the thigh, hip groin, and elvis the (pelvis)

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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INTRODUCTION Although the thigh, hip, groin and pelvis areas have a relatively low incidence of injury compared to some of the other body areas we have studied, there are some serious problems which can occur in this area, as well as some common problems such as the hamstring and groin strains.


THE THIGH, HIP GROIN, and ELVIS the (Pelvis)
Chapter 21 INTRODUCTION Although the thigh, hip, groin and pelvis areas have a relatively low incidence of injury compared to some of the other body areas we have studied, there are some serious problems which can occur in this area, as well as some common problems such as the hamstring and groin strains. Anatomy of Hip, Groin and Pelvis
Bones, Sacroiliac, Hip Anatomy of Hip, Groin and Pelvis
Ligaments, joint capsule, and synovial membrane Anatomy of Hip, Groin and Pelvis
Musculature Anatomy of Hip, Groin and Pelvis
Nerve supply & Blood supply Assessment of Hip / Pelvis (H.O.P.S.)
History-What mechanism do you think caused this injury to occur? When did you first notice this pain? Did the pain begin immediately or did it occur gradually over a period of time? Where is the pain located? Assessment of Hip / Pelvis
Observation - Assessment of Hip / Pelvis
Palpation Bony palpation Soft Tissue palpation Assessment of Hip / Pelvis
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