the tc3 family of transposable genetic elements in - genetics

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Copyright 0 1989 by the Genetics Society of America

The Tc3 Family of Transposable Genetic Elements in Caenorhabditis elegans

John Collins, Elizabeth Forbes and Philip Anderson Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Manuscript received July 14, 1988 Accepted for publication September 10, 1988

ABSTRACT We describe genetic and molecular properties of Tc3, a family of transposable elements in

Caenorhabditis elegans. About 15 Tc3 elements are present in the genomes of several different wild- type varieties of C. elegans, but Tc3 transposition and excision are not detected in these strains. Tc3 transposition and excision occur at high frequencies, however, in strain TR679, a mutant identified because of its highly active Tc l elements. In TR679, Tc3 is responsible for several spontaneous mutations affecting the unc-22 gene. Tc3-induced mutations are unstable, and revertants result from precise or nearly precise excision of Tc3. Although Tc3 is very active in TR679, it is not detectably active in several other mutator mutants, all of which exhibit high levels of Tcl activity. Tc3 is 2.5 kilobases long, and except for sequences near its inverted repeat termini, it is unrelated to Tc 1 . The termini of Tc3 are inverted repeats of at least 70 base pairs; the terminal 8 nucleotides of Tc3 are identical to 8 of the terminal 9 nucleotides of Tc 1 .

T RANSPOSABLE genetic elements are present in the genomes of most, if not all, organisms. Be-

cause of their ability to insert into and excise from the chromosomes of their hosts, transposons are a signif- icant source of spontaneous mutations in organisms as diverse as bacteria, fungi, maize, soybeans, snapdra- gons, nematodes, insects, mice, and humans (KLECK- NER 1979; ROEDER and FINK 1983; FINNEGAN 1985; FINK, BOEKE and GARFINKEL 1986; DORING and STAR- LINGER 1986; COEN and CARPENTER 1986; HERMAN and SHAW 1987; KAZAZIAN et al. 1988; MORSE et al. 1988). Insertion and excision of transposable elements can alter the quantity, size, activity, tissue specificity, or developmental pattern of expression of an altered gene product (MCCLINTOCK 1965; DOONER and NEL- SON 1977; ERREDE et al. 1980; REYNOLDS, FELTON and WRIGHT 198 1 ; MCGINNIS, SHERMOEN and BECK- ENDORF 1983; SHURE, WESSLER and FEDEROFF 1983; TSUBOTA and SCHEDL 1986; COEN, CARPENTER and MARTIN 1986).

Activity of transposable elements can be regulated in response to factors as diverse as temperature (HAR- RISON and FINCHAM 1964; PAQUIN and WILLIAMSON 1984; ROBERTSON et al. 1988), genetic background (ENGELS 1983; DORING and STARLINGER 1986), tissue or cell type (FINNEGAN 1985), developmental timing (FINNEGAN 1985), and “genomic stress” (MCCLINTOCK 1984). Drosophila P elements, for example, are nor- mally active only in the germ line and only in strains having appropriate “cytotypes” (ENGELS 1979a, b). Many eukaryotic transposons encode proteins that are required in trans for transposition and excision. Such activities are known collectively as “transposases,” but their roles in the transposition process are generally

Genetics 121: 47-55 (January, 1989)

unknown. The activity of an entire family of trans- posable elements is often governed by expression of its transposase. For example, the strain-specific and tissue-specific activity of Drosophila P elements is due to regulation of transposase expression (ENGELS 1984; LASKI, RIO and RUBIN 1986).

