the rogue mage rpg player’s handbook - … · the rogue mage rpg player’s handbook ......

Post on 04-May-2018






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AUTHORS: Christina Stiles, Faith Hunter, Raven Blackwell


FICTION: Faith Hunter


EDITING: Spike Y Jones

DEVELOPMENT: Christina Stiles and Spike Y Jones

LAYOUT: Peter Bradley


COVER ART: Jon Hodgson

INTERIOR ART: Peter Bradley, Rick Hershey, Joyce Wright

PROMOTION: Mike Pruette, Adonna Pruette, Tracy Hurley

Playtesting: Raven Blackwell, Melissa Braunschweig, Bleys Massey, Misty Massey, Todd Massey, Ted Owens, Christina Stiles; Randy Mac Kay (GM), Charlene Mac Kay, Robert McDonnell, Marc Buckley, Brad Kane, Bruce Kenoyer, Dawn Reed-Burton; Above Board Games 2008 (Fort Mill, SC): Jimmy Ashley, Joe Creech, Ryan Jackson, Areeta Kneelberg, Lori Mason, Rich Morrison; Mace West 2011: Cudgel Con (March 25-27, 2011; Hickory, NC): Jimmy Ashley, Heath Medlin, Mike McCauley, and members of the Appalachian State Gaming Club (Taylor Edwards, Ben Allred, and Haley Pickrell); ConCarolinas 2011 (June 3-5, 2011; Charlotte, NC): Group 1 — Stephen Bobby, Franck Bouvot, Joe Creech, Jason Morris, Rhiannon Raggi, and Andrew Riebe; Group 2 — Dennis DeBalso, Phil Gunsaules, Michael McCormick, Amber Lee Pearce, Sara Schneider, and Jodi Smith; Mace 2011 (November 11-13, 2011, High Point, NC): Group 1 — Jimmy Ashley, Alok Baikadi, Dawson Berry, Becca Hudgins, Keith Hudgins, and Katie Kriska; Group 2— Kyle Ballard, Alisa Hilton, Frankye Mace, Pete Mace, Haley Picksell, Logan Rice Mysticon 2012 (February 24-26, 2012; Roanoke, VA): Rich Lombardi, Kevin Oelgoetz, Marie Sherman, Adam Thomas, Dan Thomas, and Robert Ward

Copyright 2012 Faith Hunter and Christina Stiles. Print editions published by Bella Rosa Books. First printing: August 2012.

Hardback ISBN 978-1-62268-015-3. Paperback ISBN 978-1-62268-014-6.

&RS\ULJKW������)DLWK�+XQWHU�DQG�&KULVWLQD�6WLOHV��3')�HGLWLRQ�SXEOLVKHG�E\�0LVÀW�6WXGLRV��)LUVW�SULQWLQJ��$XJXVW�������$OO�ULJKWV�reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever, except as provided for in the Open *DPH�/LFHQVH��)RU�PRUH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�FRQWDFW�0LVÀW�6WXGLRV�����7ULQQHOO�%OYG��7RURQWR�21��&DQDGD��0�/��6���RU�RQOLQH�DWZZZ�PLVÀW�VWXGLRV�FRP�

%HOOD�5RVD�%RRNV�DQG�LWV�ORJR�DUH�WUDGHPDUNV�RI�%HOOD�5RVD�%RRNV��0LVÀW�6WXGLRV�DQG�LWV�ORJR�DUH�WUDGHPDUNV�RI�0LVÀW�6WXGLRV��The Rogue Mage Roleplaying Game and its logo are trademarks of Faith Hunter and Christina Stiles.

Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper.

OGLThe following is designated as Product Identity, in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Gaming License, Version 1.0a: chapter 2; all character names; the following racial names: neomage, kylen, seraph-touched, and second unforeseen; references to events in the Rogue Mage�VHWWLQJ��DOO�DUWZRUN�DQG�LPDJHV��DQG�DOO�ÀFWLRQ�

The following text is Open Gaming Content: all material not declared Product Identity.


