the real life account of a man who was abducted and abused as a child

Post on 22-Feb-2015






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October 2011

This is the real life account of a young man who was abducted by New Zealand’s state services at the age of 14 for the purpose of being the subject of an experiment in a psychiatric institution. The author of this account is the child who was so cruelly taken away from their life and subjected to much awful abuse, including severe violence, and psychological abuse at the hands of the staff members who were responsible for carrying out this study. I have decided to go public with this information now because in our society those who have been victimised do speak out, and I think the truth about what was done to an innocent child needs to be known, in order to prevent this horrifying situation from happening again. I also think that those who are involved in abusing children should not have privacy in their crimes.

This account consists entirely of what I went to the police with over 3 years ago, detailing the situations and scenarios that were so brutalising and sadistic. Due to the nature of the traumatic events I had complete amnesia about this for several years, which is why it was not until 8 years after I was finally away from this situation that I truly regained knowledge of what had happened. The following account is taken directly from the 30 page statement that I provided to the Police for them to investigate from, it is unaltered and all verbal statements referred to are being quoted directly.

The location for these initial events was a city in the North island of New Zealand. To give some background, I was a gifted student from a middle income family, and had otherwise had a very normal upbringing that included most of what would be taken for granted by most young people in the west who are not financially disadvantaged.

Due to very aggressive action by others, I was forced into two different institutions from 1996 to 2000, and some abusive situations were filmed and it is true that I was sent there specifically for the purpose of this experiment, and some of this hed ended up online. I was aged between 14 and 18 and think this to be amongst the worst of child exploitation, due to the acts of physical violence and psychological abuse, and the awfully damaging fact that this horrible experiment went on for three and a half years.

I was told that several former and current members of New Zealand’s National Party knew of, and had helped to organise this experiment via the Child Adolescent Family Mental Health Service. My unwanted association with CAF started when I left school due to stress in 1996. It was a requirement that I attend the CAF every several weeks if I was to remain in home schooling. I was told by the director of the CAF that that the person who organised this horrendous experiment was the 1995-96 National Party government Health Minister.

I know this information because when I was 14 years old, and not yet admitted to the secure psychiatric unit in my home town, I asked the director of the CAF, during an appointment with her, why she was trying so hard to get me into the local state run institution as I was not at all mentally unwell. She then said that they had a project going and they ‘just wanted to get to know’ a very intelligent young person, and that some situations may be recorded if I eventually went to Dunedin, a city in the far south of New Zealand, and she wanted me to first be admitted to the local psychiatric institution.

This woman said it would only be voice recording, but I said I didn’t believe her and said it would not be logical and that I feared filming would be happening also and that I would write to Parliament if she did this. She then became quite mocking, and said and said they wouldn’t be doing this if they didn’t already know, as she got all her orders from the health minister’s office, and she said specifically that this is where the order had come from.

She then said that people from overseas were planning to open a Research and Development facility in a small city in the North Island called Palmerston North, where young people would help with the design of products by filling out surveys after school, but first they ‘just need to get to know a gifted young person from the area really well so we can gauge what the young people of the area are about’.

She then produced from a locked cabinet a list of 30 names and handed it to me. I recognised the 1st and 3rd names, and my name was at the end of the page in a small sub group. She pointed to my name and said ‘see we don’t even want you for this the names are in descending order of who we want and you’re just an option if we can’t get anyone else’. She then told me that the health minister had told her to ring around the local schools and get the principals to help her compile a list of the 30 most gifted students in the area. She then added that ‘we don’t want maths geeks for this who aren’t sociable, we want a young person who is communicative’. This was around May 1996. This woman then said that someone had flown over all the way from Europe to help to set this up and that he had been very angry that they hadn’t gotten anyone in yet. I was then told this project had first been initiated in late 1995 and that they were overdue in finding this gifted young person that they ‘just wanted to get to know’. This woman then added several times ‘I’m only telling you this because I have a 13 year old son myself, that’s the only reason why I’m telling you this’. She then said ‘the Health Minister’s is the person that is organising this and they have been offered naming rights for the research facility they will be building in Palmerston North, and naming rights don’t come by very often so this will be going ahead’. Then, this woman added ‘and those are the Health Minister’s words so this will be happening to you’.

They had basically pounced on the first vulnerable gifted young person that they could find. Most young people who attend the CAF were not gifted. A very shocking statistic emerged years later, which found in a study that young people who had contact with the CAF, a government run facility that is nationwide, were 20 times more likely to commit suicide than young people who did not have contact with the CAF. After my experiences with their cold and detached inhuman manner I can understand this sad fact, and that New Zealand has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world.

She then said to me that she wanted me to be admitted in the very near future, angrily, and said that I would have to admit to her that I was suicidal or she would put me in to the local psychiatric lock up ward right then and there, and she added, ‘and then we’ll see who really is suicidal’. So I was forced to say I occasionally felt suicidal and she snapped back ‘well then because you’ve just admitted to me that you’re suicidal, then I am fully allowed to admit you to the local hospital right away and this will be happening’. This woman was a Scottish immigrant and I still remember her way of speaking. I see this as being terrible psychological bullying and such advantage taking of a vulnerable child.

I was eventually admitted to the local secure psychiatric institution in August 1996 for no reason at all other than writing an angry note at home that threatened nothing. To say that the CAF director was desperate for me to be admitted is an understatement because she leapt at the opportunity as soon as it was even remotely possible. The secure unit was a very small area that consisted of no more than a large day room with a corridor off it. That was all I saw of the world around me for 6 terrible months. To go from being a typical middle income child with a city at their free disposal, to spending all day and night in such a tiny enclosed environment, was mentally torturous. I should make it clear that gross acts of cruelty that were to eventuate elsewhere in New Zealand did not happen in this North Island institution, however, the depravation of liberty and the casual bullying, intimidation and mental abuse from the staff members was extremely damaging for a child who had no previous experience of these situations. I was not told

and neither were my parents, but I was already being filmed as a 14 year old child, such a sickening and violent thing for these adults to subject a young person to. The cameras were hidden in dummy smoke alarms that had no other purpose as the patient smoked indoors, because they were never allowed out and we were kept behind double locked doors, with security glass in all the windows.

Perhaps what I find most disturbing is the fact that the staff members who were harvesting this footage were the same people that sat opposite me in the day room for so many hours. That these staff members were able to sit less than 15 feet away, casually looking across and staring at an abducted child, when they were the ones collecting footage of this child onsite, is a very depraved scenario.

I was placed under community treatment orders from a court judge who visited the premises to hear why the staff felt I should have to stay. When he showed up, they had more than a dozen staff members talk to the judge and they all used the same extremely negative language that was purely for the purpose of forcing me to remain there. The staff were generally inhuman and showed no concern for me on any level, it seemed to be that they were just earning the money necessary to go about their lives, as if they took if for granted that human beings would be cruelly detained to assist their employment. I got the overwhelming impression that these staff members cared not at all about the gross personal damage they caused to patients with casual bullying, intimidation and the mental torture of being detained. It seemed that they accepted there would be many thousands of people whose lives would be destroyed by them and their peers, and as though this was acceptable to them so long as they continued to have regular and easy employment. I also thought that a large proportion of the staff members found insidious enjoyment in the daily cruelty and bullying that they all participated in. They often laughed at patients whom they were discussing and in the most abusive of situations several staff members would exchange entertained looks and smile at each other.

