the struggle for soviet jewish emigration,...

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Abram, Morris, 171, 174, 195, 198, 240Abramis, Izrail, 274Abramov, Aleksandr, 408 n. 94Abrams, George, 412 n. 152Abramzon, Moshe, see Plotkin, Zviacculturation, 57, 91, 132, 286academics, Western, see intellectuals,

Westernactivists in USSR, 278-80, 288-97

in camps, 71-79, 289see also groups, informal, and group

activityAd Hoc Commission on the Rights of

Soviet Jews, 204r-05Adams, Rabbi Theodore C , 193Adelman, Rabbi Samuel, 374 n. 107Adenauer, Konrad, 365 n. 73Adzhubei, Aleksei, 399 n. 280Afghanistan, 80African states, 165, 168agitprop, see CPSU, Central

Committee SecretariatAgnon, Shmuel Yosef, 290Agronsky, Gershon, 36Agudas World Israel Organization,

166, 197, 216, 229see also Lewin, Rabbi Isaac

Albert, Carl, 192Aleksandrov, Aleksandr, 101-02Aleksandrovich, Mikhail (Misha), 319Alekseev, Nikolai, 218Aliger, Margarita, 20, 50, 302, 416

n. 41Alik, Sh.,357n. 35aliya, 18, 20, 29-32, 36-38, 44, 53,

80-82, 103-04, 119, 259, 265, 280,285, 288, 293, 296-99, 327-35, 353n. 84, 365 n. 75, 413 n. 6

Israeli special office for, 101-05,122-24, 133-34, 138, 212, 235-36;see also Avigur, Shaul; Eliav,Benyamin

refusals, 81, 331-32see also briha; emigration; Poland,

emigration from, repatriation to;"refuseniks"; reunification offamilies

Aliya Bet, 101All-Canadian Rabbinic Conference,

218Alliance Israelite Universelle, 166Alliluev, Pavel, 349 n. 38Allon, Yigal, 327Ail-Union Society for the

Dissemination of Political andScientific Knowledge, 29

Alma-Ata, 78, 80, 299, 349 n. 38Alsterdal, Alvar, 178, 394 n. 205Alterman, Natan, 290, 307American Jewish Committee (AJC),

90-91, 93, 95, 100, 106, 111, 127,131, 166, 193, 198

contacts with Soviet leaders andofficials, 134-38

American Jewish Conference on SovietJewry, 193-202, 391 n. 126

cooperation with Israel, 197-98and ''grass-roots" organizations,

202-03, 207-09, 211-12American Jewish Congress, 131,

135-36American Jewish Joint Distribution

Committee, 46American Jewish organizations, 94—99,

136-37, 193see also individual organizations

American League for Russian Jews,209

American Zionist Council, 136Amis, Kingsley, 395 n. 206amnesty, see political prisonersAndropov, Iurii, 79Anglo-Jewish Association, 166, 216Anna Frank, Diary of, 320

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anti-cosmopolitan campaign, 38, 40,90, 353 n. 102

Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 369n. 19

antisemitism (in USSR), 15-16, 18-19,24, 40-41, 44-46, 91, 108, 200, 294,328-29

and American Jewish Committee,95

and assimilation, 123official, 16, 18-22, 34, 56, 83-84, 149,

151, 286, 360 n. 9popular, 15-16, 20, 34, 69, 82-83,

127, 286, 346 nn. 5 and 7self-defense against, 20in small towns, 69sources of, 195-96and United Nations, 173, 176, 386

n. 44Western reaction to 90, 97-99, 106,

151see also Belorussian SSR,

antisemitism; Doctors7 Plot;economic trials; Khrushchev,antisemitism of; Ukrainian SSR,antisemitism

"anti-Soviet activity/' 47-48, 73-74,108, 129, 282-83, 285, 296, 341,351 n. I l l , 364 n. 62, 380 n. 64,396 n. 222

Appeal of Conscience for the Jews ofthe Soviet Union, 204, 206

Arab-Israeli conflict, 81-82, 229, 299,336-37, 405 n. 54

see also Sinai War; Six Day War; Warof Independence (Israeli)

Arab League, 400 n. 9Arab states, 34, 299

Jews from, 329see also Soviet Union, relations with

Arab statesArangio-Ruiz, Vicenzo, 220Arest, Avraham, 383 n. 109Argentina, 97, 110

Jewish activity in, 218intellectuals in, 221

Argov, Meir, 94'Arif, 'Abd as-Salam, 396 n. 229Arkin, Yaacov (Juki), 323, 325Armenians, 110, 128, 146, 177, 234,

426 n. 130, 427 n. 146arrests, 1948-53, 31, 43, 45-50, 349

n. 38, 352 n. 68, 367 n. 81955, 73-75, 1131958, 281-841960-61, 129-30, 279, 295-96199, 327

effect of, 289see also camps; Prisoners of Zion

Arsenev, Aleksandr, 112Asch, Shalom, 79Ascoli, Max, 111Asherov, Misha, 326assimilation into Soviet society, 38,

100, 109-10, 114, 132, 174, 290,294, 336, 394 n. 38, 361 n. 24

and antisemitism, 123, 298failure of, 83, 265see also acculturation

Astrakhan, 299de Athayde, Austragesilo, 221Atlas, Guillermo, 222Auriol, Vincent, 380 n. 63Australia

government policy, 169, 176,Jewish activity in, 214^15

Avidar, Yosef, 69, 70, 74, 110Avidom, Menahem, 322-23Avigur, Shaul, 101-05, 122, 124, 138,

157, 182, 397 n. 241Avner, Gershon, 176Azbel, Mark, 27-28

Baazov (Boazov), Meir, 20Babel, Isak, 320Babii Iar, 69, 135, 238, 305"Babii Iar" (poem), 143, 161, 287, 302,

320, 416 n. 41attacked by Khrushchev, 305see also Shostakovich, Dmitrii

"Babii Iar" (song), 275Baev (Kogan), Zinovii, 275Baitalskii, Mikhail, 371 n. 71Baku, 278, 291-92, 299, 320, 322Baldwin, Ryan N., 370 n. 40Baltic republics, 17, 43, 62, 80, 148,

308, 327, 412 n. 1see also Latvian SSR; Lithuanian SSR

Barenboim, Daniel, 323Barkatt, Reuven, 371 n. 73Baron, Zalman, 306Barromi, Joel, 172-73Barry, Robert B., 146Bar-Tov, Hanokh, 290Bartur, Moshe, 174Barwick, Sir Garfield, 214Battle, Lucius, 389 n. 77Batumi, 31BBC (British Broadcasting

Corporation), 20-21, 43, 337, 348n. 25, 356 n. 14

Begin, Menahem, 129Begun, Iosif, 290Belaia Tserkov, 26, 30, 292© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Belgiumgovernment policy, 225

Bellow, Enrique, 222Bellow, Saul, 203Belorussian SSR, 267, 272, 363 n. 49

antisemitism in, 15, 69, 294, 346n. 7

Jewish national consciousness in, 70Western, 17see also Gomel, Minsk, Mogilev

Ben Eliezer, Arye, 232Ben Gurion, David, 91-92, 103, 158,

239, 298, 352 n. 78Ben Haim, Paul, 322Bendryshev, Vladimir, 174Bennett, John C , 204Bentley, Alvin M., 147-49Ben-Tsur, Shmuel, 371 n. 69Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak, 315Bergelson, David, 113, 367 n. 8Berger-Barzilai, Joseph, 140-41Bergman, Mairim, 291, 302-03Beriia, Lavrentii, 40, 55, 374 n. 105Berkhouwer, Cornelis, 395 n. 216Berman, Harold J., 111-12Berman, Jakob, 400 n. 8Berman, Natalio, 98Bessarabia, 17, 21, 103Bet-Zvi, Shabbetai, 232Betar, 46, 293Bevan, Aneurin, 225Bialik, Haim Nahman, 263, 293, 303Bielenberg, Tore-Jarl, 335Biggs-Davison, John A., 225Bikel, Theodore, 199Bingham, Jonathan, 173, 192, 211Birnbaum, Jacob, 209, 212Birobidzhan, see Jewish Autonomous

Region of BirobidzhanBisgyer, Maurice, 136, 144Bitter, Maurice, 281Black Sea, 43, 62, 239, 325, 383 n. 107

see also Odessa, Poti"black years/7 34, 297

antisemitism in, 40-41, 44r46arrests during, 45-50emigration during, 53Jewish consciousness during, 39-54,

355-56 n. 6Blaisse, Peter A., 395 n. 216Blake, Eugene C , 205Blake, Patricia, 147Blaustein, Jacob, 95, 378 n. 47Blekherovich, Shaul, 273Bloch, Pierre, 222blood libel, 41, 94, 377 n. 21Blum, Mark, 303, 306-07, 424 n. 116

Blumel, Andre, 139, 141-42, 229, 380n. 64

B'nai B'rith, 100-01, 131, 136, 138, 144,146, 166

see also Bisgyer, Maurice; Katz,Label; Klutznick, Philip; Korey,William

Boazov, Meir, see Baaov, MeirBoard of Deputies of British Jews, 123,

166, 216-17Bobrovskii, Meir, 32Bohlen, Charles E., 117, 367 n. 119Boiarskaia, Revekka, 275books, see Hebrew; Israel, literature;

Yiddish, booksBoothby, Lord Robert, 143Born, Max, 222Borokhov, Ber, 51Bosley, Harold A., 206Bouquin, Jean-Marcel, 167-68, 170Bowden, Herbert, 397 n. 243Brafman, Morris, 209Brakman, Roman, 352 n. 79, 356 n. 13Branover, German, 414 n. 18Brazil, 221Brezhnev, Leonid, 303Briansk, 20Brickman, William, 204briha, 18, 46Britain

Jewish activity in, 217-18; see alsoBoard of Deputies of British Jews

Labour Party, 178, 225parliamentary concern over Soviet

Jewry, 97, 225-26broadcasts

arrests for listening to, 47-48from Israel, 21, 43, 155, 299, 337, 348

n. 29, 366 n. 87, 407 n. 82in Hebrew, 62-63, 156, 299in Russian, 128, 156-57, 298-99in Yiddish, 43, 60, 62-63, 156see also BBC; Kol Israel; Kol Zion

lagola; Voice of AmericaBrocas, Patrice, 376 n. I l lBroderzon, Moshe, 367 n. 8, 373 n. 89Brodetskaia, Tina, 281-82Brodie, Rabbi Israel, 130Brodskii, Moisei, 425 n. 127Brogan, Sir Dennis, 248Bronstein, Harry, 403 n. 37Brooks, Theodore, 379 n. 60Brown, George, 226Bruce, Donald C , 185Brudnyi, Marek, 293, 309Buber, Martin, 139, 162, 222Buckley, Charles A., 152© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Bukhara, 273Bukovina (Northern), 17, 21, 103Bulganin, Nikolai, 108, 112-14, 117,

