the stations of the cross - · redeemed the world. (stand) jesus my...

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The Stations of the Cross

St. Michael catholic church prior Lake, MN

Written by Scott HippertUsed and adapted with permission from author.

Opening Song: Ashes (verses 1 and 2)

Text: Tom Conry, b. 1951, Tune: Tom Conry, b. 1951; acc. by Michael Joncas, b. 1951 © 1978, OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. OneLicense A-719863

Order of Service If you experience difficulty standing or kneeling,

please feel free to be seated dur ing The Stations of the Cross.

Opening Song

Introduction (Sign of the Cross)

Leader: On a cold barren hillside nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the son of God faced the end of His mortal life. Imagine the fear, anxiety and pain that Jesus must have felt.

We are about to walk these same steps to Calvary with Jesus. As we do so, we remember that Jesus walks with us every single day of our life - in our joys, sorrows, fears and stumblings. Now it’s our turn to walk with Him.

All: Christ Jesus, today we walk the road to Calvary with YOU. Your death conquered our death. Your resurrection gave us eternal life. We adore you and we praise you. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

First Station

Jesus is Condemned to Death

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus Pilate has just read my death sentence. I am to die on the Speaks: cross. Should I rebel against Pilate? How can I? He is

not my enemy. He is an instrument of my Father’s plan and the voice of my destiny as God’s Messiah.


Closing Prayer

Leader: Let us Pray:

Lord Jesus, today we have walked these fourteenstations with you. Together we continue to walk the roadto Calvary. It is a long journey with many crosses tobear.

By your cross, you overcame sin once and for all. By your resurrection, you gave us eternal life. May we have the courage to accept that life in faith and in love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Leader: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

(Sign of the Cross)

Closing Song

Pilate told me when and how I would die. You may not get that blessing. You won’t have a Pilate to tell you the place, the time or the circumstances of your death. Yet you stand condemned to death as surely as I was. You were destined to die the moment you were conceived. Death is “the wages of sin” - it is the destiny of the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve.

Do you think of that very often? If you thought about your death, you could see more clearly that some of the material things you are most obsessed with are the least important. Wealth and riches won’t help you when your time to die comes.

I remind you of your death not because my Father and I want you to be fearful of your future. I remind you to help you live fully and freely as my brothers and sisters, as sons and daughters of my Father, reborn in Baptism.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your death and resurrection, you guide us to new life in you.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we promise to be mindful of the things that really matter. That is - faith, hope, and love.


Second Station

Jesus Takes Up His Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus My instrument of suffering and death has been thrust on Speaks: me. Should I curse this heavy timber and those who laid

it upon me? By rejecting God, Adam and Eve made the tree of Eden the symbol of death. By accepting my Father’s will, this cross will become the Tree of Life.

I was always borrowing things. I borrowed a crib inBethlehem to be born. I borrowed Peter’s boat to preach from. I borrowed a donkey to ride on when I came into Jerusalem. I borrowed bread and wine to make my body move and my blood flow into history. I borrowed thorns, wood and nails to redeem the universe. Why should my burial be any different?

Now, I will also borrow you. You will be my parchedtongue and throat. You will be my nailed hands, reaching out in love to the world. You will be mypierced feet, carrying the Good News of salvation toevery age and nation. You will be my head covered withthorns and my lanced side. And when the borrowing isover, you will be my brothers and sisters — RISEN WITH ME.

Sung Refrain...

Fourteenth Station

Jesus Body Is Put in a Tomb

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You haveredeemed the world.


Jesus I had no grave of my own. My body was laid inSpeaks: somebody else’s tomb. Was it fitting that I be buried in a

borrowed tomb?

You also must carry the instruments of your own suffering and death. You were born with defects that you may never abolish. You have flaws that cause pain and suffering. You want to be kind, patient and understanding, but at times you find yourself mean, short tempered and cynical. But you must not curse yourself or your limitations. Instead, seek the help of your Father in heaven.

My cross did not come only from Pilate or the Roman soldiers. My cross came when I took on my Father’s work and engaged in the fight against the power of Evil. Your crosses are the same. They are your opportunity to join in my battle. How do you respond to your crosses?

