the publication of the majles‘at-al-ilhya is the abridgement of naraqi's other...

Post on 04-Feb-2021






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  • H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

  • 197

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Ganj�na-i-Bah�rist�n (H�ikmat I)

    Compiled by Ali Aujabi

    This collection comprises of 18 treatises titled as following:

    1. Mant�iq-i-S�ughr�; 2. Al-Durrah; 3. Sharh�-al-Is�gh�j�; 4. Al-

    Ib�nat ‘an Wahd�n�yatall�h; 5. Tart�b-al-Sa‘�d�t; 6. M�h�yat-

    i-Nafs; 7. Tajauhar-al-Ajs�m; 8. Shif�’-al-Qulub; 9. Kaif�yat

    Ma‘aiyat-al-W�jib; 10. Ris�la-i-I‘tiq�d�; 11. Khulq-al-A‘m�l;

    12. Pursishh� wa P�sukhh�-yi-H�ikam�; 13. Ma‘�d; 14.

    Nas���yih�; 15. H�aq�qat-al-H�aq�’iq; 16. Lat��’�f-al-Tauh��d; 17.

    H�usn wa Dil; 18. H�usn wa ‘Ishq.

  • 198

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Ganj�na-i- Bah�ristan (H�ikmat II)

    Compiled by Ali Aujabi

    This collection comprises of 12 Treatises as following:

    1. Kubr�-i- Manz�m; 2. Kubr�-i-Manz�m; 3. Al-gharra (The

    Arabic Translation of Mantiq-i-Kubr�); 4. Al-Sullam-al-

    Mar�naq; 5. Q�n�n-al-‘Is�mat wa Burh�n-al-H�ikmat; 6. Sharh�-

    i-Ris�la-i-Z�n�n; 7. H��shiyat-al-Muh��kim�t bain-i-Sharh��-al-

    Ish�r�t; 8. Risala dar H�arkat-i-Jauhar�; 9. Ris�lat-i-I‘tiq�d�ya;

    10. Ris�lat-al-Jabr wa’l-Tafw�d�; 11. Gauhar-i-Yag�na; 12.


  • 199

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    F�r�b� wa Maktabash

    Ian Richard Netton

    Translated by Gol Baba Saeedi.

    The book F�r�b� wa Maktabash (Farabi and his school) reviews

    one of the most dynamic periods in the development of middle

    centuries Islam. It is the period which covers late 9th to early

    11th century A.D. This period is studied with having five

    outstanding scholars and on the basis of the first and greatest

    name among them it is called Farabiism period. The great

    Islamic Philssopher, F�r�b�, after Aristotle has introduced a

    special school of thought and the author has named it Farabi


  • 200

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)


    (the Persian Commentary on the Man�zil-

    al-S�’ir�n by Khw�ja ‘Abdull�h Ans��r�:

    Authored by Shamsudd�n Muh�ammad

    Tab�dak�n� T��s�; Editing and Research by

    Saiyid Mohammad Tabatabayi Behbahani


    Tab�dak�n� has writhen Tasn�m-al-Muqarrab�n with on attention

    to ‘Abdul Razz�q K�sh�n�’s commentary on the Man�zil-al-

    S�’ir�n by Khw�ja ‘Abdull�h Ans��r�. This Commentary following

    the book Man�zil-al-S�’ir�n has ten ‘qism’ (part) from ‘bid�yat’

    to ‘nih�y�t’ and each ‘qism’ has ten chapters.

  • 201

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Al-Il�h�y�t min -al-Muh��kim�t bain-i-Sharh�� -al-Ish�r�t

    Authored by Qut�budd�n Muh�ammad bin

    Muh�ammad Al-R�z�, with the notes by

    M�rz� Hab�bull�h renowned as F�d�il

    B�ghnuw�; Edited by Majeed Hadizadeh

    In This book, two Commentaries by Fakhrudd�n R�z� and

    Khw�ja Nas��rudd�n T��s� on the book Ish�r�t by sheikh-al-Ra’is

    (Avicenna) have been compared and evaluated. This book has

    also the notes of Mull� H�ab�b M�rz� J�n B�ghnuw� Sh�razi. He,

    Like Fakhr R�z�, has defended the beliefs of Ash‘arites. This

    book has been published with the collaboration of the Research

    Centre of Mir�th-i-Makt�b (Written Heritage).