119, 411 n. 137Bundy, McGeorge, 199Burla, Yehuda, 232Butman, Gilia (Hillel), 290, 410 n. 126

Cadieux, Marcel, 396 n. 222calendar, Jewish, 158, 262, 300, 383

n. 113Calvacoressi, Peter, 171Campbell, J. R., 108Camp David, see Eisenhower,

President; Khrushchev, visit toU.S. camps, 39

Jewish activists in, 50-53, 75-76,289

uprisings in, 75-76Canada, 107

intellectuals in, 223Jewish activity in, 218parliamentary concern over Soviet

Jews, 227-28Canadian Jewish Congress, 218Cang, Joel, 127Capehart, Homer E., 154"captive nations/' 137Carey, James B., 135Caron, Herb, 208Carpatho-Rus, see TranscarpathiaCaspian Sea, 325Cassin, Jean, 98Caucasus, 62, 283, 292, 294, 329, 332Cellar, Emanuel, 96, 98Central Asia, 272-73, 294, 311, 325,

327-28Jews in during World War II, 15, 68,

347 n. 11see also Alma-Ata, Dushanbe,

Frunze, Uzbek SSRCesarkas, Boris (Cheserkii, Berl), 60Chaikovskii, Mikhail, 429 n. 161Chakovskii, Aleksandr, 408 n. 98Cheliabinsk, 58Chelouche, Aviezer, 285Cherkassy, 292Chernigov, 299Chernin, Albert, 201, 243Chernobilskii, Iosif, 310, 333Chernovtsy, 58, 259, 299, 332, 410

n. 131, 415-16 n. 33, 426 n. 136Chernukhin, Moisei, 421 n. 76Chile, 98, 110, 227

intellectuals in, 222Jewish activity in, 219

China, 30

choirs, see drama groups and choirsChoral Synagogue (Moscow), 24, 58,

315-16, 377 n. 21, 420 n. 68celebration of establishment of

Israel, 25, 350 nn. 46 and 47Jewish festivals in, 316-18reception of Golda Meyerson, 32-33,

45,49visits of Israelis, 43-44, 64-65,

314-15visits of Western rabbis and tourists,

116-17, 240-42, 269, 296, 337see also Levin, Rabbi Yehuda Leib;

Shlifer, Rabbi ShlomoChuvakhin, Dmitrii, 396 n. 228civil rights movement (U.S.), 202-03Claudel, Paul, 98Cleveland Committee (later Council)

on Soviet Antisemitism, 206-09Cohen, Elliott E., 93Cohen, Rabbi Seymour J., 199Cohen, Sam, 215Cohn, Haim, 175, 177cold war, 38-39, 92, 101, 122, 139, 161,

376 n. 9see also Iron Curtain

collective leadership, 55-56Coloane, Francisco, 222Comay, Michael, 169, 171, 173, 176,

229-30Commager, Henry Steele, 377 n. 35Commin, Philippe, 107communist parties, Western, 103,

108-09, 180of Australia, 182, 215of Belgium, 182of Britain, 109-10of Canada, 109-10of Chile, 98of France, 123, 182of Israel, 404 n. 44of Italy, 180-81of the United States, 183of Sweden, 189

communist press, Western, see DailyWorker; Kol ha'am; Morgn freyheyt;Naye prese

Communist Party of the Soviet Union(CPSU), 107, 230, 287, 374 n. 105

Bolshevik party, 23Central Committee Secretariat, 29,

55, 59-6120th party congress (1956), 56, 107,

109, 372 n. 8221st party congress (1959), 13422nd party congress (1961), 305see also ideology; Marxism-Leninism;© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Soviet Union, Jewish policy,nationalities policy

"concerts," see Yiddish, concertsConference of European Rabbis, 213Conference of Jewish Organizations

(COJO), 131, 215Conference of Presidents of Major

American Jewish Organizations,188, 193

see also Teller, Judd L.conferences and symposia (on Soviet

Jewry), 138, 245American Jewish Conference on

Soviet Jewry, 193-212Israel (1964-65), 232-33Jewish Minority Research (1963),

203-04London (1961), 142-43Paris (1953), 97; (1960), 138-41, 219;

(1963), 215; (1964), 222-23; (1966),213

Rome (1961), 142-43; (1966), 220Stockholm (1965), 223Zurich (1953), 98

Congressional Record, 145-49, 151Conseil representatif des juifs en

France (CRIF), 216Consultative Council of Jewish

Organizations, 166Coordinating Board of Jewish

Organizations (CBJO), 166, 229Council for the Affairs of Religious

Cults, 25, 117, 206, 271, 312, 314,350 n. 45, 408 n. 100, 421 n. 78,422 n. 80

Council of Europe, 178, 183-84, 225Court of Human Rights, 196Couve de Murville, Maurice, 395

n. 219Cronin, John, 199Crimea, 30, 292, 347 n. 11, 355 n. 5

see also Simferopol, YaltaCrimean Tatars, 53Crossman, Richard H., 143, 225, 380

n. 63Crystal, Leon, 115-16Cultural and Social Association of

Polish Jews, 110, 402 n. 24culture, Jewish, 42-44, 109, 126-27

activities, 57-60, 273-77, 319-21in camps, 52discrimination against, 128, 328Soviet apologia concerning, 108, 361

n. 25Western interest in, 107-14, 122-24see also drama groups and choirs;

Hebrew; Yiddish

Cushing, Richard, 205Cyrankiewicz, Josef, 252-53

Dagestan ASSR, 302, 311, 377 n. 21see also Derbent, Makhachkala

Daily Worker (U.S.), 372 n. 82Danilov, Aleksandr, 126Daugavpils, 274Davis, Jerome, 402 n. 32Davis, Thurston, S.J., 204, 206Day of Atonement, 32-33, 69, 242,

272, 316-17death penalty

invoked (1961), 130-31see also economic trials; Russell,

BertrandDecter, Moshe, 125, 161-62, 198, 203,

335Defense Association for Help for the

Jews of Russia, see MagenDeixonne, Maurice, 108de-Judaization, 194^95demonstrations, see public protestDenmark, 107, 224

Jewish activity in, 216deportation of nationalities, 53, 355

n. 5, 358 n. 53see also Doctors' Plot

Derbent, 276, 299, 302Der Nister, 367 n. 8de-Stalinization, 56, 103, 159, 251, 286,

340, 374 n. 105see also liberalization; the "thaw"

developing nations, see Third WorldDiefenbaker, John, 227-28Dinstein, Yoram, 168, 229discrimination (cultural, educational

and professional), seeantisemitism, official; culture,Jewish - discrimination against;Soviet Jewry, discrimination andrepression of; Soviet Union,Jewish policy

discussion groups, see groups,informal and group activity

disinformation, 34-35, 65, 113, 238,246, 277, 353 n. 103, 381 n. 72, 417n. 48, 418 n. 57, 422 n. 82

see also Soviet Union, anti-Israelpropaganda

dissident movements, 286-87divided families, see reunification of

familiesDmitruk, V. M., 176Dnepropetrovsk, 67, 278, 299Dobrynin, Anatolii, 131, 137, 186,

188-89, 380 n. 61© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Doctors' Plot, 39-40, 43, 46, 52-54,93-94, 101, 333

repudiated, 56, 359-60 n. 5documentation of emigration, see

vyzovyDodd, Thomas J., 148-50, 185, 189Dolnik, Solomon, 302, 327, 413-14

n. 11Domenach, Jean-Marie, 222Donbass, 325, 348 n. 15Donetsk, 299Douglas, William O., 203, 380 n. 63Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, 226DP camps, 346 n. 10Dragunskii, David, 408 n. 98drama groups and choirs, 60, 273-76,

308-10, 361 n. 24Draznin, Marek (Meir), 282, 289Drees, Willem, 380 n. 63Dreizner, Solomon, 290Druk, Boris, 289Druker, Irme, 357 n. 35Druskenniki, 309, 422 n. 86Dubinsky, David, 20Dubnow, Simon, 239, 352 n. 79Dulles, John F., 96, 104, 373 n. 90Durbrow, Elbridge, 19Dushanbe, 28, 299, 420 n. 65Dutton, Frederick G., 152, 389 n. 88Duynstee, Anthony E. M., 184, 395

n. 216Dymshits, Veniamin, 153-54Dynkin, Evsei, 278, 295-96, 313Dzintari, 275

Eastern Europe, 22, 27, 79, 93, 244and de-Stalinization, 56, 400 n. 8see also individual countries;

emigration from Eastern Europe;Slansky trial

East-West relations, 101, 104, 137, 224see also cold war; "Geneva Spirit";

peaceful coexistenceEaton, Cyrus, 144Eban, Abba, 176, 397 n. 241economic trials, 39, 130-31, 138,

163-64, 184-85, 246Edelman, Iakov, 280-81, 290Edelman, Maurice, 216education, Jewish, 246, 299Efman, Evsei, 29, 358 n. 50Egypt, see Nasser, Jamal ?Abd al-; Sinai

WarEhrenburg, Ilya, 20, 24, 34, 37-38, 53,

285, 287, 302, 352 n. 74, 380 n. 64,423 n. 100

Eichelberger, Clark M., 370 n. 40

Eichmann, Adolph, 290, 304, 306, 326,336

Einfeld, Sidney, 215Einstein, Albert, 97Eisenhower, President Dwight D., 96,

99, 133, 136, 148, 371 n. 61at Camp David, 186

Elefmillim, 78, 157, 304Eliashiv, Shmuel, 24, 69, 90-91, 102Eliav, Arie (Liova), 277, 279, 285, 322Eliav, Binyamin, 105, 110, 116, 122-24,

186, 220, 235, 371 n. 71, 383n. 109, 397 n. 241

Ellison, Ralph, 203Emerson, William, 370 n. 40emigration (general), 166-67, 169-70emigration from USSR, 60, 365 n. 73

1944-46, 17-18during "black years," 531953-56, 79-811956-66, 328difficulties in, 81, 259-60, 330-35discussed at U.N., 166-71, 174-77illegal, 31, 80, 359 n. 54, 412 n. 153rumors concerning, 34and Soviet-Israeli relations, 36,

63-64, 90, 100-04, 230, 354nn. 102-104, 368 n. 16

Soviet Jewish pressure for, 29-32,36-38, 284-85

Western pressure for, 95, 99-101,145-47, 160, 246-47

see also aliya; repatriation;reunification of families; SovietJewry, desirous of emigration

emigration from Eastern Europe, 27,35, 112, 329, 347 n. 10

from Poland, 252-54, 259; obstaclesto, 256-57

from Romania, 259Engel, Irving M., 378 n. 47Engels, 46Epelbaum, Mikhael, 373 n. 89Epshtain, Rabbi Moshe Mordekhai,

