the spirit of the times,

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VOL 3. SYDNEY, (C1- PE.BRE'l'ON .. 1 FRIDAY, .JUNE 7, 184 ~. NO.9.

~IT ERARY . ! attachment offended my father" He wind ; and he died in an hCOIule cot· passage-he Leard voices in aparlmeo\l comm81]ded m.e to 1,)8ve her fQ,r ever. lage, ' unlamented and unnoticed by on the righi-again he knocked, but

THE SOLDIER'S ~E~URN. [ could not, aod he turned Ole from hi~ the ~riends of prosperity. \US unheeded. Heenlered un invited. Seven OJ' eight year. ago, I was tra. hous. 1 w8Ildt-red-1 kne\V 1I0t nnd I At the request of my fellow traveller A group were standing in lhe middle

velling"betwten Berwick allJ Selki rk; cared Dot whither , But I will not de· I accolllilanied him to the house lIf of tbe floor i and, among them, a min· and, hning tltll rted :'Il the crowing of talll you wilh my hisLOry. In my ~t· mourpin, Two or three poor cotla· ister, commencing the marriage ser· the cock, 1 had left Melrose abou t four most need, I Inet a sergeant or , t he gers sat around the fire. The COffill) vice or the Church or Scotland, The in the afternoon , On arriving at Ao. fo rty.secolld, who was then upon the with the lid opp.n, lay across a talJle bride hung down hcr head 1I0rrowfully iv>lsford , I percei,'etl a Hlghl:&lId S ol. recruiting service, lind, in Il rew ecks ncar tI.e window. A rew white hairs 81U.I tears ",!e re atreaming down her dier apparently fatigued as myselr I joined that rpgilllC'hl of pro~(J ~e<1~ts, fell o\'er the white r face of the deceu· cheeks-she was his own Jeanie L es· leaning upon a waite in' stick and 0: 1 was at Brussels whcn the IIlVl1all~HI ed, which seemed to indicate that he lie. The clergymau p3uscd. Tho

, . g, g I to Ihe wolf and Ihe rnren rana at mid· died from sorrow ralher t holl froll1 age". uride's father stepped forward angrily r zing IOt~II,sely on the falr~ p.alace of night through the street:: . Il \ViiS the The son pre~st!d hi ~ lips to his falher's and enquired~H What do ye want1" the magician whose wan d IS Sl lIce uro· herald of::t J of I nd of death cheek, He g roan ed III ~}Jiril and was but , instant ly recognizing his features ken but whose' rnagic :ttill remains, I There were


;lree ~~grl;laand rt:'girnenl~ troubled, He raised his head in ago. ht: seized him bv the breast, and, in a am no particular. disci(,le of Lavater's.; of us-three ·o,·ned o"e-.:o,·ned ,·n r·,".I. .

I J J ~ ny, and, in a \'oice almost inarticul ate voice half choked with paasiQo, cou·

yet the mom carried IllS !oul upon hiS 'I d . . , d h k . I . fl · .. I .• k' face, alld we \yere fri e llds ilt t he fi rst ry, 111 ove, all III purpose . an t;:-, ar. Wit I grle, exc aimed inqUiring y- tinueu-" Sorrow ta ye lor a scqu u·

I II I · ' I · hi d Fate! I was present when the :Scots I , My mOlher!1I drel! \Vh at's brought ye here and the g ance. e wore a pam r Ig an I G n ' " E 'J' d · d· . I·k b·' bonnet. and a coarse grey greatcoat , re~s, ~~1,"g to ou r aid, ra:sed the I· be wou ermg peasant s sUrte to malr especially:l.t a lime l e t 11 .--buHOIl'!o to the thruat. H is dress be. I ee lrlc, ' ~cotlalld for ever .-Scotland their feet and in silence pointed to a Get oot 0 ' my house, sir! I say, \Vil·

k I · 1 I I for ever! ' retureed our tart nned cI ... ns· lowly bod, Be hl15tened forward- lie Campbell, get oat 0 ' my house, and ,po e 11111 to )e ~n, . on'y to, th e rank :;;, men' "Scot land for e'tr !" rt! verlJcra. allu fell upon his knees by her lJed never darken my door again wi'ne'er. but there wns a d~6rllly In IllS n~anne~, led • .'5 rrom the henrts we hnd left be. sieJe. da·\Ve.l1 countenance!" and a fire, n glo\\'lIJ~ l a,~~~age! III . Ins hind us; and "Scotl and forever! re. " My mother,-Oh my muther t" he A sut.lde ll shriek fullowed th e Ol en., wortlly flf <1 cilieflalll: HIS helg l~l echoed" Victory " _." Hea\'f'ns.1I au . .exc:alllled, "do not you, too, leu\c me ! tion of his name, ond Jeanie Leslie fell might exceed fi,'e fee t flIne and illS d d h . ' I " d L k k I . I f h b ·d ·d age be abou t thirty, The' tracts of ,e .e. startlOg to liS leet an , I; rasp· 00 at me-!:'pea to (~le.- am yo ur In10 t le arms 0 er n esmal . .nianly beaut \vere still u on his cheek lUg hl-\ SlaW, us the enthusal,sIU of own son.- your OWII \VI!!le-hare you "Peace, Mr. Leslie !II s3id the aol· but the su"o ~f a Wtdter: hemis he re ~~e past g~s.hed ,back upon 1115 soul, too, forgot me mother 1 dier pushi ng the old man aside i-since had tinged them with a sallow P hue . to have JOI.ned.'D that ~hou.t was to She, 1?0. lay ~pou h~r dea.t~ .bed, matters are thus, I will only stop to

d . " d ' I r ' live an f"ternlly 111 t he ", brallon or <1 and the tide of hfe was fast eoblllg i say rarewell ror ould langsyne-you a~ Impnnte UlllllDt y urrows upon p .! ndu!um!" but the remembered ,oice of her belo· cannot deny me that."

t O~r cO llvenalion relo: ed chieH to 10 a few momenls, the ~nimaled s~ui ved son dro\'e it back for n moment. H e passed towards the object of his .the classic scener around 'tiS' .. til ~e t haJ...-gave eloquenc, drcw I~selr back 10· She ,?pened he: eyes-she ~ttemDted youug love. She spoke uot she mo\'cd hild pleasantly 'o!rne ed to e'ther for to t.~e ch~mbe rs of humanity, !nd, re· to ra.lse ker feeble hand, and It feU up· not-he took her hand: but ahe seem· two or three m{les w~en \:e arrived hiS seot Ur~)J1 the low w~II, he 011 hiS head. She apoke but ahe alone e~d 1:lncon~cious of wliat ' he did. A~d. at a little !Sf' ueste~ed bur 81 round c~ntmued-" 1 lell my olel ~eglment knew the words that ~he uuered! they as he agalll gazed UpOIl her beautiful hy the \VII s~ e neilr whiclth!re was with ~he prnsp~ct or promotion, .and ~eemed accents ,of mlll~led anguish. of face, absenc_e beca"!e as a dr~am upon ncither c~urch 'nor dwellin, JuJow have since I!!enp~ III the \Vest Indl esj JOY, and ofblessllIg. l'or several 01111· her countenance ... fhe ,e,ry lang.uage

II I ' I d ' f r. I but I hea.rd nothing of my father- no· utes he bent over the hed , and wept that he had acqUired dUring the.r se· \Va was ~ lin y cm'cre, wit I tur , ~,~f t hing of my mother-nothing of her I bitterly. He held her withered hand peration was laid aside. Nature tri· ;:01 s:!lionO\~~c~~:~" s ;l( to re~t. ,1a ~ love !". . ~hc stared; and, as we appr,oached ~mphed over arr! and h.e addressed her , h t I I ' ~n t a~, m~ n ' Vhlle he was ye t speaking the him, t he band, he beld was Bull and 1M tbe accents With which he had firu f 0 y, anl ~15 eyes wan ere anxIous· gl ave digge-r. with a pick.axe a~d a lifele:ts. He weill no longer-he gazed breathed love and won her heart. y ~1I;;.ng ,~ t ~~a~es. H f ~pade o'er his shoulder, entered the frOID ~he dead oody of his f:ttber to .. Jeanie !' Slid he, pressing her

C ~re. ~~:d e, I sl~~Pd .80~ef a g round. He approached within a few lhat of his mottrer; his eyes wandered hand between his. II ii's 8 nir thing to mY"at er l C I ren \\'10 Ie In JD an· ya rds of where he sa t. He me3sured wildly from the oue to the other, he aayfar ewell; but at present I maUD CYiI 'k d t off a narrow piece of earth-it encir. smote his hand upon his \lrow and say it. This is a scene I never ex·

e SIC ~ ur a s?,alJ.stone frOb t ~e eled the little stone which the soldier threw himself upon a chair, while mise· peeted to see; for, 0 Jeanie! I could groun d nn" 'T1hlro:"I Ut It gClIl Y a out had thrown to mark the huryal place ry tran s~xed him, as if a thund erbolt .have trusted to your truth and to your ~:t Y:~a~'k G od ~t ~ t every spot.- of his family. Convulsion rushed over had en.te-red hi.s sou!. .. love, as the farmer ~rults t? seed, timo be' . d d : no gra~e 6ton~ h~s the features or mw companion ' he shiv. I Will Dot gIVe a deSCription of the and to harvest, and IS not disappolllted . . en r:lse r ~rll~g my a sence.- t e red- he grasp~d my arm":""his lips melancholy funerals, and the .oliu ry 0 Jeanie, woman I this is like lepen· I~ i\ t.o e~" sa, find

d m: p~r~Dts. I~ qui,'ered-his breathing beca'Kle short mourner. The fathers obseqnies were ting the flesh to the bones and burning

~.'"r!a' i~,r'~o ~~~t~I~~~r 100,e ~~t .• 8 ~:~d a~d loud-the cold aweat tri~k led from delayed, and the aon laid both his pa· the' marrow, But ye maun be anithera . y, I h f e . t .1-. . hiS templts. He spr<1ng O\'er the w:l1I rents Tn the same gravr.. now-farewell !-farewell !

:~'awij)i~l~ttl:~s ~~~Itd~ ' a parent IS turn· -he rq, hed towards l.he SPO,L Se~'e ral !'l0nths ~Iassed a",a~ before "~o 'r no (-m.y ain ' Villie!" : he g . , '! Mlln!" he exclauned In agony, I gal lied Infor0l 8001l respecllng t he exclallned recovering from the action

He dropped IllS head upon hiS ~reast U whose grue i~ tllitt 1" ~ sequel of my liule slory. After his pa~ of the s\upefaction j my hand is still (or il few . mOIll~~te, Ill,ld wall !I!ent i .. Boot! aWl wi' yP.!" said the ~rave rentll were laid in the dU llt. \Villiam free. and my heart has aye been your. a~d, haal1ly r "I~In1t hiS forefinge~ to dig cr, starting back at his manner j Campbell, with a sad and anxious heart -save me, ' ''illie! sue me I" And ,hiS eye6, ~~emed to ~ush away D solita· " whatna way is thl\t to gl iff a body I made inqui ries after Jean ie Leslie. the she threw herself into his arm&. rr tear. } hen turl/lllg, to m~ he ~OI,I. -are ye daft 1" object of his early affections, 10 whom The bri~egroom looked from one to tlnued- ,You may .thlnk, SIC, thiS UI .. Answer me," seizing his hand, we have already alluded, For severOjI another, imploring t hem to-com;nence weaknen In a soldier. but a human u wh(,se ltrRve-who!e g r<1\'e, ill that." weeks his search wus fruitless i but at e n attack upon the intruder j but he heart beat" ben eath a . red coat.- "Mercy me I" rt:'plied the mao of length he learned th at cOIl!tider<1ble looked in vain. The father again sei .. My fath f'r , whose n Hme IS ClImpbpll, death, ye' re surely out o'yer head i it's properly had been left her rath~r by a zed the old grey cqat of t ho soldier, .n~ who was b:ought frol1l Argyleshlre all auld body they ca'd Adam Camp. distant rel:Jtive , and t ha t be resided and, almost rending it it in twain, dis· w~'le !,ouog, IS a ~e!lthy farmer in bell's gra,e; now, are ye onything the !iomewhere in Dunfnesshire. covereo underneath the richly IRced lhltl IJelghbor ~ood. rwehe yeals ago wiser for !peerin 1" In the same garb which I have al· uniform of a B ri tish t)fiicer. He drop. I loyed a lJemg, gentle as (he light II My father !!' Cried my comarllc1e, ready described, t he soldie r set out up· ped t he fragment of the oute r garment of the sumlller mOOIl. \ Ve \~ere chil· as I approached him j and, clilsping his on his jou rney . With little difficulty ill wonder, at the B:tme time d ropping dren tog~ther , 8nrl she grew In hea~ly hands together, he b~nt his head UPOII he discm·ered the ho~se, It res~l1I· his wrath, excla imc.d," 1\1r. Ca?lpbelll jon my , Sight, <J:J the sla r of e.n~nlllg my shuultJer, and w('pt aloud , IJled such as are occulHt"d by the high -or wha t are ye Will you explalll }'our ~ }teals 1111 0 glory Ihrousth .twyllght. - I will not dwtdl UpOIi the painful er clasa.. of farmers, The frollt duor self1" )Jut she W~8! poor nlld ~orllonless, the scene. During his absence, advers ity stood open. lIe knocked, but 110 onc A few words explnined all. 1'he ~.uibt.r of a mean Shepherd. Our had given the fOrlune. of hi. father to I answered. He proceeded along the bridegroom a wealth! middle .,e4

THE SPHUT OF Tli£T·UVl.ES, "' , ' ,...

~an, wil~out a heart, left 'the boultf! .• foq,od sheller and heany welcome in . ' . . I' " . ! • For tA>.\'i~the · j' .~ gnashing hia t"eth ' Badly II!' our ,l!Ii!" the shantee of a seltler, 'fhe,5ceQe culues whlchmu,uply .~"~t tbe e.rhor , 9.t:N"LE~N,L:' /it.lettu addreased ilatv hono,n!l' Ife conferred, ' merit 18 which presented itself was to him then stages of an Immigrants ailventure. lu Sir Robert Peel by the unpretend-not· ftlways overlooked, even In this new, Dnd .interesting. On either side The Hibernian Importl with 9)m ing Mr . .... Hamilton of Sydney, fur the country where mODey is e~erythjng and . d ' h" , " . (.he Scotch soldier had obtained the of th.e huge gaping fire-place sat- two into the land of "his adoption, bis' in- very 8f1f:1g' w IC 1 It eVinced, at one ..

.... '" d ' b" 'd d I ' d ' attracted some. n{tlice desenedly too ' P!o'mot ion he deserved: Jeanie's joy ~~ r~Pi)lni lads, IOtent upon t,~elf eyep- 9mlla If In ~pen , ence, liS rea IO.e~~ ' tt "~nibcht-i •• for pe;8p~eUit; o~~t~I';" " \Jas like a dream of henen, In a few mg s work-the one dre~U~.iA slaves nt<Jeparl,~e, ]115 ~road hU~lpr, and, h1S and accuracy ()f diction it mig~t well we~ks s l1e gave her h~nd to Captai!l tbe other repairing his mocca~ins of broad shoulders, The prama!:} object bear comparispn with emme of lh_e best Campbell, of Ius MaJesly's--,regl. ' (mtanned hid~. Beside a table sat the of the Irish is to aecure temporary Epi~tola,y articles ~hich have appear. ment Qf infantry, ,10 whom, long . y~ars , I.... .. ~. d ' h" S " f h r

h If ~ood Hnn of the' house"-his locks adva'ntage. He readily becomes" .the e III t ~ _ pUlt 0 ~ e ' irnes,'~. I ~efore., she h .. d Kiten ber young ~art. ~ -, ,' , ' ... ~ , " - --;- , .. . ,,- . '- . have, v'et tolearn that the mere fact of ===;=======~"",,== c.mty les~ whl.t ~ than ,he I:Jno\~ wh~h S~tVI.n~.J ~~pl .... y,nIJ ~.~~ nnd hiS ,po~"k~t a writer'!I beinr a lJle,ha~ic ;.,(oy be let

' ~®~llJmI.lWi]'IlJI.l®~s:lo bad WIeat,hed its way throug,h a creyit e tol.rail)Y well U )in~d'!'" ,H~th~n pur,. up •• ' a legitimate oau •• why - he may above the roughly-hewn ca.ement of chases upot, 'alreadi! clea,'ed, oAd 'aots be f.irly : d""poiled of, the, r.w ... d ' of

frritten fo~' the Spi.rit oj the, Time,'. the low door-his bonnet reverently· up for 'a farmer. Treat him well,:' and me!!t, ~r of "honest and l~ell .e"rn~d oe-SKF.TCHES OF C~PE BRETON !"d " 'd "'d ' 'I "" I" " d b' ' .r ' " d ~II , Ieb",y , Lord Brougham propc;5,~' a

i" ' 0 n(l~ IV - . .~ ;' ~I aSI e, an t~e B(b e ) .open...!~ef?re lC IS. a ,goo au, leet an a g~o e ow London J'oin~r for o~e of' the "' Vice; N,. "" . ..b imiaud now and .h,e woqld stir w¥reve!-Jound--in Cape B.reton he il PreaidentiaJ chafra tor the rh~tjtute ill

It has be~J} .aid of ,the" I;Iighland' the fir. with /li. 8tatr, and make it: bu<n eminenllJ 10, When ' onc. ,rightly Ihe 'British- Metropolis, ASSigning a~ Sc-ota ' that "ther, of all people, th~ more brightly and give "light , to all unller~ay, he farms,"&! hl dots ',V a reas~n . fors~ ~oiul{, that a~veral a. most · resdil, ' adapt them~elves to the around . . A nd there in n corne r was thing, in earaest, and as' if he intendeci ~Ir wfltte

h!'· ad~tlcles,! fr-om that Mechan- \ . ' . ~ . - j .. ., ' ,. ~ . , . Ie s pen, a ' graced the pages of tho

ei"rcumstanC?esI of t,helr presEtnt pOSI· a laSSie, too, in her 5bor t~ k,lrtle of to con 'l..u e:r, Public JOIun~ ls. H I do 50" 'Sllid tha&..' th:~.n ," The tOUri5~ over Cape Bretor. homespun, looking aJl health and Here and there-two and lhree, great " mnn towards the concluslop of. will find this po.itiou forctb.1y exempli· ~heerfulne!&--f8eding, from attn ·por. together, we meet with' th3 des·cenll· his s~ee~h ,- II I do so thus, if " p~ssible, 'fled where\'er he meet \'V.ith 'a solitary r·inger; a lamb-,' wh·ich. poor thing had a.nts· of American Loyalists, coogre- t.o stlRJ '!.IQ,te the class of mec lHtllI.c's, as , : .~ " l ' 'I f C I' . . ' d ' d' ff< ; ' fC B a class, and as 8 bod)' to foHow,' 10 ~" squat~er , , ~r D. selt em.ent ~ 0 • . e '"'tJ .. ~ con:e a hule be~ore Its ljme j whilst gate 10. I , er~\I!t part,s 0, .' ' ape- reJon, ' c;redh~aql~ ~nd : pr~ise \V~rthy an cX,'!.m.

