the rise revoluton a new rise

Post on 01-Nov-2020






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This year, RISE Camp is a little

bit different. Masks are required

unless you are eating; social dis-

tancing between homebases is tak-

ing place, and there’s lots of clean-

ing. In an interview with a camp

head, Ally, she told us that they are

“using a checklist provided for us

by the CDC for camps” and that

their check-in questions include

“whether you have a headache,

runny nose, fever, nausea, etc…”

She also said that the reason for

keeping groups small and isolated

is simple: “We were required to

and it keeps you guys as safe as pos-

sible.” As for answering the ques-

tions, she said that “as long as they

can explain… a symptom, like al-

lergies, then we can let them come

to camp.” Clearly, camp this sum-

mer has changed quite a lot, but as

Ally said, it’s only to keep everyone


There are many things campers and coun-

selors miss about RISE Camp this summer in

comparison to past summers. Eric, a coun-

selor for Homebase One says that he will “...

miss playing and organizing sports events and

courses like the RISE Ultimate Challenge and

the Counselor vs. Counselor Basketball Game.

Roz, a camper in Homebase One, says that

she misses, “being able to pick every individ-

ual course.” Campers Lousia and Evan missed

swimming at the Brown pool during the camp

day. Another Homebase One camper Emma

misses the arts and crafts. Camper Emilo says

“I miss talking to other people outside of my

homebase.” Will, another camper misses the

RISE Olympics, a RISE camp special event

which took place for the first time last year.

RISE camper Cora, along with myself will

miss the cooking course, where campers were

able to make many types of food and baked

goods. Veteran RISE camper Cash misses the

aspect of travelling across campus from course

to course. Hannah, another Homebase One

camper, misses the RISE Film Festival, an an-

nual viewing of the latest Movie Magic Makers

production on the big screen. Homebase One

counselor Henry and Homebase One CIT

Emmett miss being around a lot of different

people, whether it be campers our other coun-

selors throughout the camp day. This is only a

small portion of what is missed from the RISE

camp of years past, and I definitely want to

ask you, “what do you miss most about RISE


Table of Contents1. Cover Page 7. RISE Funnies

2. RISE Experiences 8. Back Page

3. Music/Arts

4. Entertainment

5. Food

6. Opinion Pieces

C o v e r P a g e | 1


Tip-off of the 2019 Counselor vs Counselor Basketball Game

What is missing from RISE Camp 2020?


A shot of parent and their camper being screened by RISE Camp Staff

A New RISE Camp

It’s been a difficult three months. Peo-

ple are dying by the thousands. Some

nurses may have physical and emotional

trauma from all the patients they are see-

ing. They may feel as if they are not sav-

ing enough lives. Some nurses are getting

exposed to the virus as well when work-

ing longer shifts throughout the day. It is

important to also remember that these

nurses, and other healthcare profession-

als are the reason for why several lives are

being saved. The Coronavirus has also af-

fected the business environment. People

have been laid off, thousands are filing

for unemployment and the stock market

is plunging. Some places are open like

beaches, hair salons and summer camps.

Businesses like restaurants have their cus-

tomers and employees wear masks. Em-

ployees are also required to sanitize and

social distance while in these resutaraunts

It is a new normal, but it is the saf-

est way to get everyone together again.

A Look at COVID-19 Through a Global Lense

THE RISE REVOLUTONJ u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0

By: Rosalind Bassen-Alexander

By: Ella Pollock

By: Carlene Foster

There are a lot of things to do during Homebase One activity.

You can play with chalk. With the chalk you can make different

things with different colors. You can use the chalk on the ground,

brick, or concrete wall. Another thing you can do is friendship

bracelets. You can make them in different colors and also make

different kinds of bracelets like candy stripe and chinese staircase.

The last thing you can do is four-square. You have one

ball, and the queen leading serves the ball to another square. They

hit it to other squares until they are out of the game. These are the

things that we do at activity.

