the role of climatic mapping in predicting the potential

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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 82 (2000) 57–71

The role of climatic mapping in predicting the potentialgeographical distribution of non-indigenous pests

under current and future climates

R.H.A. Bakera,∗, C.E. Sansforda, C.H. Jarvisb,R.J.C. Cannona, A. MacLeoda, K.F.A. Waltersa

a Central Science Laboratory, Sand Hutton, York YO41 1LZ, UKb Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9XP, UK


Climatic mapping, which predicts the potential distribution of organisms in new areas and under future climates based ontheir responses to climate in their home range, has recently been criticised for ignoring dispersal and interactions betweenspecies, such as competition, predation and parasitism. In order to determine whether these criticisms are justified, the differentprocedures employed in climatic mapping were reviewed, with examples taken from studies of the Mediterranean fruit fly(Ceratitis capitata), Karnal bunt of wheat (Tilletia indica) and the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). Allthese studies stressed the key role played by non-climatic factors in determining distribution but it was shown that thesefactors, e.g., the availability of food and synchrony with the host plant, together with the difficulties of downscaling andupscaling data, were different to those highlighted in the criticisms. The extent to which laboratory studies onDrosophilapopulations, on which the criticisms are based, can be extrapolated to general predictions of species distributions was alsoexplored. TheDrosophilaexperiments were found to illustrate the importance of climate but could not accurately determinepotential species distributions because only adult and not breeding population densities were estimated. The experimentaldesign overestimated species interactions and ignored other factors, such as the availability of food. It was concluded thatwhile there are limitations, climatic mapping procedures continue to play a vital role in determining what G.E. Hutchinsondefined as the “fundamental niche” in studies of potential distribution. This applies especially for pest species, where naturaldispersal is generally less important than transport by man, and species interactions are limited by the impoverished speciesdiversity in agroecosystems. Due to the lack of data, climatic mapping is often the only approach which can be adopted.Nevertheless, to ensure that non-climatic factors are not neglected in such studies, a standard framework should be employed.Such frameworks have already been developed for pest risk analyses and are suitable for general use in studies of potentialdistribution because, in order to justify the phytosanitary regulation of international trade, they must also consider the potentialfor pests to invade new areas and the impacts of such invasions. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Climatic mapping; Climate change; Pest risk analysis

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.:+44-1904-462220; fax:+44-1904-462250.E-mail (R.H.A. Baker).

0167-8809/00/$ – see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S0167-8809(00)00216-4

58 R.H.A. Baker et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 82 (2000) 57–71

1. Introduction

Predicting the potential distribution of all pests (inthis paper, “pests” include pathogens), both indige-nous and non-indigenous, plays a key role in deter-mining the effects of global change on agricultural,horticultural and forestry ecosystems. Inaccuracies inpredicting potential distribution will impair our abilityto identify the regions, commodities and ecosystemswhich are most vulnerable, to quantify crop losses andother impacts which may occur and to formulate ef-fective management strategies — all key objectives ofFocus 3 of the Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosys-tems programme (Sutherst et al., 1996). These objec-tives also emulate the process of pest risk analysis(PRA) which is undertaken by plant protection organi-sations to determine the risks posed by non-indigenouspests and to justify any phytosanitary measures takento combat the threat. Agreement on the techniqueswhich are appropriate for predicting potential pest dis-tributions is therefore extremely important both forstudies of global change and for plant quarantine. PRAalso needs to take global change into account, be-cause, once established, the economic impact causedby non-indigenous pests, such as warmth loving in-sects or warm climate fungal pathogens, may increase.

Climatic mapping, reviewed by Messenger (1959),Meats (1989) and Sutherst et al. (1995) for insects andby Coakley et al. (1999) for pathogens, is the princi-pal method for predicting potential distribution undercurrent and future climates. However, it has recentlybeen criticised by Davis et al. (1998a,b), who describethis technique for predicting species distributions asbeing “mistaken” and “invalidated” by species dis-persal and species interactions and by Lawton (1998)who considers that the null hypothesis — that distri-butions of organisms are solely determined by physi-ological tolerances — must be wrong and that it maynever be possible to predict the future distribution andabundance of particular species even if reliable climatepredictions are provided. Hodkinson (1999) has al-ready responded to these criticisms, stressing the roleof ecophysiological models in predicting, e.g., the dis-tribution of herbivorous insects and soil arthropods atnorthern and altitude range limits and urging cautionin making general inferences from narrowly limitedlaboratory experiments. In this paper, the justificationfor these criticisms is explored further. Examples of

the techniques used in climatic mapping are given andthe extent to which theDrosophilaexperiments can beextrapolated to general predictions of species distribu-tions is explored. To ensure that future consideration isgiven to all relevant factors, a framework for predict-ing potential distribution, based on international PRAschemes is proposed.

