the raine report issue 14...

Post on 25-Jun-2020






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Welcome To The Raine Report

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become

so absolutely free that your very existence is an

act of rebellion”. - Albert Camus

Yesterday an entire country committed economic suicide. In one fell swoop

billions were wiped off the stock markets, it’s currency fell to it’s lowest value

in 31 years, and 41.8% of its population just became very angry.

Of course I am talking about my beloved country The United Kingdom.

But it was democratic. Our nation has spoken, they would rather have

recession than immigrants.

This doesn't gel well with my beliefs or a lot of my fellow countrymen, and

Facebook is full angry people today.

Angry people who have to suck it up because they have no choice.

I have for a long time followed the five flag theory of the PT lifestyle (perpetual

traveller, prior tax payer, permanent tourist).

At the moment though I am a UK citizen. I only have a British passport, and in

two years time I will no longer be free to travel or live anywhere in Europe.

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That for me, sucks.

I need to leave, get citizenship in another country, and say goodbye.

The thing is, I can do this, I can do what I do from anywhere in the world, and

that separates me from the majority of the population who voted to stay but

now remain stuck.

I want you to have that same freedom and that is why I write this newsletter

and do what I do, and I will step up my efforts over the coming months.

But enough of the gloom, here are the highlights of this newsletter.

Silver members get my advanced guide to profiling your customers so you can

target and market to them effectively. I am also sharing a technique I released

to gold members in issue one which I use to profile people based on their

email addresses.

Gold members are in for another packed issue with over 40 extra pages of

content including my 10 killer copy rules which is an essential guide to writing

amazing emails and sales copy that converts. This advice alone is priceless,

but this month you are also getting my number one powerful weapon for

doubling your profit overnight.

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Every time we have implemented this we have seen sales increase by 42%+,

and this is with the same traffic, same everything - an instant boost to your

current income just by making this one single change.

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Selling More Easily By Targeting The Right People

“Be sure you positively identify your target before

you pull the trigger.” - Tom Flynn

What you are about to discover is possibly one of the most important and

potentially lucrative things that most people don’t even consider, which can

have far reaching consequences for your business and your income.

Building up a profile of the customer in your niche is a crucial task, it’s simple

to do, and if done properly it can allow you to really target and pitch your

products and services to much better effect, increasing your conversions

and income in the process.

This is a task that you should complete before you write a single word of your

sales letter, emails, or any promotional advertising, and it should also be

something you do well before you even think about putting together any types

of products.

That said, don’t worry if you already have existing products or services though,

because what I’m about to show you will also give you a great starting point for

positioning and promoting your existing products to new audiences, giving

you a wider customer base to target and benefit from.

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In this article I’m not just going to show you how to do some basic research on

the customers in your niche, I’m also going to reveal to you my 2 secret

weapons that will allow you to get your customer’s age, income, gender,

occupation, hobbies, education level, the products they buy, and much more

just from their email address.

Using all of this data we can build up the customer avatar so that we can not

only appeal directly to that type of person, but we can also use it to create

segments later on down the line in order to laser target your promotions,

products, and services to the right people, which in turn will increase your

chances of conversions and generate even more sales because you’ll only be

sending them to the people who are interested in what you have to offer


Trust me when I say that by doing this you will be putting yourself ahead of

95% of your competitors, because virtually no one does this process, and the

majority end up making incorrect assumptions about what their niche wants

based on their own ‘gut feelings’ (which are almost always wrong - remember,

you are not your customer!)

So, let’s start off with the basics of building up your customer profile.

To begin with you should make a list of the top 10 websites, blogs, and forums

in your niche. We’ll then take a look at the demographics of these websites

using a couple of online tools.

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However, before we crack on, it’s important to remember that these tools only

give an overview of the demographics, and that they are mainly assumptions

based on the site usage from data gathered from cookies and browsing habits.