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, transposi- tion and excision of the element Tc l is regulated in a strain-specific manner. Multiple copies of Tcl are present in the genomes of all C. elegans varieties that have been collected from nature (EMMONS et al. 1983; LIAO, ROSENZWEIG and HIRSH 1983), but Tc l is ge- netically active only in certain of these strains (MOER- MAN and WATERSTON 1984; EIDE and ANDERSON 1985a, b; GREENWALD 1985; MOERMAN, BENIAN and WATERSTON 1986). In C. elegans variety “Bristol,” Tc l is quiescent, but in variety “Bergerac,” Tc l is respon- sible for most spontaneous mutations. Tc 1 is regulated in a tissue-specific manner as well. In variety Bergerac, for example, Tc l excision in somatic cells occurs about 1 000-fold more frequently (per cell) than in the germ line (EMMONS and YESNER 1984; EIDE and AN-

We previously described mutants in which the fre- quencies of Tc l transposition and excision in the germ line are greatly elevated (COLLINS, SAARI and ANDER- SON 1987). Because of their high frequencies of Tc l transposition, such mutants exhibit a mutator pheno- type. Considering the diversity of transposons that are present in the genomes of most species, it seemed unlikely to us that Tc l is the only such element in C. elegans. We investigated this possibility by looking more closely among mutator-induced mutations for those that contain insertions of elements other than

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T c l . We reasoned that, like Tcl , o ther families of transposable elements might be more active in muta- tor mutants than in wild-type genetic backgrounds. We describe here the genetic and molecular proper- ties of a new family of transposable elements, which we designate the Tc3 family.


Genetic procedures: C. elegans wild-type strains Bristol (N2), Bergerac (EM1002), and DH424 have been previously described (BRENNER 1974; EMMONS et al. 1983; LIAO, Ro- SENZWEIG and HIRSH 1983). TR403 is a wild-type strain that we collected from the stockyards of the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. Spontaneous unc-22 mutants were isolated by establishing independent cultures of strain TR679 [genotype mut-Z(r459); see COLLINS, SAARI and AN- DERSON (1987)l using inocula of 3-5 worms. After several generations of growth, we identified spontaneous unc-22 mutants in each culture using the selection described by MOERMAN and BAILLIE (1 979). Only a single unc-22 mutant was retained from each culture.

Biochemical procedures: Our methods for nematode growth, DNA extraction, and Southern blot hybridization have been described (EIDE and ANDERSON 1985a). We cloned unc-22(r750::Tc3) as described previously (EIDE and ANDERSON 1985a), except that we used lambda-EMBL3 as the cloning vector (FRISCHAUF et al. 1983) and plasmid TR#12 (see below) as the radiolabeled hybridization probe. One hybrid phage, designated TR#5 1, was retained.

Restriction fragments to be subcloned were purified from agarose gels (WEISLANDER 1979), ligated to appropriately digested plasmid DNA, and transformed into E. coli strain JM83 (VIEIRA and MESSING 1982). Tc3 was subcloned from lambda phage TR#51 into plasmid pIBI76 (International Biotechnologies, Inc.) as a 5.1 kilobase (kb) BglII restriction fragment, yielding plasmid TR#lO. This clone includes the entire Tc3 element (2.5 kb) inserted into a 2.6 kb unc-22 fragment. The equivalent region of the wild-type unc-22 gene was subcloned from phage lambda-DM20 (MOERMAN, BENIAN and WATERSTON 1986) into pIBI76 as a 2.6-kb BglII fragment, yielding plasmid TR#12. A complete Tcl element was subcloned from a Sacteriophage lambda clone of unc-54(r323::TcI) (EIDE and ANDERSON 1985b) into pUC9 (VIEIRA and MESSING 1982) as a 3.1-kb HindIIIl BamHI restriction fragment, yielding plasmid TR#30.

We derived a restriction map of Tc3 by comparing the sizes of restriction fragments generated by digestion of TR#10 and TR#12 with various single- and double-enzyme combinations. We sequenced the Tc3 insertional junctions of TR#10 and the corresponding wild-type region of TR#12 using the method Of SANGER, NICKLEN and COULsoN (1977), as modified for double-stranded plasmid DNA (ZA- GURSKY et al. 1985). We used the SP6 Promoter Primer (New England Biolabs) to sequence the wild-type empty site and the “right” junction (as shown in Figure 2) of Tc3. Based on the sequence of the empty site, we designed a synthetic oligonucleotide (1 8-mer; obtained from the Uni- versity of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center) complementary to a region of the wild-type unc-22 gene about 20 nucleotides “left” of the insertion site. We used this oligonucleotide as a primer to sequence the left insertional junction of Tc3 and to sequence the opposite strand of the wild-type unc-22 region. Comparisons of these three sequences unambigu- ously identified the termini of Tc3.


