the special educational needs information report for parents

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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The Special Educational NeedsInformation Report For Parents

Meet Our Special Educational Need Coordinators (SENCO)

Mrs L Kiddle

Miss K Procter

How does the School know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?

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Teachers complete a form which outlines their concerns regarding a child. This is then passed onto the SENCO who will come to assess the child and put in place a graduated approach to meeting their needs. If the child needs additional help they will be added to the SEN register and parent permission will be sought. As a parent you should ask for a meeting with the school’s SENCO.

How will school staff support my child?  

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It will depend on the individual needs of the child. A Pupil Passport will be written for a child who is currently on the SEN register. If a child does not have this then the SENCO will work with the class teacher to put appropriate support in place. Progress will then be monitored and provision observed by the SENCO. Interventions and support will be recorded using a provision map and intervention checklist.

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How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs? 

Children are taught in small classes of no more than 20 pupils and the majority of classes will have an additional adult. Using the provision map, it is the responsibility of the Class Teacher to adapt and create a personalised curriculum for the child which caters specifically for their needs.

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How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child's learning?    

Parents meet with the school SENCO or Class Teacher once a term to discuss progress and next steps for each child who is on the register. Parents are entitled to discuss progress and home support daily with the class teacher or can make an appointment with the SENCO.

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What support will there be for my child's overall wellbeing?    

The school uses small class sizes (classes of 20) to allow staff and pupils to build strong, nurturing relationships. Regular observations of teaching check that nurturing environments are strong in all classrooms. Home school logs are in place to encourage close contact with parents. All children’s achievements are celebrated during assembly, regardless of need through certificates, privilege cards and access to the school’s enrichment areas.

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What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?    

SENDs servicesSocial CareSchool NurseEducational PsychologistSpeech Therapy School Counselling serviceHearing and Visual Impairment Service Family support

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What training do the staff supporting children with SEN have or are having?    

The staff receive yearly training from SENDs services every year. If a child attends school with a specific need then training will be arranged to support provision and understanding of that need.

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How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?      

We are a fully inclusive school and children join in with all activities/ trips with reasonable adjustments in place to support.

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How accessible is the school environment?      

All school staff are available every morning and every afternoon for parents to discuss matters or concerns with. School is fully wheelchair accessible and disabled toilets are available.

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How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school or the next stage of education and life?      

School can arrange additional transition meetings and sessions with high schools or a change of school for pupils with Special Education Needs. All children are prepared for the next stages of education regardless of additional needs through the use of the school’s bespoke facilities such as the school farm and kitchen. The SENCO supports parents with transition to new schools by attending the visits with them. If a child requires personalised support with their transition, arrangements can be made for teachers and outside agencies to come into school.

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How are the school's resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs?        

Support staff are allocated to need not just to match classes. If there are several children in a class with high need then more support staff will be allocated to that class. Class arrangements are fluid to change with the needs of the children. Advice on the best provision for pupils is sought from agencies involved and parents. Resources can then be purchased if needed from the school’s High Need funds.

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How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?          

School will liaise with parents and outside agencies depending on the needs of the child and follow advice given from a range of sources. Support is monitored carefully to ensure that provision provided and suggested is supporting the child appropriately.

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How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?         

School encourages parents to keep strong links between school and home. Parents will be expected to complete additional home learning to support the needs of the child fully. Parents are involved in the creation of pupil passports. 

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