the reminder - crossroads united methodist churchbob goodin, choir director susan kern, office...

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FDA Cooking ~ Nov 5, 8:00 am, Kitchen

Fall Craft Festival ~ Nov 6th, 9am—3 pm, Multi Carnegie Village Worship ~ Nov 7, 4:00 pm, Carnegie Village

Sunshine Circle ~ Nov 8, 10:00 am, Rm#105 Special Events Meeting ~ Nov 8, 6:00 pm, Rm#210

Girl’s Night Out ~ Nov 9, 6:30 pm, The Ranch Trustee Meeting ~ Nov 9, 7:00 pm, Rm#103

Veteran’s Day ~ November 11 Joy Group ~ Nov 11, 7:00 pm, June Harp’s House

FDA Cooking ~ Nov 12, 8:00 am, Kitchen Square Dancing ~ Nov 12, 6:30 pm, Multi

C.Y.G. Full Throttle ~ Nov 12, 7:00 pm, Multi SLI Meeting ~ Nov 13, 9:00 am, Rm#105

Guild Meeting ~ Nov 15, 1:30 pm, Martha Twente’s House UMW Installation of Officers ~ Nov 16, 7:00 pm, Multi

Kids First Gov Bd Mtg ~ Nov 16, 7:30 pm, Rm#105 Kids First Thanksgiving Feast ~ Nov 18, Multi

Angel Food Ministries Meeting ~ Nov 18, 6:30 pm, Rm#105 Community Thanksgiving ~ Nov 18, 7:00 pm, Christian Church

Finance Meeting ~ Nov 20, 8:30 am, Rm#105 Angel Food Distribution ~ Nov 20, 9:00 am, Multi

Church Council Meeting ~ Nov 22, 7pm, Multi Scouts Cub/Pack/Troop Comm ~ Nov 23, 6:00 pm, Rm#210

Thanksgiving Day ~ November 25 Serving Thanksgiving Dinner at CrossRoads ~ Nov 25, 12-1pm

Decorating the Church for Christmas ~ Nov 26

The Reminder

Upcoming Events

C r o s s R o a d s t h e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h i n B e l t o n

Reverend J. C. Harp, Pastor

Brian Mason, Youth Director

Bob Goodin, Choir Director

Susan Kern, Office Coordinator

Gwen Perry, Kids First Director

w w w . c r o s s r o a d s - u m c . c o m

Pause & Give Thanks

Thanksgiving Day at CrossRoads

Wherever you find yourself today,

Whether filled with joy

or wrapped in pain,

Remember to pause a moment

and give thanks.

For no other event in

our history and time,

Can change our lives like the

birth of Christ – so Divine.

His love never failing,

and His Presence always near

The greatest wonder in Heaven

on Christmas did appear.

God’s gift full of grace that

brings life, love, and hope,

Can be unwrapped by us all -

changing life’s scope.

For when we invite His life

into our hearts,

No love is greater than

that He imparts.

So wherever you find yourself today,

Remember to pause

and give thanks,

For He is the Truth and the Way!

Carolyn Lynn Schwartz

We will be serving a Thanksgiving dinner at CrossRoads this

year for those folks in our local community who may be

alone or may not otherwise have the means for a special

meal due to economic reasons. Please contact Polly Mabey

if you can help. Monetary donations are needed and a

sign-up list for food items and for assistance with set-up,

serving, and clean-up will be available soon. Thanks for

your support of this mission of CrossRoads.


Room 210 at 9:00 am

Leader: Jim Jenkins, 331-2925 or


Room 105 at 9:00 am

Leader: Carl Gum, 322-3007 or




multi-purpose room on the stage

by the grand piano. 8:45-9:15am

on Sunday mornings.


For ages 3 years to 5th grade.

9:15 am Pam Eaton, 322-1532

NURSERY Room 203. Nursery is

available during the Sunday School

hour and Sunday Worship Service.

Any questions about the nursery

can be directed to the church

office, 331-5258.

S u n d a y S c h o o l

Info & Updates

Please have your articles for the

December Reminder to the office

by the Friday, Nov 19th deadline.

Giving envelopes are available in

the office or on the

information table.

Please write separate checks for

building fund and general fund

contributions. These funds are

kept in separate bank accounts.

Please send updates for the web site

to, or contact

the church office.

Please contact the church office if

you need to update your address,

phone numbers or email


The Attendance and Building Fund

Status information can be found on

the Bulletin Board outside the

Secretary‟s Office.