~ extractloll. rhe lana HIghJ.a,~d I·mml· the <tam peeped Wistfully at her from As a class they a re habitu ally indus· pre, and to mduce them to action. lind . . grant-his wife by his , Si9~(" . n .babe over l-he crib, wondering whot , it all !rj.oul. II hanlly men," extremely inge- to direct their

l aim above and nllt be/ulD

ne~lling in her bosom r ~eneath the could )menn. Aud-.there again wastba nious~ They build their' own hous'es, the lef.!el 'of tqeir posiiiol(/ ' I. merely tartan of her clan-dive, unappalled gallant cock perched upon the high.,t .nil cobble , 'their o\vn shoes, woultnddj by, thefway, Ipnt to pnder· " h' f I 'd t d I 'd ' ' . ../ h" , I h d h 'hI rate tile c ·allns 0 a ruechlllllc 10 dl!l~ IOto ~ e Jo~esta ~ H» ,a o~ ~ '.·an, cross-beam-with the partlets of his t elr OWIJ p oug s, an a oe t em tinct.ioli and ~o lower pis ela"ims upon' and laces Its Nlld sOhtlld~8 with 11. harem-now and again stretching out al~o. · Their qllic~ness of iQve.ntioD ia the, respect and consi~erati(ln of Soci­heart as firm aod a step 08 !ight, as , if his loog:-oeck, and in dica ting-his pre- unrivalled~like lhe m~ker of shadowy etY". is:at v8riance with €<!m lpon sC!lI~e he ' wer') bounding over the heather, of .seuce· and his watchfulne!l9 by ~~ few rabbiLs on a wall, they can" turn their and dl,re.~tly \ ?PP?sed to ~ I ~~le Spirit rI' I' d f h' b' th H ' t , h' ,', " , h d - h" , ,, of the fllne" ' le o an " o · 18 Ir , e SI s un short, qUlcklY: .. n~iterated not_es, , Th_e an s t() Rny t In~, · No REPEALER , ~

down by some brook"side, and looks 'writer had to iled over many a llIile of We must aot . pa~9 by with.out no· Sydney, June 5th. 1844. nround for aapotwhereupon ta .pitch pathlel3 snow th8t dav. and he was tieethe Acadian Fre~h,. "ho were. ·==="",======"",,_-=_ bis tonto He .eRtl h;s cold me'll, w!th- hungry and we'lry-and how welt.ome descendants of the Frendl <who were! UNI~ED STATES.

out II. murmur-indifferent·to pri'{ation WI,S", a seat by th~"' hearlb-si4 Et: and Nova.S"Co~i·a, previo~llr ~o £ rom tlte Boston 7'imt,

lod to difficulty, ' Fatigue is no .tran, the 'l'0me!y rare, ,and, a 'lqDg njgh~ of thn-.klllgoof"8r~IOII; , tI~er. ,.tlU THE PHtL'AJ}E[;PHIA-il'RAGF.OY, , ~er to/him", put t.~eh. 'he ,nas th.e' hartH· dr-earnleSs sleep upon the truss of clean ad~ere to· t~e dress BI!O manners an.d it ~r.s·{)ur ptoinful duty, 0':1 y~sterd ay

hood, to· endure it without repining, well.shaken' straw, in the oabin ' of the cu;stoms of. their aucestors, with a 'feel- and ft~ e ,day prece:ding, to la'! ·be fore I'nsulatell fan1iiies, anll kno·ts of thi.s poor b'ut hospitable ' HiO'hland '''im mi- in-g nearly allied to religious, und' are our readers I he details of one' of t he

d \ did '" \ b J . bloodi,est and most prolrJctcd riota that e!as: "!ay be, faun , 'seate tete an grant-at' t~Je · tdistance of, y.eRI s, s till '~h~m ,ess, honest: i~offenslJve people: ha~ l iver perhaps heen en'acted ' in this there ,on " e~er, . mouutajn ( side, "the lives in his ,remembra,nce with'" ali the ~!J[l~e.flcally c~n,sldered., . they a,fe by J~~~ntry.} ,a t!age~y , ~hic!J, frop1 lUI

~nd .throughout. Th~~e " ,hey 'are, fre"!hnes8 of yesterday: ,- no means contemptible. ·,The popu· c~nln,,! wttl~ tI po~ itic a l ~overnent, ~felling--.-.burning-pI8nting-sowing j TheEnglish who have se'ttl'ed' upon lous setiJeme!lts on !sle' M~d'am~":"""ot demands the most · aeriou, · considera4 their wants few, and ·eaaHy supplie.d. the wildlJands of the Island, ar.e~ rJtv . L'Ardoise,Cheticamp, andthe heal! of fioo'" of -every'Americau citizep who

. ' ~ . ,. l ' . ... , has at heart the welfare of his country, Cornfort,. ih lhe tense the eff'em'inate 8D~ they seem ~o waot that ard,.or of.- Span.ish ~a:y, could turn oU:l sorne five and t.he · stability of her insttlutillus, II Sassenach" understands it, they nti- ihe Scot whioh conquers difficulties. or six thou~and able bodied lDen.- The exigency Bf the case demands n ther careJor, nor could, enj.9Y, T 'heir They still retain the bluntness, and ~hey are universally- orthe·R.oman (;a- prompt and vig'orous i"nvesligation and dwellings pre rude, easily anaexpedi- honeslJ ofmanDer and address , which (holic faIth; and cling with unvarying action ~ on . the part .of the puLlic au-

, d 'r I h - ' r ' ' d fi h " P thorilies of Phil.delphia, and on them ,tiously constructe 0 tIl r0l!g , un- are' the charactE:ris\ics ~f4 Joh,n ,Buli fide ItY, an .rmness to \' elf riest· dev.olves the tas~ of the bewn logl, which encumber the land everywher.Q, T ,heir log.-houses indi- h~od and their Ahars, 8 ufho~!J o;f the o~trage, and-the vi9~a~

~ ~ud !It and ~n the way of their agric~l- eate a regard for neatneas-th;ir farm~ -, We have yet a word to !lay of the A- tors 'of the law, whoever ... they may be, ture ; and yeti within these If uos'huycn iog implements a'e kep~ in order.....:.... borigines, 8 miserable remnant of the however. p?w~r~ul ttieh influence anti . walls," are e,er found the .proverbially but" John" will not toil cheerfu:llv or once Mictri ~e tribe, so rormi. conue911~nsJ With t.he 8ever~eat ~Igor~ol .

.. \ .. .. ~ ., ~ , . , the law . . Air mlllor conSiderations ho.pitabl.e customs of their ra'ce. In r'ec,on~'l~ " himself to the ...,. _p~~vations dR~le to ~ll.e w;~lte mao w~o ,lOtruded . m'usL~e' ~ergec! iu the paral'l1oul~.t duty . this reape,ct, ind~edhan~ in the ,Qobit.- which" 10 degree less or more, are upon theIr anc~~nt ,p08ses~lon s. R~m .0f. .vin.rlicatil'Jg the violated IlInje'Sly of ~sl use of ·hie Illltiopal Jang~Rge, l the int~"itable by him who casts . his · lot 'and an imperfect civilization. have. the la~v ,and cr~slling in. its very Y,utse l Highlander, in the Ne." World,1 under': upc:m a' nero farm in a Ndr"th Americ8Q combined to c)blite'rale 'their distinctive the, splf1~of ~llarchJ, misrule a.nd revo-goes AO ~senBible change in a long "!Id '" L 'II B Ii'; " p'" • ~~~racter and as a people they eRD Intloll . . , ~? far ?S woe .nre concerned,

W.I ernes~, ' . opate - u , I.n, Bra ..• ' , , t .. . . ' all publIc Journai1sts, we shall, rE':garcJ. seriE's of yean, Reciting tradltionary dlse, and he _woLlld swear !\ did. not hard I, be laid !oexist. ¥et , anuually, leiS of all political considerations, poems, in Gaelic, handed down from equal Devonshire_or in fI the New Je' about the feasl of St An-ns the H light mete oui t~ ·. the jlarti"e. con.c:erned, . their ,forefathers in many generations, rusalem;" Ind it were a fig to' Lunnun. canoe" mar be leerr, gliding over' lhe equal and even.handcd justice, - . -or r.l.ting tal.a ' of their own e.rl, The honest pride of aD English!Dan waters of tho Dra. d'Or, impelled by Th.,' account8 ~f the lrag.d~ . now

d' II ' f ' h " . . , - 1· before UI, are wralten almost IR the day,s, an reco ecllon!l 0 t' elf native causes him to underrate ~very other the paQ~lei or barpe sw,lflly a l ollg ~ be· "lidst of ' con'fl aO" ralion 'ballie ' I'nd land-they gr.oup around the hearth ·co.un.try under heaven j he can diaco- fore the breeze; u'uder 8 ~I a nket sail, blooJshed : ~ ' bnt it-must' ue confessed p.iJed· high with blazing JOg8, ~nd pass . ver ;~o n_tion 80 em'inentl, ~it and bearing ·to their Chapel.J on a ·thii tbere Jrs " s ' singular un'aniinity -in away the ahort atorm! day or the. long W'i~~ '011 tHntloali inake life, dea _ e ' rretty 'ro'manti. Island in the' loake, the ,the -"xpre.~ed , opiniont "o( fho origin ev.nlnll' of dreary wlDter, " but th~o he' values it ftot' b'ecaus .. ! q t romnant o.fthe tribe there to "keeH of the bfiloodY ~n"f fatal , con/llc,t, ,~ nd

, . . . . " . " " . '. ~ , . " " . . .. ," that the rst act 0 hostile aggreslIJon Tra! elhng over one, of the wllde,.t Ju, .co!~fttr!l, b.ut ,be~.~.~, It IS that, J 'D~ hlg? holy day" And, th.Ir re!lglOus : wa. per~etrate~ ' ?1

c.1he ~ppone,~ t8 , of

and least p.o~ulous. diStflC~S .. of ~the wifereln"he can enjoy .... mosl Il .. ture dUlles over. slOg their ~u~ th,e ~atl '(~ ~:m~nen!l p!\nx: . ~!l.~~ . t.he hland, the wrner, wlth l\ fflend, ODce comfort." No won.~er 'hit h. re pU:les, feast a\n~~ dan~e. ·· r . p. p ... q . ~ fiut · ~I~: ~all ~ dJ~~n , '"' b~~~ .B~r~u;:& ..

;. l). .I "T' ' .

E! d r d' , . d hI b1PORTANT.-By Ihe folloV(in a P, I' unhappy freight, Mosl of I. he .. ma,de HelD with GOIDIQOD lIOIleeBl. 10 have peace an ree IJeUSIIOn , Ie soug ragraph ' .·n y".,erda,'8 Madi50ni~n, it tbeir .escape from shpre without any ,~n oIf all all .. iu~ 19 . Ihe law., 10 kindle .he fir .. of Is.aticism on the. seom. th., 'f~ll' ha. re;ecled .the Ar' otber pro~r\y IlulII wearing apparel- , IDd to huo combiaec! 10 trample under III,an of~ civil Jiber'1· '~h\, iuevit~hle mistice negocia ted 'witb :,!Mexico, How lome I,ndeed with scarcely that. , ,At r"", all-'I''''~l • . a09iol 9~ljgali9D., relull h .. foUow~d, Ihen"can any mon honellly pretend eig '.1 o'clock., on; Thu .. day .0\'enIl1g

0 .. lbe,J!,IJ' ollpwiqg !h~ fi,"1 ,ul. , ,,' •. 1, , , .,., (hal her incorporalion with Ihia co. un' I •• t,' Capl, Irahel .el sail 2nd at that br .. •• '-~- • lulli.cienl lilD~ for ro- ' Fr ... 1M HalVaz Jtn4rnal. . h k fbi d 00 • r-r ., f V' try doea DOt inevitably involve us 10 a time t e wor 0 00 was gomg • Aec.lioio Ioael i.e!fO!!ed. !h. 1.I!I.l~. 0 NeW York p"perl ' to the 18tb and Y{ar "lIh)le.ico. , and li.e porI crow~d as ia melltio"ed. .. 4U1uic,na we 6.d dl! 1)!'1 8.0ltoo 10 Ibe 20Ih malant, hue been We shall probably have .ome of t~,e r""r. 10 · Ib.i~ .1I."i..,. b~t b.l a lece;'ed .ioceour 1.-." · • .1l'b.y furnisb "THE DEI'ART~IENT OF TE~~S." otber .. ssel. with Ihe refugee ... rt~ .. ri .. of ib6amRl4l0rr procee~:hD.g't tbe rollowing icpPoflanl oewiwitb Fe· "The opponeD~s of Aonexatlon bne ving here today. When the Ackmoa­court I ren.ewaJ. of lh!; warflre w~ch gIrd to ,the United SU1~15 and fr~~all. retreated. to thiS ~r~und , They . 83: left, her commauqer had just &,ot lelter. il. to plung. t~p P11~ in .-lDourning~ ~nd The higq haDded and exulordlDary the Text.,n ~Omr~lI6!!IOne~S h~ve ~I~~ from St Dpllliqgo~a;n~. thQugh .. r,~~ duolati0'l' . T~e pu.bJI.c ~ authOriLleS, proceedillgs of Ihe Pr~8ideul, if ed aD arnnsuee w~th M ... exrco In wblch mors were tife, there wa' no certalJl,. seenl too, ~o,hl'if' been ,uihy of culpa- led io, pan not flil to invohe~ biB C(jDU- the\t Cdunt:'1 is calle.! .1he " .Depart-, inrormili()n of any encoonter having ble negle,," for ,, 1"ilh a f~n k,no,lfl<dge tty ill seripul ' difficuhie ... itb menl orrr~u •. " · . . ,akeD pl 6ce belw~en_H_~ard I~d tha

