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vol. 12 sWkTOX. ItOBKRTS COUNTY. 8. I). APRIL 21, 1905, No 41"


Attorney at Law ^•rfiN National hank.

• Sor i n Dakota,

WWYWWWWWWWVtiVfrVtoMtfWVWUWWUWttj Ollii 't* <f

.•SIMSTRTOA. .1. .1 FX KIN*. iMti ' .s r l * A I I ,~l IN. i \ - | | 1 | K

.1. BATTKi:rn\

Attorney at Law Practice* iin All Court*. office rooms over

Htnirti ' s Men MjirUfi.

| Reservation State Bank, of Sisr-^ton.

"Ill III I »A K< »T'A.

I ho o!»U-->; I ' . ; iuUiii„ r

mid < nv Loan-. Iil . t M-. :hmv W ,v 11rii . u ^ (I i

South Dakota., hull- .! ' III Ms'M'l nil . V ; i nil ' - : ;

hivi:r-: : ' i M1 l \ i I I»:t 11UI Ji 'Z Ii



U NoStmational̂


Attorney at Law Your Patronage Is Solicited.

Ool »i »f»-SlH Til DAKOTA

li. < i . t*r. * iv* • s

Attorney at Law SlfJSKTON >OI:TH Dakota

F. H. TOWNE dewier and Optician

HENRY OOEBEL THE LAND MAN, v Deals in wil>l and liuurnvuU lanils. Oinj complete ahsi r»ct of all Indian lain!-.. I- »nu lot sale in UiiliortM, Day im<l Mur.-tiall counties ItelimiiiislimVin,-. tiou«lit and sold. Al»a>s lias rpat wjiat* -ximpH" for cash buyers.

Minnesota vn<l' »n#l» I nrm I.Mini-, for sale at front CI lo K< ppr afro on easy H'-riii* ami -ma!'. payment* down. SK}!


- . R B A S O IN

H<» :TJ1 Til I

• ; i I l l I t ie N;ii K>|i; i) I l i t l lU IIIU I ' t tuii 11|<? unv'»*r *i m* • 11 f <*:i 11 i r t \

Tested Free

ri l-SSE'i 'OX

A. J. TUOR lV.lp!'l»'l 'M* III

Star Dray Line No. 1. h m-niture mnvintf-K *i;^lty. I 'rompi an<l caiefui »lellv«ry. • noes reasonable I'fttronftg" fK>llclt*o. I 'honv call :.u At residence b»*,iw<. u II rn. and I -l>. m, :»6rl after rip. m.

vv I l l 's! Jjr . H I

Ii 1*.< A I Si-. \ \ •• publish s,\vi »rn si ill r im-ii I ^ m\ hi l i t i l l-1 ai I ; ' i<- <* Mid 11 i< >M * 11 i >ti r I i i . n U

i 'k 'Wl >!' . Oiir li . inU k «* \am i i i <m | ;» t unknown i H:nik r .xaiii inci-.

Iih( A 1 .->K. \ \ f 11JIM - sa I '- i \ (i« ( j iwii 1 ii «\f s tii i* r»• dI • i l i I* <\111' i i I i l l* v i l l i 11 a in I imi ru'lur a la i iii..

Itk^'AI >i|'. \\ rai'i 'V 'mriflaf i i i-itir i ii* • a nl all rura n I liai wo an- •

SA V !•: as in ri 'sp - i i ^ 11 m i 11 v. ay:iIn-^1 hnr^' .a i 's . >aI

M' »\\ I M l i

l l l<l«'r | i » i i i *

caul ions



First NaLiona! B a nk ^ Of Sisseton, South L>tikotn ^

IV«i|»l<> Frown Down flu'

11l:«<kniaiIiu^ Tactics of

Tlic News.

Illc 'IC W.In an L-l t 'Cl Kill III .^ |<-<t ' :cl | |

I'll' we I. . mil l iaml vmi Miw i , f" • ' I I '" nt i n I • i rma I tun. Inn

i in.i M »'i of idri. ,|s. ii,i» I -1 w v (* nnl I In n vill i w,i> part . icularly

i _ ra in-.! tiro. riy-:-' will hr V* »tl r iH'pnsn . • ^

><•11 t-mi '-r iMii t . i h'lcul » i » a irI i r mi I '-Mrup- ' . \ \ r hs ih ' i l ra 11 < on a n v o! I In-fop ' iuu ' ' i i i i i h a> w«' l I a < .M i l ln«*apo| is . ( 'h tca^j^auil Ni -w ^ «>rk hn -i y o n i * a i i o p e n a s a \ i n ^ ^ i i ' c o n u t w i M i i h a n « l V i v i 1 1 1 n * u s e n j a h t l h -sli 'Oi savmu's icii ik 1




Coiue t« our studio aiin let . us *h<iw you Hfiint ' nl oii i 'work


DRAY LINE Brewster & Son, Props.