I embrace my cross. You must embrace yours also. Resisting crosses only leads to anger and bitterness.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, we are empowered to overcome our weaknesses and fears.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will accept our crosses willingly - with hope, trust and humility.


Sung Refrain...

All rights reserved. Used with permission. OneLicense A-719863

Third Station

Jesus Falls the First Time

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


You have been taught that being my disciple is an active role. The more you do to improve yourself, the Churchand the world, the better. There are times when you must work, but there are even more crucial times whenyou must say nothing and do nothing except be with me, your heart aching, as Mary and the faithful disciples after the crucifixion.

I had asked some of my Apostles to be with me during my agony in the garden. But they were so exhausted thatthey quickly fell asleep. Not even one of them had theenergy to be with me. How often has that happenedthroughout the centuries!

After my crucifixion, my disciples waited and watchedin silence. Are you ready to listen and love in silence?

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you sent us a powerful message of love.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we learn thevalue of quiet times with you. In these times and always, we love you as you loved us.


Thirteenth Station

Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You haveredeemed the world.


Jesus The noise has stopped. Mary and a few faithful disciplesSpeaks: take me from the cross. They say nothing. They do

nothing, except, with hearts aching, hold my limp body.All is silent.

Jesus I have just fallen flat on my face. I tried to avoid it. I Speaks: wanted to stay on my feet. I wonder if I fell partly

because I was trying too hard to keep from falling?

You can learn from my fall. You also will fall if you try too hard to succeed all by yourself. You may often be tempted to achieve lofty goals and to take too much upon yourself. Your motivation may be worthy, or it may be inferior. Maybe you feel that all of this will impress God?

You do not need successes to get my Father’s attention. If you succeed, it is because of His grace anyway. My Father wants your fidelity, not your successes. In all you undertake, go first to Him in prayer and ask what He wants.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you give us the strength to endure our falls.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will seek God’s grace to accept our weaknesses with strength of faith.


Fourth Station

Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus I have just seen Mary. I wished for a second she and I Speaks: could have been spared that meeting, which was short

but painful. Was I trying to hide this final agony from her, thinking she might not be strong enough for it?

My suffering and death was no “show.” I am, and I was, a Human Being just like you ~ “in all things but sin.” I am truly human and truly divine. This has always been a part of faith that is challenging to accept and understand.

As a human being I experienced disappointment, betrayal, anger, mental anguish and physical pain ~ just like any person who has faced a terrible death like mine.

Some people believe that if their faith is strong enough, then God will protect them from human suffering, fearand disappointment. Faith does not protect us from pain. Faith helps us to endure life’s pains with hope and courage ~ knowing that God is near to give us strength. Like any human being I shouted out my desperate fearsin the words of Psalm 22: “My God, My God, why haveyou forsaken me?” Yet, in my heart I remembered other words from that same psalm: “The Lord did not hide hisface from me but heard when I cried to him.”

Pain and suffering come to us as the result of sin in ourworld. I offered my suffering to the Father that sin mightbe conquered. Remember that for those who follow me—pain will only be temporary but joy will be eternal.

Silent Prayer (please kneel)

Sung Refrain...

Twelfth Station

Jesus Dies on the Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You haveredeemed the world.


Jesus I was dying and it hurt. Some people find it hard toSpeaks: believe that the Son of God—could actually suffer and

die. There was a time when people believed that mydeath was just a show ~ the appearance of suffering ~ because they thought that God would never allow His own Son to experience death.

Do you tend to avoid your loved ones and they you, in times of crisis? Some spend a lifetime shielding their deepest selves from those they love the most. In the end, this will fail, because your death exposes your weakness to your loved ones as nothing in life could.

Don’t wait until death or desperation. Share now with your loved ones all of your joys and aspirations as well as your fears and troubles. Don’t waste this opportunity.

I wanted Mary to see me only at my best, not in such a weak and vulnerable position. But, through the grace of God, I was given this beautiful moment with my Mother. God also gives this grace to you.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you give us the grace to face our loved ones in good times and bad.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will seek to be open and honest with those we love the most.