One particular female staff member in her forties was often involved in tormenting the patients and she had her own very repetitive and blatant way of doing so. Her favourite technique of mentally torturing these entrapped patients was, when they waned to leave, to tell them over and over how good it was that they were in the institution, and that this was the very best thing for them. She would then smile broadly and sit next to them on the couch and say she thought it was best that they remained for several months more because she could never support him being allowed to leave, and that this male patient and her could spend a lot of time talking in the next few months. This would be said to a highly distressed patient who was crying and having a panic attack at the realisation of their deprivation of liberty. This woman would then laugh and say ‘you keep coming back to us so obviously you do want to be here’. The patient would then beg to be le allowed to leave, and these patients were partial handicaps. She would then leave the room to return with a piece of paper and laughingly explain to this man that he didn’t fit into the criteria on the page, she would point at the paragraphs and say ‘I don’t see you fitting into this so you obviously can’t leave, you have to fit into this piece of paper before you can go’. There would be smiles and laughter then exchanged between the four staff members present in the room. The patient would at this point become so distressed they had to be medicated into a stupor.

I was eventually allowed to leave the institution in January 1997 after 6 awful months. It had been very damaging and I felt grossly violated. I was told that I was on the waiting list to be sent to an institution in the far south of New Zealand.

I was then sent, against my will, to a private psychiatric institution called the Ashburn Clinic, in Dunedin in August 1997, by the CAF. This is located in the far south of New Zealand’s South Island and it is a particularly isolated part of the country. Even though it is a private institution, nearly all of the patients

are funded by and sent from the state mental health system. Most of them were long term mental patients and the majority were partial handicaps that had personality disorders. When I arrived, during admission paperwork a nurse, Jeanette Brett, told me that they had a study going with a university in Europe and that some situations may be electronically recorded. I refused to sign the form and was then told that I would have to be sent to the local lock up ward if I didn’t sign, and that because they were not expecting me that they would not be providing me with food for at least 36 to 48 hours. JB then led me down two hallways and said these were the areas being electronically recorded, then added, ‘and equivalent areas throughout the hospital’.

I still refused to sign so I was left in my room with no food or drink for several hours. I was provided with almost no food for the next few days so I did temporarily forget what I had been told because I was so starved and travelling so far and being left there alone was very tiring let alone being so hungry and left on my own for many hours. The information did remain in some ways however. The hospital had the same set up as the North Island institution with these smoke alarms everywhere that never went off even when patients smoked right under them. These were the recording devices. The reason I know this so well is because after a month or so of being there, a very depraved staff member who was 2nd in charge of the hospital, Dr. Tim W McKergow, told me they had something going with the local Fire Department and that there had been problems with patients lighting fires in their rooms so they had some little cameras in the smoke alarms that were connected to the local fire station.

He said that himself, the director Dr John Adams, nursing director Malcolm Honeychurch and the groundsman Clarky had all had a ‘boys weekend’ and had crawled through the ceiling spaces connecting wires to theses devices in the ceiling. Otago University (being named after the province it is located in), owned the institution at the time and they had four senior psychology students there a lot of the time. They would continuously disappear upstairs to a blocked off room that also had an outside entrance. One morning in early October ‘97 I was having a small morning walk around the grounds when I saw the therapist and nursing director Malcolm Honeychurch delivering a huge clear plastic bag containing at least 50 black vhs video cassettes to this outside entrance that was reached from an outside stairway. MH knocked on the door and Dr John Adams, the director of the institution, opened the door and took the bag of videocassettes from him.

It was soon after this that I was subjected to a series of extremely violent and sadistic acts perpetrated by staff and also by patients at the instruction of staff members. Even though I was very frightened to be left alone in an institution so far away from my home, I somehow believed that I would leave soon enough, as my parents had been told I would be there ‘for as little a six weeks to three months at most’. Seeing as it was then over two months that I had been there I thought it would be over soon. The reality is that I would soon be living in a situation of physical torture, and that I would very nearly die.

In early October ’97 I was invited to a conversation in a hallway by two other patients and a therapist, whose name is Michelle Duffy. MD said we were going to discuss our personal beliefs. I said I didn’t have any. MD then replied ‘I believe that you should suffer from a severely broken spine’. I was shocked and horrified. The two patients also standing there were silent, which is something they continued to be even, when they later on witnessed myself being horrifically abused right in front of them.

The two patients standing there were, like me, also housed in the small section of the hospital for young people, that consisted of a corridor and some rooms off the main part of the building, and we shared

the rest of the institution with all the other patients. These younger patients were all aged between 19 and 30, and I was by far the youngest at 15. I found them to be extremely vain, and frequently abusive, they really seemed to feel somehow special that they were housed in a private institution, as though this was a form of status. They were very much subservient to the therapist we all had to see and who attended some of our program, Dr. Tim McKergow. TM seemed to enjoy his control of them.

It was in the corridor outside the young persons section of the hospital in late October ’97 that I was subjected to an extremely violent and sadistic act that was the beginning of two and a half years of horrifying physical and mental torture. It was mid morning and TM and the patient Chantal Vujcich told me to go out into the hallway after a morning meeting. CV seemed especially hateful and despising that day and said ‘get in the hallway now’. I didn’t want to go but was forced to and, when halfway down this hall, walking slowly past a jutting bench that was at the side of the corridor, a patient, G, rushed up to me and used all of his 6ft plus over 100 kg body to violently bludgeon me backwards onto the sharp edge of this bench, he then shoved me further onto the edge by applying his full bodyweight to my chest. I hit the bench falling backwards onto my spine which in an instant was severely broken, and then he further reiterated the injury by crushing me onto the broken part of my spine. I screamed and was in utter agony. I then slumped onto the floor and he walked away.

I was crying, in awful physical pain, and I tried to crawl to the nearby patient phone, which was in a small room off the corridor less than 2 metres from where I was attacked. I somehow managed to hang onto the door handle and pull myself in, crying, and I clung to the chair in the room and tried to dial emergency services. I was in shock and couldn’t make my fingers reach the right numbers, then the nurse for the young persons section, Jeanette Brett, angrily flung open the door to the phone room, and ripped me out of the room, violently throwing me onto the floor. JB then angrily screamed ‘you do not dial for an ambulance!’, she then screamed in anger as I lay on the floor in utter agony.

