more about your own Christian faith. PLEASE NOTE: The 9/11 Adult Forum will begin at 9:30 and run through 11:30. The first and last half hour will be an optional video that was a gift of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society

(ADAMS), our nation's largest Muslim community center, located just outside Washington,

DC. Pastor Hoffman and the other members of the Institute visited there for Friday prayers the week of the event and were each given a copy. So if you'd like to see the film and usually worship

at 11, come at 9:30 and it will be running in the Tree of Life Room. If you worship at 8:30, you

can stay following Pastor Hoffman's presentation to have the video be the "cap" to your morning experience. Pastor Hoffman will begin speaking PROMPTLY at 10 and end at 10:50, per our

usual Adult Forum schedule.

Sunday, 18 September 2011 Meet our New Vicar, Gina Herman An entire half-month into her internship, Vicar Herman will introduce herself to us

and help us get to know her, her husband Jeremy, and their life story up until coming

to serve among us at Phinney Ridge as our 13th (yes, 13th!) vicar. This will give us all a chance to learn to know her a bit better as her ministry among us begins, to hear first

hand what some of her hopes and visions are for her year of ministry among us at

Phinney Ridge, and to learn about her formation for ministry so far as a student at

Trinity Lutheran College and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. There will be time for Q and A as well as some initial remarks and a presentation from Gina.

Sunday, 25 September 2011 Journeys with Jesus: The Lindbergs Go to Bali Seems only appropriate to call this presentation “Journeys with Jesus” since it's a term that Pastor Mary Lindberg coined for our Vacation Bible School years ago when she was our Children and Family Minister. This past summer the Lindbergs spent time in Bali with Pastor Mary serving as a pastor to a congregation there. Not only that, they

got to explore this lush and diverse land and visit with some of our dear friends from Indonesian Lutheran Fellowship (Maggie and Kevin Resman, for example) who have

left us over the years. Tree of Life -- 10 to 10:50 a.m.


This Week at PRLC

Sunday, September 11 †Pentecost XIII

8:30 a.m. Holy Communion Sanctuary

9:30 a.m. Latte Cart opens Fellowship Hall

10:00 a.m. Sunday School Various

9:30 a.m. Adult Forum: Christians and Muslims living in harmony Tree of Life

11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Sanctuary

1:00 p.m. Open Doors Ministry Meeting Library

1:30 p.m. Lutheran Counseling Network Board Meeting Room 301/302

Monday, September 12

7:00 p.m. NWCC Rehearsal Tree of Life

Tuesday, September 13

6:15 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Library

10:30 a.m. Staff Meeting Office Workroom

2:00 p.m. Food Bank Food Bank

7:00 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous 301/302

7:00 p.m. Congregation Council Tree of Life

Wednesday, September 14

9:30 a.m. Lutheran Counseling Network Room 301/302

10:00 a.m. Spirited Women Tree of Life

1:00 p.m. Mary/Martha Circle Tree of Life

5:30 p.m. Bread for the Journey Various

7:00 p.m. Food Bank Food Bank

7:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous Tree of Life

Thursday, September 15

8:00 a.m. SPU Faculty Retreat Tree of Life

2:00 p.m. Food Bank Food Bank

7:00 p.m. Food Bank Food Bank

Saturday, September 17

3:00 p.m. Carr-Bloomfield Wedding Rehearsal Sanctuary

Attendance Last Sunday: 8:30 AM / 105; 10:00 AM / 92 Next Week’s Lessons: Jonah 3:10-4:11; Philippians 1:21–30; Matthew 20:1–16


The Ministry Staff

Paul E. Hoffman, Lead Pastor phoffman@prlc.org

Beverly R. Piro, Associate Pastor bpiro@prlc.org

Patrick Meagher, Minister of Outreach pmeagher@prlc.org

Nancy Monelli, Children and Family Minister monelliministry@cablespeed.com

Darren Hochstedler, Parish Administrator, Gospel

Choir Director dhochstedler@prlc.org

Gina Herman, Vicar gherman543@gmail.com

Tim Sullivan, CDC Director cdc@prlc.org

Christina Bogar, Office Manager cbogar@prlc.org

Valerie Shields, Organist, Youth Choir Director

Beth Ann Bonnecroy, Chancel, Vesper, and Handbell Choirs Director

Donna Hoffman, Cherub & Choristers Choirs


Shari Anderson, Accompanist

Dallas Cooper Anthony Nelson Custodians

Karen Daniels Nursery Attendant

Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church 7500 Greenwood Avenue North

Seattle, Washington 98103

206.783.2350 • www.prlc.org Office Hours: M-Th 8:30-4:30, Fri 8:30-12:30

Our congregation participates with seven other Lutheran churches in Seattle in a youth ministry organization

called LYONS (Lutheran Youth of North Seattle). Telephone 206-706-5997, website roaringlyons.org.

Our congregation also participates in a Lutheran counseling organization with congregations from across the Puget Sound area. Lutheran Counseling Network is a coalition of licensed pastoral counselors who provide therapy in a variety of settings for a variety of needs. One such office is located in our building, with Coun-selor Rosemary Raynaud providing therapy on an appointment basis. Learn more: check out Lutheran Counseling Network at www.lutherancounseling.net. You can also reach Rosemary by phone at 206-364-1046, ext. 3.

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