Sung Refrain...

All rights reserved. Used with permission. OneLicense A-719863

Fifth Station

Simon is Forced to Take Up the Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus I felt badly for Simon of Cyrene. He had no way of Speaks: preparing for what happened to him. He was a farmhand coming in from the fields when the soldiers forced him to carry my cross. I think I heard him complain to himself, ‘Why me?’

Let me tell you the difference between the pain of the cross and the many other pains we endure in life. As human beings we will all experience pain: physical pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain and psychological pain. These pains are a result of the presence of sin in the world. My pain on the cross was pain freely accepted out of love for sinners. I could have escaped this pain at any time and called for a legion of angels to protect me. Instead, I wanted you to know the great love I have for you, by letting you see how much suffering I am ready to bear for you. I want you to follow my example. I want you to carry your own cross and to accept the suffering that will demonstrate your love for others. Remember, there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, your infinite love for us was shown by the pain and suffering you endured. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, may we never underestimate the power of suffering. By your example, we will persevere in love. (stand)

Eleventh Station

Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus The pain of those nails almost made me black out. They Speaks: were blunt Roman spikes that crushed muscle and bone. Yet, I knew that each blow was the result of selfishness and sin by my human brothers and sisters. Their rejection of God’s Will brought this pain. My acceptance of God’s Will would make this pain redemptive.

You should not condemn Simon. You would have been startled, reluctant and bitter, too, if you had been in his shoes! You must learn, as Simon did, that life is not just and fair. You will be startled by burdens thrust upon you when you least expect them. When that happens, my Father and I will not hold against you your cry of ‘Why me?’ But you have to move on. You can’t spend your life looking for reasons for your pain. Learn from Simon. My Father used Simon to help me achieve salvation for all. He uses you for this purpose also. Simon accepted my Father’s call to do His will. Will you do the same? (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, we are called to holiness. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, may we freely carry our cross and help our brothers and sisters to carry theirs. (stand)

Sixth Station

Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus I am grateful to Veronica for wiping the blood, sweat Speaks: and dirt from my eyes. She had not been as close to me in life as many others, but she responded when I needed an act of kindness. She was the last person in my earthly life to touch me in a gentle act of mercy.

I want so much for you to know and live the truth symbolized by the ripping off of my clothes. My dignity as the Son of God and the Son of Mary was not founded on outward appearance. No matter what they tried to take away from me, they could not take away my value and personal worth.

Some people say that “Clothes make the person.” Some people try to give themselves greater value by wearing valuable clothes. Clothes are important but they do not determine our personal worth. Some people are more concerned about their outward dignity than about their dignity as the children of God.

The more you cling to your outer, superficial self, the more you end up wrapping layers of clothing around you, that will one day be stripped off. If you have died daily to yourself, putting more value on who you are than on what other people see and think of you, then the stripping of your mortal self at death will not hurt so much.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have shown us your humanity and divinity.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, may we too be stripped of our outer-selves. Our beautiful, inmost being will then be seen by others as it is seen by the Father.


Sung Refrain...

Tenth Station

Jesus is Stripped of His Clothes

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus When I was stripped of my robes, it hurt because parts Speaks: of them were plastered to my body with caked blood. But it didn’t alter who I am: the Beloved Son of God and the Savior of my brothers and sisters.

You never know when an act of kindness you do will be the last one a person experiences. So you should regard every opportunity for kindness as an act that will last an eternity. Kindness begets kindness. Veronica didn’t just happen to be at the right place at the right time. She had spent a lifetime learning to be gentle. My face wasn’t the first or the last that she soothed. You, too, cannot expect to be gentle in a crisis unless you have practiced gentleness so often that it comes naturally. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, we see your face in all our brothers and sisters. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, let us care for those in need. For in wiping others faces, we also touch you. (stand) Sung Refrain...

All rights reserved. Used with permission. OneLicense A-719863

Seventh Station

Jesus Falls a Second Time

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus I had wanted to pace myself better to make it to Calvary Speaks: without another fall. But I tripped. I’m not sure how. Maybe it was a loose cobblestone, a rock I stubbed my foot on or a wet spot that was too slick.