.of tbe 1emper lodpelarmlDllloo of the Bfitain. OffiCial mformatlon ba~ ~een rec~l- sp(rilsll re90 len:. - .-IDLlloqiJ\l ¥F!ar1!-:f-rwilb ~be awful TEXAS AND JOHN TYLER. fed in \Vashington ,- coutalomg tbe In- " - '-wlrniol . o~ ~ondl1 e'~nl~i .befor~ telligf'nce that Bo~aton has From the Jamaica ,Honling JOllrncJl1 .. them-wilh a k.uo"ledge of ,t~e Inflam· Tlje ,injunctioo of aecr\lCY- on Ih. rejecled the armlSllee, Nellher' he April 29. matory purpos~s of t~e '1 .rra\ives:' subject of the 'lJealy for ~h~ Ann.exa- nor th'e people . of Texas wil.1 e,e~ re- ... • llriog I~.m fuILin .th~ face7"r,ol u~"1 lioll 'of '1'exas ~ .. ing bee II rem,oved by cog.liz. anyocl or exl> ... SIOII on. Ih. INSURRECTION IN CUD,A . • Iat~ hQur oE Ihe .econ~ day, do Ihey the Senal., Iba' Treaty a.d Ih. aoeu· part of hi. or Iheir agenl., d"ectly or Tbe Royai Mail Sleamer Clyde re-put rorth lheir ~ardy orders to the mlla- ments accompanylllg 1t, ~a\'e qow be~n remolely 8cknowltdging the tupremu- turned here from St :Jago, de CubB Oil tUJ, whic;h arc_a-s l.a obt;yed ;. alld 8.ulhorltauvely made public, The pub- ey of Me'xico. ~ Satl,.Itday m'orning. By her we lea~n whtn tlse inlurrectloD IS renewed) and hcauon of tbese documeots present . tbat aQ. Insurrection of a deeply laid murder and iocendlarism are at their \he ~~,tillg Pre!nd~lI.t of the UOIted F,~m tlte Jamaita Royal Gazel.le. nature had broken out among the If~i~ht. fl'll three hours o.fler the roll- ~t"t~s In il new I?QSiliOIl of presumtll- \ nU"OR'l'ANT FROM HAYTI slaves in tl1at islamJ, nnd i.n ""h:ch se-

' clll the troops appear upon the scelle ous au d hlgh-h~nd!d vll1al~Jy. to!ot 8a- .! veral respeclable persons 10 the Hava-of :cllon. The immedi,ate effect of lI~fied with lhe unparalleled course of HQRRIBLE MASSAt:;RE na arc Implicated, 88 also an IO"-.uen-Ibeir pre.ence at thnt crisis shows how lIegocll\tlng. a Treaty for the Annexa- The- French Bri fJ' Ade1l1la, Copt. tiafgeutleman;)f this city. It appears eompJele would ' be~n the~r in- li?n of_ 8 foreign. Stat~ to our VOlon, Tahet, ,arrh'ed i~ t~l:Ii..s PD~t on Sat~r- I thal the JJe~roes from l~e,Dd, wbo tluellce had they been put III mOI.IO~ at ~ltbo~l cO,ns.u~\1ng euhet ~o,use of day .evening, brlOglpg dls81lrous 10- were lhe hnglea~e~8 I~ the PlOt, had

. all urly period , FuJly appreclallng Congress ,-a,alOsl t~e ,PrOVISions of telligeDce, and DO less than , 140 pas- proceeded to the 1Olenor: fully ex­tbe difficulties which iurrou~ded the llJ,e Constllutuw. and aga}"st the kllowu sengers, including 24 children-ali pectiD~ t.hal the, sl~ft~ o~ the estates ~agi!f.Jacy, we cannot but believe they or- a large porlloo of the Peo- persons of co:our. and compelled lu would jOin them, III burllltlg dowl( all are Iq\ellable to lhr sev~resl ctnsure ()Ie-he. has undertaken to use !he l a~d By from their native. land to seek re- the properlit;s, and proclaiming their for their ..,qndq~1 i~ Ih.i' appalling and, n.~al forc~. of Ihe C~~nlry . m, fuge under Ihe flag of foreigners. freedom; bUI in this Ihey wfre di •• p-,trAir. , - , ove.rL ncls or \'\ ar ogalll5t n fur.flgn Qur readers remember that the _n~w point~d, as tbe e~tates . slues refused

But if we look beyolld t h.e 10lD~e- U<lUou. _ Presidentl Herard , had marched with to join I hem, which disconcerted aU dilte record! of this sanguinary riot It appears that, in answer t? a reso- a Jarne army for SAint Domingo city, the ir phns, and Jed to the \~hole plot :. ror lheorigiu of the o~tLreak, w~ !t~ all luti.~n p<l!~ed by ~hc Senilte" 10 secrel to qut:leU the iru;unection,!n t.he eastern being d_iscovered.- .Tbe C~pta iD' Gcn­,find ~t in the revol!ang, trusc~rtpllve, selisl~n, the PreSident , on r~ursda, \ pOrliOn of the h~and. I aklOg Ildvau- eral O'Donnell ; Homedlately * d~s­tyraDDic~1 and. a~ul-dcUlIJ~ralic doc- I~st, ~uf,!rmed the ,Sella.te l~ at. 10 anll - tage . of the general and troops, Ihe patched troops!~ who illucked the 10-...

trines of the N alive American P,:t!t} . ~,lpatlOll pf lhe raltf\Jl1l1~? and execu- blAck p'eople rose elf. masse on Sund,ay lurgenb and dlseersed them" In J lhe 'Vilh rhis porl~_ we hav~ "a' pohl1.c~1 11.ou of the Anllex.aLloll 1 r.e.illY, lie .~ t~e ~3.h~ ull', and commen~ed an I?- afFray ~bOll~ 290 ·men were killed on • aymparhy. II II enRendered .u. 'p"'t otldertlken 10 <H:di/'""1r';flli!i1 . :r::-:~ td.lIC"mlllal. "".~hler of III. b(""" both .. des. \Vllen the Clyde . Ie II, Ihe "'hieh ill diam.etrically opposed to tho:ie to reffJ1r to the frontler of Te~$, and populatioo. 00 ' Vedoesday .the Na,; insorrection had 110t been enurely ~ut pr~ncipleli wlqc~ fO,rlll ~he co.roer*stoue ~ ""Du./jorce to l'kra 0'U%. fhe ob- tiona] Guard, or l~e TOWII .Qf Aux flown . . pr the' fabr:ic of Alnencan liberty, . h Ject ~ 01 the fo~ce placed on the borden Cayes, went out Wllh two pt~Ce3 or . ~ bout 400 perlons" ~ large pr¥J r- . 41euies the trulh of the d~clarallull of 1 e.x~s he llit a\es to be, to opt:l1 cOlg- OrdOllDce to !5UI'press the re'JelhoD and lion of whom "are British peopl' ::tare whicb is ~he {oJntain-bead whence n,lullrca~ioc" with the ~res.ident of that pU'Dilh the rebels, but as we .)a~e lea're~ nq\~' in ~ri~on in ,the I1av ana, . l~ , lak.e 80w our strength anc! freedom-tlll!l:t Republic, and act as circumstances thei.r own General command log .. de~h- their trial for belug concerned .... . hls. all '!len are born fre~ and,equal. .It I~~i"ht ,req'lire, The naval force. 8t8- vcred UI' the c~nnon to t~q bln~k3, and ' rebellion. ' . i, all Oligarchy seek ing to rear lis tloQed a~ ~Vera ~ruz, was to remalU off jOlUed. them himself" 1 h~s etl:englh- Through Olle of the pU8~grrl he:ul ill the midst uf au unfettered. re- that port, nnd prevel~~ any nft,val expe, eaeo lhey drove the National Guard the Clyde we Jearn lhal 8bout5.0 Eug­puhlic. 11 ill d t's po~i:Jm create~ by a c.lilioll 01 Mexi...:o. if any .~eh sh~~Jd back 10 Aux Cayes, entered the town, lishmen hue been employed on the ~Icliun, IUllier whose InflllenCe, If suc· b~ ~altempted, frOID procpedmg ag_lDsl and commenced a relentless butchery railiuy between Havana and.. the Ma­

. fC~sfill, p"lilic <: l liberty must wither T~xas. ' ~ -murdering every brown person)Vilh. tanzas, and were tiiscoveretl instigating fint, theu., perish. Para?oxic~1 ')n its Thu sa t~C!n, lI:)s .the A~liQg Prc~~dent OUL r..cgil rd to sex (Jr ag~, ~rhe wretch- lh,e slan~s to rebellion; t~at lhe ehi~f rorl'(lation, it! very ~'ame j IS I,mlsnomer, of t~e United States, w~ltho~t lhe ~ r~- etl inh" hital}ts hnd no means of de- inltigalor am,ong them, hl~ heo.d tak~n for of the populauoo' of thiS country, motest ~hadQw or sallcllyu ,rom (Jo'!- I fen~e no refugt:, ~eav_e UII hoard 1he off, his body quarte red, ana n~ng up III

no 'one seclion of lhe 'whitt,'inhabitnnls g re-sl, uriderta'~en.llJn hi!j.sole nuthority , few f~'reign ' ~'~ip3 lying in the harbour, the nitre rent pari! of the Cily. ) One CRU claim, over ~ny other, the pre- to wage sudden and open 'VAR upon -French, American anti Ellglish. - of the instigators, all Englishman, had rmiuent title of "Native American." a uatlon lb~t has adh ere4 10 ber friend- Into th-=se thttr J:rowded in confusiun escaped rrom Hannua, and arrived ftl OUt forests were fellet!, our plains Iy reT atious, and has ~oUlUliued. lllJ of- and huddled batches----:"men, )vomen St Jago, where he was apprebended. tilled, uur cities reOired, baules fente against II,S. 'l'~e ~vidence oftlte and children literally cO\'ering the and put in prison to take his trilll. " A rought , our constitution glined, by the fact, that Tyler has taken lhis step or decks, a dis~res!!ling spe~tacle of mis- ploolamation had bee~ is!oued, or was "-=rJ ,men *t~e ' ; Native, A!," e r,ic~nll" actual1~ plungi~g l~e C?uuuy into ,a ery Oluc.I sudden desli tulion . ~UI lhe about to be~tbat .. II English pl,anlers wronifully. st"ek to bra~,~ wl~h I~f"my \'far Wlt~ ~exl~o: II den,ed from h.ll decked vessels were n01 sufticW?nt',to in,land.jof.Cuba shou!d hold lhem­Ind pro.crlbe from p,p,r\lcllHtllUn In our owu admiSSion. rhere ,can be but ht- hqltJ tho uplJ.lper of wretched refugees selves in' readmealto depar t at i1 mo· rights Inq p riv~leges.~ • .. . . ' tI. that he hap gone...further, even, -lpe porl WQ~ ' tdott~d pver - witl! small ment's, notice . . ·If the 'prinelpfe of the Native Ame- than hiS own , ,tatelDent 8hows~aud apen buats, each cWltaiuing as many LATER FROM HAYTI. rican were carried o~t to it.s ulmosl lha(h~ has), as the New ~ork Ttlbl}.n~ bci,ngs as th t,. coul.d' hold ; ~ho dar~d ~xte.nt, it would be nece!sary to de:J· S\I'ppOliell, n.Qt ooly ordered two ~ell· not remai n on lan'd to swall cerlalll The Haytian sldop Venda has brought UOf oIJr in.tilutions~ de .... stale our men~. or \taops to the '{'exian frontier, Ind yet ~owd h,v~ little u. 09 i~\en.rgence of any momeut: ...:.-Ilod, PUI liack the .mare'h of ciYiliza· bUI, actually I'la~.~ Ibem u,nder Ih.e. or· ~op~ of .• :.eape by !ea. Capl. Taher a Halle .. were .,ill in Ihe .• ame .. ate. ~iOD for. two CenlU!I~s.' and calf back deJ-s of the ~resldel1t of 1. ~~as, - lI'an w~".t6y of, his country a,nd of ~u- The Venda has heen chartered by 8

",. ~I\tered _Aborlgl?es ' to f~rm a 1\ .p,pea r. ,hat 'wo regiments oJ ,manily, could not for .a moment \blok gentleman of the name of La'VictoIre. Dew te{tulJlie or NahTJe,atans, llQO mel\ hue ,been ordered to ren· of lea,ina to. miserable fate those wbo a wealthy merchant of Aux Caye" who Sach is . 'he pri1ll4 faci~ ab.urdity deuou! ' al FOri 1elsup-and Ihat a had' fled 70 !~e pro,eclion and guar· boo come 9~er "ilh bi. whole femily preleDted bl the Nati,e A merican fle~t o~serv~-tioD, consisting ~~ the fri- dil9ship of lhe TricolQI . He w.aa and ~ome friends-in all arnoun.lIng 10

orgaoizatio.n., . ' gate Poto.mac, th~ Slea~er Union, !od bouo-d for France and bad bu! prons· I~ ~~rsons., These ,were obliged t.o 10 punon of their ends, they have other fessels, to the amount of DID , ionll sufficteot for his crew, f"o Cu- leaYe In the dead of OIght .teah,hy as It

Dot 'lcrupled to kihdle that.firebrand of nit) haxe been ordere.d'~to remaio off b.a or Porto Rico, which would have were. Such is the vigilauce 9f lhe ~ileord, the UUtOD of politics and reIi4\ 'Ven!. Cruz, with iostructioolto 0ppOI. been rec~l,etI , With disinterested guardi placed along ~he se~a eO~~l t~

- liQ.n~. T~~1. hlte Ipp!aled to secta- hr force, aoy ~exican Beet sailinl f~r geoerocity, therefore • . ~e sailed for j~- prevent .any .more ot the 1Uhabtla,I,\t~ I"an pre!udtc .. , Ih. direct enemy of Ih. coall of 1 ·., .. , . . maica . alld bete b .... fely, landed blS from.em'grallllg, ,

~ • - ' '.. ' ¥ , "

THE Spy RlT OF THE TiMES. br -

!!'"I TIIO H alien Sc1loolle1 L' Enaenie ar ... taiued by Inaul. u ,~the '~rdibt bf plicate'd. Il,ppenri ' thatpc~loO. were I.ume to .. a,~;;;;'- i~~·ri;;et.ry pi" rived III POrt Ruyal on' the 26th iUSLJI the jury. The curiOlity nuw exhibited employed to cOlJvey RibboocJ doC"U .. 1 ~fJ'Of this .e4k.'J~! s_ in two dlYS fro'm :Jeremie;hTiviDg OD was lo~know haw .their lor(J::shlps woold ment's ioto tbo' poelrtll of -poor UUIU" • ' " c 1 board thirteen ;"Iore of the inhabi .. rule tbe point of taw. alld then to)earn pectiu,." Ind innocent men, in order INDIA AI'fD CaIMA.-BotaNy Plpen lants of lh. Republic uf Hayti. who what cnu,.e the Crown would deem it that tb. polic. Ihould 6ud them tbere. of tbe 13th of MlrCh, Clrc.UUI papers b;:u'e Sed to thi. Island for refuge from rigllt to pU~8ue . • 'to obtain some irr· -bue tbo.e~ nl Q.n .nee\ed, • proee· of tbe 15tb of Marelt, led from Chiaa t ,he ci~il war which at present unror· formation the court anu itl precincts cuted, Ind tnuspurted, (or Jl,ibpOlliuu; of t.b8 4tbol' Febr".,!, Juy'. Wen re­tunate!! prevail ::! at thllt plact . ,At the were crowded; whils:. the' Barne excel:: aad thi. de'iliah .Mel,oe;·wI. ori,"l ceif"ed &,.ithni.~ 1·be"'nen, 'bOw;'er

' niling or the L 'Egeuie, th!! insurrec· letlt regulilinns of the polica whi'ch ~d_bJ<.lbe police for t,he PllIPO.e ofgutJ. il Dot of im~uce. India wal trir\.l tion.~y party was iu possession of ~e· prenilld attheJrial were Ulainl.ll1~d. It .. Hid thlt the Got.roment bite quiJ. · Someofibererimentibelorrrin, rernie ana other ' towns, which were The cariosity of the pU.blic wa. DOt. qi· determined. upon Ihe dilQ)in.l.~ Ihrei to -BengaJ, .nd unetrom Madra', ·hnd gi,ell up ' on their approach. wilhout miuilhed by the knowledge ofthe fOCI, of 1M pollce-oue or the'CD a Pt'OOIl or pOlili.ely rerused I .. go to BCioae, ",herr' the .Iighlest rlllsl«:nce, in order to ob- whieh 800n traDsp ired. tbat the judi" luperior It&t,ion 10 the ordered to •• rcb thitber, in eODse. "jate tbe necessity of imbrUing tbeir ha-d .neen in chalobe:l' before teo jp the uJWG tbe ,,,.:nonl to IIluther Il.,ion of quence,· it wI.Hlietea, Of nol h·ning hand, .ill e.ach other',j) blood. mornillg, nnd as the 'appearance of the • civij Dfficer _bolding all IppoiolUleol beea promi.ed ftill bid •. ': IlOf'd EHen. • • -"""=~"""====";<T=,........ ' . . d II IBled much be in Ihe di."ict. The Iri.h p'l.era cou· bO'OUlih had once' 'bI"". rOl'",oed 'to

.j JUnior JU ge. ""' . °d b .. - . , hi ' . h C I I h~ ' '-d ~ h'''''''~ Fro .. UG flalVGJ: Rtcorlhr. yond tbe usual perlo ,It egan to ~e laID lu-r1 er reve aJlOnl respeellDe 1 e II cilua. '" lere • 11'r1T'C on \ C ;':;;:::ILII

