the stonehenge

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Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000105J Earth Sci Climat Change ISSN:2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal

Research Article Open Access

Williams J Earth Sci Climat Change 2011, 2:1

Research Article Open Access

Earth Science & Climatic Change

Keywords: Crop circles; Fluoride; Necrosis; Neolithic; Ribosome

The StonehengeThe Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English

country side of Wiltshire 1in the United Kingdom (UK), about 3.2 kilometers (2.0 miles) west of Amesbury and 13 kilometers (8.1 miles) north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites of the world. The Stonehenge site is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones, sat at the center of the densest complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds [1]. Archaeologists had believed that the iconic stone structure was erected around 2500 b.c.e. However, one recent theory suggested that the first stones were not erected until 2400-2200 b.c.e. [2]. While others suggest that the bluestones may have been erected at the site as early as 3000 b.c.e. The surrounding circular earthen bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the structure, have been dated to approximately 3100 b.c.e. The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Site in1986 in a colisting with the Avebury Henge structure, and it is also a legally protected Schedule Ancient Monument. Stonehenge is owned by English Heritage while the surrounding land is cared for by the National Trust (England) [3]. Stonehenge ranks among the worlds’ most iconic archaeological sites and one of the great enigmas. The megalithic circle inspires awe and fascination, and intense debates. The monuments’ mysterious past has spawned countless tales and theories. According to folklore, The Stonehenge was created by Merlin the Magician, the Wizard of Arthurian legend, who magically transported the massive stones from Ireland where giants had assembled them. Others say that The Stonehenge is a landing area for alien spacecraft. Nevertheless, centuries of fieldwork shows that the monument was more than a millennium in the making, having started approximately five thousand years ago as a circular earthen bank and ditch. A large 6 ton (12 thousand pound) monolith of green micaceous sandstone ‘The Alter Stone’ from Wales stands in the middle of The Stonehenge Figure 1(included as supplementary data). A complicated pattern of wooden post was replaced in about 2600 b.c.e. by 80 dolerite bluestones from Wales that were rearranged at least three times once the larger sarsen stones were added several hundred years later. These huge sandstone blocks, each weighing around 25 tons 50 thousand pounds, were transported 30 kilometers 19 miles to create a continuous outer circle with five trilithons pairs of uprights with a lintel on top forming a horseshoe within Figure 2 (included as supplementary data). It is

speculated that it took well over 20 million hours to construct The Stonehenge [4] Figure 1, 2 (included as supplementary data).

Cell biology

In biology, a ‘Cell’ is the structural and functional unit of all known living organisms. It is the smallest unit of an organism that is classified as independent existence, and is often termed as the building blocks of life [5]. The word cell is derived from the Latin cellula, meaning a small room. This descriptive name for the smallest living biological structure was chosen by Robert Hooke in a book called ‘Micrographia’ that he published in 1665 a.c.e., when he compared the cork cells he saw through his microscope to small rooms that monks lived in [6]. All cells have a membrane that envelops the cell, separates its interior environment from its exterior environment, regulates what enters and exits the cell structure (selective permeable). The structure of a cell has defining boundaries that surrounds and acts as protection for organelles Figure 3 (included as supplementary data). Cells have a set of organs called Organelles. They have a variety of functions just as the vital organs of the human body. These organelles have either adapted or have vital specialized functions within the cell [7].

The Stonehenge appears to be a cell, an ancient eukaryotic cell that did not complete all of its cell interior organelle structural formation. Before its completion, the structural formation seems to have suffered a premature cell death Apoptosis / Necrosis. The Stonehenge structure appears to be a nearly completed ancient eukaryotic cell with nearly all of its organelles in their correct places Figure 4 (included as supplementary data). Most of the organelles are present and accounted for, but not within the defined boundaries of a healthy cells’ interior membrane structure. The mitochondria appears as the 2 circular disk within The Stonehenge image. Mitochondria is always circular in shape within eukaryotic cells. The Golgi Apparatus does not appear to have succeeded in its journey through the cis side of the Nucleus attempting

*Corresponding author: Otis D. Williams, 1-313-378-0876, 10902 Beaconsfield St, Detroit, MI. 48224, 12/2010, USA, E-mail:

Received February 01, 2011; Accepted February 04, 2011; Published February 07, 2011

Citation: Williams OD (2011) The Stonehenge. J Earth Sci Climat Change 1:105. doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000105

Copyright: © 2011 Williams OD. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

AbstractThe Stonehenge is one of the great coded mysteries of the world, and it has remained so for thousands of years.

