the stalemated seventies

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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The Stalemated Seventies . 1968-1980. Objectives. Evaluate the causes for the decline in the 1970s economy. Identify what led to Nixon’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. Analyze why the 1970s was met with little progress. The Gift Given by the Sixties. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Stalemated Seventies 1968-1980


Evaluate the causes for the decline in the 1970s economy.

Identify what led to Nixon’s involvement in the Watergate scandal.

Analyze why the 1970s was met with little progress.

The Gift Given by the Sixties

1970s becomes a period of stagnation, multiple causes

Nixon adopts policy of Vietnamization, appeals to Silent Majority

Opposition grows My Lai Kent State 26th Amendment Pentagon Papers

Nixon breaks through Cold War barrier with China, Soviet Union

Supreme Court Activity

Complete the activity related to the supreme court cases heard by the “Warren Court” that molded a decade.

Nixon’s Homefront

Expands “Great Society” through… Affirmative action EPA OSHA Clean Air/Species Act

Nixon wins a landslide election in 1972, goes on bombing rampage

Unraveling a Presidency

American public loses trust in the gov’t, establishes War Powers Act

American involvement in Israel result in speed restrictions and embargo

CREEPs efforts brought about the Watergate Scandal, “Saturday Night Massacre” Nixon resigns Aug. 8,


Ford’s Presidency

Moments that define a presidency… Pardon Amnesty Vietnam falling to

Communism Feminist movement =

ERA, Title IX

The “white flight” and “affirmative action” become burning issues

Carter’s Presidency

Capitalizes on being a “Washington outsider”

Brings peace to the Middle East

Diagnoses economic issues, leading to energy issues

Embargo was placed on the Soviets, the Olympics

Presidency ends with Iran hostage crisis

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