SECONO MAY PACKET "RO~I ENG- IUlpecled Iba"ho-. WI' 6010. "Ulh IU ""OCIOUI 'yll.on . - The Tipperary of February. Iodil lonerally Ippe..,-LAriO-VERY QUICK PASSAGE. Ihe r~mou r Ihat the Jud~e ... ere equal. Vi",Jicat.,. .lal ... thlt a policeUllo hl~ .4 10 be enjoying tho moat perfeel­

Iy dlnded as to the moUOD of tbe new been detected in circulating I 'ile pub. Ihte of Luuquility. The proviDce of AI,.i. o·clock. 00 'fburoday morn- "i.1. Altbuugb Mr Justice Burton licalipn . eOlitlod .• The S.addler de- Scinde b .. be.n 601ily ."nued to the

lUg. the .team.hlp Caledonia arri1'ed was first on the bench, aud seemed as feated: th.- Object of wt1icfl tw.i'to in- British poeHasion., afrer mary ye.n froll~ L,i~erpool, ~lfing performed tbe calm II ulual, it must be affirpJed of flame 'the Ruman Catholic popa.httioD. ofoomillli iudependence. · Six mOlJth. p'a8.sage '" 10 days and lB .. Her his two scnior. aud junion that they The Li~iclc Rtporttr mentio~. tbe halla halt been granted to the ar~~1 at ar rlul at ~o early In hour, aDd .one or. lOOKed like penolls who had been efJ· appreh.ollon of two ruffians whu tr:lf- Mtuance,. Hyderabad, Atahar8J)OOrf', two days III aclvance o( tile period ge· aaged in .. fery serious. if not an an· elled about the country with 10 .... in Iud PUDular. Ind igo had riseu in price nerally .allowe~ to lte 1\ quick pasng., ;r1 cont~overlily. The cheeks of AIr. the c~Ir.~~r ofth~ker., but It ralcutta. The dalet, from China was quite unexpected •• 0 that. before Justice Perrin were dUlled witb two who, Inlte,d of Jn1ulflug for potl and are tQ the J5th of Februnr} ftom HOllg the inlell~ie'lce s~e brouaM obt.ined I hotly fe,erish spot:J of t: xcitement, ke~tl.e. to mend.' directed itl tb~ir iD- K ong, but contain . nothing of pa~ticu. clfrrency III the c ity. Ihe had r.sted whil.t Mr JUltice Crampton wa! ghost · qUlfI" .boutthe .. ate of the country cula~ m"oment. Sir Henry P~mlUger t"o hOJles at Cunard,', wharf, ~nd ~e- Iy pale, inhaled his or~ath he~viI1, add uu,t! di. reeli!li' of (he peo~le . . !te~ng !I<J. lllad.estrollfI remouluIQce • . toueh­v"rte~ fur Boston. fh" Acadia arrn'- bit often and dleply hll1 unquiet treni.,. tielzed aad .earched on the IDfo~malion Ing tbe Infraction of the lupplemelltlry eel, "' Liverpool on the 14th ull. ~Iing. Hilher iiI" ·J' he.e lI<e r. ·.eated of the repealtr~ of the dil"ict. Iher. by • parly .. f 'EnKlish oflice"

· '. \Ve~ have. London Journall to t~elbut a.hortliloe "hen the. ~hief J~. were fouod' upon them. two blunder- b8\'ing proceed~d in.lo.tha interior of 181h. and LIVerpool to lhe I9'lh U!I. ID lice-the once blandly .nullllg Cblef bulleS. two c ..... ofpl.IOI •• I lDOuld .Amoy. beyond lhe hmll. fiied by lh. great abundance, but they .• re IIO~U~ Justice-took kais leat , and l!I8 be gaz· for rnai(ial ball., .. :&1110 the m.terials local authoritie8. The Didu had re­~arly of generollJ lutereallog ed upon his brethren, the auditur! be.· an~ "In~ or ~.kiDg powder. '~hie ceiy~d?o board a large s~.1h of s'pecie IOformllioll . J fore h' m, the Attorney Geueral (half uUlque pair oftNiken weroaccnrdma- at Wampoa as u funher IUllalnlent of

Air O'Connell h •• ago", bamed ~h. dozing. half loving wilh lhe purple Iy mar~hed oft' b.y ·the polioelo Killalo. Ihe Chinese indemn ilY. alld had r.ncb­Cro.wn ~ffic.era, Illd the prosecution tape of his IJrier bag), upon the coun· and bayia, ~ndergo~le a'O e~aminl ion ed Cal~utta ~vith l~e I3we, • A.t Ningpo Mgallllll 111m IS now treated K!I ~ hum· lei for the traverser. Iud the ' CrowlI, before Captalo AJartlll, J. P. ~ere ful- nud UlOghlilhe ~U!tOIlJ ['Iouse sy. telu bug by lb. Pres. of EnKland : md.ed. he louked i.d and Iro"niolly. A 1110- Iy eomlDilled 10 the cMntry gaol tot work'ed "ell . Te .. aDd .:Ik. ore held mallY papers. hs\'e not nen !nentloned tion of course .... 811 being heard, for it Ennis. Tbe.r. ean be no doubt 'tblt at hi:b prices, hUl "'ere rlp-ected lb that tb~ motlou.rur • ne.w trial baa re· WI.S ju,)ior da~, w'hen, Without w.iting the ruiliUlI Jnleoded. fint to aeduce live wal . • ulled to ereilln, I d .. ~ for -its conclusion, the Cbief Justice some UD"at,l p.!r~un •• t~.en to -Pl..1l _""":0=-==:-:::='''=- -Ill.onc~h, Judg~1 who ~Ia~d 011' hll .aid : M. Allo,ney Oener,1 insuody the wrtli po_der:oud balr, aDd al\er- (;"' IL CONTINOERCIC •. -'I'HE K,NG

· trial. and ~t(ernlJ' the JtJui~ent of the rose.-The Chier JUllice contin-uld: wards snrurm liam1t lhem - ~~ min OF l'n ussu .-Mr· .Juseph Hume, hu Court unul next lerm. Wllich would Mr Auorn~y .. General, I aID surr, to nam~d- ~eyinlton"tbe . lprincipl~ wit- at length obtailled tbe 10hgwJlhed for cOlllmence ou the 22d ult. . inform you fthl\t tho Court find lh'ey ness agaanst Ibe pohce III the Shlnrolle account of the expemlilure of tium~ ' ., Some.yro&ren has ,ueen Illade In tl~e can nut give)udgment ill the . clle--- afl'~ir-Ogle uuu Lin~o~, two of the chlTied. in t~le ." civil c~l ~tin~enciel" u!."paral1.oll.' for gelling the atean~slllp (his lordahl? paused for an IOstaot)- polace, anc.l Peggy Dluny, a woman ror the 10lullallon of hll -AhJutl the Gre ty. 8rllaan o.ut of tile dock at BrJ~toJ. ill tbe cas! until hex.t term. Scarce. employed by tbe police to eutrap per- Kiog of Prussia 81 a kniaht. of tbe It M cJouuted( howev~r, thlt she will I)' werQ. th~.e "'ord,, exprelled. woen Ions iuto tbe cbmmi •• ion of outragel. Garter. and of aeYeral officer. os be Teadylo SI,I from '-Ifc:pool for New lh. · Attorney General dropped IS it Ire DOW ill Dubli~ C.~tle. It i. "aled Knighl. Grood Crone. of the Bolio York QO lhe 13th .J uly: . I were almost imperceptibly back into tbat O1ore thao thlrlllllnocel!t pC:rsonl &c. )1 appears that the turn tOlal of

Sir Henry lJar\.!lngc I~ appolDted Go· his seat-men gazed at 'elch other aDd in ,bilt pillJi~l, within. few yean, ha", lh' fee. payable for Ihe King of Prus. vernor General of India III plac~ of smiled, and Ihen au univerlll rush beeu tr''''portf.d throuch 'the agellcy -tie on his initalllliull tIS • K. G. ou Lord E.lfeuboro.ugh. The new app~Ult- look place from the Courts ~Tbere of p,>licemen or their agenu ill thil 28th of January 1842, arnoJlOtt!d to

· u~ent IS un~nlloou.I~ . aud _ cordlall.y W-AII a rumour prenlent lbout the H.II molt oerarioo. bUliueu. Since lhe £419 3s 4d., of which £ J38 til ~ha.r. cODHneuded oJ lbe Dnllsh pre". . Sir lhat the Judges of the Queen', Deneh preseDt Go,ernuaeut eame into 016c:.e led (or the CI Royal blDne,. aanu ·t'hon~ils F.reemantle succeed:J Sir n. intlnd, berore--delinr iog judgment. to tbil ~ill.ioou. IJllem h .. OIt.D beea place. helmeJ ..... oro .• nd other achiere­Hy-dlllge 10 the office of S ecretary at couult with their brethren in the oth- exposed; lJut thl author ities did not meata . wi.lh extra embroidery, oroa. \Var. ar Courtl,. " Thi. mly hue Ir--iseo deem it uecelsary a.o take any Itepfto mente, and decoration., with. Yirie,,. Aro~.ed oy lhe frequelll r.mull.trall- from the facl of Ih. Chief Iu.lic. be- check lbetenibl. n il. At I'nllh lh. or .. conlingeot .. pen.o.... The " ,_

¢e~ of ,be Prcn, the LOlidoll .Pullce 10· iug vieiled in Charnbe!e .... by bis b~oth~ polJc'e ,IP, ""lem b .. ~en . a~tu.Uy mo.unt of feel due to the Ne\' ~f81 of­.. "ded· l'l~ Weet En\.! Gnnlblang Hous· ei Peilnefather. Some .uppose it to forced upou tbe GonruOieut, al-lI.r"!.. ~erlo(the ord~r of the Bath , 00 t~tt .', ,;>n 1I,le , I"~~ ~d 15t ~1 ull, aud suc- hafe 'r~ferrence to , the U opioou" 00 ranKermentl ba,e been completbd for nomination of Vke Admiral S ir 'V. C'ee~.u IR ",~u""11 an IOll me ..... qu.n- tbe Kilkeuoyloll orde,ed 10 be liren briogiog Ih. ll1lole l.b)eCl ~efore Plr- Parker K. C. fr. }lhler O'Diral Sir. lily of ~3 !~i llg 'Irplemenls. IOU', by lhe Hou.e uf ·Commou.. .. ' nameN 'rhe' following remaik.orl ii, POl;illller. Majo, Generfl Sir G. aud ea~h to t~~ 8IUOII.qt. of ~eRrly 30.- The Aientll ror the trnerletl, Me. '{lory journal, tbe £li"JltT EzprCM. "ollode. Mljor-Geueral Sir W, Noll, ' 000, 3nd also lIl ·captur!ClM 13 perso~l, ers. O 'Conuell, Steele, IDd olbe", h.,e lene DO room to , doubt Ihe accurac, add Major Geoenl Sir C. J, Nipier, leveqll of whom Illo,_e In ·tbe hr.t Clf- aened I notice upon the Crown Soli- ofthese .... pp.lliolltatemenfl :~' Com· II Grand Knights Crunes oCthe Blth, cle.:;, citon, apprizing them that their coun. ment, further tbau appeared in· our wa. altoaether £821 (31S, 4J., or

, I,oNDON. May I~. ..1 would. on WeduI.da,. mo'. \he lo.t. I. 'ne~dlel. ,eapecling !he ..... ful £164 & . 8d. for each Knight Gra~d # I It e LAN 0 . Court to hne leveraJ alterations and diliclosurtl. W. c.n only (urlber eJ.- Croaa. The e~peIlH. inc;urre.d in ·pa,..

. C""rt of QII ... ·' Benck-Slale ameudl/l.nt. in the po,teo. Ind pre.s ou r bopetba! 1I01hioi will belef. lillillode. tbe Great Seal I palenl Pro$uvlio,u-Pr,rtJuT poJiponemtlft in otbtr portiona of \be records. unuone (or lbe'cooriciion aod punilh-. gnbliui lhe_diiniay or '. Baronet to

Jlldg11l<.tof tAe C •• rl "e/<..-red 10 tlat ! ment of III who h~,e bad ""y baod iu Lieutulul Sir B. GOUlh. G. Term . LIVERPOOL,' May 17. 'those fiendi.h tr.u.actionl; Iud tb.t C . B. amoUDtetl altoaetber to £293

The appp..rance of the Court 011 Goveroment wiU;tn tbi.r

mauner: r .... 161.6d. and the ehaJies ou tbe Royal Tuesd3Y 1110fllini presented many or 'flU Spy SYSTEM .-Mr M.rtley.Q. tore lhatpubli'cconfidance inthechlo· letlerl patent for commiuionil!i th, the features thnt mad, it 10 ;ernarkn· C., who pi.aided at the iuvtstigation nels of jUlllce; which Liberal jo~ruall RiJbt Honorable Sir ; rr. C. ~htealre ble du.ring lhe progre" of lhe trial, in SFiinrone, hal presen~~d his repo~t are endeuuuriogtu brio, into dilre- to be Go~erDor Ot-olnl 'Of Briti.h \\'lu"l1 it W8I cOllfu.led to the decisloD to the Go,er.nment, celllhn, the horn· pute, celtainl, not upon lilight or i.o· North Arueric., amouuJed aho,a:elhe,

- of lhe Jury. UpOIi lhe judgment of ble IJ.tem or gelliug ul>.ai!>bond !"o~- hIed grouodl-;- as le •• ral olher CIIU 10.t;:W6 J4e. 4.d. The f.e. th tbe of. the court there diu not rest the ' faint ecutlon In that part .t lha Kina: s of a similar n'Cure~whelher · well 6~ ..... of ..... Gllter aod the Bath lJe jl~PP, that hftq at oue time been e~ler: C;o~,iJt,. in wbicb poiicem .. were llll· founded or otherwise we "iJl not pre- 4Iceordinl to tbe regulal i«?l1s ~f t~

THE SPIR)T OF. THE TliYlES; \a! • g " •

'.pecti" ord.~. Ta.... cbargtd 00 se~en,:"'or perlOns iqjured f~ny.eight ) such -aaJe, after plying Iny amount that- rrR£ WE.'TH'::R~ during . the pill liM!. ,r.n. of • IIu<;>oo ... , 10 Sjr I!. but of I~". only '''.re ;~ill~d \ .n''~ lnay b. du~ fo\' .a"'.,e •• nd Ih. wag .. 'week. ha. ~e~n dry .nd .uhrl, Not~ GouII. ~ltlile ~tm.o • . of Sar C. three \OJur.d b,1 accldenl. of 'a public. of Ihe Seaman. \0 deduct such .um .. wilhstaRijing Ihe previous backw rd. T. 1I.lell"",u.,1id KeordlDa' 10 10' balur.. . '. ,hall be requared 10 defray Ihe nec~, .. • . . ' . 't '.~', ~; ,ia lb. pllee the pl~me~t Jd,. Emet.! ooe ~r til B~~~J 's ~'. ~'~ rllSu.te~aQc~ of ~he •• i~ ~~s~e~g~(sj ness ~f lhe. ~prmg, ~egetatl.on II pro­.. c!~ ,- Ibo· .'.coDlm~ndall~n of II ian. dro·,:· 0"[ IW'~I ~: h~ aod.'b~ar •• pe ••.•• . to ·~h~ ar. place t o\f gr"slug rapidly. a.d Ihe labours oftlle 1""- 1&1,1(>4 I. lb .... ond pllce h • h Ii d ~ 'W'I·

g d.,lIna"on. and tQ pay o •• r Ihe 1i~1. Flrm.r ml",ttb •• bu.d.ntly ....... rd.

0.- t It .rJ ,he r Kom. ·Sf!:'r.~ar1 of oraes ~ e OJ ~r h,ay JO~ it ~~ m~Ds.- Il.lce, if 101,.to the o\Yner-or ow~ef., i(:~d . It is to k'"regreu@d that' nllnt'of Silte . . I . • ... , • let to re.n:.v1c . Ian.. , a~ ! In , ~o~ Pfelent 'and in their absence to the " . t r "f . .