I had suffered a severe spinal injury in which my spine was broken in half, and it fractured like a hinge. About 5 minutes later JB had two patients, including CV and a young woman from Nelson whose name was Kylie Smith, carry me to me room. I was in awful pain and crying, I felt as though I would die. I was then left on the edge of my bed. I knew I had a broken spine and that I needed help immediately. I was not to be opfferd any help on this occasion and a minute or so later Tm entered the room with JB and they told me to turn away from them. Tm then shoved his outstretched fingers right into the broken part of my spine and I screamed in horrific pain and fell to the floor. This was an intolerable act of cruelty. I fell to the floor and was unconscious for several minutes before I came to alone in the room. I felt awfully distressed and knew I was in very desperate need of help. I managed to prop myself up to standing using the nearby furniture to grip onto. I staggered across my small room and grabbed a drawer out from my wardrobe and even though I was in severe agony I tried to use a swinging motion to fling it against the window, so it would break the glass to attract attention. Because I was so injured I couldn’t aim the drawer well enough and it hit the wall below the window. I screamed for help. JB then entered the room and was very angry. I screamed that I needed an ambulance and that my spine was broken. She ignored that until I kept crying and screaming, so she went off for a few minutes then returned with a glass of water and a large yellow tablet. I didn’t know what the pill was but she said that the charge nurse Amanda had been ‘very generous’ to sign the forms in order to give me that medication. I swallowed the tablet water immediately and then lapsed into unconsciousness half a minute later. I came to about an hour later to see all of the senior staff members of the hospital standing in the doorway looking at me. None of them approached or offered any assistance. Standing there was TM, the director Dr. John Adams, nursing director MH, JB, therapist Mark Kremen, therapist Michelle Duffy and the charge nurse Amanda. They all stared at me while I lay there feeling as though I

would die soon. I was in the worst pain I had ever felt and this was a situation of very real physical torture, subjecting an innocent child to the awful torture of a severely broken spine left untreated.

This awful day was only the beginning of what a depraved situation that went on for more nearly two weeks, during which I was subjected to further acts of violence and also indecent assault. The medication I had been given was a paralytic knock out drug, something designed for patients having acute psychotic episodes that are uncontrollable. It renders them unconscious for up to two weeks, they can be roused to consciousness though, as I had seen when I was in the North Island institution. Patients would be left in a room and checked every few hours or so, and about once a day they would be awoken to be given as sip of water and a small portion of food. They were never able to drink on their own due to the paralytic nature of this drug. I would hear them moaning and making strange verbal noises as they were awoken and had some food and fluid shoved in their mouth for several minutes. They usually fully awoke a week or so later, with a massive headache and awfully thirsty. The staff members in the North Island used this drug with causal arrogance, and it was obvious they found the drama of the situations to be invigorating, they often smiled and laughed when describing the condition these drugged patients were in.

At the Ashburn Clinic I was not given even that much concern, as I was left to drift in and out of consciousness for 10 horrifying days, and I was given no food or drink at all over those days. I very nearly died. I became conscious on one day, when I had been left for about 3 days, to find the therapist Malcolm Honeychurch and his wife Bid, who was a secretary at the AC, standing over me as I lay on a bed unable to move. MH was tormenting me with a glass of water. He would bring it to me mouth and then not give me any fluid, he would quickly move the glass away as I tried to move my head a few inches to drink. His wife stood a metre away and watched intently. He did this for about a minute. I then managed to say ‘please help me I need to go to hospital’, he then laughed at me and said ‘you’re not going anywhere’. His wife Bid then walked over to me, and used her full bodily force to severely slap me across the face, before shouting at me ‘look what you’ve done, this is all your fault!’. She and her husband then left the room.

Then about two days after this as my condition worsened and I felt like I was in the process of death, JB and TM decide to move me to another room by throwing me onto the floor and they then rolled me across the hallway in ways that grossly wrenched my broken spine. I was in utterly horrific pain and these actions could have very easily left me permanently crippled. The monstrous personalities that these two depraved sadists showed by committing such an atrocious act is something I find to be sickening. I was somewhat conscious during this and I did make some noises of protest, but I couldn’t stop them as I was under the influence of the paralytic knock out drug.

In the next few days I was subjected to one of the most repulsive acts of cruelty that occurred throughout all this horror. I won’t describe it in too much detail, other than to say I was indecently assaulted by TM while still very much under the influence of the paralytic knock out drug, and that I became conscious whilst being indecently assaulted and that I was fully aware of what was happening but could not stop him due to the fact I was under the influence of the paralytic drug.

JA and MH both walked in on this happening and did nothing about this, then or later, TM continued to work at the hospital for over a year after this awful abuse. TM did stop this act of indecent assault when interrupted but he returned a minute later and I was indecently assaulted again this time in front of MH JA and a male assistant named Neil Jones, all of whom did nothing to stop this, and MH laughed loudly

and said ‘rape’ in a mocking tone. I was fully aware of these awful things happening and I had my eyes open. This attack occurred after I had been walked by JA, MH and NJ to another room several metres away. These four male staff members seemed not to care at all that they were participating in a multiple offender indecent assault of a child who was under the influence of a paralytic knock out drug.

What is perhaps even more horrifying is that this second indecent assault was seen by three patients from the young person’s unit, Chantal Vujcich, Kevin O’Connor and their friend Tracy Morrison. They simply stared and did nothing to help even though they could see everything that was happeningthrough a large glass window in a door that lead from this room. They were less than four metres away. Why they did nothing to help and were so abusive after I had been injured, I think is because of their pathetic loyalty to TM who was the therapist for all of them, they were protecting him and he in turn pampered their delusional belief that they were somehow special to be treated in a private psychiatric institution rather than in the state system. They all had delusions about their social status and TM fed this in return for them allowing him to control them, which he obviously found gratifying.

Within several days of this I was conscious for some minutes again and awoke to see JB standing over me saying I needed to get in control of myself because I had been making noises that the patients found to be irritating. Her manner was angry and spiteful. I had been heavy breathing, which is something that happens in the minutes before a person dies. I was barely able to speak but I managed to say in a worried voice that TM had indecently assaulted me and that I couldn’t stop him. She angrily shot back ‘do not lie to me!’ JB then left the room only to return with TM a minute or so later. He was angry and said that I had been lying again and that I was not allowed to lie. I was then walked down a corridor to an outside area, at the edge of which was a very steep concrete staircase about 15 feet long. I was then quickly walked over to these concrete stairs and then JB and TM violently threw me frontward down the steps. Despite the paralytic drugs I somehow managed to take two giant steps before crashing onto the concrete pad at the base of these steps. I was horrified and very scared. A part time nurse had seen this and did rush out and helped me back up the stairs and inside, and she did sound sympathetic at the time. However, she did not report this incident to the police or to any person, and when I saw her weeks later this woman very aggressively approached me and said I had better stop lying because she was very angry about me saying things had happened. What I think about that person now is that they are sadistic and have a personality disorder. I think that all the staff members in that psychiatric institution were sadists that had very obvious personality disorders.

Finally, after what I later found out was ten horrifying days of drifting in and out of consciousness whilst deprived of any food or drink whatsoever, when literally nearly dead, I managed to awake enough to stagger from my room, my spine was in awful agony but I knew I didn’t have long left. I managed to walk the four metres to the adjacent patient lounge where JB and the patient Chantal Vujcich, Kevin O’Connor and their friend Tracy Morrison were standing. They told me to ‘get back to your room’, and then I screamed at them ‘I’m dying!’, at which point CV rushed over and shoved me to the ground and then violently punched me several times. JB did stop her and I was led back to me room where I was highly distressed and said over and over ‘I’m going to die’. JB looked unconcerned and told me this was my issue and that she couldn’t see any problem. I then started heavy breathing and I was basically dying, so she walked off slowly and returned a few minutes later with a small glass of water and a single piece of bread folded over. I somehow managed to eat this tiny amount, though JB refused to assist in any manner and it took a lot of mental concentration to get my body to work because the paralytic effect was still apparent. I somehow managed to eat this before I passed out again. They did not return to check on me until then next day, I was left alone to potentially die and I think that’s what they wanted to happen.

