the sound of music.docx

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Theater Script of the movie Sound of Music


The Sound of Music



The screen glows an eerie blue, then fills with swirling white mists. We fly

through the misty cloud and emerge over a craggy, snow-draped mountain range.

The massive, forbidding peaks stretch to the horizon, then disappear behind

more dense mist. The white fog gives way to silky sheets of snow covering a


We fly over a sheer rock face. Hundreds of feet below a river runs through a

grassy valley like a glistening white ribbon.

The snow-covered Alps give way to gently rolling hills and lush forests.

Birds whistle. We fly out from behind a hillside and over a broad lake,

glittering in the brightening sunshine. MUSIC sneaks in.

We fly over a clear glassy lake that mirrors a huge mountain beside it and

the blue sky above. Then over a magnificent green valley nestled among the


In the valley below, the roofs of a small town lie clustered together around

a church and its steeple.

Now, we glide over elegant, lakeside castles and mansions with acres of

emerald green farmland.

We fly toward a sunny alpine meadow where a young woman with short blonde

hair strolls through the grass, swinging her arms in a carefree stride. She

wears black shoes and stockings and a gray smocked apron over a black dress.

Her name is Maria.

As we close in on her rapidly, she spreads her arms and twirls in a joyfulspin.


The hills are alive with the sound of musicWith songs they have sung for a thousand yearsThe hills fill my heart with the sound of music

My heart wants to sing every song it hearsMy heart wants to beat like the wings of thebirds that rise from the lake to the trees

My heart wants to sigh like a chime that fliesfrom a church on a breeze

She runs to a brook and skips stones in it.


To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls overstones on its way

To sing through the night like a lark who is learning topray

I go to the hills when my heart is lonelyI know I will hear what I've heard before

My heart will be blessed with the sound of musicAnd I'll sing once more

Church bells toll in the distance.

Maria's dreamy smile fades and becomes a confused frown. With suddenrealization, she puts a hand to her head and gallops across the field.

Shestops, searches for something, and spots a black wimple headpiece

lying inthe grass.

MARIA Ohhhh!

She snatches it up, then dashes off.


A title reads: "Salzburg, Austria in the last Golden Days of the Thirties"


Nuns in black habits and novices wearing smocked gray aprons walk calmly

across a cobblestone courtyard. Carrying Bibles, they file into a chapel

decorated with richly colored stained glass windows and stone sculptures.

The women chant in Latin: "Dixit dominus" -- followed by a "Morning Hymn" and


Kneeling at the altar with two sisters the Reverend Mother raises her gently

lined face to an artistic rendering of the Madonna and Child and clasps her

white-gloved hands in prayer. The other sisters kneel in the pews. Black

hood-like wimples, lined with pleated cloth frame their faces and cover their

hair. Frail, elderly nuns kneel side by side with youthful novices inmeditation and prayer.

Church bells ring. The Reverend Mother rises to her feet, turns to thecongregation of sisters and crosses herself.


The Reverend Mother walks with two sisters: SISTER BERTHE, the Mistress of

Novices who would probably enjoy using a ruler on your knuckles and SISTER

MARGARETTA, the Mistress of Postulants, who probably will one day be made a

saint. A young nun approaches.

SISTER BERNICE Reverend Mother?

MOTHER ABBESS Sister Bernice?

SISTER BERNICE I simply cannot find her.


SISTER BERNICE She's missing from the Abbey again.

SISTER BERTHE Perhaps we should have put a cowbell around her neck.

SISTER MARGARETTA Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores theanimals.

SISTER BERNICE I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places.

MOTHER ABBESS Sister Bernice, considering that it's Maria, I suggest you

look in someplace unusual.

Sister Bernice nods and walks away. The three nuns cross the courtyard.

SISTER BERTHE Well, Reverend Mother, I hope this new infraction endswhatever doubts you may still have about Maria's future here.

MOTHER ABBESS I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe.

SISTER MARGARETTA After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm.

SISTER BERTHE We are not talking about sheep, black or white, SisterMargaretta. Of all the candidates for the novitiate I would say that

Maria isthe least likely--

MOTHER ABBESS (chides them) Children, children.

Mother Abbess sees several nuns gathered, staring at them, puzzled.

MOTHER ABBESS (to the other nuns) ... er, we were speculating about the

qualifications of some of our postulants. The Mistress of Novices and the

Mistress of Postulants were trying to help me by expressing opposite points

of view. Tell me, Sister Catherine, what do you think of ... Maria?

SISTER CATHERINE She's a wonderful girl ... some of the time.

MOTHER ABBESS Sister Agatha?

SISTER AGATHA It's very easy to like Maria ... except when it's, uh,difficult.

MOTHER ABBESS And you, Sister Sophia?

SISTER SOPHIA Oh, I love her very dearly. But she always seems to be in

trouble, doesn't she?

SISTER BERTHE Exactly what I say!(sings)

She climbs a tree and scrapes her kneeHer dress has got a tear

SISTER SOPHIA (sings)She waltzes on her way to Mass

And whistles on the stair

SISTER BERTHE (sings)And underneath her wimple

She has curlers in her hair

SISTER CATHERINE (sings)I've even heard her singing in the Abbey

SISTER AGATHA (sings) She's always late for chapelSISTER SOPHIA (sings) But her penitence is real

SISTER BERTHE (sings) She's always late for everythingSISTER CATHERINE (sings) Except for every meal

SISTER BERTHE (sings)I hate to have to say itBut I very firmly feel

SISTERS BERTHE AGATHA SOPHIA CATHERINE (sings)Maria's not an asset to the Abbey

SISTER MARGARETTA (sings) I'd like to say a word in her behalf

MOTHER ABBESS (spoken) Then say it, Sister Margaretta.

SISTER MARGARETTA (sings) Maria makes me laugh

Sister Berthe scowls. Reverend Mother smiles.

MOTHER ABBESS (sings)How do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

SISTER MARGARETTA (sings) How do you find a word that means Maria?SISTER CATHERINE (sings) A flibbertijibbet!SISTER SOPHIA (sings) A will-o'-the wisp!

SISTER BERTHE (sings) A clown!

MOTHER ABBESS (sings)Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her

Many a thing she ought to understand

SISTER BERTHE (sings)But how do you make her stayAnd listen to all you say?

MOTHER ABBESS (sings) How do you keep a wave upon the sand?

SISTER MARGARETTA (sings) Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?MOTHER ABBESS (sings) How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?

SISTER SOPHIA (sings)When I'm with her I'm confused

Out of focus and bemusedAnd I never know exactly where I am

SISTER AGATHA (sings) Unpredictable as weatherSISTER CATHERINE (sings) She's as flighty as a feather

SISTER MARGARETTA (sings) She's a darling!SISTER BERTHE (sings) She's a demon!

SISTER MARGARETTA (sings) She's a lamb!

SISTER SOPHIA (sings)She'd outpester any pest

Drive a hornet from its nestSISTER AGATHA (sings) She can throw a whirling dervish out of whirl

SISTER MARGARETTA (sings)She is gentle! She is wild!SISTER CATHERINE (sings)She's a riddle! She's a child!

SISTER BERTHE (sings)She's a headache!SISTER MARGARETTA (sings)She's an angel!

MOTHER ABBESS (sings) She's a girl!

The nuns press their hands together and gaze heavenward.

THE SINGING NUNSHow do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?How do you find a word that means Maria?

A flibbertijibbet!SISTER MARGARETTA A will-o'-the wisp!


THE SINGING NUNSMany a thing you know you'd like to tell her

Many a thing she ought to understandMOTHER ABBESS (sings) But how do you make her staySISTER BERTHE (sings) And listen to all you say?

SISTER MARGARETTA (sings) How do you keep a wave upon the sand?

THE SINGING NUNS Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?

A door slams. Footsteps, running. Maria races headlong into the courtyard,

snatches a handful of water from a nearby pump and gulps it down. Then,

wimple in hand, she tears past the nuns and stops dead in her tracks. She

meets their startled gaze. Then rolls her eyes to Heaven helplessly and walks


THE SINGING NUNS How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?



Maria waits in the dark, austere hallway. Sister Margaretta emerges from anoffice.

SISTER MARGARETTA You may go in now, Maria.

Maria gulps nervously. Sister Margaretta smiles and squeezes her arm in

encouragement. Maria steps into ...


Maria shuts the door behind her.

MOTHER ABBESS Come here, my child.

Maria hurries over to the Abbess who sits behind a large desk. She kneels and

quickly kisses the Reverend Mother's hand.

MOTHER ABBESS Now, sit down.

MARIA Oh ... Oh, Reverend Mother, I'm so sorry. I just couldn't helpmyself. The gates were open and the hills were beckoning and before


MOTHER ABBESS Maria, I haven't summoned you here for apologies.

MARIA Oh, please, Mother, do let me ask for forgiveness.

MOTHER ABBESS If it'd make you feel better.

MARIA Yes. Well, you see, the sky was so blue today and everything was so

green and fragrant, I just had to be a part of it. And the And the Untersberg

kept leading me higher and higher as though it wanted me to go right through

the clouds with it.

MOTHER ABBESS Child, suppose darkness had come and you were lost?

MARIA Oh, Mother, I could never be lost up there. That's my mountain.I was brought up on it. It was the mountain that led me to you.


MARIA When I was a child, I would come down the mountain and climb a tree

and look over into your garden. I'd see the sisters at work and I'd hear them

sing on their way to vespers. Which brings me to another transgression,

Reverend Mother. I was singing out there today without permission.

MOTHER ABBESS Maria, it is only here in the Abbey that we have rules about

postulants singing.

MARIA I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. And what's worse, Ican't seem to stop saying things. I ... everything and anything I

think andfeel.

MOTHER ABBESS Some people would call that honesty.

MARIA Oh, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother. You know how Sister Berthe

always makes me kiss the floor after we've had a disagreement? Well, lately,

I've taken to kissing the floor when I see her coming -- just to save time.

MOTHER ABBESS Maria ... when you saw us over the Abbey wall and longed to

be one of us, that didn't necessarily mean that you were prepared for the way

we live here, did it?

MARIA No, Mother, but I, I pray and I try. And I am learning. I really am.

MOTHER ABBESS And what is the most important lesson you have learned here,

my child?

MARIA To find out what is the will of God and ... to do it wholeheartedly.

The Reverend Mother stands up decisively.

MOTHER ABBESS Maria, it seems to be the will of God that you leave us.

MARIA Leave?!

MOTHER ABBESS Only for a while, Maria.

MARIA Oh, no, Mother! Please don't do that! Don't send me away! This is

where I belong. It's my home, my family. It's my life.

MOTHER ABBESS But are you truly ready for it?

MARIA Yes, I am.

MOTHER ABBESS Perhaps if you go out into the world for a time, knowing what

we expect of you, you will have a chance to find out if you can expect it of


MARIA I know what you expect, Mother. And I can do it. I promise Ican.


Maria gazes into the nun's stern, kind face.

MARIA Yes, Mother. (sinks into her chair) If it is God's will.

The nun picks up a letter from her desk.

MOTHER ABBESS There is a family near Salzburg that needs a governess until


MARIA Until September!

MOTHER ABBESS To take care of seven children.

MARIA Seven children!

MOTHER ABBESS Do you like children, Maria?

MARIA Oh, yes, but seven ... ?

MOTHER ABBESS I will tell Captain Von Trapp to expect you tomorrow.

MARIA Uh, Captain?

MOTHER ABBESS A retired officer of the Imperial Navy. A fine man and a

brave one. His wife died several years ago leaving him alone with thechildren. Now, I understand he's had a most difficult time managing to

keepa governess there.

MARIA Uh ... why "difficult", Reverend Mother?

MOTHER ABBESS The Lord will show you in His own good time.

Maria gives her a look.



Maria walks out of the Abbey wearing a drab gray dress, baggy burlap jacket,

and a wide-brimmed leather hat. She carries a guitar case in one hand and a

carpetbag in the other.

Maria stops and looks back with a sad, wistful frown, then continues toward

the Abbey's iron gates.

MARIA When the Lord closes a door... (sighs)... somewhere he opens a window.(sings)

What will this day be like? I wonder.

Maria steps through the gate and out into the sunlight.


What will my future be? I wonder.It could be so exciting to be out in the world, to be free

My heart should be wildly rejoicingOh, what's the matter with me?

I've always longed for adventureTo do the things I've never daredNow here I'm facing adventure

Then why am I so scared?

Maria leans against a stone wall.


A Captain with seven childrenWhat's so fearsome about that?

She walks into the town square.


Oh, I must stop these doubts, all these worriesIf I don't I just know I'll turn back

I must dream of the things I am seekingI am seeking the courage I lack

She stops by a fountain.

MARIA (sings)The courage to serve them with reliance

Face my mistakes without defianceShow them I'm worthyAnd while I show them

I'll show me

So, let them bring on all their problemsI'll do better than my best

I have confidence they'll put me to the testBut I'll make them see I have confidence in me

She boards a bus.

MARIA (sings)Somehow I will impress themI will be firm but kind

And all those children -- Heaven bless them!They will look up to me

And mind me with each step I am more certain ...

She gets off the bus.

MARIA (sings)... Everything will turn out fine

I have confidence the world can all be mineThey'll have to agree I have confidence in me

She skips and dances down a tree-lined road, swinging her baggage and kicking

her heels together.

MARIA (sings)I have confidence in sunshine

I have confidence in rainI have confidence that spring will come againBesides which you see I have confidence in me

Strength doesn't lie in numbersStrength doesn't lie in wealth

Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbersWhen you wake up -- Wake Up!

It's healthy!

All I trust I leave my heart toAll I trust becomes my own

I have confidence in confidence alone ...

Panting, Maria stumbles to a stop in front of an imposing, elegant manor. She

approaches the huge iron gate and peers in, unconfidently.

MARIA (spoken quietly) Oh, help!

She opens the gate and enters. She hesitates for a moment, her back to the

gate, then marches forward.

MARIA (sings)I have confidence in confidence alone

Besides which you see I have confidence in me!

She sprints across the circular gravel driveway and stops at the front door,

setting her luggage down and pressing the door bell. She leans, out ofbreath, on the wall by the doorbell.


Franz, the dour-faced butler, opens the door. She instantly straightens.

MARIA Hello! Here I am!

He studies her homely clothes with a doubtful look.

MARIA I'm from the convent. I'm the new governess, Captain.

FRANZ And I'm the old butler, Fraulein.

MARIA (disappointed) Oh. (makes the best of it, upbeat) Well, how do you do?

She shakes his hand. He doesn't smile.


Maria picks up her guitar case and carpetbag and follows him into the house.


Maria's eyes widen at the cavernous, opulent front hall.

FRANZ You'll, uh -- wait here please.

With a last dubious glance at Maria, Franz stalks away. As if in a trance,

Maria walks slowly down the front stairs and sets her baggage down. She

stares at the gilded furniture and glittering crystal chandelier. Balconies

line the upper walls on either side of the vast, spotlessly white room.

Walking across the gleaming wood floor, Maria stops in front of a closed door

and peers in through the crack. She gently pushes the door open and stares

into a dark, ornate ballroom lined with gilt-edged mirrors and dusty windows.

Maria enters hesitantly. Cloth dustcovers hang from the chandelier. Maria

wanders across the dance floor, clasping her hands together in excitement.

She drops an exaggerated curtsy to an imaginary dance partner, then switches

places and bows deeply. Suddenly, the doors to the ballroom fly open.

Mariastraightens from her bow.

A tall, elegantly handsome man with sharp, aristocratic features stands in

the doorway. He wears a trim gray suit with green cuffs and lapels. Startled,

Maria gazes fearfully at him and hurries out of the room.

CAPTAIN In the future, you will kindly remember there are certain rooms in

this house which are not to be disturbed.

MARIA Yes, Captain. Sir.

Captain Von Trapp closes the ballroom doors. Maria stares at him and smiles.

CAPTAIN Why do you stare at me that way?

MARIA Well, you don't look at all like a sea Captain, sir.

CAPTAIN I'm afraid you don't look very much like a governess. Turnaround, please.


CAPTAIN Hmm, turn.

Maria turns around as the Captain scrutinizes her clothes.

CAPTAIN Hat -- off.

She removes her leather hat.

CAPTAIN Sss -- It's the dress. You'll have to put on another one before you

meet the children.

MARIA But I don't have another one. When we enter the Abbey, our worldly

clothes are given to the poor.

CAPTAIN What about this one?

MARIA Well, the poor didn't want this one.


MARIA Well, I would have made myself a new dress, but there wasn't time. I

can make my own clothes.

CAPTAIN Well, I'll see that you get some material... today, if possible.

Now, Fraulein ... uh ...

MARIA Maria, sir.

CAPTAIN Fraulein Maria, I don't know how much the Mother Abbess has told you.

MARIA Not much.

CAPTAIN You are the twelfth in a long line of governesses, who have come to

look after my children since their mother died. I trust that you will be an

improvement on the last one. She stayed only two hours.

MARIA (giving him a worried look) What's wrong with the children?