On my first day of camp I was so nervous because it’s my first year of upper camp. Then I started to realize it wasn’t so scary. When we began playing four square I began to really have fun. At the end of the day, the animation course really helped me express my thoughts.

The next day I knew that it was going to be as fun as the first

day. However, it started to get hot which made me want to take my mask off, but because of the new safety precautions in place I couldn’t. Thankfully, during lunch time I was finally able to take it off to eat.

On the third day of camp, I had to wake up at 6:01 a.m., which

caused me to be extremely tired for the rest of the day. After camp, my mom asked me why I didn’t get up at 7:00 a.m. instead and I real-ized that I had accidentally set my alarm too early.

On the last day of camp that week it was a sea animal themed

day and everyone wore blue and brought in stuffed animals. And that was my first week of camp.

The rules of four square consist of a king/queen, prince/princess,

jack, and peasant square. Four square is very popular in Homebase

One and other homebases across RISE Camp. Claire likes that ev-

eryone gets a turn to play; “I love to be queen,” says the Homebase

One camper. “Four square gets pretty competitive as well.” Some

other rules in the game of four square include that if you bounce

the ball outside of the four squares then you are out. Similarly, if

you double touch the ball or if you bounce the ball in your own

square you are also out. The objective of the game is to stay in the

king/queen square for as long as possible.

Homebase 1’s “Leonard,” had a really good life even though we

only had him for a couple of days. He was always smiling and was

a good man. “Leonard was the best four square ball ever,” said Em-

mett, Homebase One’s CIT. “But I’m sad to report that Leonard died

because he was scratched by what we believe to be a squirrel. It was a

sad day for all. Rest in peace Leonard.

There are many fun activities at RISE Camp. Some of them are swimming,

acrylic color, friendship bracelets, four square, and capture the flag. I believe these five

activities in particular are my favorite all-time activities at RISE camp.

Swimming is my personal favorite activity. I like to swim, and it is one of my

favorite sports. I also like it because I am able to swim with my friends.

Friendship bracelets would have be to my second favorite activity. Creating

friendship bracelets brings out my creative side, and it also is just a relaxing activity to

make bracelets at RISE.

Acrylic color is my third favorite activity at RISE camp because I like to paint

and color. I also like to create art after being inspired by my favorite subject in school:

art class. When I do art and drawing, it makes me feel calm.

Four square is my fourth favorite activity. I like to play this game outside, as it

makes me feel energetic. I also like to do this outdoor activity during the summer, as

the sunny and warm weather makes this game more fun to play.

Capture the Flag is my fifth favorite activity at RISE. It is another energetic

activity that is fun to do during camp, and I also have done this game many times.

This activity also makes me sweaty and hot.


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J u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0

Top 5 TikTokkers


In Honor of Leonard

Homebase One Activity Four Square Basics

R I S E E x p e r i e n c e s | 2J u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0

By: Abigail Dumont

First Day At RISEBy: Claire Reilly

By: Louisa Rhee

I interviewed three people to hear what the distinctions are with RISE camp this year. These are the many changes:- Wash your hands regularly - Keep a mask on at all times- Keep your distance from other people

These are some regulations that make RISE camp safe this summer.

RISE vs. COVID-19By: Ella Pollock

By: Wyatt Goldstein

Top 5 Fun Activities at RISEBy: Emma Kwee


A close-up of Homebase One’s former four square ball.

Charlie D’amelio is number one. This is because she has over 70 million followers and she is a really good dancer.

Addison Rae is second because she has less clean content on her account, making her not so RISE appropri-ate. However, she does do a lot of cool dances, and is really open with her followers.

Avani is third because she has creepy content which scares people, but her creepy clown make-up is pretty cool.

Dixie Damelio, otherwise known as Charli D’amelio’s sister is fourth because she is not much of a dancer. She does do a lot of singing and that is really cool.

Rainbow Kitties (RainbowKitties32), who is also known as RISE Camper Emma Kwee is fifth on my list. She is not as famous as the other TikTokkers, but she is super underrated at performing these TikTok dances.