We’re using this data to give us an idea of the people in the niche, and

alongside these tools you should also think about the people you know in your

niche: what age ranges they are; whether they’re male or female; what level of

education they have; what type of job and average income they have; whether

or not they’re likely to think about their purchases carefully; or whether

they’re happy to make quick purchases with their disposable income; and so


What we’re trying to do with all this information is build up our customer

avatar so that we can actually describe them. For example, if we were to look at

one of our niches around the topic of owning your own business, we would

end up with something like this:

“James is from the USA, he works full time, is married, has two

children, has a higher than average income, a college education, and

falls into one of two age groups (36-45 or 56-65).

James typically wears a shirt and tie to work, his job pays the bills but

he gets no satisfaction from it, and he’s looking for new ideas to free

himself from the corporate world and take control of his own destiny.

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James doesn’t necessarily want to be rich, but rather he wants to have

a lifestyle business that allows him to maintain a great work / life

balance and give him more freedom.

James buys lots of products, but rarely implements many of the ideas

due to a lack of belief in his own ability and focus.”

So that’s what we’re aiming to put together, and as you can see it’s quite

descriptive and really gives a flavour of the customer. You might actually find

you have more than one customer avatar, and that’s completely fine.

For example, let’s say you own a local gym and you’re going to be producing a

newsletter which is going to be a lead generator that provides fitness and

nutritional tips, but the core focus of the newsletter is actually to get more

members through the doors.

In this scenario you may come up with a number of different customer

avatars, with each one based on a different customer type - so you might have

one aimed at new mums wanting to get back in shape, you might have one

aimed at the older generation who want to remain mobile in their later years,

you might have one aimed at middle-aged men who want to lose those love

handles and get the six-pack back, you might have one aimed at the younger

students who want membership to look hot for the beach etc.

This doesn’t mean you have different newsletters for each customer avatar, but

it will help you put together a newsletter with different sections aimed at the

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different customers, and also help you target and focus your advertising to

each separate group.

So that’s what we’re aiming for, and if you’ve been hanging around all the

popular forums, FB pages, groups, etc., in your niche then you’ve probably got

a good feel for some of this information already.

Let’s now look at a couple of tools we can use to identify some demographics,

and you’ll ideally want to put in the URL’s of your top 10 sites in these tools to

get a good idea of the overall demographics.

First of all we’re going to head on over to Quantcast, and for this example I’m

going to look at the niche of ‘New Mums’ and use the website

as the URL. So, over at Quantcast you just paste in the URL of your first

website and click on the search icon:

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You’ll then get back a bunch of data we can work with, starting with a chart

that gives us an idea of the site’s traffic, and a few options here to see the data

for uniques, visits, and views, and also change the data ranges:

This is all good data, but it’s the next section we’re more interested in because

it covers all of the key demographics which will help us build up our customer


You’ll see from the screenshot below that there is some good data here around

gender, age, kids, income, education, and ethnicity, and you’ll also notice that

there’s a button in the bottom left corner that says ‘View Details’:

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If you click on that ‘View Details’ button you get a breakdown of each of the

demographic sections, and it’s this information that we’re most interested in:

As this site is predominantly female, our avatar should also be female.

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If we look at the age range you’ll see I’ve clicked on the ‘Female’ link (just

below the title) so that I can see the age ranges of the female visitors:

I’ve chosen to go the the female subset here because the overwhelming

majority of visitors to this site are female. So with this in mind my customer

avatar will be a woman, and she will be aged between 25-34, and I’ve decided

that I’m going to call her Sarah.

Looking at the next stat I can see that Sarah already has kids:

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And Sarah’s household income is mainly in the $0-50k bracket:

And that Sarah is a white lady who most likely went to college:

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Hopefully you can see how easy it is to use this kind of data to start building up

a customer profile.

Moving down the page you’ll see that in the next section Sarah access the site

mostly using a mobile device:

Now this is important data, not necessarily for your customer avatar, but for

how you are going to approach selling your products and services, because

you need to be able to target ‘Sarah’ and sell to her on mobile because that’s

what she predominantly uses to access the web.