  • 202

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Azal�yat-al-Nafs wa Baq�'uh�

    Authored by Ibn-i-Kamm�na; Editing and

    Research by Ensiyeh Barkhah; English

    Introduction by Sabine Schmidtke and

    Reza Pourjavadi.

    This work consists of two parts titled Azal�yat-al-Nafs wa

    Baq�'uh� and Abad�yat-al-Nafs wa Qidamuh� wa Bas�tatha.

    The author, in the first part, has explained and expanded his

    innovative reason for the pre-existence and eternity of Nafs

    (self or soul) and in the Second part he has proved the survival

    of nafs by some of his own innovative reasons.

  • 203

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Al-Lama‘�t -al-‘Arsh�ya

    Authored by Mull� Muh�ammad Mahd�

    Nar�q�, Research by Ali Aujabi.

    This work is a course of Philosophy in Ishr�q� style and

    consists of five fundamental parts: Lama‘a-i-Awwal: On the

    existence and essence, Lama‘a-i-Duwwum: On the Jal�l�ya

    (terrible) and Jam�l�ya (amiable) attributes. Lam‘a-i-Siwwum:

    On the manner of creating existence (life). Lam‘a-i-Chah�rum:

    On the human essence. Lam‘a-i-Panjum: On the prophethood

    and manner of revelation and descending of angels. This book

    has been published with the cooperation of the Congress for

    Paying Respect to Naraqi Scholars.

  • 204

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Al-Lam‘at-al Il�h�ya f�'l-H�ikmat -al-Muta‘�l�ya

    Authored by Mull� Muh�ammad Mahd�

    Nar�q�, Translated by Dr. Alireza Baqer.

    Al-Lam‘at-al-Il�h�ya is the abridgement of Naraqi's other book

    titled Al-Lama‘�t-al-‘Arsh�ya and the book Al-Kalam�t-al-

    Waj�za is the abridgement of Al-lam‘at-al- Il�h�ya. This book

    has been published with the cooperation of the Congress of

    Nar�q� Scholars.

  • 205

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)


    Socilogical, anthrofological and sociological

    approache towards the origin of god's Concept,

    Authored by John Bawker; Iranslated by:

    Azra Loo Aliyan.

    This book has been earomarked for research about the origin of

    God's concept or the sense of God-Seeking from the point of

    Sociology, anthropology and phenomenology. The writer has

    made use of all the research fields of second half of the 19th

    century A.D. till the recent decades and has explained and

    criticized them.

  • 206

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    �d��h�-i-Mukh�lif-al-Sunna li-Nas�s�-al-kit�b wa’l-Sunna

    Authored by Al-‘All�ma-Al-H�ill�; Editing

    and Research by B�b� S�d�t Raz� Bihabadi

    This book is a kind of commentary based on speculative

    theology in which ‘All�ma H�ill� has presented the fundamentals

    of Sunnite Speculative theology about Quran and reviewed the

    reasons of opposing Sunnite speculative theology with Quranic

    verses. He has also mentioned the opinion of Ash‘arites and

    has stated the reason of its contravention with Quran. Since

    Mutazelites and Imami Shiites are of the same opinion about

    daily bread (sustenance) , it seems that All�ma by Sunnites

    means Ash‘aris.