It has an extensive past, possibly dating back to the prehistoric age just as the Great Pyramid / Sphinx Site at Giza. The Stonehenge site is a mystery that appears to lack a basic fundamental scientific concept. There is a limited amount of compiled verifiable text available for study on this topic. Conjecture and speculation has dominated all concepts concerning The Stonehenge. This text will explore a different view point. A view point that will Cross Over Concept the Immune Network of Earth integrating; Cellular Biology, Defense Immune Biology, Eukaryotic Biology, European History, Geophysical Science and Global Warming. This cross over of sciences and historic events will illustrate an unlocking of an ancient mysterious viral code within the Defense Immune Network of Earth.

The StonehengeOtis D. Williams*

1-313-378-0876, 10902 Beaconsfield St, Detroit, MI. 48224, 12/2010, USA

Citation: Williams OD (2011) The Stonehenge. J Earth Sci Climat Change 1:105. doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000105

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Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000105J Earth Sci Climat Change ISSN:2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal

to attach to the Endomembrane system of The Stonehenge structure. The nucleus appears to have fragmented into many pieces, possibly making it more easily digestible for (phagocytes) cell engulfment. In a side by side comparison; The organelle components of the ancient eukaryotic cell appears to mirror image the organelle components of The Stonehenge cell structure. From the outer membrane boundary to its’ interior organelle structures Figure 3,4 (included as supplementary data). Below is a cross over of The Stonehenge cell key plan and a Eukaryotic cell key plan, both plans are numerically illustrating its’ interior membrane organelle structure for a comparison. Meaning, both structures Stonehenge cell and Eukaryotic cell contain the same with a different concentration of living tissue, biological cell interior organelle physiology. The Stonehenge cell having gone through processes known as Denaturation and Annealing. This combination of processes has allowed the Stonehenge interior organelles to become as solid rock. The cell key plans of both Stonehenge cell and Eukaryotic cell could be a cross over, viral link within the foundation of this comparison: Eukaryotic cell key plan; Stonehenge cell key plan;

1. Nucleolus 1. Altar Stone

2. Nucleus 2. Barrow without a burial

3. Ribosome 3. Barrows without burials

4. Vesicle 4. Fallen Slaughter Stone

5. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) 5. Heel Stone

6. Golgi apparatus 6. Slaughter Stone

7. Cytoskeleton 7. Ditch

8. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) 8. Inner Bank original four Station Stones

9. Mitochondria 9. Outer Bank

10. Vacuole 10. The Avenue

11. Cytoplasm 11. “Y” Holes a ring of 30 pits

12. Lysosome and Peroxisomes 12. “Z” Holes a ring of 30 pits

13. Centrioles Within Centrosome (CWC) 13. Aubrey Holes circle of 56 pits

14. Smaller Southern Entrance

Instead of drawing lines to match up the correct numbers, lets compare the endomembrane organelles of the Eukaryotic cell key plan by numbers and names. Listing the Stonehenge cell key plan by names only;(1) Nucleolus and (2) Nucleus; both appear as the fragmented Altar Stone, the most conspicuous stone of all the stones at The Stonehenge (the green micaceous stone) is where all DNA replication and RNA synthesis takes place.(3) Ribosome; it appears as “Y” and “Z” Holes that surround the Nucleus embedded in the RER.(4)Vesicle; it appears as the Smaller Southern Entrance, it allows for the exit of unwanted toxins and enzymes.(5) RER; would contain the “Y” and “Z” Holes that surround the Altar Stone (studded and anchored within the RER as protein messengers).(6) Golgi Apparatus; it appears as the Heel Stone, containing only one of the original two stones (possibly Lipids or Proteins as the Golgi attempted to enter the cell on the cis side of the Altar Stone).(7) Cytoskeleton; it appears as the Outer and Inner Banks, the ditch (lumen) located between the banks (made from a double layer of lipids called phospholipid, between the double layer of lipids is the lumen).(8) SER; it appears as the area

