the rumor in the media communication

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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a report or an explanation unverified, circulating from person to person and refers to an object, an event or an issue of public interest.

It can be said that there are three general features

of the rumors:

• The sound is a form of communication that uses

the informal channel of mouth, half acting that is

particularly opposed to the permanence of the

written word. It is, therefore, an oral and personal


• Provides information content on an individual or


• Expresses, and at the same time satisfy the

emotional needs of the individual.

• Do not exceed a certain size or complexity,

because of the limited capacity of human memory.

• Make it easy to produce and retain.

It is possible to distinguish two types of rumors:

• One more general, to the extent that would have to do with almost all communication, not only with exceptional events atypical.• And another more particular, to the extent that almost inevitably efectuarían select from a much more complex phenomenon than the first investigators thought.

There are many theories about this phenomenon, the most prominent


As for the situation in which it appears the rumor:

• This is a crisis (war, accident, scandal, disaster) such that the group

has temporarily lost its security and homogeneity.

• Formal channels of communication and especially social media but

do not convey information about certain events and reduced aspects

of this situation.

Regarding the concept of transmission:

• The sound is transmitted from person to person orderly and

involves physical proximity of transmitter and receiver.

• This communication takes place between individuals also engaged

in the same situation.

The rumor and bullying that occurs by the interaction of the two produces a progressive deterioration and general human relations.The rumor, devastating effects on individual and group experience so it becomes bullying.The sound transcends unaudited information to establish its veracity.Moreover, the human tendency is to believe more readily those comments tend to be scathing or undermine the moral integrity of another person. The paradox of the rumor is that the more bizarre and sordid, the more credible it is for those who listen and transmit.

When information is not corroborated, not evidence or justified, then it falls into a pattern of proliferation of rumors, which becomes irresponsible to publicize reports that can not be justified.The problem becomes greater when using mass dissemination platforms such as television, radio or internet.The entertainment and television shows has built a style of information that is creating a kind of implicit permission to say whatever comes to mind to turn commentator, without considering the consequences of what they will say. It seems that the rumor has become a substitute for the truth.

What people seem to rumors?- In that run fast.

A gossipy sister tells another: "You are the only one who knows my problem of being nosy, I can give some advice to us and be gossipy" The other sister replies, "Well sister, and shared his problem with all brothers and did not find

answer to your problem "There was a man who upon leaving his house to take public transportation always told another man:Goodbye, cuckold.And he did not understand.The next day the same, and spent five, six, seven days and the same.Then the Lord says to his wife:Hey, you know that every day a man says: "Cuckold Goodbye".

And the next day when he left the house the same man said:Above cuckold, gossip!

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