2. Climatic mapping

The process of mapping a pest’s potential distribu-tion based on climate varies according to the amountof information available concerning its current distri-bution and its responses to climatic variables. Threelevels of sophistication can be identified: comparisonsof climate based on knowledge of a pest’s currentdistribution but where climatic factors relevant to thepest are unknown (Section 2.1), comparisons whererelevant factors are known or have been inferred (Sec-tion 2.2) and models which predict environmentalsuitability based on phenology with or without con-sideration of responses to climatic extremes (Section2.3). Examples of each are given to aid discussion.

2.1. Climatic comparisons based on pest distributions

At its simplest, the process of climatic mapping ex-amines the climate in an organism’s home range andcompares it with the climate in the area being assessedfor potential colonisation or the climate in the sameareas under a climate change scenario. Graphs directlycomparing seasonal variations in monthly means ofclimatic variables at weather stations, e.g., from theUK Meteorological Office (1972), or contained in thecomputer program, CLIMEX (Skarratt et al., 1995),may be drawn with 6-month displacements of calen-dar months to ensure that periods of climatic extremes,such as winters in northern and southern hemispheres,coincide.

The relationship between climatic variables atweather stations in different areas can be exploredfurther in a climograph (Cook, 1925). If the areaswhere the organism is naturally abundant (or a majorpest), occasionally abundant (or a minor pest), rarelyrecorded and absent are known, these can be usedto enhance the study of relative climatic suitability.For example, a climograph has been produced for

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Fig. 1. Climograph for the Mediterranean fruit fly,C. capitata, based on mean monthly 1931–1960 climate data. Data for consecutivemonths from January to December are connected with a line.

the Mediterranean fruit fly,C. capitata, with meanmonthly 1931–1960 temperature and relative humi-dity (RH) data from three weather stations extractedfrom CLIMEX (Fig. 1). Rotterdam is representativeof several locations in northern Europe where popu-lations may breed in summer but die out in winter(Fischer-Colbrie and Busch-Petersen, 1989) due tolow temperatures and absence of fruit which larvaerequire for survival (Papadopoulos et al., 1996). InNaples,C. capitatais only occasionally abundant andan important pest (Fimiani, 1989), while Tampa (FL)was predicted by Bodenheimer (1951) to provideoptimum conditions.

Data from additional weather stations can be addedto such graphs to give a valuable visual indication ofclimatic similarity. As more and more stations and cli-matic variables are added, a climate response surfaceor climate envelope is created showing the climaticconditions characterising a species’ home range. Vari-ous methods have been used to analyse the complexpatterns which can be created when comparing the

climate surfaces or envelopes between areas of currentand potential distribution, with and without climatechange. For example, Jeffree and Jeffree (1996) plot-ted mean temperatures in the warmest months againstthose in the coldest months and correlated them withthe distributions of mistletoe,Viscum album, and theColorado potato beetle,L. decemlineata. Beerlinget al. (1995) used a locally weighted regression tocompare the distribution of Japanese knotweed,Fal-lopia japonica, in eastern Asia with that in Europebased on the mean temperature of the coldest month,the annual temperature sum greater than 5◦C and theratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration. The bio-climate prediction system, BIOCLIM, matches thresh-olds and limits for 12 temperature and precipitationvariables and has been used to predict the distributionof many organisms, e.g., the Australian grasshopper,Caledia captiva(Kohlmann et al., 1988). Alternativemethods for analysing species distributions in rela-tion to climate have been suggested in the HABITAT(Walker and Cocks, 1991) and DOMAIN (Carpenter

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et al., 1993) procedures. The “match climates” optionin CLIMEX takes a simpler approach by calculatinga “match index”, which summarises the similaritiesbetween selected climatic features (monthly meanminimum and maximum temperatures, rainfall andrainfall pattern) at weather stations within and out-side a species’ home range (Sutherst et al., 1995).Although this index can be weighted to emphasisea particular climatic variable, the combined indexis only designed to identify climatic homologues,providing a measure of similarity for meteorologicalvariables in different places without reference to par-ticular species. Despite the non-specific nature of thisindex, some authors (e.g., Boag et al., 1995) haveused it to map potential distribution.

