the springboard september 2016.pdfearly december, she will resume active participation as a member...

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The Springboard September 2016– Monthly Newsletter

Spring Glen Church ● 1825 Whitney Ave. Hamden, CT 06517 ● 203-288-3381 ●

We ordered Indian food that first night. And they delivered it to our house! I don’t know how to convey how

exciting this was, so I’m going to add some exclamation marks:

They delivered it to our house!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like manna from Heaven.

Laura (my wife), PJ (my toddler), Nola (my dog), and I (myself, Rev Jack Perkins Davidson) have spent the last 5 years right smack in the middle of the Redding, CT wilderness. There are so many things we loved about living in Redding. But we never quite had the convenience of Indian food delivered to our doorstep.

I imagine many of you don’t think home delivery of Indian food is that unusual or noteworthy. But for us as

newcomers, the first night we were in our new house just around the corner from the church, when all of our pots and pans were still lost in some obscure moving box somewhere, delivery was like a gift from God, a miracle never before thought possible.

It’s the same way I think about Spring Glen Church:

Open and Affirming since 1997. Solar Panels on the roof. A robust theater program. Little kids running all over the church lawn. High schoolers taking serious roles on church committees. Accessible ramps, elevators, and bathrooms. Meaningful ongoing faith formation opportunities for adults. A diverse music program that includes everything from Bach to Bob Marley. Professional-catering-quality Coffee Hours run by rotating volunteers. A dizzying number of partners for charitable giving and justice making.

I imagine many of you don’t think this list is that unusual or noteworthy. But to most churches, these are

miracles never before thought possible.

In life and in church, sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes to help us see our strengths and our growing edges, to remind us of what is unusual and noteworthy.

This month I start my tenure as SGC’s tenth Senior Pastor. I hope to be those eyes, bringing a new lens

to what we already are and a new vision to what we could be.

Like moving into a new house, there will be a period of adjustment for us as a church community. This might be a delightfully awkward period as we search for that obscure box hiding our metaphorical pots

and pans. But when we can’t find our cookware, sometimes we’ll get to try something we hadn’t been able

to try before, like ordering Indian food, or online classes, or shouting “Amen!” like we mean it. And in these

experiments of faith, together we will perform miracles never before thought possible!

I don’t know how to convey how exciting this is, so I’m going to add some exclamation marks:

Together we will perform miracles never before thought possible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Celebrating Pastor Ruth’s Ministry – Sunday, Sept. 4 Pastor Ruth’s last Sunday as our Bridge Interim Pastor will be Sunday, September 4th (Labor Day weekend). In accord with pastoral guidelines, she will then take 3 months “off” from active participation in Spring Glen Church, to allow the congregation to transition to new leadership. In early December, she will resume active participation as a member of the congregation.

Pastor Ruth has been a blessing to Spring Glen Church this past year, first as an energizing co-leader of our wonderful Youth Group, the Jesus Squad. When Maggie’s health issues necessitated Pastor David’s retirement, we were so fortunate that Pastor Ruth was able and willing to step in as Bridge Interim Minister – for what she and we thought might be a 3-month interim ministry. Having an experienced minister whom we knew and loved, and who already knew and loved Spring Glen Church, made this transition smooth. Three months became eight – we were indeed blessed to have Ruth serving, guiding, and caring for us.

We hope you can be in church on Sunday, September 4th, when we will include time to honor and thank Ruth for her time as our pastor and offer our blessings to her on the upcoming time apart – and on our future time together again.

We welcome contributions of food items for the Fellowship Hour celebration on Sunday,

September 4. Please bring your items directly to the kitchen before worship. Reminder that all

items should be nut-free. Thank you. --Amy Lynn, Moderator

Rally Day!! Sunday, September 11 Let’s Celebrate with a picnic on the lawn!

Immediately after the church service, EVERYONE is welcome!

It is sign-up time for the Sunday School and the beginning of fall classes. We will welcome Pastor Jack and his family as he celebrates his first official Sunday Service and SGC. Sandwiches, desserts

and beverages will be provided. We are requesting volunteers to bring salads to help make the picnic complete. A sign-up sheet for salads will be at the church. We need a set up and break

down crew to move tables and chairs outside. Please consider volunteering for this. Check the sign up sheet or call the church office regarding this. Children’s games and activities are planned.