You may someday fall for a third time and have no strength to get up. You will have to be picked up by others. Don’t let that lead to despair; it does not mean you are less than human. Do not let those around you rob you of your dignity when you are on the ground. “What good am I to anyone,” you may ask as others pick you up. If you bear your weakness with love, you are doing wonders for yourself, as well as the whole of creation. You are making yourself like me. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you show us your power, knowledge and wisdom. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we find ourselves weak and helpless. Even so, we will seek to love others as you love us. (stand)

Ninth Station

Jesus Falls a Third Time

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus I have no regrets about this fall. My strength was gone. Speaks: I did not want to fall and I did not want to stand. I just fell. And this time I had to be helped up. I couldn’t get up by myself.

Why did I fall? I think I was lulled into a momentary lapse. Simon had eased my burden. Veronica had soothed my sweaty face. A breeze had cooled my body. Perhaps I thought that my good fortune meant I could bypass the rest of my journey up the hill. I didn’t even recognize this as temptation, until I fell. I smiled. I smiled because I recognized how deeply I was like other people in being tempted to escape my Father’s will. What a profound lesson for you! Momentary good fortune does not mean the struggle is over. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you teach us to continue the journey. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will recover from our stumblings. God’s journey is not an easy one, but it is our greatest fortune. (stand)

Eighth Station

Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus Does it seem that I was abrupt and impatient with these Speaks: weeping women? They appeared to be simply showing me sympathy. Yet my response to them was only a brief statement: “Do not weep for me. Weep for yourselves and for your children.”

I often met people who could recognize the difficulties of others but were blind to their own misfortune. The Pharisees criticized the blindness of sinners but could not see that they, too, were sinners and needed forgiveness. They are like the people who can see the splinter in their neighbor’s eye but cannot see the beam in their own.

These women saw my suffering and they responded to that. I am grateful for their sympathy. Yet I wept for them because I knew the adversity they faced and the calamity that lay in their future.

It is good to show concern for strangers. It is even more important to recognize the need for sympathy and patience in our homes. It is good to be concerned with the victims of disasters around the world. It is even more important to take the time to listen and respond to the struggles and fears of our neighbors and friends.

Do we have the generosity to respond to the distress of others? Do we also have the humility to recognize our own need for help and forgiveness?

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you showed us the road to salvation.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will seek greater understanding of you. In knowing you, we come to know and love the Father. (stand)

Sung Refrain...

Eighth Station

Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus Does it seem that I was abrupt and impatient with these Speaks: weeping women? They appeared to be simply showing me sympathy. Yet my response to them was only a brief statement: “Do not weep for me. Weep for yourselves and for your children.”

I often met people who could recognize the difficulties of others but were blind to their own misfortune. The Pharisees criticized the blindness of sinners but could not see that they, too, were sinners and needed forgiveness. They are like the people who can see the splinter in their neighbor’s eye but cannot see the beam in their own.

These women saw my suffering and they responded to that. I am grateful for their sympathy. Yet I wept for them because I knew the adversity they faced and the calamity that lay in their future.

It is good to show concern for strangers. It is even more important to recognize the need for sympathy and patience in our homes. It is good to be concerned with the victims of disasters around the world. It is even more important to take the time to listen and respond to the struggles and fears of our neighbors and friends.

Do we have the generosity to respond to the distress of others? Do we also have the humility to recognize our own need for help and forgiveness?

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you showed us the road to salvation.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will seek greater understanding of you. In knowing you, we come to know and love the Father. (stand)

Sung Refrain...

All rights reserved. Used with permission. OneLicense A-719863

Ninth Station

Jesus Falls a Third Time

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus I have no regrets about this fall. My strength was gone. Speaks: I did not want to fall and I did not want to stand. I just

fell. And this time I had to be helped up. I couldn’t get up by myself.