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

��� 'HÀQLWLRQV�� �D�µ&RQWULEXWRUVµ� PHDQV� WKH� FRS\ULJKW� DQG�RU�trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer ODQJXDJHV���SRWDWLRQ��PRGLÀFDWLRQ��FRUUHFWLRQ��DGGLWLRQ��H[WHQVLRQ��upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly LGHQWLÀHG�DV�2SHQ�*DPH�&RQWHQW�E\�WKH�&RQWULEXWRU��DQG�PHDQV�any work covered by this License, including translations and GHULYDWLYH� ZRUNV� XQGHU� FRS\ULJKW� ODZ�� EXW� VSHFLÀFDOO\� H[FOXGHV�Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; DQG�DQ\�RWKHU�WUDGHPDUN�RU�UHJLVWHUHG�WUDGHPDUN�FOHDUO\�LGHQWLÀHG�as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which VSHFLÀFDOO\� H[FOXGHV� WKH� 2SHQ� *DPH� &RQWHQW�� �I�� ´7UDGHPDUNµ�means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

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3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

���*UDQW�DQG�&RQVLGHUDWLRQ��,Q�FRQVLGHUDWLRQ�IRU�DJUHHLQJ�WR�XVH�this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.

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��1RWLFH�RI�/LFHQVH�&RS\ULJKW��<RX�PXVW�XSGDWH�WKH�&23<5,*+7�127,&(� SRUWLRQ� RI� WKLV� /LFHQVH� WR� LQFOXGH� WKH� H[DFW� WH[W� RI� WKH�&23<5,*+7�127,&(�RI�DQ\�2SHQ�*DPH�&RQWHQW�<RX�DUH�FRS\LQJ��modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright GDWH��DQG�WKH�FRS\ULJKW�KROGHU·V�QDPH�WR�WKH�&23<5,*+7�127,&(�of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

��� ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ�� ,I� \RX� GLVWULEXWH� 2SHQ� *DPH� &RQWHQW� <RX�must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

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12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply

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13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

���5HIRUPDWLRQ�� ,I� DQ\� SURYLVLRQ� RI� WKLV� /LFHQVH� LV� KHOG� WR� EH�unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2001, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, 6NLS�:LOOLDPV��5LFK�%DNHU��$QG\�&ROOLQV��'DYLG�1RRQDQ��5LFK�Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Modern System Reference Document, &RS\ULJKW� �����������Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, 5LFK�5HGPDQ��&KDUOHV�5\DQ��(ULF�&DJOH��'DYLG�1RRQDQ��6WDQ���Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.

Advanced Player’s Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing: Author Skip Williams.

From Stone To Steel, Copyright 2003, MonkeyGod Enterprises LP

Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

Nyambe: African Adventures, Copyright 2002, Trident Inc. G�E�D�$WODV�*DPHV��DXWKRU�&KULVWRSKHU�:��'ROXQW�

Occult Lore,�&RS\ULJKW�������7ULGHQW�,QF��G�E�D�$WODV�*DPHV�

Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C. Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.

The Rogue Mage RPG Player’s Handbook, Copyright 2012, Christina Stiles & Faith Hunter. Published by Bella Rosa Books; PDF 3XEOLFDWLRQ�E\�0LVÀW�6WXGLRV��$XWKRUV�&KULVWLQD�6WLOHV��)DLWK�+XQWHU��Raven Blackwell; Editing & Additional Material by Spike Y Jones.


Christina Stiles 14Raven Blackwell 14Faith Hunter 14Spike Y Jones 14


Fiction: “The Honeymoon Is Over” 16The Rogue Mage World 16

Cosmology 16Battle in Heaven 16The Apocalypse 17Timeline 18The Rogue Mage Series 18

Post-Apocalyptic Earth 18The Continents 18Africa 18Western Europe 18United Kingdom 18Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, and the Middle East 19Asia 19Australia 19Latin America 191RUWK�$PHULFD 19The World 19Economics 20Weather 20Communication 20Transportation 20Power 21Food 21Calendar 21Humanity 211HZ�5DFHV 221HZ�3ODFHV 22The Enclaves 22The Realms of Light 22The Hellholes 23Religion 23Magic 23The Game Vs. The Novels 24The United States of America 25Government 25Law Enforcement 25

Foreword 2A Word of Warning 2


Fiction: “A Wing And A Prayer” 7Introduction to the Rogue Mage RPG 10

Roleplaying Games (RPGs) 10:KDW�<RX�1HHG�7R�3OD\ 10Page References 10Roleplaying in the World of Faith Hunter 10

Differences From Other D20-Based Games 10'LFH�DQG�0RGLÀHUV 11The Game Master 11Players 11