Methods that predict potential distributions solelyon combinations of climatic variables in the areasof current distribution may prove accurate for cer-tain species in particular areas but greater precisionis generally achieved by selecting climatic variablesand their thresholds according to biological responseswhich have been determined by experiment. An al-ternative method is to infer these responses from anexamination of the factors limiting their current distri-bution, as described later in this paper. Nevertheless,climatic comparisons are useful where little is knownabout an individual organism or an area. They canalso be applied when the objective is principally to de-termine the overall relationship between the climaticconditions in the home range or the source of a tradedcommodity with that in the area under threat. Thus,Baker and Bailey (1979) divided up the world dia-grammatically into three zones based on their similari-ties with the climate in UK. Zone 1 comprised the cooltemperate areas of the world from which pests could beexpected to survive outdoors, at least in southern areasof the UK. Organisms from Zone 2, the warm temper-ate areas with continental climates, might be expectedto survive in a few localities and under glass whereasthose from Zone 3 could only be expected to survivein protected cultivation. Bennett et al. (1998) usedweightings of the CLIMEX “match index” to searchfor climatic homologues between Southern Australiaand the Mediterranean in an attempt to target col-lections of cultivars to locations where they may bepreadapted to Southern Australian climatic conditionsfor breeding programmes. Global climatic similari-ties have also been used to define the world’s biomes

(Whittaker, 1975; Prentice et al., 1992). While it isrecognised that many other factors affect species dis-tributions, agreement cannot be reached on the num-ber of world biomes and the limits cannot readilybe defined, the biome concept still constitutes one ofthe most successful macroecological theories (Lawton,1999). At a larger scale, biogeographical zones maybe defined in a similar manner. For example, Careyet al. (1995) classified Scotland into 10 zones, by com-bining six climatic variables interpolated to a 10 km2

grid using maximum and minimum altitudes, distancefrom the sea and the distribution of nine major taxo-nomic groups as guiding variables.

2.2. Mapping climatic indices relevant to the speciesconcerned

The climatic factors that limit the geographicaldistribution of a species are commonly inferred bystatistical analysis of the climatic data noted above.Alternatively, or in addition, data on critical thresh-olds may be obtained from direct field observationsin an organism’s home range, in protected cultivationor in controlled laboratory experiments.

2.2.1. Karnal buntAn example of mapping the potential distribution

of a pest based on relevant climatic indices is pro-vided by studies of Karnal bunt, a serious disease ofwheat caused by the fungus,T. indica. The diseasehas recently been found in parts of southern USA.Concerned that the disease could be introduced toother areas through grain shipments, a number ofPRAs have been undertaken to determine the risks ofintroduction and economic impact in northern USA(G. Peterson, pers. commun.), Australia (Murray andBrennan, 1998) and Europe (Sansford, 1998). Theseauthors applied the work of Jhorar et al. (1992), whofound a high correlation between a humid thermalindex (HTI), defined as the RH in mid-afternoon di-vided by the maximum daily temperature, calculatedat the time of wheat ear emergence, and disease in-cidence over a 19-year period in the central plain ofPunjab in India. An HTI between 2.2 and 3.3 wasshown to be particularly favourable for the disease.

Since weather stations are frequently unrepresenta-tive of the surrounding area, these studies have beenextended in this paper by using meteorological data

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Fig. 2. Karnal bunt: mean HTIs for India in March 1961–1990.

Fig. 3. Karnal bunt: HTIs for Great Britain in June 1961–1990, with RHs corrected to represent values at 15:00 h.

which have been interpolated onto a grid accordingto geographical coordinates and elevation. World(New et al., 1999) and UK climatologies (Barrowet al., 1993), which interpolate 1961–1990 meanmonthly data onto, respectively, a 0.5◦ latitude ×0.5◦ longitude and a 10 km2 grid, were used to mapHTIs for March in India (Fig. 2) and for June in UK(Fig. 3). Mean monthly RHs were calculated fromvapour pressure using the formula provided by Gill(1982), divided by maximum temperatures to createmean daily HTIs and mapped with a GIS (ArcView,ESRI).