THE RISE REVOLUTONJ u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0 M u s i c a n d A r t s | 3

Metal is a diverse genre. Whether you’re into death metal, black metal heavy metal, or just one of those people who thinks everything falls

under the category of screaming, there is probably something for you. But differences aside, let’s count down the top ten greatest metal albums

of all time.

10. Scumdogs of the Universe - Gwar: Gwar is undeniably one of the most original bands of all time. In their sophomore effort,

Scumdogs of the Universe proves no different. With the biggest song of their career, “Sick of You,” this album secured Gwar’s place as one of

the most recognizable bands of the metal genre.

9. Herzeleid - Rammstein: While German metal legends Rammstein’s second album, Sehnsucht, was the one that brought them in-

ternational fame, Herzeleid was the album that brought them their initial popularity in their native country of Germany. From Rammstein’s

classic “Du Reichst so gut ‘98” to the synth-heavy “Laichzeit,” Rammstein’s debut album established them as a force to be reckoned with.

8. Iowa - Slipknot: Slipknot has always been an angry band and Iowa is definitely their angriest song. Gaining a considerable following

with their first album, Iowa showcases what would eventually become classics, such as “Disasterpiece” and “The Heretic Anthem.”

7. Reign in Blood - Slayer: After the release of their debut LP Show No Mercy, the Hell Awaits EP, and the double EP, Live Undead/Haunting the Chapel, The 80’s thrash metal icons presented their career defining album, Reign in Blood. With classics such as “Raining

Blood” and “Angel of Death,” Reign in Blood showcased Slayer at the height of their popularity.

6. Rust in Peace - Megadeth: Megadeth had a considerable following before they released their breakthrough album, Rust in Peace. It

is undeniable that this album, with classic metal songs like “Holy Wars… The Punishment Due,” has solidified Megadeth as true metal legends.

5. Toxicity - System of a Down: It’s hard to say anything bad about the System of a Down (SOAD). They are one of the greatest metal

bands of the 90’s, if not of all time. SOAD’s second album, Toxicity, is a roaring bonecrusher that focuses more on the mind and human activ-

ity rather than their politically charged first album. (More on “Back Page”)

Top 10 Metal Albums of All Time By: Cash Vincent

Top 5 TikTokkersBy: Evan Carter

Top 5 Fun Activities at RISE

Charle D’Amelio

Addson Rae

Dizie D’Amelio Avani

1. Roblox - I think that Roblox is a good game be-cause the chat filter makes it almost impossible to say words that are not RISE appropriate.

2. Minecraft - I think that Mincraft is a good game because you learn how to build.

3. Forza 4 - I think that Forza 4 is a good game because you learn about car brands like Lamborghini, Ram, Bugatti, and more.

4. Astroneer - This is a good game but you need to know the controls.

5. Battlefront - This is personally not a good game because you need to pay to play online and if you’re not online then you play with the A.I. (Artificial Intel-ligence)

Animal Crossing: New Horzizons is amazing! It’s a great game to play during quarantine. I like how you can create things in the game. Also, I enjoy the new swimming update. You can even convert ma-terials to make things.

5/5 Stars

I have only played this game for four hours, but I would have to give Animal Crossing: New Ho-rizons a 9/10 stars. This game is so cute and I love playing with the virtual neighbors in the game. The neighbors are nice and friendly to me. The game also allows you to make tools and campfires. You can catch fish with a fishing pole and butterflies with a net. You can shake trees and tree branches, but be careful because you could get stung by bees. Overall, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a great game and I love playing it!

9/10 Stars

Top 3 Best Fruits

Top 10 Desserts

THE RISE REVOLUTON E n t e r t a i n m e n t | 4J u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0

Video Game RatingsBy: Wyatt Goldstein

Animal Crossing ReviewsBy: Hannah Zand

By: Abigail Dumont

In order to bring balance to the force in Star Wars, this does not mean destroying just the Sith. The Jedi manipulated the force in an unnatural way. The force favors the neutral, not the extremists of the force. Anakin destroyed the Jedi and then he destroyed the Sith years after. The Jedi twisted the prophecy saying that in order to bring balance to the force, Anakin must destroy the Sith only.

