the steps i took into making my digipack

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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The steps I took into making my digipack and magazine advert.

Front cover (Step 1)For my Digipack front cover I have decided to use the gas mask which is used through my music video. The reason I choose to do this was most albums have a picture of the artist on the front cover so the audience recognise who their artist is and what type of music they produce.

Step 2 and 3 front cover Step 2 For the next part I choose on where the title would be most visible and eye catching to my audience. I decided to place the artists name Sub Focus on the top of the gas mask and warped this so it looks like the word is apart of the gas mask. I then used the name of the song to be placed at the bottom of the mask in a bigger font as this is the song I am promoting. Step 3The last layer I used the effect of smoke because of themes from my video and the idea of the gas mask and what they are used for.

I used the range of filters available on photo shop to create a stylized look for the mask making it more plastic looking. I used the warp tool to blend the Sub Focus text around the top of the mask.

I took a frame from the original video and used the lasso tool to cut around the smoke. I then put that behind the gas mask layer.

To create the smoke I used the smudge tool to move the smoke around the mask and the text at the bottom of the page.

Inside left cover Step 1

I discovered when I was rotating the smoke, the smoke formed the shape of a skull which fitted well into the ideas of my music video.

Inside back step 1

For my inside back I used a part of the gas mask which was in the shape of a circle which worked well as I could use this for where the cd would be held and it once again links itself to my music video. I used the magic wand to cut around the piece of the gas mask then used effects to change the colour and contrast of it. I used smoke again for the back ground as previously used in my other covers.

Back cover

For the back cover I decided to use the main character. I used the smoke effect again but smudged it to make the character look like he is on fire. I followed the normal conventions of the back cover by listing all the songs in the album. At the bottom I have shown how to contact Sub Focus and the bar code.

Making the magazine advert

I used a lot of the similar techniques such as the blurring and smudging of the smoke and the filter on the gas mask. The main difference skill I showed here was the use of fonts and the outer glow behind them.

The picture shows how I used the outer glow effect behind my titles Last Jungle and Sub Focus. I did this to make it more eye catching for my audience and its important that the artist name sticks out.

I used the markers to track which beat to edit to make sure I could edit the images to the same beat to create a consistent flow.

I reversed the smoke to create an abnormal affect.

I put a brightness and contrast affect to make all images be in black and white to create a consistent look which went beyond a plain looking image with a stylized design.

I did a lot of research about the Dance and Drum and bass industry through the use of the internet. I used You Tube a lot and this is where some of my ideas came from on what I wanted to do in my music video. I also found the most common features in the videos with these genres as an example Netsky everyday rusko remix which shows the DJ performing and the atmosphere of a rave showing the audiences reaction. I also used Google and Google images to look at images of the artists and some of their albums which helped me design my Digi pack and magazine advert. I used face book to get peoples opinions on my work and what I could do to make it better.

I presented a lot of my through the use of video. The reason for this was I could display images while I explained why I choose these and the information, research and videos I looked at through the use of the internet and articles.

To display my work I used Blogger which was helpful as it allowed me to share posts, ideas and embed videos on to it.

To film my project I used a Samsung video camera for filming the majority of my shots and scenes.

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