The critical HTI thresholds in Fig. 2 are in accordwith the known distribution of the disease in India(Singh, 1994). However, the minimum value of dailyHTI calculated from the 1961–1990 gridded climato-logy for UK in June was only 3.9, whereas Sansford(1998) found mean 1931–1960 HTIs for several UKweather stations to lie within the critical 2.2–3.3range. Analysis of data from stations where RHs wererecorded four times a day (at 3:00, 9:00, 15:00 and21:00 h) revealed a significant difference between the

RHs at 15:00 h (as required by Jhorar et al., 1992, toestimate the mid-afternoon HTI) and the mean dailyRH (the only parameter available from the global,European and UK climatologies). To determine the re-lationship between 15:00 h and daily mean RH in UK,RH and maximum temperature data were obtainedfrom 39 English weather stations for June 1976 (Me-teorological Office, 1976) and HTIs were calculatedfrom the daily mean RH and from the RH recorded at15:00 h. Since the HTIs calculated from 15:00 h RHdata were found to be, on average, 0.7 ± 0.2 lowerthan those obtained from mean daily RH data, a cor-rection factor of 0.7 was applied to UK HTIs. Whenmapped (Fig. 3), this showed that 230 10 km2 gridcells had HTIs within the critical 2.2–3.3 range, in anarea covering much of central and southern England.

June HTIs were also calculated and mappedfrom data derived from the second Hadley Centrecoupled ocean–atmosphere global climate model(HadCM2) (Johns et al., 1997) and interpolatedfrom 2.5◦ × 3.75◦ latitude/longitude grid cells to a0.5◦ latitude× 0.5◦ longitude European grid (Hulme

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et al., 1995; Barrow, pers. commun.) (Fig. 4). Themean of four HadCM2 experiments with a high (1%)annual greenhouse gas forcing was used. The fourexperiments varied only in their initial start date. Thescenario predicts climate change at 2050, representinga mean for the 30-year period, 2035–2064, with globalmean CO2 concentrations reaching 515 ppmV. Com-pared to the 1961–1990 period, global warming forthis scenario is predicted to reach a mean of 1.91◦C(range 1.88–1.97), with Europe warming on averageby 2.30◦C (range 2.09–2.57) (Johns et al., 1997).

Fig. 4 shows that large areas of the UK and Europeare predicted to have daily June HTIs in the criticalrange for Karnal bunt by 2050. However, this repre-sents only one part of the investigation. Mean dailyHTIs are used and a conversion to mid-afternoonHTIs is required. The specific phenological stage ofwheat at whichT. indicacan infect and cause diseaseis still incompletely specified, however, the stage islikely to be between boot and anthesis. The HTIs areonly significant at this stage and its timing will needto be predicted throughout Europe for the main breadand durum wheat cultivars before a map definingKarnal bunt risk can be produced. Since wheat earemergence may only occur over a short period (app-roximately 14 days in southern England under cur-rent conditions) and does not coincide with calendarmonths, ongoing research is investigating the genera-tion of daily data from monthly data applied to breadand durum wheat phenology models (Porter, 1993;Miglietta, 1991) to determine the critical periods forinfection under current and future climates. This studyforms part of a wider Project entitled “Karnal buntrisks” (QLK5CT-1999-01554) which is financed bythe European Commission under the Quality of Lifeand Management of Living Resources Programme;one of the four thematic programmes of the EC FifthFramework R & D Programme. The Project does notnecessarily reflect the views of the Commission andin no way anticipates the Commission’s future policyin this area.

Mapping relevant climatic indices to predict dis-tribution has been particularly successful with plants(Woodward, 1987). For example, Cathey (1990)divided North America into 11 zones and nine sub-zones based on annual minimum temperatures, as-signing particular plant species to zones and subzonesbased on knowledge of their winter hardiness. Maps

of potential distribution for current and future cli-mates have also been created for crop cultivars, e.g.,for grapes (Kenny and Shao, 1992) and have bene-fited from the availability of interpolated climates(e.g., Booth and Jones, 1998).

2.3. Predicting development and survival

Many plant and pest distributions can only rarelybe directly related to one over-riding climatic vari-able, such as risk of frost. In most cases, a variety ofinterrelated factors may be significant in determiningwhether conditions are suitable for both developmentand survival. Sutherst et al. (1995) have criticised thedeductive approach, where predictions of geographi-cal distribution are based solely on the accumulationof experimental data, which may be difficult to relateto field conditions, and even after long and very de-tailed investigations (e.g., Morris and Fulton, 1970),can never uncover all key factors. However, Rogers(1979) showed, in studies of tsetse flies, that whereextensive field population records are available andmortalities can be estimated and incorporated intoclimographs, distributions can be inferred from fielddata. The collection of some data, such as the numberof degree-days above a critical threshold temperatureneeded to complete particular life stages and the daylengths and temperature combinations triggering di-apause, has almost universal applicability, since theycan be used in phenology models (see Section 2.3.1)which predict the rate of development.

