the science of influence and persuasion cscm presentation october 4, 2014

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This Powerpoint presentation provides details of the Science of Influence and Persuasion presented at the CSMC National Conference, Banff, October 4, 2014


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2. 2The Science of Influence and PersuasionThis slide presentation is copyright, and may be used forindividual personal use only.May not be duplicated and used for training or commercialpurposes without the express written permission of the author,Ray Williams 3. 3 4. video clip of Bridge on River Kwai4 5. 5A Second Story Of Influence and Persuasion 6. 6A Second Story Of Influence and PersuasionVideo clip of To End All Wars 7. 7Influence and Persuasion in the Most Difficult SituationsIn each scenario what methods ofinfluence and persuasion did you observe?Discuss 8. Outline for the DayAgreements-- You agree to:Actively participate in workshopactivitiesNot make anyone feel wrongShow up authenticallyBe on time after breaksUse silent hands up and stoptalking when prompted by presenterRestrict phone use to breaks andlunch 9. 9 10. Introductions 11. 11 12. 12 13. 13 14. 14 15. 15 16. 16What Influence and Persuasion is NotIt is not manipulation, coercion or anattempt to control another personthrough unethical or immoral strategiesor tactics towards an exclusive self-servingend 17. 17 18. Persuasion Exercise Instructions1. Two people in the circle2. In 4 minutes, each person mustconvince the other person to leavethe circle3. No physical contact allowed4. The person must leave voluntarily5. Other people outside circle encourageboth people 19. 19 20. What Science Says Are The Principlesof Influence and Persuasion 21. Video clip of The Science of Influence and Persuasion21 22. Science of PersuasionIn your group,discuss howyou might usetheseprinciples atyour Club forgreaterproductivityand success. Reciprocity Scarcity Liking Consensus Authority Consistency 23. 23 24. Selling As Influence 25. Video clip of the Wolf of Wall Street25 26. Selling As InfluenceAre We Not All Selling? 27. Video clip here27 28. 28 29. 29 30. 30 31. Influence and Identity Alberta has more than itsstatistical share of Albertsthan it should have Florence has more than itsstatistical share ofFlorences than it shouldhave People with the nameDennis are more likely tobe a a dentist whencompared to the rest of thepopulation A significant number ofpeople choose to live onstreets whose namematches their own 32. 32 33. 33Influence Through Your Personal Brand-Exercise Write down 5-7 key words or phrases thatother people would use to describe you, youridentity, looks or personality 34. 34Influence Through Your Personal Brand-Exercise Write down 5-7 key words or phrases that you woulddescribe yourself, your identity, looks or personality What if anything is the difference? 35. 35 36. 36 37. 37Examples of OtherStrategies for IndirectInfluence 38. 38 39. Influence: Decide Right NowIn a situation where the otherperson is undecided about adirection you want to take,ask him/her this:If you had to decide rightnow, this minute, what wouldyou decide?Ask them to write it down.Then walk away and dealwith something else. Returnafter 10 minutes and ask forresponse. 40. 40 41. 41 42. 42 43. Priming the MindsetMark is entering his 2nd year ofcollege. In his first year, he didwell in some classes and not inothers. Overall, he had a goodattendance record. His parents areboth doctors and he is registeredin pre-med, but is not sure hewants to be a doctor.Rate his level of motivation from1(low) to 10(high) 44. 44 45. Video clip here45 46. 46 47. Persuasion Exercise Instructions1. Two people in the circle2. In 4 minutes, each person mustconvince the other person to leavethe circle3. No physical contact allowed4. The person must leave voluntarily5. Other people outside circle encourageboth people 48. 48 49. 49Influencing Through Non-VerbalCommunication 50. 50 51. 51 52. 52The Difference Between Verbal andNon-Verbal CommunicationThe average person speaks words that total about 36minutes a dayThe average sentence takes about 12.5 seconds in timeOur brains recognize 5,000 different kinds of facialexpressions 53. 53 54. Internal Representation SystemsVisual people 55. Internal Representation SystemsAuditory People 56. Internal Representation SystemsKinesthetic People 57. Internal Representation SystemsAuditory DigitalPeople 58. 58 59. Video clip here59 60. 60 61. 61 62. 62Exercise in Mirroring 63. 63 64. 64 65. 65 66. 66 67. 67 68. 68 69. 69 70. 70 71. 71 72. 72 73. 73 74. 74 75. 75 76. The Handshake Exercise 77. Hand Gestures 78. 