The Reminder

A/V Team



Our Audio/Visual Team is

looking for volunteers to

assist with our Sunday

Worship services. All

training will be provided,

so please contact Keith

Parks at 331-3518 if you

would be interested in

participating in this

important ministry for

CrossRoads. Thanks!

Kids First


Kids First is open Monday

through Friday from 6 am to

6 pm. We accept full time

children ages 2 months to 10

years. In addition, we accept

state paid tuition and are

inspected by the state on a

regular basis. Two snacks and

two meals are provided for

all-day children.

Kids First advanced and interme-

diate classes went on field trips to

Johnson‟s Pumpkin Patch. The

children had playtime, hayrides

and were able to pick a pumpkin

from the pumpkin patch.

We are now taking enrollment

for infants for the first of the year.

If you are interested in daycare

services, please contact Gwen

Perry at 816-322-9603.

Page 2

November 1-15

Mark Polk


November 16-30

Jim Twyman


Church Security

Wed. Bible Study Class

Pastor Harp facilitates this class on

Wednesdays from 10:30am – noon

in room #103. It‟s never too late to

join this class. Call the church office

or JC with questions or just come to

the class. 816-331-5258.

JC is beginning a new Servant Leader Academy group

immediately, so please contact him or the office if you

would like to join this small group and develop your

own personal spiritual discipleship and accountability

while learning to recognize God‟s presence in your life.

New Servant Leader Academy Thanks to our Trustees for their

hard work in repairing our parking

lot and handling the routine

maintenance of our building.

Thanks to Gerald Johnson for

transforming our open field to

neatly baled round hay bales.

Thanks to Mike and Allan Jones for

providing the equipment and labor

to mow our grass when needed.

Thanks to Allan Jones for painting

the lines and curbs in our parking

lots as well as supplying the paint.

Explorer’s Sunday

School Class Info

The Explorers Sunday School class

is starting a new book;

Max Lucado‟s newest book “Out

Live your Life” is a study of the

first 12 chapters of Acts. All ages

are welcome to join our relaxed

and friendly class as we begin this

new study.

november 2010 Page 3

Cub Pack 4210 held their annual Cubmobile race on Sunday October 24, here in the church parking lot. It was a beautiful day

and there were 40 boys, out of the 57 currently chartered with the unit. The unit is comprised of three Tiger Cub dens, two

Wolf dens, one Bear den and one Webelos Patrol, and each group was represented. The parents, grandparents, siblings and

leaders had a fantastic time. There was even a concession stand selling hot dogs, burgers, chips and drinks. According to Doug

Horne and Lester Carbaugh, there were cars parked on the lower lot, upper lot, down the drive, and even on the grass to

accommodate the family members who came to watch. There were probably 100+ people cheering on the kids as they ran in

their heat. Before the race started, the Scouts lowered the large flag, folded it in the perfect triangle, and raised it while

everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance Then it was off to the races - "Scouts - start your cars!" After all was done, the leaders

raced against each other.

Winners are as follows: Fastest Overall Winners: Davin Cassidy and Jonah Howell; 2nd Place - Kyle Horne, Layne Reaka, Ian

McCann and Riley Doolittle; 3rd Place - Teigen Prince, Eric Willis, John Labbe. Fastest Racer: Den 2 - Davin Cassidy and Jo-

nah Howell; Den 3 - Kyle Horne, Layne Reaka, Ian McCann and Riley Doolittle; Den 4 - Trevor Carbaugh and Tatum Nance;

Den 6 - Cadence Winer and Levi Petersen; Den 8 - Jacob Drummond and Logan Overturf; Webelos Patrol - Isaac Ives and

Jake Vohs. Best Sportsman - Isaac Ives, Best Design - Den 3, Fastest Den - Den 3.

It‟s fundraiser time…..The Boy

Scouts are selling trash bags -

White, Yellow and Blue all for

$9.50. They are also selling nuts

again this year, so be sure to stock

up for your holiday baking. You

will find flyers are on the informa-

tion table in the multi-purpose

room. Thanks for your support!

Boy Scouts Dave Ramsey FPU Communion in Homes

There will be another Dave

Ramsey Financial Peace

University class beginning in

January 2011 at CrossRoads.

Please contact Lyn Polk for

more information. Learn how

to rid yourself of debt and

start to save for the future.

On Nov. 14th after worship,

training will begin for the

Lord’s Supper on Wheels

ministry, in which communion

is provided to people in their

homes. It‟s as rewarding for

those who provide the elements

as it is for those who receive.

Contact Lyn Polk for more info.