CAPTAIN (pauses) There's nothing wrong with the children -- only thegovernesses.


CAPTAIN They were completely unable to maintain discipline. Without it,

this house cannot be properly run. You will please remember that, Fraulein.

MARIA Yes, sir.

CAPTAIN Every morning you will drill the children in their studies. I will

not permit them to dream away their summer holidays. Each afternoon, they

will march about the grounds, breathing deeply. Bedtime is to be strictly

observed, no exceptions...

MARIA Excuse me, sir, when do they play?

CAPTAIN ... You will see to it that they conduct themselves at all times

with the utmost orderliness and decorum. I'm placing you in command.

MARIA (with an overly enthusiastic salute) Yes, sir!

The Captain gives her look as if to ask, "Are you mocking me?" Maria raises

her eyebrows at him. The Captain abruptly takes a silver boatswain's whistle

from his pocket and blows it shrilly. Maria's mouth drops open in surprise.

Thunderous, pounding footsteps are heard above. Maria ducks for cover beside

the Captain.

Upstairs, six children, wearing identical blue sailor's uniforms dash out of

their rooms and line up according to age along the balcony railing, standing

at attention. Maria silently counts them. The Captain blows his whistle again

in a rhythmic pattern. Swinging their arms, the children march brisklydownstairs into the hall.

The oldest is a pretty, fresh-faced sixteen year old girl with wavy brown

hair (Liesl). The next is a blonde, blue-eyed boy (Friedrich). Behind him

marches a girl with golden braids (Louisa). Then, a chubby-cheeked boy (Kurt).

A little girl with brown hair and a button nose follows (Marta). A five year

old girl with a round face brings up the rear (Gretl). There's a noticeable

gap between Kurt and Marta -- one of the children is missing.

Responding to the Captain's whistle, they line up and stand at attention.

A dreamy-eyed girl with long black hair wanders in, her nose buried in

a book(Brigitta). The Captain holds out his hand. She gives him the book and

turnsto take her place in the line-up. The Captain gives her a gentle,

scoldingtap on the rear. She takes her place.

The Captain paces back and forth before them, inspecting his troops. He

straightens Kurt's collar. Friedrich's posture is not all that it could be.

The Captain demonstrates.


The boy puffs out his chest.


He drops Brigitta's book on a nearby table.

CAPTAIN ... this is your new governess, Fraulein Maria.

The children eye her disapprovingly.

CAPTAIN As I sound your signals you will step forward and give your name.

(to Maria) You, Fraulein, will listen carefully, learn their signals, so that

you can call them when you want them.

The Captain blows a variety of whistle signals. Each child, responding to

their signal, steps forward in a military manner, announces his or her name,

and then steps back in line.

LIESL Liesl!

FRIEDRICH Friedrich!

LOUISA Louisa!

KURT Kurt!

BRIGITTA Brigitta!

MARTA Marta!

The littlest girl forgets to step out. The Captain has to blow her signal

twice. She steps out and in but forgets to shout her name.

Maria is rather amused at this.

CAPTAIN (a little embarrassed, to Maria) And Gretl. Ahem.

Gretl makes a face. The Captain takes another whistle from his pocket and

holds it out to Maria.

CAPTAIN Now, let's see how well you listened.

MARIA Oh, I, I, I won't need to whistle for them, Reverend Captain. I mean,

um, I'll use their names. And such lovely names.

CAPTAIN Fraulein, this is a large house, the grounds are very extensive,

and I will not have anyone shouting. You will take this, please -- learn to

use it. The children will help you.

Maria accepts the whistle reluctantly.

CAPTAIN Now, when I want you, this is what you will hear.

He starts to blow a particularly obnoxious signal on his whistle.

MARIA (interrupts) Oh, no, sir, I'm sorry, sir! I could never answer to a

whistle. Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals, but not forchildren and definitely not for me. It would be too -- humiliating.

CAPTAIN Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the Abbey?

MARIA Oh, much more, sir!


The Captain starts to walk away when Maria blows the whistles. He stops and

looks back at her, annoyed.

MARIA Excuse me, sir, I don't know your signal.

CAPTAIN (coldly) You may call me -- Captain.

The Captain stares at her a moment, then exits. Maria smiles to herself. The

children start to giggle. Maria turns to the children who snap back toattention and stare straight ahead.

MARIA (sighs) At ease.

In unison, they place their hands behind their backs. They're a well-trainedbunch.

MARIA Well, now that there's just us, would you please tell me all your

names again and how old you are?

The children step forward and back in military fashion announcing their namesand ages.

LIESL I'm Liesl. I'm sixteen years old, and I don't need a governess.

MARIA Well, I'm glad you told me, Liesl. We'll just be good friends.

FRIEDRICH I'm Friedrich. I'm fourteen. I'm impossible.

MARIA (laughs) Really? Who told you that, Friedrich?

FRIEDRICH Fraulein Josephine. Four governesses ago.

The blonde girl in braids steps out and in.

LOUISA I'm Brigitta.

MARIA (smiles) You, um, didn't tell me how old you are, Louisa.

Brigitta, the bookworm, steps out.

BRIGITTA I'm Brigitta. She's Louisa. She's thirteen years old, and you're

smart. I'm ten, and I think your dress is the ugliest one I ever saw.

Brigitta steps back in line. Kurt, the chubby cheeked boy, turns to her.

KURT Brigitta, you shouldn't say that.

BRIGITTA Why not? Don't you think it's ugly?

KURT Of course. But Fraulein Helga's was ugliest.

Kurt steps forward.

KURT I'm Kurt. I'm eleven. I'm incorrigible.

He steps back.

MARIA Congratulations.

KURT What's "incorrigible"?

MARIA I think it means you want to be treated like a boy.

Kurt rather likes that answer. Marta, the button-nosed girl, steps forward

and tugs at Maria's sleeve.

MARIA Mm-hm?

MARTA I'm Marta, and I'm going to be seven on Tuesday, and I'd like a pink


MARIA Well, pink's my favorite color too.

The littlest, Gretl, stamps her foot.

MARIA Yes, you're Gretl.

Gretl holds up her hand showing all five fingers.

MARIA And you're five years old? My, you're practically a lady.

Gretl and Marta laugh at this. Maria looks at the line of children from Lieslto Gretl.

MARIA Now, I have to tell you a secret. I've never been a governess before.

The children look at one another, ready for mischief.

LOUISA You mean you don't know anything about being a governess?

MARIA Nothing. I'll need lots of advice.

LOUISA Well, the best way to start is to be sure to tell father to mind his

own business.

They crowd around Maria.

FRIEDRICH You must never come to dinner on time.

BRIGITTA Never eat your soup quietly.

Friedrich makes slurping noises.

KURT And, during dessert, always blow your nose.

GRETL Don't believe a word they say, Fraulein Maria!

MARIA Oh, why not?

GRETL Because I like you!

Then Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper, walks in clapping her hands.

SCHMIDT All right now, children. Outside for your walk. Father's order.

Now hurry up. Hurry up. Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.

The children walk reluctantly to the front door.

SCHMIDT (to Maria) Uh, Fraulein Maria. I'm Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper.

MARIA How do you do?

SCHMIDT How do you do? I'll show you to your room. Follow me.

They shake hands. Frau Schmidt picks up Maria's bag and leads her. Maria

picks up her guitar and follows her up the stairs.

MARIA (quietly, to Frau Schmidt) Poor little dears.

At the front door, the children pause and turn back to watch as Mariasuddenly drops her guitar, screams, and reaches into her dress pocket.

MARIA What? Ah! Ah! Aah! Oh! Ohh --

She pulls out a frog and flings it down the stairs. It creeps out the open

front door. Maria, leaning on the bannister, sighs with relief.

SCHMIDT (to Maria) You're very lucky. With Fraulein Helga it was a snake.


Maria glares at the children who turn and somberly exit through the door.



Captain Von Trapp and the children (who now wear dresses and suits) sit at a

long dining table, waiting. Maria dashes in and stops.

MARIA Good evening.

She walks to her seat.

MARIA Good evening, children.

THE CHILDREN Good evening, Fraulein Maria.

Maria starts to sit in her chair and then leaps up.

MARIA Whaaaah ha ha ha!

A pine cone sits on her chair.

CAPTAIN (mystified) Enchanting little ritual. Something you, uh, learned atthe Abbey?

MARIA No, it's, um, er ... um ... (patting her rear) ... rheumatism.

Maria sits. The children glance at each other, surprised and relieved not to

be punished for their practical joke. The Captain starts to eat. The children

follow suit.

MARIA Excuse me, Captain, but haven't we forgotten to thank the Lord?

The Captain, with a mouthful of food, stares at her for a second andreluctantly puts down his fork. Everyone folds their hands and bows


MARIA For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful.




Everyone starts to eat. Maria casts a shrewd glance around the table.

MARIA I'd like to thank each and every one of you for the precious gift you

left in my pocket earlier today.

The children exchange uneasy looks.

CAPTAIN (to Maria) Um, what gift?

Maria glances at Kurt's worried face.

MARIA It's meant to be a secret, Captain, between the children and me.

CAPTAIN Uh huh. Then I suggest that you keep it and let us eat.

MARIA Knowing how nervous I must have been, a stranger in a new household,

knowing how important it was for me to feel accepted, it was so kind and

thoughtful of you to make my first moments here so warm and happy andpleasant.

Maria grins at the Captain who forces himself to smile. Marta begins to sob.

CAPTAIN What is the matter, Marta?

MARTA Nothing.

Maria smiles to herself as the rest of the children break down into sobs, one

by one. The Captain glances around the table, astonished.

CAPTAIN Uh, Fraulein, is to be at every meal or merely at, uh, dinner time

that you intend leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of

... indigestion?

MARIA Oh, they're all right, Captain. They're just happy.

The children sob louder.


A teenage courier with blonde hair rides up to the house on a bicycle. He

hops off and rings the doorbell. Wearing a gray uniform and cap, he crosses

his arms and waits. The door opens and Franz appears.

FRANZ Ah, Rolfe. Good evening.

ROLFE Good evening, Franz. I trust everything is under control.

FRANZ Yes, yes.


Franz glances back into the house to make sure no one is listening and steps

outside to confer with Rolfe.

FRANZ Are there, uh, any developments?

ROLFE Perhaps. Is the Captain at home?

FRANZ He's at dinner.

ROLFE With the family?


ROLFE Please give him this telegram at once.

FRANZ Certainly.

Franz goes into the house and closes the door. Rolfe peeks through a window,

then walks his bike down the driveway.


Moments later, Franz hands the Captain the telegram.

FRANZ A telegram for you, sir.


The Captain opens the telegram and reads it. Liesl glances toward the window.

LIESL Franz, who delivered it?

FRANZ That young lad, Rolfe, of course.

Liesl's hormones kick in.

LIESL Father, may I be excused?

The Captain grunts negatively. Maria notices Liesl's disappointment.

CAPTAIN Children, in the morning, I shall be going to Vienna.

The children groan.

MARTA Oh, no, Father!

FRIEDRICH Not again, Father.

The Captain glares at them.

GRETL How long will you be gone this time, Father?

Liesl rises with her empty water glass and moves to fill it at a nearby table.

CAPTAIN I'm not sure, Gretl. I'm not sure.

LOUISA (to the Captain) To visit Baroness Schraeder again?

FRIEDRICH (to Louisa) Mind your own business!

CAPTAIN As a matter of fact, yes, Louisa.

MARTA (to the Captain) Why can't we ever get to see the Baroness?

KURT (to Marta) Why would she want to see you?

CAPTAIN It just so happens, Marta, that you are going to see the Baroness.

I'm bringing her back with me to visit us all.

Maria has watched as Liesl stands up to get a glass of water but then quietly

leaves the room, behind her father's back.


CAPTAIN And ... (rolling his eyes) ... Uncle Max.

CHILDREN (delighted) Uncle Max! Uncle Max!


Moments later. Liesl runs out of the house, across a marble terrace, and

searches the banks of the moonlit lake. In a formal garden, near a glass-

walled gazebo, she calls:

LIESL Rolfe!

Rolfe appears from behind a tree, against which leans his bike. She runs tohim.

LIESL Oh, Rolfe!

They throw their arms around each other. Rolfe breaks the clinch.

ROLFE No, Liesl, we mustn't.

LIESL Why not, silly?

ROLFE I don't know, it's just--

LIESL Isn't this why you're here waiting for me?

ROLFE Yes, of course. I've missed you, Liesl.

LIESL You have? How much?

ROLFE So much that I even thought of sending you a telegram just so I'd be

able to deliver it here.

LIESL Oh, that's a lovely thought. Why don't you? Right now.

ROLFE (laughs) But I'm here!

LIESL Please, Rolfe. Send me a telegram. I'll start it for you: "Dear Liesl..."

ROLFE (amused, playing along) "Dear Liesl, I'd like to be able to tell you

how I feel about you. Stop. Unfortunately, this wire is already too expensive.

Sincerely, Rolfe."

LIESL Sincerely?

ROLFE Cordially.

LIESL Cordially?

ROLFE Affectionately?

She hugs him tightly.

LIESL Mmmmmm!

ROLFE Will there be any reply?

LIESL "Dear Rolfe, stop. (she hugs him again) Don't stop! Your Liesl" If

only we didn't always have to wait for someone to send Father a telegram.

How do I know when I'll see you again?

ROLFE Well, let's see. (pacing) I could come here by mistake -- with atelegram for Colonel Schneider. He's here from Berlin staying with --

Oh, noone's supposed to know he's here. Don't tell your father, now.

LIESL Why not?

ROLFE Well, your father's so -- so Austrian.

LIESL We're all Austrian.

ROLFE Well, some people think we ought to be German, and they're very mad

at those who don't think so. They're getting ready to -- Well, let's hope

your father doesn't get into trouble.

LIESL Don't worry about Father. He's a big naval hero. He was evendecorated by the Emperor.

ROLFE I know. I don't worry about him. But I do worry about his daughter.

LIESL Me? Why?

ROLFE Well, you're so --


ROLFE Well, you're such a baby!

LIESL I'm sixteen. What's such a baby about that?

Rolfe smiles knowingly.

ROLFE (sings)You wait, little girl, on an empty stage

For fate to turn the light onYour life, little girl, is an empty page

That men will want to write on

LIESL (sings)To write on

Liesl leans seductively close. Rolfe backs away, his eyes widening.

ROLFE (sings)You are sixteen going on seventeen

Baby, it's time to thinkBetter beware, be canny and careful

Baby, you're on the brink

You are sixteen going on seventeenFellows will fall in line

Eager young lads and roues and cadsWill offer you food and wine

Totally unprepared are youTo face a world of men

Liesl tries unsuccessfully for a kiss.

ROLFETimid and shy and scared are you

Of things beyond your ken

You need someone older an wiserTelling you what to do

I am seventeen going on eighteenI'll take care of you

Liesl flies into his arms, Rolfe spins her around, then pushes her gently

away and holds up a warning finger. As thunder rolls above, Liesl pouts and

marches away. Rolfe follows and holds out his hand to her. She shakes it

firmly and then turns her back on him. Rolfe follows her around a tree. She

relents and takes his hand. Just as they sit down, raindrops start to fall.

Rolfe leads Liesl into the glass-walled gazebo which is lined with benches.

Liesl brushes the raindrops from her dress. The storm hits hard and heavynow.

LIESL (sings)I am sixteen going on seventeen

I know that I'm naiveFellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet

And willingly I believe

I am sixteen going on seventeenInnocent as a rose

Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandiesWhat do I know of those?

Totally unprepared am ITo face a world of men

Timid and shy and scared am IOf things beyond my ken

Rolfe dodges her fingers when she walks them up his arm and tries to tickle

his neck.

LIESL (sings)I need someone older and wiser

Telling me what to doYou are seventeen going on eighteen

I'll depend on you

Rolfe smiles dreamily as Liesl runs her hands through his hair, then catches

her as she drops into his arms. He lifts her up on one of the benches, then

takes her hand and sashays her along its length. Liesl reaches the end

of thebench and points to the wide gap between her bench and the next one.

Rolfespins and gallantly goes down on one knee -- Liesl uses his other knee

as astepping stone to cross to the next bench. Skipping and twirling, he

escortsher around the interior of the gazebo. Gaining momentum, Liesl circles

thegazebo, jumping gracefully from bench to bench.

Rolfe takes Liesl's hands and swings her down in a graceful spin. With one

arm around her back, Rolfe leads Liesl around the gazebo. The two step up and

down on the benches in perfect unison. They separate and leap onto opposite

benches with spinning leg kicks. In the middle of the gazebo, they jump down

into each other's arms, twirl around exuberantly, then let go and drop onto

two facing benches. Breathing heavily, they gaze at each other with wide,

uncertain eyes.

Each stands up and spins away only to end up face to face. They twirl apart

and bump into each other again on the other side of the gazebo. Again, they

back away from each other but meet again on the opposite side. Liesl starts

to pull away when Rolfe grabs her and places a firm kiss on her lips.Grinning, Rolfe sprints out of the gazebo into the rain. Liesl, mouth

open inshock, finally smiles, arms spread in joy.