It will be a great day for all of us to enjoy! See you on the 11th!!

Sunday School and Youth Group Registration Registration Forms are provided in the narthex, and will also be provided in a special email

to Sunday School families. Please invite your friends and neighbors to come and have a Spring Glen experience. Registration will only take a few minutes, and it is particularly important for new families and for new members of your family, such as a new baby in the nursery. We want to keep

our church records completely up to date for all infants, children, and young people connected with our church.


Welcome Home! Welcome to New Beginnings!

Welcome to a new year of ministry together!

Welcome Home! As much as I enjoy the summer and vacations and the change of pace, I love September. I am especially looking forward to September 11 as our “Welcome Home” Rally Day Sunday. Our new Pastor, Jack Perkins Davidson, will be preach-ing and he is looking forward to personally welcoming you. We hope that you will join your entire church family for worship at 10 a.m., with a festive picnic and enter-tainment immediately afterward.

On May 15 when I began as the CE Coordinator, I already was looking ahead to this new beginning with you. In September I not only feel re-energized but I am bubbling with enthusiasm as I look forward to being reunited with my new church family—children, youth, adults together; as well as being reunited with Pastor Clare and Melissa and begin-ning with Pastor Jack. Vacations and a chance to be away from “home” are necessary for our personal health and wellbeing. However, for me and perhaps for you, after some time away, I am so glad to return “home.” I look at “home” with new eyes and a new spirit. When I return “home”, I am anxious to open the doors, inside and out, even the closet

doors to see what treasures are there waiting for me.

This year, at Spring Glen Church, as you return “home,” you will find many doors to open---doors to a variety of experiences and possibilities are opening for you. Whatever your age or your interests, each of you will have choices between different doors. Let us be daring and bold and adventurous. Each door invites you to explore and be involved. Some experiences will feel familiar and comfortable. If you choose to open new doors, you might see or hear something you’ve never seen or heard, think of things you’ve never thought of before, reach for something you’ve never felt. Your spiritual “home” welcomes you and hopes that you will experience hospitality here and you will also share that hospitality with others.

Open the Doors in Sunday School

As the new CE coordinator here, I will be combining some new ideas with traditional hap-penings. I began with you on May 15 but only had 4 weeks with you before the summer break. So this is a NEW BEGINNING for me as well as you and your children. My vision is for the walls of Spring Glen Church to resonate even more with the sounds of children laughing, singing, learning, and playing together. The hands that provide ministries for our children and youth are many, and the need for additional support is ever present. Minis-tries will continue to become stronger if we continue to support them with our time and talents. As always, one of our biggest needs is for Sunday School teachers. In past years teachers have committed for a trimester--- only a third of the year! with some teachers teaching more than one trimester. This provides FLEXIBILITY for you as a teacher. For some classes and grades, teaching assistants will be added. CONSISTENCY also exists for you because you can build a relationship with this group of children for a few months. Teacher workshops and curriculum supplements can be directed to the needs of your grade level. The curriculum for the coming year will be “Spark,” a curriculum that teaches important Bible stories and makes the connection to real experiences that our kids face today. “Spark” is easy to use for new and experienced teachers. We hope that you will consider your personal situation and time commitments and will pray about your role in the faith development of our children. THERE IS A PLACE FOR YOUR PARTICULAR SKILLS, YOUR ENTHUSIASM, AND ESPECIALLY YOUR LOVE. If you can help, please call me at home 860-3454825 or text/call my cell 203-980-8567. If a member of the C.E. committee or I call you, please think carefully about their request and feel free to share your needs or concerns also. Also, look for our colorful poster for sign-ups in the narthex. Sincerely, Barb Frey -

I Need a Teacher

I am a child of God.

I am young.

I am growing.

I am curious about all things.

I have heard there is a mountain

where you can see God

face to face.

And I have heard this mountain

is always there

in your journey

when you need it most.