, t • , . ,, " houn an4 I 'balf" I . _ 0'1" . . M ""C ' d ' f ' h y the emlgr,nt', who ••• k an •• ylum ' l It 'rbree--;:~~-h;~II Prince .A'Jbert" '. '.. Bet~,ler at amman af 0 ~ sue I ca- tile for~st!1 o'f tb .... ; lsi~~J, . are t~tally

I .... pj'~lllion ·.I ·a aglnot be •• re- THE FREE' PRESS. U(l8cql\ainted wit.h lhe fir.t l prjnciple • • •• otll fired by iuceitdi'ari,.. TQ~ I ST. ANDREW'S LODGE. , of AgFiaultural 'Scionc ••• ord'thu' con-~UID,tili ~~ lof lI~mhe, har • • a~d ' SYDNEY. JUNE '. 1B44. At j{ meeting of Ih. Officers and sequ.ntly. mucb of Iheir labour i: lI,e' "btUlllh, wblc · n."", beeu dUlroy'ed '. ' . ..,. ~l J . C '·· h' b d 1 . ~ ar~ immeoee. UUIl~r,d. ~f eu • . oJ ANOTHEJt. Stnp~W1l'ECK. Grethre., of St. A~,Jr,e!,,'s Lodge of ...... an ~ot 101: e uQe f0.' n usc lb., lauer . hav~ ... bee·~'·.«tP,...'un~ed' h' No',- The Britif'h ' Bar ue U 8ir Oior;'i f .ree and .Accepted "Ma~qn8t, I which J~to tbelt tl~Hnds a kl\ow~et.l,e of th.e • "'I~h.tandlni ,f! ery .J ~Jfort. to dlscuver · · .. " . q .., t;> • tOOll l jllace- on Tuesday qvenipg l'lIt j recent ': ~,mproverp'-enl~ 1m the . ~i:l!, the,uilly ,Parlles-Qot tlj.le •• t ,t~ace has -:,COO!I, CaptalD Sauge.frolll N~wry, Mr. Thoma. I\irk. I ... Ma.ter of the .nce! . I 1>o •• obt.,ned , . '. In Ireland; bound for Q,uebec, with 1~0 Lodge. ' w·.. pre'senled;' Ihrough Ihe Society for Ihe promolion of pU •• Dg .... ron oa I r •• f of ro~~s to hands of r .' H. CI;rke. R. W. M. wi th , SUlciD •. -'-The bo.dy of · a person • . emMlln K.nowledgtt hu tranlmlUed the westward of ~&baru., dutlng a .. ' I ' • fia me unk nown, \\las found ill \'he H'ir. , .. muoifioent contribution of £500 in thicR rJIlII ou the evening of t~e 31st a hands~me. Pas .. -Mas.ler ~ . 1ew:l~ 10 bor, Dear one of the \Vh'anes at 't1ie lid o( the (illid for Ecclesiastical pur· M y an'd 1000 ·o.~r;)e ) a tot~i) re~k cooformlty With a preTlo~s unaru~ous Mi,ies, with a I~rge stonie fastened ' a .. ..ul, in Ne,yfoundJa'nd. to ' be pl uced _ II, . ~ ~, . vote of the Brethren. Mr. Clarke .• au . , r-- t· t I I eh th 1I \ bout his neck, c An Inqu •• t wo. held • • tbe Lord Bishop'. d ispoaal. 'Of una e y, e wea . . ef was SU ICle." ... ' tendering ((he iewel tobk occasion to ' , " ~

, Iy moderate 10 admIt' of the landlOg " ,. I\'e .' . I . " d '. ' "POll the body, by A, ~. , .1I.hburtop , Tile ' GRtAT Bnl'rAIN.-Since the ' express the 11"1 euler tune u1 E C f d "- ", d' '

ablndonment of all hopes or obtain- of the passengen and cre", so that nQ ' If ' ~ : h h h ' 1 ~<J, ', oroner. an \l \'cr Ict re\urnet! 1·I,e. ,',·>.re loot. Of Ih. 'or'mer, 110 Ilimse '. to common WI.t t e woe of- " ~Found Drowded/' ' . ' .,. ,I .' iDe tbe rn!argeane~Jt of the dock 'KII.tes II f h ~ h

preplfAtions have been made for float- wer.e brought round to tlli. Port in a Fraternlly,o t e exertlou~ put o.n . , " "' ,. ( ,- :;' illl ,tbis vessel . out ou Lanks, to be filled Schooner beloo'ging to Captosin Petipast by the late R. .. W, At .-exer,tloos wbl~~ I C~C~BER8.-CU~lJmbeaoearJ1.. !it) witb air, prep'aratory 0 placing her ' f ~ . I " , d ' I d I hi.ld resulted 111 the formation nod or .... far plcklog"and radl.he. ora nry fair ""n whl' ~l I' t W ' 5 th I h 0 - riC 10lt, an are now un er' tie ,. f L~" b" h r ' . ; * . ' ~

ur~ \II ' j. necessary a 8 e char e o(th\ ·O .... i or the Poor, org'aOlzat~oQ 0 a.1 '4Ig6, W IC , 10J s!ze, are now growillg. 10, the garden, .bould be dragied out of the dock M g "f' I ' . I I re.pecta\"IiIY. eilicl!n.,. and .,rmooy. of John Bou.inot. ' E'q. W. doubl iato the ft,uating ' harbour. A:ttempta any 0 t lese unlortullate peop e lave . .. ' , ' .er. to do ibis Wilbout IUCUSS lost nearly the ~um total of their Iw'OrlU- would not suffer. ~Y compar.lsoll with whether ~uy other part of the Province , lor '.0 or three ffly. laat week, and I . d . h d' allY other in nrlu~b Amenca. .Mr. can boast of vegetables io a similar I' leDJlh by the exertions o f AI rJ . .At . 'J ~oSleS6Ionl, aD yet Oohflt . stan Ing Ki·rk, . in a fe·\Y · brief bu.t appropriate slate of forwardness. . Hyd •• who de,eeuded I' n a dl' VI"lg '·ell. their reverse., they 3ppear to bear ,. h u , remarks, r~lurlled thank.!i to is" ~relh-IOlDe timber which had lidhered to· them with re¥ig~a~ion . I ~. Iter bottolD WIS dislotJg~d. and she got The Co.ll,ect.or. of H!r ~ ajestY:f4 ren of,/ ' .. h~ ,!?ysti,c ~l~1l f? r the. 'honor w.; II)d now Ii .. moor.d' ill the .IIoal- Cusloom ha. d,e.patched a peraon. dul" they,had conf.rred upon him-a.s~red I'n. barbour .I)e a-al'ts th. Cn'l Ihem lilat hi. proudest and mOit pleas. . ' ·f - V""t. authorised under tht'! provisions of tbe .UUCllOU .O lh. (ank., which are to p ' ~r- { S f 8(3 . ilia remembranees, would be _those be 'madea" &Ild .... tf'r liptand placed rOVlb'c18 ,.Ual. 0 1 :' to , loak c:Oo.tted with the eriod dUelo under b.r k."I. on Ihe hope of buoying afte. the proceed. of the .hlp aud ma-. . . p . .g ber op so as to flu at tho wide part 01 for the purpo.e of rel i., ing Ihe I whlcb he h~d filled Ihe Chair of theIr Iter hull over the contracted portion of Province from the expense of support~ Louge-exRressed .. a Wish that tbey tho dock entrance, Ind thU8 en able her, h ~ ' d .' mighl aot as they had ever done iu to .~·.t out, frOID her imprisonment into log t ese UII, OrLu."iltee,nn ~rall~(Jorting unityal id harmony-und reverently' in. dwoc.eao, and to fulfil htr engage- them to thelf ult~m a te de!ltlnatlOo. As .. . . . aaiJ. from Linrpool for New many of the Magistrates re.idini .Io.og dulge~. a hope that IU that day whe~ York OA the 13th July. of which, how. the .hore. of thi. I.lahd. OIuy 110; he Ihe Supremetirand M,at.""r of t~~ UUI' ner·there ..seem.! 1"0 be but very Jiule .)Vare of tbe e~iSlenQe of such. Su'- "erse should II make u:> his j ew~ls," prolP.tet. , " Jute IS the OlJe, aboye a.lluded to. we each individual whom he now .address·

00 Tu •• day lasl. two Ne .. f.oundl.nd t~ke the \io~rty of r'OIindinlllh.m that ed , miGht be fqUlld 'duly nnd truly 40,., excited by sOllie unknown cauS4 during the Senion of .843, .n 'ct Pfr'pared." ' ralhed iUlo (he Seine, dixetJ i ll tb~ ~ • id-lie of the river, and brodgbt. to concerning Wreckl Will pailed 1>1 1tlle . ~ I •• d belween Ihem Ihe bOody of a well i\a.eon bly of Noh Scotia.-tte fol.1 ' . Flus.-Qn Wednesday an ex~ .. n~

• TH E F,NNY T~IDEs.-'fhe water. Orl

Spanish Harbor •. ,R,,,I of Ihe Ea'sl. Arll! of the Bras d'~r I~ake, J"iteral':y 'awu':Ol I

with-herriIJg" Ma",y personl, buidc. •• curing a sulliajent ~upply for Ih. rUlure use ofthetr flmili-:'s, bar. ,aile" a considerabfe surplus. . _._._---- "-

fi\l PRQvEMENT.-Notwithltlnding"the dulness of l he lime •• the town or Syd. riey i. imprQl' ing ateadily and IIpidl, .. \Vithin a 'uistance of half I mile -fr~~nl Ihi. Office. up.nrds of lifteen building. are in cqQrse ~f constructiol1. 'l'he new buildilli .. near the ... .Parade, Quilt fur Mr,: i. by far the larg.", aDd most ornamental edifice ever erect .. ed in tOWIl .

4r .... d woman.." From, a Jetter iu her lowing eltracl of which, we commend 81,e Fire brokt; out III the woofls south JlClGk .... il app .. red thaI abe had coru~ to Ib.irperu'~1 ,:'_ ' . "." of Fre.hwater . Cre~k . After .pread~ POSTAGE. lIi~\etl .uicide. II A d' b' .. I. l' f ing.jn uearly eyery direcllon, destroy- 'fpe new PostaBe sy.stem hll iteell

d' II e It enacted, '1 hat In Case , At au --a JournetJ "!eeting or the any .'Ship or -Vessel having Passengers mg ~Bny .. aQre. of noble foreat trees, fD1!od to I \york badly II t~is .Island.

proprlelor' ?f tne Ban k of Englnnd UII board . ahall at any lime b.reafter ·and occ •• iolling considerable alarm to The locnr di ... nce of ·many. of OUr 00 laot . tho or the b k' . I oj' '. ' Gonrnmeot !eiati~e to the renew~J of ~ 1H,ec ~d on the Coaats of thll ,Pro. the I . ders 0rf.prope~1Y In the nelghho~. Subscribers from the POBlOfflceli. nnq lbe charter WIS uDlnill10usly approved vince, an . such P .. leuger. be II l ble hooa-of lhe 1,0WI1, Its further progreas lhe scarcity of smalJ change in l h~ IDd accepted, t~ become cbMg~lble OQ. th~ ,ll id.Pro- WI' th,ok,e.d by the Natert of Jbe country, 1fe productive of seriQus iu-

• < VlDce, aud any part uf the la,c,Shlp or . , ' . The qu.antitr of ehieory . DOW IDDU. Veslel, or her Furniture ur ~AppurteD .• ,creek. ,fhat gre~lcr damage did Qot con\'ellience, inlomuch as in aome

allJ oeed In thiS country ' IS coffee, is eel, ge .ned ; .and the Own.r 0, Own. occur. rna, be aUlIbuted to tbe prenil. c ales almOl l entirely {o check the eir­Htimated It 6,OOO,QOO Jbs .• the loS! to en, . .Master or C~r~rnander· .. IhaH IJO~ ' jng d ~m pnf'!" o'f the weather . . The culatiou of pewspopers, fn order, tbe reYellu, It .. ~100,OOO, and · t~e proVld4' for the IUlt.e'nance o( lh. said adm~irerp of tho r ~man\ic I 8nd lctu~- therefure

1 thl!t our S'ullscribers may

IDiOUD' ~J.'racted from . consumer. Passeugera, and . their tranlport to their ' , • - ~ iJ b J' ~ "

wboj bul It u coffee at £500,000' ' place of de'ljn~tion , i, .haU and rna, eeque, WI . :egret t d deltruclIoQ of receivetbeir papen without being qbli:

Amoa. tbe li8.000.000 indi'id~al; be lowful for Ihe Collector uf the Cuo- Ih,e. heaulI,ul .,ro, •• of .hrubbery g.d to call per..on ally 01 Ihe Office •• • bo inh.bit Europe; tbere are 'laid to tom~.~ the por~ nearelt ~o . .:. the pl.ce ~n~h fornlerly oversbadowed the and ",,:ithout being subjected to a be 17 Il00.000 heggar. dr p.rlOns where sueh .h.lltak. place. 0, bank. oj tl)at eX9uisitely 101·.ly ah.el charge o,f . one halfpent;y for "ery who · I~b.i.t at the ex~ense of the LI~ch otherGperlOn al theCGovernor, of Wiler. ' poper we hfwe dete rm ined, for the

' .'~ . b " ' b ' , ' leutenant· OYf:rnor or ommander ' .... , , comDJuI11l1 '~1t out ,contn utlOg to It. In ,!h" f ~ (F . ' ' IS . .# h II I • t ~ 'Cuture, to }JI'C-P"Y tl,c 'P ustugt: on all rflIOUrce.. - ... -- - -_. . Ie or e time ellli, 8 I ap· ~ A A fi h' Offi ' . ." , " . .' ., j pomt for.luch purposes, to, take ch, ' . ~' n .~ent r~~ t I. ' . ce, ~1I1 prlpP"S tn/ended for cu:culntwn In tiltS

The. tot':ll nu.m~r of ~no~1 k~lIe~ of tbe .ald Wreck, and the FU'rbiture "lit the 1J0rdiern .~ection of till, Isl and I sland of Cape lJreloJl , with the c::cep. j)~ a~c)d!~t. o.n rallwaY', ID,Great.Bn- and Appurlenan,cea thereof, aud sell during the pr,htn t I!l,onth, on busi nei.s .lion of ,A rich at, ~' h e r~ the c hil r~e win 'lin dOrlng the year 1843'" Will. 1IJ.~7- ,be 81~le, ;u'd Qut of the proceede ,qf ,<10lluected '!it lnr ~s ta plist\lu(,ot._ , .,. oc cu ion,no in con\' eni~nce. .


' ~"7!' (!j~~~~~q """ ,;1> l.endinJ rroln Scolland' faithful ~nd z~a. ze'.I ,Yn prq"'!i\in'g !~MrX!ii~),1 i~tere't' l ~~' O~~'A~:u: .:' > I --'-__ ' _ I,oli. 'Mi.s"fufrift W the! poorer ·.oettl •• ' of. l\lp p'~op!e~ ., J)ese two .indlvidu~I. . ; •.• ' ,-::::, rf . ' ' I " .. '

. .. ~ NQY:~ S~q.T,.,,":'.:-,.! meilt,s. ,1 t·.1t I "" 1 ' ,. . 'J. had been coosplcuousty emmellt IQ I. O~NTO M~f .~; _ ·J1~.!Dlptd.~THat the Jicrifiee '-made pro,duclog ~~~ grt!.Ilt rev~l\'81 whJ~li nad .Tb1e .. (1~\Jaf*~~~!t~tS' of t t~~' ~3d.