LIESL Wheeeeeee!



The thunderstorm continues outside. Wearing long white nightgown, Maria

hurries to the window and closes it. There is a knock at the door.

MARIA Come in.

Frau Schmidt enters, carrying two bolts of cloth.

MARIA Frau Schmidt ...

SCHMIDT For your new dresses, Fraulein Maria. The Captain had these sent

out from town.

MARIA Oh, how lovely. Oh, I'm sure these will make the prettiest clothes

I've ever had. Tell me, do you think the Captain would get me some more

material if I asked him?

SCHMIDT How many dresses does a governess need?

MARIA No, not for me. For the children. I want to make them some playclothes.

SCHMIDT (re-opening Maria's window) The Von Trapp children don't play. They


MARIA Oh, surely, you don't approve of that?

SCHMIDT Ever since the Captain lost his poor wife, he - he runs this house

as if he were on one of his ships again. Whistles, orders. No more music,

no more laughing. Nothing that reminds him of her ... even the children.

MARIA It's so wrong.

SCHMIDT Ah, well ... How do you like your room? There'll be new drapes at

the windows ...

MARIA New drapes? But these are fine.

SCHMIDT Nevertheless, new ones have been ordered.

MARIA Oh, but I really don't need them.

SCHMIDT Good night, now.

MARIA Frau Schmidt. Do you think if I ask the Captain tomorrow about the

material ...?

SCHMIDT Oh, he's leaving for Vienna in the morning.

MARIA Oh, yes, of course. Well, how long will he be gone?

SCHMIDT That all depends. The last time he visited the Baroness he stayed

for a month.


SCHMIDT I shouldn't be saying this -- not to you, I mean I don't know you

that well -- but if you ask me, the Captain's thinking very seriously of

marrying the woman before the summer's over.

MARIA Oh, that'd be wonderful! Well, the children will have a mother again.

SCHMIDT Yes ... well ... Good night.

MARIA Good night.

Schmidt leaves and Maria closes the door behind her. Maria takes off her

robe, and places it over a chair. She makes the sign of the cross, kneels

beside her bed and prays. Behind her, the night air billows through window

curtains and thunder rolls.

MARIA Dear Father, now I know why You've sent me here. To help thesechildren prepare themselves for a new mother. And I pray that this

willbecome a happy family in Thy sight. God bless the Captain, God bless

Liesland Friedrich, God bless Louisa, Brigitta, Marta and little Gretl.

And, oh, Iforgot the other boy. What's his name? Well, God bless What's-his-


Liesl enters through the windows. She is soaking wet.

MARIA God bless the Reverend Mother, Sister Margaretta ... (sees Liesl try

to exit the room) ...and everybody at Nonnberg Abbey. And now, dear God,

about Liesl.

Liesl stops at the door and turns back to Maria.

MARIA Help her to know that I'm her friend, and help her to tell me what

she's been up to.

LIESL Are you going to tell on me?

MARIA (to Liesl) Shh. (finishes her prayers) Help me to be understanding so

that I may guide her footsteps. In the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

LIESL I was out taking a walk and somebody locked the doors earlier than

usual and I didn't want to wake everybody up. So, when I saw your window

open-- You're not going to tell Father, are you?

MARIA Hmm. (rises, goes to window) How in the world did you climb up here?

LIESL That's how we always got into this room to play tricks on thegoverness. Louisa can make it with a whole jar of spiders in her hand.

MARIA (slamming window shut) Spiders!? (puts a hand to her chest in disgust)

Liesl, were you out walking all by yourself?

Liesl nods yes at first, then she shakes her head from side to side.

MARIA You know, if we wash that dress out tonight, nobody would notice

ittomorrow. You could put this on.

Maria hands Liesl a nightgown from her armoir.

MARIA Take your dress in there, put it to soak in the bathtub, then come

back here and sit on the bed and we'll have a talk.

Liesl pauses in the bathroom doorway.

LIESL I told you today I didn't need a governess. Well, maybe I do.

Liesl smiles gratefully. Maria closes the bathroom door and walks over to

shut the door of her armoir. Hands on hips, she looks at the bed, then at the

bathroom door. Frowning suspiciously, she reaches for the comforter and

flings it back to reveal ... clean, spider-less white sheets. She checks the

rest of the bed. No spiders. Relieved, she puts the comforter back in its


A loud thunder clap. The door suddenly opens and Gretl, in a nightgown, runs

in and stands stiffly against the wall.

MARIA Gretl? Are you scared?

Gretl shakes her head. There is another clap of thunder and she runs into

Maria's arms.

MARIA You're not frightened of a thunderstorm, are you? You just stay right

here with me. Oh! Uh! Where are the others?

GRETL They're asleep. They're not scared.

More thunder. Maria cuddles Gretl. Louisa, Brigitta and Marta run into the


MARIA (to Gretl) Oh, no? Look.

Gretl sees the other girls.

MARIA All right, everybody. Up here on the bed.


MARIA Well, just this once. Come on.

The girls crowd onto the bed.

MARIA Now, all we have to do is to wait for the boys.

LOUISA You won't see them. Boys are brave.

As the thunder continues, the girls bury their heads in the bed. Friedrich

and Kurt run into the room, then force themselves to walk calmly. Maria grins.

MARIA Eh, you boys weren't scared, too, were you?

FRIEDRICH Oh, no. We just wanted to be sure that you weren't.

MARIA That's very thoughtful of you, Friedrich.

FRIEDRICH It wasn't my idea. It was Kurt's.

MARIA Kurt! That's the one I left out. (to the ceiling) God bless Kurt.

A huge thunder clap -- everyone ducks. Maria looks at them all with amusement.

MARTA Why does it do that?

MARIA Well, the lightning says something to the thunder, and the thunder

answers back.

MARTA The lightning must be nasty.

MARIA Not really.

MARTA Then why does the thunder get so angry? It makes me want to cry.

More loud thunder. Really, they should soundproof these old villas. The

children bury their faces in the covers again.

MARIA Well, now, when anything bothers me and I'm feeling unhappy, I just

try and think of nice things.

LOUISA AND MARTA What kind of things?

MARIA Uh .. well, let me see, nice things. Daffodils. Green meadows. Skies

full of stars. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ...(sings)

... Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittensBrown paper packages tied up with stringsThese are a few of my favorite things

More thunder. The children cower.

MARIA (sings)Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple streudels

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodlesWild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashesSnowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashesSilver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bitesWhen the bee stingsWhen I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite thingsAnd then I don't feel so bad

Maria puts her arms around Marta and Gretl.

MARTA Does it really work?

MARIA Of course it does. You try it. What things do you like?

MARTA Pussy willows!

LOUISA Christmas!

GRETL Bunny rabbits!

KURT Snakes!

BRIGITTA Chocolate icing!

FRIEDRICH No school!

Liesl emerges from the bathroom, surprised to see the others.

LIESL Telegrams!

LOUISA Birthday presents!

BRIGITTA Any presents!

MARIA (agreeing) Yes!

GRETL Ladybugs!



KURT Rats!

LOUISA A good sneeze!

KURT Ah-choo!

MARIA Gesundheit! See what fun it is?(sings)

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittensBright copper kettles and warm woolen mittensBrown paper packages tied up with stringsThese are a few of my favorite things

The children watch her expectantly. Maria and Oscar Hammerstein are running

out of favorite things to sing about. Maria puts a hand to her head and her

eyes widen -- she decides to repeat some stanzas.

MARIA (sings)Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple streudels

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodlesWild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favorite things

Maria twirls hand in hand with the girls.

MARIA (sings)Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashesSnowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashesSilver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bi--

The music abruptly stops as Maria suddenly runs into the Captain who stands

in the doorway with a disapproving frown.

MARIA ... dog bites ... uh ...

She steps back. The children, more terrified of their father than thethunder, line up in a row at attention.

MARIA (cheerfully) Uh, hello ...

CAPTAIN Fraulein, did I not tell you that bedtime is to be strictlyobserved in this house?

MARIA Well, the children were upset by the storm, so I thought that if I ...

You did, sir.

CAPTAIN And do you or do you not have difficulty remembering such simple


MARIA (defiantly) Only during thunderstorms, sir.

Kurt laughs.


LIESL Yes, father?

CAPTAIN I don't recall seeing you anywhere after dinner.

LIESL Oh, really? Well, as a matter of fact --


LIESL Well, I-I was, I was...

MARIA Uh, what she would like to say, Captain, is that, uh, she and I have

been getting better acquainted tonight. But it's much too late now to go into

all that. Come along children. You heard your father. Go back to bedimmediately.

As the children run out the room, Maria picks up her robe. The Captain turns

toward the door, watching the children go.

CAPTAIN Fraulein, you have managed to remember that I'm leaving inthe morning?

Maria nods.

CAPTAIN Is it also possible that you remember that the first rule in this

house is discipline?

She nods again, reluctantly.

CAPTAIN Then I trust that before I return you will have acquired some?

MARIA Captain? Uh, I wonder if, before you go, I could talk to you about

some clothes for the children ...

CAPTAIN Fraulein Maria ...

MARIA ... for when they play. If I could just have some material ...

CAPTAIN You are obviously many things, not the least of which isrepetitious.

MARIA But they're children!

CAPTAIN Yes. And I am their father. Good night.

The Captain leaves the room, shutting the door.

MARIA (furious) Oh!

Maria looks around angrily, flings her robe on the bed, and sits in a chair

next to the window. She looks at a window drape decorated with green flowers.

She stands up and takes the drape in her hands. An idea dawns on her.

MARIA (sings to herself)Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Eyes widening in excitement, she runs across the room and grabs anothercurtain.

MARIA (sings to herself)When the dog bitesWhen the bee stingsWhen I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite thingsAnd then I don't feel so bad

She drapes a curtain over her head like a scarf and wraps it around herself

as a dress.



Carrying her guitar case, Maria opens the villa's front gate and waves the

children out.

CHILDREN Where are we going?

They emerge one by one, carrying toys and picnic baskets. Each wears an

outfit made from the green, flowered drapes. The boys wear lederhosen and the

girls wear smocked dresses. Grinning, Maria closes the gate and runs afterthem.

The children sprint across a foot bridge. They stop to watch boats on the


MARIA Look over here!


MARIA Come on!

Maria skips away, the children follow.

Later, they run across a busy square in Salzburg, bustling with boxy, 1930s

automobiles and horse-drawn carriages. They stop in front of a fountain to

look at the statue of a horse standing in its center.

In an outdoor market, Maria picks out fruit and hands it to Kurt who passes

it down the line to Brigitta who puts it Louisa's basket.


Maria holds up three tomatoes, pretends to juggle them, waving her hands in

the air without actually letting go. Smiling, she puts one down and juggles

two of them, to the delight of the children.

She tosses them to Gretl who drops one. The ripe tomato splatters on the

ground. Gretl looks up nervously. Maria holds up a mock-warning finger. Gretl


Later, with Maria in the lead, the children skip along a grassy, sun-dappled

river bank.

Later still, they lean out the windows of train car pushed by an old steam

engine locomotive, chugging slowly up a mountainside.

They bound across a grassy meadow, dotted with wildflowers. The Alps loom

peacefully in the background.

The girls picnic while the boys throw a ball back and forth. Louisa lies on

the ground and talks with Maria.

LOUISA Fraulein Maria?

MARIA Mm hmm?

LOUISA Can we do this every day?

MARIA Don't you think you'd soon get tired of it, Louisa?

LOUISA I suppose so... Every other day?

KURT I haven't had so much fun since the day we put glue on FrauleinJosephine's toothbrush.

MARIA I can't understand how children as nice as you can manage to play

such awful tricks on people.

BRIGITTA Oh, it's easy.

MARIA But why do it?

LIESL Well, how else can we get Father's attention?


MARIA Oh, I see. Well, we'll have to think about that one. All right,everybody. Over here.

MARTA What are we going to do?

MARIA Let's think of something to sing for the Baroness when she comes.

MARTA Father doesn't like us to sing.

MARIA Well, perhaps we can change his mind. Now, what songs do you know?

FRIEDRICH We don't know any songs.

MARIA Not any?

LOUISA We don't even know how to sing.


MARIA Well, let's not lose any time. You must learn.

GRETL But how?

Maria picks up her guitar and ... blasts through the opening lick from"Johnny B. Goode" -- no, just kidding ... strums her guitar and sings:

MARIA (sings)Let's start at the very beginning

A very good place to startWhen you read you begin with ...

GRETL (sings) A-B-C

MARIA (sings)When you sing you begin with do-re-mi

THE CHILDREN (sing)Do-re-mi

MARIA (sings)Do-re-mi

The first three notes just happen to beDo-re-mi

THE CHILDREN (sing)Do-re-mi

MARIA (sings)Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti


Oh, let's see if I can make it easier. Mmm ...(sings)

Doe, a deer, a female deerRay, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myself

Far, a long, long way to runSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow Sew

Tea, a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh)

MARIA AND THE CHILDRENDoe, a deer, a female deerRay, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myself

Far, a long, long way to runSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow Sew

Tea, a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to ...

Do, a deer, a female deerRay, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myself

Far, a long, long way to run

Maria runs through the grass leading the children like the Pied Piper.

MARIA AND THE CHILDRENSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow Sew

Tea, a drink with jam and bread

MARIA (sings)That will bring us back to Do


Suddenly, it's another day -- the children are dressed differently, on some

steps overlooking the city.

MARIANow, children, do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to

build asong. Once you have these notes in your heads, you can sing a million

different tunes by mixing them up. Like this. Uh ...(sings)

So Do La Fa Mi Do Re(spoken) Can you do that?

CHILDREN (sing)So Do La Fa Mi Do Re

MARIA (sings)So Do La Ti Do Re Do

CHILDREN (sing)So Do La Ti Do Re Do

MARIA (spoken) Now, put it all together.

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (sing)So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do

MARIA (spoken) Good!

BRIGITTA (spoken) But it doesn't mean anything.

MARIA (spoken) So we put in words. One word for every note. Like this...(sings)

When you know the notes to singYou can sing most anything

(spoken) Together!

The children sit on a sidewalk bench -- one leaps up with every note.

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (sing)When you know the notes to sing

You can sing most anything

On another day, wearing their playclothes, they peddle bicycles along a lake.

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (sing)Doe, a deer, a female deerRay, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myself

Far, a long, long way to runSew, a needle pulling thread

La, a note to follow SewTea, a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to Do

On yet another day, wearing regular knickers and dresses, they ride a horse-

drawn carriage through the streets of Salzburg. Maria points to each child inturn:

CHILDREN (sing)Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti DoDo Ti La So Fa Mi Re

CHILDREN (sing)Do Mi MiMi So SoRe Fa FaLa Ti Ti

They repeat the lines above four more times at a faster tempo as Maria sings

in counterpoint:

MARIA (sings)When you know the notes to sing

You can sing most ...

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (sing)... anything!!!

They march around the edge of a fountain. Maria skips through an arbor,

followed by the children. She pretends to wave a flag to start an impromptu

foot race between her and the boys. Then they dance around fountains and

statues and things.

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (sing)Doe, a deer, a female deerRay, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myself

Far, a long, long way to runSew, a needle pulling thread

La, a note to follow SewTea, a drink with jam and bread

That will bring us back to

The children stand on different levels of an outdoor staircase, hopping up or

down the steps with each note:


Re . . .La Fa

Mi . . .Mi Do

Fa . . .Re

So . . .So Do

La . . .La Fa

Ti . . .La So Fa Mi Re

Ti DoTi Do --

MARIA (hitting climactic high notes)Oh - oh

CHILDREN (sing) So Do



A gleaming black convertible drives down a country road, the Captain at the

wheel, next to a slim, elegant blonde woman who laughs a lot, the Baroness.

In the back seat sits moustached impresario Max Detweiler.

BARONESS Mountains are magnificent, Georg. Really magnificent.

CAPTAIN I had them put up just for you, darling.


MAX Even if it's to a height of ten thousand feet, Georg always believes in

rising to the occasion.

CAPTAIN Unless the jokes improve, Max, I'm taking back my invitation.

MAX You didn't invite me to your villa. I invited myself.

BARONESS Naturally.

MAX You needed a chaperone and I needed a place to stay where the cuisine is

superb, the wine cellar unexcelled and the price, uh, perfect.

BARONESS (laughs) Max, you are outrageous.

MAX Not at all. I'm a very charming sponge.

They drive past a monastery from which can be heard beautiful voices raisedin song.

MAX Listen.

CAPTAIN That's the Klopmann Monastery Choir.

MAX They're good! Very good. I must explore this territory in the next few

days. Somewhere a hungry little singing group is waiting for Max Detweiler

to pluck it out of obscurity and make it famous at the Salzburg FolkFestival.

CAPTAIN They get the fame, you get the money.

MAX 'Tis unfair I admit it but someday that'll be changed. I shall get the

fame, too.

The Baroness laughs. They roll past a grove of trees. Dressed in their play

clothes, the Von Trapp children hang from the branches, laughing and


BARONESS Good heavens, what's this?

