the recession is talking, are you listening?

Post on 31-Aug-2014






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DESCRIPTION Many of you may be looking to create additional income from doing something you enjoy or for which you have a great interest or passion. Pay the mortgage, pay off debt, contribute to college funds, or fund retirement. You can do it.

TRANSCRIPT :: Your Portal to Porch Enjoyment!

The Recession is Talking, Are You Listening? :: Your Portal to Porch Enjoyment!

The Recession is Talking, Are You Listening? (cont’d)

If it's only one thing you learn from this recession it should be that a steady income is not secure. Many people have cut expenses, are traveling less, and making various sacrifices. Unemployment lines are full of talented, educated, hard working people who no longer have employment. Many people send out resumes daily while others have given up altogether. :: Your Portal to Porch Enjoyment!

The Recession is Talking, Are You Listening? (cont’d)

This recession, at some point, will end. Employment will increase, people will see pay raises instead of pay cuts, and consumer spending will resume. No matter the amount of government intervention, at some point, the world will see another recession just as it will see another market boom.For those who still have jobs and for a lot that don't what are you doing now to create a safer and secure financial future? Is more education the answer or is working overtime your solution to making ends meet? :: Your Portal to Porch Enjoyment!

The Recession is Talking, Are You Listening? (cont’d)

This recession is telling you to become an entrepreneur, to do for yourself so that you don't have to always rely on others to do for you. This recession is telling you to teach your children to become entrepreneurs. This recession is telling you to quit saying…“I can't” ~ “I don't know how“ ~ "I'm afraid I'll


This recession is telling you…"I can” ~ "I will find a way“ ~ “I'll start today"

This recession is telling you "no excuses." :: Your Portal to Porch Enjoyment!

The Recession is Talking, Are You Listening? (cont’d)

Start slow if you have to, but start. The most convenient and inexpensive way is to use your computer. If you don't have a computer or know how to use it - use the one at the library and learn how to use it (adapt, improvise, and overcome). Creating one web page per week could very easily result in a 52-page, e-business site producing sufficient income to pay your mortgage, health insurance premium, car payment, or support your kid's college fund. :: Your Portal to Porch Enjoyment!

The Recession is Talking, Are You Listening? (cont’d)

If you can read this you can have your own e-business site.

No gimmicks, no get-rich-quick schemes, no tricks.

Perseverance, hard work for whatever time you can spare, and as my wife says "stick-to-it-ness" may result in financial security for the rest of your life.

What a great lesson to teach your children.

To get your creative juices flowing, take some time and research opportunities and teach your children, too. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it can be.

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