'fB~ FRC!! CallncH,o.p'sp,*,.A;ND,'-:' b ' ?;lii,cMinl;~e'Is' of\he Fr.e PPot'e~t. ta!<erfpl~ce ,o'htch?tch of. Scotland . Hlghl,." ef~. c~ ru"!" !,d~a . '1~·~'~I.J Dr' Buro. ineacbed at J;l • .ttnlou)h ,00 iJ' 'CRuroh ' in '.U.ndoning ' th.'r It,. , a~d w~'~~ ' had. t.ermm.led lD a colll- CP!)3p L~d 0.4 .S~turit~J. 0'" M.ond.y. lorenoon. ~n , tjle (en-n,ng • in g I ana lh~ ri- hts and "riV:lle e ... of 8u~r"wltWt~e ~)vll , power, and t~e re .. hp:r~~t~~ . ~. Oi~y. of:T~rf~ltor" publiF~ meeting w~s pe)d)}\ tl,e I ?I~ ani ;flta iilltime~t 'jn fth P'defe:ce- of cenf-seceS5lonl,l whn~e rer,relenllhve tre en 70ule . 0 r re J ~ :A ' 1arire t0l'!'" M~'rQdllst' Church' l Argyle Stre!~,-:- rinc: Ip.s _a'~ld " the exertilnls) made wal, and ,whose claims he! !u' d c?me course, of cl~Jll3ns Brse ,!lbled at~ ttre Tti~ bUlld:bg W .. crowiled to •• ce.s h th p P , Ie r Scotland to replace t l\nr."ca- t<r d,oc.te.~-Ilalifaz Queen. wharf, to. wItness the .mb,,· at" ver!' earl,-bou ... : , 'I',he M ayor took t6 c~ur:~.res ~heJ. havel~ft exhibit a A(orn~~ :2~Tonic:le-r - - r ~ ,.. X' kauo-n,· a-nd .... gave hear ty c~een" the , chair aOO.ot 7 o-'clock" and. tbe: e . IE _ , ' ~ \r,. .. . A. ..... '. as1 the steamer moved oW: "hlch were meeting "', .. opene,d, wl~I:t ,ao apUFftnrj. re~r~shmi e:ump e l

of.o...tbi.t end~rlDg - -- - returned by the Military' on lJuard ..... J

.., r'~r .pmt whlc.b has ere &led .nd protected SUIP. WITBOlllf.o..FICU8 WR.tK· th b d 'd k I . • • ate prayer ' from 1M r Crol~ombe. Be· the C~urch oL.ol\r F.atb.ers~ and enl\t)e En·-Capt. C,.uoningham, of '.be Scbr. mue"ca~ 1

h,Dhe ·93

c d.P w'Ye'rne

g .".pcoPrrtOePd"altO"

IIdes the genllemon who atleitd.d the . h d 'd It f fr B I ( former meeting. "ie ob •• neG ' theRe,. th\~~ olo ~ .. al , .n oympat 'I o. ~ I bow. rom . • AntlgoOlsb. Jh'. ,morn- the wh.rf from 'the ' \larri~oll ' by lb. Atr H.ruin •• ' (:B.ptist). Re~. Mr !Alii. wno feel~' ~ ~em~ 1cir the propagation 109. cl~PO\ts. Ihal a b.~qu~ n.'Ped jlhe bano- of tlt'e 320d. Redt .· " -- - . , .. i

~ .nd .1..ce'l'of pu.e .. and undenied; .. It-> Sa/ail ••• ran. on .h,o re at ~sland n.r- . The y3d H' ' hi. a3 6 -h be' - i ~~:~le(~:~~~~~t:la:)~i~~:te!~:n ~~ lion. t." I iBi. 1'61 ·,·"'! " L bou"r, n ea'r" Coun'lty Halrliob ~ on Mun- lioned ID 'l"or:!fl \O °ro/

8 b aYt~ en 8 .:~

platform. On, 6eing introduced to the .. R esoll1ed .. ~ ThaLth_is trus~, d~y last. S~e ;atled from \r.lp~~ar6o and a mO{e orde'rlY ' a~\:u w~~~ 'Yd~~~L Ch~irm_.n, Ur . . . ~ol5e, and f9.r that th.e ~~ertl g!l~ of pr. ~y rn.s. U!. ~hIS, fo.t fADdoD, on .. t.he . ..., 17tb .'1. plioed corps.!oe\'er occupied th \8 gar· two hOUTS rivet}ed the attention or his P.r~)Y,ince, in" di .. tlu ~in~ sound princ'plrs. aod!. WB,S .. Inden.: with ~uan~ , ~a!!u(~, rison. The citizens have parteu W.il4,. 8ud\e~ce wit~ n ~peccli: that, taken for regarding-the true Church of Scotland; 70 ~tons ,Copper and ~85QO.1D ~o.ney . them. with,tbem wilb much r,egret ' aDd all in all, \yas on'~ o~ the most singular will be: ir'litnj~enta~ll! in binding toge· It JI s':.aft(d. that th.e C~~lt~lIl, dleu on they willl. alw.ays retain the Ulost iplU t and delightlul exhlbhio~.8-of i,lIteliectu. ther ·Presbyteruns 10 the band • . of bro· or,abo~t.the 5th u]tlmo ,- hl~ name was !<I,jug remembrance lof , their lojoU(Q

01 powe.r that we b,ue witnene$iJ. 8 therly love ; aod in4uce \t~~m !O ·setJIP. M Ken~le j .. t~'el m.llte als6 died 60 t.he here. ,' Before .lea·v'jng, an Q.ddr~ss .W8l. very long time.-·, The Doqtor 'a ) e~terr. an ind.ep~nd~.'!.t ~!e!5by te!l ~n Church passl'ge, and . .theLsecond, O\at~,. with presented by 'the 81. Aud rew"s Society or is th at of;1 p lain ·.$cot~h. in tbi ~ ~r,ovince, based on Scrip(ural two mep be!!ades" was lo~~ by f~IIIOg off of Toronl~, to Lieuteua'nt Col. 'Spalk, man-short, thick~ with.. a la"ige. hecUl, and.' holding out the righ t lt~~ ya~d arm, ~ tha t the man'!gemcnt w"(lich we have published witli thega~ . but baVi~all.. uno~tentatiou8J busi. haud ' o,f fellowship to other bodies si· orthe ve,sel de\'?lved .upon the cre~ laol (;0100el '5 reply; aDd the~ l\lagif: qesa.l.ike abbut 'him~ 'tba t gi~es ho milarly constituted, and seeking . ~he. an.d consequently the Imm ~n8~ de'l· trates of the Holne 'District also pre .. outwaia J in j'c-ation of the mental vi- eqd., , at~on fro~, the proper , t~ac~, w~lc.h ter· sented an addi'ess 't\:hich with t~ ~' au·

d . I ' 11 . . f h . mlnated 10, her loss, was lOentahle'- . -; t ' I " I'k' bl ' h' .,,'

gour ,. tao . "nW8~( I umlOahon 0 . t e f)n~ 'ru~s~~y, ~enlOg ·tJle~~ Wlt~,· Some -p~r.ii~~lqr8, ho~ever : of a v·er.y s~ er 0 H,. we la\ e 1 eWH~e .pu IS . eu .~ 11\8'0, 1 ;l'he Doctor alonce takes... ~s rp~J!."'J;e1Jq~~fSt Jol~~~ s Ch~rc~'l suspicious chaiacter ," connected '. with. ' .-~--'-~-\---'- . _ captive by his earn.estness , a~.d ca,TI:.i~s QJlt~~101!'I, I" 'Y:lll~ h, ~ he yOtr~g }I,en s the " disaster. Iillve come- to light :. ~~. JOHN ... N: ~., May 2:alh . .. u~s ~rong by "the' charm' of .a. p~rf~c;reio . . R.~hgl0ll.' A,~soPlatlOn, under tbe Pas· Since -the 14th' of Ap'ril rio log hillS MlLl'fARX ~~O"D ' FROM H .O\LIFAX .TQ

cUliO"lI: i~~ .apg~ars I~":e Ja me~sellger tora,1 char3.e of the. Re, Mr Robb, pre- been 'kept, .and the log previously does QUPB£O.-SU J ames i\:ex il ildet, t~e ,ftom a (~f couniry, full of matter, coo· sented an.address. to Dt. , ~qrQ[I, , -1Yel· Ina! mention any illness ufthe Cap.tain ~ ptin~ipal engiueeI:.employed ill suev.ey· ,cious th3t his time is short , but yet , coml?g, him: to Nov a, -:~,Qq\la,. pnd, . e~- and the sailors ar"e silent respecting ing a Jine for t·his 'grea~ un l1{, l' k.i~ by an admirable arrangement, a skill· !t~'r ,appr~b .. at~~n,,0f.t~~ o~}e~t the captain'l wife , although it i" ih.fer. of tqe British GoYernmp.nt, Rrrivtfi u fuh chp)ce 9:f 'Ianguage, ItH,Jc,ing J, he. o,f hl~ InISSlOn, ~s w.ell ,. ~ ~ th~lf e~t,eem red." from th~ superb furniture oJ the St~John on T.uesdny, lind left , to\~~ mOlt oT ,every mo~ent, and ,making for hiS I~er sl:? nal ~~pts ~s a, faithful ~nrl cabin, andJ o~h'er oonveliieuct;s (or die yel'lfJdny m.or.nlllgdor Ibe bend pJ Pet, tYery word UO ill 'own work, 'Dr distmguished MIDIst~r Ut · tbe _sec.tlOn accQmmot.!atio·o of the" ge~,t1e ~)[, that ticod tac, . where_asl' ig.ted lly Mr. ,M ~G iIJ .p.uros i'S aOgt-nuine sOn of John',Knox of t~e 'Church to. ~hJcb he ,~~t~gs: . sbe ~wttl wit h i~'!J on _the voyage i a a 5uneyor frol,ll .. panada, aod a.p!H.\1 :-a perfect Iype oflhat order oP p·ro· ,'I:he. l?oclo~, .!n .. .\'Iy .• s~ld ~~.t h~ Iikenes. or e r and. quantity of cfiil. of tell, meb : ~e '!')II_almence .his. lJ.· tdund Bud..vigor.oul.tbinkeTlJ , who laid was h}ghl r gratified With t~le re~1,~.ugs o reo's clothil;lR' have been disconreo j ~o~rs. \.Vc und.e r!tan.d \hat 1h.e r9.11~ the foonda.tions of the National Church expresse,4 In thre addre~s whtch had Just 'the crew·.are ' circulating money f'er, IS IIkel'y to pas. tbro.ugh \be ctn~rcj .. Qf of Scotl antl-who reared~ p t~e Sec;,ea. been preseuteH to him, and was ~s .fre elY, and one of .them offered a. bag New Br ul~swick, and will tbut:fpn sj.9P,Chur,c.h(, ~.I.1en .... th.~ ESlabli!1hu:a~~t muc~ ' 80 on a'cco.u~t, .. o.r, Hh~ ~ ~ • .t of ! 901 ~ar8, we ar',e ,told) fqr, a p'~~~sage prove. hig~Jy vnluable in opcn iJIJt. .I.l.P ~e~Q .. t.o, be falling .} Jl~vay f~om ~he man~f.~8te9 ,(qr .1he Jo"..~e,,,sts 9ti.l! el.lglon. to this porl. '1 hese particulars re- n~}Y SituatIOns for setllement~, .. ",lueQ nn.CleoL. .tandardl;-and ,-who ~ .though ~s .fo.~ the p.~r~o~.a l~ ~e,~p .. ect It Itn"lcated qt ire in vesiiga'tioD, ]'mniediatel y air • .wil~ ha,'~ the a~v8lltage of ~h l?: roai:! iu t~el m,ay 'aoni~i.!"~s. hQa~e wa.mea 'po· for lVffillelf, .!I.e the~ ~~hortei:l !~~tn tetJ. the information ·1wns' o utained' to their , t1e1ghb<? rhood- along wh.i ~b,~. IIlh •. and , so~~ltmell'-,cbB~/t1' never tOJhp C~I~lf~~lon ~r fTl~ndl, amenlbes day; the Hon Itfic,hael Tobin , A gellt h,as b~en beror~ stated, M·ilitary PO~\I wa,~~ed c?ur age JO clTr.~ .. ~hJ3 8~an~. ~\ltlJ eaeir ()t~r-:-t? carr1. out t~e ~b. fOJ I~loyd8. s"olicited Vice A~dmiral Sir will b~ established at sever al differeD' D.rd ~ nJ;all1 ~t t and, "prI1lClpa ~ l. Jects of tbe as.JoCl.a\1.on by rt;ndenng Jill Chailes Adam 10- despatch H. M, points. tJes. , an~ p':owe~~to prealc.h)lte ~osp~1 its ~ovefmentls: 'hubserd~iecnthto t.he ,prin. ~tea tn er H~rhles lio aid in saving Jtie - .j K,iN.GSTO~. M.y, 111.-We hn,e trhuch lit nny t lmf" , an lO ... aoy .p tac~-n.o ma· ciples 0 en I, tene . riS\I~n,lty~ c!i rgb from,' loss;II'b'Ut 'the1present con. ter .whethcr jL~ars poll {e· , ,were to be and to ule every effurt In, th,e dllsseml .. \:Jilion of,that. vessel rehder'i'" the ins. pleasure i.n a~noullcing to oar rearJera otfende.d,.or lhel.r 0':'" blood was tQ .be nation ?f i~lellig~nc~, a~d especially hint e oi )ment of he ~ _ fo r .ti:rv ice im. ~Li a di s,la~'ce",l the healtll10f hi. offe~ed 011 the hili aide, as ~ ,p l ~dge of that which Illustrated ~h8 flS"e, .progr.ess, racti~'a ~le Sir Charles rotuptl or- ,ExcelJency ' UIS Go~crn'or General ia the Importa~ce .lh~y set upon the char· trials, persecu.tions, J'nd geoeral .hiSlory ~ered the 'Fair Rosamond~o get 'r~ady improvingJ~ r aprdly . lIis Excenenc" ac~~r of their :mlss~on.. . ~ of tge Church ?f ,II.!! ~t!lted and proceed' tb the 'scene of the disas. we learn ,. has received much bf.~I!"&.:

I 0 ~ltempt to gIVe an. outl l~e o~ J?r . that for some time pnor to the com· t~ r t~is' afternoon. ;:' u from the .. medicaL treatme'nt ' of D~. ~,.u.n8 apeech, \Yould be domg 11 I~·, men.cem,e·r:'t of t-he present·. century, a The fair Rosamond sta~ ted yester. Pollock, recently arri,~e4 from· Eog. Just~ce . Th~re were ~ome' passa~ea.,. spirit of .sluggishness .'ld spath! hod d~y mor.n·jng 'but was co~pcHed to re. land I', where he dwell upon the r.rsecull~, rested. upon Ihe Ch,urch .. of :Scollon.<I. turn by stro~g '~e~d wind •. - ·HaliJaz -. --. ---or- " whIch the' Fre. Church )l.d mel Wllh which WA. aUrib,u,ed in a gr •• t degre ... Jo ' Mat' . : . . .. . ' NEWFOUN;D~A~D. from .the Du.k~~ of Sutherland and to Ih. idefficiency oflh~mi.v.try . ' To UT • W o are sorry to le l),; n thaI. Ih. Seal 'Buccleuch. and McLeod of the hies, the seculion which had been headed fishery has not prov~d , as successful ip w~ich there} waa_a dAsh of broad by Rlitph and 'Ebe~ezer 'Erskine, 'was _ .NAVAL ~OVEMELT8.- Her Maje.sty'. ~~. was expec.',e,d. "' T ~e ~t.:ro9.~'· ~co{l1&h .humour blenl with trencban.t Scotland greatly indebted for tbe,pre. s'hlp Jltusthous. i-n~ ?ther 'Vessels I~f 1 unes says;-:- ~he ~eal FlsberY"mI1' ~nd cutting sarcasm. . . , eryati'ln of \he' e\:apg~lieal spirit, .and ' .tbe s~uattron, nre, It Jsl' state~, to-' sail -noy.' LJe ' eonsldtred' -8s closed fur ! the

Whon the, Dr . had, clo~.d •. a collec- th.t fervQu,r o~ devotion, which had rorWlth for' th.e West Indl'.. rrhe . ... ~n : We. 1deerlj regret ' .that · lhe \~Jl, "vas taken 'in ~id of the , ~ree been ehllraQteri ~.lIc of ' a genuine Pres. 'dlluurbed Ita.~e of tp,e ~sJa't\ds -o,f ' C~ba ea.rl .16r <8nd. bett~.r · P:Qsp~~is of ' .f~ ~ljur,<. h, .nd th. follolVlOgR •• olutlOn. byt.rianism in' lhe .moslapp.lling trial •• nd St !/omlOgo .nd.o t'he conse'luent SprIng ,anl.bed. Rnd 'that III­~er.~ mi)V.~~ a'nd passe"d unanimoully . and confticts througH which il had nece~~ity or- 'adeq~ate ' I,lrO\eCh?n : ror 'stead of more than an average t! atch, fho HoD. lIugh Bell, Alderman &1c, p ..... d .... well .. iu, period ... heg ,it t~ • . persons and pro~er!y', o( Brlilsh I~e voyages? a' \Vho~e ~ave b.en bill., J\lQI.y. .ltd ~,oseph Howe. Esq,,' ad. was pr9l!iperoUJi and ftourishinij.. T he subjects, are th.e r~ason~ asstgn~d . • 1: be-fallure 11 aupbuteu. 10 tl}e 9°rD'o dressed the meeting iu explanation Doctor proceeded to show that about I', The' ·1 salted ·ytsterday pact,state ot , the Ice, whi ch pre,e~~e4 and support Qf't'he. Resoluliuns they 30 or 40 'years "go' 8 refival commen~ momina:. :· . ,. ~ ~ 1 -1 I .... · v ~ .', .. many ,.elsels from g~lt ing l. off tbe proposed . . ' . 'J . . • I eed in the ChurehJ'under the I~ices. 1 •• ' I !'l . .'" • t · ..... abore, 'and,. to tbe seal I have ~ep't (or.

Resulved.-h1, Th.llt ~his meeting of the Rev. MeIJsrs, ~ho ~ and ' BaiTlsit .... ' G£NEhos~iy',f~The B'ii t~ ther t& the eastward th,ao usuaL" ' are deeply sensilJle of the. ,aLu able tier· Chalmers" whose 1,igoroul m and ~1'n ''Go'vlerhnient ,hav~ ~vo'ted '8 p~n8io~ yice •. rende red to th. c.u.~ of Roli- ardent piety rendored thelll -.,Iy ,,-f 500 fr~i'c.' 'to' the wi~ow_ 'o'f the ,jo,n. and Ihe, inter .. t. of tbe \,re_~by. filled for inapiri?&. the. body 10 wliich 'Frenc'b'niao' killed by' a ' Briii,sli ollicer te .. an .• In Cbese ColoOles, by 't~e p,"\ they belonged wllll'a lligher.tandard of on th', coasl of Newfoundl. nd I •• t ~rr~Jcel of Dr Burns apd others, iu ~l.l.~ i.~ti.a.~ excellen~d a n,ore ~rdent year ' .,. • .