Proof that Anakin is the Chosen One

By: William Hinson

Will explains why Anakin Skywalker is the chosen one

Children are always told to eat their fruits and vegeta-bles by their parents, but the emphasis is always on the veggies. In this list I’m going to show fruit the love it de-serves.

My personal favorite is kiwi because you can eat it di-rectly out of the skin and the flavor combination of sweet and sour is perfect.

Next on the list has to be strawberries because their sweetness is just right.

I would put peaches third, but I have a minor allergy to them and a few other fruits. Instead, watermelon takes third place. Because of its nice, crisp, flavor, it goes well with other fruits.

So there you have it, my top 3 best fruits. My honor-able mentions are blackberries, bananas, raspberries, and

These are the top best desserts and sweets that I enjoy. I like cake a lot because it is great for birth-days and special occasions. Cookies are also amaz-ing for parties and other various social events. I prefer brownies when I just want a little sweet treat. Pop Tarts are awesome for breakfast and dessert (just make sure you eat unfrosted for breakfast). Oreos are perfect when dipped in milk. Croissants are a good mid-day snack. Donuts are really sug-ary (make sure you brush your teeth afterwards!) Ice cream is great on a hot day! A popsicle is great because if that melts it then turns into flavored wa-ter! Italian ice is basically a popsicle, the last desert item that concludes my top ten desserts list.

1. Hamburger: I like burgers because I real-ly like to add cheese which goes well with the meat.

2. Mac ‘n’ Cheese: I like pasta and I love cheese, so that combo makes me love mac ‘n’ cheese.

3. Pizza: I like pizza because the combination of cheese, tomato sauce, and soft crust makes a great meal.

4. Hot Dogs: I like hot dogs because the fla-vors of the meat and the bun go really well to-gether.

5. Eggs and Bacon: Eggs and bacon become great when they are salty, giving this breakfast the slightest edge over the classic dish.

Honorable Mentions: Chicken, tacos, lasa-gna, soup, spaghetti and meatballs.

1. Mochi - My first favorite dessert is Mochi ice cream. Mochi is a Jap-

anese-inspired brand of ice cream with endless options to choose from. I

like this dessert the most because the combination of mochi and ice cream

together tastes really good.

2. Del’s Lemonade - My second favorite dessert is Del’s. Del’s is a kind of

slushie. Their are many kinds of flavors like blueberry, cherry, grapefruit

and peach. My favorite Del’s flavor is watermelon. Del’s is very sweet and

cold, which is a perfect drink to have during the summer!!

3. Froyo (Frozen Yogurt) - My third favorite dessert is froyo. Froyo is like

ice cream, but its colder and it’s made out of yogurt. You’re able to pick any

frozen yogurt flavor and choose any toppings you want with it like sprinkles,

gummy bears, marshmallow and more . Froyo tastes very good, and it is the

perfect dessert for the summer. My favorite frozen yogurt is plain frozen

yogurt with mini mochis and rainbow sprinkles.

4. Brownies - My fourth favorite dessert is brownies. Brownies are my

fourth favorite dessert because it is very sweet, especially with chocolate

frosting inside the brownie. I also like it because I like chocolate. My favorite

kind of brownies are plain chocolate brownies. The double chocolate combi-

nation makes brownies very tasty.

5. Ice Cream Sandwich - My fifth favorite dessert is the ice cream sand-

wich. The chocolate chip cookies as the bread along with the ice cream is a

combination that tastes very amazing together. My favorite type of ice cream

sandwich is chocolate bread with vanilla ice cream and strawberry mixed


N e w s | 5THE RISE REVOLUTONJ u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0 R I S E F o o d | 5

Top 3 Best FruitsBy: Rosalind Bassen-Alexander

Top 10 DessertsBy: Cora Bassen-Alexander

Top 5 Dinner FoodsBy: Cora Bassen-Alexander

By: Emma Kwee

Top 5 Yummy Desserts

Animal Crossing Reviews

A cookout featurng hot dogs and hamburgers

In terms of a love interest for Katniss, Peeta would

match her perfectly because his calmer demeanor settles

her fiery personality. His baking skills also compliment her

hunting expertise, which would keep them fed at all times.