  • 207

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)


    (The Diary of Abgar (‘Al� Akbar) Arman�,

    One of New Converts to Islam of Shah

    Sulaiman and Shah Sultan Husain Safavi's

    Era, Along with Ris�la-i-Shin�kht in Gurji

    script on affirming Shiism by a Georgian

    new convert to Islam of Shah Abbas'

    time): Research, Editing and Explanations

    by Dr. Mansoor Sefatgul

    The present research is about the phenomenon of new

    conversions to Islam in Safavid era. In this research two

    treatises by new converts to Islam of this period have been

    studied. The first treatise is authored by one Armenian convert

    to Islam named Abgar who, after becoming Muslim selected

    `Al� Akbar as his name. Ali Akbar's daily memoirs which have

    become famous as I`tir�fn�ma contain useful information

    about the circumstances of his becoming Muslim and Julfa's

    Armenians' reaction, the description of his journey to Europe

  • 208

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    and Turkey and also pilgrimage to Mashhad. I`tir�fn�ma has

    been written by Ali Akbar during the reign of Shah Sultan.

    Husain Safavi. The second treatise in this book is named

    Ris�la-i-Shin�kht. This treatise has been written by one

    Georgian new convert to Islam named `�s� in the time of Shah

    Abbas Safavi I. Ris�la-i-Shin�kht is in Georgian script and

    with the word to word Persian translation under the Georgian

    words and it is about the Shiite beliefs. This treatise is in

    versified form and considered the first Persian –Georgian

    dictionary of Safavid era.

  • 209

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)


    (f� Rabt�-al-H��dith bi’l –Qad�m): Authored by

    M�r muh�ammad B�qir D�m�d; Research and

    Presentation by Ali Aujabi

    The book Al-S�ir�t�-al-Mustaq�m is the most complicated work

    of M�rd�m�d in Arabic language which has been written about

    one of the most complicated philosophical questions: the

    question of ‘h�ud�th wa qidam’ (temporal origin or coming into

    being and eternity) and subjects like relation between the

    created and the eternal, the nature and kinds of motion, the

    nature of time and …

  • 210

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Al-Arba‘�n�y�t li-kashf-i-Anw�r -al-Quss�y�t

    Authored by Sa‘id Muh�mmad bin

    Muh�ammad Muf�d Al-Qum�; Edited

    and Annotated, by Najafqoli Habibi

    This book comprises of ten treatises on different subjects and

    their titles are. R�h�-al-S�al�t, Ash�r wa Bish�r f� H�aq�q-i-

    Ikhtil�f-al-W�qi‘ fi'l-Qara�t-al-Sab‘, Alfaw�’id-al-Rid�-w�ya,

    Mirq�t-al-Asr�r wa Mi‘r�j-al-Anw�r, AL-Nafah��t-i- Il�h�ya.

  • 211

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    D�dg�h-i-Fakhr-i-R�z� wa Aquinas dar B�b-i-Qidam -i-‘lam

    Authored by Mu‘ammar Iskandar

    ghl�; Translater by Azra Loo Aliyan

    The author has compiled this book in four chapters: 1. The

    background and past record of the subject; 2. Fakhrudd�n

    R�z�'s view about the eternity of the world; 3. Thomas Aquinas

    view about the eternity of the world; 4. Comparison of the

    views of Fakhr R�z� and Aquinas regarding the eternity of the


  • 212

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    y�na-i-Jah�n Num� wa Tilism-i-Ganj Gush�

    Authored by Ab� Sa‘�d bin Yahy� Yaman�;

    Editing & Research by Dr. Muhammad

    Reza Mowahhedi and Elaheh Rabi‘i Mazre‘e


    �y�na-i-Jah�n Num� wa T�ilism-i-Ganj Gush� is a mystical

    work by an unpopular writer in 7th to 8th century A.H. named

    Ab� Sa‘�d Yaman�. He has presented this work to S�adrudd�n

    Ah�mad Kh�lid� Zanj�n�, the minister of Ilkhanid period (killed

    in 699 A.H.).