Isolation of Tc3-induced mutations: We discov- ered Tc3 by analyzing a large number of mutator- induced mutations affecting the unc-22 gene. unc-22 was chosen for this analysis for several reasons: (1) unc-22 mutants are easy to identify and the gene is non-essential. unc-22 mutants are muscle-defective, and they exhibit a distinctive “twitch” of their body- wall muscle (WATERSTON, THOMSON and BRENNER 1980). Rare unc-22 mutants can be identified in large populations of phenotypically wild-type animals using a simple method that exploits this twitcher phenotype (MOERMAN and BAILLIE 1979). (2) The unc-22 gene is a preferred target for T c 1 insertion (MOERMAN and WATERSTON 1984; MOERMAN, BENIAN and WATER- STON 1986); it might be a preferred target for other transposons as well. (3) T h e unc-22 gene has been cloned (MOERMAN, BENIAN and WATERSTON 1986), providing hybridization probes for molecular analysis of mutant alleles.

We isolated 60 spontaneous unc-22 mutants in the mutator strain TR679 [genotype mut-2(r459); see COLLINS, SAARI and ANDERSON 19871. Our methods of isolation ensure that each mutant represents an independent mutational event (see MATERIALS AND METHODS). We analyzed the gene structure of each unc-22 mutant using genomic Southern blots. T h e hybridization probes for these experiments, clones lambda-DM 17 and lambda-DM 18 (MOERMAN, BEN- IAN and WATERSTON 1986), include approximately 25 kb of the unc-22 gene region. These probes detect all T c l insertions that cause a strong unc-22 mutant phenotype (D. MOERMAN, personal communication). Of 60 spontaneous unc-22 mutants, 43 contained in- sertions of T c 1. We inferred that T c 1 caused an unc- 22 mutation if the allele contained a 1,600 & 50 base pair (bp) insertion and if the inserted DNA was cut with restriction enzyme EcoRV but not with enzymes Sad, BglII, or BamHI. These criteria do not prove rigorously that an insert is T c 1. However, such restric- tion sites are predicted from the sequence of T c l (ROSENZWEIG, LIAO and HIRSH 1983), and all similar mutations affecting the unc-54 gene are caused by T c l (1 1 of 1 1 ; see EIDE and ANDERSON 1985b).

Of the remaining 17 mutants, three of them [unc- 22(r7?5), unc-22(r74?) and unc-22(r750)] contained insertions of approximately 2.5 kb within unc-22. T h e DNA inserted in these mutants represents a new fam- ily of transposable elements, which we designate Tc3. Genomic Southern blots of these three mutants are presented in Figure 1, lanes 4-6. For comparison, an additional mutant, unc-22(r745::Tcl), that contains a T c l insertion in the same region of unc-22 is shown in lane 3. T h e probe for Figure 1 (plasmid TR#12, see MATERIALS AND METHODS) hybridizes only to a small region of unc-22 that includes these four inser-

Tc3 Transposons in C. elegans 49

5.1 - 4.2 -

2.6- 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0

FIGURE 1 .-Southern blot analysis of unc-22:Tc3 mutants and revertants. Strains Bristol and TR679 are unc-22+. r735, r743, 1745, and 5750 are spontaneous unc-22 mutants isolated from strain TR679. r900 and r901 are spontaneous wild-type revertants of r743 and 1750, respectively. Genomic DNA from each strain was digested with Bglll and separated on a 0.8% agarose gel. The radiolabeled probe was plasmid TR#I 2 (see MATERIALS AND METH- ODS). Sizes, in kilobases, are shown to the left of the blot.

tions. The restriction enzyme used (BgZII) does not cut within Tcl or Tc3. We performed similar South- ern blots with several different restriction enzymes. These experiments allowed us to map more precisely the sites of Tc3 insertion within unc-22 and to estimate the degree of similarity among the three independent insertions. 7-735, r743 and r750 each resulted from Tc3 insertion at a different site in unc-22, although the three insertions are clustered within a 500-bp region of the gene. Restriction maps of the three elements that we could deduce from Southern blots were indistinguishable from each other, but very dif- ferent from that of Tc l .