All work in our l ino will receive, prom pi and c;uv-

ful at .ccntion.


Tired Nervous

When j;pu feel languid, tired, nervous ^nd irritable, your vi­tality is low—your supply of nerve energy exhausted, and your system running down for lac^ of poorer,

The organs of the body are working poorly, or not at all, and yoij are not getting the nourishment needed. This soon impoverishes the blood and in­stead of throwing off the im­purities, distributes it all through the body. This brings disease and misery.

Feed the nerves with Dr. Miles' NeFvine, a nerve food, a nerve medicine, that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, and see how quickly you will get strong and vigorous.

"My wlf* suffered with n«rvouanes« previous to a recent attack of typhoid few, but after her recovery from tha fever, abe was much worse, an4 could hardly control herself belnv exceed-ln*ly nervous when tha least excited. SIM was very restless at nlfht, and never had a rood nlcht's rest. She als* n|E«nd' much from nervous head­ache. Dr. Milee' Nervine was recom­mended ' toy a friend. After the first three 4oaea she had a good night's rsfCwgd at the end of the first week's

We have a 1»i u' I i n<' of I tasclui 11 (mod Reach's Regulation Bats, Balls and Mits


The Palace Drugstore


S Lands, Loans and Insurance V $100,000 TO LOAN ON FA.RMS

cm///////// ///////// z/j

-1 •" 11> inu •!•». ' r i i t ' i i ' was no lack nl i i i l i 'H'^1 inaiii lcsli 'd hy tin- people

"I 11 v ami it is sate to assort . I II . i l r \ci \ wit ,el wlii i r i i ind yet tn t tu> pullv, was inn, l iarkuio Ins tavoritc, r l l if I ' l l i /cns i K-kt ' i , was Heeled t roni | | ' I ' i" 1'ot. i , i tu Iiv l idv maiorji ies

I ' i r l i \eliest , i i i l . iMesi. however was

in.mili ' - t i 'd in i , l ie school election Kw i \ 11\ el v i ty and aiitoinot. i le was

(oni In inuiny voters lo t.he polls, ' i 'he ladies took a hand in the school • •II I 11 HI and pr . ivcd themselves ali le polit icians.

Tin- election of t lx- Cili / .ens city ticket, was an endorsement of t .hc l i i ' i 'sent administration and an indi i-a: inn I hat , the people prefer a pro­gressive. no ahead poli-v in civic allairs. raMier Mian a nan'ow-jji iatje plan, wliicii ci m I cm pi a I es a retro­grade movemeni, . The vote also showed that the people disapprove oi i l ie I r f i jucnt attempts of i , t ie Sis-seion News to make it , appear that Sisset.oii was well nigh a sink-hole of inii | t i i t ,v. when as a lualter of fact, , Hisseton is a clean and law abiding 10.vii and her cit izens have no m" lent, ion or desire to lower the stand anl.

Another issue which entered into the campaign, was whether or riot, 11. ei ise should he ^rraii ted. Both fac­tions were divided on this, as the vote showed — license carried hy 7d majority. The following i« the vote hy wards:

• I nilST »V A HI,.

y'k,r: Thos. W. Cahill Has the largest and Iwst stock of

F U R N I T U R E in this part of South Dakota. Call and sec it.

treatment sjie vas wonderfully lm-pwpd. Continued use of Nervine has cMUletcC her entire cure." _

OTTO KOLB. 1*21 Cherry St. JSvansvllle. Ind.

ilW' Nervine l« Mid by yawr mi will suarantee that the

will benefit. If It falls, he rsfpnd your rneney.

MQm Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind



<;<"<> JOSEPH FISHER Tailor Shop on Oak Street

< )ver Hurmei st 'r\ \I \ rl< 't ;

Tht £*Im of Hood's Sanaparil la are the largest in the world because the cutc§ by Hood's Sarsaparil la are wonderful, perfect, pennaneut.

Hood'% Fiil t are the beet family

DO YOU EAT? If you do, you want to know where you can «-et the best meal for the money in Sisse­ton. Then call at

CHAUSSE'S Game. Fish and Ousters in season. Open da^ and ni^ht. Fine*line cigars, frui t and con­fectionery. Lunch counter.