Game Basics 11Rule One: Fun 11The Basic Game Mechanic 11

Game Play 11Die Rolls 11Checks 127DUJHW�1XPEHU 12Opposed Checks 12Using Opposed Checks 12Skill Checks 12Ability Checks 12&RQGLWLRQ�0RGLÀHUV 12Tools 13Checks Without Rolls 13Trying Again 13Taking 1 13Taking 10 13Taking 20 13Comparison Checks 13Aid Another 13Saving Throws 13Attack Rolls 14The Combat Round 14Standard Actions 14Move Actions 14Full-Round Actions 14Free Actions 14Reactions 14Luck Points 14

About the Authors 14



Until now, I have never been involved in roleplaying games, although I grew up with people who loved them. I envied their fun, and the shifts of thought that their imaginations took. When I came up with the post-apocalyptic world, the concept of Enclaves, and the rogue mage herself, I suddenly saw a fuller and richer world than any I had ever seen. I wanted to let others in on the world and the characters. A friend suggested that I should create a roleplaying game, and within GD\V��&KULVWLQD�DSSHDUHG�DW�D�VLJQLQJ��6KH�ZDV�D�JDPH�GHVLJQHU���DQG�KHUH�ZH�DUH��

— Faith Hunter


Rogue Mage��OLNH�WKH�QRYHOV�RQ�ZKLFK�LW·V�EDVHG��LV�D�ZRUN�RI�ÀFWLRQ��:KLOH�WKH�ÀFWLRQ�EXLOGV�RQ�SLHFHV�RI�FRPPRQ�religions, especially Christianity, the game in no way posits the superiority of one religion over another, nor does it stipulate that the End Times will take place, or will do so in a particular manner. In short, the game is a form of entertainment, and it should be viewed in that light. If such is not your cup of tea, then read no further.

In addition to its religious undercurrents, the game includes mature language and sexual themes. It is, therefore, intended for mature audiences.


Reducing Ability Scores 48$ELOLW\�0RGLÀHUV 480RGLÀHUV�DQG�2GG�$ELOLW\�6FRUHV 48Debilitated Ability Scores 48

The Abilities 49Strength (Str) 49Dexterity (Dex) 49Constitution (Con) 49Intelligence (Int) 49Wisdom (Wis) 49Charisma (Cha) 491RQH[LVWHQW�$ELOLW\�6FRUHV 49

Saving Throws 50Purchasing Saving Throws 50

Character Capabilities 50Movement 50Movement Pace 50Miles Per Hour vs. Feet Per Round 51Hampered Movement 51Jumping 51Size 51$WWDFN�'HIHQVH�0RGLÀHU 51*UDSSOH�0RGLÀHU 516WHDOWK�0RGLÀHU 51,QWLPLGDWLRQ�0RGLÀHU 51Reach 51Space 51Size and Carrying Capacity 51Attack Area 52Carrying Capacity 52Larger and Smaller Creatures 53Throwing 53


Fiction: “Bones” 55Skill Basics 56

Acquiring Skills 56Choosing Skills 56Training vs. Aptitude 56Life Skills 56Adventuring Skills 56Skill Benchmarks 56

How Skills Work 57Untrained Skill Checks 57

Skill Types 57Interaction Skills 57Combat Skills 57Attacking and Defending in Rogue Mage 57Manipulation Skills 58

Skill Descriptions 58Skill Format 58Skills 59


Fiction: “Day One” 77Talents 77

Types of Talents 785DFH�'HÀQLWLRQV 78Acquiring Talents 78Virtue/Taint And Buying Talents 78([FHHGLQJ�0RGLÀHU�/LPLWV 78Talent Descriptions 85Monster Restrictions 85Other Religions 88Real World Religions 88Champards 105

Drawbacks 109Paying Off Drawbacks 110Drawback Descriptions 110

U.S. Military 25The Administration of the ArchSeraph (AAS) 25The Kirk 26Beyond Government Control 261RPDGLF�7ULEHV 26The Earth Invasion Heresy (EIH) 26Secret Societies 26


Fiction: “Wheels In Motion” 28The Characters 29

Abilities 29Skills 29Talents 29Magic 29Drawbacks 29

The Character Creation Process 29Starting Character Points 29Character Creation Summary 291. Character Race 29Concept Consultation 302. Basic Abilities 303. Saving Throws 30���6NLOOV 305. Talents 316. Magic 317. Drawbacks 318. Wealth and Equipment 319.Virtue, Taint, and Luck 3110. Check Your Math 31Unspent Character Points 3111. Add Up Saving Throws, Combat Totals, and Creation Energy 32