Germline excision of Tc3: Both unc-22(r743::Tc3) and unc-22(r750::Tc3) revert spontaneously to unc- 22+ in the TR679 background at a frequency of approximately 1 O+. We were unable to test rigorously for reversion of unc-22(r735::Tc3). This mutant ex- hibits a very mild twitcher phenotype, making it dif- ficult to distinguish revertants from mutants. We ex- amined the gene structures of two revertant alleles. unc-22(r900) and unc-22(r901) are wild-type revert- ants of unc-22(r743::Tc3) and unc-22(750::Tc3), re- spectively. Figure 1, lanes 7 and 8, show that r900 and r901 resulted from precise or nearly precise ex- cision of Tc3. The resolution of these experiments is f50 bp.

Somatic excision of Tc3: We investigated whether Tc3 exhibits a high frequency of somatic excision, similar to that of Tc l . Excision of Tc l from its sites of insertion generates "empty sites" which, because of the very high frequency of somatic excision, can be

detected on genomic Southern blots as restriction fragments of wild-type mobility (EMMONS and YESNER 1984). In a typical DNA sample, empty sites derived from somatic DNA represent several percent of the total DNA molecules (EMMONS and YESNER 1984; EMMONS, ROBERTS and RUAN 1986). Using genetic methods, we estimate that the rate of Tc l excision (excisions per cell division) is 1000-fold higher in somatic cells than in the germ line (EIDE and ANDER-

An example of Tc l somatic excision is evident in Figure 1, lane 3. unc-22(r745::Tcl) is a Tcl-induced allele of unc-22. The faint band of wild-type mobility represents somatic excision DNA. Lanes 4-6 are DNAs from the three Tc3-induced unc-22 mutants. No DNA of wild-type mobility is detectable in these lanes. Even using increased amounts of genomic DNA or following prolonged autoradiography, we did not detect a somatic excision band for these Tc3 inser- tions. We conclude that somatic excision of Tc3 does not occur at frequencies comparable to Tc 1, or that it occurs in a manner unlike Tcl . For example, if somatic excision resulted in empty sites of heteroge- neous size, we might fail to detect their presence.

Tc3 does not hybridize to Tcl: To investigate the relatedness of Tc3 and Tcl , we cloned the element responsible for unc-22(r750::Tc3). We prepared a ge- nomic library of strain unc-22(r750::Tc3) in a bacte- riophage lambda vector and identified clones that hybridized to plasmid TR#l2, a clone of the wild-type unc-22 gene. We then subcloned the Tc3-containing restriction fragment from one such phage into a plas- mid vector. The resulting clone, designated TR#IO, contains the complete Tc3 element (2.5 kb) inserted within a 2.6 kb restriction fragment of the wild-type unc-22 gene. A restriction map of the Tc3 element contained in TR#lO is shown at the top of Figure 2.

We tested whether TR#lO hybridizes to TR#30, a plasmid clone of the complete T c l element (see MA- TERIALS AND METHODS). We prepared a Southern blot in which restriction fragments from 200 ng of TR#10 were transferred to nitrocellulose and hybridized with radiolabeled TR#30. We detected no hybridization between the two elements. The vector sequences of TR#30 hybridized intensely to those of TR#lO. Be- cause of their inability to hybridize, we conclude that Tcl and Tc3 share little or no base sequence similar- ity.

Tc3 is a dispersed repetitive element: We investi- gated the distribution of Tc3 elements in the genomes of several different wild-type C. elegans varieties. Each of these varieties represents a geographically separate isolate from nature and, hence, a unique wild-type genetic background. We digested genomic DNA of each strain with an enzyme that does not cut within Tc3 (BglII) and probed Southern blots with plasmid

SON 1988).