CAPTAIN Oh, it's nothing, just some local urchins.

The Captain drives past them, failing at first to recognize his own children

-- but then his eyes widen suddenly in doubt.



The Captain and the Baroness stroll along. They stop to gaze at theshimmering lake.

BARONESS This really is exciting for me, Georg, being here with you.

CAPTAIN Oh ho ho ho ho ho. Trees, lakes, mountains. When you've seen one,

you've seen them all.

BARONESS That is not what I mean and you know it.

CAPTAIN Ah, you-you mean me. I'm exciting.

BARONESS Is that so impossible?

CAPTAIN No, just, uh, highly improbable.

BARONESS There you go, running yourself down again.

CAPTAIN Well, I'm a dangerous driver.

The Baroness laughs. They keep walking, arm in arm.

BARONESS You know, you're-you're much less of a riddle when I see you here,Georg.

CAPTAIN In my natural habitat?

BARONESS Yes, exactly.

CAPTAIN Are you trying to say that I'm more at home here among the birds and

the flowers and the wind that moves through the trees like a restless sea,hm?

BARONESS How poetic!

CAPTAIN Yes, it was rather, wasn't it?

She laughs.

CAPTAIN More at home here than in Vienna? In all your glittering salons?

Gossiping gaily with bores I detest? Soaking myself in champagne? Stumbling

about to waltzes by Strausses I can't even remember? Is that what you're

trying to say?

BARONESS More or less, yes.

CAPTAIN Now, whatever gave you that idea?

BARONESS (laughs) How I do like it here, Georg. It's so lovely and peaceful.

How can you leave it as often as you do?

CAPTAIN Ah, pretending to be madly active, I suppose. Activity suggests a

life filled with purpose.

BARONESS Could it be running away from memories?

CAPTAIN Mm hm. Or perhaps just searching for a reason to stay.

BARONESS Oh, I hope that's why you've been coming to Vienna so often. Or

were there other distractions there?

CAPTAIN Oh, I'd hardly call you a mere distraction, darling.

BARONESS Well, what would you call me, Georg?

CAPTAIN Mmmm. Lovely. Charming, witty, graceful. The perfect hostess.

And,uh -- you're going to hate me for this -- in a way, my savior.

BARONESS Oh, how unromantic.

CAPTAIN Well, I'd be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't tell you at least once

that it was you who brought some meaning back into my life.

BARONESS Oh, I am amusing, I suppose. And I do have the finest couturier in

Vienna. And the most glittering circle of friends. And I do give some rather

gay parties.

CAPTAIN Ho ho ho, yes.

BARONESS But take all that away and you - you have just wealthy, unattached

little me .. searching just like you.

CAPTAIN Ah, heh heh.

On the veranda, a servant offers Max a tray.

SERVANT More strudel, Herr Detweiler?

MAX (feeling his stomach) How many have I had?


MAX Make it an uneven three.

The Captain and the Baroness join him.

CAPTAIN Still eating, Max, hm? Tch, tch. Must be unhappy.

MAX That marvelous mixed quartet I've been trying for months to steal away

from Saul Feurock.

BARONESS What happened, darling?

MAX Yesterday, Sascha Petrie stole them first. If there's one thing I hate,

it's a thief.

CAPTAIN But, Max, you really must try and learn to, uh, love yourself.

MAX For this I had to call Paris, Rome and Stockholm.

BARONESS On Georg's telephone, of course.

MAX Well, how else could I afford it? Oh, dear, I like rich people. I like

the way they live. I like the way I live when I'm with them.

CAPTAIN I wonder where the children are.

BARONESS Obviously, they must have heard I was coming and went into hiding.

CAPTAIN I was hoping they'd be here to welcome you. Uh, Max, uh, do step out

of character for a moment and, uh, try and be charming.

The Captain strides into the house. The shrewd-faced Max waits for him to

leave, then approaches the Baroness.

MAX Well?

BARONESS Well, what?

MAX Have you made up Georg's mind yet? Do I hear wedding bells?

BARONESS Pealing madly.

MAX Honest?

BARONESS But not necessarily for me.

MAX What kind of talk's that?

BARONESS That is "none of your business" talk, Max. I'm terribly fond of

Georg and I will not have you toying with us.

MAX But I'm a child. I like toys. So tell me everything.

She shakes her head and says nothing.

MAX Aw, come on. Tell Max every teensy weensy, intimate, disgusting detail.

BARONESS Well, let's just say I have a feeling I may be here on approval.

MAX Well, I approve of that. How can you miss?

BARONESS Far too easily.

MAX If I know you, darling -- and I do -- you will find a way.

BARONESS Oh, he's no ordinary man.

MAX Wah-ho, he's rich.

BARONESS When his wife died, she left him with a terrible heartache.

MAX When your husband died, he left you with a terrible fortune.

BARONESS (mockingly) Oh, Max, you really are a beast!

MAX You and Georg are like family to me. That's why I want to see you two get

married. We must keep all that lovely money in the family.

She giggles.

On another side of the house, Rolfe drops his bicycle on the lawn and picks

up a handful of pebbles. The Captain walks onto the veranda and sees the

young courier tossing the pebbles against a second story window, presumably

Liesl's room.

CAPTAIN What are you doing there?

ROLFE (startled) Oh, Captain Von Trapp, I was just looking for-- I didn't

see-- I mean, I didn't know you were-- (giving the Nazi salute) Heil Hitler!

Max and the Baroness join the Captain who registers displeasure at Rolfe'ssalute.

CAPTAIN Who are you?

ROLFE I have a telegram for Herr Detweiler.

MAX I'm Herr Detweiler.

ROLFE Yes, sir.

Rolfe joins them and offers the telegram to Max but the Captain snatches it

away and hands it to Max.

CAPTAIN (sharply) All right. You've delivered your telegram. Now, get out.

Chastened, Rolfe runs to his bike and wheels it away.

BARONESS Oh, Georg. He's just a boy.

CAPTAIN (tense) Yes. And I'm just an Austrian.

MAX What's gonna happen's going to happen. Just make sure it doesn't happento you.

CAPTAIN (angry, voice raised) Max! Don't you ever say that again!

MAX You know I have no political convictions. Can I help it if other peopledo?

CAPTAIN Oh, yes, you can help it! (more quietly) You must help it.

Max walks away, flustered. The Captain leans on the veranda's railing, his

head bowed. The Baroness eyes him sympathetically.

BARONESS (gently) Hello?

He does not respond.

BARONESS You're far away. Where are you?

CAPTAIN In a world that's ... disappearing, I'm afraid.

BARONESS Is there any way I could bring you back to the world I'm in?

The children's voices are heard shouting, coming nearer. The Captain smiles

at the Baroness, then jerks his head toward the lake.

With Maria in the prow, the children row a skiff toward the house. They sing

a ragged version of "Do Re Mi" ...

The Captain walks across the terrace to a gate on the shore of the lake. A

hand on his hip, he waits for them, scowling impatiently.

The children spot him and stand up to wave. The boat rocks precariously.

CHILDREN Papa! Papa! Papa!

MARIA (rising) Oh! Oh, Captain! You're home!

The boat capsizes sending Maria and the children into the water. The children

make a lot of noise and slosh around.

CAPTAIN Come out of that water at once!

The Captain flings open the gate as his grinning children wade ashore. Her

short hair plastered to her head, Maria drags the skiff behind her.

MARIA Oh! You must be Baroness Schraeder!

Next to the grim-faced Captain, the Baroness struggles not to laugh.

Soaking wet, the children climb onto the terrace, everyone talkingsimultaneously.

LOUISA I'm soaked to the skin!

Then the Captain takes a whistle from his pocket and with one blast,

silencesthe children's chatter. They slosh to their places in line and stand

at attention.

CAPTAIN Straight line!

The Captain paces back and forth in front of his children. He pauses at

Louisa and pulls the flowered, green scarf from her hair. Maria frownssympathetically.

CAPTAIN (smiles) This is Baroness Schraeder...

His smile fades at the sight of his raggedy children.

CAPTAIN (to the Baroness) ... and these, are my children.

BARONESS How do you do?

CAPTAIN All right. Go inside, dry off, clean up, change your clothes,report back here! Immediately!

The children scramble into the house. Maria frowns with disgust and followsthem.

CAPTAIN Fraulein, you will stay here, please!

Maria stops, her back to the Captain.

BARONESS I, uh, think I'd better go see what Max is up to.

The Baroness in her tailored, sophisticated suit, leaves by walking past

Maria who wears her plain, brown, wet dress. Maria turns to face the Captain.

CAPTAIN Now, Fraulein. I want a truthful answer from you.

MARIA Yes, Captain?

CAPTAIN Is it possible or could I have just imagined it -- have my children

by any chance been climbing trees today?

MARIA Yes, Captain.

CAPTAIN I see. (holds up Louisa's scarf) And where, may I ask, did they get

these, um, these, uh ...?

MARIA Play clothes.

CAPTAIN Oh, is that what you call them?

MARIA I made them -- from the drapes that used to hang in my bedroom.


MARIA They still had plenty of wear left. The children have been everywherein them.

CAPTAIN (incredulous) Do you mean to tell me that my children have been

roaming about Salzburg dressed up in nothing but some old drapes?!

MARIA Mm-hmm. And having a marvelous time!

CAPTAIN They have uniforms!

MARIA Straitjackets, if you'll forgive me.

CAPTAIN I will not forgive you for that.

MARIA Children cannot do all the things they're supposed to do if they have

to worry about spoiling their precious clothes all the ...

CAPTAIN I haven't heard them complain yet.

MARIA Well, they wouldn't dare. They love you too much. They fear you too


CAPTAIN I don't wish you to discuss my children in this manner.

MARIA Well, you've got to hear from someone. You're never home long enough

to know them.

CAPTAIN I said I don't want to hear any more from you about my children.

MARIA I know you don't! But you've got to! (beat) Now, take Liesl...

CAPTAIN You will not say one word about Liesl, Fraulein ...

MARIA She's not a child anymore. One of these days you're going to wake up

and find she's a woman. You won't even know her. And Friedrich. He's a boy

but he wants to be a man like you and there's no one to show him how.

CAPTAIN Don't you dare tell me about my son!

MARIA Brigitta could tell you about him if you'd let her get close to you.

She notices everything.

CAPTAIN Fraulein ...

MARIA And Kurt pretends he's tough not to show how hurt he is when youbrush him aside...

CAPTAIN That will do.

MARIA ... the way you do all of them. Louisa I don't know about...

CAPTAIN I said, that will do!

MARIA ... but someone has to find out about her and the little ones just

want to be loved. Oh, please, Captain, love them, love them all!

CAPTAIN I don't care to hear anything further from you about my children!

MARIA I am not finished yet, Captain!

CAPTAIN Oh, yes, you are, Captain!

Maria looks at him, surprised.

CAPTAIN (corrects himself) Fraulein. (beat) Now, you will pack your

thingsthis minute ...

CHILDREN'S VOICES "The hills are alive ... "

CAPTAIN ... and return to the Abbey ...

CHILDREN'S VOICES "With the sound of music ... "

CAPTAIN What's that?

CHILDREN'S VOICES "Ah-ah-ah-ah!"

MARIA It's singing.

CHILDREN'S VOICES "With songs they have sung ... "

CAPTAIN Yes, I realize it's singing but who is singing?

CHILDREN'S VOICES "For a thousand years ... "

MARIA The children.

CAPTAIN (astonished) The children?

CHILDREN'S VOICES "The hills fill my heart ..."

MARIA I taught them something to sing for the Baroness.

Ignoring her, the Captain strides to the house. Maria watches him go,troubled.


The Captain slows as he reaches a spacious drawing room. Wearing theiruniforms, the children sing for Max and the Baroness.


... with the sound of musicMy heart wants to sing every song it hears

My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birdsthat rise from the lake to the trees (to the trees)

The Captain hides by the doorway. His eyes soften, he nods slightly to



My heart wants to sigh like a chime that fliesfrom a church on a breeze

To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls overstones on its way (on it's way)

With a growing smile, the Captain walks into the room and joins in.

THE CAPTAIN AND THE CHILDREN (singing)To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray

I go to the hills when my heart is lonely

Everyone gapes at him, astonished.

The children exchange amazed glances and gaze adoringly at their father as hesings solo:

CAPTAIN (sings) I know I will hear what I've heard before

The children back him for the last lines:

CAPTAIN (sings)My heart will be blessed with the sound of music

And I'll sing once more

Maria appears in the doorway and watches. The Captain smiles faintly and

takes a few hesitant step toward his children. Brigitta runs over and gives

him a hug. The rest of the children surround him. The Captain hugs thelittle ones and playfully nudges the others. They all start to laugh.

Marialooks in and bows her head.


Maria motions to Gretl to take a small bouquet of white wildflowers to the

Baroness. Gretl gives the Baroness her bouquet.

BARONESS Edelweiss!

Gretl curtsies.


The Baroness hugs Gretl.

BARONESS (to Captain) You never told me how enchanting your children are.

The Captain shakes his head as if to say, No, I didn't realize it myself. He

turns, looks over at the doorway, and sees Maria who hurries to the stairs.

CAPTAIN (whispers to the children) Don't go 'way!

The Captain strides quickly out of the room just as Maria reaches thestaircase.

CAPTAIN Fraulein...

She hesitates, then turns to face him.

CAPTAIN I ... behaved badly. I apologize.

MARIA No, I'm, I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults.

CAPTAIN You were right. I don't know my children.

MARIA There's still time, Captain. They want so much to be close to you.

CAPTAIN And you've brought ... music back into the house? I'd forgotten.

Maria starts up the stairs.

CAPTAIN Fraulein.

She stops.

CAPTAIN I want you to stay.

She stares at him. The Captain smiles contritely.

CAPTAIN I, uh, ask you to stay.

MARIA If I could be of any help.

CAPTAIN You have already. More than you know.

Their eyes meet. With a quick, shy smile, the Captain strides back to the

drawing room.

Beaming with happiness, Maria clasps her hands and dashes upstairs.



Another day. The once dark ballroom, now brightly lit. The Baroness and Max

sit in front of a puppet theater. The Captain peeps behind the theater, then

joins Max and the Baroness. All three applaud as the music begins. Maria and

the children stand backstage.

MARIA (whispers) Marta! (calls to Marta) Curtain!

The curtain opens to reveal a marionette -- a shepherd wearing lederhosen.

MARIA (sings)High on a hill was a lonely goatherdLay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherdLay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Folks in a town that was quite remote heardLay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heardLay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Above the stage, the children work the puppet strings. On stage, goats dance

alongside the shepherd.

CHILDREN (singing)O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ayO ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay

MARIA (whispers) Marta! Marta!

Marta unrolls a new backdrop: a castle.

MARIA (whispers) Gretl! The prince!

Gretl shoves a prince puppet onstage.

MARIA (sings)A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

Two bearded male puppets with backpacks walk on.

THE BOYS (singing)Men on a road with a load to tote heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

A curtain rises to show: A beer hall. A puppet carrying many mugs of beer to

two men sitting at a table with forks and knives at the ready. Marionette

musicians play while marionette customers drink mugs of marionette beer.

THE CHILDREN (singing)Men in the midst of a table d'hote heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

MARIA (sings)Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Marta blows the foam from a beer and splashes Maria who coughs. A girl puppet

with blonde braids appears to join the shepherd.

MARIA (sings)One little girl in a pale pink coat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

BRIGITTA (sings)She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

The blonde girl's bosomy mother appears and pushes the girl to the shepherd.

MARIA (sings)Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hooWhat a duet for a girl and goatherd

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing)Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Mother and daughter dance with the shepherd. Three couples dance the polka as

the band continues to play. Above them, Maria and the children manipulate the

puppets with all the consummate skill of professional puppeteers like, oh,

for example, Bill and Cora Baird. Max, the Baroness, and the Captain laugh

with delight.

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing)Ummm (ummm) ...

Odl lay ee (odl lay ee)Odl lay hee hee (odl lay hee hee)

Odl lay ee ...

Maria breaks out into a serious case of yodeling. She sighs, wipes her brow,

and signals to Marta for the next backdrop. Onstage, a boy and girl goat

replace the shepherd and his girlfriend.

BRIGITTA (sings)One little girl in a pale pink coat heard

MARIA (sings)Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hoo hoo

BRIGITTA (sings)

She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd

LIESL (sings)Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

The girl goat's mother appears and bucks her daughter into the boy goat.

MARIA (sings)Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hmm hmmWhat a duet for a girl and goatherd

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

The two goats snuggle and that's all it takes for a baby goat to appear and

dance with them. Apparently, the Austrian mountain goat is equipped with some

very advanced biological mechanisms.

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing)Happy are they lay dee olay dee lee o ...