49Epshtein, Rosa, 280, 409 n. 107Erevan, 320Erlander, Tage, 224Eshel, Arye, 122, 220Eshkol, Levi, 233-34, 397 n. 241Eternal Light Vigil, 200Evans, Rowland, Jr., 129Evtushenko, Evgenii, 143, 161, 287,

302, 305, 320, 395 n. 207execution of Jewish writers and public

figures (1952), 137exposed, 115-16© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Executive Council of Australian Jewry,214-15

extra-territorial minorities in USSR,101, 124

see also Crimean Tatars; deportationof nationalities; Germans (Soviet);Greeks; Poles; Spaniards

Eynikeyt, 37see also Jewish Anti-Fascist

CommitteeExodus, 293, 300, 302-03, 415 nn. 30

and 32ex-Prisoners of Zion, 76-77, 279-81,

289-90, 292-93, 302, 356 n. 14,403 n. 37, 410 nn. 128 and 131

Fagerholm, Karl A., 107Faigin, Grisha, 47, 425 n. 127Fain, Veniamin, 28Faivilis, Lola, 354 n. 74family reunification, see reunification

of familiesFarbstein, Leonard, 148, 152, 185Federbush, Rabbi Simon, 375 n. 6Fedorenko, Nikolai, 428 n. 158Fefer, Itzik, 19, 24, 37, 113, 347 n. 11,

352 n. 68, 367 n. 8Feigin, Sara, 275Feldman, Anatolii, 425 n. 127Feldman, Myer, 187, 210Feldman, Rabbi, 26, 49Fergana, 32, 68festivals, Jewish, 271-72, 316-18

in camps, 52see also Day of Atonement;

Hanukka; New Year (Jewish);Passover; Purim; SimhatTora

Feuchtwanger, Leon, 295Feuer, Lewis, 237Feuerstein, Moses, 136film festivals (Moscow), 325-26Finkelshtain, Eduard (Eitan), 290Finkelstein, Leonid, 327Folks-shtime, 37, 116, 125, 279, 292, 372

n. 82, 411 n. 137Foot, Michael, 226Ford, Father George P., 204Ford, Gerald R., 192Fort Nine, 418 n. 54Foster, Sir John, 226France

intellectuals in, 222-23Jewish activity in, 215-16, 395 n. 219parliamentary concern over Soviet

Jewry, 227Socialist Party, 107, 227

France-USSR FriendshipAssociation, 142, 222-23

Frank, Waldo, 394 n. 198Fridman, Aleksandr, 289Fridman, Iakov, 282Friedlander, Dalia, 326Friedman, Ralph, 378 n. 47Friedman, Shmuel, see Eliashiv,

ShmuelFrischwasser (Raanan), Uri, 122Frondizi, Arturo, 110Frunze, 80Fulbright, William, 191-92Furtseva, Ekaterina, 127, 142

Gaitskell, Hugh, 225Gajewski, Stanislas, 402 n. 30Gallegos, Romulo, 394 n. 198Gannett, Lewis, 377 n. 35Garandy, Roger, 387 n. 60Garber, David, 275, 293, 306-07, 309Garber, Miriam, 293, 306Garber, Nehama, 324Garosci, Aldo, 320de Gaulle, 225, 329, 395 n. 219Gavish, David, 296, 327Gavrilov, Rabbi, 246Gefen, Shlomo, 46, 409 n. 107, 422

n. 86, 428 n. 155Gelfond, Meir, 76, 279, 281, 288, 293,

365 n. 66"Geneva Spirit/7 101, 105, 360 n. 7Genopolskii, Izrail, 49Georgadze, Mikhail, 378 n. 41Georgian SSR, 28, 77, 117, 267, 272-73,

279, 283^84, 292, 311, 313, 361n. 14, 383 n. 107, 421 n. 75

see also Batumi, Kulashi, Kutaisi,Poti, Sukhumi, Tbilisi, Tskhivali,Vani

German Federal Republic (GFR), 299,306, 316, 365 n. 73, 421 n. 72

Germans (Soviet), 53, 79, 101, 124,287, 365 n. 73, 426 n. 130

Gideon, Y. L., 101-02Gil, Geula, 323-24, 326Gimelfarb, Boris, 425 n. 121Gitlis, Ivri, 322Givton, Hanokh, 325Glik, Hirsh, 275Goberman (Hoberman), Shmerl, 62,

67, 72-75, 289, 291, 362 n. 42Gold, Yosef, 78Goldberg, Arthur, 186-89, 194, 384

n. 8, 391 n. 126Goldberg, Ben Zion, 236, 278, 399

n. 271, 427 n. 145© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Goldberg, Leib, 367 n. 8Goldhagen, Erich, 204, 391 n. 120Goldmann, Nahum, 111, 122, 131,

142, 197, 215, 229, 413 n. 7, 428n. 148

and Paris conference (1960), 139,141, 219

versus Israeli position, 233-35and Zurich conference, 98

Goldstein, Israel, 239, 375 n. 6Golovensky, Rabbi David I., 117-18Gomel, 30, 36, 46, 49, 299Gomulka, Wladislaw, 255, 257, 347

n. 11, 401 n. 12Gontar, Avraham, 291Gordon, Rabbi Harold H., 374 n. 110Gorkii, 366 n. 85Gorky, Maksim, 279Gosudarstvo Izrail (Ivanov, Konstantin,

and Sheinis, Zinovii; Moscow,1958), 412 n. 145

government protests, effectiveness of,187-88

Graham-Cooke, Roger, 226Grajewski, Victor, 383 n. 109"grass-roots" organizations in U.S.,

202-12de Grauw, Joseph-Edmond, 183Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 109Greeks (Soviet), 124, 179, 287, 426

n. 130Gromyko, Andrei, 22-24, 91, 101-02,

133, 163, 187, 215, 230, 245, 349n. 38, 376 n. 46, 385 n. 13

Grossman, Rabbi Jacob B., 375 n. 110Grossman, Meir, 27, 384 n. 114groups, informal, and group activity,

19-20, 28, 30, 47, 61-62, 76-77,277-80, 289-95

see also drama groups and choirs;and individual activists and cities

Guberman, Isak, 357 n. 35Gurevich, Yakov, 293, 303Gusman, Efim, 30, 49Guyot, Raymond, 387 n. 60Guzik, Anna, 58, 319, 337, 423 n. 97

Habad, 49, 197, 292Hadassah Women's Organization, 95,

243Halevi, Yehuda (Judah), 27, 316Halkin, Shmuel, 61, 109, 367 n. 8, 373

n. 89Hall, Gus, 387 n. 62Halperin, Rose, 390 n. 107Halpern, Seymour, 147, 165-67, 185,


Hambro, Edvard, 226Hamiel, Hulio, 326Hammerskjold, Dag, 384 n. 12Hanukka, 24, 62, 312, 349 n. 43Hanzin, Mordecai, 417 n. 52, 427

nn. 80 and 88Hapoel Hamizrachi Zionist

Organization, 241Harel, Arye, 421 n. 74Harman, Abraham, 122, 209, 371

n. 69Harriman, Averell, 187-88Harrington, Donald, 135Hart, Philip, 189Hasafa ha'ivrit, 157Hashomer Hatsair, 29hatikva, 26, 158, 282, 292, 322, 363

n. 51Hausmann, Gordon, 393 n. 172Hausner, Gideon, 290, 397 n. 246Havatzelet, Zeev, 264Haylit, Yitzhak, 46, 279Hays, Brooks, 149Hayter, William, 395 n. 206Hayward, Max, 143, 203-04, 395

n. 206Hazan, Eliyahu, 283-85Hebrew, 20-21, 26, 41, 45-47, 49-51,

57-58, 62, 290, 304broadcasts in, 62-63, 156, 299demand for, 112, 279, 304songs, 26, 58, 262, 290, 295, 309,

319-20, 323-25, 327, 416 n. 43study of, 78, 157-58, 266, 278, 281,

304, 410 nn. 128-29, 414 n. 11, 415n. 30, 416 n. 33, 417 n. 44

see also Elef millim; Hasafa ha'ivrit;Mori

Hehalutz, 29Held, Adolph, 94, 112, 379 n. 60Heller, Bunim, 374 n. 105Hellman, Yehuda, 390 n. 107Hendel, Nehama, 325Hendel, Yehudit, 302Hermannson, Carl-Henrik, 183Hersh, Jeanne, 140Herter, Christian, 133Hertz, Rabbi Richard C , 136, 148Herzl, Theodor, 51Herzog, Rabbi Isaac, 24Heschel, Rabbi Abraham Joshua, 193,

212Hester, Hugh, 402 n. 32HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid

Society), 391 n. 126High Holy Days, see Day of

Atonement; New Year© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Hill, Rabbi David, 379-80 n. 60Hindus, Maurice, 382 n. 103, 412

n. 152Hiog, M., see Plotkin, ZviHistadrut (Hahistadrut haklalit shel

ha'ovdim ha'ivriim beeretzyisrael), 371 n. 73

Hitler, Adolph, see nazism and NaziGermany

Hocking, William Ernest, 377 n. 35Hofshteyn, David, 26, 352 n. 68Hogg, Quentin, 397 n. 243Hollander, Rabbi David, 116-17, 374

n. 107, 398 n. 256, 412 n. 152Holocaust, 20, 48, 84, 91, 174, 176,

230, 304-06, 308, 310, 315-16, 325,339, 346 n. 7, 428 n. 158

see also Babii Iar; Eichmann, Adolph;Paneriai; Rumbula; Warsawghetto

Holmes, Rev. John James, 135Holt, Harold, 215Holtzman, Munik, 293human rights, 100, 103, 146, 185-87,

200, 388-89 n. 77see also U.N., Commission on

Human Rights; UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights

Humphrey, Hubert, 189Hungary (1956), 285

emigration from, 35Hurevits, Emil, 319

Iaunzem, Irma, 58ideology, 14-15, 39, 103, 286, 396

n. 225, 407 n. 75see also Marxism; Marxism-

Leninism; zhdanovshchinaIdishe kultur, 376 n. 18Ihud Olami (world Union of Poalei

Zion), 232Ilichev, Leonid, 113, 411 n. 137Illia, Arturo, 394 n. 118Ingles, Jose D., 138, 166-67, 169-71intellectuals (Western), 123, 128, 138

action by, 114,219-23activity in Israel, 233mobilization of in the West, 110,

138-44pressure on USSR, 162-63see also conferences and symposia

inter-city and inter-regional contacts(of Soviet Jews), 67, 73, 75, 77,280, 282-83, 289, 291-93, 295,302-03, 425 n. 124

International Commission of Jurists,178, 18^-85

International Confederation of FreeTrade Unions, 180

International Economic Conference(Moscow, 1952), 360 n. 11

International Federation of DemocraticWomen's Conference (Moscow,

. 1949), 360 n. 11international forums for discussion of

Soviet Jewish situation, 178-85see also conferences and symposia;