FATAL ACCIDENT.-Lieut. dare!. 52tid .Rellt. w •• k1l1ed .1 Frederi~tOD ori TileocfJy I .. t 'b'Y beiDg 'lh~o~h {rom·


Now this ,cfto be equally w-ell attained TP DBST ROl' CATEB.PILL.-\BS .

I and the los8 at th~ .. snme ,fim~ ol>YI~ted -A~ Eo_giisb lu'per 8tat~s. that ,8 g&r~ by casting it into rt~ge8 of21 feet wide, dener '", io- Glasgow, pJ.aces ,8 piece of raising to the heJght of 2 l ·2 feet; woolen c loth in each currant bush these will be as dry !l~ by the former! which proves an effe.ctual remedy, as melhod, and Iwo Ih"d. h:ore o(, ~0o.d Ihey uni,."ally lake 10 Ibe clOlh for crop obtained, while «:-artwg. on It IS shelter t and he destroy's thousands perfecll} easy; Ihus - 10 a piece 150 each \lay . _ wide, by the/ormer trethod., there ~ _______ _ will be 16 rurrows, three feet 'On each ~ '. LOOK !O, ~OUIF. ORCHARDS.

HINTS TO FARMERS. s ide of each ' yield. nOlhing. B~ rna· ThOBe havlOg orchard., who have

HYGEIAN l'!"_O 'J'ICE"FPR 1844 . L'IGH'r Years pract ical experience of tb tl I2A benign effects of Morisonl Universal Medicines l(lfl \'es the General Agont free to declare that ~arents nnd others who suffer their children tllld fn ends to fall ~ victims to disease (without having administered btori­son's invo luahle Pill" and Powder- in large doses) caunot conscientiousfy la, their hand upon -their brea&t, and exclaim -over the Corpse of the departed-" All has been dope whicb mortal aid could do." Aad conN" quently all such pre.judiced person., mu.t be held to a certai n degreo ctllpable of'grea" neg lect· in the opinion of the more ' enli,ht oned Hyge i~t's, I..

There is a greal quanlily of manure king Ihem 21 feel wide \her." "III be nol already nuended properly 10 Ihem lost every spring by in<ltte'!tioll. Th.e only 7 furrows, ""so .that .a ore<ldt.h ~f should 80 witl,out delay. Trimming water Jov hich ftpws fr om the heap 15 54 feet of the field IS gamed, while 1t out . the ·dec.ayed or 8uperabund aht LIST Oil COHMISS10NEO IUlh,,0&1'(1'.

~ighly impregnaled wilh fertilizing answer. every other purpose equally a. branche.; serapin. all Ihe old bar~ FOR 1844. suits which form the food of plaJlls; well as the narrow ~ !ifges. When) off the trunks, by w~ich the egg! of Air Samuel H. Sellon, Sydney this 'if euliered to run waste, is a loss these are to be spr.ead, there C~? be the caterpillars are destroyed, and :t i~::t~t~~~:i,!\~iri~~eport "" for ~vhich there c an be no excuse, . 85 left 8 fnrro w where It formerly, and was.hing ,the tr.unk a down with..oilasoap Rev G. Richard,oD, Low Point -'1

bv throwing some mould into it au?ther on the .. sulO mJt! , eltc h furro\~ an'd water , should be par\1~uI8rly ,at- John L. Hill, Esq, Mira 510nally would materially increase bemg 10 ftet wli:Je, sloplOg each , wa~. tended to. Farmers who will dc\'ote ,Mr George Diekson,' C:ltalognB heap, The sile of t he dung heap This is the usual wa.y to 'prevent the ir o'ne fou;th of the care ·to tbe apple or~ ~; r g:::~~ ~:n:~Ii!~:~~i~;dr:. t . ...

should be so .constructed as to gathere~ too high, and the sum· chard, whtch they d9 to the potatae, Juhn Munro, Esq., St. Ann'. pre~rve all , ot:erftowing juices. for rrows Yield 3S heavy a .c rop 85 corn,~o r wheat crop. will have no ca~ ~e John B:wlam, Elq., Aricha& .w. they are of equal uti li ty with the du~g; aoy part of the field . to compl,ain of a shor t crop of fruit ; M r P. Grinton. EUlt Bay . • yet few farmers pIoperly appreciate ------------ a crop, too" which in all respects! is Stephen McPherson, Elq. BIg Narrow. lb. ndva.Dlages which fe'sult from rna- CULTURE OF T H E CUCU.MB.ER. qUI-Ie as profhable as any other raised Dougald Kennedy, Esq., BllddMk , ~

l\fr :Murdoch B OilS, Margaree kiug arrangemen ts for saving and rna· I will ' st ate n fnct rel ative to the within fHty miles of Philadelphia. , J ohn McDou gall, Esq ., La\co I\in.lie king the most of it. • p~ anting o f cucumbers, which came \ . . Mr 'rhomu Hyde, Dartmouth ~

Alwa1s pay particular attention to nnder my observation, and which is MODE OF INCREASING TH E GROWTH OF "ir !ian~'he~::;~.on, Guy.sbo~u.~ .nt! the boundary fences or the rarm, for worthy of being known. I shall at ' POTATOES . < Mr J ames Guinn, Capo North .. it cap ha rdly be questioned that two· least gire n furthe r trial myself of .its The Bowers being cut off' as they ap- llev. A. McDonald, P. E.~d. thirde of the quarrels ,<lnd ill feeli ng reality j though I cannot 'conceive 'peared 011 the plants, the number of Air Roderick !\1cKenzie l P lalaud-which exist hetween neighbors , have there is a doubt remaining on the sub- pOI aloes produced was mach (J'. r'eate_r P. Lonergan,f'" Esq., Frepc.h ett.Afargiree

. I - F k JOHN MeKl' NON, their origin In t liS V~try sou rce. ,ran· Last spring, a friend of mine than where the b~O. ~atlt!:m.. ' . .. Hygehin General Agent. ' lin obse rves-" For want of a n:\I 1 the and myself 'were planting cuc um bers ed untouched. . 10 0 erllle Nortl. Sydney, neo 8, 1 &1~. shoe . was lost-and for ·want of a shoe at the same time. 1 was planting mine, stems and leave the pl<l ts wh~ . _____ _ the horse was lost-aoll"for want of a as is usual in g.ardens, by mixing 8 had not bOle flowers w~re st rong and JAMES D UNBAR, hone the ride r was lost, being overta~ slOall portion of. ~labJe ma~ure ~ith green j the others yellow and, in a COAC ft'~AKER AND TURNER,

ken aAd shlin by the enemy; and all the earth, and .ralslng the hili an JDch state of decay. ~rhe plaufs which had BEGS lea.\·e to inform the inhabit«flt. "0

for want of a horse shoe naiL" L et or two above the surface of the been stripped offto\~'ers produceo (on Sydney and itll vicinity, that he hll US apply it to the Cftbe in hand and it g round. Observing it .... he jocosely the same spac:: .. e of g round) about four commenced busi nell in the above line, -a\ runs thus j-For want of 1iI. pole the remarked, "Jet me show you how to II-mes the weight of large potatoes, ve- tho building opposi to the ,residence of ~r,

1 ~ f f Christopher Wulton, where nil {)rders Wltla fence was ost: or, or waut 0 n ence r<lise cucun~bers;". ~eve r having had 'ry few· small on e's being found . .' rr hose which he mny bo fitv ortld \vlll be' nttendod the temper was l o~t, and for w~nt of it much Juck In rnlslTlg them, I cheerfu l· on which the ftowera and frUit were to with punctuality lind de.patch , Gig~1 the farm was lost, being di!:lsipaterl in Iy agreed to his proposition. He com· leflrProduced but a small nUlriber - of Waggon.,, 'l'able.,&c .• ,.. a.oft,lh

litigation. This bone of contention menced by making holes 10 the earth, middle sized potatoes, with a great :~~~c!e:d~r:~~,fa:~~r~11I1b~:;~·.u~~a:~~;~r~: may be stopped in the very burl, hy af the distance intended for the h:lIs, number of little ones, fr om the size confidently hope. that he shall meet with a paying proper atte[)tion to the f~nces that would hold about a peck. He of a common filbert to that of a large liberal share ufpublic pa.tronago early ill the !eason, and occasional but then filled t he:n with dry leached ashes, walnut. • He wou ld also intimate that he requiros_ thorough repairs "here . t h~y are re- "he ashes with a ve ry 6111~ 1I ? • qu~ntit)' of ~-la r~wooo Plank, for ~Yhieh II."

. quired. quant ity of earth. " The _ seed were TO D .E . SOLD, will pay Il fair PrlCO, ,A smart , active I~d", M f ' . t d f h wanted as an Apprentice.

any orole rs, lOS ea 0 t 0 then piap ted, o ll R level wHh the sura F R Jl TERM 'OF YEIIRS Sydnoy; Jonunry 1It,,1844, 11 repaIring their fences. go to face of t he ground . I was willing to aR .. LE~SED 0 . . . by piece lIIeal, and adopl a co.rse 0 see Ihe experimenl tried, bUI had no TIIA r V ~LUA.~~E _~ROPERl Y ALEX. S HENDERSON, .11 ol hers Ihe be. I adapled 10 make expeclalion of any Ihing bUI " loss of __ e aHed S r_ PE I ER S ISLAND, NORTH BAR,

their cattle. unruly and lroublesome'- seed, labor and soil. But imagine my ContalDlllg about 1 ~7 acres, ,sttuatef;! ~t MOST Respectfully inform. the P'Jblio If a panel IS do~n or broken, th .. ~y put astonishment , (notwitbstandillg a drier the entrances of St. .Peter s B~y, 10 that he has commenced tbe ' up oue log, or pll~ some br,ush ID the l easoq never was known, and a!most a the lsl,an~ of C~p~ .Breton ,-wlt.h .nll TAILORING Bl1SI NESS . .. ap;, wi~ell 11.le cattle acq.lIlre, perfec~ un iv~rsa l failure of gardeu vegetahles), the FISh : ~l~' Privilege,S appert nllllOg :~ ll~~ ;l:t~;::ct;;; Ip l~I~~,I::I~\~~~(I~lfI:o::jr;~~~ .1I~n In Jumping or breaklllg through when I be he ld "inea remark ably thrif~ thereto. 1 he Island 18 well wooded, RI~ arts of tho cou ntry Will be Ilttendcd Iu thll, they Pout up ntlolher , and thell tv,, 8u'd as fin e a crop of cuc',lIilbers as has an excellent harbour for sma ll es~ Wll~ PUllctuality and dC8pat~h He tr~lIs l nolhe.! unttl all.t he horsts, co~s and ~ny could wish to raise, nnd they con" sels, 'an~ h ~s long b~en known as ~ va· 'by ?t0derate cl~arge!l ftnd .tnct. attentlOu IU

sheep 10 "the nelghborh~od', arrt\'e at tinued to bear fo r an unuaunlly long IU3ble Flshmg Stattoll for · M~ckerel. bus!neas. to lD'!nt a !lhn.ree:4~iJ.uhhc pMtranale. tha DC plus ultra of Ipnnglllg oj'er n time • . I will not philosophize un tile . In favorable season~ :I constder<lble North Bar, Dec. 27, 1 .

\ 6ve-barred.gat~. . subject; but say to all, try it : and IDcom,e ha!r been derl\'ed by rormer NOTICE. It may be laid down as "mnxtm, th al instead of t hro wing your ashes away, P~opnetors, froln the g reat t.umber of THE Subsc ri ber has for 8111e upw ftCd~

one un ruly horse, ox, O( e\'en sheep, apply it where it will be ~ of use, ant! F~shermen thdt resor t to tile IsI~nd, of 1001\1. SHINGLESof good quality when .not c,on~ned, but nl.lowed-to r~n you will reap il ~ich reward. e8c~ of wh?tn pay R small rent .fol -a quantity of excellent SP ARS, &liarge, wtll,lO ? shorl tllne, te ach all drYing the ir nels and e ncamp ing -a uantit of Pine Boards, Plank, and others, an_d occas ion more damage th81l SETTING TREES. lherl"!on . . . ' , a boards~ All of whi ch will be sold Iheyare WOrlh-nOI 10 spe.l, of Ihe For lerms or any olher IOformallon, fl. ~ I b JOHN BALL 10 •• of li me Ihey produc.. We see Ihal many have sel oUllheir apply (if. by.!eller, post p. id) 10 Ibe O\~ o~a~I, 1 A -1 14 1843. .

I often observed that some f,!r~ t reel without ta.king the precaution to SlIbscrilJer at the Sydlley Mines, C itpe ~ . . - rm, fln , men in ploughing a wet piece (lfground place litte r or leaves aroun-a the trunki, Breton. RlCHARD BROWN. THE SPiRIT OF THE TI!"I",}S, invariably cast it into ridgp.s ol "eight to keep the earth 0I0lst and light. December) 5 1843. or nine feet wide, Bnd three o r four Oace more ' we urge our friends to __ ---;~_. __ ' _______ _ high Thi. mode of dealing wilh hnd Ihink .of·lhis, and mak-e Ihe Irial·. ·Thi. FOR SALE. is highly. censurable, for, besides its is one branch oj II the new huaband"y," AT the r·eaidence of Mrs. Verner t I

extreme inconvenience, t here is a loss and it works well. One muo j>ulled few doze'! superio r Gold Rings, lalely of. at least ol}e third more of the c rop away the straw that his- gardener had itnported by than is necessafy ; there will be 00 placed a~ou t his trees, for fea! the sun IIENR YO. VERNER. more Ihau 3 feel of good crop ou Ihe would be excluded! Go 1010 Ihe Sydney', May 301h. 1844 .. summit, while the sides on each side fOlests whe re ,the trees grow best, and oflhe furrows are comppsed of under Ihe leaves you will ~nd Ihe earth MAGISTRATES' BLANKS. dead subsoil. which will yield nothing. LIGHT and MOIST" • Here trees will E- V!RY l-"orm preecribed by the late act Th'e object iptended, to be attained g ro \\ lwice a:!l fast-as iD the open land. of the Provincial Legislature,con@tantly bI this is to dry ~he Boil luflicaently,- Try oll.e tree. constantly 00 hand oJ t hil Office.

II r'uaU.Hr.D RVr:U\' FRlOJ.Y IIVEI'IllfG ,

8v- J . O. KUHN

'lERJtl.I.-Fifwm ShiUing3 pcr awtum, if dUiTJtud ill t01DX, or tailed fl)r-St~enl'~K Shillinu3 and Sixp,ntt, 1Chm lent by 'mlw.. Halfthe 'a ruount to be the expira.tiola of each ho.lf·year. No subscription caD ~e received for a less period than six mouth,; nei ther Will any paper be discnntinued ua· til all arreartl <res are paid . All letters aDd communicati;ulJ to the Publisher mu.l b,-' post.paid j DC) communioation w~I.1 be .l~ · ended to unleH the pOl l1lge ~. pal ~,

'.., 'l'H~ SflRIt OF' 'fHE TiMBS. __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~- i,

POETRY. ten .. was ,bound up i8 the displ.y of,or,8. teachin, solemn thin".i but to him who' M:r lord, I h ••• 't.o doubt ftow. '-T.".': OUI pa,!antry 8oe.tin, beron him. H. had tbink., ao eOline-room ma! proach a more jud,e, in ,?mmiDI "" told the jUtr tbat as:' sat watchin, the eaeapio"tr •• m, antilthe IOlemn )euon Ililt. It will tell him ofmiod tho th ~ wlIDeuell hlld Iwo.rD pO.'lli"8I, to

t~;D! "'poroul column had appeared to cut -mind wieldin, matter at itt .. iII-a,ind ~~c!:::o,:r~ol~;~:ti~,.~1 b:;,u·tQ~.~f\e: .. u: illelfu.pwards io r..tutii!-chanllol .bapel. triulO'phin& over physical difficulties-mao combination ofcircumltaacel .worn to thai So,!!e llm-t t~. lubtle 8uid latberin, in •• !~rtins h·i._ ,reat .upremacy_U intellect bad raised doubt in hi., min. force aDd quantity would leDtly raile one banlin, ~ith the elemenll.'; . And how u. an~ if the ev~den.ce 'had operated in a .imila:

.ide of the' lid of the keltle, amit a white qUisitel!. comp~et.e . i, every . de,tail !-how ~:~!'t~re ~~'!:~/~~: :~~he~{b:l'i!~~H:o;~ puff, and ' then let the metal faU with a low lubordinate every part toward, th. Doe creat acquitted.-The commercial trav.lI.r.04. c1a'akinl sound . But ltill tbe .poUI poured eod !-how everyliltJe bar a~d acre'" fit ~Dd the prisoner had nenr be.n in Ireland io

BONG. OF SPRING. I! ..... IL , lovel, Spria" tby role. lia,

Arouod tbe p:lltb I'm .tr. yinl; I ~ear the thrulh from leafl b~ •. -'

C~l1 ~irl. to,~ a .&fay~n,:.