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hooSoon the duet will become a trio

MARIA (sings)Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing)Odl lay ee, odl lay ee (odl lay ee)Odl lay hee hee (odl lay hee hee),

Odl lay ee (odl lay ee)Odl lay odl lay (odl lay odl lay),Odl lay odl lee (odl lay odl lee)Odl lay odl lee (odl lay odl lee)

Odl lay odl lay odl lay


Max, the Captain and the Baroness laugh and applaud. The children jump out

from behind the stage to bow and curtsy.


GRETL Can we really keep the puppet show, Uncle Max?

MARTA Yes, may we?

MAX Of course, you may, my darlings. Why else would I have told Professor

[Kolitz] to send the bill to your father?

The children chatter with excitement and exit with Max.

Maria emerges and leans against the theater, exhausted.

CAPTAIN Well done, Fraulein.

Maria smiles modestly.

CAPTAIN I really am very, very much impressed.

MARIA They're your children, Captain.

Their eyes meet in a lingering gaze. The Captain shifts uncomfortably, then

takes the Baroness' arm and starts out of the room.

BARONESS (coolly) My dear, is there anything you can't do?

MARIA Well, I'm not sure I'll make a very good nun.

CAPTAIN Oh ho ho.

BARONESS Well, if you have any problems I'd be happy to help you.

The Baroness smiles coldly and walks into the grand front hall. The Captain

keeps looking at Maria in her blue dress.

MAX Attention! Attention, everyone! I have an announcement to make!Surprise, surprise. Today, after a long and desperate search, I have

finallyfound a most exciting entry for the Salzburg Folk Festival!

The Captain knows full well what Max has in mind.

CAPTAIN Congratulations, Max. Who will you be exploiting this time?

MAX Ha ha!

BARONESS (guessing) The Saint Ignatius Choir?

MAX Guess again!

CAPTAIN Um ... let me see now, uh ... the Klopmann Choir?

MAX No, no, no, no, no.


MAX No, no.

LIESL Tell us.

MAX A singing group all in one family. You'll never guess, Georg.

CAPTAIN What a charming idea! Uh, whose family?

MAX (laughs) Yours.


CHILDREN (they love the idea) Ohhh!

MAX They'll be the talk of the festival.


The Captain studies Max with an amused grin and laughs.

MAX Well, now, what's so funny?

CAPTAIN You are, Max. You're expensive ... but very funny.

The children laugh.

MAX But you heard them. They'll be a sensation.


CHILDREN (disappointed) Ohhhh!

MAX It's a wonderful idea! Fresh, original ...

CAPTAIN Max, my children do not sing in public.

MAX Well, you can't blame me for trying.

MARIA Children, who shall we hear from next?

The children huddle around Maria. Liesl leans forward and whispers somethingto Maria.



Maria picks up her guitar and looks uncertainly at the children who nod.


Maria clears her throat and walks over to the Captain and holds the guitar

out to him.

MARIA The vote is unanimous. You, Captain.


Max laughs.

CAPTAIN I don't understand.

MARIA Please.

Maria holds out the guitar to the Captain. The Captain looks at the children,

realizes what they're up to.

CAPTAIN No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

MARIA I'm told that a long time ago you were quite good.

CAPTAIN Well, that was a very, very, very long time ago.

LIESL I remember, Father.

Maria holds out the guitar to the Captain again.

FRIEDRICH Play us something we know.

BRIGITTA Oh, please, Father.

MARIA Please.

He smiles at the children affectionately.

CAPTAIN Well ...

The Captain takes the guitar and strums a few chords. The children settle on

the floor in front of him. Liesl takes a seat. Maria leans against a wall.

Max and the Baroness sit together.

BARONESS Why didn't you tell me?

MAX What?

BARONESS To bring along my harmonica.

Max chuckles.


Edelweiss, edelweissEvery morning you greet me

Small and white, clean and brightYou look happy to meet me

The Captain smiles at Maria. The Baroness observes them shrewdly.

CAPTAIN (sings)Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow foreverEdelweiss, edelweiss

Bless my homeland forever

He looks at the Baroness who smiles eagerly, then nods to Liesl as he

singsanother refrain. Liesl joins in.

CAPTAIN AND LIESL (singing)Edelweiss, (edelweiss) edelweiss (edelweiss)

Every morning you greet meSmall and white (small and white), clean and bright (clean and bright)

You look happy to meet me

CAPTAIN (sings)Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow foreverEdelweiss, edelweiss

Bless my homeland forever

Gazing at Maria, he grins and shrugs modestly.

MAX Any time you say the word, Georg, you can be part of my new act ...

The Captain laughs.

MAX ... the Von Trapp Family Singers.

BARONESS I have a wonderful idea, Georg. Let's really fill this house with

music. You must give a grand and glorious party for me while I'm here.

The children gasp with delight.

CAPTAIN A party?

CHILDREN Yes, yes, Father, please! Oh, Father, please.

BARONESS Yes, I think it's high time I met all your friends here inSalzburg, and they met me. Don't you agree?

CAPTAIN I see what you mean.

CHILDREN Oh, please. Please! Please!

Maria walks over to the children.

MARIA Children! It's time to go to bed! Come now. Say good night.

CHILDREN (disappointed) Ohhh ...

The children stand up.

CHILDREN Good night, Father. Good night. Good night, Baroness Schraeder.

Good night, Uncle Max.

The Captain kisses and hugs his children. They dash out of the room, beaming

with excitement. Gretl runs to catch up, then stops and turns in the doorway.

GRETL It will be my first party, Father.



An orchestra plays a waltz as a number of guests dance around the room --

women in long, flowing ball gowns and men in tuxedoes. A conductor leads an

orchestra using his violin bow as a baton. Outside, cars and carriages fill

the driveway. The Captain and the Baroness greet the arriving guests. A red

and white Austrian flag hangs conspicuously from the balcony. The Captain

wears a medal from a matching red and white ribbon around his neck.

The Captain shakes hands with ZELLER, a ferret-faced, silver-haired, pro-NaziAustrian.

ZELLER Captain.

CAPTAIN Herr Zeller, Baroness Schraeder.

BARONESS Good evening, Herr Zeller.

ZELLER Baroness.

Zeller kisses the Baroness' gloved hand and moves into the hall. The Captain's

polite smile fades as he watches Zeller stops and scowls disapprovingly at the

Austrian flag hanging from the balcony.

Zeller stalks into the ballroom and searches the crowd, then makes his way to

a stocky man with round glasses. Zeller clicks his heels together and bows.

ZELLER I suppose you noticed the obvious display of the Austrian flag in thehallway.

Outside, the children stand on a garden terrace, peering through doors on one

side of the ballroom.

BRIGITTA The women look so beautiful.

KURT I think they look ugly.

LOUISA You just say that because you're scared of them.

KURT Silly, only grown-up men are scared of women.

GRETL I think the men look beautiful.

LOUISA How would you know?

Gretl points her nose in the air, snubbing Louisa. Liesl wanders onto the

marble terrace, staring dreamily into space. Brigitta stands watching her as

Liesl as she imagines a young man is asking her to dance. Liesl curtsies and

begins to waltz by herself.

BRIGITTA Liesl, who are you dancing with?

LIESL Nobody.

BRIGITTA Oh, yes you are.

Friedrich cuts in, tapping Liesl on shoulder.

FRIEDRICH May I have this dance?

LIESL I'd be delighted, young man.

The children gather to watch Liesl and Friedrich waltz together. Maria walks

onto the terrace and joins them.

MARIA Well, why didn't you children tell me you could dance?

KURT We were afraid you'd make us all dance together -- the Von TrappFamily Dancers!

The other children laugh. As Kurt speaks, the music stops, the guestsapplaud, and the music begins again. The children glance toward the


GRETL What's that they are playing?

MARIA It's the Laendler. It's an Austrian folk dance.

KURT Show me.

MARIA Oh, Kurt, I haven't danced that since I was a little girl.

KURT Oh, you remember. Please.

MARIA Well --

KURT Please.

MARIA All right, come on over here.

They move to the center of the terrace.

MARIA Now, you bow and I curtsy.

KURT Like this?

MARIA Fine. Now, we go for a little walk -- this way.

Maria takes Kurt's hand and demonstrates a dance step.

MARIA One, two, three. One, two, three.

The Captain come out watching them dance.

MARIA One, two, three, step together. Now, step hop. Step hop. Now, turn

under. Whoop, not quite.

The Captain smiles and pulls on his white gloves.

MARIA This way. Hop, step, hop, and under.

KURT Hmm -- uh --

MARIA Kurt --

KURT Um --

MARIA We'll have to practice.

The Captain cuts in.

CAPTAIN Do allow me, will you?

KURT Mm-hmm.

Kurt joins the other children. Maria stares at the Captain in surprise. He

holds out his hand. She hesitates, then takes it. They start to danceliltingly around the terrace. With shy smiles they clasp hands and do

aseries of graceful twirls.

The Captain claps his hands as Maria dances around him. She stops and he

dances around her. The Baroness comes out and stops short as she sees them

dancing and looking into each other's eyes. Behind her, the party guests also

perform the courtly dance.

Arms entwined, the Captain and Maria spin in a slow circle, gazing deeply

into each other's eyes. Maria steps back, troubled.

MARIA I don't remember any more.

They share a dreamy gaze. Brigitta walks over.

BRIGITTA Your face is all red.

MARIA Is it? I don't suppose I'm used to dancing.

The Captain smiles tenderly. The music ends, the guests applaud. The Baroness,

trying to hold her jealousy in check, walks over to the Captain.

BARONESS Why, that was beautifully done. What a lovely couple you make.

CAPTAIN Yes. I think it's time the, uh, children said good night.

MARIA Yes. We'll be in the hall in a moment. We've got something veryspecial prepared. (to children) Right?

CHILDREN Right. Yeah. Yes. Let's go. Come on.

Maria and the children leave. The Captain takes the Baroness' arm.

BARONESS All that needless worrying, Georg. You thought you wouldn't find a

friend at the party.

He glances back in Maria's direction.

CAPTAIN Chilly out tonight, isn't it?

BARONESS Oh, I don't know. Seemed rather warm to me.

The Captain purses his lips, then puts on a polite smile.

In the ballroom, Maria makes an announcement.

MARIA Ladies and gentlemen. The children of Captain Von Trapp wish to say

good night to you.

Maria leads the guests out of the ballroom and into the front hall. The

children line up in four rows on the front steps.

CHILDREN (singing)

There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hallAnd the bells in the steeple too

And up in the nursery an absurd little birdIs popping out to say "cuckoo"

MARTA, GRETL, BRIGITTA (singing)Cuckoo, cuckoo


Regretfully they tell usCuckoo, cuckoo

But firmly they compel usCuckoo, cuckoo

To say goodbye ...

MARTA, GRETL, BRIGITTA (singing)Cuckoo!

CHILDREN (singing)... to you

The children march down the steps and line up in a row, waving at the guests.

CHILDREN (singing)So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night

MARTA (sings)I hate to go and leave this pretty sight

Friedrich pretends to kick Marta in the rear which causes her to hurryupstairs. All the children move over one spot in the line.

CHILDREN (singing)So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu

FRIEDRICH (sings)Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu

Liesl kicks Friedrich upstairs. Everyone moves over.

CHILDREN (singing)So long, farewell, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen

LIESL (sings)I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne

(spoken, to the Captain)Yes?

CAPTAIN (spoken, dryly) No.

Pouting, Liesl gets back in line where Kurt kicks her upstairs. All move over.

CHILDREN (singing)So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

KURT (sings)I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- (falsetto) Goodbye!

The Captain waves Kurt away. Brigitta steps forward.

BRIGITTA (sings)I'm glad to go, I cannot tell a lie

LOUISA (sings)I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly

Like ballerinas, Brigitta and Louisa stretch their arms, skip from side to

side then twirl upstairs. Gretl sits on the stairs, skooching up the steps.

GRETL (sings)The sun has gone to bed and so must I

She lays her head on her hands and pretends to go to sleep.

CHILDREN (singing)So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

Liesl gathers Gretl in her arms and follows her brothers and sisters up the

remaining stairs. They wave from the balcony.

CHILDREN (singing)Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

GUESTS (singing)


The party guests wave as the children disappear into their rooms.

MAX They're extraordinary. What they would do at the festival! (to Maria) Oh,

young lady, I must have a word with you.

Max drags Maria by the hand.

MAX Georg, Georg, you're not going to let this girl get away. She has to join

the party.

MARIA No, really, I--

MAX (shushing Maria) Sh sh sh. Stop it.

The Baroness glares.

MAX Georg, please.

CAPTAIN You can if you want to, Fraulein.

MAX I insist. You will be my dinner partner. (quietly reassuring theBaroness) This is business. (to the butler) Franz, set another place

next tomine for Fraulein Maria.

Franz hesitates. Maria is uneasy.

FRANZ Whatever you say, Herr Detweiler.

CAPTAIN Well, it appears to be all arranged, doesn't it?

BARONESS (icily) It certainly does.

MARIA I'm not suitably dressed.

CAPTAIN Uh, well, you can change. We'll wait for you.

MARIA (to Max, in a daze) All right.

Still uncertain, Maria goes off to change. The Captain chats with his guests,

among them the Ebberfelds.

BARONESS EBBERFELD Captain, you must be very proud of your youngsters.

CAPTAIN I am, thank you, Baroness.

BARON EBBERFELD Is there a more beautiful expression of what is good in this

country of ours than the innocent voices of our children?

The Baroness, overhearing all this, decides to follow Maria upstairs and


ZELLER Oh, come now, Baron, would you have us believe that Austria alone

holds a monopoly on virtue?

CAPTAIN Uh, Herr Zeller, some of us prefer Austrian voices raised in song

to ugly German threats.

ZELLER The, uh, ostrich buries his head in the sand -- and sometimes ... in

the flag. Perhaps those would warn you that the Anschluss is coming -- and it

is coming, Captain -- perhaps they would get further with you by setting their

words to music.

CAPTAIN If the Nazis take over Austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that

you will be the entire trumpet section.

The Captain turns to leave.

ZELLER You flatter me, Captain.

The Captain stops and turns back to Zeller.

CAPTAIN Oh, how clumsy of me. I meant to accuse you.

The Captain turns and walks away. Zeller and Max exchange glances.


Upstairs in her room, Maria changes out of her dress.

MARIA It's very kind of you to offer to help me, Baroness.

BARONESS I'm delighted, Maria.

MARIA I-I-I- really don't think I do have anything that would beappropriate.

BARONESS Now, where is that lovely little thing you were wearing the other

evening when the Captain couldn't keep his eyes off you?

MARIA Couldn't keep his eyes off me?

BARONESS Come, my dear, we are women. Now, let's not pretend we don'tknow when a man notices us.

The Baroness pulls Maria's simple, gauzy, cool blue dress from the armoir.

BARONESS Here we are.

MARIA The Captain notices everybody and everything.

BARONESS There's no need to feel so defensive, Maria. You are quiteattractive, you know. The Captain would hardly be a man if he didn't


MARIA Baroness, I hope you're joking.

BARONESS Not at all.

MARIA But I've never done a thing to --

BARONESS But you don't have to, my dear. There's nothing more irresistible

to a man than a woman who's in love with him.

MARIA In love with him?

BARONESS Of course. And what makes it so nice is ... he think he's in love

with you.

MARIA But that's not true.

BARONESS Surely you've noticed the way he looks into your eyes. And you

know, uh, you blushed in his arms when you were dancing just now.

Putting her hands to her cheeks, Maria realizes the Baroness is right.

BARONESS Don't take it to heart. He'll get over it soon enough I should

think. Men do, you know.

MARIA Then, I should go. I mustn't stay here.

The Baroness likes this idea but tries not to show it. After a moment of

confusion, Maria grabs her carpetbag from beneath her bed and starts stuffing

it with clothes.

BARONESS Is there something I can do to help?

MARIA No, nothing.

The Baroness starts to leave.


The Baroness stops.

MARIA Please don't say a word about this to the Captain.

BARONESS No. No, I wouldn't dream of it.

The Baroness goes to the door and turns back to Maria.

BARONESS Goodbye, Maria. I'm sure you'll make a very fine nun.

She smiles fleetingly and walks out. Maria watches her go, then continues to

pack. She takes her drab gray dress off the hanger and bows her head, leaning

against the bed in anguish.


Downstairs, the Baroness searches the front hall, then hurries into the

ballroom. She scans the crowd and weaves around the dancing couples to join

Max. The Baroness grabs two glasses from a tray carried by a passing waiter

and offers one to Max.

BARONESS Champagne, darling? I feel like celebrating. Cheers.

The Baroness takes a long sip and, over the rim of her glass, eyes the Captain

who stands on the opposite side of the room chatting with guests.

MAX You know something.


MAX Then, if you're so clever, tell me how to get our little fraulein to use

her influence with Georg. I want those children in the festival. Elsa, this is

important to Austria.

BARONESS Wouldn't do you any harm, either.

MAX I've thought of that.

BARONESS Well, if it's a matter of influence, maybe the one you have to be

talking to is me.

Max studies the Baroness as she smiles coyly. She hands him her champagne

glass and strides across the room to the Captain who takes her hand with a

smile. They waltz, twirling gracefully alongside their guests.