    The writing style of the book is simple and easy and the author

    has explained the mystical and sufistic subjects in the style of

    preachers and admonishers of 7th – 8th centuries A.H. using

    Quranic verses, traditions, narratives, Persian and Arabic

  • 213

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    poems and anecdotes etc. In �y�na-i-Jah�n Num� much

    interest in quoting allegorical and sometimes mysterious tales

    is seen which are totally used for expressing mystical – ethical

    subjects. In many of the chapters of the book the impact of

    Najm R�z�’s Mirs��d-al-‘Ib�d is very clear. Some of the

    allegorical tales of Suhraward� too are quoted with the

    reference of their source.

  • 214

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Il�h�y�t-i-Falsaf�-i- Thomas Aquinas

    Authored by Loo ji. Eldrs; Translated

    by Shahaboddin Abbasi.

    This book is the Translation of the first two chapters of the

    original English text: 1. Short History of Philosophical

    Theology in West; 2. The text and The Explanation of

    Aquinas’ Five Logical Reasons of Aquinas on the Affirmation

    of god's Existence, which itself is a separate Treatise.

  • 215

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Two Philosophical Treatises (‘Ain-al-H�ikma & Ta‘l�q�t)

    Authored by M�r Qaw�mudd�n Muh�ammad

    R�z� Tehrani; Research & Editing by Ali


    The author, in this work, has explained the main thoughts of

    Mull� Rajab ‘Al� Tabr�zi and the constituent of this philosophical

    system and has Criticized the meaninqs of ‘wuj�b’ (necessity)

    and ‘imk�n’ (possibility).

  • 216

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)


    Authord by Saiyid Muh�ammad ‘Abdul

    H�as�b bin Ah�mad ‘Alaw� ‘�mil�; Edited by

    Rasool Ja‘far�y�n.

    Qaw�‘id-al-Sal�t��n is one of the texts which have been written

    in the continuation of writing Tradition of writing on politics

    and based on the same sources and was presented to Shah

    Sulaim�n S�afaw�.

  • 217

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Al-Mash�ri‘ wa’l-Mat��rih��t

    Authored by Shaikh Shah�budd�n

    Suhraward�; Translated and annotated

    by Sadruddin Taheri

    Al-Mash�ri‘ wa’l-Mat��rih�t is the most detailed Peripateticist

    work of Suhraward� and comprises of the three sciences of

    logic, natural science and theology. The present book is the

    translation of the theology part of the book with the editing of

    Henry Corbin.

  • 218

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Hid�yat-al-Us��l (Persian Commentary on B�b-i-H��d�

    ‘Ashar (11th chapter)

    by unknown writer; Edited by Isma’eel


    This book is the commentary on the B�b-i- H�d� ‘Ashar by

    ‘All�ma Hill� (d. 726 A.H.). The date of authoring this

    commentary is 981 A.H. Hid�yat-al-Us��l is a commentary

    based on “q�l” and “aq�l” and occasionally the critisicm on

    Ash‘ar� and Mu‘tazelite philosophers and dialectcians views is

    also seen in it. Hid�yatull�h’s aim in this commentary is

    scholarly defence of Shiite speculative theology’s beliefs.

  • 219

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Al-Mulakhkhas� f� Us��l-al-D�n

    By Murtad�� Abu’lq�sim ‘Al� bin Al-

    Husain bin Muh�ammad Al-M�saw�;

    Research by Mohammad Reza Ansari


    Al-Mulakhkhas is one of the most important writings of Saiyid Murtad�� ‘Alam-al-Hud� (355 – 426 A.H.) on speculative

    theology and comprises of 5 chapters: Chapter I: Al-Kal�m fi’l-

    S�if�t; Chapter II: F� Nafy-al-Ru’yat ‘Anhu wa jam�‘ D�ur�b-al-

    Idr�k; Chapter III: Al-Kal�m fi’l-‘Adl; Chapter IV: Al-Kal�m

    fi’l-Ir�dat wa M� yata‘alluq Bihum�; Chapter V: Al-Kal�m

    fi’l-Kal�m wa Ah�w�luh wa Ah�k�m. This book has been

    published with the cooperation of Markaz-i-Nashr-i-

    Danishg�h� (Center of University Publication).

