the role of human beliefs in knowledge management

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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The Role of Human Beliefs in Knowledge Management. Topics. Human Basic Reactions to life Categories of Knowledge The Creation & Evolution of Beliefs The Ramification of the Mind Principles on Knowledge Management. Human Interactions. We Respond to the Stimuli Around us. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Role of Human Beliefsin

Knowledge Management


• Human Basic Reactions to life

• Categories of Knowledge

• The Creation & Evolution of Beliefs

• The Ramification of the Mind Principles on

Knowledge Management

Human Interactions

1- We respond to events based on our internal beliefs Object Object

Immediate Response

Delayed Response


We Respond to the Stimuli Around us

2- Our belief accumulates as we interact with objects more and more

The Message

The real meaning and definition of Knowledge must begin and end within the domain of human mind

If we do not understand the way mind processes Information & Knowledge, how can we attempt to develop methodologies for Capturing, Packaging and Transferring Knowledge

Approach to Understanding Knowledge

Categories of Knowledge

Categories of Knowledge




Main Categories of Human Beliefs(Connectivity Knowledge)

Evolution of Human Beliefs

Key Drivers forSuccess in Life


FundamentalRules of Conduct

What Makes us Who We Are?

If we all begin life with the same Primeval Needs, Beliefs and Behaviours, then why do we evolve so differently and develop individual and unique Desires & Beliefs in life?


PrimaryBasic Human Needs

Unprocessed Information

Evolution of Human Beliefs


Key Drivers forSuccess in Life

FundamentalRules of Conduct

Starts the Awareness

Initial Event


PrimaryBasic Human Needs

Unprocessed Information

Evolution of Human Beliefs


Key Drivers forSuccess in Life

FundamentalRules of Conduct

Subsequent Event

Substantiates Initial View

Why do we Act the way we do?



Key Drivers forSuccess in Life

FundamentalRules of Conduct

We do not live our lives to satisfy the Rules of Conduct In life we always look for Opportunities / Situations to Obtain, Maintain or Satisfy Our Key Drivers

Options are: A) Go ahead fully with or without guilt, B) Partially go ahead with guilt, C) Walk away and look for another opportunity

How easy is it to learn something different to what we already believe in?


PrimaryBasic Human Needs

Evolution of Human Beliefs

Key Drivers forSuccess in Life

FundamentalRules of Conduct

Unprocessed Information

• Where & how Beliefs/ Knowledge come to be?

The Ramifications on Knowledge Management Principles

• What forces can be used to successfully bring about a change to existing human Knowledge and Beliefs?

• What Belief categories are in existence?

• What causes people to impart with their Knowledge?

• What causes people wanting to learn Knowledge?

Avoid developing simplistic means to unravel the mystery of Knowledge concepts


Knowledge Management principles should mimic the Human Mind principles

Use the Mind as Your Servant Not as Your Master

- Encounter Life Experiences

- Learn Life’s Intended Reasons & Gain Wisdom

- Change Beliefs in Accordance to the New Wisdom

- Welcome New Experiences for Personal Growth

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