The total vote cast tor city otliceis

was uivinvi I t ickeii a majority ot :t."> for mayor. Croat 1~ tor police jus­tice, Somerville .">s lor city just. lee and 1'ryor ii7 tor assessi .n. John N<i-hle recei veil 2li \ ole> III t .hc cit s tot

police i i ist ice. There were 1011 votes cast in the

First , ward, 111 in the Second ward and !•»."> in the Third. lacense car­

ried in the citv liv a majority ot ,111 \ Ot C-.


School Kiection.

result , in the school election

Fur Mnyor: .1. A. Rk'kert A. H. inKersol Kickert 's majority

Fur AldPrmnn: A. IV. Towor I '"r;mlc Hicks Towers majority

t 'or Pc,line Justice: .1. P. Croal D. J . I 'r indirill i ' J . S. Noble Croal s pluritl i iy

I 'ur CHy .lu.stice: E. A. Snmerville •lohn AUre Somerviilc majority

I'Vir Assessor: N. ,f . pryor i, ' l i i is 11c:i .I l i l ' ryur 's innjniiiv

For Licence: Yes No Majority

SKCOMl WAIOl. For Mayor

.1. A. IticUcrt, A. if . iufjcrsol Kickert 's ninjojity

Fur AlUcrnuin: •loseph i ' l iu M. Thorsor, Pint 's majority

For Police Justice: J. P. Croal i>. J . Prindivillft .1. S. Noble i . ' roars plurality

1' ir City Justice: K. A. Somei villi ; John Akro Somervilli i H majority

For AhSi'ssor: N. J, I 'ryor • ' l ias, l leaili Pryor'-* inajoriiy

For License: Yes • No Alajorily

THinr, wahu. For Mayor:

J A. Kiekert A. H. InRersoll Kickert 's major! i y

For Alderman: Dan Pfremmer T.W. Cahill l ' f iemmer's majorily

For Police Justice: J. P. Croal D. J. I 'rimlivillK J. S. Noble Croats plurality

For City Justice: E. A. Somerviilc •loli t^Ak re Somcrvilie 's majority

For Assessor: •, N. J .Pryor Clias. Heath ; I 'ryor 's majority

For License: ; (

Yes •No , ' Majority


ur 12

i t

117 12

liS 4A

ll 'J 4ti

<51 4K

li.*, 4: ' ,

was a plain demonstration that, the; people, irrespective ot party atl l l ia t ions, resell ted the attempt ot a tew peanut polit icians to inject polit ics into the se.hyols, ind they proceeded

totaKe a fall out of the members of the old hoard, who so far toruot themselves as to attempt to hulldo/.e even the teachers into sunport. ot i t e boxer t icket. Hence the slump that

lias caused a melodious sob to well up troni the throats of Randolph, Harrington. Iloude et al .—a wail that, borne upon the winus ot the uentle spring zephyrs, can be heard for nine miles i i ^ i the valley with the

naked ear. Then, too. the action of some of

the over zealous boxers in further lirinji inn polit ics into the schools by a parade of the school children on our streets at eleven o'clock ot election

day, when tl icy should have been in s.-hool. which was uiidoutitedly done at the retiues*. of certain members ot the boa id, arid the fact that certain members of the school board in-

! i | i i ired of some of the teachers what, their att i t i ide was t twards the box­ers, intimating Unit if they failed to

support them they would lose their jotis, was looked upon with disfavor by a larjje number of our cit izens, as there are some people who have very foolish, old-fashkoned ideas about keeping the schools, pupils and teach­ers entirely free from polit ics.

Randolph, Harrington, Iloude and Jones are like the small bov who tickled the rearelevation of a healthy mule. They are not so pretty as they were. Out they know a darned sight more.

Th»! following is the result: KIH3T WA Ull.

For Treasurer: R. V. Hobb VV. F. ( 'artberg

For Member at Luiw .1. J . lJaiterton J. W. Harrington

First Ward: J . A. MCWcuvim'

W. J. Thomas F. S. Randolph Tlionms s majority

saCONI) l '*or Trt*asur<ir:

K. Hobti VV. F. Carllx*r^

Mi'ii iber at I^ar^e: •I. J . Uatterton .1. W. Iiarn»i«fion

Second Ward: M, 1^. Sateien H. M. Hanson Suten'n's majority

11" si



No opposition :wi»


VH r:{

Mil I HI) WAN I). For Trea«un»r:

j IC. \ ' . Uobii 1 VV. h\ i ;arlbvrK

Member at. Large:

i; .r ,

«;i 4*.

l i ' i H


i . r»i» ^y

I4K «lr»



*5 ."jli

^ .1


J . J . i iati^rlou J. VV. Harrington

Third Ward: VV. J. TowIUK

A. V . Houdf Towle's majorii y

Ttie school district cast mo, L' iving l»r. I t j ld, l", -J majority over SV. K. (JARIbe.-g for treUsuier and J . .1. Hatter!,ou 148 majority over J . W.