Why did I fall? I think I was lulled into a momentary lapse. Simon had eased my burden. Veronica hadsoothed my sweaty face. A breeze had cooled my body. Perhaps I thought that my good fortune meant I could bypass the rest of my journey up the hill. I didn’t even recognize this as temptation, until I fell.

I smiled. I smiled because I recognized how deeply I was like other people in being tempted to escape myFather’s will.

What a profound lesson for you! Momentary goodfortune does not mean the struggle is over.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you teach us to continue the journey.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we willrecover from our stumblings. God’s journey is not aneasy one, but it is our greatest fortune.


Seventh Station

Jesus Falls a Second Time

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus I had wanted to pace myself better to make it to Calvary Speaks: without another fall. But I tripped. I’m not sure how. Maybe it was a loose cobblestone, a rock I stubbed my foot on or a wet spot that was too slick.

You may someday fall for a third time and have no strength to get up. You will have to be picked up by others. Don’t let that lead to despair; it does not mean you are less than human. Do not let those around you rob you of your dignity when you are on the ground. “What good am I to anyone,” you may ask as others pick you up. If you bear your weakness with love, you are doing wonders for yourself, as well as the whole of creation. You are making yourself like me. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you show us your power, knowledge and wisdom. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we find ourselves weak and helpless. Even so, we will seek to love others as you love us. (stand)

Tenth Station

Jesus is Stripped of His Clothes

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus When I was stripped of my robes, it hurt because parts Speaks: of them were plastered to my body with caked blood. But it didn’t alter who I am: the Beloved Son of God and the Savior of my brothers and sisters.

You never know when an act of kindness you do will be the last one a person experiences. So you should regard every opportunity for kindness as an act that will last an eternity. Kindness begets kindness. Veronica didn’t just happen to be at the right place at the right time. She had spent a lifetime learning to be gentle. My face wasn’t the first or the last that she soothed. You, too, cannot expect to be gentle in a crisis unless you have practiced gentleness so often that it comes naturally. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, we see your face in all our brothers and sisters. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, let us care for those in need. For in wiping others faces, we also touch you. (stand) Sung Refrain...

Sixth Station

Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus I am grateful to Veronica for wiping the blood, sweat Speaks: and dirt from my eyes. She had not been as close to me in life as many others, but she responded when I needed an act of kindness. She was the last person in my earthly life to touch me in a gentle act of mercy.

I want so much for you to know and live the truth symbolized by the ripping off of my clothes. My dignity as the Son of God and the Son of Mary was not founded on outward appearance. No matter what they tried to take away from me, they could not take away my value and personal worth.

Some people say that “Clothes make the person.” Some people try to give themselves greater value by wearing valuable clothes. Clothes are important but they do not determine our personal worth. Some people are more concerned about their outward dignity than about their dignity as the children of God.

The more you cling to your outer, superficial self, the more you end up wrapping layers of clothing around you, that will one day be stripped off. If you have died daily to yourself, putting more value on who you are than on what other people see and think of you, then the stripping of your mortal self at death will not hurt so much.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have shown us your humanity and divinity.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, may we too be stripped of our outer-selves. Our beautiful, inmost being will then be seen by others as it is seen by the Father.


Sung Refrain...

All rights reserved. Used with permission. OneLicense A-719863

Eleventh Station

Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus The pain of those nails almost made me black out. They Speaks: were blunt Roman spikes that crushed muscle and bone. Yet, I knew that each blow was the result of selfishness and sin by my human brothers and sisters. Their rejection of God’s Will brought this pain. My acceptance of God’s Will would make this pain redemptive.

You should not condemn Simon. You would have been startled, reluctant and bitter, too, if you had been in his shoes! You must learn, as Simon did, that life is not just and fair. You will be startled by burdens thrust upon you when you least expect them. When that happens, my Father and I will not hold against you your cry of ‘Why me?’ But you have to move on. You can’t spend your life looking for reasons for your pain. Learn from Simon. My Father used Simon to help me achieve salvation for all. He uses you for this purpose also. Simon accepted my Father’s call to do His will. Will you do the same? (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, we are called to holiness. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, may we freely carry our cross and help our brothers and sisters to carry theirs. (stand)

Fifth Station

Simon is Forced to Take Up the Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand) Jesus I felt badly for Simon of Cyrene. He had no way of Speaks: preparing for what happened to him. He was a farmhand coming in from the fields when the soldiers forced him to carry my cross. I think I heard him complain to himself, ‘Why me?’