Predicting the climatic factors that determine sur-vival, such as overwinter, is significantly more chal-lenging (Leather et al., 1993). Much of the availablepublished literature is limited to exposing populationsoutdoors under containment, e.g., in cages to observeoverwintering survival. This limits effective interpre-tation (Macdonald and Walters, 1996). Baker (1972)proposed that examining the climatic responses of na-tive species in areas threatened by colonisation mayreveal the key factors in common required for sur-vival. Bale and Walters (pers. commun.) have usedthis approach to predict cold hardiness in UK. Over-wintering survival under field conditions for the eightinsect species studied was found to be correlated withlaboratory estimates of the time for 50% mortality at−5◦C. A combination of such direct observations ofclimatic responses, with estimates based on analysis

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Fig. 4. Karnal bunt: HTIs for Europe in June 2050 under the HadCM2 global climate model.

Fig. 5. Mean Julian date of 50% Colorado Beetle adult emergence in a hot (1976) and a cool (1986) summer based on interpolated dailyweather data and a phenology model.

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of climatic conditions in an organism’s current distri-bution, as employed by CLIMEX (see Section 2.3.2),offers the most reliable solution available from currentknowledge.

2.3.1. Phenology modelsPhenology models are designed to predict the tim-

ing of events during an organism’s life cycle in aparticular area based on knowledge of the criticalclimatic thresholds. These are based on the physiolog-ical findings of authors such as Sharpe and deMichele(1977) who found a close relationship between insectdevelopment and temperature. They can also be usedto predict potential distribution if organisms have toreach a particular stage in their life cycle in order tosurvive a period of climatic stress, such as winter,and the timing of such a stage can be predicted. Theyare dependent on complete daily sets of weather data,such as sequential daily maximum and minimumtemperatures, but these data are collected at pointsources, weather stations, which may be at a con-siderable distance and in very different terrain fromthose areas where crops are grown. In order to mapphenologies over the landscape, the model outputs,usually the Julian dates at which a pest is expected toreach a particular stage, may be interpolated using oneof a variety of algorithms, e.g., trend surface analysis(e.g., Schaub et al., 1995). A second, more unusual,strategy is to model phenology according to the na-ture of continuous spatially derived inputs at discrete(gridded) intervals over the landscape (Jarvis, 1999).While this second methodology is more computation-ally intensive, the results have been shown to preservemore closely the underlying spatial autocorrelationof the phenologies and to maintain a logical biolo-gical sequence between pest stages that may be lostwhen interpolating point phenologies (Jarvis et al.,1999). An example of this latter approach is providedhere.

In computing Fig. 5, daily maximum and minimumtemperatures were interpolated throughout Englandand Wales for the period 1 January–31 October foryears with unusually hot (1976) and cool (1986) sum-mers. The temporal sequence of results for each 1 km2

grid of the landscape, together with geographically de-termined estimates of photoperiod, were used to run alinear multi-stage phenology model for Colorado bee-tle (Baker and Cohen, 1985) at each discrete location.

Given the likelihood that small errors when estimatingdaily temperatures might propagate rapidly through-out a run of the phenology model, a more sophisticatedinterpolation model, partial thin plate splines,(Hutchinson, 1991) was used when interpolating tem-peratures rather than the cruder trend surface methodsof previous work constructing spatial phenologies.The interpolation method also incorporated factorssuch as elevation, distance from the sea, cold airdrainage and urban heating through the use of griddeddigital data manipulated within a proprietary GIS.

The model run illustrated in Fig. 5 has been cur-tailed on 31 October, beyond which point it is as-sumed that there will be insufficient food for theemerging adults to feed on in preparation for dia-pause. When running the phenology model in thisexample, the starting conditions assumed that a viablenominal population of overwintered Colorado beetleimmature adults were present throughout the land-scape. In this sense, the geographical results representa “worst case” scenario of the problems the pestmight present in England and Wales should it becomeestablished, with the area at risk varying between ap-proximately 120,000 km2 in 1976 (an exceptionallyhot summer) to 46,000 km2 in 1986 (a cool summer).Investigating the extent of insect development in ex-treme years allows the assessment of the probablebounds over which an insect might survive; this ispreferable to reliance on a single “average” extentinherent in the use of climate normal (30-year aver-aged) data which has the potential to underestimateextreme risk. Sequences of years can also be studiedto help predict the potential for long-term establish-ment. The use of daily data, rather than monthly data,has additional advantages. Most insects have a shortdevelopment cycle, so daily predictions are more ap-propriate, especially when it is necessary to combineinsect and crop models to predict development andsurvival.