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For a good way to sell on mobile you need to read The Ultimate Checkout

article in this month’s Raine Report Gold edition - I even give you a full

template file to start selling quickly ;)

As you move down the page you’ll see there are sections for the shopping

habits, which TV shows they watch, what occupations they hold, and then you

get to this section about ‘General Interests’:

If you click the ‘View Details’ button here you get another overlay, and then if

you click on the ‘Interests’ link under the title you get an option to select ‘Sites’:

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You now get a list of all the other popular sites that people like ‘Sarah’

frequently visit:

What you should be doing here is adding all of the popular sites to a list, then

going to look at the Quantcast demographics for these as well to help you

further round your customer avatar.

Now that was just one site we looked at, but as I said at the beginning, you

should be taking your top 10 sites in your niche and reviewing each of them,

and you’ll notice as you work through all ten sites that there will be elements

that really stand out and make you more accurately define your avatar.

As you go through these ten sites you’ll also end up with a decent list of the

frequently visited sites (that we’ve just looked at above), and after you’ve done

the same process on these sites you’ll end up with a good customer profile for

you to use as your target customer.

So that was Quantcast, and now I want to move on to the second service I use,

which is called Alexa.

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On the Alexa homepage you’ll need to scroll down to the section where you

can paste in your URL and then click on the ‘Find’ button:

Now the information we get from Alexa is quite basic (there is a paid version

which contains more data), but really we’re using this as an additional tool to

try and verify all of the data we’ve already gathered from Quantcast.

If we now scroll down the page to the demographics section, we can see that

Alexa also give us an overview of the gender split, education level, and

browsing location:

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You can also see the general overview of where in the world the visitors are:

There’s also a section which gives you links to sites related to the one you’re

looking at, which again is good information to go and further research:

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Alexa also contains some other useful information about the popular search

keywords, which can again be very helpful for your overall traffic and

promotion activities:

As I said a moment ago, when you’ve done this for all of your top 10 sites you’ll

definitely see a pattern emerge, and from that data you'll be able to put

together your ideal customer profile and avatar.

Don’t underestimate how powerful this basic research can be, because if you

can put together an accurate customer profile then it will help you not only

with your targeting, but it will also help you decide on your writing style.

For example, you might write slightly differently for a 25 year old American

than you would for a 50 year old person from England, and you might include

different ‘pop culture’ references depending on their age and location.

OK, now we’ve got the basics down I now want to reveal to you my 2 secret


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The following is an article from the first edition of my Raine Report Gold

Newsletter, and it outlines how I use a couple of tools to do some advanced

profiling of your customers just from their email address.

Although the article is all about list profiling, the process itself is all about

profiling the customer.

Now, in order to do this you first of all need the customers email address, so if

you have existing lists then that’s great, if not then this will be an advanced

tool for when you’re ready and are actively list building.

To begin with you’ll want to use the Tower Data service which I discuss in the

article, and this will help with building out the customer profile and avatar.

The other service, Full Contact, will give you details on their social profiles.

However, for market research purposes you most likely won’t want to sign up

to the full Full Contact service just to get this information at this stage, but

what you can do is take a random selection of your customers email addresses

(maybe 20-30), add them into your contacts list in Gmail, and then go to the

Full Contact website and sign up for their free address book management

service, and this will build out a full social profile for everybody in your

address book and update their contact record with that information.

You can then go and browse their social profiles to help you build up a better

customer profile / avatar based on their real-life profiles.

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Either way, do not underestimate the power that is available to you, because

using this data in the right way can seriously skyrocket your conversions and


So, the next article will outline my advanced list profiling techniques, and if

you use these in conjunction with your customer avatar and customer profile

then you really can laser target the right people, and make selling a much

easier job to get more cash.

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Advanced List Profiling: Discover How You Can Find Out Everything

About Your Subscribers Just By Knowing Their Email Address

"For knowledge itself is power.” - Francis Bacon

The single most easiest way you can make more money from your email list

today is to profile them, segment them, then customize the email that you are

sending them based on that information.

For example, in the subject lines article you have probably just read earlier in

this report I told you about an email campaign I launched to people who were

65 and older on my list.

It was one of my most successful campaigns I have ever sent (in fact, it’s

possibly still the most successful). The open rate was amazing but more

importantly the actual sales I made were staggering.