Let me tell you the difference between the pain of the cross and the many other pains we endure in life. As human beings we will all experience pain: physical pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain and psychological pain. These pains are a result of the presence of sin in the world. My pain on the cross was pain freely accepted out of love for sinners. I could have escaped this pain at any time and called for a legion of angels to protect me. Instead, I wanted you to know the great love I have for you, by letting you see how much suffering I am ready to bear for you. I want you to follow my example. I want you to carry your own cross and to accept the suffering that will demonstrate your love for others. Remember, there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, your infinite love for us was shown by the pain and suffering you endured. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, may we never underestimate the power of suffering. By your example, we will persevere in love. (stand)

Twelfth Station

Jesus Dies on the Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus I was dying and it hurt. Some people find it hard to Speaks: believe that the Son of God—could actually suffer and die. There was a time when people believed that my death was just a show ~ the appearance of suffering ~ because they thought that God would never allow His own Son to experience death.

Do you tend to avoid your loved ones and they you, in times of crisis? Some spend a lifetime shielding their deepest selves from those they love the most. In the end, this will fail, because your death exposes your weakness to your loved ones as nothing in life could. Don’t wait until death or desperation. Share now with your loved ones all of your joys and aspirations as well as your fears and troubles. Don’t waste this opportunity. I wanted Mary to see me only at my best, not in such a weak and vulnerable position. But, through the grace of God, I was given this beautiful moment with my Mother. God also gives this grace to you. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you give us the grace to face our loved ones in good times and bad. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will seek to be open and honest with those we love the most. (stand) Sung Refrain...

Fourth Station

Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus I have just seen Mary. I wished for a second she and I Speaks: could have been spared that meeting, which was short but painful. Was I trying to hide this final agony from her, thinking she might not be strong enough for it?

My suffering and death was no “show.” I am, and I was, a Human Being just like you ~ “in all things but sin.” I am truly human and truly divine. This has always been a part of faith that is challenging to accept and understand. As a human being I experienced disappointment, betrayal, anger, mental anguish and physical pain ~ just like any person who has faced a terrible death like mine. Some people believe that if their faith is strong enough, then God will protect them from human suffering, fear and disappointment. Faith does not protect us from pain. Faith helps us to endure life’s pains with hope and courage ~ knowing that God is near to give us strength. Like any human being I shouted out my desperate fears in the words of Psalm 22: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Yet, in my heart I remembered other words from that same psalm: “The Lord did not hide his face from me but heard when I cried to him.” Pain and suffering come to us as the result of sin in our world. I offered my suffering to the Father that sin might be conquered. Remember that for those who follow me—pain will only be temporary but joy will be eternal. Silent Prayer (please kneel) Sung Refrain...

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Thirteenth Station

Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus The noise has stopped. Mary and a few faithful disciples Speaks: take me from the cross. They say nothing. They do nothing, except, with hearts aching, hold my limp body. All is silent.

Jesus I have just fallen flat on my face. I tried to avoid it. I Speaks: wanted to stay on my feet. I wonder if I fell partly because I was trying too hard to keep from falling? You can learn from my fall. You also will fall if you try too hard to succeed all by yourself. You may often be tempted to achieve lofty goals and to take too much upon yourself. Your motivation may be worthy, or it may be inferior. Maybe you feel that all of this will impress God? You do not need successes to get my Father’s attention. If you succeed, it is because of His grace anyway. My Father wants your fidelity, not your successes. In all you undertake, go first to Him in prayer and ask what He wants. (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you give us the strength to endure our falls. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will seek God’s grace to accept our weaknesses with strength of faith. (stand)

Third Station

Jesus Falls the First Time Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You. People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. (stand)

You have been taught that being my disciple is an active role. The more you do to improve yourself, the Church and the world, the better. There are times when you must work, but there are even more crucial times when you must say nothing and do nothing except be with me, your heart aching, as Mary and the faithful disciples after the crucifixion. I had asked some of my Apostles to be with me during my agony in the garden. But they were so exhausted that they quickly fell asleep. Not even one of them had the energy to be with me. How often has that happened throughout the centuries! After my crucifixion, my disciples waited and watched in silence. Are you ready to listen and love in silence? (kneel and pause) Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you sent us a powerful message of love. All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we learn the value of quiet times with you. In these times and always, we love you as you loved us. (stand)

Fourteenth Station

Jesus Body Is Put in a Tomb

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.