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B R H R B H H E S P HSR I H - unc-22 sequencing a b


s 1 B SP6 f40mote.r

P r i m Primer Hind Ill fragmah

FIGURE 2.-Genomic organization of Tc3 elements. A restriction map of the Tc3 element and flanking unc-22 DNA contained in plasmid T R # I O is shown for the restriction enzymes BamHI. B; Hindlll, H; Pstl, P; EcoRI, R; and Sacl, S. Restriction enzymes that were tested and do not cut within Tc3 are: BglII, EcoRI, SalI, and Xball. The arrows below the restriction map indicate the positions and orientations of primers used to sequence the insertional junctions of Tc3, shown as the “left junction” and “right junction” above the map. Sequences of these junctions are presented in Figure 3. (A) Southern blot analyses of wild-type strains Bristol, DH424, TR403, and Bergerac. Genomic DNAs were digested with Bglll and separated on a 0.8% agarose gel. The radiolabeled probe was plasmid T R # I O (see MATERIALS AND METHODS). (B) Southern blots of Bristol, Bergerac and TR679. Genomic DNAs were digested with HindlII and separated on a 1% agarose gel. The radiolabeled probe was an equal mixture of gel-purified Hind111 fragments “a” and “b,” shown below the Tc3 restriction map. Sizes, in kilobases, are shown to the left of each blot.

TR#10. The results for four different wild-type strains are presented in Figure 2A. Each of these strains contained approximately 15-1 8 copies of Tc3; individual strains differed from each other by, at most, two or three copies. The exact copy number is difficult to determine because for all enzymes tested, the hy- bridizing bands of high molecular weight were not resolved from one another. The similarity of Tc3 copy number and position in these strains indicates that Tc3 elements have remained relatively stable since the strains diverged. We examined four other C. eleguns varieties in similar experiments (wild-type

strains N3, N62, GA3, and HAS). Each variety con- tained 12-1 8 dispersed copies of Tc3, and most of the hybridizing restriction fragments were the same as those shown in Figure 2A.

We investigated the degree of length heterogeneity among the genomic copies of Tc3. Tc3 contains four HindIII sites internal to the element (see Figure 2). We digested genomic DNAs of Bristol, Bergerac, and TR679 with HindIII and hybridized Southern blots with two radiolabeled HindIII fragments from the interior of Tc3. Each of these probe fragments is about 700 bp in length. Thus, only sequences from

Tc3 Transposons in C. elegans 51



WT U ~ C - 2 2 TGGTTTCGTTGGCTTGCTTTTTACCTTGATATTGA~GTGACACTGTCAGTTCCATTAATGTTGGTTGCAGTGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Tc3: CAGTG-TGGGAAAGTTCTATAGGACCCCCC . . . 2 . 5 kb . . . GGGGGGTCCTATAGAACTTTCCCA-CACTG FIGURE 3.-The termini of Tc3 are inverted repeats. (A) The insertional junctions of unc-Z2(r750::Tc3) are shown above and below the

wild-type unc-22 target site sequence. Tc3 DNA is shown in boldface. (B) The sequences of the termini of Tcl (ROSENZWEIG, LIAO and HIRSH 1983) and Tc3 are aligned for comparison. All sequences in panels A and B are shown 5’-3’.

this internal 1.4 kb region of Tc3 were detected in this experiment. Heterogeneity in the length of hy- bridizing fragments would indicate structural hetero- geneity among individual Tc3 elements in the ge- nome. The results are shown in Figure 2B. For each strain, the probe hybridized almost exclusively to Hind111 fragments of 700 bp. We occasionally de- tected faint hybridization to fragments larger than 700 bp, but we believe that these represent incomplete digestion of genomic DNA. Their intensity was vari- able and the restriction map of Tc3 predicts partial digestion fragments of these sizes. It is PISO possible that they represent restriction site heterogeneity among different Tc3 elements. We conclude that most copies of Tc3 in the genome are similar in structure to the cloned copy.