But here’s the thing: I have never collected the age of any person on my list.

To be fair I rarely collect anything for any of my lists beyond the basic First

Name and Email Address, but I know everything about my subscribers (yes

even you).

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Here is the kind of data I have:

Demographic Information

Age Gender

City State

Country ZIP Code

Household Data

Household Income Marital Status

Children Home Owner Status

Home Market Value Years They Have Lived There

Are They High Net Worth Ocupation

Education Level


Arts & crafts Blogging

Books Business

Health & Wellness News & Current Affairs

What They Purchase

Automotive Baby Products

Beauty Charitable Giving

Cooking Discount Shopper

High End Brands Home & Garden

Home Improvement Luxury Goods & Jewellery

Magazines Outdoors & Adventure

Pets Sports

Technology Travel

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Scary yes, and to be fair a little creepy especially when all I need to get this

kind of information on you is your email address... But when it comes to

advanced marketing and really building out segments of your list this is killer

information to have, and the kicker is, it is really simple to get your hands on.

Let me show you how...

Media Preferences

Internet Connection Speed Internet Provider

Do They Watch Videos Browser Or Reader

Social Media Data

Facebook Profile Twitter ID

Number Of Followers Do They Follow Me

Pinterest Account Google+ Account

Websites They Own Organizations They Work For

Klout Score LinkedIn Profile

Profile Pictures

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Collecting The Data

I get all my data from just a couple of sources, and like I said a moment ago, all

I need to get access to this is an email address. The primary services I use to

gather this information are Full Contact and Tower Data.

Tower Data provide all the demographic profiling information such as your

income, interests, and type of purchases you make, whilst Full Contact allows

you to build a full social media profile just from an email address.

Tower Data only provide information on US citizens due to the databases they

have access to, but Full Contact works worldwide.

For both of these services I use their API to automatically gather the

information when a new contact is added to my email system. To implement

this you would have to get a programmer to build an interface between your

mail system (such as AWeber) and the two services, but this it really simple to

implement and shouldn't cost more than a couple of hundred bucks.

Alternatively, if you just wanted to split your lists into age groups for example,

or profile your list to get a better understanding of them, then Tower Data

allows you to bulk process your list and returns a spreadsheet of all the data

they have on your subscribers.

Cost wise you can either pay a monthly subscription which gives you a certain

number of credits to use on their service, or like I mentioned above you can

just pay a one off fee and process your list in bulk on demand.

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For example, to get the Age, Gender, and Household Income for 5,000 email

addresses would cost you $83.00 (which is 0.017c per address), but the value

you add to your existing list can be phenomenal.

Let's have a look at how you can take this information and tailor email content

to key segments.

Price Segmenting

Everyone likes to get the most revenue out of a single piece of marketing, but

in the current economic climate we have to offer payment plans and other

discounts to get our lists to buy. The trouble with split payments is that there

is a higher than normal chance that the customer will default on the second or

third payment, or even request a refund.

This is just natural human behaviour, they have paid first time around and

taken a look at the content you are providing, download everything if they can,

and if they haven't used it before the next re-bill date, there is an increased

chance of them asking for a refund.

Or they just max out the card they were using to make the payment so the next

charge gets declined. Either way, whenever you have split billing there is

always the risk of not getting paid in full.

The solution to this is simple, if you segment your list into household income

(and preferably age), then you can offer payment plans to certain segments as

you know they might not be able to cover the full amount in one charge. And

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for those that are older and on a higher household income you would just

offer them the single payment option.

Traditionally older people have more lines of credit available to them which

also have higher limits than a typical 25 - 35 year old, and even though the

older customer would typically be more reliable at making the monthly

payments it is always better for cashflow to get as much money upfront as


Using Emotional Triggers

The key to any email campaign is to tell a good story, one which resonates

with the circumstances of the reader. For example: using the data you could

target low income, blue collar workers and use the 'dead end job...' angle.

Or a friend of mine has a list which primarily consists of women, she uses

segmentation to personalize her emails depending on whether they have

children and also send custom emails to older women who have had children

but there is a good chance they have left home.

