the saga of the « french » apenext’s · 2017-06-06 · the saga of the « french » apenext’s...

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The SAGA of the « french » apeNEXT’s

To fight for decent computingpower it sometimes needs DonQuixote’s stubbornnessand Sancho Panza’s patience

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza by Honoré Daumier.

Dulcinea del Toboso

We discovered a collaboration fullof Don Quixote’sThese poeple were simply conceiving anddeveloping from scratch (well, let’s say,from APEmille), at dawn of the 21stcentury, on the european continent,practically void of computer industry,

a Teraflop computer !!!

We did not hesitate one second, we asked to join

The apeNEXT collaboration

These people were not beginners, theyhad already developed three generationsof APEThe tribes were located in Pisa/Ferrara,Roma, Zeuthen/Berlin, later joined by theteutonic knights from Bielefeld.There was a huge amount of wind mills todefeat

E pur si muove !

And yet apeNEXT runs !

E pur si muove

Provided they don’tdeliver bad chips

We have brought our modest contribution to apeNEXT R&D:

Unexpert contribution from LPT (Orsay) to thetests.

CAPS group of IRISA/INRIA (Rennes):creates « SOFAN », code optimizer for theApeNext system, developed inIn collaboration with Zeuthen and

Pisa/FerraraSOFAN (Software Optimizer for ApeNEXT) — is designedas a flexible middle-end optimizer for apeNEXT. Operatingon the level of assembly code it performs various analysescoupled with a set of standard and target-dependentoptimizing transformations, that address specific featuresof the J&T chip architecture. SOFAN attempts to removelow-level code slackness left over by the code generationprocess of the front-end compilers (nlcc, rtc). Theoptimizer is based on SALTO framework.

We then needed funding to buy apeNEXT

We went to the fundinginstitutions:

Département scientifiqueMathématiques, physique, planète et univers



Notwithstanding thesupport of severalhigh rank scientificdirectorsIt took four years in akafkaesque labyrinthTo get one rackfunded by ANR andanother by CNRS(MPPU/IN2P3)

Not yet delivered

They will be located in the universityRoma La Sapienza (thanks to Roma-I andINFN)

What to be done with these two racks ?One preliminary remark: two racks are

not enough for an unquenched calculationaccording to modern standards;collaborations are necessary and welcome

Flavor physics;QCD in the IR;Nucleon,LPT-Orsay, CPhTPolytechnique,SPhN Saclay

Nucleus(Yukawa)Nucleon,LPSC Grenoble

Flavor physics;Overlap;nucleonCPT Marseille

The scientific projects concerningflavor physics and nucleon physicsdo need dynamical quarks.Lattice flavor physics, beauty,charm, strangeness has beenstudied since long. Severalretirements are closing up, but ayounger generation is present inOrsay and Marseille.Newcomers from nuclear andhadronic physics are joining(Grenoble and Saclay)

Program on charm physicsOrsay

● New strategies for a precision calculculation of weak matrix elements on the lattice with Wilson quarks: K→πµν, D→πµν transition form factors

● Towards a handle on weak annihilation matrixelements in B-decays, and computation of ΔF=2and ΔB=2 operators

• Combining theory and experiments: fromD's to B's

● Electromagnetic properties of hadroninteractions on the lattice (light→light andheavy→heavy meson transitions)

Regular discussions about charm formfactors with experimentalists of theBABAR group who perform high statisticsmeasurements

Marseille’s group will pursue its programon flavor physics using overlap quarks.TAO language is an obstacle to usingapeNEXT. A C-compiler is requestedthere.

u and d quark wave function in a Λ-like state s-quark being at z=1.8a

Twisted quarks and ETMCcollaboration

Collaboration of lattice groups inItaly, Germany, Spain, UK, FranceHas produced more than 25000Nf=2 trajectories down to masseslower than 300 MeV for the pion. Wide program of physicsTo be described by Karl Jansen

Nucleon physics

The nucleon constitute the majorityof the visible matter of the universe.Yet it is not so well known as onewould expectThere is an intensive experimentalactivity: Jefferson-lab, GSI (Darmstadt),CERN (COMPASS) etc.

One example:Electric andmagnetic formfactors of theproton

Is this due to twophotons exchange,To radiative corrections ?

Many additional mysteriesWhat is the strange content of the nucleon ?thestrange magnetic moment ?What fraction of the nucleon spin is borne bythe quarks, what is the orbital momentum of thequarks ?Why is the positive parity Roper resonance (1440MeV) lighter than the negative parity (1535 MeV)?Can one explain from first principles the nucleoninteraction in nuclei ?And many other questions which you don’t evendare to ask !!!And many more you cannot answer with lattice



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