without any stone formations (there is no designation for the SER on the Stonehenge plan).(9) Mitochondria; it appears as the two Barrows Without Burials (mitochondrial genome are normally circular in shape with DNA molecules generating cell energy-ATP and containing the suicide bag).(10) Vacuole; it appears as The Avenue it allows a process known as Endocytosis, this allows for entry of fresh water and food for cell nourishment.(11) Cytoplasm; would have appeared as a salty fluid (fluid has dissipated over time) engulfing the membrane of Stonehenge. (12) Lysosome and Peroxisomes; it appears as the Station Stones, only two stones remain of four.(13) CWC; it appears as the Slaughter Stone, two stones are apparently missing, the missing stones could possibly have been the centrioles that had emerged from the Slaughter Stone or Centrosome. The 56 Aubrey Holes of Stonehenge; it appears as Free Ribosomes that float throughout the endomembrane of a eukaryotic cell structure. Some stones at The Stonehenge were removed(procured)as souvenirs over the years by visitors to the site, before English Heritage became the controlling entity. In a side by side comparison; This ancient fossil cell drawing depicts an 850 million year old Late Proterozoic Algae Eukaryotic cell structure from the University of Aberdeen in the UK Fig. 5. Notice the ‘horseshoe’ shaped chloroplast that nearly surrounds the ancient fossil cells’ nucleolus. The ‘horseshoe’ shape is very similar in structure to the ‘horseshoe’ shape structure that nearly surrounds the nucleolus organelle of The Stonehenge cell structure Figure 5 and Figure 6 (included as supplementary data).

Apoptosis / Necrosis

Apoptosis is a process that is sometimes called Programmed Cell Death (PCD), this occurs in multicellular organisms. PCD of a cell involves a series of biochemical events leading to characteristic cell morphological and death; in more specific terms, a series of biochemical events that lead to a variety of morphological changes, including blebbing-swelling, changes to the cells’ membrane, such as loss of membrane asymmetry, attachment, shrinkage, nuclear fragmentationnucleus disbursement, chromatin condensation and chromosomal DNA fragmentation Figure 7 (included as supplementary data). Disposal processes of dead cellular debris whose results do not damage the organism differentiate apoptosis from necrosis, whether from injury, radiation or chemicals [8]. Necrosis is a form of traumatic cell death that results from not enough blood flow to the tissue, resulting damage would cause acute cellular injury that is not reversible Figure 8 (included as supplementary data). Apoptosis can have some advantages during the life cycle of an organism [9]. Apoptosis-Inducing Factor (AIF) is a phylogenetically ancient mitochondrial intermembrane flavoprotein endowed with the unique capacity to induce caspase-independent peripheral chromatin condensation and large scale DNA fragmentation when added to purified nuclei. Additionally, to its apoptogenic activity on nuclei, AIF can also participate in the regulation of apoptotic mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and exhibits an NADH atransfer of atoms, oxidase activity. Under normal circumstances, AIF is secluded behind the outer mitochondrial membrane. Upon the induction of apoptosis, AIF trans-locates to the cytosol and the nucleus [10]. Recently, studies suggest AIF is a major factor in determining the central role of mitochondria in the control of physiological and pathological cell death [11]. Cell death is a completely normal process in living organisms and was first discovered by German scientist Carl Vogt. He was first to describe the principle of apoptosis in1842. In1885, anatomist Walter Flemming delivered a more precise description of the process of PCD. It was not until 1965, the topic was once again brought to the forefront. John Foxton Ross Kerr at the University of Queensland in Australia, was able to distinguish

Citation: Williams OD (2011) The Stonehenge. J Earth Sci Climat Change 1:105. doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000105

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Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000105J Earth Sci Climat Change ISSN:2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal

apoptosis from traumatic cell death-necrosis [12]. Kerr initially used the term programmed cell necrosis, until Kerr joined with Alastair R. Currie and Andrew Wyllie at the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom [13]. The trio published an article in the British Journal of Cancer [14]. The trio credited James Cormack with suggesting the term apoptosis. Cormack, a professor of Greek language, reintroduced the term for medical use [15] Figure 7 and 8 (included as supplementary data).