12. Finishing Touches 3213. Game Master Approval 32

Racial Templates 32Racial Parentage 32Human 32Relations With Other Races 33Human Racial Template 33Daywalker (Rogue) 33Relations With Other Races 34Rogue Daywalker Racial Template 34Kylen (Third-Generation) 34Relations With Other Races 35Kylen (Third-Generation) Racial Template 351HRPDJH 35Relations With Other Races 351HRPDJH�5DFLDO�7HPSODWH 36Second Unforeseen (Mule) 36Relations With Other Races 36Second Unforeseen Racial Template 37Seraph-Touched 37Relations With Other Races 37Seraph-Touched Racial Template 37

Character Creation Example 37Derek Holland, Seraph-Touched Male Champard 39

Sample Characters 40Zerah, Human Female Assey 40=DGRN��0DOH�1HRPDJH��(DUWK�0DJH� 41Ramah, Female Second Unforeseen Soldier 42John Fireheart, Male Kylen Winged Warrior 43Kristlael, Male Rogue Daywalker 44


Fiction: “Unbidden Bonds” 46Abilities 47Generating Ability Scores 47

Buying Ability Scores 47



Fiction: “The Best-Laid Plans” 166Additional Attributes 167Virtue and Taint 167

Virtue: Walking In The Light 167Effects Of Virtue 167Taint: Falling To The Darkness 168Effects Of Taint 168

Allegiance 168Effects Of Allegiance 169

Wealth 169Wealth Score 169Making Purchases 169The Wealth Check 169Losing Wealth 169

Luck Points 169


Fiction: “Wind Blown” 172Secondary Characteristics 173

1DPH 173Age 173Youth 173Old Age 173Appearance 173Background 174Human Societies 174Orthodox Human 1741RQ�2UWKRGR[�+XPDQ 1741RPDGV�DQG�+HUHWLFV 174Seraph-Touched 174The Enclaves 1741HRPDJHV 175Second Unforeseen 175Enclave Humans 175Kylen 175Rogues 175Daywalkers 175Exotics 175


Fiction: “Girl Loves To Shop” 177Equipment 178

Equipment Cost 178Wealth 178Wealth Score 178Making Purchases 178The Wealth Check 178Starting Equipment 178Try Again 178Taking 10 and Taking 20 178Shopping and Time 179Financial Aid 179Restricted Goods And Services 179Cheap or Expensive Items 179Masterwork Equipment 179Concealed Items 179Size and Concealment 1801RWLFLQJ�&RQFHDOHG�2EMHFWV 1801RWLFLQJ�8QGHUFRYHU�$UPRU 180The Limits of Equipment 180Technological Limits 180Location 180Damaging Equipment 180Repairing and Replacing Equipment 180Theft and Loss 180Cost 180

General Equipment 181Size 181


Fiction: “Storm Songs” 120Creation Energy 120

Living Beings and Creation Energy 121Creation Energy and Channeling 121(OHPHQWDO�$IÀQLW\ 121Elemental Specialization 121Channeling 121Elemental Allergens 121Maximum Creation Energy Storage 122Mystical Links 123/LQN�%HQHÀWV 123Group Spellcasting 123Sources of Creation Energy 124The Most High and the Red Dragon 124Realms of Light, Hellholes, And Enclaves 124Elemental Sources 124Power Sinks and Amulets 125Living Creatures 1256DFULÀFH 1258QZLOOLQJ�6DFULÀFH�DQG�7DLQW 126Power Addiction 126Power Drunkenness 126Cherubs, Seraphs, and Creation Energy 127Tainted Creation Energy 127

Magic 127Conjures 127Learning Conjures 127Conjure Base Potency and Format 128Conjure Format 128Casting A Conjure 128Spell Options 129Taking On Dragons 129Ritual Casting 130Concentration and Casting a Conjure 130Losing Control 130Using Scripture or Blasphemy in Conjures 131Sustaining Conjures 131Extending a Conjure’s Duration 131Amulets 131Seraphic and Infernal Amulets 131Creating an Amulet 132Optional Rule: Speeding Up the Process 132Creating a Spell Amulet 132Imprinting a Conjure on a Spell Amulet 132Amulet Conjure Range 133Optional Rule: Imprinting a Conjure and Losing Control 133Buying And Selling Amulets 133Using a Spell Amulet 133Amulet Conjure Duration 134Recharging An Amulet 134Trap Amulets 134Removing a Conjure from a Spell Matrix 134Sample Spell Amulets 134Prime Amulets 135Sample Prime Amulet 135Power Sinks 136Creating a Power Sink 136Channeling CE and Power Sinks 136Imprinting Conjures on a Power Sink 137Trapped Power Sinks 137Triggering Multiple Matrices 137Unmaking a Power Sink 137Sample Power Sinks 137Seraphic Artifacts, Amulets, and Power Sinks 137