United NationsInternational League for the Rights of

Man, 131Inter-University Jewish Federation

(IUJF, Britain), 217Iofis, David, 46, 76, 279, 410 n. 128Iofis, Fania, 76Irkutsk, 58, 299, 322Iron Curtain, 14, 38-39, 360 n. 11Isakov, Boris, 59, 361 n. 20Islam, 386 n. 43Israel

broadcasts to Soviet Jewry, 62-63,156, 298-99

cultural events in USSR, 321-27delegations to international events

in USSR, 269, 325-27; see alsoIsrael, sports teams in USSR

demarches at U.N., 168-69, 171,176-77

diplomatic relations with USSR,32-37, 63, 327, 337-38

diplomats expelled, 74, 296, 327and Doctors' Plot, 93-94embassy, role of, 32-37, 4^45,

63-66, 90, 102-03, 296-97, 337-38,342, 362 n. 42

and emigration from USSR, 122,124; see also aliya; emigration (fromUSSR), and Soviet-Israelirelations

establishment of, 23; see also SovietJewry, reaction to establishmentof Israel; Soviet Union, Israel -support for establishment of

as focus for Soviet Jewry, 84,265-66, 329, 340

government policy, 35-36, 63-64,89-92, 94, 101-05, 227-29, 337,342-43, 368 n. 16

see also aliya, Israeli special office for;emigration (from USSR), andSoviet-Israeli relations

Independence Day, 62, 315-16Knesset, discussion of Soviet Jewish

situation, 92, 94, 129, 140, 231-34links with Soviet Jews, 32-33, 36-37,© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Israel cont.43-46, 50, 61-71, 89-90, 100, 102,230, 261-71, 296-97, 355 n. I l l ,363 n. 49, 396 n. 228

literature, 101-02, 157, 362 n. 39;confiscated, 300-02; demand for,279-81; dissemination of in USSR,66-67, 74, 262-63, 278-83, 291-92,296, 300, 410 n. 126, 415 n. 30; seealso Shalom; Vestnik Izrailia

public expressions of concern,228-36

and Slansky trial, 92-93and Soviet Jewry campaign (in

West), 92-94, 97-98, 103-07,110-111, 116, 122-24, 128, 133-34,138, 155, 168-69, 177-80, 182,186-87, 197-98, 202, 207, 212,220-21, 228-36, 397 n. 247

sports teams in USSR, 63, 70-71,269, 321-22, 362 n. 32

and tourists to USSR, 236-43; see alsotourism, Israeli and WesternJewish

trade with USSR, 44, 68-69, 356n. 20

and U.N. discussion of SovietJewish emigration, 168-69, 171-75

see also Arab-Israeli conflict; SinaiWar; Six Day War; Soviet Jewry,identification with Israel

Israel Defense Forces (IDF), volunteersfor, 28

Israel-USSR Friendship Society, 396n. 226

ItalyJewish activity in, 216Committee for Soviet Jewry, 220intellectuals in, 220

lion, 78Iudelevich, Asher Mordekhai, 289Ivanov, Boris, 170-72, 174Ives, Irving M., 96Izvestiia, 79, 146-47, 162, 335, 366

n. 83, 399 n. 280

Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 20Feuilletons, 293, 300, 302-03, 356

n. 10Jacobson, Charlotte, 243Janner, Sir Barnett, 131, 216-17, 226Jansen, V., 223Jaspers, Karl, 380 n. 63Javits, Jacob K., 96, 130, 145-46, 150,

152-54, 185-86, 188-89, 191-92,195, 391 n. 126

Jefferson, Thomas, 223

Jewish Agency for Palestine, 49, 95,98, 122, 235, 354 n. 108

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAFC),19, 24-25, 30, 34-35, 347 n. 11, 352n. 68, 374 n. 105

and applications for emigration, 38,351-52 n. 68

dissolved, 35, 110, 355 n. 5, 367-68n. 8

Jewish Autonomous Region ofBirobidzhan, 19, 22, 61, 127, 134,266-67, 274, 276

Jewish Encyclopedia (Rus., 1913), 356n. 10

Jewish Labor Committee (U.S.), 91,94, 101, 134-35, 369 n. 19, 377n. 27, 378 n. 47

Jewish Minority Research, 151, 161Appeal of Conscience, 204, 206conference (1963), 203-04

Jewish national movement in USSR,83-85, 283-84, 287-88, 340-41

forms of activity, 297-335 passimand Six Day War, 336-38see also aliya; arrests; groups,

informal, and group activityJewish non-governmental

organizations (NGOs) at U.N.,166-68

Jewish organizations and activity(national and international),213-19

see also Agudas Israel WorldOrganization; American JewishCommittee; American JewishConference on Soviet Jewry;American Jewish Congress;Anglo-Jewish Association; B'naiB'rith; Board of Deputies of BritishJews; Conference of JewishOrganizations; Conseilrepresentatif des juifs en France;Executive Council of AustralianJewry; Hadassah Women'sOrganization; Jewish LaborCommittee; National CommunityRelations Advisory Council;Rabbinical Council of America;Synagogue Council of America;United Jewish Appeal; WorldJewish Congress; World Union ofJewish Students; World Union forProgressive Judaism; WorldZionist Organization

Jewish state, see Israel, establishmentof

Jews in Eastern Europe, 124© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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The Jews of Silence, 243Johnson, Lyndon B., 189-90, 197-99Joint Distribution Committee, see

American Jewish JointDistribution Committee

Josephtal, Giora, 92journalists, contact with and

awareness of Soviet Jewry,115-16, 162

Judaism without Embellishment, seeKichko, Trofim

Kachalsky (Katzir), Aharon, 269Kaganovich, Lazar, 19, 107, 347 n. 11Kahane, Rabbi Haim Meir, 428 n. 149Kahanov, Nahum, 295, 371 n. 71Kahanov, Yitzhak, see Kogan,

YitzhakKaminka, Emil, 319Kanevskii, Meir, 44-46, 288-89,

291-92, 416 n. 42Kanokov, Shmaryahu, 36Kaplan, Abram, 291, 413-14 n. 11, 425

n. 124Kaplan, Armand, 390 n. 107Kaplan, Ben-Zion, 306Karaganda, 76-77, 279-81, 303Katsh, Abraham I., 112Katz, Avigail, 424 n. 116Katz, Katriel, 79, 396 n. 228, 421 n. 78Katz, Label A., 136, 138, 144, 172, 194,

379 n. 60Katz, Zolia, 283, 289Kaufman, Abraham, 280Kaunas (Kovno), 267, 299, 304, 308,

322, 405 n. 56, 418 n. 54Kazakh SSR, 40, 54, 279

see also Alma-Ata, KaragandaKazakov, Iakov (Iasha), 333-34Kazan, 357 n. 34Keating, Kenneth, 130, 145, 149, 151,

153, 185-86, 189Kehat, Moshe, 74Kelly, Sir David, 40-41Kempner, S. Marshall, 134Kennan, George, 39, 113Kennedy, John F., 137, 152, 186-89,

207, 329Kennedy, Robert, 198Kerler, Yosef, 59, 334^35, 403 n. 36,

426 n. 137Kertzer, Rabbi Morris, 117-19, 136-37Kesseh, Yona, 231Ketrzynski, Wojciech, 167, 171KGB, 67-68, 73-74, 281, 301, 324, 406

n. 70, 411 n. 139, 415-16 n. 33Khaiatovskii, Veniamin, 275, 319

Kharkov, 27, 69, 130, 278, 299, 308,319-20, 322-23, 377 n. 21

Khavkin, David, 283, 288-89, 292, 327,356 n. 10, 404-05 n. 50, 406nn. 67, 70 and 73, 407 n. 91, 425n. 121

Kheifets, Haim, 348 n. 29, 357 n. 35Khorol, Yosef, 288, 293, 365 n. 66, 412

n. 153Khrushchev, Nikita, 55, 84, 107, 119,

121, 123, 127, 137, 187-88, 205,366 n. 85, 374 n. 105, 375 n. 9, 378n. 44, 385 n. 13, 396 n. 229, 423n. 101, 427 n. 145

anti-religious campaign (1957-64),270, 309-10, 399 n. 284

antisemitism of, 56, 108, 110, 113,117, 121, 144-45, 163, 375 n. 4

correspondence with BertrandRussell, 162-64, 244-45

"peaceful coexistence" policy, 122,133, 135, 137-38; see alsoKhrushchev, visit to U.S.

and Polish repatriation, 256-58, 261Secret Speech, see CPSU, 20th party

congressvisit to Scandinavia, 216, 223-24visit to U.S., 132, 136-37, 147-48

Khust, 427 n. 142Kichko, Trofim, 164, 174, 182-83, 200,

212, 214, 399 n. 280Kiev, 20, 47, 50, 58, 66, 69-70, 75,

82-83, 117-18, 130, 135, 239^0,246, 291-94, 302-03, 310, 318, 321,333, 377 n. 21, 405 nn. 51 and 56,419 n. 64, 427 n. 145

group activity, 20, 48, 77, 278,289-90, 292, 304

visits of Israelis, 69-70, 321-23, 327King, Martin Luther, Jr., 198, 201, 203,

377 n. 35Kiselev, Evgenii, 405 n. 54Kishinev, 114, 130, 259, 262, 276, 299,

304, 309, 405 n. 56, 419 n. 64Kishko, Eliezer, 358 n. 44Klaperman, Rabbi Gilbert, 117, 374

n. 107Klebanov, Yaacov, 275Klutznick, Philip M., 136, 138, 371

n. 61Kodesh, Shlomo, 157Koenig, G., 59Kogan, Iurii, 178, 282Kogan (Kahanov), Yitzhak, 21, 352

nn. 74 and 78Kohler, Foy D., 38, 137, 153, 198Kokand, 67© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Kol ha?am, 279Kol Israel, 244, 383 n. 107Kol nidre, see Day of AtonementKol Yaacov rabbinical seminary, 57,

147_48, 270, 360-61 n. 14Kol Zion lagola, 44, 47, 51, 62, 66,

76-78, 83, 265, 295, 29&-99, 318,383 n. 107, 400 n. 3, 414 n. 11

Hebrew lessons from, 156, 279Russian language broadcasts,

156-57, 298see also broadcasts

Komi ASSR, 26, 428 n. 155Komsomol, 20, 30, 48, 151, 273,

330-31, 420 n. 70Komsomolskaia pravda, 412 n. 145Korey, William, 138, 162, 167-68, 204Koritskii, Yosef, 415 n. 29Kornblit, Lev, 323Korean War, 56Kosloff, Rabbi Irving, 375 n. 110Kosygin, Aleksei, 127, 200, 214, 222,

