the skinny on the mobile web

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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A presentation I gave at InfoCamp Seattle 2007 per popular request. It is a last minute edited and super compressed version of the talk I gave at Webmaster Jam Session on mobile design


InfoCamp Seattle 2007

The Skinny onThe Mobile Web

Nick FinckOctober 13th, 2007InfoCamp, Seattle

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Who the hell is this guy?

• Blue FlavorDirector of User Experience, co-founder, partner

• Digital Web MagazinePublisher and founder

• User Experience NetworkSeattle Local Ambassador

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Web & Print

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Web & Print

• XHTML✓Well formed✓Semantically correct

• CSS✓Screen media type✓Print media type

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

digital-web.comA good example of designing for both web and print

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

So what? That’s old news!

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Web & Mobile

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Web & Mobile

• XHTML✓Well formed✓Semantically correct

• CSS✓Screen media type✓Handheld media type

InfoCamp Seattle 2007 good example of designing for both web and mobile

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

So just a new CSS file? Easy!

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Not so fast...

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Mobile Specific

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Specific Mobile

• XHTML✓Well formed✓Semantically correct✓Highly optimized

• CSS✓Handheld media type (sometimes even screen media type)✓Highly optimized

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

getleaflets.comA good example of designing for a specific mobile context (iPhone)

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

What the $#@%!!

InfoCamp Seattle 2007


• Why would you want to design for a specific mobile context?

• What about the “One Web” where one size fits all?

• Won’t the Standards Nazis lynch you?

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

NYTimes.comMinimum 30 Seconds to lo load 796kbplus requests to multiple servers

NY Times on Getleaflets.comMaximum of 7 seconds to lo load 30kb

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Lets Get Technical!

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Fitts’s Law

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

In ergonomics, Fitts's law is a model of human movement which predicts the time required to rapidly move to a target area, as a function of the distance to the target and the size of the target.”

Description of Fitts’s LawWikipedia

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Not so good

Way better

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Optimized Markup

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Very typical non-optimized markup highly optimized markup

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Optimized UI

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Very typical non-optimized UI highly optimized UI

InfoCamp Seattle 2007


InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Thank you.

InfoCamp Seattle 2007

Questions? Comments?

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