I have heard you cannot find this mountain

unless a teacher guides you

where to go,

unless a teacher shows you

how to see with the heart,

unless a teacher trains you

how to scale the heights,

unless a teacher dares you

to dare.

I am a child of God.

I have heard there is a mountain. I need a teacher. Will you be mine?

Written by Hope Harle-Mould

(after 9/12,


Columbus House On Thursday, July 28th, Columbus House clients enjoyed a dinner of casserole, green salad, green beans, applesauce, bread and butter, and cake. Many thanks to the following people for providing food: Andri Smith, Bobbie Kraus, Jean and Hugh Davis, Beverly Harrison, Carol Shank, Nancy Elliott, Kathie Grace, Ellen Schowalter, Theresa Voss, Stefanie Summerer, Gayle Logan, Maureen Munzner, Marian Page, Michele and Carl Backus, Cynthia Licata, Chris Watkins, and Jacki Colvin. Many thanks to our servers: Gayle Logan, Ellen Schowalter, Jennifer Hanrahan, Mimi, Tucker and Miles Houston. On Thursday, August 25th, we provided and served dinner at Columbus House for approximately 60 people who were very grateful. Many thanks to the food providers: Bobbie Kraus, Nancy Elliott, Jean and Hugh Davis, Marianne Fontana, Amy Lynn, Gayle Logan, Ellen Schowalter, Ellise Parnoff, Marian Page, Jen Hanrahan, Michelle Backus and Jacki Colvin. Also thanks to the servers: Amy Lynn, Gayle Logan, Ellen Schowalter, Michelle and Evan O'Connell. This is a wonderful ministry, and one that is easy to get involved in. Spring Glen Church provides the evening meal at Columbus House on the fourth Thursday of each month. It’s an easy way to help others on your own time – even if you can’t serve on Thursday night, you can shop or cook ahead of time – and if you have young children in your life, it’s a great way to get them involved in helping others. (Children can be great cake bakers, casserole mixers, and servers.)

Our next opportunities to serve will be Thursday, September 22 and Thursday, October 27. Look for the

sign-up sheet each month in the entryway, and join us in this fun, rewarding, and essential ministry.

(Questions? Contact Amy Lynn, 203-281-7089, “For I was hungry, and you gave me

food.” Matthew 25:35.

Contemplative Prayer Orientation Meeting—Sunday September 25

“In its basic and most fundamental expression, Contemplative Prayer is a loving attentiveness to God.” –Richard Foster

If you would like to learn to pray in ways that take us outside our usual verbal prayers, where we do much if not all the talking, then this program may be of interest to you. And if you have some basic questions about prayer, find it hard to pray or never can find the time, this course may be helpful to you. We will practice different ways to pray and examine what stands in the way of deepening our prayer and relationship with God.

We will meet after worship on September 25 for an orientation to the program and to determine a regular meet-ing time. If you are simply curious, not sure if this is for you, please feel free to come to the first session. It is expected that we will meet at a regular intervals to practice together and to learn about this approach to prayer.

In our regular group meetings, we will spend some time in learning practices such as Breath , centering and healing prayer. These different methods use silence in various ways, in connection with scripture or simple words or short phrases.

Last year we had a robust group that met monthly for a one hour, and many participants want to continue. If you are part of that group, please confirm your interest and we will work out a schedule. (You do not have to attend the Orientation.)

I look forward to meeting many of you, for these adventures in prayer!

Please RSVP to Pastor Clare: by email (after 9/12,


Music Committee Welcome to a new season at Spring Glen Church! The Music Committee will continue to strive to enhance our worship with moving music. If you are looking for a way to

feel more connected to your church community; if you enjoy adding your voice to the singing of hymns during service; if you feel shy singing on your own but gain

confidence when surrounded by other voices; consider joining the SGC Adult Chancel Choir! We meet to rehearse and prepare for service on Wednesday evenings from 7:30