Upstairs, Maria emerges from her room, carrying her bag and guitar, and

wearing her drab gray dress and leather hat. She peeks over the balcony

railing into the empty front hall below, then hurries downstairs.

Setting her guitar by the front door, she takes an envelope out of her pocket

and stealthily crosses the hall to carefully prop the letter on a marble

table. She rushes back to the door. Maria picks up her guitar, hesitates, and

turns to drink in her surroundings for one last time. Finally, she turns and

hurries out the front door.





Several days later. Max sits on the veranda overlooking the lake. He watches

the Baroness play a game with the children, throwing a large rubber ball.

They stand in a circle, counting off ("Two" "Three" "Four" etc.), as they

toss the ball among themselves. Nobody is having much fun. The Baroness

bounces the ball to Brigitta who passes it to Louisa. Louisa feints a throw

at the Baroness who is completely faked out -- and passes the ball to Liesl.

Max watches with concern. Kurt throws the ball to the Baroness but it slips

past her and she must chase it awkwardly in her high heels, much to Max's


The Baroness clearly has no interest or aptitude for playing children's games

and the children are obviously bored.

BARONESS Isn't this fun? Um ... (passes ball to Friedrich) Four ...

FRIEDRICH I'm number five.


The ball makes the rounds again with the children listlessly counting ("Eight"

"Two" "Four" ...)


Liesl throws the ball to the Baroness who catches it in her stomach with an



She throws it awkwardly past Kurt.

KURT Baroness Schraeder, do you mind if we stop now? We're tired.

BARONESS (relieved) Oh, whatever you want, dear. We'll do it again tomorrow.

The children exchange grim glances and gather on a nearby bench to watch the

Baroness hurry up the steps to Max who pours a glass of pink lemonade from a

pitcher on the table.

MAX (ironic) The country's so restful, isn't it? Have some lemonade.

BARONESS Oh, there must be an easier way.

MAX (chuckles) I get a fiendish delight thinking of you as the mother of



MAX How do you plan to do it?

BARONESS Darling, haven't you ever heard of a delightful little thing called

boarding school?

MAX Baroness Machiavelli.

She raises her eyebrows in agreement. The children approach.

BRIGITTA Uncle Max, where's father?

MAX I think he's in the house. What's the matter with all you gloomy pusses?


MAX I know what we'll do. Let's have a rehearsal.

LOUISA What for?

MAX Let's make believe we're standing on the stage at the Festival.

MARTA I don't feel like singing.

GRETL Not without Fraulein Maria.

MAX Liesl, get the guitar. Come on, Marta.

The children protest mildly but Max presses on.

MAX Everybody into the group. You know your places, get in your places,

that's right. Now, be cheerful, right. Give us the key, Liesl.

Liesl plays the guitar.

MAX Now ... impress me.

The children begin to sing a few notes -- well, not all of them. Disappointed,

Max interrupts.

MAX Friedrich, Gretl, why don't you sing?

GRETL I can't. I've got a sore finger.

Gretl shows Max a bandaged index finger.

MAX But you sang so beautifully the night of the party. Come on, all

of you,sing something, try something you know. Enjoy it. Be cheerful. All


Liesl plays. The children sing listlessly but with a somber, melancholic


CHILDREN (singing) The hills are alive with the sound of music

The Captain comes out in his crisp gray and green suit. He pauses to watch

and listen.

CHILDREN (singing) With songs they have sung for a thousand years

Brigitta stops singing and walks to the terrace railing.

CHILDREN (singing) The hills fill my heart with the sound of music

Gretl and Louisa follow Brigitta. The Captain raises his eyebrows, sensing

that something's wrong and walks to Max. The children stop singing.

MAX They just wanted to sing for me, bless their hearts.

CAPTAIN (to the children) That's lovely, lovely, don't stop.

They don't respond.


The Captain sits near the Baroness.

BARONESS Uh, something long and cool, Georg?

CAPTAIN No thank you, darling.


CAPTAIN Yes, Brigitta?

BRIGITTA Is it true Fraulein Maria isn't coming back?

CAPTAIN Fraulein Maria? Yes, I suppose it's true, yes. (off the lemonade)

What have we got here?

BARONESS Pink lemonade.

MAX Laced with, uh, lemonade.

The Captain shudders.

BRIGITTA I don't believe it, Father.

CAPTAIN Hm? Don't believe what, darling?

BRIGITTA About Fraulein Maria.

CAPTAIN Oh, Fraulein Maria. Didn't I tell you what her note said? Oh, I'm

sure I did. She said she missed her life at the Abbey too much. She had to

leave us. And that's all there is to it. (off the lemonade) I think I'm

brave enough to try some of that.

LOUISA She didn't even say goodbye.

CAPTAIN She did in her note.

LOUISA That isn't the same thing.

BARONESS (off the lemonade) Not too sweet, not too sour.

MAX Just too, um, pink.

GRETL Father?


GRETL Who is our new governess going to be?

Pausing in mid sip, the Captain glances at the Baroness.

CAPTAIN Well ... (rises) ... you're not going to have a governess anymore.

CHILDREN (astonished) We're not?


The Captain squeezes the Baroness' shoulders.

CAPTAIN You're going to have a new mother.

LIESL A new mother?

CAPTAIN We talked about it last night. It's all settled, and we're allgoing to be very happy. (to Baroness) Mmm?

The Baroness smiles at him but the smile fades as she turns to the children

who stare silently. The Captain scowls and nods to the children and they step

up one by one to kiss the Baroness on the cheek. The Baroness glances at Max

who looks skeptical. The children kiss the Baroness slowly and reluctantly.

CAPTAIN (annoyed) Well, all right, all right, all right. Now, run off and


The children leave, glancing sullenly back at the Baroness and their father.



In Salzburg, the children cross a street below a castle on a hill and approach

the Abbey's wrought iron gate. They see a nun sweep the cobblestone courtyard

inside. Liesl pulls a bell cord. Another nun approaches the locked gate and

smiles warmly.

NUN Yes, my children?

LIESL My name is Liesl.

NUN Yes, Liesl?

LIESL We -- my brothers and sisters -- we want to see Fraulein Maria.

NUN Fraulein Maria? Oh, Maria! Come in, please.

The nun unlocks the gate and the children enter. The nun holds up her hands.

NUN Wait here.

The nun walks over to Sister Margaretta who stands talking with another nun.

Sister Margaretta glances at the children and joins them.

MARGARETTA I'm Sister Margaretta. I understand you've been inquiring about Maria.

FRIEDRICH We have to see her. Will you tell her we're here, please?

MARGARETTA I'm afraid I can't do that.

LOUISA Oh, but you've got to. We have to speak to her.

MARTA She's our governess.

GRETL We want her back.

KURT She didn't say even goodbye.

GRETL It's very important.

LIESL All we want to do is talk to her.

MARGARETTA I'm very sorry, children, but Maria is in seclusion. She hasn't

been seeing anyone.

FRIEDRICH She'll see us. I know she will.

GRETL I want to show her my finger.

MARGARETTA Oh, some other time, dear. I'll tell her that you were here. It

was sweet of you to call. Run along home now. Go on.

Smiling gently, Sister Margaretta ushers the children back out through the

gate and shuts it behind them.

BRIGITTA Oh, please.

MARGARETTA Run along, children!

FRIEDRICH I'm sure she'd like to see us.

MARGARETTA Goodbye, children.

CHILDREN Please! Please! Sister Margaretta! Sister Margaretta!

Sister Margaretta walks away. The Reverend Mother joins her.

MOTHER ABBESS What was that about, Sister Margaretta?

MARGARETTA The Von Trapp children, Reverend Mother. They want to see Maria.

MOTHER ABBESS Has she spoken yet? Has she told you anything?

MARGARETTA She doesn't say a word, Reverend Mother, except in prayer.


MARGARETTA It's strange. She - she seems happy to be back here and yet ...

and yet she's unhappy too.

MOTHER ABBESS Perhaps I have been wrong in leaving her alone so long. I think

you'd better bring her to me, even she's not yet ready.

MARGARETTA Yes, Reverend Mother.



The Reverend Mother smiles at a young woman in a green dress and hat.

MOTHER ABBESS Sister Augusta, take our new postulant to the robing

room. (tothe young woman) God bless you, my daughter.

There is a knock at the door.


As Sister Augusta and the young woman in the green dress exit, SisterMargaretta steps in and bows her head.

MOTHER ABBESS Yes, bring her in.

Maria walks in wearing a black habit and a simple novitiate's wimple. She

rushes to the Reverend Mother, takes her hand and kneels at her feet.

MOTHER ABBESS You've been unhappy. I'm sorry.

Maria kisses her hand.

MARIA Reverend Mother.

MOTHER ABBESS Why did they send you back to us?

MARIA They didn't send me back, Mother, I-I left.

MOTHER ABBESS Sit down, Maria. Tell me what happened.

MARIA (sits) Well, I -- I was frightened.

MOTHER ABBESS Frightened? Were they unkind to you?

MARIA Oh, no! No, I-I was - I was confused. I-I felt -- I've never felt

that way before. I couldn't stay. I knew that here I'd be away from it. I'dbe safe.

MOTHER ABBESS Maria, our Abbey is not to be used as an escape. What is it

you can't face?

MARIA I can't face him again.

MOTHER ABBESS Him? (turns to the door) Thank you, Sister Margaretta.

Sister Margaretta nods politely and leaves.

MOTHER ABBESS Captain Von Trapp? Are you in love with him?

MARIA I don't know! I don't know! The Baroness said I was. She - she said

that he was in love with me, but I-I didn't want to believe it. Oh, there

were times when we would look at each other. Oh Mother, I could hardlybreathe.

MOTHER ABBESS Did you let him see how you felt?

MARIA If I did, I didn't know it. That's what's been torturing me. I was

there on God's errand. To have asked for his love would have beenwrong. Oh, I couldn't stay, I just couldn't. I'm ready at this moment

totake my vows. Please help me.

MOTHER ABBESS Maria, the love of a man and a woman is holy, too. You have a

great capacity to love. What you must find out is how God wants you to spend

your love.

MARIA But I pledged my life to God, I - I've pledged my life to his service.

MOTHER ABBESS My daughter, if you love this man, it doesn't mean you love God

less. No. You must find out. You must go back.

MARIA Oh, Mother, you can't ask me to do that. Please, let me stay. I beg ofyou.

MOTHER ABBESS Maria, these walls were not built to shut out problems. You

have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live.

The Reverend Mother gazes at a patterned, yellow glass window.


Climb ev'ry mountainSearch high and lowFollow ev'ry by-wayEvery path you know

Climb ev'ry mountainFord ev'ry stream

Follow ev'ry rainbow'Till you find your dream

A dream that will needAll the love you can giveEveryday of your life

For as long as you live

Climb ev'ry mountainFord ev'ry stream

Follow ev'ry rainbow'Till you find your dream

A dream that will needAll the love you can giveEveryday of your life

For as long as you live

Climb ev'ry mountainFord ev'ry stream

Follow ev'ry rainbow'Till you find your dream



The Captain is questioning the children who have obviously just returned from

their trip to Abbey.

CAPTAIN Now, it's not like my children to be secretive.

LOUISA We're not being secretive, Father.

CAPTAIN Mm hm. And it's not like my children to be late for dinner.

FRIEDRICH We lost track of the time.

CAPTAIN Ah, I see.

CHILDREN Yes, yes.

CAPTAIN All right, now who's going to be the first one to tell me the truth?

Friedrich? Brigitta? Liesl?

LIESL Where do you think we were, Father?


LIESL Well, if you don't believe us, you must have some idea where you think

we were.

Marta giggles at this.

CAPTAIN Aha! Marta!

MARTA Yes, Father?

CAPTAIN You tell me.

MARTA Friedrich told you, Father. We were berry picking.

CAPTAIN (claps his hands) I forgot. You were berry picking.

CHILDREN Yes, yes ...

CAPTAIN All afternoon?


LOUISA We picked thousands of them.

CAPTAIN Thousands?

The children all talk at once, affirming the tall tale.

CAPTAIN What kind of berries?

FRIEDRICH Ah, blueberries, sir.

CAPTAIN Blueberries? (sounds yummy) Mmm mm.

The children chime in their agreement with the whole blueberry story.

CAPTAIN It's, um, too early for blueberries.

FRIEDRICH They were strawberries.

CAPTAIN Strawberries?

FRIEDRICH It's been so cold lately, they turned blue.

Friedrich winces, Liesl rolls her eyes, Brigitta looks like she's going tothrow up.

CAPTAIN Awww ... Tsk, tsk, tsk! Very well, show me the berries.

CHILDREN Um ... we ... well ...

CAPTAIN Well, show me the berries you picked. Come on.

KURT We don't have them anymore.

CAPTAIN You don't have them anymore? Well, what happened to them?

KURT We ... we ...

Kurt looks at Brigitta who is supposed to be the smart one.

BRIGITTA (big smile) We ate them!

CAPTAIN You ate them?

CHILDREN (enthusiastically) Yes. They were very delicious.

CAPTAIN Very well. Since you've obviously stuffed yourselves full ofthousands of delicious berries, you can't be hungry anymore, so I'll

just haveto simply tell Frau Schmidt to, uh, skip your dinner.

The Captain trots up the steps, smirking to himself, and goes into the house.

Kurt scowls at Friedrich.

KURT It's all your fault. You should have told him the truth.

FRIEDRICH And made him boiling mad at us?

KURT It's better than staving to death.

LOUISA We didn't do anything wrong. We just wanted to see her.

KURT My stomach's making noises.

MARTA The least they could have done was to let us say hello.

KURT I wonder what grass tastes like ...

GRETL I feel awful.

BRIGITTA When Fraulein Maria wanted to feel better, she used to sing that

song. Remember?


BRIGITTA Let's try it.

CHILDREN (singing slowly and sadly)Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittensBrown paper packages tied up with stringsThese are a few of my favorite things

GRETL Why don't I feel better?

Liesl hugs Gretl.

CHILDREN (singing slowly and sadly)Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Suddenly Maria's voice joins them.

CHILDREN AND MARIASnowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

The children stop singing and start chattering with excitement.


Silver white winters that melt into springsThese are a few of my favorite things

Wearing the green dress that belonged to the new postulant, Maria runs to the

children (who run to her), drops her guitar and carpetbag, and gives them all

a big hug.

MARIA AND THE CHILDREN (singing happily)When the dog bitesWhen the bee stingsWhen I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite thingsAnd then I don't feel so bad

Kneeling, Maria touches Gretl's and Marta's faces lovingly. She blows a kiss

to Louisa. The children laugh.

MARIA Oh, children, I'm so glad to see you!

MARTA We missed you!

MARIA Oh, I missed you. Kurt, how are you?

KURT Hungry.

Everyone laughs. Gretl shows Maria her bandaged finger.

MARIA Gretl, what happened to your finger?

GRETL It got caught.

MARIA Caught in what?

GRETL Friedrich's teeth.

Everyone laughs.

MARIA Liesl, you all right?

LIESL Just fair.

MARIA Many telegrams been delivered here lately?

LIESL None at all, Fraulein. But I'm learning to accept it. I'll be glad when

school begins.

MARIA Oh, Liesl, you can't use school to escape your problems. You have to

face them. Oh, I have so much to tell you all.

LOUISA We have things to tell you, too.

MARIA I'm sure you do.

BRIGITTA The most important thing is that Father's going to be married.

MARIA Married?

LOUISA Yes, to Baroness Schraeder.

MARIA (stunned) Oh, I see ...

The children see the Captain on the veranda.

CHILDREN Oh, Father, look! Look!

FRIEDRICH Father, Fraulein Maria's come back from the Abbey.

The Captain looks down at them.

MARIA Good evening, Captain.

CAPTAIN Good evening. All right, everyone inside. Go and get your dinner.

CHILDREN Dinner! Dinner!

The children happily rush into the house. The Captain walks down to Maria.

CAPTAIN You left without saying goodbye ... even to the children.

MARIA Well, it was wrong of me. Forgive me.

CAPTAIN Why did you?

MARIA Please don't ask me. Anyway, the reason no longer exists.

The Baroness comes out.

BARONESS Fraulein Maria, you've returned. Isn't it wonderful, Georg?

MARIA May I wish you every happiness, Baroness, and you too, Captain. The

children tell me you're going to be married.

BARONESS Thank you, my dear.

Maria runs up the steps.

CAPTAIN You are back to, uh, stay?

Maria stops, turns back, and shakes her head.

MARIA Only until arrangements can be made for another governess.

The Baroness watches the Captain watch Maria enter the house. The Captain

smiles at the Baroness and takes her hand. She smiles winningly and walks

with him inside.



Maria strolls toward the edge of the lake. The Captain, on a second floor

balcony, watches her gaze across the water. The Baroness, in a striking red

dress that contrasts with Maria's cool blue one, joins the Captain.

BARONESS (giggles) There you are!

The Captain stiffens, smiles awkwardly and looks down at Maria. The Baroness

steels herself, then gives the Captain's arm a squeeze.