The termini of Tc3 are inverted repeats similar to those of Tcl: In order to determine the nature of Tc3 termini, we sequenced the Tc3 insertional junc- tions and the insertion site of the wild-type unc-22 gene. Our sequencing strategy is described in Mate- rials and Methods and illustrated in Figure 2. The sequences of the Tc3 termini are shown in Figure 3A. Tc3 termini are perfect inverted repeats of at least 70 base pairs, which is the extent of our current sequenc- ing data. Two features of these sequences are notable: (1) The terminal eight nucleotides of Tc3 are identical to eight of the terminal nine nucleotides of Tc 1. This sequence similarity is shown in Figure 3B. Other than these terminal nucleotides, we detect no further sim- ilarity between the inverted terminal repeats of Tc l and Tc3. (2) Like all sequenced sites of T c l insertion, Tc3 inserted into a TA dinucleotide of the target DNA. A single T A is present in the wild-type gene,

and TA dinucleotides flank the Tc3 insertion. Thus, Tc3 generates at most a two base pair target site duplication upon insertion. Since the sequence T A is an inverted repeat, and since one copy of the TA could be part of the element itself, these data are also consistent with Tc3 inserting without a target site duplication. Other than the T A dinucleotide, the unc- 22(r750::Tc3) insertion site is not similar to the inser- tion site consensus sequence of Tc 1 (EIDE and ANDER- SON 1988; MORI et al. 1988).

Tc3 activity is mut-2 specific: The copy number and genomic positions of Tc3 elements are relatively constant in the wild-type varieties (Figure 2A). Thus, very little Tc3 transposition and excision have oc- curred since these strains diverged. Tc3, furthermore, is not responsible for any of over 200 spontaneous mutations that have been isolated in these wild-type backgrounds and analyzed molecularly. Sixty-five spontaneous mutations in unc-54 of Bristol (EIDE and ANDERSON 1985a), 90 in unc-54 or unc-22 of DH424 (EIDE and ANDERSON 1985b; D. EIDE and P. ANDER- SON, unpublished data), and 56 in unc-54, unc-22, or lin-12 of Bergerac (EIDE and ANDERSON 1985b; GREENWALD 1985; MOERMAN, BENIAN and WATER- STON 1986; COLLINS, SAARI and ANDERSON 1987) have been tested; none are caused by Tc3. In contrast, we found that three of 60 spontaneous unc-22 muta- tions that occurred in TR679 are caused by Tc3. This suggested to us that Tc3 is genetically active in TR679 but not in wild-type strains.

T o investigate this further, we examined the Tc3 elements present in individual animals isolated from a population of TR679. We isolated single animals from TR679 and propagated them independently for

52 J. Collins, E. Forbes and P. Anderson

- a m Od-Fc

.= Q: u Sublines of mut-2/'4591 m e a

m++ m+r

-0 Od- Gd- c

u Sublines of Mut(r454 through r$6/)

A B i

9.0 - 9.0 -

5.0 - 5.0 -

2.6 -

2.6 -

FIGURE 4.-Tc3 is highly activated only in the mut-2 genetic background. Genomic DNAs were digested with BglII and separated on 0.8% agarose gels. The radiolabeled probe was plasmid TR#lO. Strain TR445 is the parent strain from which the eight independent mutator mutants [Mut(r454) through Mut(r461)I were isolated. (A) Southern blots of Bristol, TR445, TR679 [genotype mut-2(r459)], and 12 independent sublines derived from TR679. (B) Southern blots of Bristol, TR445 and 16 independent sublines of the remaining seven mutators mutants.

several generations prior to harvesting their DNA. We then performed genomic Southern blots using a Tc3 hybridization probe. Differences among these sublines concerning the Tc3 copy number or position must reflect heterogeneity among the TR679 popu- lation from which the sublines were established. Since the sublines were unselected with regard to Tc3 activ- ity, any differences would indicate a relatively high level of Tc3 transposition or excision. The results are shown in Figure 4A. The number and pattern of Tc3- hybridizing restriction fragments is highly polymor- phic among these strains. We estimate that the Tc3 copy number varies from 17 to 25 for individual sublines. Furthermore, each subline exhibits an almost unique collection of Tc3 elements. We interpret these results to indicate that Tc3 elements transpose and excise at high frequency in TR679. We believe that the changes we observe are due to Tc3 transposition

and excision for two reasons: (1) The copy number of Tc3 in these strains is greater than the copy number in the wild-type strains (compare Figures 2A and 4A). Such an increase in copy number could not be caused by chromosome rearrangements or transposition of Tcl within or near copies of Tc3. (2) Using the same method, we detect no evidence for activation of Tc3 in several other mutator mutants, all of which are highly active for Tcl transposition and excision (see below).