- 9:00. On Sunday mornings, we gather at 9:15 before worship. Under the expert direction of Dr. Terese Gemme, we are filled with the loving spirit of God as we sing

songs of praise and worship. If you're interested, meet with us on our first Sunday of the season, September 11th. We would love to welcome you into our choir! For more

information, contact Theresa Voss at

Craft Fair Greeting is September fellow Spring-glenners! Calendars plan themselves months in advance, and this is an invitation to put a date on your calendar. Our Annual Craft Fair will be Sunday, December 11, in the Great Hall after the morning worship service. If

you are a crafter, creator of art, needlework, wood, paper, photography, pottery, jewelry or other craft, we invite you to join us to show and sell your wares. We donate

15% of our sales to SGD. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you! Nancy Whitney,

Spring Glen Knitters/Needlework Group An announcement for all knitters/needle workers interested in the fellowship of like-minded Spring Glen Church folks. The SGC Knitters/Needlework group will now be

meeting on the third Thursday of the month (starting in September) at 7:30 pm in the Fellowship Room. If you would like to be placed on the email notification list for the

group, please contact Diane Hirsch at The first meeting of the program year will be September 15th. We hope to see you there.

New Emails

The Pastors and staff will have new emails starting September 12. We will be utilizing Pastor Jack has already begun using- and Pastor Clare, Barb Frey, Terese Gemme and the office

will soon follow suit. You will be notified well in advance of any upcoming changes.

Old email address will remain active until everyone is familiar with the change.

Thank you for your understanding if anything gets missed in the transition.


My heartfelt thanks to the dear souls that prepared and delivered delicious/nutritious meals, sent cards and checked in following my recent surgery. Your well wishes and support played a large role in my rapid

recovery! With thanks for the Spring Glen community,

Debra Tangarone

The Spring Glen Community mourns the passing of The Rev.

Barb Frey’s mom Shirley Frey, Laura Perkins Davidson’s father

Tom Perkins, and long time SGC member, Winnie Kotchian . We

extend our deepest sympathies and prayers to their families.

Help yourself to a Kindness Rock! As part of Summer Sunday School, the children made Kindness Rocks which now sit on the stairs into our building. The rocks are meant to make you smile, or remember

to pay kindness forward. To see pictures and read more visit:

Ella B. Scantlebury

Did you know that a handful of us at Spring Glen Church participate in a ministry with

some members of Christian Tabernacle Baptist Church each month? We gather to

support the Ella B. Scantlebury Senior Residence at 241 Dixwell Avenue in New

Haven, through monthly visits on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 2:00 – 3:00pm.

Residents are a lively set of senior African American ladies and men. We sing, play

games, share our stories & life lessons, and pray with one another. For more

information, please contact Sue Spight at or 203-281-7570.

Please feel free to join us! You’ll be glad you did!


The Spring Glen Church Directory is now available!

The directory can be downloaded directly from our website ( by following the link sent out by email recently, or logging in to our "Members' section and downloading it. If you would like a PDF sent directly to you, email Melissa @ to request one. A limited number of print copies are also available in the entryway of the church. If there are any changes or corrections to your directory infor-mation, please let Melissa know so that she can correct the records ( or 203-281-3381).

Sunday Worship Schedule:

September 4: Jer 18:1-11, Ps 139:1-6, 13-18 or Deut 30:15-20, Ps 1. Phil1-21, Luke


September 11: Jer 4:11-12, 22-28, Ps 14 or Ex 32:7-14,

Ps 51:1-10, 1 Tim 1:-17, Luke 15:1-10

September 18: Jer 8:18-9:1 or Amos 8:4-7, Ps 113, 1

Tim 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13

September 25: Jer 32:1-3a, 6-15, Ps 91:1-6, 14-16 or Amos 6:1a, 4-7, Ps 146, 1Tim 6:6-19,

Luke 16:19-31

Fellowship Hour Hosting Schedule for July & August

The following individuals are scheduled to serve Fellowship Hours in the next month. If you cannot serve on your assigned date, we appreciate you helping to identify a substitute host and notifying Debby Jagielow at or 203-623-2419. To learn more about hosting duties or to see the full year’s schedule, visit: http://tinyurl.comSGCFellowshipHr

July: Fellowship Ambassador Family #1 Family #2

09/04/2016 Katharine Healy Debby Jagielow

Labor Day Wkd.