2.3.2. CLIMEXThe CLIMEX model in “compare locations” or

“compare years” modes combines estimates of thesuitability of the environment for an organism’s de-velopment based on temperature, moisture and daylength with estimates of its ability to survive peri-ods of stress from wet, dry, hot or cold conditions.Indices, estimated from an organism’s current distri-

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bution and any experimental information for growthand stress, such as degree-days for development andcritical photoperiods, are combined to produce anecoclimatic index (EI), a measure of the suitability ofa location for establishment.

Originally based on weather station data, climato-logical data interpolated into grid cells have increas-ingly been used (e.g., Baker et al., 1996; Yonow andSutherst, 1998), to reflect more accurately the rela-tionship between climate and landscape. Grids createdby downscaling global climate models can also beused to explore changes in the EI under global change.Baker et al. (1998) adopted this approach to study theeffect of climate change on the potential distribution

Fig. 6. The increase in the EI for Colorado beetle predicted by CLIMEX under the mean HadCM2 greenhouse gas climate change scenarioin Europe. The EI estimates the suitability of the location for establishment.

of Colorado Beetle in Europe. As for Karnal bunt, themean of four HadCM2 experiments with a high (1%)annual greenhouse gas forcing was input to CLIMEXand EIs were calculated and mapped with a GIS.For Great Britain, we found that this global changescenario would provide 79 additional 0.5◦ latitude×0.5◦ longitude grid cells climatically suitable forcolonisation by Colorado beetle, representing a po-tential range expansion of 120% and a mean northerlyincrease of 3.5◦ latitude (400 km). This expected dis-tribution covered all but 0.6% of the area of potato pro-duction under current conditions. Fig. 6 shows that thegreatest increases in suitability for Colorado beetle liebetween latitudes 50◦N and 65◦N in northern Europe.

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3. Critique of climatic mapping

3.1. Experiments with Drosophila populations

Davis et al. (1998a,b) studied the population dy-namics of threeDrosophilaand one insect parasitoidspecies in temperature clines created by connectingfour incubators set at constant temperatures of 10, 15,20 and 25◦C with tubes which allowed the adults tomove along the cline. Global warming was mimickedby increasing temperatures by 5◦C in each incubator.Weekly adult population levels were counted and themeans for weeks 5–25 compared. They found signi-ficant differences in the distribution of adults of allthe Drosophilaspecies along the clines according towhether each species was able to develop in isolationor in competition with others and whether they weresubjected to attack by the insect parasitoid. Whilespecies distributions were influenced by temperature,they could not have been predicted by temperaturealone, and dispersal and species interactions werecritical to determining abundance along the cline. Itwas concluded that potential geographical distribu-tions cannot be accurately predicted without takingdispersal and species interactions, such as competitionand the effect of natural enemies, into account andthat, therefore, attempts to predict the potential distri-butions of organisms solely using climatic mappingare mistaken and invalid.

3.2. Discussion

Following such a study, two key questions mustbe addressed: to what extent can the results fromtheir experimental system be extrapolated to studiesof potential geographical distribution under currentand future climates and do climatic mapping stud-ies ignore the importance of dispersal and speciesinteractions?

3.2.1. Extrapolating studies of Drosophilapopulations to general predictions of speciesdistributions

The primary objective in studies of the potentialdistribution of pests, whether or not climatic mappingmethods are used, is to determine whether the estab-lishment of any breeding colonies is possible. Oncethe potential for establishment has been determined,

additional work is then undertaken to try and pre-dict whether population levels will exceed economicthresholds and to estimate the rate of dispersal withinthe crops at risk. A similar sequence of study is alsological when estimating the potential distribution ofcrops and wild organisms. This well-established pro-cess of investigation follows Hutchinson (1957), whodistinguished the fundamental niche, based on physi-cal factors in the environment, from the realised niche,which depends on biotic factors.

Davis et al. (1998a,b) found that, without interspe-cific competition and when dispersal was prevented,D. subobscurabecame extinct at 25◦C and bothD.melanogasterandD. simulansdied out at 10◦C. Thisis clear evidence of the fundamental role of tempera-ture in determining distribution, since, although somebreeding may occur for a short period, we can con-clude that establishment is still not possible irrespec-tive of the method or rate of dispersal of adults intochambers at these temperatures and the role of speciesinteractions in influencing such movement. In therest of the cline, where temperatures are suitable forall species to establish, dispersal and species interac-tions may indeed play significant roles in influencingpopulation breeding.