The potential here is endless, it is all about building avatars for your customers

and writing emails that focus on them and not just a general group of people. I

will discuss that in a minute.

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The High Net Worth Individual

Any list you build will contain a percentage of ‘whales’. These are high net

worth individuals who have disposable income, and they are happy to spend

their money on products that will make them more money, improve their skill

at a hobby etc.

If you are just building a list in your niche it is often difficult to spot these

people unless you have previously sold high ticket items to them before, but

by using the data available you can build very specific campaigns just for


Courting these high net worth individuals is the best way to make a lot of

money with a lot less work overall, and that is a strategy I will be sharing with

you in the future.

Building Your Customer’s Avatars

To make the most out of your data gathering you really need to build up

several profiles of the different type of people on your list. Give each of them a

real name and describe their lifestyle and activities. Where do they work?

What kind of house do they live in? Are they into social media? Do they eat

out often? Are they married? Do they have kids?

By building several distinct profiles you really get to understand your list, and

when it comes to writing a series of emails you can pull out their profiles and

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ask yourself ‘Does this email I am writing really target that person?’ If not, then

make sure to write an email just for them.

The extra effort you put in to bonding with your reader will pay dividends. Yes

it is a bit of a pain in the ass in the beginning (and I still do it way less than I

should), but as you get into the swing of it you will find it easier to get into

their heads and write content just for them.

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Keeping On Top Of The New Bot Revolution

“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” - Obi Wan Kenobi

I covered how bots are going to be big this year in my prediction piece inside

Issue #10, and then in last month’s edition I did an update piece on how things

have leapt forwards in the world of the chat bot, and how it’s moving quicker

than I initially thought.

But speed, and all these new bots on different platforms, brings with it a very

real problem which we’re about to face.

The main issue we’re going to have is that there are so many platforms out

there who are integrating bots, it’s going to be hard to keep a track of the latest

ones coming out.

Which brings me on point for this very quick article...

I’ve found this nifty website which is doing a pretty decent job of collating a list

of a bunch of bots which you can narrow down by platform, and it’s totally


The site is called BotList and it can be found here:

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As well as being able to do a search for bots, there are category and platform

specific links down the left hand side to narrow down your search:

This is a super helpful resource, there are hundreds of bots on there at the

moment, and that figure is getting bigger by the day.

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When you click into one of the bots on the site you get a page which outlines

what the bot does, the platform it’s available on, and links through to the

relevant website so you can find out more:

There’s loads of bots already listed, and you should definitely take a browse

around to see if there are any which will make your life easier.

Bot discovery is going to be one of the most important things going forwards, I

hope that it doesn’t become as muddled as the app store has with it’s pitiful

search and discovery, and sites like this one are a step in the right direction

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Are You Ready For Google’s Brand New Eye Grabbing Search Results?

“The future of mobile is the future of online. It is how people

access online content now” - David Murphy

If you’ve been reading The Raine Report for a while you’ll know that I’ve been

coving the massive shift over to mobile quite heavily, and Google have just

announced another change to bring the rich snippets into line with their new

style of mobile display.

Google have just announced the start of moving across rich snippet results

into much larger and appealing ‘Rich Cards’ format, and if you take a look at

this image we can see how the new changes will look:

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That image is a little small, so let me zoom in to how the rich snippet results

look now (on the left) to how they will look in the new rich card format:

As you can see, they take up to entire top half of the screen and grab

attention much more easily with their larger image format.

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At the moment Google is only starting to show the new rich cards for the

movies and recipes content categories in the English results

pages, but I imagine this will start to roll out across all the rich snippet

categories in the next few months so that they start to fall in line with the new

look and layout that Google are pushing in mobile search.

If you’ve not yet implemented the rich snippet markup on your sites then you

should go back and read ‘The One Crucial Thing To Stand Out From The

Crowd’ article inside Issue #6 of The Raine Report where I covered how to

implement rich snippets, and inside that article you can also access two free

WordPress plugins so you can do it all easily.

I’ve been saying it for well over a year that the future is on mobile, so you need

to make sure you’re all over this right now.

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