the roman republic chapter 6, section 1. the origins of rome rome’s geography rome’s geography...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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The Roman The Roman RepublicRepublic

Chapter 6, Section 1Chapter 6, Section 1

The Origins of RomeThe Origins of Rome Rome’s GeographyRome’s Geography

Site of Rome chosen for its Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and fertile soil and strategic locationstrategic location

Located on Italian Peninsula in the center of Located on Italian Peninsula in the center of the Mediterranean Sea.the Mediterranean Sea.

Built on seven hills along Built on seven hills along Tiber RiverTiber River The First RomansThe First Romans

LatinsLatins, , GreeksGreeks, and , and EtruscansEtruscans compete for compete for control of the region.control of the region.

Latins found original settlement of Rome Latins found original settlement of Rome between between 10001000 B.C. and B.C. and 500500 B.C. B.C.

Etruscans native to Etruscans native to northernnorthern Italy influence Italy influence Roman civilizationRoman civilization

The Early RepublicThe Early Republic

Early RulersEarly Rulers Around Around 600600 B.C. B.C. EtruscanEtruscan kings begin kings begin

to rule rule Rome. Kings build Rome’s first temples and Kings build Rome’s first temples and

public centerspublic centers Romans overthrow cruel Etruscan kings Romans overthrow cruel Etruscan kings

in 509 509 B.C. Romans found a republic—a government Romans found a republic—a government

in which citizens elect which citizens elect leaders.

The Early RepublicThe Early Republic

Patricians and PlebeiansPatricians and Plebeians Different groups struggle for power in Different groups struggle for power in

early Roman Republicearly Roman Republic PatriciansPatricians—wealthy landowning class —wealthy landowning class

that holds most of the powerthat holds most of the power PlebeiansPlebeians—artisans, merchants and —artisans, merchants and

farmers; can vote, but cannot rulefarmers; can vote, but cannot rule TribunesTribunes—elected representatives who —elected representatives who

protect Plebeians’ rightsprotect Plebeians’ rights

The Early RepublicThe Early Republic

Twelve TablesTwelve Tables In In 451451 B.C. officials carve B.C. officials carve RomanRoman lawslaws on on

twelve tablets.twelve tablets. Called the Twelve Tables, they become the Called the Twelve Tables, they become the

basis for later Roman law.basis for later Roman law. Laws confirm the right of all Laws confirm the right of all freefree citizenscitizens

to the protection of the the protection of the law. Citizenship is limited to Citizenship is limited to adult male adult male

landownerslandowners.. The Twelve Tables are hung in the The Twelve Tables are hung in the ForumForum

The Early RepublicThe Early Republic

Government Under the RepublicGovernment Under the Republic Rome elects two Rome elects two consulsconsuls—one to lead —one to lead

the army and one to direct government.the army and one to direct government. SenateSenate—chosen from Roman upper —chosen from Roman upper

class; makes foreign and domestic policy.class; makes foreign and domestic policy. Democratic assemblies elect tribunes Democratic assemblies elect tribunes

and makes laws for common people.and makes laws for common people. DictatorsDictators are leaders appointed briefly are leaders appointed briefly

in times of times of crisis.

The Early RepublicThe Early Republic

The Roman ArmyThe Roman Army Roman legion—Roman legion—

military unit of military unit of 5,000 infantry, 5,000 infantry, supported by supported by cavalry.cavalry.

Army is powerful Army is powerful and a key factor in and a key factor in Rome’s rise to Rome’s rise to greatness.greatness.

Rome Spreads Its PowerRome Spreads Its Power

Rome Conquers ItalyRome Conquers Italy The Romans defeat the Etruscans in the The Romans defeat the Etruscans in the

north and the Greek city-states in the north and the Greek city-states in the south.south.

By 265 B.C., Rome controls the entire By 265 B.C., Rome controls the entire Italian peninsula.Italian peninsula.

Rome treats the conquered peoples Rome treats the conquered peoples justly. This enables Rome to grow.justly. This enables Rome to grow.

Rome Spreads Its PowerRome Spreads Its Power

Rome’s Commercial NetworkRome’s Commercial Network Rome establishes a large trading Rome establishes a large trading Access to the Mediterranean Sea Access to the Mediterranean Sea

provides many trade routes.provides many trade routes. Carthage, a powerful city-state in North Carthage, a powerful city-state in North

Africa, soon rivals Rome.Africa, soon rivals Rome.

Rome Spreads Its PowerRome Spreads Its Power War with CarthageWar with Carthage

Rome and Carthage begin the Punic Wars—three Rome and Carthage begin the Punic Wars—three wars between 264 through 146 B.C.wars between 264 through 146 B.C.

Rome defeats Carthage and wins Sicily in the Rome defeats Carthage and wins Sicily in the first 23-year war.first 23-year war.

Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, avenges this Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, avenges this defeat in the Second Punic War.defeat in the Second Punic War.

He attacks Italy through Spain and France, but doesn’t He attacks Italy through Spain and France, but doesn’t take Rome.take Rome.

Rome TriumphsRome Triumphs Roman general Roman general ScipioScipio defeats Hannibal in 202 defeats Hannibal in 202

B.C.B.C. Rome destroys Carthage and enslaves its people Rome destroys Carthage and enslaves its people

in the Third Punic War from 149-146 the Third Punic War from 149-146 B.C.

Hannibal crossing the Alps in the Second Punic War

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