It is, of course, possible that, in areas where phy-sical factors are not limiting, poor dispersal and in-teractions with competitors and natural enemies maylead to the extinction of all individuals and breed-ing colonies. However, before such factors within therealised niche are considered, it is of greater impor-tance to determine whether there is sufficient food forsurvival. Although theDrosophila experiments werenot designed to study this, in most cases, the avail-ability of food, e.g., host plants for pests, will be ofmuch greater importance than dispersal and speciesinteractions.

The distribution along the clines in theDrosophilaexperiments and the conclusions on the role of disper-sal and species interactions were based only on countsof adult flies. In order to be able to extrapolate thesestudies to investigations of the potential for pests toestablish in new areas, measures of breeding success,such as counts of emerging adults, for each chamberin the cline are required. Dispersal could only be mea-sured indirectly by comparing adult population den-sities in the different chambers along the clines withthe interconnecting tubes blocked or unblocked. As a

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result, where dispersal along the cline was allowed,adults dispersing from other chambers could not bedistinguished from those reared in each chamber andthus the degree to which the observed distributionswere due to breeding success in the different cham-bers or adult movement alone cannot be determinedand the role of dispersal in establishing populationsmay have been overestimated.

Nevertheless, natural dispersal clearly plays a sig-nificant role in determining potential distributions andpopulation densities after establishment. However, formany pest species, apart from those which do migratelong distances, transport by humans to new areas isgenerally more important than natural dispersal. Therole of humans in dispersing organisms throughoutthe world has been well documented and researchon the implications of such species invasions and thedegree to which the results can be predicted is in-tensifying (Williamson, 1996, 1999). The problem isgreatest for crop pests. In some countries, such as theUSA, 40% are of alien origin, having been introducedby man (Pimentel, 1984). While most countries haveenacted strong legislation to prevent the deliberaterelease of alien organisms, the continuing increasein the frequency, speed and volume of trade in plantcommodities is maintaining a high risk of pest entry.For example, in 1995, the UK Central Science Lab-oratory received over 5000 samples of invertebratesintercepted on plants and plant products imported intoEngland and Wales. Approximately 560 taxa wereidentified, belonging to 169 families. This representsonly a small proportion of insects being carried intoEngland and Wales since not all imported material isexamined. As such, and especially for crop pests, nat-ural dispersal may play only a minor role in spreadingpopulations to new areas.

Although no direct estimates of mortality frominterspecific competition and parasitism have beenpublished from theDrosophila experiments, theyare likely to have been very much higher than thoseexpected in natural environments because the exper-imental set up allowed only minimum temporal andspatial niche differentiation and dispersal. In the natu-ral world, competition betweenDrosophilaspecies isgreatly reduced by the exploitation of different foods,with a significant temporal separation in periods ofgreatest abundance (Shorrocks, 1975; Baker, 1979).Parasitization rates, can also vary considerably dur-

ing the year and between different substrates, withmany parasitoids discriminating between differentDrosophila hosts and their food substrates (Baker,1979; Janssen et al., 1998; Eijs, 1999).

When organisms are introduced to new areas, pop-ulation explosions are frequently observed becauseof the absence of natural enemies, e.g., Ohgushi andSawada (1998). Such events happen more frequentlyin man-made environments such as agricultural cropswhich have an impoverished diversity of fauna andflora. Biological control agents may need to be col-lected from the organism’s home range and released toprovide satisfactory control. Species interactions mayprevent establishment (Lawton and Brown, 1986) buttheir impact is likely to be greater in natural environ-ments or where biological control agents are being in-troduced into an agroecosystem when natural enemiesand competitors are already present. For pathogens,such species interactions are likely to be far less im-portant in determining whether colonisation of a newarea is successful; other factors such as the extent ofhost resistance will generally be far more significant.

