the revised reporting guidelines (of the clrtap)€¦ · revised reporting guidelines: • the...

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The Revised Reporting Guidelines (of the CLRTAP) UNECE Workshop, Armenia, 2-4/5/2015

Dr Chris Dore Emma Salisbury

Contents 1. Introduction 2. CLRTAP Emissions Inventory Reporting 3. Point Sources 4. Gridded Data 5. The Informative Inventory Report 6. Summary & Close

1. Introduction What environmental issues is the CLRTAP trying to address?

• Health impacts – toxic pollutants

• Acidification and ecosystem impacts – deposition, and “persistent” pollutants

• Tropospheric (low-level) ozone formation – pollutants that form ozone.

1. Introduction Revised Reporting Guidelines:

• The revision of the Gothenburg Protocol provided a

sensible opportunity to update/revise the reporting requirements

• The Executive Body published their decisions following their 2013 meeting (2013/7).

2a. CLRTAP Inventory: Sources Sources: • All “primary” man-made emissions • Standard reporting structure for sources

– Updated “Nomenclature for Reporting” (NFR) – To maintain alignment with GHG reporting – 1A Fuel Combustion

• 1A1 Energy Industries – 1A1a Public Electricity Generation

– 1B Fugitive Emissions (fuels, but not combustion) – 2 Industrial Processes and Product Use – (e.g. chemical industry, solvents) – 3 Agriculture – 5 Waste

2a. CLRTAP Inventory: Sources Sources: • Numerous “memo items” reported for information

– International shipping – International aviation – “Natural” sources (forests, wildfires, volcanoes…)

• National totals to be based on fuel sold

– Compliance is based on fuel used for some countries.

Pollutants: • Black Carbon added (voluntary reporting).

2b. CLRTAP Inventory: Methods The EMEP/EEA Guidebook: • The most recent version of the EMEP/EEA

Guidebook shall be used as the default reference material for methodologies

• Tier1, 2 and 3 methodologies

• Parties can use “their own” methodologies if these are “better” than those available from the Guidebook.

2c. CLRTAP Inventory: Time

Time Resolution & Coverage: • Annual - 1990 – 2013 (2 years behind current year) • It is good practice to revise the whole time series:

– To capture methodological improvements – Ensure internal consistency

2d. CLRTAP Inventory: Template

See reporting template…

2d. CLRTAP Inventory: Reporting Notation Keys • “NE” - not estimated • “IE” - included elsewhere • “C” - confidential information • “NA” - not applicable • “NO” - not occurring • “NR” - not relevant.

3. CLRTAP: Methodology Report Informative Inventory Report (IIR) • A methodology report should be submitted each

year (after the emissions dataset). – Enough detail to explain the approach, and input data,

that has been used. – Key categories shall be identified – An uncertainty analysis shall be undertaken

• This report is used in the “Stage 3” review process – As well as being a valuable reference document.

• Report in English is “requested”…

4. CLRTAP Inventory: Projections

Reporting Emission Projections: • Emission projections to be reported every 2 years

– “with measures”, and “with additional measures” – 2020, 2025, 2030 (2040, 2050 if available) – SO2, NOX, NH3, PM2.5, NMVOCs (black carbon if


5. CLRTAP: Large Point Sources Large Point Sources (LPS) • Dataset of emissions from large point sources is

required every 2 years (from 2016 onwards). – Large point sources are those emitting above specified

thresholds. – SO2, NOX, CO, NMVOCs, NH3, PM2.5, PM10, Pb, Cd, Hg,

PAHs x 4, PCDD/F, HCB, PCBs. – Stack height classes to be reported as well (<45m, 45-

100m, 100-150m, 150-200m, >200m).

6. CLRTAP: Gridded Data Gridded Emissions Data • Reported every 2 years (from

2016 onwards). • gridded national emissions for

“all” pollutants. • 0.1°×0.1° latitude-longitude

projection • By GNFR sector.

7. CLRTAP Reporting: Adjustments Addition of Adjustments Process • Changes to the science/understanding… impacts on

national emission estimates • Can move Parties into non-compliance. • The Adjustments Process allows Parties to apply for

“changes” to their inventory for compliance purposes.

6. Summary (1 of 2) “One step at a time!” • There are several elements to reporting. • Some countries do not make complete submissions.

• Approach - start with the national inventory, and improve completeness of reporting “one step at a time”.

• Your top priority is submitting a complete national emissions inventory dataset each year…

• … and a methodology report (time consuming)

6. Summary (2 of 2) “One step at a time!” • After you have a good quality inventory & report…

• Projected emissions – can be political. • Large point sources – hopefully not too difficult • Gridded/mapped emissions – quite difficult! But

very useful.


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