the story of evil snowman

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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The adventures of an evil snowman tree ornament, and the trouble he causes while pursuing the love of his life, Angel ornament.


The Story of the Evil Snowman


Marie Antoinette Sebbio Fero

© February, 2012

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful community of Christmas tree ornaments, created by a wonderful Mom named “Toni”. Through the years, she lovingly made these ornaments and sent them out to her four children, who in turn cherished them, along with their own children. The ornaments were all very pretty and three-dimensional, made with painstaking detail. But one year, an interloper made his way into the ornament box to be sent off to the oldest (and best) child and her children. When the highly anticipated box arrived from UPS, the family was ecstatic as usual, but when the ornaments were all unwrapped, the children became terrified upon looking at the snowman ornament.

“Why, he looks like an evil snowman! Look at his squinty eyes, and bloody mouth!”

Both children were a bit afraid, and yet drawn to this strange little guy. From that time on, he was referred to as the “Evil Snowman”.


Evil Snowman

Through the many years of tree trimming and family gatherings, Evil Snowman was well-behaved and just hung where he was placed. But things changed drastically during the 2011 Christmas season! At this time, the ornaments were between twenty-five and thirty years old, and the children in the house were grown and gone. It was just the parents, George and Marie, alone with Evil Snowman and the ornament community.

It all started with Santa, who noticed a change in the position of Evil Snowman, so he kept a close watch on the little, soon to be troublemaker.


The staring contest didn’t last long…..


When Santa averted his gaze, Evil made his break by kidnapping Gingerbread Man and attempting to ride the sleigh ornament up the tree to see his true love, Angel.

However, Angel did not return his love, for she was hopelessly smitten with Jack-in-the-Box…


But, Jack was in love with….Evil Snowman!!!

What followed was a series of attempts by Evil to reach his Angel.

The Gingerbread Man escaped his clutches, so Evil tried various routes to reach his love…..


After the plane flight failed, he attempted to run over a Panda Bear but was overtaken by said Panda…..


And then he tried to gain Angel’s attention through serenading her, only to become frustrated at his lack of hands and arms…..


He managed to jump, (or was pushed) off of the tree, only to encounter Natasha, one of the family cats.


Natasha, as cats are want to do, could care less…

Marie placed him back on the lower part of the tree, but he didn’t give up…


He tried getting up the tree on Rocking Horse…not smart…

Angel remained unimpressed.


Jacked pined away for Evil…

Evil jumped off Rocking Horse and valiantly tried to make his way up again, only to be stopped by the Gingerbread girls.


Suddenly, Evil’s evil twin emerged! Now, the twins were surrounded by the Gingerbread family. Oddly, the evil twin tried to pull his brother down the tree; but why? Did he also have designs on Angel? We may never know…


As it turned out, Evil Snowman was arrested by the Nutcracker soldiers, and placed in the hall closet for his own safety, and the safety of Angel. The ornaments had all grown weary of evil’s antics, and wanted no part of him.

Evil escaped from the closet!!



…and was immediately captured by Nutcracker Guard…


But Evil stabs Nutcracker Guard with his own weapon!!

In the meantime, Jack sprang from the tree and rushed to help Evil. Upon arriving at the closet, Jack came across the wounded Nutcracker. He took pity on him, and removed the weapon from the guard’s eye. And then, he stayed with Nutcracker. He was always a pushover for a man in uniform...


Back on the dining room table, the ornaments had been gathered for storage. Evil showed up and tried again to make his way to Angel, for he desperately wanted to be stored with her. The other ornaments surrounded him, and managed to keep him at bay. Santa then intervened, and sentenced Evil to the piano bench.


And the ornament community was safely packed away until another holiday season…but will Evil Snowman remain in the piano bench??


But wait! Is that Jack packed in near Angel?? Did she fly off and take him away from Nutcracker??

Stay tuned for the next installment!


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