The removal of dead cells by neighboring phagocytic cells has been termed Efferocytosis. It can be regarded as the ‘burying of dead cells’ [16]. The cell membrane of phagocytic cells engulfs the apoptotic cell, forming a large fluid filled vesicle containing the dead cells. This ingested vesicle is called an Efferosome (phagosome). The effect of efferocytosis is dead cells are removed before their membrane integrity breaches, causing its contents to leak into surrounding tissue. Efferocytosis processes prevents exposer of tissue to toxic enzymes, oxidants and other intracellular components such as protease and caspases [17]. Attempting to understand the reason behind the death of the apparent ancient eukaryotic organism Stonehenge is a complex mystery. Whether acute traumatic cellular disruption necrosis, or just ordinary apoptosis is to blame for the death of The Stonehenge cell is not yet known. Without any current forensic method of testing to determine why ancient cell structures die, nor any controlled study in finding the most probable reasons for the death of an ancient cell. The mysterious death of The Stonehenge cell has remained unknown. Wives tales about The Stonehenge will continue until environmental conditions change and expose the true answers. Meaning, that if necrosis is the reason for the death of The Stonehenge cell, a more traumatic consequence could result. Meaning, if the cells of the Earth are produced through cell division as eukaryotic cells are, dead cell removal must occur. Removal of dead cells is the responsibility of the host cells’ Innate Immune Defense Response System. The Defense Immune Network of the host will dispatch macrophage cells to the location for dead cell debris ingestion and removal Figure 9 (included as supplementary data). Listed below is a drawing that depicts a macrophage cell. Letters a thru c, are the steps of a macrophage cell ingesting a pathogen; a.) Ingestion through phagosome is formed, b.)Fusion of lysosomes with the phagosome creates a phagolysosome; the pathogen is broken down by enzymes, c.) Waste material is expelled or assimilated. All compiled text on The Stonehenge cell points in the direction of the unknown. Maybe time will continue to indicate that the ancient site of The Stonehenge cell is only a dead ruins possibly caused by apoptosis, creating no further response from the immune defense system network of the host (Earth). In this case, The Stonehenge cell will remain a mysterious iconic structure in the European country side of Wiltshire, England in the UK. However, you must consider if the death of The Stonehenge cell is a result of cellular necrosis, a more traumatic consequence (devastation) could possibly occur to the landmass throughout the European Continent. Only time will tell ‘The Stonehenge’ story Figure 9 (included as supplementary data).

Crop circles

Crop Circles are patterns created by the flattening of crops such as wheat, barley, rye or corn making formations on the Earth that did not exist in the daylight hours of the previous day. Crop circle formations have been around for a very long time. Records date back before the invention of the camera. The most well known positive depiction of a crop circle is found in a woodcut made in the year 1678 a.c.e. “Strange

News out of Hartford-shire” was the headline at the time. It depicts a devil like creature cutting out a pattern in a crop with a scythe Figure 10 (included as supplementary data). Some cryptologist have suggested that crop circles are depicted in prehistoric stone wall carvings, such as in spiral patterns carved in a stone at Newgrange in Ireland. Most people are surprised to find that crop circles have appeared in countries all over the world. Crop circles are more prevalent in the UK than in any other country. Crop circles have evolved over time Figure 11 (included as supplementary data). At first noticed, the crop circles were just that, circles. Straight lines were noticeably added at the next stage of the crop circles. Now, intricate patterns embedded with several circles and computerlike generated artwork images [18]. Over the years crop circles seem to have evolved dramatically. A large number of the complex patterns of crop circles appear to be symmetrical. Meaning, if you were to cut a crop circle down the middle in halves, then folded it over on itself, one half would fit on top of the other half perfectly. However, there have been a small percentage of crop circles found showing asymmetrical patterns Figure10 and 11 (included as supplementary data).