78 79. Take The Cultural TestA1. Europe and North America2. Mediterranean, Russia, Brazil, Turkey3. Tunisia, France, Belgium4. Japan 80. Take The Cultural TestA1. Europe and North America: OK2. Mediterranean, Russia, Brazil, Turkey: Anorifice3. Tunisia, France, Belgium: Zero, worthless4. Japan: Money, coins 81. Take The Cultural TestB Western countries: 82. Take The Cultural TestB Western countries: One, Excuse me!; As Godis my witness; No! 83. Take The Cultural TestC1. Australia, New Zealand, Malta2. Germany, Britain:3. US.A.4. France, Canada:5. Ancient Rome: 84. Take The Cultural TestC1. Australia, New Zealand, Malta: Up yours2. Germany, Britain: Victory3. US.A. Two4. France, Canada: Peace5. Ancient Rome: Caesar ordering 2 glasses ofwine 85. Take The Cultural TestD1. Europe:2. Catholic Countries: 86. Take The Cultural TestD1. Europe: Three2. Catholic Countries: A blessing 87. Take The Cultural TestE1. Europe2. Britain, Australia, New Zealand3. U.S.A:4. Japan: 88. Take The Cultural TestE1. Europe: Two2. Britain, Australia, New Zealand: One3. U.S.A: Waiter!4. Japan: An insult 89. Take The Cultural TestF1. Western Countries:2. Japan: 90. Take The Cultural TestF1. Western Countries: Four2. Japan: An insult 91. Take The Cultural TestG1. Western Countries:2. Everywhere:3. Greece and Turkey: 92. Take The Cultural TestG1. Western Countries: Five2. Everywhere: Stop!3. Greece and Turkey: Go to hell! 93. Take The Cultural TestH Mediterranean: Bali: Japan: South America: France: Dr. Evil: 94. Take The Cultural TestH1. Mediterranean: Small penis2. Bali: Bad3. Japan: Woman4. South America: Thin5. France: You cant fool me!6. Dr. Evil: 1 million dollars! 95. Take The Cultural TestI1. Mediterranean: Malta and Italy:2. South America:3. U.S.A. Texas University: 96. Take The Cultural TestI1. Mediterranean: Your wife is unfaithful2. Malta and Italy: Protection against the EvilEye3. South America: Protection against bad luck(when rotated)4. U.S.A. Texas University Longhorns footballteam Logo 97. Take The Cultural TestJ1. Greece:2. The West: 98. Take The Cultural TestJ1. Greece: Go to hell!2. The West: Two 99. Take The Cultural TestK1. Ancient Rome:2. U.S.A. and Canada: 100. Take The Cultural TestK1. Ancient Rome: Up yours!2. U.S.A. and Canada: Sit on this!Screw you! 101. Take The Cultural TestL1. Europe:2. Australia:3. Widespread:4. Greece (thrust forward):5. Japan: 102. Take The Cultural TestL1. Europe: One2. Australia: Sit on this! (upward jerk)3. Widespread: Hitchhike; good; OK4. Greece (thrust forward): Up yours!5. Japan: Man, five 103. Take The Cultural TestM1. Hawaii:2. Netherlands: 104. Take The Cultural TestM1. Hawaii: Hang Loose2. Netherlands: Do you want a drink? 105. Take The Cultural TestN U.S.A: 106. Take The Cultural TestN U.S.A: I love you 107. Take The Cultural TestO1. The West:2. Greece:3. Widespread: 108. Take The Cultural TestO1. The West: Ten; I surrender!2. Greece: Up yours, twice!3. Widespread: Im telling the truth 109. 109 110. 110 111. 111 112. Persuasion Exercise Instructions1. Two people in the circle2. In 4 minutes, each person mustconvince the other person to leavethe circle3. No physical contact allowed4. The person must leave voluntarily5. Other people outside circle encourageboth people 113. 113 114. 114 115. 115The Clinton Box Move your hands in a boxneck to waist,shoulder width Dont touch anything above your neck Dont touch anything below your waist If it is a one-to-one or small group conversation,dont extend arms and hands out wide, rather,turn body and point hands if you must 116. 116The Clinton Box Avoid waving your arms and fast movements Make gestures soft and slow unless you aremaking a dramatic point Keep space between the hands and avoidgrasping them together 117. 117 118. 118 119. 119 120. 120 121. 121 122. 122 123. 123 124. 124 125. 125 126. How Laughter Influences Us 127. Video clip here127 128. 128 129. 129 130. Laughter Exercise 131. How Body Language can Influence BehaviorA job applicanthas a betterchance of gettingthe job withresume attachedto a heavierclipboard 132. How Body Language can Influence BehaviorWriting downnegative thoughtswith non-dominanthandwill lessenanxiety 133. Body Language Tricks That Can ChangeYour Emotional State Clenching fistsincreases self-esteemandself-control andconfidence 134. Body Language Tricks That Can ChangeYour Emotional State Lying downimprovesproblem-solvingandcreativity 135. Body Language Tricks That Can ChangeYour Emotional State Dancingincreases desirefor positiverelationships 136. Body Language Tricks That Can ChangeYour Emotional State Increasingtemperaturemakes you awarmerperson 137. 137 138. 138 139. 