The Reminder Page 4

Sunday Morning Youth Group

C.Y.G. Fuel 10:17-11:17 am

Fuel is our theme for the 2010-2011 School Year. It is

our vision for our youth to have their own version of

Sunday Morning church. Youth have to hear the gospel

in a way that they can relate to. We plan to spend both

semesters showing them the impact that Christ will

make on their lives. We want them to understand that

Christ should be the fuel in which they live their lives!!

Please continue your prayers for Little Stevie, his family

and medical staff. They are putting forth every effort to

overcome the challenges of Stevie‟s medical condition

and continue to take each day as it comes. Although

he is currently on pain medications that can only be

administered in the ICU unit, they are in the process of

converting them to meds he can get on the floor.

However, he is not tolerating the conversions as well as

was hoped, so in the interest of his comfort, it is a slow

process. His wound is closed, but he still has a dressing

over the top that cannot be changed at the bedside, so

he will return to the operating room soon to have that

taken down and the wound re-evaluated. His mother

Billie Jean explains, “From there, we will see where we

stand. We are in a good place with his healing but still

have a ways to go.”

Thank you so much for the prayers, love and

support that you have so generously given for this

family in need of God‟s healing touch!

T h a n k s f o r y o u r

p r a y e r s f o r

L i t t l e S t e v i e !

This is the first article in a while for C.Y.G….we have been

very busy. We have instituted a few changes to this youth

group and they have been met with great fan fair. We have

moved our youth group to Wednesday nights at my house,

instead of Saturday nights, and have started to see an

increase in our Sunday morning youth group. On the first

Sunday in October, we had 11 kids at our C.Y.G. church

service! On Oct. 23rd, C.Y.G went to Jaegers Underground

Paintball. This has become a favorite event with the kids,

and we plan on doing it twice a year. CY.G. attended an

evangelism event at Belton High School, where we saw 3 of

our newer kids come to Christ!! It was such a blessing to

have been allowed to be a part of that moment with them.

We are very excited to have a few new leaders: Jacob

Smith, Brandon Golden and Sydney Hunt. They have been

dedicated to helping these kids grow in their faiths. They

have been there for every youth group event so far this

year. Jacob and Brandon both attend Calvary Bible College

and Sydney is my sister in-law. It is very difficult to have a

thriving youth group without leaders. We praise God for

bringing us the additional help that we have so desperately

needed. The kids have responded well to having them

there. So to Jacob, Brandon, Sydney and my beautiful wife

Stephanie, who has been there for these kids from the

beginning of our time here at Crossroads….Thank You!! You

have no idea how much it means to have you guys there!

C.Y.G. at Jaegers Underground Paintball on Oct 23

Become a CRUMC facebook fan!

Follow us on Twitter!

C.Y.G Core Wed Nights 7:17-8:17 pm

Small Group follow-ups. A weekly get together to see

how Sunday‟s lesson is being applied to each individual‟s

situation. We envision this as a great opportunity for

them to study in-depth the ministry of Christ. We are

instructed as believers to go and make disciples. This is a

great opportunity for these kids to develop their faith

and learn to spread the message of Christ!

CrossRoads Youth Group Update

From Youth Director Brian Mason

november 2010 Page 5

Fundraising While You Shop

Scrip cards are a fundraiser for CrossRoads,

and are ideal for birthdays, Christmas, or any special

gift, as well as your own personal use. They are gift

cards (that are identical to the cards you purchase

directly from the merchant) for businesses such as

restaurants, clothing stores, and all types of other

participating retailers. The cards are sold to the

church at a discount, and the church sells them for

the full face value to you, thereby earning the

amount of the discount as profit. So by merely

doing the shopping that you normally do, you can

earn dollars for the church by using scrip for your


There are new options available for ordering

and paying for scrip cards that are purchased

through the church. You can now order scrip on-

line, if you prefer. PrestoPay allows you to submit

payment directly from your checking account at the

time of your order. An added bonus of ordering

on-line is that certain cards (that were purchased

originally through our scrip program) can now be

reloaded rather than discarding them, which enables

us to continue our efforts to “go green”! (Not all

cards are available for reload. See web site for

complete list.) More info on reloads at shop-

The 3 ordering options we now offer are:

1. Order and pay on-line with PrestoPay

2. Order on-line and pay the church with a check

3. Submit order to Cindy and pay with a check as

we‟ve always done in the past

To sign up, go to and click

“Create Account” in the Family Sign-Up box. You

are able to create an account with or without using

the PrestoPay option. Our enrollment code is:

7BE657263L24. Orders must be released by our

church scrip coordinator, Cindy Jones, before final

processing. Please contact Cindy with questions or

for more information.