BARONESS I really must speak to cook about the wienerschnitzel. It isentirely too delicious for my figure. And it makes you much too quiet

at thedinner table. Or was it the wine?

CAPTAIN Oh, undoubtedly the wine.

BARONESS You have no idea what kind of trouble I'm having tying to decide

what to give you for a wedding present. Oh, I know I'm enough. (chuckles)

But I do want you to have some little trifle for the occasion. At first, I-I

thought of a fountain pen but you've already got one. And-and-and then I

thought perhaps a villa in the south of France but they are sodifficult to gift wrap. Oh, Georg, how do you feel about yachts? A

long sleekone for the Mediterranean and a tiny one for your bathtub, hm?


BARONESS And - and where to go on our honeymoon, now that is a real problem.

I thought a trip around the world would be lovely. Then I said oh, Elsa,

there must be someplace better to go... Don't worry, darling--

CAPTAIN Look, Elsa ...

BARONESS Yes, Georg?

CAPTAIN It's no use ... you and I. I'm being dishonest to both of us ...

and utterly unfair to you. When two people talk of marriage ...

BARONESS No, don't. Don't say another word, Georg, please. You see, uh,

there are other things I've been thinking of. Fond as I am of you, I really

don't think you're the right man for me. You're, um, you're much tooindependent and I-I need someone who needs me desperately. Or at

least, needsmy money desperately. I've enjoyed every moment we've had together. I

do thankyou for that. Now, if, um, if you'll forgive me, I'll go inside, pack


little bags, and return to Vienna where I belong. And somewhere out there is

a young lady who I think ... will never be a nun.

The Captain's eyes widen in surprise, then his face relaxes into a smile. She

kisses him on the cheek.

BARONESS Auf Wiedersehen, darling.

He watches the Baroness walk away, blinks his eyes reflectively, then returns

his gaze to the lake.


In the moonlit garden next to the glass-walled gazebo, Maria sits on one end

of a stone bench. Elbows on her knees, she knits her fingers together and

stares downward.


The Captain approaches and stands by a tree. Maria sits up, startled.

CAPTAIN I, I thought I just might find you here.

MARIA (rises) Was - was there something you wanted?

CAPTAIN Mm? No, no, no, no. Sit down, please.

She stands still.


She sits as he scans the grounds. The Captain asks permission sit down.

CAPTAIN Uh, may I?

She nods and he sits on the opposite end of the bench, giving her a friendly

smile. She looks self-consciously at her lap.

CAPTAIN (laughs) You know, I was thinking and I was wondering ... two things.

Why did you run away to the Abbey? And what was it that made you come back?

MARIA Well, I had an obligation to fulfill and I -- I came back to fulfill


CAPTAIN Mm. Is that all?

MARIA And I missed the children.

CAPTAIN Yes. Uh, uh, only the children?

MARIA No. Yes! Isn't it right I should have missed them?

CAPTAIN Oh, yes, yes, of course! I was, uh, only hoping that perhaps you

... perhaps you might, uh ...


CAPTAIN Well, uh, nothing was the same when you were away and it'll bewrong again after you leave. And I just thought perhaps you might,

uh ...change your mind?

She studies his face, then rises and walks away.

MARIA Well, I'm sure the Baroness will be able to make things fine for you.

CAPTAIN Maria ...

She stops.

CAPTAIN There isn't going to be any Baroness.

MARIA There isn't?

He walks past her into the gazebo and she follows.


MARIA I don't understand.

CAPTAIN Well, we've, um ... called off our engagement, you see, and, um...

MARIA Oh, I'm sorry.

CAPTAIN Yes. You are?

MARIA Mm hmm. You did?

CAPTAIN Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone

else, can you?

Maria shakes her head. The Captain cups her chin in his hand and pulls her

gently toward him. Then he kisses her tenderly. She puts her head to his


MARIA (sighs) Reverend Mother always says, "When the Lord closes a door,

somewhere He opens a window."

CAPTAIN What else does the Reverend Mother say?

MARIA That you have to look for your life.

CAPTAIN Is that why you came back?

Maria nods.

CAPTAIN And have you found it, Maria?

MARIA I think I have. I know I have.

CAPTAIN I love you.

MARIA Oh, can this be happening to me?(sings)

Perhaps I had a wicked childhoodPerhaps I had a miserable youth

But somewhere in my wicked, miserable pastThere must have been a moment of truth

For here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you should

So somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something good

Nothing comes from nothingNothing ever could

So somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something good

CAPTAIN (spoken) Do you know when I first started loving you? That night at

the dinner table when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone.

He laughs.

MARIA What? (laughs) I knew the first time you blew that silly whistle.

CAPTAIN Oh, my love.

They stand in the gazebo doorway, silhouetted in moonlight.

CAPTAIN (sings)For here you are, standing there, loving me

Whether or not you should

MARIA (sings)So somewhere in my youth or childhood

I must have done something good

MARIA AND THE CAPTAIN (singing)Nothing comes from nothing

Nothing ever could

MARIA (sings)So somewhere in my youth

CAPTAIN (sings)Or childhood

MARIA (sings)I must have done something ...

MARIA AND THE CAPTAIN (singing)Something good

They kiss.

CAPTAIN Maria? Is there anyone I should go to to ask permission to marry you?

MARIA Well, why don't we ask ...

CAPTAIN AND MARIA ... the children?



Wedding bells ring. The Reverend Mother looks up at Maria who stands atop some

steps. Two nuns adjust Maria's white bridal veil, held in place by a wreath of

ivy. The veil's white crinoline falls all the way to the floor, spreading into

a train behind Maria's beautifully unadorned gown made of shiny white satin.

Maria lifts the hem, walks down the steps and kneels before the Reverend

Mother who makes the sign of the cross over Maria's head. They exit through a

doorway into ...

... the wide cobblestone courtyard of the Abbey's cloister, dozens of nuns

fall into step behind her.

Organ music. Maria and the nuns enter a large, baroque cathedral behind an

iron gate which the Reverend Mother opens for Maria. Liesl, the maid of honor,

greets Maria. Marta and Gretl carry baskets of flowers. The Reverend Mother

closes the gate and stays on the cloister side with the other nuns.Liesl hands

Maria a bouquet -- she inhales its aroma deeply. Maria smiles at the nuns who

smile back.

Liesl, Marta and Gretl walk down a large marble aisle. Hundreds of guests are

present. Maria walks toward the Captain who wears a black dress uniform.

NUNS' VOICES (singing)How do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?How do you find a word that means Maria?

A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her

Many a thing she ought to understandBut how do you make her stayAnd listen to all you say?

How do you keep a wave upon the sand?Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?

Marta and Gretl join the other children in a set of pews. Max is best man.

Maria arrives and the Captain holds out his hand. She takes it and they

approach a forty foot high altar. Nuns beam proudly behind the iron gate.

Maria, the Captain, Liesl, and Max all kneel at once before a high priest who

blesses the couple, passing his hand through the air, making the sign of the

cross. Paintings and statues of saints and angels adorn the elaborate gildedaltar.

In a bell tower, wedding bells chime. A boy rides a bell rope up and down

through the air, the Austrian countryside visible in the distance.


From a single swinging bell that tolls darkly we PAN DOWN to a plaza outside

the cathedral. A massive Nazi flag, its swastika looking like a black spider,

hangs from a four-story building. Armed troops march across the

cobblestonesquare. A black convertible drives through the plaza, then careens

under apassage between two buildings. It stops outside an ancient

amphitheatre. Asoldier opens the rear door and Herr Zeller and a Nazi officer walk

brusquelypast him and straight inside.


The Von Trapp children stand at the edge of a stone stage talking with Max. He

stands on the floor below.

ZELLER Herr Detweiler.

Zeller holds out his arm in a Nazi salute.

ZELLER Heil Hitler.

MAX Oh, good afternoon, Herr Zeller.

ZELLER Perhaps you've not heard. I'm now the Gauleiter. Heil Hitler.

MAX Oh-ah, Heil Hitler.

ZELLER I have just come from the house of Captain Von Trapp. Incidentally,

the only one in the neighborhood not flying the flag of the Third Reich since

the Anschluss. But we have dealt with that situation.

MAX I don't think the Cap --

ZELLER The housekeeper told me that I would find you here. It was the only

information the woman would give me.

MAX What kind of information are you looking for?

ZELLER We want to know when the Captain will be returning.

MAX Well, he's on his honeymoon trip. Uh, he's not been in touch with us.

ZELLER Are you asking me to believe that the Captain has not communicated

with his children in over a month?

MAX Herr Zeller, how many men do you know who communicate with their children

while on their honeymoon?

ZELLER When he does return, he will be expected to fill his proper position

in the new order.

MAX Naturally, naturally, and may I congratulate you, that is, your people,

on deciding to allow the festival to go on tonight as planned?

ZELLER Why should it not go on? Nothing in Austria has changed. Singing

and music will show this to the world. Austria is the same. Heil Hitler.

Zeller clicks his heels and exits.

MAX (saluting without conviction) Heil Hitler. Come on, children, let's gohome.

GRETL Why was he so cross?

MAX Everybody's cross these days, darling.

MARTA Maybe the flag with the black spider on it makes people nervous.

LIESL Is Father going to be in trouble?

MAX Well, he doesn't have to be. The thing to do these days is to get along

with everybody. I want you all to remember that tonight at the concert.

BRIGITTA Are we really going to sing before a whole lot of people tonight?

MAX Of course, look. (off the festival program) The Von Trapp Family

Singers.Here are your names -- Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Brigitta, Kurt, Marta


GRETL Why am I always last?

MAX Because you are the most important.

GRETL (pleased) Ohhh!

MAX There we go.

Outside the amphitheatre, the children follow Max to a large open car and

start to climb in.

BRIGITTA Uncle Max, are you sure Father will approve of our singing inpublic?

MAX Oh, he'll be pleased and proud.

BRIGITTA Liesl, do you think so?

MAX Don't you trust me?


MAX You're a very intelligent girl.

Rolfe appears, in a brown Nazi uniform.

ROLFE Liesl! Liesl!

LIESL Rolfe! Rolfe, I'm so glad to see you. It's been such --

ROLFE Good afternoon. You will take this please and deliver it to yourfather as soon as he comes home.

LIESL He's on his honeymoon.

ROLFE I know that.

LIESL You do?

ROLFE We make it our business to know everything about everyone.

LIESL Who's we?

ROLFE See that he gets it.

LIESL What is it?

ROLFE It's a telegram from Berlin.

LIESL Don't you want to come over tonight and deliver it yourself?

ROLFE I'm now occupied with more important matters. And your father better

be too if he knows what's good for him.

LIESL But, Rolfe --

Rolfe turns and walks away from Liesl without so much as a backward glance --

the Nazis have got him totally brainwashed! Liesl sadly watches him go.



The Captain yanks down a Nazi flag from above his front door. He rips the flag

in half. Max and the children pull into the driveway. The Captain rolls up the

flag and hides it behind his back.

CHILDREN Father! You came so soon.

CAPTAIN Hello. Hello. Hello.

FRIEDRICH We didn't expect you so soon.

CHILDREN We wanted to meet your train. Did you bring us anything?

The children swarm around the Captain and Maria.

MARIA Hello. How are you?

FRIEDRICH Oh, why didn't you telephone us?

MARIA Well, we tried to, but we couldn't get through. We tried --

The Captain shows the flag to Max.

MAX I had nothing to do with that, Georg.

CAPTAIN (quietly, to Max) We came back as fast as we could.

The Captain joins Maria and the children, snatching up Marta and giving her a

big hug.

CAPTAIN (to the children) Well, well, well, well, well! We missed you!

MARIA We missed kissing you good night.

CAPTAIN We missed all the noise you make in the morning telling each other tobe quiet.

The children laugh.

MARIA Mostly, we missed hearing you sing.

BRIGITTA Oh, you came back just in time.

Brigitta takes a program from Max's hand and shows it to Maria.

BRIGITTA Look, Fraulein Maria, I mean Mother...

The children laugh. The Captain winks at Maria.

BRIGITTA We're going to sing in the festival tonight.


As the children all chatter at once, the Captain takes the program and shoots

Max a dirty look. Max tries to laugh it off.

MAX (to the Captain) Surprise! Surprise!

The Captain manages a grin and a chuckle.

CAPTAIN (to the children) All right! Surprises for you on the terrace.

CHILDREN Presents! Oh, good!

The children run into the house. Liesl stays with Maria.

CAPTAIN (off the program, to Max) We'll talk about this inside.

Maria, Liesl, Max, and the Captain walk inside.

MAX Georg, I would have told you but you were away. I had to make a last-

minute decision. I was fortunate to enter them all.


MAX They'll be the talk of the festival. Imagine seven children in onefamily.

CAPTAIN Max! Somehow I recall having made it quite clear to you how I feel

about my family singing in public.

MAX But the committee heard them. They were enchanted.

MARIA Oh, Max, what did they say?

MAX I have never heard such enthusiasm.

MARIA (to the Captain) Oh, darling, don't you think just this once ... ?

CAPTAIN Absolutely out of the question.

MAX Georg, this is for Austria.

CAPTAIN For Austria? (laughs darkly) There is no Austria!

MAX But the Anschluss happened peacefully. Let's at least be grateful for


CAPTAIN Grateful!? You know, Max, sometimes I don't believe I know you.

Liesl pulls out Rolfe's telegram.

LIESL Father, I forgot. This is for you.

Liesl walks over and hands the Captain the telegram. He takes it and walks

off. Maria and Liesl watch worriedly. Max presses his thumb to his lips.

MAX Maria, he's got to at least to pretend to work with these people. You

must convince him.

MARIA Max, I can't ask him to be less than he is.

MAX (sighs) Then I'll talk to him. If the children don't sing at the festival,

well, it'll be a reflection on Austria. I know, it wouldn't do me any good,


As he leaves, Maria and Liesl walk arm in arm to the drawing room.

LIESL Mother?


LIESL That sounds so nice. I like calling you Mother.

MARIA I like hearing it.

LIESL You love Father very much. I can tell you do.

MARIA Very much.

LIESL Mother, what do you do when you think you love someone, I mean, when

you stop loving someone or when he stops loving you?

They sit on a small sofa.

MARIA Well, you cry a little and then you wait for the sun to come out. It

always does.

LIESL There's so many things I think I should know. But I don't. I reallydon't.

MARIA How can you?

LIESL Sometimes I feel the world is coming to an end.

MARIA And then you feel it's just beginning.


MARIA It was that way with me, Liesl. And for you it will be just aswonderful I promise.

LIESL Do you really think so?

MARIA (sings)When you're sixteen going on seventeen

Waiting for life to startSomebody kind who touches your mind

Will suddenly touch your heart

LIESL (sings)When that happens, after it happens

Nothing is quite the sameSomehow I know I'll jump up and go

If ever he calls my name

MARIA (sings)Gone are your old ideas of life

The old ideas grow dimLo and behold you're someone's wife

And you belong to him

You may think this kind of adventureNever may come to you

Darling, sixteen going on seventeenWait a year ...

LIESL (sings)I'll wait a year ...

MARIA (sings)

... or two ...Just ...

MARIA AND LIESL (singing)... wait a year or two

They grin and touch foreheads. Suddenly, the Captain appears with the opened

telegram in his hand. His expression is grave.


The Captain beckons to Liesl, then nods for her to leave. She rises, her grin

fading. The Captain gives her hand a reassuring squeeze and pats her cheek

with the backs of his fingers. Smiling, she hurries out.

MARIA What it is?

CAPTAIN Berlin. They've offered me a commission in their navy. I've been

requested to accept immediately and report to their naval base at Bremerhaventomorrow.

MARIA I knew something like this would happen. I didn't think it would be

so soon.

CAPTAIN To refuse them would be fatal for all of us. And joining them would

be -- unthinkable.

He kisses Maria on the forehead, slips an arm around her shoulders, and they

walk into the front hall.

CAPTAIN Get the children all together. Don't say anything that's going to

make them worry. Just get them ready. We've got to get out of Austria and

this house ... (scans the front hall) ... tonight.

Maria looks at him nervously, then he pulls her into a comforting hug.



We look down through the elegant wrought-iron front gate to a circle of grass

lined with neatly trimmed shrubs. The grass is surrounded by the circular

gravel driveway and high walls to the left and right.

The Von Trapp's black car, steered by Friedrich, rolls into view from a side

path. The Captain, Max, and Kurt push it from behind. The Captain wears a

green wool jacket and hat. Following on foot, Maria and the children wear

wool, button-collared capes and hats or scarves. Max turns to the Captain.

MAX (quietly) It not only strains my back, it breaks my heart when I think of

a certain singing group that will not appear at the festival tonight.

CAPTAIN By the time you've made the announcement, we'll be over the border.

MAX I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making.

CAPTAIN You have no choice.

MAX I know. That's why I'm making it.

MARTA Why doesn't Father turn the motor on?

KURT (too loudly) Because he doesn't want anyone to hear us!


The Captain scowls at Kurt. Louisa looks at Maria.