Cell mutation

A Cell Mutation is when a cell makes a mistake in copying its DNA for a new cell. Over time mutations can be introduced to your cells’ DNA. These mutations can contribute to the development of cancer. Some of these mutations can be inherited and passed on from generation to generation [19]. Cancerous cells begin to divide out of control, rather than dying after a normal life cycle. Cancer can occur in any tissue of the body and usually results in tumors that replace normal tissue and can complicate normal bodily functions. Damaged DNA can be inherited and cause inherited forms of cancer in affected lineage [20]. In a side by side comparison; Crop circles are constantly making copy after copy, day by day of its own variety of swirling images. Just as cancerous mutation cells divide out of control, without any signs of stability needed for stopping its’ cancerous duplication process. The photo imagery of cancerous rugose fly eye mutations, tend to exhibit similarities that are noticeable within the crop circle imagery Figure 12 (included as supplementary data). Some cancer rugose infected fly eye imagery show symmetrical formations that appear as hexagonal array patterns. Other cancerous fly rugose eye imagery show asymmetrical trapezoidal patterns. In a side by side comparison; Figure 13 (included as supplementary data) Crop circles and the cancerous rugose fly eye photo imagery appear very similar in mutated cancerous cellular swirl patterns” Figure 12 and 13 (included as supplementary data).

The white cliffs of dover

The White Cliffs of Dover are cliffs located in the United Kingdom which form the coastline facing the Strait of Dover and France of Europe Figure 14 (included as supplementary data). The cliffs are a part of the North Downs formation. The face of the cliff reaches an apex of 106 meters. It has a striking facade in its composition of pure white calcium carbonate (chalk) accentuated by streaks of black flint. It is said that the cliffs are composed mainly of soft, white limestone and is insinuated with a finegrained texture, composed primarily of coccoliths, foraminifera, calcareous, rahbdoliths, limestones and plates of calcium carbonate formed by Coccolithophores. It is planktonic algae whose skeletal remains sank to the bottom of the ocean, together with the remains of bottom living creatures formed sediments. Chalk formations are also found in many places in Europe, including the UK, France, Northern Ireland and in a few states (Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska and Tennessee) of the United States of America [21]. Quartz

Citation: Williams OD (2011) The Stonehenge. J Earth Sci Climat Change 1:105. doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000105

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Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000105J Earth Sci Climat Change ISSN:2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal

is mineral usually found in an abundance, black flint is also found within the white chalk. The white chalk has a variety of uses; poolroom pool stick chalk, athletic gripping chalk, road construction, production of steel, aluminum, glass, sugar, cement, fertilizer and school room blackboard chalk sticks [22] Figure 14 (included as supplementary data).

Skin abscess

A Skin Abscess is a collection of pus and infected material in, or on an organism. Skin abscesses are fairly common. Skin abscesses occur when an infection causes pus and may occur anywhere on an organism [23]. Pus is white, slightly yellow or green, and is relatively thick. It is actually a collection of dead skin cells, white blood cells known as neutrophils, and some bacteria is also found. Pus is always a visual sign that you have an infection Figure 15 (included as supplementary data). If you have a great deal of pus leaking from a wound and the wound feels hard, hot or the pus is streaked with red blood, these are early signs of an infection known as cellulitis [24]. In a comparison; The White Cliffs Of Dover are of a fine-grained texture streaked with black flint. The White Cliffs also contain an abundance of the mineral quartz. Pus of a skin abscess is streaked with red blood; pus is also relatively thick and white. Other noticeable symptoms of an innate immune system response to an infection include; fever and chills Figure 15 (included as supplementary data).

Starting approximately in the 7th century lasting until the 12th century, an unusual warming period occurred in Europe known as the ‘Medieval Warm Period’. During this particular time period, temperatures in the northeastern hemisphere exceeded the normal highs for nearly four hundred and fifty years [25]. These years of abnormally high temperatures were immediately followed by a vast cooling down period. This cooling down period was known as the ‘Little Ice Age’. This unusual cooling period was also located in the northeastern hemisphere, also lasting for nearly four hundred and fifty years. Starting approximately in the middle of the14th century until the19th century [26]. The Medieval Warm Period and The Little Ice Age are two dramatic documented events in European History that resemble symptoms of a eukaryotic organisms’ innate defense immune system response to an active infection. Fever and chills are two symptoms of a eukaryotic organisms’ innate defense immune systems’ first response to an active infection.