09/11/2016 Nancy Dittes Debbie & John Carpenter Emily Smith, Christian &

Rally Sunday Carly Basmadjian

9/18/16 Debby Jagielow Michele, Ryan, Evan and Barbara Butler

Matthew O'Connell

9/25/16 Catie Carrigan Al & Marianne Fontana Jim Coatsworth &

Sharon Medak

Save the Date:

Abraham’s Tent

January 23, 2017—January 29, 2017


JULY FINANCIAL REPORT The summer months are typically slower than the rest of the year both in terms of income and in terms of ex-penditures. From June 1 through July 31 the Operations Fund balance declined by $1,677.26. Although a “negative” result is not something to celebrate, the net result for those two months is, in fact, better than most prior years. The Operations Fund currently (as of July 31) has a positive balance of just over $50,000; the church total for all non-endowment funds is over $192,000—almost $40,000 better than July 31 of last year. Spring Glen’s endowment funds have continued to gain value as the financial markets have performed well. The Ministry Endowment Fund now stands at $360,942.92 as of June 30 and the Building Endowment Fund at $384,900.53. I wish to point out that beginning September 1 all of the congregation’s professional positions will be filled. That is extremely exciting when we think about what that will mean for the programmatic activities of Spring Glen Church, but it will also mean that the continued financial support of the church’s members and friends will be needed.

A copy of the detailed Treasurer’s Report is always available in the church office or with the Trustee Committee minutes

on the Committee bulletin board for anyone to review; copies can also be emailed by contacting Doug Hawthorne at 203-

248-0922 or by email at If there are specific questions regarding the church’s financial

health, please contact Treasurer Doug Hawthorne or Senior Trustee Ron Offutt.

July 2016


Pledges $ 17,690.96

All Other Income $ 2,205.16

Total Income $ 19,896.12


Ministry/Staff $ 8,792.95

Christian Education $ 0.00

Music $ 2,065.00

Office $ 2,992.13

Building Maintenance $ 4,017.74

Deacons $ 136.01

Church Organizations $ 35.69

Other Expenses $ 4,673.81

Total Expenses $ 22,713.33

Net Income or (Loss) $ 2,817.21

A copy of the detailed Treasurer’s Report is

always available in the church office or with the

Trustee Committee minutes on the Committee

bulletin board for anyone to review; copies can

also be emailed by contacting Doug Hawthorne

at 203-248-0922 or by email at dougdhaw- If there are specific ques-

tions regarding the church’s financial health,

please contact Treasurer Doug Hawthorne or

Senior Trustee Ron Offutt.


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Committee on

Ministry FR

All Day

2 3


10am Worship & Communion

Lillian Kinkle Baptism




Offices Closed


10 am Staff


7:30 pm Trustees

Meeting, FR

7pm House Com.

Mtg. FR

6:30 Deacons Mtg.



7pm Adult Choir






10am Worship




Council Meeting

7pm FR


11 am Staff Meeting


7pm Adult Choir



7pm Knitting

Group FR

7pm CE Meeting


16 17

Ella Scantlebury OS


10am Worship

6:30 Youth Group


7pm CA Comm. FR


11 am Staff



7pm Adult Choir



23 24


10am Worship

11am Contemplative Prayer Orientation S


7:30 Benevolence

Meeting FR


11 am Staff



7pm Adult Choir


29 30

September 2016


The Springboard—September 2016

The Springboard newsletter is published

monthly, with one issue for July/August


An Open and Affirming Congregation

1825 Whitney Avenue, Hamden CT 06517

Worship and Sunday School 10:00 AM

Holy Communion first Sunday of the month

phone 203-288-3381 fax 203 248-2070

email website

Keep it Green!

House committee would like to request the

congregation's help in keeping interior and exterior

doors closed and locked and lights turned off when

leaving the building. Closing doors helps with heating

and safeguards against potential fires, while turning off

all lights helps reduce our electricity usage. During this

period of transition, it falls on all of us to help keep our

church safe and efficient. Thank you.

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