the third apparition macbeth sees is… what purpose do the witches serve? simply a plot...

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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The third apparition Macbeth sees is…

A Child crowned

What purpose do the witches serve? A. As simply a plot advancement

B. Macbeth’s foils

C. The play is about evil and the witches are its embodiment

D. Inspiration for Macbeth’s evil deeds

C. The play is about evil and the witches are its embodiment

The second apparition Macbeth sees is…

A bloody Child

In Shakespearean tragedies, the fourth act usually shows:

A. A tragic hero’s rising

B. A tragic hero’s downfall

C. A tragic hero’s downfall and falling action of a tragedy

D. None of the above

C. A tragic hero’s downfall and falling action of a tragedy.

Macbeth’s attitude toward the witches in Act IV is…

Rude and demanding

Why does Macduff blame himself for the murder of his wife and son?

A.He left them unattended

B. Macbeth was seeking revenge

C. He didn’t believe they were in danger

D. He was gone for far too long in EnglandA. He left them unattended

The first apparition Macbeth sees is…

An Armed Head

How does Macbeth react to the first apparition?

A. He is worried about the warning given

B. He dismisses the warning completely because he was already suspicious of Macduff

C. Macbeth is indifferent because Macduff is dead

D. None of the aboveB. He dismisses the warning completely

What does the first apparition, an Armed head, warn Macbeth?

A. To beware Fleance

B. To beware Macduff

C. Not to worry about the future

D. None of the above

B. To beware Macduff

The second apparition warns Macbeth:

A. Be violent, be bold, and be resolute because none of woman born shall harm Macbeth

B. Be violent because Macduff is dead and you have nobody to fear

C. Remain as you are.

D. None of the above

A. Be violent, be bold, and be resolute because none of woman born shall harm Macbeth

Who is Macduff?

A. Thane of IrelandB. King of EnglandC. Thane of SconeD. Thane of Fife

D. Thane of Fife

Why does Macduff blame himself for the murder of his wife and son?

A.He left them unattended

B. Macbeth was seeking revenge

C. He didn’t believe they were in danger

D. He was gone for far too long in EnglandA. He left them unattended

What do the witches show Macbeth after he asks the fourth question?

A.Eight kings resembling him and Lady Macbeth

B. Fleance, alive and well

C. Banquo’s ghost

D. Eight kings and the last holding a mirror followed by the ghost of Banquo

D. Eight kings and the last holding a mirror followed by the ghost of Banquo

How does Macbeth interpret the warnings given by the apparitions?

A. Figuratively

B. He reads between the lines to understand their true meaning

C. Literally; as he takes them at face value

D. He doesn’t interpret them and forgets

C. Literally; as he takes them at face value

What is the fourth question Macbeth asks the witches?

A. Will he remain King?

B. Who will be the next King?

C. Will Banquo’s descendents be Kings of Scotland?

D. He doesn’t ask a fourth question.

C. Will Banquo’s descendents be Kings of Scotland?

The third apparition Macbeth sees warns him:

A. Be courageous and proud, Macbeth shall vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to High Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.

B. Be bloody, be bold, be resolute!

C. None born of woman shall harm Macbeth

D. The third apparition is silent

A. Be courageous and proud. Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to High Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.

What type of ruler does Malcolm claim he will be?

A. A ruler even more evil than Macbeth

B. A ruler much kinder than Macbeth

C. The same as Duncan

D. None of the above

A. A ruler even more evil than Macbeth

How does Macbeth react to the last apparition shown by the witches?

A. He curses the hour as evil

B. He is in such shock he has no reaction

C. He begins to grieve his actions

D. None of the above

A. He curses the hour as evil.

After the witches disappear, what does Macbeth resolve to do?

A. Macbeth says he will go to Fife and have Macduff’s wife and children murdered

B. Macbeth resolves to do something the moment he thinks of doing it

C. He begins to question his actions

D. Both and A and B

D. Both A and B – Macbeth says he will do something the moment he thinks of it and have Macduff’s wife and children murdered

How does Macduff first respond to the news that his family has been slaughtered?

A. He is in shock and remains silent

B. He is angry and belligerent

C. He weeps and grieves

D. None of the above

A. He is in shock and remains silent

What does Malcolm propose Macduff do with his grief?

A. Malcolm advises Macduff to allow his grief to convert to anger and to use it as his motivation for revenge.

B. Continue to rebel against Macbeth

C. To allow himself to grieve and mourn

D. None of the above

A. Malcolm advises Macduff to allow his grief to convert to anger and to use it as his motivation for revenge

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