List of Conjures 138Conjure Descriptions 139


Attack Skills 1976L]H�0RGLÀHU�7R�$WWDFNV 1970LVFHOODQHRXV�$WWDFN�0RGLÀHUV 197Range Penalty 197Defense 197Defense Skills 198Active and Reactive Defense 1986L]H�0RGLÀHU�7R�'HIHQVH 1986KLHOG�0RGLÀHUV 1980LVFHOODQHRXV�'HIHQVLYH�0RGLÀHUV 198Automatic and Critical Hits 198Automatic Misses 198Damage 1996WUHQJWK�0RGLÀHU 199Weapon Damage 1990LVFHOODQHRXV�'DPDJH�0RGLÀHUV 199Saving Throws 199Saving Throw Types 199

Actions 199The Combat Round 199Action Types 199Full-Round Action 199Standard Action 200Move Action 200Free Action 200Reaction 200Action Descriptions 200Miscellaneous Actions 205

&RPEDW�0RGLÀHUV 205Aggressive Stance 205Area Attack 205GM Advice: Area Attacks 205$XWRÀUH�$WWDFN 206Conditions 206Cover 206Concealment 206Defensive Stance 207Ganging Up 207Helpless Defenders 207Improvised Weapons 207Minions 207Surprise Attacks 208

Damage 208Toughness Saving Throws 208Damage Descriptors 208'DPDJH�'HVFULSWRU�0RGLÀHUV 208Pulling Your Punch 2091RQOHWKDO�'DPDJH 209Damage Conditions 209Tracking Damage 210Recovery 211Recovery Checks 211Damaging Objects 212Fatigue 213

The Environment 213Light and Darkness 213Ability Score Damage 213Heat and Cold 213Starvation and Thirst 213Suffocation 214Falling 214Poison 214Disease 215Otherspace 216Hellholes 217

SHORT STORY: TRADING DEBTS 218APPENDICESGlossary 225Index 229Kickstarter Backers 237Character Sheet 238

3XUFKDVH�71 181Electronics 181/DZ�(QIRUFHPHQW�&ULPLQDO�*HDU 181Surveillance Gear 181Survival Gear 182Tools 182

Magic Items 183Amulets 183Sample Amulets 183Magical Research Materials 183Seraphic Artifacts 183Infernal Artifacts 184Magical Mundane Equipment 184

Weapons 185Melee Weapons 185Axes 185Blades 185Clubs 185Garrotes 185Polearms 185Whips 185Magical Weapons 186Weapon Amulets 186Mage Metal Weapons 186Ranged Weapons 187Blowpipes 187Bows 187Crossbows 187Slings 187Handguns 187Launchers 187Long Arms 187Thrown Weapons 188Axes 188Blades 188Darts 188Grenades 188Snares 189Spears 1890DUWLDO�$UWV�8QDUPHG�&RPEDW 190Specialty Weapons 190Weapon Accessories 190

Armor 190Archaic Armor 190Mage Metal Armor and Shields 191Modern Armor 191

Transportation 191Strength 191Speed 191Defense 192Features 192Ground Transportation 192Water Vehicles 192Air Vehicles 193


Fiction:”Bait” 195Combat 195

Combat Sequence 195&RPEDW�'HÀQLWLRQV 196Initiative 196Initiative Checks 1960LVFHOODQHRXV�,QLWLDWLYH�0RGLÀHUV 196Flat-Footed 196Joining a Fight 196Surprise 196Determining Awareness 196The Surprise Round 197Unaware Combatants 197

Combat Statistics 197Attack 197



“ ‘Only the Most High can create a new thing, only God the Victorious, and his humans, who breathe with his breath, may dream, devising that which they have not seen, humans with their stories, songs, and poems, KXPDQV�ZLWK�WKHLU�PDFKLQHV�ZKLFK�WKH\�LPDJLQH�DQG�EXLOG���6R�LW�KDV�DOZD\V�EHHQ�·�µ�KH�ÀQLVKHG�WKH�TXRWH��his tone dropping low with disquiet. “Until now.”

— Zadkiel, Seraphs

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