294, 333-34Paris statement, 161, 164, 177, 180,

192, 241, 246-48, 330, 334visit to Britain, 217-18, 226visit to Canada, 223

Kotliar, Yosef, 273Kotov, Mikhail, 335Kovno, see KaunasKozlov, Frol, 133-35Kraft, Bjor, 224Krasnoiarsk, 264Krasucky, Henri, 387 n. 60Kremenchug, 303Kricheli, Aron, 20-21Krishnaswami, Arcot, 165-66, 170Kubitschek, Juscelino, 394 n. 198Kubovy, Aryeh, 95Kuibyshev, 30, 130, 276, 351 n. 67, 357

n. 34Kulashi, 117Kushlin, Maksim, 424 n. 116Kutaisi, 71, 117, 273, 299Kuznetsov, Aleksei, 144, 355 n. 2Kuznetsov, Eduard, 289Kuzskovskii, Olga, 293Kuzskovskii, Yosef, 293, 306Kvitko, Leib, 24, 320, 367 n. 8

Lancett, Batya, 325Landau, Haim, 231Landau, Lev, 199Landman, Gitta, 62, 67, 72-73, 425

n. 127Landman, Moisei, 73Lapid, Arye, 44, 46

Larsen, Reidar, 183Latin America, 97, 110-11, 218-21

support for Soviet Jews, 97, 110-11see also individual countries

Latvian SSR, 77, 266, 274, 279, 325see also Daugavpils, Dzintari, Riga

Lefevre, Theo, 183, 225Lefkovskii, Leonid, 416 n. 39left-wing opinion, 110, 123, 178, 200,

212, 257, 39^95 n. 206see also intellectuals; public opinion;

socialist parties; SocialistInternational

Lehman, Herbert H., 100, 378 n. 47,380 n. 61

Leibowitz, Samuel, 412 n. 152Leningrad, 30-31, 47, 49, 58, 66, 72,

75, 79, 117, 237, 239-40, 271, 299,302-03, 309, 313, 318, 320, 327,405 n. 56

group activity, 20, 30, 47, 61,275-76, 278-79, 290, 292, 304, 409n. 107

Israelis in, 69, 321-22, 325Leningrad Affair, 39Levanon, Haim, 235Levanon, Nehemia, 74, 212Levavi, Arye, 90Levenberg, Shneour, 92, 179, 375 n. 6Levin, General, 26Levin, Meyer, 204Levin, Rabbi Yehuda Leib, 206, 241,

271-72, 312, 314, 421 nn. 74 and78

Levin, Reuven, 309Levitan, Isak, 403 n. 39Levy, Hyman, 110Lewin, Rabbi Isaac, 168Lezerovich, Avigdor, 32, 48, 353 n. 84Liash, Yaacov, 30-31liberalization, 56

and emigration, 79Liberman, Evsei, 199Liborkin, Shimon, 303Lieb, Alexander and Henry, 379 n. 52Lieb, Georgii, 315, 419 n. 64, 422 n. 82Lieberman, Rabbi George B., 374-75

n. 110, 382 n. 86Liebler, Isi, 182, 215Lifshitz, Nehama, 277, 290, 310, 319,

335, 410 nn. 121 and 124Lionaes, Aase, 140, 227Lipton, Marcus, 143Lipschutz, Alexander, 110literature

and Jewish national movement,300-04© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Jewish, in USSR, 42, 125-26, 356n. 10, 364 n. 62; see also SholomAleichem; and individual SovietJewish writers

translation of Israeli into Russian,302-04

Yiddish, 277see also Israel, literature; samizdat

Literaturnaia gazeta, 384 n. 1Lithuanian SSR, 50, 60, 77, 257, 266,

274, 279, 325see also Druskenniki, Kaunas,

Palanga, VilniusLitt, Rabbi Daniel, 209Litvinoff, Emanuel, 122, 124-25, 143,

162, 179Locker, Berl, 93Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 96, 146Loytsker, Chayim, 358 n. 44Lubanov, Rabbi Abram, 49, 312Lubavich, see HabadLubbock, Eric, 226Lugansk, 292Luns, Joseph, 226Luria, Nota, 357 n. 35Lutsk, 156Lutskii, Vladimir, 29Lvov, 17, 20, 26, 46, 71, 133, 255, 317,

373 n. 89, 401 n. 19group activity, 20, 30, 47, 61

Lyon-Caen, Leon, 140

McCissick, Floyd, 204McCormack, John W., 192MacDonald, Robert, 185Magen (Defense Association for Help

for the Jews of Russia), 233, 397n. 239

Magnin, Cyril, 134Makhachkala, 299Malakhovka, 376 n. 21Malenkov, Georgii, 56, 358 n. 42, 359

n. 2Malraux, Andre, 98, 370 n. 44Manevich, Grigorii, 316, 417-18 n. 52Mankowitz, Wolf, 140, 143Mapai party (Israel), 89-90, 107, 178,

180tenth conference (1965), 233

Margulis, Mikhail, 49, 302Mark, Ber, 292Markish, Peretz, 113, 320, 351 n. 68,

367 n. 8Markov, Aleksei, 302, 416 n. 41Marmor, David, 17^75Marque, Jean-Georges, 183-84Marshak, Samuil, 302

Marshall, Thurgood, 380 n. 63Martin, Paul, 228, 247Marxism, 110, 182Marxism-Leninism, 61, 110, 140, 159,

301, 339, 349 n. 39matzot, 41, 50, 52, 207, 292, 421 n. 72

forbidden, 130, 132, 270, 317-18permission to bake, 246, 318

Mauriac, Francois, 162, 207, 222Mayer, Daniel, 98, 139, 141-42, 220,

222, 335, 370 n. 44Mazey, Emil, 204Meany, George, 379 n. 52Meerovich, Shaul, 273Megged, Aharon, 290, 405 n. 56Meir, Golda, 98-99, 129, 140, 179, 233,

235, 396 n. 228, 397 n. 241, 411n. 143

heads first Israeli mission to USSR,23, 32-35, 37, 45, 4&-49, 53, 65,89-90, 261-62, 265, 268, 350 n. 47,352 n. 68, 353 n. 102, 367 n. 6

Memmi, Albert, 223Mendele Moikher Seforim, 25Mendelevich, Yosef, 289, 307, 413 n. 6Menshikov, Mikhail, 136, 245, 380

n. 61Menuhin, Yehudi, 239Menzies, Sir Robert, 215Merkher, Aron, 302, 357 n. 35Merriam, Robert E., 136Mexico, 111

Jewish activity in, 219intellectuals, 222

Meyerson, Golda, see Meir, GoldaMeyner, Robert, 134Mikhoels, Solomon, 19, 25, 40, 53,

277, 290, 320, 350 n. 44Mikoian, Anastas, 107, 133-34Mikunis, Shmuel, 233Miller, Arthur, 203-04, 335, 380 n. 63,

391 n. 128Miller, Rabbi Irving, 94, 136Miller, Rabbi Israel, 201, 211, 219, 240,

400 n. 292Miller, Jack, 143Miller, Rabbi Joseph, 374 n. 110Milo, Yosef, 325Mine, Hilary, 400 n. 8Ministry of Interior (USSR), see MVDMinistry of State Security (USSR,

MGB), 55Minsk, 79, 114, 144, 239, 246, 267, 293,

295, 299, 309, 346 n. 7, 406 n. 70,419 n. 64, 420 n. 68, 427 n. 148

Mintsberg, Iakov, 349 n. 38Mintz, Izrail, 288, 290© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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minyanim, 49, 270, 311, 377 n. 21Moe, Finn, 227Mogilev, 36, 49-50, 239, 295, 299Moizes, Marek, 274, 293, 310Moldavian SSR, 267, 319

see also Kishinev; TiraspolMollet, Guy, 207, 227Molotov, Viacheslav, 19, 31, 34, 112Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 17-18Morales, Don Carlos, 227Mordovian ASSR, 303More-Din, Naum, 357 n. 35Morgnfreyheyt, 125, 292, 418 n. 57, 421

n. 78Morgulis, Sergei, 288, 291-92, 302Mori, 157Morozov, Platon, 386 n. 37Mortimer, Rex, 182Moscow, 29, 58, 79, 117-18, 237,

239-40, 246, 271, 276-77, 291, 293,299, 303, 313, 320, 327, 356 n. 13,377 n. 21

group activity, 20-21, 28, 61-62,71-73, 80, 278, 288-89, 291-92,302, 304

Israelis in, 23, 32, 63, 65, 70, 79, 90,261-68, 278, 296-97, 321-26

Mountain Jews, see Dagestan ASSR,Derbent, Makhachkala

Moutet, Marius, 184Mowshowitz, Rabbi Israel, 119, 374

n. 110, 379-80 n. 60Mukachevo, 427 n. 142Mukhin, Mikhail, 24Multer, Abraham, 128Mundt, Karl E., 185music, Israeli in USSR, 262, 264, 299,

304see also Hebrew, songs; Israel,

cultural events in USSRJewish in USSR, 59-60, 274-76

MVD, 19, 31, 41, 48, 55, 352 n. 68, 364n. 62

see also OVIRMyshkov, Anatolii, 208, 210

Nalchik, 299Namir, Mordecai, 90Nantet, Jacques, 139, 141, 222, 370

n. 44Nasinovskii, Evgenii, 17^77Nasser, Jamal 'Abd al-, 336-37National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), 131, 200

National Catholic Welfare Council,199

National Community RelationsAdvisory Council (NCRAC), 193,201, 243, 390 n. 105

nationalism, 286, 339, 396 n. 229Baltic, 412 n. 1Estonian, 52Georgian, 108Lithuanian, 50, 355 n. 3Veliko (Great) Russian, 16, 110, 151,

239West Ukrainian, 50, 355 n. 3

nationalities policy, 14, 55, 59, 101,110, 126, 142, 230, 345 n. 2

see also deportation of nationalitiesnational minorities in USSR, 55, 145

anti-Russian feelings of, 128effect of Jewish emigration upon,

285national question, 135Navrozov, Lev, 354 n. 102Naye prese, 59, 292, 372 n. 82nazism and Nazi Germany, 53, 75,

95-96, 146, 149, 162, 170, 173, 176,182-83, 195, 245, 304, 326, 346n. 5, 386 n. 44

see also Eichmann, Adolph;Holocaust; World War II

Neiburg, Grisha, 78Nemirovskaia, Nadia, 21, 28, 45, 62,

72Neria, Moshe, 232Neruda, Pablo, 110Netherlands, 226New Leader, 125, 159New Year (Jewish), 32-33, 69New York Board of Rabbis, 116-19,