Eyjafjallajogull is a volcano located on the Island of Iceland on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The dividing line between the Eurasian and North American continents. There are thirty-five active volcanos on and around the Island of Iceland [27]. Eyjafjallajogull is the mountain with the glacier seen from the Westman Islands, which lay off Iceland’s southwestern coast Figure 16 (included as supplementary data). At current, Eyjafjallajogull is filling the sky above Eastern Europe with poisonous ash clouds Figure 17 (included as supplementary data). The ash contains large amounts of fluoride that is poisonous to humans, animals and plants. High doses of fluoride causes harm to bone skeletal structures (eukaryotic cell life) [28] Figure 16 and 17 (included as supplementary data). Several volcanos around the world are capable of gigantic eruptions unlike anything ever witnessed in recorded history, based on geologic evidence of past events. Such eruptions would dwarf those of Mount St. Helens, Krakatoa, Pinatubo and anything else dating back dozens of millennia. “Super-eruptions are up to hundreds of times more powerful than these”, said Stephen Self of the UK’s Open

University. “An area the size of North America would be devastated, the pronounced deterioration of the global climate would be expected for a few years following the eruption, they could result in the devastation of world agriculture, a severe disruption of food supplies and mass starvation. These effects would be severely threatening the fabric of civilization” [29].

Conclusion- The StonehengeThis text was generated by the origin and coded mystery of

ancient sites located on the European Continent. The Stonehenge Site, Crop Circles and The White Cliffs Of Dover are all located on the European Island of the UK. Compiled information in this text points in the direction of cellular death and cellular mutations caused by a high probability of an active ancient infection on the European Continent. A Cross Over Concept, featuring Cellular Biology, Immune Defense Biology, Eukaryotic Biology, European History, Geographical Science and Global Warming. Has shown distinct trends indicating the possibility of a large scale active ancient infection located on the European Continent. Compiled information in this text, also details multiple symptoms that are very similar to an innate immune response within a hosts’ Immune Defense System Network for fighting an active infection. Chills and fever like symptoms will have a pronounce effect on global warming, heat from fever like symptoms can affect the ambient temperature causing it to rise for an unknown period of time, maybe for centuries. The Earth is a living organism that goes through a process known as cell division. Cell division occurs in the living tissue of a normal structurally functioning host. As you look around, you will see cell division, life at every turn on Earth. From humans, to animals, to sea animals, to plants, to biological cells and molecules. Life is in abundance, reproducing seemingly without any end in sight upon the Earth, the Earth is a healthy organism. However, the European Continent appears to be carrying an active ancient infection that has produced noticeable symptoms that may lead to consequences. The European Continent is occupied with a multitude of inhabitants (over 500,000,000 / 500 million, estimated total population of the European Union, 60 % of the world’s population) that dwell on the infected landmass. This text has attempted to build a solid foundation, showing that the Earth is a living organism, featuring eukaryotic cell structures, symptoms of an ancient eukaryotic infection and the appearance of an elaborate Immune Defense Response Network. That appears at the current time, physically preparing a defense immune response via the Iceland Volcanic System. If the immune defense response system activates for a second time for the same infection, the response will become more intense and more rapid. A second defense immune system response will re-activate with memory. Remembering what it had last encountered and the results from its’ previous innate immune defense response activation, creating a more intensified immune defense response recurring with more severe consequences. Memory macrophage cells live for a very long time within a eukaryotic organism. Fundamentally, the Earth is an organism of eukaryotic life, containing a series of consistencies, principals, laws and consequences that governs its’ Immune Defense Response Network. Its’ disposition of consistencies, principals and laws must remain within the healthy parameters of the hosts’ network. Consequences will result if any law violations occur within the network. The Stonehenge is a viral codes law violation. It appears that until a response from the Immune Defense Response Network recurs, high temperatures will effect the consistent weather patterns of the Earth. Temperatures will continue to rise as the immune defense network attempts to eliminate the ancient

Citation: Williams OD (2011) The Stonehenge. J Earth Sci Climat Change 1:105. doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000105

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Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000105J Earth Sci Climat Change ISSN:2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal

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23. Skin Abscess.

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25. Medievil Warm Period.

26. Little Ice Age Europe.

27. Eyjafjallajokull.

28. Health Effects Of Lava And Ash.

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