  • 220

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    The Criticism of Darwin’s Philosophy

    Authored by �yatull�h-al-‘Uz�m� Abilmajd

    al-Shaikh Muh�ammad Rid�� al-Najaf� al-

    Isfah�n�; Research by Hamed Naji Isfahani

    The book Naqd-i-Falsafa-i-D�rwin (Criticism of Darwin’s

    Philosophy) has been written in reply to Darwin’s Theory of

    Evolution and his irrational and religious requisites and as the

    most important Arabic commentator of Darwin in the last

    century was Shibl� Shumaiyil (Chibl� Chemayel) the first part

    of the present book is the supporter of replying to his work.

    After the publication of Shumaiyil’s works, ‘All�ma

    Abulmajd Najaf� decided to write in reply of his works and

    therefore wrote a book in three parts titled Naqd-i-Falsafa-i-

    D�rwin but yet there is no information about its third part.

  • 221

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    ‘All�ma Najaf� has earmarked the first part of his book to the

    criticism of first discourse of Bochner’s commentary. The

    second part of his book has been planned in the form of a

    debate in two discourses on the basis of some contemporary

    writings of author’s time. Najaf� has allocated this part of his

    work to the theological requirements of Darwin’s theory.

    The discourses of this part are: Ist Discourse: This discourse

    deals with the discussions of the affirmation of creator, analysis

    of end, the circumstances of creating the world from non-

    existence and non-eternity of material and in the meantime the

    accurate reply of the commentators of Darwin and the quality

    of their reasoning have been mentioned. IInd Discourse: It is in

    defence of religions and in this discourse the reply to some of

    the contemporary doubts in the negation of religions in the

    defence of materialism and some of the Marxist sayings has

    been given.

  • 222

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    ‘Arsh-al-�q�n f� Sharh-i-Taqw�m-al-�m�n

    saiyid Muhammad ‘Abdul Has�b bin

    Saiyid Ahmad ‘Alaw�; Edited by Ali

    Aujabi and Akbar Saqafiyan

    ‘Arsh-al-q�n is short notes on the book Taqw�m-al-m�n

    which has been written with an intention of explaining

    ambiguous and important points of the said book.

  • 223

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)


    Muh�ammad bin Ah�mad Khwajag� Sh�r�z�,

    Research by Khadijeh Moqaddaszadeh

    This book is one of the commentaries written on the treatise

    Fus�l (Fus�l-i-Nas�r�ya) by Khw�ja Nas��rudd�n T�s�. The

    commentator who is one of the Muslim thinkers of 10th – 11th

    century A.H. in Sh�r�z has made an effort to mix his explanations

    amidst the passages of Khw�ja Nas��r. He is not only a

    commentator and at various places of his work, he also

    criticises the theological and philosophical thoughts of Khwaja


  • 224

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Sitta Ras�’il f� Ithb�t-i-W�jib -al-Wuj�b-bi’l-Dh�t wa fi’l Il�h�y�t

    Shamsudd�n Muhammad bin Ahmad

    Khafr�, Research by Dr. Firoozeh


    This book is comprises of six detailed and short treatises of the

    author: 1. Al-Ris�lat f� Ithb�t-i-W�jib-al-Wuj�d bi’l-Dh�t wa

    S�hf�tih. 2. Al-Ris�lat fi’l-Il�h�y�t. 3. Al-Ris�lat f� Muhimm�t-i-

    Mas�’il min-al- Il�h�y�t-al-H�d�yat-il� Ma‘rifat-al-Mabda’-al-

    Awwal. 4. Al-Ris�lat fi’l Il�h�y�t. 5. Al-Ris�lat fi’l Il�h�y�t-i-

    W�jib-al-Wuj�d-i-Ishr�q�ya-Mash�’�ya. 6. Tatammat-i-Kal�m-

    al-F�dhil-al-Khafr� f� Kal�m-al-S�f�ya.