136newspapers, Israeli, see Israel,

literatureNezer, Zvi, 383 n. 109Niebuhr, Reinhold, 114, 380 n. 63Nikolaeva, T. N., 169Nissim, Rabbi Yitzhak, 232, 421 n. 78Nixon, Richard, 167, 385 n. 13non-Jewish groups, activity on behalf

of Soviet Jewry, 205-06, 219-28see also National Catholic Welfare

Council; National Association forthe Advancement of ColoredPeople; World Council ofChurches

Norilsk, 76, 279Norway, 101, 224, 226-27Non-Violence Group, 224Nove, Alec, 143Novik, Pesah, 418 n. 57Novosibirsk, 293, 299, 308, 351 n. 68© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Ochs, Haim, 419-20 n. 64Odessa, 27, 36, 44, 68, 117, 130, 239,

292-93, 299, 302-03, 306, 320, 405n. 56, 412 n. 153, 421 n. 72, 425nn. 120 and 121

group activity and individualactivists, 47-48, 61, 68, 71, 77, 80,304, 318, 348 n. 29

Israelis in, 68-69, 284, 321-22Oisland, Naum, 144Olevskii, Rabbi Natan-Neta, 312, 419

n. 64, 420 n. 66Omsk, 76, 156, 279, 299Orr-Ewing, Sir Ian, 226Ostrovskii, Iakov, 169, 172, 177Overland, Arnulf, 380 n. 63OVIR, 260, 330, 332-33, 335Oz, Amos, 290

Padley, Walter, 225Palanga, 309Palatnik, Raiza, 428 n. 158Palestine, see Israel, establishment of;

Soviet Union, support for Jewishstate in; yishuv

Paneriai, 305, 310, 325, 418 n. 53Paraf, Pierre, 223Paris Conference, see conferences and

symposiaparliaments, concern expressed by,

225-28see also Council of Europe; United

States, CongressPartashnikov, Anatolii, 289Passover, 52, 280, 317

see also matzotpassports, internal, 394 n. 34Patchornik, Avraham, 382 n. 104Patijn, C. L., 395 n. 216Pauling, Linus, 207, 222, 377 n. 35Peace Prayer Book, 57, 206, 270,

317-18, 360 n. 13"peaceful coexistence/7133-38, 145,

176, 187see also "Geneva Spirit";

Khrushchev, Nikita, "peacefulcoexistence" policy

Pearson, Lester B., 107, 227Pecherskii, Gennadii (Gedalia), 129,

150, 276, 278, 295-96, 312-13Peerce, Jan, 58, 320Perlzweig, Maurice, 111, 170, 390

n. 107Peron, Juan B., 97, 110"personality cult," see de-StalinizationPevsner, Yaacov, 416 n. 33Piatigorsk, 45, 246

Pihl, Mogens, 394 n. 205Pike, Bishop James J., 136, 200,

203Pineles, Mordecai, 314Pinkus, Louis Arieh, 397 n. 241Piperno, Sergio, 216, 220PLO (Palestine Liberation

Organization), 336Plotkin, Grigorii, 384 n. 115Plotkin, Zvi, 20, 31, 45, 235, 290, 352

n. 78, 371 n. 71Plummer, Sir Leslie, 143Podgornyi, Nikolai, 214, 396 n. 228Podolskii, Boris, 77, 281Podolskii, Dora, 77-78, 281-82, 289Podolskii, Semen, 282Poland, 80

antisemitism, 400 n. 8emigration from, 17, 252-54, 256-57,

259-60, 347 nn. 12 and 13, 401n. 11

Jewish refugees from in World War11,17

repatriation to, 17-18, 252-61, 328,346 n. 9, 347 nn. 11 and 13; andemigration from, 252-53, 255-56,259, 401 n. 12

see also Cultural and SocialAssociation of Polish Jews

Poles (in USSR), 60, 101, 179Polevoi, Boris, 59, 276-77Polianskii, Dmitrii, 395 n. 207Polikarpov, Dmitrii, 61political prisoners, 56, 76, 359 n. 4Polskii, Viktor, 356 n. 11, 416 n. 39Poltava, 69Ponomarev, Boris, 387 n. 60Pontillon, Robert, 179Portes Gil, Emilio, 394 n. 198Portnoi, Frederick, 322Poti, 43Poupko, Rabbi Bernard, 240-42Pravda, 37, 53-54, 113, 162, 200, 359

n. 5, 361 n. 20, 366 n. 83Pregerzon, Zvi, 20, 26, 33, 45, 235,

281, 288, 290, 351 n. 53, 352 n. 78,365 n. 66, 371 n. 71

Prestin, Vladimir, 416 n. 39Prinz, Rabbi Joachim, 131, 135-36, 379

n. 60, 390 n. 107prison camps, see campsPrisoners of Zion, 24, 26, 30-31, 36-37,

50-53, 62, 76-77, 89, 92, 288-89,364 n. 60, 397 n. 239

and Polish repatriation, 258see also arrests; camps; ex-Prisoners

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propaganda, see Soviet Union,anti-Israel propaganda

psychiatric hospitals, 331provocateurs, 41, 47, 271, 296, 301,

313public opinion (Western), 119-20, 128,

130-31, 399 n. 285, 413 n. 7see also United States, public opinion

and "grass roots" activitypublic protest, 198-201, 203, 210-11,

214, 218, 244see also "secret diplomacy"

publicizing plight of Soviet Jewry,113-14, 119-20, 122-25, 155,223-24

see also journalistsPulver, Lev, 59-60, 320Purim, 54, 312-13, 317

Raanan, Uri, see Frischwasser, UriRabbinical Council of America, 95

visits to USSR, 116-19, 240-41, 244Rabinowitz, Eugene, 391 n. 128racial discrimination, and U.N.

Commission on Human Rights,165-66, 171-72, 176, 396 n. 225

in U.S., Soviet criticisms, 135, 190Rackman, Rabbi Emanuel, 374 n. 107radio, see broadcastsRafael, Yitzhak, 92Rakhlin, Isak, 307-08Randolph, A. Philip, 198, 203, 391

n. 128Rapacki, Adam, 256"refuseniks," 332-33, 335religion, Jewish, 386 n. 43

see also festivals, Jewish; Kol Yaacovrabbinical seminary; matzot;minyanim; synagogues

Religious Zionists of America, 377n. 27

Remenik, Hirsh, 75, 282repatriation

from USSR, 79, 252, 340; see alsoreunification of families

to USSR, 146, 179, 234; see alsoArmenians

see also Poland, repatriation toreunification of families, 35-36, 79-81,

335, 358 n. 54, 411 n. 143, 425n. 130, 427 n. 142

and U.N. Human RightsCommission, 167, 171, 176-77

and Western pressure, 167, 246-47Reuther, Walter, 203, 379 n. 52Reznitskii, Basya, 403 n. 41Riazan, 49, 356 n. 13

Ribicoff, Abraham, 185-87, 189, 191,194-95, 198, 200, 246

Ricardi, Leopoldo, 140Riga, 17, 46, 71, 80, 82-83, 267, 279,

291, 299, 303, 309, 320, 332-33,419 n. 64, 420 n. 68

groups and group activity, 61, 78,274-75, 278, 288-89, 292-93, 297,302, 304, 318

Israelis in, 321-24see also Rumbula

Riklis, L. I., 157Rishal, Volf, 296, 313Ritter, Joseph G., 205Ruiz, Vincenzo-Arangio, 140Rivlin, Moshe, 397 n. 246Robeson, Paul, 276-77Robinzon, Binyamin, 46Robison, Howard W., 190Rochet, Waldeck, 387 n. 60Rock, Anna, 416 n. 39Rodionov, Leonid, 307Rohde, Peter Per, 223Roitman, Ester, 275Rolnikaite, Masha, 418 n. 53Romania, 80

emigration from, 35, 259Romero, Jose Luis, 110Romm, David, 412 n. 153Roosevelt, Eleanor, 144, 196, 334, 370

n. 40, 380 n. 63Roosevelt, James, 199Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius, 369 n. 19Rosenberg, Rabbi Stuart E., 149Rosenblum, Louis, 206Rosenne (Rosenhaupt), Meir, 122, 124,

171, 198, 209, 393 n. 165Rostov-on-Don, 117, 130, 299Rostow, Walt, 201Rotenburg, Boris, 73Roth, Stephen, 374 n. 109Rothman, Rabbi Robert A., 209Rovno, 156, 417 n. 49Rowan, Carl T., 389 n. 88Rozen, Aharon, 157RSFSR, 30, 84Rubashov, Liova, 426 n. 135Rubashov (Shazar), Zalman, 90Rubin, Anatolii, 289, 303, 405 n. 50,

406 n. 70, 411 n. 140, 413 n. 11Rubin, Inessa, 383 n. 104Rubinshtain, Abram, 417 n. 44Rudnev, Konstantin, 225Rumbula, 306-08rumor, see disinformationRusinek, Ezra, 46, 293, 303Rusk, Dean, 152, 186-87, 190, 197© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Russell, Bertrand, 207, 220, 222-23,244, 248, 334-35, 380 n. 63, 427n. 148

correspondence with Khrushchev,162-64, 231, 244-45

and death penalty, 163-64Russian Orthodox Church, 151russification, see acculturationRustin, Bayard, 199, 203, 205, 391

n. 128Rutshtain, Leonid, 30

Saidin, Ilia, 36 n. 42Salisbury, Harrison, 151, 198Salsberg, Joseph B., 110, 411 n. 137Salzman, Pnina, 322Samarkand, 28, 80, 273samizdat, 161, 280-82, 287-89, 291-92,

302-04see also Soviet Jewry, manuscripts

written by Soviet JewsSamuel, Maurice, 204Sannes, John, 394 n. 205Santa Cruz, Herman, 172Santos, Eduardo, 394 n. 198Sapozhnikov, V. I., 166Saratov, 47, 357 n. 34Sarid, Yaacov, 397 n. 246Sasonkin, Eduard, 351 n. 68Scandinavia

Jewish activity in, 216intellectuals, 223-24see also individual countries

Scandinavian Jewish YouthFederation, 216

Schachter, Rabbi Herschel, 374 n. 107Schechtman, Joseph, 146-47Scheuer, James, 211Schmittlein, Raymond, 223Schneier, Rabbi Arthur, 206Schwartz, Harry, 111, 365 n. 75Schwartz, Joseph, 92Schwarz, Solomon, 368 n. 9Schweitzer, Albert, 207, 222, 380 n. 63Scott, Hugh, 200, 381 n. 76Scznek, Adam, 256"secret diplomacy/7 139, 197, 215, 234Secret Speech, see CPSU, 20th party

congressSeder, see PassoverSegerstedt, Torgny, 223Seidenfaden, Erik, 361-62 n. 28, 373

n. 94Sella, Moshe, 74SEM, see Lvov, group activitySemenov, Vladimir, 285Senesh, Hanna, 280