MOZAMBIQUE INITIATIVE We are at the time of year that

we need to raise $1000 for the support of the Ressano Garcia

church in SE Mozambique. Donations to our 2010 Covenant

with Ressano Garcia will be accepted through November. Thank

you so much for your support of this ministry.

Mozambique Initiative at CrossRoads

Jim’s Trivia

Each of the following is the first verse of a book of the Bible. Name the book in each case:

1.The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

2.Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.

3.There was a man in the land of Uz.

4.The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began to do and teach.

5.The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

6.In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem and besieged it.

7.Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came unto Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob.

8.And the Lord called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation.

9.Adam, Sheth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered.

10.The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

(Answers to trivia questions on the birthday page)

Fall Craft Festival

Pancake Breakfast/Chili Luncheon

November 6

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

It‟s time for our 2010 Annual Fall Craft Festival at CrossRoads.

We will bring back the popular Pancake Breakfast and Chili

Luncheon in conjunction with this year‟s Festival, as well as

our Kids Corner, with activities for children, such as craft tables

and games. Steve Anderson will handle the DeeJay duties and

will provide tunes for the event.

Please come shop the Craft Festival to support our crafters and

vendors who, through their participation in this event, will

enable us to raise funds for our children‟s activities and events

for the coming year, as well as

enabling C.Y.G. to raise funds to send

some of our youth to church camp

next summer.

We hope to see you at CrossRoads

Fall Craft Festival on November 6th!

CRAFT DONATIONS for the church booth at the Fall Craft

Festival are needed. Hand-made items are preferred. Please

place your donations on the tables by the bulletin boards in the

multi-purpose room. The UMW will operate the church booth,

so please contact Nancy Jones if you would like to serve at the

church booth.

The Reminder Page 6

If you know of any families who are struggling to meet the financial burden of their food budget and who could benefit from the

savings that an AngelFood box would allow, please have them contact the AngelFood Desk at CrossRoads for more information

(816)331-5284, or go to our website to order on-line! The November menu is available now. Our AFM Team is currently looking

for volunteers to help with the next distribution Nov 20th, 8 to 10 am. We are also looking for assistance picking up the food at

Harrisonville Cornerstone Community Church at about 6:00 or 6:30 am. If you have access to a truck or van, that is wonderful, if

not, the Church Van is available. Please contact Susan in the office if you can help with this valuable outreach ministry. 331-5258.

Do you know someone who is in need of financial

assistance with their grocery bill? CrossRoads has

secret angels who have donated funds so that we can

purchase some boxes of food for our friends, family,

and neighbors who need a little help. Please contact

the office before November 11th so that we can order

the food prior to the November deadline.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Boxes now available for Pre-Order

Thanksgiving boxes will be delivered during November’s Distribution and

Christmas boxes will be delivered during December’s distribution.

Deadline to order Thanksgiving boxes is November 11th at 2 p.m. (regular November order cutoff)

Deadline to order Christmas boxes is December 1st at 2 p.m. (special deadline)

Next distribution day is November 20th

Aluminum Turkey Pan

Turkey or brown gravy

Turkey Cooking Bags

Stove Top Dressing

Canned green beans or

whole kernel corn

Pre-made frozen

pumpkin pie

Boxed mashed potatoes

Cranberry sauce

Brown-n-Serve rolls

Here is a list of items needed for preparing

the Thanksgiving Baskets:

Heart-n-Hand Ministries

Phone: 816-322-0700

Fax: 816-322-3076


613 E. North Avenue

P O Box 161

Belton, MO 64012

If you would like to help

prepare the baskets on

Saturday, November 20

at 10:00 am, contact

Geri Jackson at

(816) 322-0700.

If you know of a family

in need, have them contact

Heart-n-Hand Ministries at

(816) 322-1133.

Place your donations

in the designated


Thanksgiving Baskets




Thanks for your generous donations to Heart „N Hand here in Belton recently. The thing about

hunger is that it never stops, does it? So we now have a permanent collection barrel in the entry way

to encourage all of us to develop the habit of bringing something to contribute every time we come

to church. In keeping with our “Fourth Sunday for Food” emphasis, Heart „N Hand will come empty

our barrel each month after the Fourth Sunday. Thanks again for your support.

YARN DONATIONS are needed for Betty Robertson to

continue making Linus Blankets for children who have had

surgery or have endured a traumatic situation. Please leave

yarn donations in the church office/reception area. Thank

you for your support.