I was allowed to have meal trays to my room after I awoke the next day but they were really only starvation rations, a theme that continued for all of the following two and a half years that I was forced to remain there. When I had been conscious and up for a few days I asked what day it was, it was nearly mid November, and the last days I had been conscious were in late October, as a family member was having a birthday then and I remember talking to them on the phone. I spent the remaining weeks of 1997 in severe spinal agony, and my spine then set in a broken position. I was offered no help at all and the patients and staff all were sadistic and verbally abusive. Many of the patients had disliked me from first arriving, and I think that is because I was gifted and did not have a personality disorder, whereas the majority of the patients were partial handicaps that had very severe personality disorders and they seemed hatefully jealous of my middle income background. The awful spinal pain was something that continued for many years, and I had no memory of why I was in so much pain, I was isolated and starved, severely injured, and bullied and verbally abused daily.

After I had been awake for about two weeks I was led into the meeting room and forced to on the couch, which caused awful pain. We had morning and afternoon meeting each day, though before being injured I refused to attend the majority of them as I didn’t want to participate in group therapy, which is all that the Ashburn Clinic has it patients doing each day. I could recall what had been done to me so told TM, who was there, exactly what he had done and that I remembered and that I would call the police as soon as I could. I was then, minutes later, forced to drink some cloudy water that contained another does of the paralytic knock out drug. I was out for five days this time. I was given that drug because it has the effect of also removing a patients memory of the past several months before being given the dosage. I was told that, smugly, by JB when I said another months later that I would one day remember and go to police, and she said, very arrogantly, that patients usually forget what they say had happened and that the memories didn’t come back to them for eight to ten years and that, by then it was too late for anyone to care what had happened. There was such a cold and inhuman look in her eyes and she told me these things. I know I was out for five days because the patient Kevin O’Connor had commented blithely, ‘you said Tim abused you and then you were away for five days and then you never mentioned it again. He didn’t offer any help though, and probably because he and Chantal Vujcich were beginning an institution based relationship at the time, and they later on married. When they were married, sickeningly, TM was invited to their wedding.

In December of 1997 I was subjected to an extreme act of abuse in which a staff member, Sue Wing, and patient G, presented in front of me one evening and then G violently punched me in the arm, SW said, ‘this will continue within five minutes if you do not dance for the patients in the lounge room now’. So, I was made to stand there and move around in front of a room full of 25 psychiatric patients, all of whom were grinning and laughing at me. This went on for some three awful minutes of horrific pain.

This drug did have a memory erasing effect, and after waking up after the second dosage I could recall little of what had happened. None of the patients in the young persons unit offered any concern or sympathy for me and they seemed happy to go about their selfish lives while a severely injured child was enduring this intolerable agony just metres away from them, and they had all witnessed these acts of gross physical abuse, but their insane loyalty to the staff who fed their delusions of social status was to remain. No patients or staff members ever asked if I was in need of help, there were no words of concern ever during the horrendous 3 years I was kept in that disgusting institution.

When Chantal’s mother Marie Vujcich visited in early 1998 she followed me around saying over and over ‘about what happened in the hallway, Channy can’t remember anything’. Her daughter had obviously told her what she had seen. This woman actively tormented a child who had been physically tortured and indecently assaulted in front of her 19 year old daughter. Such a repulsive act of cruelty for this spoilt middle income woman, who owned a small salon on Auckland’s North Shore.

Around March 98 there was a large commotion in the hospital and the staff started locking all the doors and demanding patients stay inside. I instinctively wanted to go outside and I said I was going to look for one of the patients. I walked around the grounds to find an ambulance at the base of the outside steps that that blocked off room. In front of the stairs was a stretcher that contained a body covered by a sheet. Then, disturbingly, JA walked over to this stretcher and said to the ambulance officers that ‘for training purposes my staff require to view this body’. The ambulance officer said ‘this just gets sicker’. JA persisted and then they removed the sheet from off the body revealing the bright blue face of one of the psychology students that would disappear to this room for hours on end. Then, nurses Jacquie Telfer, Monique and Sarah walked right up to the stretcher and leaned right in to no less that 1 ½ feet away from this dead woman’s face. Sarah’s hair even brushed onto her sky blue face, and then Sarah simply smiled, and tucked her hair behind her ear before getting in about 1 foot away from this dead woman’s face to continue staring. JT and Mnq were both smiling broadly as they had approached this woman’s body they appeared to be laughing.

I then very quickly walked away and they hadn’t seen me as I was standing behind a shrub. I had a full and clear view of this entire scene as I am quite tall. They did question me about it though, but they did so in a way that made it obvious they didn’t want to spark any memories of this event.

I later found out that she had hanged herself in this room. A week or so later I saw a Police Detective descending the outside stairs of this blocked off room and he did approach me, but said nothing and walked away. A couple of weeks later the charge nurse Amanda walked up to me with an older couple in tow, she then said to them ‘this is the man who is responsible for the murder of your daughter’. This was very shocking. They were then nice to me though and said they didn’t agree with her and they wished me all the best and swiftly departed the building. I was not involved in that young woman’s decision to take her life in that upstairs room and I can only suggest she felt some kind of guilt or anger about the situation of filing and that she was there to harvest this footage, with Otago University owning the hospital it is obvious that they had supplied five of their own students for the sick experiment being carried out in the institution that Otago University made so much money from. They sold the institution in late 1999 for two million dollars, and at the time it was making a yearly net profit of one and a half million dollars. To sell it at such a low price, barely over a year’s net profit, shows how desperate they were to dispose of the institution and I think the experiment I was being subjected to was the reason for such a quick and discounted sale.

It may sound bizarre, but some patients also commented about having seen food being delivered to the outside stairs of this blocked off room. TM, MH and JA would all disappear up the stairs to this room immediately after lunch, and they practically ran up the stairs after just a 10 minute lunch break. The door to the hallway that contained the inside stairs was often locked for a few minutes to let the psychology students up in privacy but I would frequently see TM and JA and MH running up the stairs.

I was still being treated very sadistically by the staff and this got to the point of me only being allowed to eat rancid cottage cheese that had turned brown and this was set up in the dining room that all the patients shared, and charge nurse Amanda made a point of showing me my special tub of rotten food

that I had to eat, along with a single stale bread roll and a half rotted piece of fruit. This was in the immediate months after my spine had been severely broken and left untreated and I was in utter agony during all of my waking hours. This awful daily spinal pain continued for years after, and the staff and patient often looked at me and laughed when I was sitting there in horrific agony. I was in this awful pain all day, every day, and it often felt like I had to fight to not let this agony destroy my natural personality. I had to fight very hard to stay sane and I still had no memory of the violence.

For several horrific weeks I had to wait in the hallway outside the dining room for 10 minutes before eating through late 97 and early 98 and during this TM and MH and JA would walk right past me several times smiling and laughing at me. I was severely malnourished and also in extreme agony due to my freshly broken and untreated spine. I was made to stand there in utter pain as they smiled and laughed as they walked past.