Additionally, Peeta and Katniss spent way more time to-

gether because they have to travel together all the time. And

when Katniss was starving out in the rain, Peeta provided

her with food. Although Peeta didn’t interact with Katniss

much before the Games, he was in school with her so he

learned her personality and he had the chance to fall in love

with her. So he most likely didn’t talk to her without embar-

rassing himself. He always truly loved Katniss, he was never


The only reason Gale even said he loved Katniss was

because Peeta did it and he didn’t want to share Katniss,

which is selfish if you ask me. Selfishness isn’t a trait you

want in a love interest. Also, Gale can’t cook as well as Pee-

ta, and what’s hunting without the actual cooking and eat-

ing? Although Gale has many siblings he takes care of, that

doesn’t necessarily translate to being good at supporting a

family. The argument that Katniss has known Gale longer

doesn’t actually work because they treated each other more

like siblings, so dating would be a little weird. Also, when

Katniss got back from the games, Gale almost completely

ignored her. He just got jealous, tried to keep her and Peeta

apart, and tried to win her back by kissing her (bad move).

All of these reasons prove that Peeta is the best for Katniss.

By: Rosalind Bassen-Alexander Everyone knows the Hunger Games series. Specifi-

cally, Katniss and her two love interests, Gale and Peeta.

My opinion is in favor of Gale and Katniss for obvious rea-

sons. He was always with Katniss and even though they are

a couple of years apart, he never abandoned her. He was

smart, strong, and could even hunt. He was also a family

man, which meant that he could take of financial problems

for his family, while still having time for Katniss.

Peeta, on the other hand, is much less worthy of Kat-

niss’ love and affection. Even though Peeta and Katniss are

the same age and he’s had a crush on her since first grade,

he only really talks to her in the Games. He doesn’t know

how to fend for himself and doesn’t have any family experi-

ence. Overall, Gale is a much better choice.

No eating in class - such a controversial rule (especially when the rule was

still applied during the course of online school). Teachers having control of the

classroom eating food in class was normal when we could go to class, but why

have the rule over a class Zoom?

Having snacks was always a must in class. Chips along with a box of juice

was always my favorite. As time progressed, my school started adding new rules:

“You must have healthy snacks.” When was that a rule? I understand that child

obesity is a thing and I suffer from it myself, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy

what we bring. Did the teacher buy my snacks with her own money? If not, then

why should they have the power to take mine away or tell me not to eat it?

Putting the concept of being in school aside, why do I have to stop eating

my favorite snack just because the teacher may be uncomfortable? Being face to

face in a classroom is one thing, but at home we are perfectly able to clean up our

mess and throw it away. Zoom allows us to block our faces and mute ourselves,

but the teacher insists on seeing our faces, where they will see exactly what I am

going to eat.

1. School doesn’t take as long.2. You get to take breaks whenever you want.3. You get to stay in your comfort zone (which for me is my

room/house)4. You get to stay in your pajamas all day during school.5. You get to show your friends what zoom has to offer.6. (This one is my favorite) You get to use your devices more.7. You get to spend time with your parents.8. You get to make forts.9. You get to do neighborhood activities.10. You get to do cooking projects.

Peeta Mellark

Gale Hawthorne

The Cat Party (Comic)THE RISE REVOLUTONJ u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0 R I S E O p i n i o n s | 6

The Hunger Games DebatesWhy Peeta is Better Why Gale is BetterVS.