139 140. 140 141. Persuasion Exercise Instructions1. Two people in the circle2. In 4 minutes, each person mustconvince the other person to leavethe circle3. No physical contact allowed4. The person must leave voluntarily5. Other people outside circle encourageboth people 142. 142 143. 143Listening SkilllsWhat are the elements of good listening skills? 144. 144Empathetic Listening Master reading non-verbal communication Look for what is not being said Acknowledge the other persons feelings Summarize the other persons communication using THEIRwords Assure the other person that they have been heard andseen 145. 145 146. First ImpressionsThe brain makesa firstimpression of aperson in 13milliseconds. 147. 147Scientific Research Suggests We UnconsciouslyReact To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before TheyHappen 148. How To Make A Powerful FirstImpression Open your attitude(mind and heart) Make eye contact andsmile real Be the first to extenda warm handshake Lean forward andbow your headslightly 149. How To Make A Powerful FirstImpression Make body gesturesslow and deliberate Sync body languagewith words Speak more slowly 70/30listening/speaking Ask lots ofmeaningful questions 150. How To Make A Powerful FirstImpression Speak in shortersentences Get the other personto talk aboutthemselves Repeat the last threewords the otherperson says when itsyour turn to speak 151. Influence, Language and the Brain1. Remove inactive linkingverbs (eg: is, are,) yourcommunication2. Shorten your sentences3. Avoid adverbs in speechand writing 152. 152How Language Patterns Can Influence People 153. 153 154. Persuasive Language ExerciseScenario:A sales manager has a teammember who usuallyoverachieves their target by 5%.This person has just been giventheir new target for the year andwas increased by 11% instead ofthe usual 8%. This person is nowstruggling to imagine achievingthe new target. 155. Persuasive Language ExerciseSales Manager Says:If you doubled the number of callsyou are making, that would resultin more success. Also, ensure youask for referrals when you get anegative response. 156. Persuasive Language ExerciseWhats wrong with that thatattempt to provide influenceand persuasion to improveperformance? 157. Persuasive Language ExerciseThe Milton model ofpersuasive languageencourages leaders toinfluence people only byindirect suggestions. 158. 158 159. Influence Through Stories The heros story or dramaticarc are the foundation foralmost all fiction stories andmovies and TED talks Stories that are emotionallycompelling are betterremembered than facts The listener has to identify withthe main character in the story The use of pictures andmetaphors strengthens the story 160. Influence Through Stories-Exercise Briefly write down the storyof your Club that you canrecount in about 5 minutes Include the elements of theheros journey, emotion,main character, pictures andmetaphors Tell the story to your group 161. 161 162. Influence and Persuasion in the Most DifficultSituations-What Research Says Absence of hierarchy among prisoners Personality flexibility and adaptability Cooperative resistance and collaboration with captors Building a family we vs. I Cognitive control of thoughts and emotions Belief in meaning in everyday existence 163. Leadership Influence: Is It Better ToBe Feared or Liked?Warren Buffett 164. Leadership Influence: Is It Better To BeFeared or Liked? If you are not liked but competent you will getcompliance but not long term engagement andrespect If you are liked but incompetent, you will losepeoples respect If you both likeable and competent, people willwillingly support you Not being likeable is far more of a problem thannot being competent 165. Influence and Leadership StyleWhat leadership characteristicsare most associated withinfluence and persuasion? 166. Influence and Leadership Style Humility Emotional Intelligence Compassion and Empathy Strength and warmthcombined Service attitude Mindfulness Inspiration 167. What Science Tells Us About Compassion We are hardwired to be compassionate It can be taught and learned It increases our happiness It increases our ability for emotionalregulation It is viral and spreads to others It boosts health and longevity It improves resilience It is is best intrinsic motivator 168. Evaluation, Test and Resources Please complete workshopevaluation form Please complete CMI Testform For more of my free resourcesand link to my Powerpoint,complete the form Thank you 169. 169 170. Thank You!Remember to Influence With Your Heart 171. Contact Information Phone: 604-765-5060 Website: LinkedIn:

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