The reason I know that some members of the then National Party Government knew of this extreme abuse that eventuated in Dunedin, is because TM was a member of the Board of Medical Directors which would meet with the Health Minister and others, once a month in Wellington at the Parliament buildings. TM was extremely arrogant about this and he often insinuated that no person would ever want to help me because of his position on this board and how he felt that nothing would ever be done to help me because powerful people would prevent this. TM had on one occasion told me very arrogantly that former Prime Minister Jim Bolger was a friend of his and that Mr Bolger and his wife had visited him at his house in the Dunedin area around 1997 and that they had stayed for about a half hour.

TM would fly up to Wellington to these meeting at the Parliament buildings once a month. Very specifically, in March 1998 TM and the director of the institution JA had roughly felt my spine one morning in a hallway 4 months after this horrific and still untreated injury, and they had then left the building 3 minutes later to fly to Wellington to meet at the Parliament buildings in one of these board of medical directors meetings. This action of roughly feeling my spine left me on the floor in agony and wanting to die. When TM returned we had a therapy session that I was required to attend, and in that he said had flown up to Wellington with JA and attended a meeting that minutes were not taken for. He said that the people at the meeting were specifically told that and therefore knew I had a broken spine and that nothing would be done to help me and that ‘this thing is still going to be fully applied to you and there is nothing that you can do about it’. He would later state that he didn’t care what I tried to do to avoid it, that soon enough I would be sent to the other day program in the other half of the building to be ‘totally destroyed’ by the staff there, and he would say ‘there’s nothing you can do about it’.

He told me that several government ministers were there including the foreign minister, and that his name was ‘Don’, and that this person had been shown footage of myself. I was told specifically that this person was the foreign minister, and that he wasn’t involved in this experiment in any way but that he had just been curious about the young person being filmed in Dunedin. I was told that his only comment about this was ‘it’s good he doesn’t look like a poor person on camera’. This was said by TM in a very callous and mocking way. I was told that a new minister was there and, and that he had expressed some concern about this situation but was told his career would go no further if he did anything to stop it. I was told that the person who had set this up initially was there and that was because this person still took an interest.

Then TM again repeated his frequent taunts that went of for months about how no person would ever care about me and, again, that because some at Parliament were involved and knew about this and had been responsible for setting this up and letting it continue, that no person would ever care about me and he told me to ‘just go to your room and suffer’. TM was a continuously sadistic person and he manipulated all the other patients against me. John Adams was also just as sadistic but I didn’t have any therapy sessions with him, and I avoided TM as much as I could and didn’t attend therapy sessions with him if at all possible, and I avoided group therapy.

To say that other others patients were happily sadistic about the fact that I was being tortured in front of them is an understatement. They behaved in ways that were insane, nearly all of them were partial handicaps and they had no conscience about any sickening cruelty that they involved themselves with. They would laugh at me and then tell me how good they felt and that I should stop being so negative because I was bringing everyone else down. These patients all knew I had an untreated broken spine and the psychological torture they enjoyed went on for thousands of hours. The pain of an untreated spine is physical torture, and the mental abuse was just as torturous, I was not tortured for hours or days, the truth is that I was severely tortured for many thousands of hours.

TM left the institution in late 1999 because he was intimately involved with one of the patients there and had to resign. TM not lying when he said he was a friend of the 1990-98 Prime Minister Jim Bolger, because in early 1999 I saw TM and Jim Bolger’s wife emerging from the shopping mall in the main street of Dunedin by coincidence as I was walking past, and they were followed by Jim Bolger, his two daughters and a security detail. Then TM and Mr Bolger and his family got into TM’s car that was parked right in front of the mall on the street, and they drove off followed by the security officer in a small white compact car. So I think that political connection is why TM had been so arrogant about nothing ever being done for me.

Now I will detail the events surrounding what I consider, along with late 1997, to be one of the most serious phases of abuse, and this happened in January and February 2000. What happened then is something that I can only describe as severe physical abuse and what I think is the limit of torture that a person could survive, and it is my opinion that the patients and staff attempted to kill me, and failing that to cripple me permanently. These things happened in another section of the institution, although it was basically just over the corridor from the section of the institution I had been in from ’97 through to early ’99. This other day program had the usual group therapy all day, with the patients accommodated in a patient residential building unsupervised. They would attend therapy in the adjacent main building.

I feel this abuse occurred because they were genuinely psychotic, but also because I was refusing join in with group therapy for several months and this was because they only ever discussed repeated indecent assaults between family members, which I found to be revolting. I often said how much I wanted to leave the institution. I was told in late 1999 in front of 20 patients and staff including the director JA, by the charge nurse Erin Watts, that the reason I did not want to discuss this subject was because I took and interest in it myself and that the true nature of my orientation was that of a child abuser. EW was a very sadistic person and she engaged herself in many acts of physical and psychological abuse. For much of late 1999 she told me and all the other patients that I was attracted to the patient R, who was an obese partial handicap that had a personality disorder and an emotional disorder. I was disgusted by this. R was very demanding and insisted that I provide her with some kind of intimate relationship and I never did this but it was still profoundly damaging to be abused in such a revolting manner.

This was encouraged of her by EW and other staff members and I consider that to be an act of psychological torture and I had to endure many hours of this in group therapy and this was nothing other than another ongoing act of cruelty. EW then said in late 1999 that I had performed a type of relationship abuse with R and that I had promised her an intimate relationship, which is untrue. This was done in front of 20 patients and staff in group therapy. She then said that if I did not follow through and give R what she wanted that they patients could get back to me about this in any way, including things that were physical. She added ‘and I want our men to understand this very much’. I then got angry, and even though I then information wasn’t often in my mind, I then told them that I knew about the list of names and their filming project and that I would go to the government and to the police about this. I left the room and then tried to call police after this but they literally cut the phone cable right in front of me in the hallway phone booth, with EW and Monique, assistant Neil Jones and JA all crowding into the door shoving me away from the phone. I was so traumatised by this that I completely forgot why I was even in the hallway, and I was in a malnourished state. The phone was also removed from the patient residential building.

After an uneventful new year’s 2000, the group therapy started up again early, in the second week of January. I was by this stage refusing to join in at all, I despised the nature of their discussions, repeated indecent assaults between family members, this was all they ever discussed and it was beyond repulsive. I was saying that I wanted to leave and that they had no right to abduct a child. I was kept there on the understanding that if I left the police would be called and I would be returned to the institution. I had arrived on a community treatment order which is made by a judge and enforced by police. This had lapsed, but I was still not allowed to leave the institution, and, of course, the police would be looking for me if I left of my own accord. The nurse Monique was becoming very angry as were the patients, they were psychotic in the way they were so demanding of me, and they often said that as a gifted person I owed them something, and that they were allowed to lean more heavily on gifted people. They demanded that I change their minds for them, and cure their insanity with words.