Harrington for member at large. About i 'T. ' i ladies voted.

Election Aftci ' inalli .

The battle is over.

Did the people hand Randolph and Harrington the ice pitcher? Well we guess yes.

I ts ". ludue" Croal now. i .) , in ' t for­get the ti t le.

Rickcrt was the real r inakaboo. l iatterton, Towles. Thomas, Mc-

Keever and Dr. I ' .obii ran l ike scared jack rain,i ts.

And Randolph "also ran."

To the fellows who lost, their dough on the city election, this touching li t­t le e. ,upiet is respectfully dictated.

*Ti* <eto bet ,Hut oil how better ,

| To make a bet Aua be s.up>.to get e j r .


1 * Ml ^ x , If Uw hoys U*»ep on with I ' lgnrftMe*.

That ik>w are all the ra>£i\ They need not fear the chloroform

At sixty yenrs of a^ re. -Chicago Chi omrle*

Attorney John Noble returned Wednesday from Milbank. .

Rev. I ' r , (guilty went to Wilmot. Tuesday, where he held services.

The short cake season and the sin­

gle strawberry are both at hand:

Japan has a sect of women who never speak. Scheme not popular here.

This weather is just whut the doc­tor ordered and the farmer is pleased, theieat

Mrs. Hailey has moved into the house- recently occupied hy the Hutchinson family.

The town board of Summit have passed an ordinance proh I t i l t ing the erection ot frame buildings on Main st .reet. ' 1 > ' A '

W. J . Uc-iri , who has been the guest ot Judge Andrews for the past week, lo * t tor his home at Eyarts, Wednesday, ' ^

John Chrlslophcison lost about eight, tons of hay Wednesday night

by tire, which started from a burn­ing rubbish pile near the stack.

The base ball seasou is upon us and on the vacant, lots, after school, youth­ful devotees of of the national game may be seen twirling the sphere most, any afternoon.

Win. Harnett and wife of Fair-mount, Minn., arrived in town Wed­nesday to visit , with I . C. Hill and

family. Mrs. Harnett Js a sister of • M's-*. 11 i l l .

A. W. Lind' . | inst ,*of Wilmot, was in the city last Saturday, having come across country from Groton in his new "Antoino-bubble." He says

they just hit the high spots on the way over.

What 's the mailer with ull the young men in Roberts county that

more of them are not getting mar­ried. Clerk of Oourt Foss .says there has only been one marriage license issued thus far in April .

The woman who can make good butter, darn socks to a frazzle, cook

a meal that tickles her husband clear

to the waistband, arid keep the chil­dren's neck and ears clean seidoin figures in a divorce case.—Miller Ciunly(Mo.) Aiitogram.

Mayor-elect Rickcrt is not, through with his campaign. Jle is now ex-

periencing the difficulties of deciding between the candidates in the matter of appointments. iOvery man who

finds himself elected to a position having patronage to dispose of runs agairust, the same, t hing

Antiquarians have exhumed anoth­er w(ill preserved Dinosiur in Ne­

braska. At a point just above the hinge of the jaw and m the line of an arc touching that point, the crea­ture's eyelid and the t ip or his ear

was found very beautifully inlaid in old gold, tne symbol of IG to I


\ p

Extend Congratulation*. This morning Maynr-Hecl Rickcrt

received the following congratulatory message rrom White Rock, which

ought, to be extremely gratifying to him.

White Rock, S. D., 4-lft , l90f.

Hon. J . A.Rickert , r • ' ' Sisseton, S. D. " r ' v

Dear Sir: >ve the undersigned, re­publicans. (no boxers) do hereby ex­tend to you (the mayor elect of Sis­seton) our congratulations, in this the hour of your triumph, as the/ '®' newly elected mavor of Sisseton. -jr"

We further desire to congratulate X' i he cit izens of Sisseton in their wiseiA? selection and we say candidly, that we believe they will never regret

choice as made April 18th.

l i < v«

i heir 1905.

"li *>

Signtd: R. H. Dudley, Lin Anderson. (Jhas. A. Johnson, .Harry J. Kerr, E. J. Stoebe, A. G. Andei-.HVn apd ihirty otners.

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