Shabad, Theodore, 423 n. 96Shalom, 158, 384 n. 116, 415 n. 32Shapira, Moshe, 90Shapiro, Feliks, 304Shapiro, Grigorii, 291-92, 302, 305Shapiro, Rabbi Shlomo, 420 n. 65Sharett, Moshe, 35, 68-69, 91, 94,

103-04, 178, 397 n. 241Sharett, Yakov, 296Sharfshtain, Hirsh (Vilnius), 309Shatunovskaia, Lidiia, 349 n. 38Shcherbakov, Aleksandr, 16, 40Shchiborin, Aleksandr, 230Sheinis, Zinovii, 141Shelepin, Aleksandr, 407 n. 75Shenkar, Mordekhai, 46Shepilov, Dmitrii, 108Shertok, Moshe, see Sharett, MosheSheveleva, Basia, 73Shifrin, Abram, 303Shlifer, Rabbi Shlomo, 24-25, 65, 82,

111-12, 270-71, 280, 350 n. 47, 360n. 14, 366 n. 83, 419 n. 61

Shlonsky, Avraham, 290, 320Shnaider, Yosef, 78-79, 81, 282,

288-89, 292-93, 306, 309, 318, 402n. 31, 418 n. 57, 425 nn. 123 and127

Sholom Aleichem, 236, 273, 320, 423n. 98

centenary, 276-78Shoshkes, Chaim, 115, 236, 240, 253,

362 n. 36Shostakovich, Dmitrii, 395 n. 207

Thirteenth Symphony, 305, 320Shperber, Ioakhim, 30-31Shperling, Boris, 289, 293, 411 n. 140Shpilberg, Aron, 290Shtern, Lena, 34Shtukarevich, Avraham, 36-37Shulman, Zinovii, 319, 423 n. 97Shurer, Chaim, 115, 373 n. 97Shvartser, Vladimir (Binyomin), 329Siberia, 30, 40, 43, 54, 58, 267, 274,

279, 294, 303, 327, 332, 356 n. 14;see also Irkutsk, Kuibyshev,Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk

Sieff, Israel, 143, 375 n. 6Silver, Charles H., 177Silver, Rabbi Abba Hillel, 144Simferopol, 299, 323Simhat Tora, 52, 296, 310, 318-19, 321,

409 n. 107Simonov, Konstantin, 59, 302Simpson, William W., 143Sinai War, 79, 81-85, 265-66, 32&-329Singer, George, 323© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Six Day War, 336-38, 344Sixth World Festival of Youth and

Students, 59, 155, 261-68, 326Slansky, Rudolf, trial (1952), 52, 92-95Slepak, Vladimir, 290Sloves, Chaim (Henri), 125-26Slovin, Boris and Lidiia, 293, 302Smilansky, Yizhar, 290, 421 n. 79Smolar, Hirsh, 374 n. 105Sneh, Moshe, 370 n. 46Sochi, 239, 323socialist parties, 107-08, 178

see also Britain, Labour Party;France, Socialist Party

Socialist International, 178-79Socialist Study Group, 178-79, 224,

394 n. 205Soustelle, Jacques, 98, 370 n. 44South Africa, Board of Deputies, 166Sovetish heymland, 144, 200, 238, 244,

380 n. 71Soviet Far East, 294Soviet Jewry

concessions to, 57, 142, 246-48, 328contacts with Jewish world outside,

48, 57, 104-05, 111-12, 115-20, 358n. 42, 406 n. 70

contacts with Israel, 101-02, 326, 421n. 76; see also Israel, embassy -links with Soviet Jews; SixthWorld Festival of Youth andStudents; tourism, Israeli andWestern Jewish

demography, 345 n. 4, 363 n. 47desirous of emigration, 118, 134,

284-85, 327-29, 340, 345 n. 1, 365n. 75, 367 n. 92, 412 n. 152

discrimination and repression of, 56,127-33, 147-48, 167, 294, 328-29,376 n. 9, 380 n. 63, 387 n. 56, 395n. 206; see also economic trials

identification with Israel, 27-29, 82,90, 155, 261-68, 321-27, 336-38,367 n. 91

isolation of, 41, 43-44, 386 n. 43; seealso Soviet Jewry, contacts withJewish world outside

and liberalization, 56-57, 79, 159-60manuscripts of Soviet Jews, 70, 105,

281-82, 290, 363 n. 48, 364 n. 58national awakening of, 83, 286-338

passim, 340, 345 n. 2, 418 n. 55national identity and consciousness,

20-21, 42, 45, 84-85, 91; see alsoJewish national movement inUSSR; Soviet Jewry, identificationwith Israel;

nationalistic activities, 268-85and outside world, 89-120, passim;in postwar years, 13-23;reaction to establishment of Israel,

23-32, 350 nn. 44 and 47, 351n. 56; see also Meir, Golda; War ofIndependence

Soviet sensitivity regarding, seeSoviet Union, sensitivity toWestern criticism and pressure

and World War II, 15-17see also aliya; anti-cosmopolitan

campaign; antisemitism; assimi-lation; "black years"; culture,Jewish; Doctors' Plot; emigration;Israel, embassy - links with SovietJews; Jewish Autonomous Regionof Birobidzhan; JewishAnti-Fascist Committee; Poland,repatriation to; Sovetish heymland;World War II; Zionism

Soviet Unionconstitution, 60, 113, 148, 159, 163,

294, 360 n. 12, 414 n. 19, 427n. 139

domestic travel restrictions, 44, 67,356 n. 18, 362 n. 42, 408 n. 105

foreign policy, 56, 159; see also "coldwar"; "Geneva Spirit"; "peacefulcoexistence"; Soviet Union,relations with Arab countries

intelligentsia, 161, 163, 286-87, 336Jewish policy, 21-22, 38-41, 109,

113-14, 121, 127, 151, 159-60, 180,189, 285, 339-41, 372 n. 82; see alsoanti-cosmopolitan campaign;antisemitism, official; "blackyears"; Doctors7 Plot; emigration;Jewish Autonomous Region ofBirobidzhan; reunification offamilies

liberalization, 56; see alsode-Stalinization

nationalities policy, 112, 230post-Stalin succession struggle,

55-56, 359 n. 2; see also collectiveleadership

relations with Arab countries, 23,27, 82, 96, 146-47, 230, 261,336-37, 341, 396 n. 229

relations with and policy towardIsrael, 29; anti-Israel propaganda,37, 45, 79, 128, 130, 229, 243, 282,284-85, 336, 366 n. 86, 405nn. 54-55, 408 n. 94; see alsoIzvestiia; Pravda; Trud; cultural andeconomic ties, 68-69, 321-27;© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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diplomatic relations, 32-37, 63,99-101, 337; Soviet Jewry as anissue in, 35, 89-90, 230, 396n. 228; support for establishmentof Jewish state, 22-24, 27-28

see also Arab-Israeli conflict;emigration, and Soviet-Israelirelations; Sinai War; Six Day War;War of Independence

sensitivity to Western criticism andpressure, 103, 106-08, 119-20,132-33, 141, 148, 151, 159, 162-64,188, 200, 205, 245-48

State Secrets Act, 34Supreme Soviet, USSR, 333youth, 336see also CPSU; ideology; KGB; MVD;

nationalities policy; USSR Writers'Union

Spaak, Paul-Henri, 225Spain, 31Spaniards (in USSR), 79, 124, 174, 287,

365 n. 73Spellman, Cardinal Francis, 205Sperber, Manes, 143Spingarn, Arthur S., 370 n. 40Spivak, Grigorii, 36, 46Spollswood, S. G., 131sports, see Israel, sports teams in USSRStalin, Joseph, 13-14, 22, 25, 31, 55-57,

345 n. 1, 347 n. 11, 353 nn. 99 and102

antisemitism of, 16, 18, 40, 47, 61,348 n. 19

"collective leadership" rectifiespolicies of, 55-56

death of, 32, 39, 48, 53-54, 100; seealso de-Stalinization; the "thaw"

Status of the Jews in the Soviet Union(M. Decter), 161-62

Stearman, William, 210Stern, Isaac, 380 n. 63Stevenson, Adlai, 153Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry

(SSSJ), 209-12Suez Campaign, see Sinai WarSukhumi, 117, 237, 291-92, 299Suller, Chaim, 125Surkov, Aleksei, 59, 276Suslov, Mikhail, 109-10, 127, 181, 387

n. 60Svechinskii, Vitalii, 352 n. 79Sverdlovsk, 58, 290, 327, 357 n. 34Svet, Gershon, 384 n. 114Sweden, 107, 227

see also conferences and symposia,Stockholm

Sweeney, Robert, 392 n. 145Synagogue Council of America, 95,

193, 199synagogues, 42-43, 57, 271-72, 310-19,

419 n. 60attacked, 376-77 n. 21, 420 n. 68closure of, 49, 135, 147, 270, 310-11;

condemned by Kennedy, 187;stopped, 246

and Jewish national identity, 310-19limits and constraints imposed on,

271-72, 311-17as meeting places with Israelis,

43_44, 57, 269-71, 311-15, 421nn. 78 and 79, 422 n. 85, 426n. 134

as meeting places with WesternJews, 111-12, 116-18, 135, 144,237-^3, 399 n. 271

see also Choral SynagogueSzmerler, Yosef, 351 n. 68, 402-03

n. 36

Taft, Bernard, 182Taganrog, 46, 303, 383 n. 107Tagliacozzo, Enzo, 220Tal, Sidi, 58, 319, 423 n. 96Tallinn, 417 n. 51Tammuz, Binyamin, 290Tari, Ephraim, 124Tartakower, Aryeh, 397 n. 246Tashkent, 21, 67, 71, 80, 237, 273, 299,

419 nn. 62 and 64Tashlitskii, Kh. L., 357 n. 35Tatar ASSR, 30Tatu, Michel, 423 n. 101Taubin, Dov, 293, 303Taylor, Telford, 204, 370 n. 40Tbilisi, 21, 117, 231, 239-40, 273,

291-92, 299, 320, 322, 420 n. 71Teff, Solomon, 217Tekoa, Yosef, 230, 314-15, 422 n. 80,

424 n. 112Teller, Judd, 111, 122, 133, 204Teplitskii, Lev, 289Ternow, Mandel, 245Terracini, Umberto, 143, 181the "thaw" (1953-56), 55-85, 100, 103

arrests and camps, 72-76family reunification, 79-81hopes and promises unfulfilled,

56-61Third World, 159, 185, 261

and Soviet Jewry, 107, 168Thomas, Norman, 114, 135, 198, 203,

211, 377 n. 35Thomas, Peter, 216© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Thompson, Llewellyn, 137, 144, 188Thorne, Charles, 211Thorpe, Jeremy, 226Tindemans, Leo, 225Tingsten, Herbert, 223Tiraspol, 405 n. 56Tito, Josif Broz, 372 n. 86Toaff, Elio, 216Togliatti, Palmiro, 180Toledano, Lombardo, 111Toll, Hermann, 185Tomsk, 32, 47, 293tourism, Israeli and Western Jewish,