mut-2(r459) is one of eight independent mutator mutants that we have isolated (COLLINS, SAARI and ANDERSON 1987). Each of these mutants was identi- fied because it exhibits elevated frequencies of Tc l transposition and excision. We investigated whether Tc3 is activated along with Tcl in all of these mutants. We isolated single animals from populations of the remaining seven mutator mutants and analyzed them

Tc3 Transposons in C. elegans 53

as described above. We tested a total of 34 sublines, including at least four sublines for each mutator mu- tant. Examples of these results are shown in Figure 4B. The number and pattern of Tc3 elements in these strains are almost invariant and are similar to those of the wild-type varieties (compare Figures 2A and 4B). We conclude that Tc3 is activated to high levels in TR679, but not in the remaining seven mutator mu- tants.


We describe genetic and molecular properties of Tc3, a newly discovered family of transposons in C. elegans. We conclude that Tc3 is a transposable ele- ment for several reasons: (1) Three spontaneous unc- 22 mutations contain Tc3 insertions within the gene. (2) Tc3-induced mutations are unstable; revertants result from precise or nearly precise excisions of Tc3. (3) Tc3 is a dispersed, repetitive sequence; there are about 15 copies of Tc3 in the genome of most wild- type C. elegans isolates. (4) The termini of Tc3 are perfect inverted repeats. (5) The terminal inverted repeats of Tc3 are related to those of the C. elegans transposable element T c l . (6) Like Tcl , Tc3 inserts into target DNA at T A dinucleotides, and TA se- quences flank the inserted Tc3 element.

Eukaryotic transposable elements that exhibit short, inverted terminal repeats have been described in many species. For example, the P , Hobo, HB, and Mariner elements of Drosophila species (O’HARE and RUBIN 1983; JACOBSON, MEDHORA and HARTL 1986; MCGINNIS, SHERMOEN and BECKENDORF 1983; BRIER- LEY and POTTER 1985), the AclDs, SpmlEn, Mu, Taml, Tam2, Tam3, and Tgml elements of plant species (POHLMAN, FEDEROFF and MESSING 1984; MULLER-NEUMANN, YODER and STARLINGER 1984; PERIERA et al. 1986; BARKER et al. 1984; BONAS, SOMMER and SAEDLER 1984; UPADHYAYA et al. 1985; SOMMER et al. 1985; VODKIN, RHODES and GOLDBERG 1983), the T x l and 1723 elements of Xenopus (GAR- RETT and CARROLL 1986; KAY and DAWID 1983), the T c l element of C. elegans (ROSENZWEIG, LIAO and HIRSH 1983), the sigma element of yeast (DEL REY, DONAHUE and FINK 1982), and the DZRS-1 element of Dictyostelium (ZUKER et al. 1984) all exhibit inverted repeats ranging from a few to a few hundred nucleo- tides. These elements comprise a general class of transposons and are distinct from other classes, such as the retroviruses (VARMUS 1983) or transposable elements without terminal repeats (WEINER, DEININ- GER and EFSTRATIADIS 1986).

A surprising number of elements that have short, terminal inverted repeats share common sequences at their termini. Figure 5 shows a comparison of the inverted repeat termini of 9 different transposons isolated from 6 different species. Each of these ele-

Element Species 5”Inverted Reseat-3’ Mariner D. mauritiana Tcl C. elegans Tc3 C. elegans

Hobo D. melanogaster

Spm/En 2 . mays Taml A. majus Tam2 A. majus Tgml G. max

P D. melanogaster

FIGURE 5.-A comparison of inverted repeat termini of nine different transposable elements. The terminal inverted repeats of these elements are aligned to show their similarities.

ments begins with the sequence CA at or near one terminus and ends with the sequence T G at or near the other terminus. For certain of these elements, similarities extend even farther into the element, as noted previously (DORING and STARLINCER 1986; STRECK, MACGAFFEY and BECKENDORF 1986). The similarity of their termini might reflect common an- cestry, cross-species transmission, or convergent evo- lution, and their mechanisms of transposition and excision might be similar.