LOUISA What will Frau Schmidt and Franz say when they discover we're gone?

MARIA They'll be able to answer truthfully they didn't know anything

about itif anyone asks them.

LIESL Will we be coming back here?

MARIA Someday, Liesl. I do hope someday.

GRETL Are Father and Uncle Max going to push the car all the way toSwitzerland?


From a second story window in the villa, we look down on the family and car

approaching the front gate. Kurt runs ahead and opens the gate, then runs back

to continue pushing. Franz, the butler, watches them from the window wearing a

dour expression.

As the Von Trapp's pass through the gate, they scurry to climb into the car.

Bright lights flash on. They all freeze and turn to see that the lights are

the headlights of two automobiles beside which stands Gauleiter Zeller and a

squad of Nazi soldiers.

ZELLER Something wrong with your car, Captain?

CAPTAIN Yes, as a matter of fact, we couldn't get it started.


Nazi soldier Karl steps forward.

ZELLER Fix Captain Von Trapp's car so that it will start.

Karl marches over to the car -- the Captain steps aside with a cordial smile

-- and Karl gets in. Of course, the engine starts up on the first try. The

Captain smiles and shakes his head as if amazed. He gives Karl a friendly pat

on the shoulder and shrugs at Zeller. The stiff, unsmiling Karl rejoinsZeller.

ZELLER Excellent, Karl. (to the Captain) I've not asked you where you and

your family are going ... nor have you asked me why I'm here.

CAPTAIN Well, apparently, we're both suffering from a deplorable lack of


ZELLER You were sent a telegram which you did not answer. A telegram from

Admiral Von Schreiber of the Navy of the Third Reich.

CAPTAIN I was under the impression, Herr Zeller, that the contents oftelegrams in Austria are private -- at least, the Austria I know.

ZELLER I have my orders -- and they are to take you personally to Bremerhaven

tonight where you will accept your commission.

CAPTAIN I'm afraid that's going to be quite impossible. You see we, uh, um,

all of us, the entire family, will be ... singing in the festival tonight. As

a matter of fact, that's where we were going now. Couldn't possibly let themdown now.

MARIA I just hope we're not too late.


ZELLER And you ask me to believe this -- that you, Captain Von Trapp, are

singing in a concert?

MAX Believe me, it will be a performance beyond anything even I've dreamt of.

CAPTAIN Like you, Herr Zeller, I, too, am a man of hidden talents.

MAX Yes, um, here. Program.

Max walks over and hands Zeller the program. Zeller studies it skeptically.

ZELLER It says here only the names of the children.

CAPTAIN It says the Von Trapp Family Singers. And I'm the head of the Von

Trapp family, am I not?

ZELLER And these, um, these travel clothes that you're all wearing?

MARIA Our costumes, naturally. Herr Zeller, this night air is not good for

the children's voices.

Maria and the Captain exchange conspiratorial glances. Zeller looksthoughtful.

ZELLER Well, a slight delay in my orders will not be serious ... therefore,

you will sing. You will all sing. But only because that's the way I want it to

be. It will demonstrate that nothing in Austria has changed. And when you are

finished singing, you, Captain Von Trapp, will be taken to Bremerhaven. Now,

if you will all get into your car, we will escort the Von Trapp Family Singers

to the festival.

CAPTAIN No escort will be necessary, Herr Zeller.

ZELLER Necessary?! A pleasure, Captain! After all, we would not want you to

get lost in the crowds, would we?

CAPTAIN (whispers) No.

Zeller grins smugly and returns to his car. The children pile into the Von

Trapp car. The Captain crosses his fingers, nods to Maria, and gets in thecar.



The huge festival audience, a full house, watches the family who stand center

stage in a large spotlight singing a complex arrangement of "Do Re Mi" ...

From one side of the stage, Max eyes Nazi sentries posted around the theater.

The Captain spots Zeller in the front row, then gives Maria a reassuring nod.

The song comes to an end and there is a tremendous storm of applause from the

audience. In the front row, a judge marks his ballot. Karl sits scowling

beside Zeller who forces himself to clap. As Maria and the children bow, the

Captain steps forward to a microphone. He glances at Max who holds up a

guitar and raises his eyebrows questioningly. The Captain nods to him, then

speaks into the mike.

CAPTAIN My fellow ... Austrians, I shall not be seeing you again, perhaps

for a very long time. I would like to sing, for you now, a love song.

Max hands him the guitar.

CAPTAIN I know you share this love. I pray that you will never let it die.

The spotlight follows him to center stage. In the shadows, Maria and the

children move offstage. The Captain strums the guitar and sings.

CAPTAIN (sings)Edelweiss, edelweiss

Every morning you greet me

Small and white, clean and bright

You look happy to meet me

Blossom of snow, may you bloom and growBloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweissBless my homeland forever

Looking out over the audience, the Captain's smile wavers.

CAPTAIN (sings with faltering voice) Edelweiss, edel...

He blinks, choked with emotion. Maria steps in from the wings, followed bythe children.

MARIA (sings) Small and white, clean...

MARIA AND THE CAPTAIN... and bright ...

MARIA, THE CAPTAIN AND THE CHILDRENYou look happy to meet me

The Captain waves to the audience, urging them to join in.

ALL THE GOOD AUSTRIANS IN THE AUDIENCEBlossom of snow, may you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweissBless my homeland forever

There is a moment of silence, charged with emotion, and then the audience

gives a large round of applause. Zeller shifts uncomfortably. Max comes out

on stage and whispers to the family.

MAX I think it'll work. I shall miss all of you. I shall miss the money I

could've made with you.

He carries the Captain's guitar to the microphone.

MAX Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, thank you. The festival competition

has come to its conclusion, except of course we don't know yet what that

conclusion will be. And while the judges are arriving at their decision I

have been given permission to offer you an encore. This will be the last

opportunity the Von Trapps will have of singing together for a long, long

time. Even now officials are waiting in this auditorium to escort Captain Von

Trapp to his new command in the naval forces of the Third Reich.

The crowd murmurs and grumbles at this.

MAX And so, ladies and gentlemen, the family Von Trapp again ... to bid you


The audience applauds. Max blows a kiss to the family. The children line up

behind Maria and the Captain. Music begins.

MARIA (sings)There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall

And the bells in the steeple tooAnd up in the nursery an absurd little bird

Is popping out to say "cuckoo"

CHILDREN (peeking out from behind their parents, singing) Cuckoo, cuckoo


Regretfully they tell usCuckoo, cuckoo

But firmly they compel usCuckoo, cuckoo

To say goodbye ...

THE FAMILY (sings)... to you

The Captain salutes and they all form a line across the stage.

THE FAMILY (sings)So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night

KURT AND MARTA (singing)We hate to go and miss this pretty sight

Kurt and Marta walk off stage and into a shadowy hallway. The rest of the

family waves.

THE FAMILY (sings)So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu

FRIEDRICH AND LIESL (singing)Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu

Friedrich and Liesl bow, then exit into the hallway. They glance back at the

family nervously.

THE FAMILY (sings)So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

BRIGITTA AND LOUISA (singing)We flit, we float, we fleetly flee, we fly

Brigitta and Louisa kick their legs back, then dance hurriedly offstage.

THE CAPTAIN, MARIA AND GRETL (singing)So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

GRETL (sings)The sun has gone to bed and so must I


Maria gives a gentle push to Gretl who exits.

MARIA (sings)Goodbye!

The Captain puts his arm around Maria.

CAPTAIN (sings)


MARIA AND THE CAPTAIN (singing)Goodbye!

Maria and the Captain exit hand in hand as the music comes to an end and the

audience applauds. A woman in a green, feathered hat slips a paper into an

envelope. She hands it to a man who hands it to Max on stage. Max opens it

and walks slowly to the microphone. He picks up the mike and carries it to

center stage.

MAX Ladies and gentlemen, I have here the decision of our distinguished

judges. We will start with the award for third prize. For this honor, the

judges have named the first soloist of the choir of St. Agathe's church in

Murbach, Fraulein Schweiger.

A trumpet fanfare. The audience applauds. A spotlight picks up Fraulein

Schweiger walking onto the stage from the shadowy hallway. Grinning and

bowing all the while, she runs up to Max who hands her a bouquet of flowers.

He bows to her then claps. She keeps on grinning and bowing. Max bowsawkwardly again. The audience laughs at all this bowing. Max beckons

an usherwho steps out of the shadows and escorts her offstage. More applause.

Shekeeps grinning and bowing.

MAX Second prize to -- the Toby Reiser Quintet.

A trumpet fanfare. Applause. The spotlight reveals the quintet as they come

out onto the stage. They bow to the audience, shake hands with Max, and thenexit.

MAX And the first prize, the highest honor in all Austria, to the Von

TrappFamily Singers!

Max flourishes a hand toward the hallway. A trumpet fanfare. A large round of

applause. The spotlight searches for the Von Trapp family, but they don't

appear. Zeller peers up at Max. As the applause dies out, Max tries again to

summon the family.

MAX The family Von Trapp!

Trumpet fanfare. Applause. But no family Von Trapp appears. Zeller scowls at

Max. Suddenly, Karl comes running into the spotlight and shouts.

KARL They're gone!

Zeller leaps up. Max clenches his jaw in suppressed triumph and relief.



Zeller's patrol -- two vehicles with their sirens on -- reach the Abbey.

Uniformed Nazis scramble out. They go storming toward the Abbey door.


The Von Trapps confer with the Reverend Mother. The Abbey door bell rings.

MOTHER ABBESS Come with me.

She leads the family to a tall wooden door. They exit into it.

MOTHER ABBESS Quickly, quickly. I have a place you can hide.

Sister Berthe walks toward the front door.

MOTHER ABBESS (to Berthe) Slowly, slowly.

As Berthe enters the stone hallway leading to the gate, we see Zeller, Karl,

and a half dozen soldiers standing outside.

ZELLER (impatiently) Open this gate!

Sister Berthe smiles serenely.

SISTER BERTHE Good evening.

She slides the key into the lock.

ZELLER Hurry up, woman!

She continues to smile peacefully, nods, and slowly opens the gate. Zeller

and his squad march in, glance at Sister Margaretta near the tall wooden door.

Then walk off in a different direction. The soldiers run through the Abbey.

ZELLER Two men in there. Six of you, fan out and cover the yard. You two,

cover the corridor.

A group of soldiers runs across the cobblestone courtyard.

Elsewhere, the Reverend Mother leads the family through an enclosed graveyard.

Arched openings in one wall reveal tall mountains beyond.

MARIA Reverend Mother, we didn't realize we'd put the Abbey in this danger.

MOTHER ABBESS No, Maria, it was right for you to come here.

CAPTAIN We thought we might borrow your caretaker's car.

MOTHER ABBESS I'm afraid our car would do you no good now. I've beenlistening to the wireless. The borders have just been closed.

At the far end of the graveyard, she unlocks a gate into a crypt. Maria leads

the children inside.

CAPTAIN All right, the borders are closed. (looks at the mountains) Then

we'll drive up into the hills and go over those mountains on foot.

MARIA But the children?

CAPTAIN We'll help them. They'll be all right.

FRIEDRICH We can do it without help, Father.

MOTHER ABBESS Maria, you will not be alone. Remember: "I will lift up mine

eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help."

MARIA Yes, Mother.

Maria hugs the Reverend Mother.

MARTA I'm scared.


Maria joins the others in the crypt's hallway, lined with large monuments.

The Reverend Mother locks the gate and hands the key to the Captain. She

clasps his hand then makes the sign of the cross.

MOTHER ABBESS God be with you.

She leaves. The family hides in two groups behind the large monuments.

GRETL Mother?


GRETL Would it help if we sang about our favorite things?

MARIA No, darling. This is one time it would not help. You must be very

quiet. Hold tight to me.

Maria hugs her. The Captain peers out from behind his monument, which is

about ten feet tall. He holds a finger to his lips, then stiffens.

Footsteps. Flashlights appear at the other side of the graveyard. The Captain

ducks behind his monument.

Karl leads five brown-uniformed soldiers past the gravestones. One soldier

holds a flashlight and uses it to scan the dirt floor for footprints. Behind

her monument, Maria crouches, still holding Gretl. Louisa huddles beside

them, her back to the stone.

Carrying a flashlight, Karl approaches a gate at the far end of the crypt

hallway. Two soldiers accompany him as he tries to open the gate. It rattles

but does not open. Karl directs his light along the crypt's stone walls, then

he moves along the length of the crypt, trying one gate after another, moving

ever closer to the family.

He approaches the Von Trapps, hidden behind monuments at a gate in the middle

of the crypt hallway. Maria taps Friedrich on the shoulder, he glances at her,

nods, and tucks himself into a lower crouch.

Karl's light shines on a monument only a few yards away from Maria's.

Maria looks at the Captain who huddles with Kurt, Liesl, Marta, and Brigitta.

Karl arrives at their gate. Grasping its curlicued wrought iron bars, he peers

at the stone monument behind which Maria hides. Maria and Gretl try to avoid

the flashlight's roving beam. The Captain stares at Maria with wide eyes,

holding tight to his children.

Karl makes a final pass with his light, then suddenly snaps it off. He walks

away, followed by all the other soldiers.

KARL Come on, let's try the roof.

As they exit, another soldier arrives at the graveyard, climbing some stairs

from another direction. He faces the crypt. It's Rolfe.

Liesl sees him and claps her hand to her mouth -- but too late -- she gasps

and we know Rolfe hears her because he flinches. But he turns away pretending

he has not heard Liesl's gasp.

Still hidden, Liesl and the Captain exchange glances.

Maria turns to them, wide-eyed and waiting.

Rolfe walks away from the crypt, hides behind a gravestone at the center of

the graveyard, and holds his flashlight at the ready.

The Captain slowly peeks out from his hiding place. Rolfe is nowhere in sight.

As the Captain nods, the family steps out into the open. The Captain pauses

for a moment, then creeps toward the locked gate.

Suddenly Rolfe appears and points his flashlight directly into the crypt.

Everyone freezes.

Rolfe swings the beam from Maria to the Captain and Liesl.

LIESL Rolfe, please!

Rolfe stares at Liesl for a moment, then reaches into his pocket for awhistle.

CAPTAIN Rolfe! Wait!

The Captain unlocks the gate and slips out quickly to face Rolfe.

Rolfe backs away, drawing his pistol.

CAPTAIN Maria ... children ...

He gestures to the steps from which Rolfe arrived and they hurry down behindhim.

ROLFE (to the Captain) I-It's you we want. Not them.

CAPTAIN Put that down.

The Captain walks slowly toward Rolfe.

ROLFE Not another move or I'll, I'll shoot!

CAPTAIN You're only a boy.

The Captain stops, ten yards away, then moves closer.

CAPTAIN You don't really belong to them.

ROLFE Stay where you are!

The Captain keeps walking.

CAPTAIN Come away with us ... before it's too late.

ROLFE Not another step. I'll kill you!

Rolfe grows increasingly tense.

CAPTAIN You give that to me, Rolfe.

ROLFE Did you hear me? I'll kill you!

Rolfe's breath grows shallow and quick.

CAPTAIN Rolfe ...

Rolfe winces painfully -- he can't bring himself to shoot. The Captain stops

only a few feet away. Suddenly, he grabs Rolfe's arm. Holding on to the gun,

the Captain stares into Rolfe's eyes, then gently takes the weapon from his

hand. Rolfe bows his head in shame.

CAPTAIN You'll never be one of them.

Rolfe's eyes flash.

ROLFE Lieutenant! Lieutenant! They're here! They're here, Lieutenant!

As Rolfe runs toward the graveyard entrance blowing his whistle, the Captain

scurries down another set of steps. At the bottom, he joins Maria and the

children in a dusty old car. He starts it up and they drive off.

Whistles blowing. Zeller and his men sprint across the cobblestone courtyard

heading for the Abbey's front gate.

Outside the gate, the old car speeds past the two Nazi cars.

Moments later, Zeller and his men run out of the Abbey and climb into their

cars. They turn their keys in the ignition ...


To the sounds of the Nazi car engines stalling noisily and refusing to start,

Sisters Berthe and Margaretta confer with the Reverend Mother.

SISTER MARGARETTA Reverend Mother, I have sinned.

SISTER BERTHE I, too, Reverend Mother.

MOTHER ABBESS What is this sin, my children?

The two sisters share a guilty glance, then take their hands from the folds

of their garments to reveal several parts from the Nazis' cars: a distributor

cap and some spark plug wires.



The Captain hikes up a high, grassy meadow carrying Gretl on his back.

Kurtfollows, then Friedrich, Brigitta, Louisa, and Maria who helps Marta.

Theyscan the mountains, smiling in wonder.

HEAVENLY CHOIRA dream that will need

All the love you can giveEveryday of your life

For as long as you live

A stiff wind blows over the meadow as the Von Trapps cross to the otherside.

HEAVENLY CHOIRClimb ev'ry mountainFord ev'ry stream

Follow ev'ry rainbow'Till you find your dream

Over a panorama of dizzying peaks and valleys, a title reads:


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