67, 115-18, 135, 144, 155, 236-44,269, 271, 300, 333, 336, 408 n. 94

trade, see Israel, trade with USSR;United States, trade with USSR

Transcarpathia, 17, 299, 332Tree, Marietta, 169, 173, 176trials, economic, see economic trialsTribuna (Buenos Aires), 372 n. 82Trilling, Lionel, 140, 204Trud, 150, 314Trumpeldor, Yosef, 280Tsaitlin, Samuil (Bubik), 307-08Tsfoni, A., 20, 235Tsirulnikov, Natan, 279-80, 409

n. 107, 410 n. 126Tskhivali, 292Tsukerman, Binyamin, 293, 303Tumerman, Lev, 349 n. 38; see also

Shatunovskaia, LidiiaTurkey, 31, 56Tushewitz, Morris, 211Turvin, Ben-Tsion, 290Turkow, Mark, 390 n. 107Tverskii, Rabbi Abraham Yosef, 332Twentieth Party Congress, see CPSUTyler, William, 198

U Nu, 107U Thant, 131, 204, 221-23, 335Ufa, 58Ukraine, 22, 26, 30, 272, 319

Academy of Sciences, 26antisemitism in, 15-16, 18, 69, 82,

260, 294, 332, 363 n. 49, 377 n. 21;see also Kichko, Trofim

Jewish national consciousness in, 70Western, 17, 50, 257Ukrainians in camps, 52Ukrainians in diaspora, 146see also Belaia Tserkov, Cherkassy,

Chernigov, Chernovtsy, Crimea,Dnepropetrovsk, Donbass,Donetsk, Kharkov, Kiev, Lutsk,Lvov, Transcarpathia, Uman,

Uzhgorod, Vinnitsa, Zhitomir,Zhmerinka

Ulianovsk, 357 n. 34Uman, 299Undzer vort, 283UNESCO, 149-50, 389 n. 77;

Convention againstDiscrimination in Education, 172

Ungaretti, Giuseppi, 220Ungenyi, 405 n. 56Union of American Hebrew

Congregations, 206Union of Orthodox Jewish

Congregations of America, 136United Jewish Appeal (UJA), 92-93,

98United Nations, 16^78, 375 n. 6

appeals to (by Soviet Jews), 240debate on future of Palestine (1947),

22-23Commission on Human Rights, 130,

151-52, 24017th session, 16518th session, 165, 16819th session, 16520th session, 17321st session, 175-7623rd session, 177Subcommission on the Prevention

of Discrimination andProtection of Minorities, 138;discusses Soviet Jewry, 165-66,172, 174-77, 192, 196; discussesSoviet Jewry's right ofemigration, 166-72

Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC), 164, 173-74, 199,387 n. 53

General Assembly, plenary, 176General Assembly, 3rd Committee,

164, 169, 171-72, 176, 230International Convention on Civil

and Political Rights, 165International Convention on the

Elimination of All Forms ofDiscrimination, 165

and Israeli intervention on SovietJewry, 168-69, 171-77, 229-30

and Jewish non-governmentalorganizations, 166-68, 170-72

partition resolution, 23and right to emigration, 166-72,

176-77Universal Declaration of Human

Rights, 121, 165, 167, 169United States

administration, 152-53, 185-93; see© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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also individual presidents andsecretaries of state

civil rights movement, 203congress, 145-54, 185-93Jewish activity, 92; see also American

Jewish organizations, andindividual organizations

public opinion and "grass-roots"activity, 99, 202-03, 206-12

trade with USSR, 111, 134wheat sales, 186-87, 207see also cold war; East-West

relations; "peaceful coexistence"United Synagogue of America, 130Universities' Committee for Soviet

Jewry (Britain), 218Unterman, Rabbi Yehuda, 232Urals, 58, 267, 293-94

Jews in during World War II, 15, 34Urey, Harold C , 97Urman, Yosef, 348 n. 23, 351 n. 53,

403 n. 37, 410 n. 131Uruguay, 220, 222USSR Writers' Union, 29, 59, 115, 125,

276, 282, 33^35, 361 n. 27Uzbek SSR, 31

see also Bukhara, Fergana, Kokand,Samarkand, Tashkent

Uzhgorod, 427 n. 142

Vagenheim, Iakov, 307Vaisman, Barukh, 66, 70, 75, 119, 235

282, 289, 363 n. 48Vani, 117Vansittart, Peter, 140Varhaftig, David, 293Veliko (Great) Russians, 14, 40, 345

n. 1Venezuela, intellectuals in, 221-22Verdier, Robert, 372 n. 75Vergelis, Aron, 144, 245, 309Vertlib, Grigorii (Grisha), 290Vestnik Izrailia, 158, 280, 302, 384

n. 114, 410 n. 126, 415 n. 32Victoria Jewish Board of Deputies

(Australia), 21^15Vietnam, 177, 202Vilnius, 17, 30, 36, 60, 71, 78, 246, 255,

267, 275, 292, 303, 305, 317, 401n. 19, 403 n. 41, 407 n. 82, 418n. 53, 419 n. 64

drama group, 273-74, 308-10Israelis in, 321-25

Vinnitsa, 18, 28, 47, 292, 377 n. 21, 383n. 104

Vinogradov, Sergei, 141Vlasov, Andrei, 101-02

Vofsi, Meir, 46Voice of America, 21, 43, 91, 337, 348

n. 29, 356 n. 14Vokhnblat, 372 n. 82Volgograd, 299Vorkuta, 51, 75-76, 279-80Voroshilov, Kliment, 114, 378 n. 44,

411 n. 137Voznesenskii, Nikolai, 355 n. 2Vyshinskii, Andrei, 31, 35, 91vyzovy, 80, 257, 284, 327, 330-31

Wadsworth, James, J., 149Wagner, Robert, 198War of Independence (Israel), 27-28,

30, 35, 329, 351 n. 68, 352 n. 74Warren, Robert Penn, 203Warsaw ghetto, 215, 277, 279, 292,

305-06, 308Waterman, Alec, 181-82Webster, David, 395 n. 213Weinstein, Lewis, 379 n. 60Weiser (Varon), Benno, 221Weiss, David W., 204, 237-38Weizmann, Chaim, 25-26, 78Welles, Sumner, 370 n. 40Werth, Alexander, 29West, Benjamin, 36Western intelligence services, 39-40,

122, 258Western leaders, 107, 245; see also

individual statesmenWestern public opinion, see public

opinion, Western; United States,public opinion and "grass-roots"activity

"Western territories," 17, 51, 91, 103,252, 284, 298, 328, 332, 346 n. 8,400 n. 3

West Germany, see German FederalRepublic

White, Douglas H., 169, 176White, Eireen, 226White, Lee C , 199White, Walter, 370 n. 40Wiesel, Elie, 212, 242-43, 319Wilder M , 238Wiley, Alexander, 99Wilkins, Roy, 200Williams, Harrison, 189Willkie, Mrs. Wendell L. (Edith), 370

n. 40Wilson, Harold, 178, 217, 225-26, 329,

334Winter, Harry, 134World Conference of Jewish

Organizations, 213© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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World Council of Churches, 205World Federation of Democratic Youth

(WFDY), 83, 261see also Sixth World Festival of Youth

and StudentsWorld Jewish Congress, 93, 100, 111,

122-23, 131-32, 166, 197, 213, 215and Israeli policy, 229see also American Jewish Congress;

Canadian Jewish Congress;Executive Council of AustralianJewry

world Jewry, reaction to Slansky trialand Doctors7 Plot, 92-101

World Refugee Year, 147World Union of Jewish Students,

213-14, 216, 395 n. 206World Union for Progressive Judaism,

166World War II, 13-14

Jews in Soviet armed forces in,304-05, 345 n. 3, 348 n. 30

and Soviet Jewry, 15-17, 91, 138,324, 329, 346 nn. 5 and 7, 354n. 108

see also Holocaust; reunification offamilies; Warsaw ghetto

World Zionist Labor Movement, 232World Zionist Organization, 93, 98,

100, 122, 132, 197Writers7 Union, see USSR Writers7


Yaffe, Shmuel (Mulka), 18Yalta, 239Yankelevich (Yanai), Yaacov, 156-57Yankelevich, Yosef, 309Yapou, Eliezer, 171-72Yarkoni, Yaffa, 283Yehil, Haim, 371 n. 69Yelan, Professor, 326yeshiva, see Kol Yaacov rabbinical

seminaryYiddish, 57-60, 62, 114, 125, 139, 277

books and publications, 41, 59, 277broadcasts, see broadcasts in Yiddish"concerts,77 58, 126, 277-78, 290,

310, 319, 337; see also individualartists

culture, 58-59, 376 n. 9demand for, 112theater, 42, 58, 277, 290, 319-20writers, 40, 47, 59, 113, 115-16, 320,

361 n. 27see also Sovetish heymland

yishuv, 18, 21, 24, 27, 280Yizhar, S., see Smilansky, YizharYom Kippur, see Day of Atonementyouth and students, 21, 68, 266-67,

271-72, 293, 319, 334, 336, 420n. 70, 426 n. 136, 428 n. 155

arrests, 47-48, 51, 423 n. 92and cultural events, 320-21group activity, 20, 30, 293-95, 297and Israeli broadcasts, 299-300seeking roots, 42, 29^95, 298and Six Day War, 336and War of Independence, 28, 30see also Komsomol

Youth Festival (1957), see Sixth WorldFestival of Youth and Students

Yugoslavia, 56

Zabara, Natan, 302Zacklin, Ralph, 168Zadok, Haim, 184Zaporozhe, 323Zarubin, Georgii, 94, 113, 116Zeltner, ZeevW., 177Zhdanov, Andrei, 16, 22, 38-40zhdanovshchina, 22, 34Zhemchuzhina, Polina, 34, 353 nn. 99

and 102Zhidovetskii, Shmuel, 291Zhitomir, 246Zhits, Grigorii, 37Zhmerinka, 20, 47-48, 51, 262, 299,

323Zilberman, David, 306Zilberman, Grigorii, 281-82Zionism, 20, 24, 28, 38, 114, 345 n. 4,

349 n. 38, 365 n. 75activities and arrests during ''black

years,77 43, 45-50in camps, 50-53, 75-76, 289postwar, 19, 22-23prewar, 17, 62, 345 n. 1, 348 n. 23Soviet attitude to, 23, 29, 37, 108,

230Soviets equate with nazism, 176,

183, 386 n. 44, 396 n. 225veteran Zionists, 20, 45, 51, 61-62,

288, 290, 293, 309see also aliya; groups; Jewish national

movement; Soviet Jewry,identification with Israel, nationalawakening, national identity andconsciousness, nationalisticactivities; Prisoners of Zion

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