I still refused to join in and after about a half hour argument which pitched myself against a room full of up to 25 staff and patients, I was told by Mnq that ‘we will give you until tomorrow, but do understand that things will be different for you if you do not change your tune’. The next day I was forced to the day therapy room. I again refused to join in with their repulsive discussion. Mnq was very enraged, and I think she is an obviously psychotic person, and this insanity and raging anger was very evident in her manner. She then snapped ‘alright then, we’re going to fix your back, all the patients have to leave so we can fix his back for him’. The patients were only too happy to oblige and they smiled as they walked out of the room.

The staff members who remained in the room were the nurse Mnq. Charge nurse EW, assistant Neil Jones and the director John Adams. They seemed very agitated and angry. I was forced to stand in the middle of the room. NJ stood in front of me. He was saying ‘come on Monique, come on’. Mnq was standing behind me. I was tense and they demanded ‘relax your posture now. I refused. They demanded again, and so I relaxed a little, and then NJ braced my shoulders from the front using all his force. I didn’t know she was about to, but at the same moment Mnq made an extremely heavy flying kick into the centre of my damaged spine using the full force of her bodyweight to break my spine again. JA and EW stood two metres away watching this very intently. My spine had been severely broken again and I slumped to the floor, my weight collapsing onto the front of my shins with my legs folded under me. I was paralysed. I then slumped onto the floor and lost consciousness. My spine had been purposefully

broken again, this time in front of several staff members including the director of the hospital Dr. John Adams.

NJ and JA minutes later carried me out of the therapy room by each taking a side of me and lifting under my arms, and I was walked towards the patient residential building. I was completely paralysed and the tips of my feet were dragging on the ground. I was screaming for help. When reaching a set of outdoor steps, JA simply let go of me and I crumpled to the ground and screamed. I screamed loudly and with horror, I screamed and shrieked because I was being tortured.

JA had walked away at this point, he returned about a minute later and he and NJ moved me, again by lifting me under my arms with my body in a T position. I screamed that I was paralysed and that I couldn’t move. The patient residential building was about a half minute walk from the main building so I was then placed onto the edge of my bed in my room. I was in severe shock and in horrific pain. I had suffered a brutalising act of violence, and the most disgusting thing of all was that this had obviously been planned, and that two staff members had watched as two other staff had used their bodies and heavy violence to severely break my spine, again. Someone had obviously heard me screaming because some ten minutes later there was a knock at my door. I couldn’t walk but I managed to somehow use all of my available strength to crawl across the floor to the door and I used the heating panel set to the wall beside the door to prop myself up so I could open the door. I slowly managed to open the door, and standing in front of me were two Police officers in uniform. The looked at me for a few seconds before one of the said ‘we’ve decided nothing has happened here today’. They then walked out and I never saw them again. To say I have utter disgust for these members of the Dunedin Police in an understatement.

Some minutes after the Police left, the person that had so brutally attacked me, the nurse Mnq, entered the room to see what was happening. She was highly agitated and obviously wanted to go further with this violence. I was crying and in shock to the extent that I couldn’t remember what had happened just 15 minutes before. I said I needed an ambulance and that I was going to die. I kept on crying and I was shaking and trembling a lot. Mnq left the room and returned soon after with a large yellow pill which she handed to me saying ‘here, take this pill so your ambulance can arrive’. I was trembling so much that I dropped the tablet. Mnq handed it to me again with and I swallowed the pill. I was in so much pain that I would have taken cyanide if it had been offered. This tablet was another dosage of the paralytic knock out drug that I had been subjected to in 1997. This was to be the start of a very similar nightmare in which I would be subjected to further indecent assaults while under the influence of this paralytic knock out drug. These happened in the awful days where I was again left alone in a room, and not given any food or drink, this time for nine horrific days.

At one point I awoke to find the patient R pouring hot water into my eyes, and another patient, M, stood behind her watching. This woman, who was an obese partial handicap, casually poured hot water onto the front of my eyes as she held them open with her fingers. This was intolerable torture. She then grabbed about the surface of my eyes trying to prise off my contact lenses. This disgusting woman had no conscience, and, of course, she had thought in her deluded mental state that I had owed her an intimate relationship, and when I had refused throughout the previous year she grew very hateful. I think that is why she was so happy to abuse me. I also awoke later to find this woman at my bedside and I was being indecently assaulted by this person who was so obviously a partial handicap. Again this paralytic drug meant that I could see what was happening but could not stop her as I was completely unable to move. The same event happened days later except this time I was indecently assaulted by a male patient as six patients stood in the room and watched. I can only describe their behaviour as being

demonic abuse. I have nothing for them but disgust. Nearly all of these patients were partial handicaps and they all had obvious personality disorders. I had no personality disorder and was gifted, and New Zealand has a very long history of sadistically abusing its most gifted people.

This horrendous ordeal went on until I the effect of this paralytic knock out drug lessened. After those nine days I managed to stagger outside to a small seating area about 3 metres from the door of my room. This is where the patients smoked. One of the patients eventually emerged from the building and acknowledged my presence but nothing else. I asked if I could please have a drink and she did go and fetch me one, but offered no concern and did not ask about my welfare. This woman was one of the patients who, in group therapy, would only ever discuss repeated indecent assaults between family members, and when I refused to discuss the subject she grew very angry because she had said that I owed it to her to counsel her about these things. She had then said openly that I didn’t want to discuss these things because I had a problem with children and that I was in fact a child abuser. I was continually told, through late 1999, that my true orientation was that of a child abuser and this was often said in front of up to 25 patients and staff during group therapy, which was terrorising and extremely abusive, especially as I was still in daily awful spinal pain and would be forced to sit there for many hours being awfully mentally abused whilst in such terrible pain.

Within several days of becoming conscious I was subjected to more than 10 hours of utter physical and metnal torture when I was forced to attend group abuse sessions in which I would be in a room of 25 patients and staff, forced to sit on an uncomfortable chair, in awful physical pain, and the staff and patients would take turns to mock me and abuse me mentally. During these hour long sessions I would be mocked and told ‘you’re not very special anymore are you’, and was shouted at by Monique to ‘sit up now’, as she was sitting 1 metre away. This depraved woman spent a great deal of time mentally abusing me and she and the others used repetitive language techniques during a situation of physical torture. After one of these hour long sessions I was manhandled back up to my room at the patient residential by JA and NJ. After shoving me onto my bed, JA then vicious attacked me and he repeatedly kicked me in a depraved and extremely violent way, continually kicking me with all of his bodily force for over 30 seconds in an extremely brutalising way. I was shrieking but he continued until I passed out. NJ stood and watched. JA was shouting at me during this and was in a psychotic rage.

The fact JA was involved in this horrifying sadism in such an active way and yet is still involved in the health industry, as a chair of the medical council, I think is very sick. He took part in and was a direct witness to several incidents of indecent assault and he filmed my spine being broken by a patient, and my spine being severely broken right in front of him on two occasions.