3.2.2. Do climatic mapping studies ignore otherfactors?

Most climatic mapping studies do emphasise therole of other factors in influencing predictions of dis-tribution (e.g., Sutherst and Maywald, 1985). In theexamples given here, non-climatic factors such as (i)the importance of the availability of fruit for overwin-tering larvae ofC. capitata, (ii) the timing of wheatear emergence for Karnal bunt, (iii) the difficulties ofdownscaling and upscaling meteorological data, and(iv) the geographical distribution of potato, the mainhost for Colorado beetle, were considered. However,as more examples are studied, it soon becomes clearthat the range of other factors which need to be con-sidered may often need to extend much further thanclimatic factors, dispersal and species interactions.The availability of food or a host at a particular devel-opmental stage has already been stressed, but somespecies, such as the rust fungi (Hawksworth et al.,1995), may require alternate hosts, while others re-quire vectors for dispersal and reproduction. Man’sintervention, either deliberately with eradicatory mea-sures, or indirectly through other activities, such asgeneral crop husbandry, may also play a major rolein determining species’ distributions. Even once all

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the biotic and abiotic factors have been assessed,establishment can still only be predicted by takinginto account other factors intrinsic to each species.Both genetic variability (Kennedy, 1993), which de-termines a species adaptability to the natural andartificial environment, and the reproductive strategy,which defines the extent to which populations can besustained at low levels, also need to be considered.

Even if data for all these factors are available, con-siderable additional interpretation of the data may berequired. For example, climatic data may still needspatial and temporal downscaling to model a particu-lar situation with sufficient accuracy or upscaling toenable broad predictions to be made. Long-term, e.g.,30 years, data may not show the effect of certain co-incidences, such as a sequence of cool, short summersor growth seasons. Climatic variation in a pest’s homerange may not be comparable to that in the area at risk.Climate responses cannot be readily averaged for allstages in the life cycle and establishment may dependon very short-term weather events, e.g., for mating andegg laying (Baker, 1972).

4. Conclusions

This survey of climatic mapping techniques and thecritical examination of theDrosophila experimentsby Davis et al. (1998a,b) have both confirmed thatclimatic mapping has a central role to play in predict-ing the potential distribution of organisms under cur-rent and future climates and supported Hodkinson’s(1999) view that their conclusions neglect the factthat many species distributions can be predicted ac-curately by good ecophysiological studies linked torelevant climatic data. Despite potential limitationsresulting from habitat-related differences between ac-tual and projected distributions, climatic mapping isuseful in determining the maximum limits of estab-lishment based on Hutchinson’s (1957) concept ofthe fundamental niche. It may be particularly relevantto studies of man-made agricultural environments,since pests are frequently transported by man andinteractions with competitors and natural enemies aregenerally limited by crop management techniquesand the structure of the agroecosystem. It is alsorecognised that other habitat factors, such as hostdistribution and existing pest management practices,

acting individually or in combination, will generallyplay important roles (Pimentel, 1993).

Difficulties, such as downscaling and upscaling is-sues, arise in the interpretation and use of currentand global change climate data. In addition, the iden-tification and modelling of an organism’s responsesto climate, whether based on deductive or inductivemethods, will contain errors. Nevertheless, in manycases, climatic mapping provides the only method thatcan be used due to insufficient data on other factors.Host distribution may be readily available and its rolein defining potential distribution rapidly assessed, buteven where data on species interactions and dispersalare well known, interpretation and prediction are ex-tremely difficult (Lawton, 1999; Williamson, 1999).Pragmatically, therefore, when decisions on poten-tial distributions must be made, e.g., in plant quaran-tine, and release in quarantine containment is not anoption or would not provide relevant data, climaticmapping techniques often provide the only methodavailable.

However, it is recognised that many other non-climatic factors need to be taken into account beforethe realised niches in potential distributions can bedefined and that these factors are often not givensufficient attention in such studies. To ensure consid-eration of non-climatic factors and to avoid the nullhypothesis, which predicts future distributions solelyon the basis of physiological tolerances (Lawton,1998), it is recommended that a standard frameworkbe followed. Such a framework, which sets out the keyquestions which need to be answered in determiningwhether a pest can enter, establish and cause an un-acceptable economic impact in new areas, is alreadyavailable in PRA. International standards for PRA arebeing developed (EPPO, 1997; FAO, in preparation)due to the importance of ensuring that consistentrisk assessments are undertaken world-wide and anymeasures can be justified under World Trade Organi-sation rules. They can readily be applied outside plantquarantine to the analysis of potential distributionunder current and future climates (Sutherst, 1999).Much would be gained by bringing global change andPRA modellers together. Global change modellerswill gain a framework for conducting their analysisof potential distribution but pest risk assessors alsoneed to determine how best to incorporate predictionsof global change into their assessments, since, once

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established, new pests may increase their economicimpact as the climate changes.


We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of ElaineBarrow and Mike Hulme of the Climatic ResearchUnit, University of East Anglia for the provision ofclimatic datasets and Plant Health Division of MAFFfor funding this paper.


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