  • 225

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Shif�’-al-Qul�b wa Tajauhar-al-Ajs�m

    Ghay�thudd�n Mans��r Dashtak�; Research

    by Ali Aujabi

    This book comprises of two works by Mans��r Dashtak�. Shif�’-

    al-Qul�b is a commentary on Ibn-i-S�n�’s Shif�’ and Tajauhar-

    al-Ajs�m is a reply to the criticism presented regarding one of

    the works of Dashtak�’s father in the field of the acidity of

    some of the substances. The editor of these works together with

    presenting a short biography of the author has introduced his

    philosophical course and shown the importance of Dashtak�and

    his status in that period.

  • 226

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    An�s al-Wah�dah wa Jal�s al-Khalwah

    By Mah�m�d Gulist�nah Is�fah�n�; Research

    and Edited by Mojtaba Motahhari

    Written between 730 and 750, the work deals with moral and

    literary themes and concepts in 20 chapters in imitation of

    Zamakhshar�’s Rab�‘ al-Abr�r wa Nus�s al-Akhb�r. One of the

    merits of the work is that the author deals with moral concept

    on the basis of moral and mystical principles.

  • 227

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Sharh� al-Ish�r�t wa al-Tanb�h�t of Ab� ‘Al� S�n� (Commentary on Avicenna’s Remarks and Admonitions)

    By Fakhr al-D�n Muh�ammad R�z�; Edited

    with an introduction by Seyyed Muhammad

    Emadi Hae’ri

    This is a critical commentary written by an Ash‘arite

    theologian on one of the most important works of Ab� ‘Al�

    S�n�. The facsimile copy of the manuscript is in the possession

    of Islamic Consultative Assembly Library, no. 10609, which

    was completed in 614/1217. The manuscript is considered one

    of the earliest available copies of the work.

  • 228

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Ghuniyat al-Nazu‘

    By Fakhr al-D�n Ab� al-Mak�rim

    Hamzah b. ‘Al� b. Zohreh Husayn�

    Halab�; Facsimile edition with an

    introduction by Seyyed Muhammad

    Emadi Hae’ri

    This is a facsimile edition of the manuscript no. 10564 kept in

    the Islamic Consultative Assembly Library, whose completion

    date is recorded as 614A.H. The book is one of the most

    important Shi‘a works of the Halab (Aleppo) region written in

    Arabic on Imami religious sciences. Another feature of the

    book is the existence of a note written by Khw�jah Nas��r T�s�

    in 1226 at the end of the manuscript.

  • 229

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Du Ris�lah az K�shif al-Ghit�� ‘alayha M�rz� Muh�ammad Akhb�r� (Two Treatises by K�shif al-Ghit��

    against M�rz� Muhammad Akhb�r�)

    Research and Edited by Rasoul Ja‘farian

    This is a collection of two treatises written by Sheikh Ja’far

    K�shif al-Ghit��, a thirteenth-century A.H. mujtahid, against

    M�rz� Muh�ammad Akhb�r� titled Ris�lah al-Mas�’il wa al-

    Ajwabah (on the controversy between M�rz� Muh�ammad

    Akhb�r� and the Shi‘a scholars residing in the Holy Shrines)

    and Ris�lah Kashf al-Ghit��’ ‘an Ma‘�yib M�rz� Muh�ammad

    ‘Aduww al-‘Ulam� (on the wrongdoings and profane and

    corrupt beliefs of M�rz� Muh��ammad Akhb�r�)

  • 230

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

    Nih�yat al-Iqd�m (Facsimile Copy)

    By T�j al-D�n Muh�ammad b. ‘Abd al-

    Kar�m Shahrist�n�; by Seyyed Muhammad

    Emadi Hae’ri

    This is a facsimile copy in the original size of the manuscript

    no. 10607 in possession of the Islamic Consultative Assembly

    Library, whose completion date is recorded as 538 A.H.

    Nih�yah al-Iqd�m is Shahrist�n�’s most famous work on

    Ash‘arite theology.

  • 231

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

  • 232

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

  • 233

    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

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    H�ikmat (Philosophy, Speculative Theology, Logic, Mysticism)

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