That was made the Chair of the Medical Counsel, who are supposed to monitor doctors professionalism is something I see as being beyond depraved. He was also a member of the Board of Medical Directors for a time, which was a facility of the New Zealand government that met with ministers at the parliament buildings. John Adams is still the Chair of the Medical Counsel, a government affiliate

I was not given much time to recover from this horrific attack before I was walked back to the group therapy room and subjected to another horrific attack, this time in front of 25 patients and staff. Mnq was very angry this day, and the therapist Michelle Duffy, director John Adams, the nurses Mnq and Erin Watts, and the assistant Neil Jones were the staff present. Mnq was again very agitated and she sat just one metre away, with the therapy room being ringed right around with chairs to sit on. Mnq screamed at me to sit up and I couldn’t as my spine had been severely broken for the second time and even sitting caused awful agony. I couldn’t so she demanded that I stand up. I was unable to but Mnq screamed that

she would attack me again if I did not stand for her. She wrenched me up out of my seat and forced me to standing, she then wrenched my left arm so that I fell to the floor in awful pain. She then screamed to the patient R, ‘come here now and collapse your bodyweight onto him, this is our chance do this now!’, R resisted somewhat but Mnq again screamed ‘come over here now and collapse your bodyweight onto him now’. Horrifyingly, R, who is obese and weighed over 120kg, walked quickly over and used her full bodyweight to crush my torso and broken spine against the floor as I lay on my side. I screamed and rolled onto my back and she crushed me again, I rolled onto my front and she crushed me under her full bodyweight again as I shrieked and screamed as 25 patients and staff watched on. Mnq screamed ‘do this again, do this now!’ R then rushed out of the room and I lost consciousness as I saw the therapist Michelle Duffy walked past me out of the room.

I awoke and could see from a large clock on the wall that is was 10.40am. This attack would have taken place at around 9.30am. I was propped up in a chair in a seated position and I saw JA and NJ leaving the room laughing to each other as I managed to find consciousness. They had been positioning me in the chair. I was alone in the room and felt as though I would die. I managed to prop my torso up by gripping my hips with my arms and pushing down on them very hard to keep my torso up, and I slowly managed to walk to the patient residential by myself in shock, feeling torturous pain and feeling horrendously abused. I managed to get to my bed just as I fainted. I was in horrifying pain but these attacks also caused a gross amount of mental damage. I was not medicated after this attack but I was so injured that I was basically comatose for several days after this attack.

After about five days of this in the evening I managed to walk to the kitchen in the patient residential building. I made into the room, and as I did I was scolded by several patients who were sitting in the adjacent tv lounge, about five metres away. I pulled open the drawer and got put a large knife because my spine was in such pain I thought there was a foreign object through my spine and I tried to use the knife in a sweeping motion to see if anything was attached.

I was then rushed by the patients AC and A, and they placed the knife on the floor blade up before throwing me bodily onto the knife edge, spine first. This caused an awful amount of pain and I tried to move off the knife edge but it only dug deeper. I screamed and then the patient Dr M. Hill, a GP from Invercargill, rushed over and pulled me up and then ran me down the hallway towards my room. There was a metal fire hose box at the end of the hall and MH rammed me head first into the side of it, before throwing me front first onto the floor. He then threw me onto the bed and in a psychotic rage violently punched me with all his force, I was punched about 9 times before losing consciousness as the patient R tried to prise him off me. This horrific attack left an obvious scar across my spine and I bled through to soak several layers of clothing.

I was so injured by this then that my entire spine became totally numb after this attack, a small reprieve from such torture, and at least the patients lost enjoyment in my suffering when I told them my spine was completely numb. Several days after this attack I was walked across to a therapy room by JA and NJ, who both seemed to take so much delight in manhandling a severely injured and entrapped teenage boy across the institution. I was taken to the therapy room which was lined with seat on all sides, and there were about 25 staff and patients in the room. The charge nurse Erin Watts spoke first and said to the patients ‘we want to make it clear that if any of the patients want to take this situation further, and we do mean in ways that are physical, then we want you to know that this is entirely acceptable to us’. She was asking for more violence when I was already in a situation of gross physical torture. The patient MH replied that he was ‘happy’ and that they had taken this ‘far enough’. EW again repeated her statement that further violence would be completely acceptable to the staff. I was then walked from the room, and

some of the patients gasped as I was walked out because I had a large bloodstain soaked through the sports jacket I had been wearing when attacked.

This was the last time that I was severely attacked but there were some further acts of violence that were extremely disturbing. After having been awfully attacked and having my spine broken twice in January ’00 I was left alone for a few weeks but soon enough there were some more incidents. One of these occurred in the patient residential where the nurse Jacquie Telfer had told me to go outside and pick up an apple core that I had thrown into the garden. At this stage my spine had become completely numb, but it was still unable to move in it had basically fused to the extent that I couldn’t not bend down. She shouted at me violently until I went the few metres to the outside garden and bent my legs to get to a crawling position, not exposing my back to JT. She then screamed at me, ‘no, pick it up in the traditional position’. I then reached to pick up this apple core and as I did JT aggressively shoved her fingers right into the broken part of my spine. I screamed and was in horrific pain. I kept on screaming and she then called over the patients D and another named AC, who was a small time lawyer from Wellington. JT had them carry me under my arms around the outside of the building to the door near to my room. When we reached the step of this outside door D and AC both let go of me and my entire bodyweight fell onto the broken part of my spine right on the edge of the doorstep.

I was again being physically and mentally abused. A very strange event involving Jacquie Telfer and her partner Vin Telfer, who also worked at the institution, happened with several days of this attack. After JT had been in the patient residential building again verbally abusing me for eating a small amount of food and asking why I would want to bother to feed a person like myself, her partner Vin then entered the patient residential kitchen, which was like what would be found in a suburban home.

Both of them joined in verbally attacking me for several moments before VT reached into a nearby drawer and pulled out a large kitchen knife. Then, shockingly, JT ran several metres away and lay down on the floor on her back. Her husband VT then rushed over and crouched over her, holding the knife, before he then quickly gripped this knife and used it to cut right down the centre of JT’s nose, from her brow to the tip. VT then ran the three metres back to the kitchen, washed the blood from the knife and quickly put it back in the drawer. JT then cried out and they both fled the room. I didn’t see JT for several more weeks but when I did her personality had changed remarkably and her nose was always covered in gauze. She had been left with a noticeable scar right down the front of her nose and it had been done to her by her husband and the father of her child. Her weight soon increased greatly and she became known in Dunedin for the fact that she couldn’t go out in public without obvious concealer on her nose scar.

The patients and staff continued to ignore these events and I was still subjected to being made to attend their sickening group therapy sessions. They all had entertained looks on their faces and it seemed extremely obvious that they were enjoying their sadistic behaviour. It such an act of brutality for these psychiatric patients to be provided with such a wrong situation for their sick minds to enjoy, and nearly all of them were partial handicaps that had personality disorders. I think that the majority of the staff members were psychotic partial handicaps, but they knew what they were doing and used all of their available resources to create a genuinely depraved situation of physical and mental torture. I was at this stage barely able to speak but I did manage at some points to say that they couldn’t keep this going on much more and that I that would eventually go public. I think that they had attempted to take my life on several occasions because they did not want me to be able to tell others about their disgusting sadism. The institution itself is a business looking for customers, and the staff members participate in detaining psychiatric patients so this sickening establishment can provide staff members with an income source.