T"y.beIlUJe9pI 'D!Ue.cao.c&r. becuile, ADd cbeert~'I,.ddl!l·d bOlom;

ijopa blooPl."ofl~ wilh rainbow hue 4a bqrll . ... ch op 'qjn, blouom.

Wah, Ellen, wah! thy couch fonalr.., ~ 'Til woman'. duty, ... .

Like Eden '. (air, to watch witb ear._ Tb. tlowers in Iiltlnt beauty.

See Natura: drea'd in .paolled .... It. Her rich_ leta. dj'pl."",;

Tb.a ... each flo ... r, at .... bow, To .aLUI'II ho ...... pI,i .. .

. their !i.e. ; Ihey were regular thi llve. and: fqrth itt (tlul.!. volume ofwbite npouJ'7""" work tOlet~er! Val! &I il t~e machinl, leJ confederatel, and the .tory wu lot up fOr .b~tinl onr lbe ribl of tbe Irate, and curl. a belt ba but the leoth put o( a.o incbftoo tbe occuion.- [Sportin, ahl. i~g aDd roUiol in outlinel al ¥aryiDI aad 1001 or 100 Ibort, aad tbe whole fabric il dn· gll~int &llh!?~ ofa rilinl milt. . or,~oi"d •• It il one complete pieea of bar·

II Jamie, Jamie, what i.', ye·r. thiDkin' mony-ao iron .lIay upon unily of duilD o'?" Hid a)hrill,",uiee, ' and ex~ cu~i4?n, There il deep poe.try iii tbe

Tb. vilion vaDilbed; the wnet, tbe Ihip Iteam.eocine-more of the poetry of mot in If melted i.way i tbe IteaDI-cloud. dill.2tved; tban in tbe bound oran antelope, more ohlle t~~ old.raahioned manllerpiece, with quaint poetry of power than in ... the ~h of. caCao eaniap aDd btlfe painted tilu, .ppeued racL And oUlht it Qot to be a leuon to where it bad been, aDd 00 tb. 6r. wal tho tbol. who iaulh at aonities, aad put DO

CONSC;;NC£.-A Itaning min, who c.ommited thert, was asked by • eiou. person ir his conscience had not cried out to, him to forbe'ar. "Alu !" rl. plied~ heJ 'ff if it did, the criel of my IItomach were 50 much" louder, dia, lhoy pre,enled my hearing lbose orm, con:;Clence. - •

kettle atill hiuinl aw.y, and on the hob tat (.itb in inventiona, to conlider Ibat Ihia W ASTS OJ' T1M£.-W,.e al ) compllil

Th. wiat.r blut, ralr mal~, i,! P'''', tba teapof.immerio,. ~ cO~l!'lex fabric-tbil Ipunaph of art aad .ci. of the shortness of time, and yet ha" Th. url, be. i. bummin" II Y •. idle pwkl,' ; laid the .hrill voice ~nce":"was once the 11lulhing •• tock of jeer· m.uch more . than we know: wha.t to do·

'Tie ......... o .. a brifatj! p.rrlfm .. tb . . .... lh. a4!in j n i~ever t fin' ;oe liuiu ' clowerinlat 1n, thOU .. Ddl, and ODC. oall tbe walkinl .are spent ~ID' dOing no· AM __ .r·, .. iI. ia oomiD,. tb. fire wb~n Ie roiCbt be doinl IIOmeihini phan.lUy. o(a boy 'a wind .. be ~t, and in tbang at aJl, or_ IO~ doi~g~ r:olhing tbl'

Th ...... ' a.a ka .. OD brooka and. atream. 1." !prin, ~ w"'\4 ... ~ .. {quad UI-You ... (~ir, •• d ("., tbep rtv, wit,h. roe,

Wh .... he,,u" .mile ia roqo~ n • . . VARIETIES.


uH(ul, de' ila in it if 1 doo ' t car ,. feel the .eemlnlldlene.! watched a liule column o( we .o~ght to do. _ \Ve are [always com· Wicht 0 ' my b"n. Sit in lill,e'er tea, y. vapour ri.e from the apout ofa '1.a.keule ~ pllwog our days Ire few and actin, Iracaleu 1000, and Ihu baD'a with Mi .. - 81 tbough there would be DO end to tn:" Bald~ntone ller.... Too DEEP Faa THE LAw.-A mao wa. them.

The b~; rOle moekly, and did al he was indi~ted, I tbiuk at Cambrid£e, (or Itealin, ====:T=O""'B"'E"""S"'O"'L"'D""". === .. told .. -Hi~!l~e!!t wal J !RlU Watt. a horse on the 211t of T.he firat . ~it •

Year .. have roll.d a)" lind tbe vilion of nesl .wure he .8.W the prllOnerlQ the neigh. tbe .k~" rea Talk of political borbood the daJ' before the borte w .. Itnlen; B!t t~:~~~.I~~~~ :~:S~~p:~.I:.n:Dki!a!r .. qlu,· . th I the n.xt wiU;lell Iwor. tlUlt be law tbe pri . II ' I' " II ' d d d' ;:"n~~o:ai:ne; ~r~~~d ~: t:.r eo::":o:: lOner on tbe 'hone : a~d a tbird , that h. ~ ~;c4eO :::e~u:J~?r~~ (0: fu:;~oe: p~~ic~~:

OD a wiuter'. evaniDI, n.arly a hundred 8iet wbich .hcook Europe. the ancient dy. boulht the hOrle of the prisoner. Whep the f.J:P1Y to the .ubscriber (,Ir to Duncan Currl ' y.ars &&0, lh. tea.boartl Wat laid out, and evidence w .. all gODe tbrough the judi. u13',Bba10' •• ru~.!l[N,'AIULI!' MC'EACHil .-\J4. the WiDdow curtaiol clolell drawn, in the nutl of FIance fell proltrate, crumbled wilb • ' N u 0:;;' ..

humble parlour ofa .mall bouse in the town the ruinl of it. own baltile. And now are .aid. 'Now, prisoner. have yuu any que.. LIFE & lo'lRE. IN:SURANCI;;, of Gr.enock. A tidy, active matron "u new bbtil".beiul created-now forti erect. tiool to alk/'. 'I don ' t lee the u.e of it, my bu.tJia, about llieine the bread ind -butter, .d-tbe tooll with wbicb tyranny will play lord,.' .. id h.; 'lbe witnease. have all IWUrD THE SUBSCRIBER bem, appoint •• and cA!efuJl.r rq.~uline out the due modi. a fU,ture where 'yruay played ill .0 POliliorely, I don ' t lee tbe jury cao t f SU~.Ai:ent forC·he ~.~rtr~rdf Hod r;:· ... of .... CJUn ... )eaf, probably UPOd lhe lame I\f ,ore ; the c~ill' are acain clanking do but convict m~: I Hav. you anybody to U~ ~.D A ~'~b:UNali:or::faL::'n 0 fun-;t ~I'; roo!i"aicI pri.oipl. of". A -,oonful per bead Db tbe people who ooceao.aobl, butall.b8IQ. Ipeak to your cban.c.ter? ' 'No, ml.lord. I Allunne. Society of London ; and dl.

But there il DO .uch re-aetiob in the r .. olu. am a atranler here." WblD ·paa.iDI .. d loolf. N.w York Life Joa\uance aDd Trult Co.· ..,d one (ortb. pot:' . A bluin, fire Ileam· . io, verI earn!;!stl), at alentltlman at tb. oth. pany of New York :-will effect 10lufloee

in, and roared iD thelJ:a~~Dll cU~QeJl~ouDd ~~I:I ::~::i·:I~e . • :~~:tt~:,h~v~~~h:h:h::~ er si~._ o( tb. court,' except tbat I!otlemap oDI~~:r~::!}oa:o~~~~J~a~:r,.mSsbip" Mercha •• the black aidea of the kettle w&licb repoaed Wlltt, .at dreamingly liltening to 'i t, ilto be in the drab Ireat·coat will.' 'Wbo, me,' diu, aDd H ouaeh"old .'~niturtl-effected .t in the mid.t of it, like waie. IIllhing the heard in the loud rOI.r of the Iteam.pip· e, laid, be. I Yes, air, ' I \vhy I n.ver aaw you once--wilholit r.ference ·to :he Gen.ral lidel ofa .hip at .ea; and the fire erack led, . rfl b fl • P b . I A t til rfi I f P . a.od the water: boiled with a faintl1 heard riling often above the diD of wind and wet. In my lee ' er apl,lIr, can eon· \~~e ~ounad~~-, Ir~e;a~tr).',I:~dpro:mpt~:d.

d I " b h b . b vince you you have. Wbat profellion ar. popplinl .ound j and a Itream of white .a •• u, an P!OC almlDI to ot t Jat ~P!fl ty you sir?' , Why, I am a commercial trav. :e~~k::::e i~~!-~~i;~~.~:~ been lobi aad

:~~lc;'::r~bl!:i.OI ~:::~~~e =~~n~~:re~ PO;t::: :::l~~:::~~a ~,~~S:;7::~"~ora a eller.' I And pny, air. mal I;ilk wbfl~~ .. F B.lanlt. tr.fudn~lred ,:_lU ~n~ ~v.~ .aid .a\v nO lhiul parfieular in allthia-tbe new ~~e. I~ mak~. ocean v~Ylllea,pleD.ltire ~no~:{:~'~c~~~:t2:,lt ~~Jb:l?i ~h~~:~.ot::: ~;.r7~or~X:c!0~1;~C b.l°ntlr~tc:mi~~n~~r:d" fir. w .. burning, the kettle WII bOllinc, and tripl j it bind. citiel tocetl!er, literally with pot recollect.' 'llave you aDV ~e&DI of ve.laped, 1a "6it~Ri..cESIlli:~ . DICKSON, chat Wei all-and tbe fire burned and the iron ·band.; it briD,a ki'ngdoml into ~ .. ~()." f

contin,.ncy III pari'ltes, Wbatdoel it not IIItilfyinlyourllelfwheroyou were)' 'Yu, Jull 1, It:W.3. ' . Sydn.y Min .. ~.ttle boiled, jUlt thol ten milht be made, do for mao ?-:Seniees the .000t micht,.nd my bookl will ahew it.' 'Have you tbem TH£ NEW V EGETAB1.E AM. ;md for no other purpose or end wballOever. tbe mOlt trivial. It burriel biUl ae.rou tbe with you, lid' 'No, tbey ar. at tbe ian .' TIBJLIOVS PILLS, Are the odo There \vas Duthin: wonderful eitber in the _"-tlantic in ten da1', and "i.da coff .. in When, turoi~ to tbe judp, the pnlOner &iP~ in;.entioD1 o~~r: 1', E. Je~n~ Sur,:_ (l ne fnt.t or tbe other. Keul.1 had bo.iled Nidi' "1 lord. III tbia ,.atloman ·.uidIDC. 81~:1 .,eo,.:.r.a, aDcflDb'.D~'· D·~aocb •• 'n·U.o~_~ . -,th°

d fi b d b I f: t be I rocera' ahopl j it hili power enough to pump 0 NU . n rei a urne( ro m t I. &lnftlng, (h ia very material to my defenc •• will you al. IrNl aueceu in hi.' printe practice for I

and would probably do 10 ontll tbe end of np volumea o~ water rrom the b~w.11 0 t .~ low him to 10 to 'tbe ioo to re(r&lb hi. me. Ion, period. Jae is induced to pubHlb tlM. the chaptC' r. !Jilt the reqUllLite ' number or earth. and dellcao1 enoush to dra.,. a .tIu~le . • for lbe benofit of IUtrerers froOl BJLJUV'

~v.oonlful Ilad been trall "furred fro ,~ · the cad. and wea\·e fine linen. MiChty al.i. it. mory r' i H~w 10ng.baU yo~ b~ 1Ir! - 'Ob G ?U TY and N~"r~~' A."ECT~OZfl,. l'h.; d' h d • !trenlth the childhood ofintellflct can cuido not maoy mmutel, my lord . - Very w.11, will b6.f0u_d lurpn~IO$ly effi~clou'IQ t~OII y to t (! pot, an nl Ihe malron lIupped 10 . ' . WI will wait your r.tur.o.'-I:I. 1000 came compluotl, correcunc the Bll. wbeD In I

place it upon tbe h06, her eye fotll UPOD a . lt . . Up aad . down fly the huCe beam I and back, and lookinc at thl pri~oner with. vitiated .tate. and remO\·inl.aU redondaDc! .. liJ,tI. urchin IOdted UPOIl a Itool of stunted cy hnders ""Itb a rorce thllt hundred. of hora. . 2 f J J I of that or any otber obno:llou, matter WI" d' . ' . h Ii II I (I bl es would in vair. crack l inew and muacle to Ineer, .ald.' Wh" on the ht o . u Y WII whicb the Itomaeb and bowele are opprened

ImeDSIOOII In 1 e ll, are 0 tie ".ze, . h b ( at Mullin,ar, in IreJaad.'-'1 know ,ou _producing tbe happieat .If.chl in .. af~.e., who.propvi~;: hil furzy head upon hil)and., co~ t~ ol ; Il~d yet. there b~ but t e ,touc 0 a were, lir, and p"Ylir, do you notrememb.r aDd expedi~iou.e. maODer. ~ . and .upportlDg both upon hi. knees t b'y' reo gUldl~g leur-the stopping o,fa, lOIn-de. fwO men 6g60n, in the market placer- Ample dlrecb,oDa for t6en ule aeco~p.ny elining Iln elbow against eaacfi Wla inten,lI mandlng no mor" than a c hild II .trength,. ., ' .nr1 box of Pilla, oa tbe cover of.w,hlcb II

• J Y and the VIlat moy'n fabric at once become. I No, Indeed 1 do not. - \Vhy, 111, you can- puted an engraved 100bel, contalOlDc the &9-%1n, nt the ~re, nod the kettle,'! . ~ «. not foreet it. (or ),ou .eeonded one oflhem.' worda," Juuu' .BPlrLC"t V'get4bl, PilU,jn­Ij.e,am, a\,..lIowlOl them with hi. eyea. and motlool~as and paJ.lve-o~ly so many toni _, £h !. said hei pau.inl j I I do recollect Bilimuaen. Dppep.iG, H..dGdtu, Nt:rNtU· .. much a'-or.bed, in fllct. al the Peri milbl o~ \vroulht and hammered 11on, seeine an t:nlli.h~aa .,.,r1 ill us,ed iD a 6sbt "Ut. 4o'c. ok· II _ . ...

be lup-d to b b . b til Tbere ilt

to our thiokinc, aometpinc aw. ir.lreland. ay, .Dd II wua.t MulhnCAr. wben ([)"' For aale ",bo!e,.le and relall,~ b1 tb. r-- an ,een In er momen r1 I st~P:8d in to support bim:'-' Well, lir, Proprietor,.t t1!e Syae),'. M.inel; at tbe 0 ••

Ilanee o( heann. 'J be boy looked at Ihe rul11. lI'ud iD the contemplation . of a vast look at lIIe. and Ny if I am that man.'- of the Cape-Breton Advocate. j n the Tow • .6r., and the motber looked ., the ooy _- Iteam:-Hlline. SlAnd amid!t ill ponderoua lOb!' Hid he. 'I cannot Iwear to you, fnr ofSydn8Y; !lDd 1n Nova &ou a at M.ortoo·. u W .. tbere ever .ic au idle oeer-do.w •• 1 beam, and batll. wbeel. aDd cylinden. Gnd when I wlnt iu your face ",a.lo kn;\Cked 1>lul Store, Halifu:. Price b.3d per bOI.

i!' thi. warld .. our Jamio," . watch 'thelr unceuing play; ho\., regular and :~;tl~:~;~: ::! ~~::; :::r a.f:~~ · an~ ~:: Sydney. Mart'h.24 1841 Bnt trutb to tell there wu .0metblDg pe- how wonderful !-tho machinery of. ladY·1 a large mole 011 hi. left .houldcr.'- ' II that B~ANK FORMS. .

c.~liar in tb. oflhe boy" e,e :-tbere Geoe\'6 watch i. Dot more nicely adj",!:d- tbe cue, frisoner?, laid the judC.' 'Wby, A G1l&.u V.nely .cOD.taudl on hl,Dd at UU. "U miad, actin, .peakio, mind. lookinl tbe ru.h o( ao natancbe i. not Dlore awful ?IY lord, cannot ~I b~hin~ m. ; but .~he g~:e;;o;.::f~~bIC~::t:~S;~t~( ES::~:~ tflreUIb it. J¥ leemed III ooe who pzed in ita atrenp. Old Gotbie cath.dral. a;e {~~~era;!;'l~:'!!O~~:'d~:~:~J.~\~~I::lth~ Articlea,.A,prea'tic&l lnd.atur •• ,' IAwl.·, a.r:on ~ w~Dd.roU. 'filion, and "bett. •• "li." placet, JWMCbiDc .alemn le .. onl, commercial trauller .a" it , he exclalm('d . Ifta. "-.utnt.'. Blanke.

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