Little Stevie Hoskins & Family

Seth Dujakovich (Brother in Boy Scout Troop #210)

Roberta Rogers

Maria Robertson

Dolores Crockett

Ruth Lowther

Patty Robertson

Lea Johnson

Louise Wagner

Clara Clickner (Flora Simmons’ sister)

Eugene Homer

(Monica Graham & Justin Hayward’s Grandfather)

Tyler Hilsabeck (Cathy Hilsabeck’s grandson)

Jennifer Rhodes (Flora Simmons’ granddaughter)

Betty Danley (Arlene Danley’s sister-in-law)

James Danely (Arlene Danley’s nephew)

Lyla Gates (Phyllis Coonrod’s mother)

C.E. Pennington (Ona Ruth Smith’s brother)


Richard Graham

Mickey Tabor

Margaret Kershaw

Eileen Duncan Palmer (Phil Duncan’s sister)

David Hanley (Frankie Hanley’s son)

Marion Rosine (Dalene Hall & Mona Roberts’ aunt)

Marilyn McClain (Chuck McClain’s mother

Brett Carroll (Sonny & Toni Wiseman’s son)

Joe Newman (Stephanie Dickerson’s friend)

Bob Perry

Evelyn McCoach

Lela Handley

Betty Billings (Susie McClain’s mother)

Lyle Billings (Susie McClain’s father)

Dorothy Cornelison

Bud Landis

Cleo Ralston

november 2010

1. Mark

2. Psalms

3. Job

4. Acts

5. Ecclesiastes

6. Daniel

7. Exodus

8. Leviticus

9. I Chronicles

10. Matthew

Jim’s Trivia Answers

( f r o m p a g e 4 )

Page 7

Plant a tree your grandchildren will climb. Remember CrossRoads UMC in

your Estate Plans.

Phone Prayer Chain

Margaret Kershaw 331-6530

Flora Simmons 331-5013




Jeannie Westmoreland


CrossRoads UMC.

CrossRoads UMC Youth

Missouri Conference

Ressano Garcia U.M.C.

In Mozambique

When you purchase Altar Flowers for a Sunday Service, you

are welcome to take the flowers home with you. We need

you to return the flower pots to the church as this saves us $5

per set. If you do not want to take the altar flowers that you

purchased home with you, just leave them and on Monday

they will be taken to someone who is ill or homebound. Call

the office with any questions. 331-5258

november Birthdays 1 Larry Thompson

2 Hayley Batchelder, Jimmy Hubbard

4 Trent Trutzel

5 Stevie Hoskins

9 Madeleine Mason

10 Amanda Newell

15 Cheryl Ashbaugh

15 Amy Brown

16 Jim Jenkins

17 Vanessa Vankirk

19 Mike Hubbard

20 Kurt Lowther

21 Elnora Fay

22 Elaine Gum

22 Judy Maxson

23 Curtis Fox

24 Patti Kluter

24 Gwen Rogers

26 Wilma Graham

26 Anna McMahon

26 Jourdin Mershon

november Anniversaries 10 Harry & Anna McMahon

11 Glen & Sandy McNeil

25 Carl & Elaine Gum

27 Curtis & Betty Stearley


Dolores Crockett


the United Methodist Church in Belton

700 Quik Trip Way

P.O. Box 167

Belton, MO 64012

Contact CrossRoads:

Phone: 816-331-5258 Fax: 816-318-4188


In person: 700 Quik Trip Way

By mail: PO Box 167, Belton MO 64012

Kids First Daycare/Preschool: 816-322-9603

w w w . c r o s s r o a d s - u m c . c o m CrossRoads



Turning Point Svc 5:00pm

Youth Bible Study Wed 7:17pm



Worship Service 8:00 am

Children‟s Choir 8:45am

Kid‟s Quest Classes 9:15am

Sunday School Adult 9:00am

Worship Service 10:10 am

CYG Core Youth 10:17am

Postmaster: Dated Material

Please deliver as soon as possible!

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage Paid

Belton, Mo. 64012



Here’s how: Buy a box of food for yourself, someone you know in need, make a cash

donation, or volunteer to help. Volunteers are needed one Saturday per month. Help is needed picking up the food in Harrisonville (6 – 8 am) and boxing and filling orders here at the church (8 – 10am). If you know of any families who are struggling to meet the financial burden of their food budget and who could benefit from the savings that

an AngelFood box would allow, please have them contact the AngelFood Desk at CrossRoads for more information. (816)331-5284

November distribution is Saturday, Nov 20th from 9:00-10:00 am at CrossRoads.

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