A common feature of transposons having inverted repeat termini is the heterogeneous size of individual elements. “Defective” elements that contain deletions and other internal rearrangements are widespread (FINNEGAN 1985). For example, about two-thirds of P elements contain internal deletions and, therefore, are nonautonomous (O’HARE and RUBIN 1983). In contrast, most or all copies of Tc3 are similar to the cloned element (Figure 2B). Similarly, the Tcl family in C. elegans is remarkably homogeneous in structure (EMMONS et al. 1983; LIAO, ROSENZWEIG and HIRSH 1983). Perhaps mechanisms for maintaining the ho- mogeneity of multigene families (e.g., gene conver- sion) are especially active in C. elegans. Alternatively, perhaps C. elegans transposons are recent arrivals in the genome and have not had sufficient time to accu- mulate deleted copies.

Although Tcl and Tc3 do not hybridize to each other, they are clearly related. The terminal eight nucleotides of Tc3 are identical to eight of the ter- minal nine nucleotides of Tc l (Figure 3B). Like Tcl , Tc3 inserts into a TA dinucleotide of the target site, and TA sequences flank the inserted Tc3 element. The similarities between termini of Tcl and Tc3 and between their sites of insertion suggest an explanation for how Tcl and Tc3 are both activated in TR679: both of these elements are probably substrates for the same transposase functions, and the mutation mut- 2(r459) likely affects a component that is common to both transposons. The origins of this transposase are unknown. Tcl contains a long open reading frame (ROSENZWEIG, LIAO and HIRSH 1983), but there is no direct evidence that this gene encodes transposase. Both Tcl and Tc3 would now appear to be possible

54 J. Collins, E. Forbes and P. Anderson

sources of transposase. By characterizing additional mutator-induced mutations, we and others have re- cently discovered two additional families of transpo- sons (Tc4 and Tc5; J. COLLINS and P. ANDERSON, unpublished data; J. YUAN, M. FINNEY and R. HORV- ITZ, personal communication). Which, if any, of these elements encodes proteins required for transposition is unknown.

Tcl and Tc3 are both activated in TR679 (COL- LINS, SAARI and ANDERSON 1987) (Figure 4A), but it is clear that activities of these two elements are not always correlated: (1) T c l copy number varies over 10-fold in different wild-type varieties (EMMONS et al. 1983), but the copy number and genomic positions of Tc3 are relatively constant (Figure 2A). The frequen- cies of Tc3 transposition and excision, therefore, are relatively low in these genetic backgrounds. (2) Con- sequently, Tc3 is not responsible for any of over 200 spontaneous mutations that have been isolated in the wild-type varieties (EIDE and ANDERSON 1985a, b; GREENWALD 1985; MOERMAN, BENIAN and WATER- STON 1986; COLLINS, SAARI and ANDERSON 1987; D. EIDE and P. ANDERSON, unpublished data). Tc l is very active in some of these strains. (3) Tc l exhibits a very high frequency of somatic excision (EMMONS and YESNER 1984), but we cannot detect such excisions for Tc3 (Figure 1) . (4) Transposition and excision of Tcl are activated to high levels in each of eight different mutator mutants (COLLINS, SAARI and AN- DERSON 1987), but Tc3 is activated only in mut- 2(r459) (Figure 4). Collectively, these observations indicate that activity of Tc3 is regulated in a manner similar, but not identical, to that of Tc l .

This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service individ- ual research grant GM30 132 from the National Institutes of Health, by a National Research Service Award (J.C.), and by an award from the Kemper K. Knapp Undergraduate Research Fund (E.F.). We thank our colleagues BRIAN CARR and AMY BEJSOVEC for critically reading the manuscript.


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Communicating editor: R. K. HERMAN

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