I was laughed at on a daily basis, whilst in a severely injured condition, and this was done by patients and staff. It was terrorising to have to live around people that had sadistically abused me, to have to be in the same area as them. During one evening in which I had managed to walk from my room to the patient residential kitchen-lounge, I had a small amount of food and then sat on a couch. John Adams then entered the room and without warning punched me violently. I was aware of the patients in the room bursting into laughter and then JA violently punched me again and I passed out. This was not the last time I was sadistically attacked by John Adams. During another awful mental torture session in which I was forced to sit up and listen to verbal abuse in a group situation, JA became enraged again and he was obviously psychotic. I said again that I would one day tell others what had happened and he angrily shoved my shoulders back, pressing my injured spine into the back of the chair, and at this point I lost all feeling in my legs and slumped in the chair. Neil Jones, Erin Watts and Mnq were all present. I was then moved to another chair that had some metres of spare room behind it. JA propped me up in the chair and then launched a series of violent flying kicks into the top of my back and shoulder area. This was horrifying physical abuse. There were several patients watching and some of them encouraged JA on and laughed at me as I was subjected to this depraved attack. Within a week, JA, NJ, EW and Mnq . had all participated in an indecent assault This abuse happened after sessions of mental torture in which they would try to injure my mind and personality with group mental abuse and intimidation.

I was finally allowed to leave the institution in April of 2000. I immediately left Dunedin and moved to a city far away. My memory was still affected by the drugs that I had been given but I felt awfully violated and it was distressing to not understand why I was in so much pain, when, after several months, my spine was no longer numb and it was then very painful. The fact that this experiment had been initiated and maintained by members of the New Zealand government did mean that I was subjected to their attempts to abuse and to use violence. I was subjected to several acts of violence in 2001, in the downtown area of the city I moved to. The first of these happened in a bus station, and I was surrounded by a dozen police officers who looked quite agitated. One of them walked up to me, got in close to me and said ‘this is from ****’ (the first name of the then Prime Minister). Another officer then walked over to me as I was seated and he used his full force to violently kick down on the front of my leg, just above the knee.

I screamed in pain and I was in horrible pain. I was surrounded by this pack of police officers. This was an act of extreme violence and sadism. I was then shoved onto the nearest bus and was in shock. It took several days for me to be able to walk normally.

In another unusual event, several months later, I was again in the downtown area when a car pulled up in front, and in that car was Jenny Shipley, who had used political wrangling to become the New Zealand Prime Minister from 1998 to 1999. That person had been the Health Minister back when I was told about the list of names in 1996. A security detail got out of the car and made some strange gestures and told me to throw my torso about in a way that would have wrenched my spine terribly. I refused to do this and he seemed as though he wanted to attack me physically but did not. I started to walk away, and when I was several metres away JS herself got out of the car and approached me. She then used profanity at me in an aggressive manner, and then told me that she didn’t care at all about some incidents that she could only have known about because of the staff members who met with, standing literally a metre away and full of obvious anger. I got angry up that I shouted something back at her.

This woman then reared back slightly before she attempted to spit at me, but I instinctively also spat at her in the same moment and these two spits combined in the air and fell to the ground between myself

and this terrible former politician. A police officer who was nearby and not with this woman then ran over and restrained me, covering me with their hands. JS then attempted to spit again, and instead, it is true that this person, a former government minister, did spit on a member of the New Zealand Police who was restraining me and covering me with their hands

This was not the last act of violence that I was to suffer due to the insanity of these New Zealand ministers, although they would not use physical means again. I still had very little memory of what had happened to me in the institution but somehow I knew in my own way. It is a very traumatic thing for an exploited child to have to realise what has happened to them and I was only aware of a small portion of this reality for several years after, and I did my best to block that completely. It did get into the media here a little, not a full story but the occasional comment about this was heard because this footage of myself being violated and abused was viewed. I know this because, unfortunately, most exploited young peeple find out they have been exploited by the way that people abuse them about the subject in public places. This happened on more than two dozen occasions from 2000-2003, and I would be verbally abused about some of these incidents that these people had been viewing, they would imitate the situations that had been filmed and this was always combined with abusive language and often also physical violence. During some incidents I would be attacked in ways that were obviously intended to injure my spine. It was not uncommon to hear from several people in as many weeks that they didn’t care about watching these . I think that in our unfortunate society, young people who are exploited are not helped in any way so much as others seem want to cause even more trauma

I think this is because some of of our modern society is blatantly sadistic, not all people, but when a child has been exploited it seems that those who participate in viewing this exploitation find it easier to attempt to remove these victims rather than to realise how sick their behaviour is. It was utterly traumatising to be alone in the downtown area, being subjected to this physical and verbal abuse, and because I had been so injured by the police in the attack I was subjected to, I felt as though I could never go to the authorities about these assaults.

It was also a very difficult thing to have to admit, that I had been so awfully violated and abused, it was so wrong and sick that I had to block it out. It took several years before the effect of those memory erasing drugs wore off, as they are specifically designed to remove memories at the time of, and for the several weeks before when the dosage is given. I did have a very good memory outside of this drug effect, and to be abused in public places so often and in such a repetitive manner, it made the reality seem more obvious. It was made even more obvious when, in 2005, some images of physical violence were shown a television programme here in New Zealand. This was very traumatising. It may sound very strange but I am not the first exploited child who has been subjected to thist. I see it as an attempt to end a life with this awful mental abuse. Most child exploitation that happens in institutions is arranged by or for government ministers and they obviously have the ability to try to abuse their victims out of life. This act of showing myself being assaulted was arranged by the then Prime Minister, I know that because they were then caned on public television, as some visiting dignitaries from a nation that uses caning for punishment also saw that footage on television and they were offended greatly. They were caned in front of the National Party opposition, who cheered this on loudly, which is ironic as the National Party had been in government when this sickening experiment was initiated back in 1995, and they certainly did nothing to help me in any way.

I finally had complete memory of these events in 2008, and very soon after I went to the Police. The case was not investigated well, by the Dunedin Police, and to the contrary they verbally abusive and aggressive. The Dunedin Police do have a national reputation for not investigating institutional abuse,

and were especially know for abusing the complainants in the St John of God abuse case in Dunedin. They had laughed the complainants out of the building and refused to investigate, and it was not until the media was involved that the government finally investigated, having to send detectives from Wellington. This case did eventually result in convictions but mine will not as the Police did not investigate anything. I was forced to telephone some of the patients, to find their names and phone numbers, as the Dunedin Police refused to contact any patient witnesses and the only interviewed the staff. Even after I provided a phone company printout of more than a dozen phone calls made the Dunedin Police still insisted none of the names of patients I provided were ever present in the institution.

In regards to the nature of this so called experiment, in the first few weeks at the Ashburn Clinic, in 1997, I asked TM why he and the other were being so cruel to me. He then went to a file cabinet and handed me a piece of paper from it. He said they had been given directions from this university in Europe as to how I was to be treated. It said, amongst other things, ‘he should be subjected to situations that are painful, that is greatly painful, and we suggest a broken spine’. And when I was being abused in group situations in early 2000, the therapist Michelle Duffy had laughed at me and said ‘I’m the person who told G to break your spine’. I don’t think this depraved situation was ever really an experiment, I think that it was only ever designed to be an intolerable act of cruelty.

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