By: Emilio Pichardo

That One Class RuleBy: Emilio Pichardo

My Top 10 Favorite Things About COVID-19

By: Claire Reilly

I’ve always been a fan of old or “classic” comedians like Groucho Marx or Jerry Seinfeld, which is what inspired me to write this. So without further ado, here are some the best quotes that comedy has to offer:

“I find television very educating. Every time some-one turns on the set, I go into the room and read a book.” - Groucho Marx

“Getting older is no problem. You just have to live long enough.” - Groucho Marx

“A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.” - Jerry Seinfeld

“Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.” - Jerry Seinfeld

“I looked up my family tree and found three dogs using it.” - Rodney Dangerfield

“I went to see my doctor. “Doctor, every morn-ing when I get up and look in the mirror… I feel like throwing up. What’s wrong with me?” He said, “I don’t know, but your eyesight is perfect.”” - Rodney Danger-field

“One thing a computer can do that humans can’t is be sealed up in a cardboard box and sit in a ware-house.” - Jack Hardy

“I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then I’d have all my money back.” - Jack Hardy

“Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People trav-el thousands of miles ot be with people they only see once a year and then discover once a year is way too often.” - Johnny Carson

“Despite the fact that computer speeds are measured in nanoseconds and picoseconds, (one-billionth and one-trillionth of a second respectively) the smallest interval of time known to man is that which occurs in Manhattan between the traffic signal turing green and the taxi driver behind you blowing his horn.” - Johnny Carson

“A student from the University of Washington has sold his soul on ebay for $400. He’s a law student, so he probably doesn’t need it, but still, that’s not very much.” - Jay Leno

“You can’t mad at somebody who makes you laugh.” - Jay Leno

THE RISE REVOLUTONJ u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0 R I S E F u n n i e s | 7

Quotes From ComediansBy: Cash Vincent

The Cat Party (Comic)By: Hannah Zand

The RISE Camp talent show is usually a live per-formance in front of the whole camp, but this year it was a little different. Each homebase was tasked to create a TikTok video to share with the entire camp. TikTo is a social media app where people can make and share videos. This year, my homebase, Homebase One, was able to put together a danc-ing video where we were dancing within multiple screens at one time. I was very excited to see the various acts from other homebases, and I am curi-ous to see what the talent show will look like next year at RISE camp.

THE RISE REVOLUTONJ u l y 3 1 2 0 2 0 B a c k P a g e | 8

4. British Steel - Judas Priest: If you know the song “Break-

ing The Law,” then you know Judas Priest. Their best-known album,

British Steel, spawned the ubiquitous anthem as well as other hits like

“Living After Midnight.”

3. Psalm 69 - Ministry: One of the industrial metal pioneers,

Ministry’s first foray into the world of metal, Psalm 69, showcases the

band’s signature overly-political style in songs like “N.W.O,” and the

album also includes the metal classic “Jesus Built My Hotrod.”

2. Ænima (pronounced On-EH-Muh) - Tool: It was the al-

bum that turned Tool from a straight-up rock band to the progressive

metal legends we know today. One of the rare albums that has no weak

spots, Ænima had no song that wasn’t amazing. From the epic opener

“Stinkfist” to the thirteen-minute closer “Third Eye,” Ænima accom-

plished a feat rarely achieved by other bands. The album charted in

the top-ten twice; once on the initial release date, and again when Tool

released their latest album Fear Inoculum.

1. Paranoid - Black Sabbath: There has never been, nor will there

ever be, a band that matches the greatness, and impact of metal pio-

neers Black Sabbath. Sabbath’s second effort Paranoid is an amazing

mix of hard rock and blues rock, Sabbath’s signature formula in father-

ing metal. Every metalhead knows the title track, and many sports fans

will know the stadium staple “Iron Man.” Either way, Paranoid is one

of, if not the greatest metal albums of all time.

Top 10 Metal Albums (Cont.) By: Cash Vincent

A TikTok Talent ShowBy: Hannah Zand

Creative ArtBy: Ella Pollock

The album cover of Black Sabbath’s ParanoidCampers from Homebase Two performing their TikTom dance

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