Jesus I had no grave of my own. My body was laid in Speaks: somebody else’s tomb. Was it fitting that I be buried in a

borrowed tomb?

You also must carry the instruments of your own suffering and death. You were born with defects that you may never abolish. You have flaws that cause pain and suffering. You want to be kind, patient and understanding, but at times you find yourself mean, short tempered and cynical. But you must not curse yourself or your limitations. Instead, seek the help of your Father in heaven.

My cross did not come only from Pilate or the Roman soldiers. My cross came when I took on my Father’s work and engaged in the fight against the power of Evil. Your crosses are the same. They are your opportunity to join in my battle. How do you respond to your crosses?

I embrace my cross. You must embrace yours also. Resisting crosses only leads to anger and bitterness.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your cross and resurrection, we are empowered to overcome our weaknesses and fears.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we will accept our crosses willingly - with hope, trust and humility.


Sung Refrain...

Second Station

Jesus Takes Up His Cross

Leader (genuflects): We adore You, O Christ and we praise You.

People (genuflect): Because, by your holy cross, You haveredeemed the world.


Jesus My instrument of suffering and death has been thrust onSpeaks: me. Should I curse this heavy timber and those who laid

it upon me? By rejecting God, Adam and Eve made the tree of Eden the symbol of death. By accepting myFather’s will, this cross will become the Tree of Life.

I was always borrowing things. I borrowed a crib in Bethlehem to be born. I borrowed Peter’s boat to preach from. I borrowed a donkey to ride on when I came into Jerusalem. I borrowed bread and wine to make my body move and my blood flow into history. I borrowed thorns, wood and nails to redeem the universe. Why should my burial be any different?

Now, I will also borrow you. You will be my parched tongue and throat. You will be my nailed hands, reaching out in love to the world. You will be my pierced feet, carrying the Good News of salvation to every age and nation. You will be my head covered with thorns and my lanced side. And when the borrowing is over, you will be my brothers and sisters — RISEN WITH ME.

Sung Refrain...

All rights reserved. Used with permission. OneLicense A-719863

Closing Prayer

Leader: Let us Pray:

Lord Jesus, today we have walked these fourteen stations with you. Together we continue to walk the road to Calvary. It is a long journey with many crosses to bear.

By your cross, you overcame sin once and for all. By your resurrection, you gave us eternal life. May we have the courage to accept that life in faith and in love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Leader: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

(Sign of the Cross)

Closing Song

Pilate told me when and how I would die. You may not get that blessing. You won’t have a Pilate to tell you the place, the time or the circumstances of your death. Yet you stand condemned to death as surely as I was. You were destined to die the moment you were conceived. Death is “the wages of sin” - it is the destiny of the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve.

Do you think of that very often? If you thought about your death, you could see more clearly that some of the material things you are most obsessed with are the least important. Wealth and riches won’t help you when your time to die comes.

I remind you of your death not because my Father and I want you to be fearful of your future. I remind you to help you live fully and freely as my brothers and sisters, as sons and daughters of my Father, reborn in Baptism.

(kneel and pause)

Leader: Lord, by your death and resurrection, you guide us to new life in you.

All: As we walk with you to Calvary, Lord, we promise to be mindful of the things that really matter. That is - faith, hope, and love.


Closing Song: Ashes (verses 3 and 4)

Text: Tom Conry, b. 1951, Tune: Tom Conry, b. 1951; acc. by Michael Joncas, b. 1951 © 1978, OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. OneLicense A-719863

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