the project 01

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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The Project

Four sims randomly created via CAS have been selected to undergo a test to prove if they have what it takes. The takes to do what is known as the incredibly difficult. The on and only: Apocalypse Challenge as created by Pinstar himself and continued on by the Apoca Borg (and some other random people). And who would it be that would be the founder?

Academie Le Tour. The university chosen for the founder’s educational representationalism-ism. And stuff. Chosen because it isn’t really a uni chosen for apocalypse, mainly due to the green grass not being of desert representationalism. And stuff. But here is the backdrop for the uni part of the game. Which won’t be kept on record except for the important stuff. Like the stats of the founder once Uni is over. Because playing uni is a PITA already without the need for photography. To me anyway. >_>

This randomly selected (though small) dorm shall be the residence of out founder (whoever wins) and shall forever be known as That One Place The Founder Stayed Through Uni. And as always…. And stuff. Let’s join our contestants on the roof.

Our four… wait, five? What is the meaning of this? How come there are now five of you?“Because little miss red head invited another person.”What? There is no time for another person to… ugh, know what? Nevermind. Let the test commence! Remember, whoever is left standing wins the grand prize of being a founder for a challenge!“OH BOY!”

“What exactly is this test anyway?”The test to see if you have what it takes to survive an apocalypse challenge. What else?“And what kind of test determines that?”The kind I’m going to put you through. DER! Let the test begin!

“Well well well… another bounty of sim corpses ripe for the plucking. Guess I’ve got my work cut out for me.”Yes, well… to be expected. But are there any survivors? I need someone to found my apocalypse!

“Let me check the paper work. Oh look, five satellites, but only four deaths. There is a survivor. “Whoot! Who managed that?

“Oh my god, I nearly died. What kind of person tries to kill helpless sims in some kind of twisted test to found some sort of challenge?”And we have a winner!

“What are you talking about?”You’ve won! You survived the test and are the official founder of my new apocalypse challenge. How do you feel?“Alive for one. Barely.”Yes, well, I’m sure zombification is just a side effect of clinging to dear life. Anything else?

“What about those poor other sims? What will happen to them?”Oh, who cares really? They died so you could live! It’s a fluke! A win-win. I don’t have to worry about them and you win the challenge. And as a special prize, you get a free new outfit and other goodies.“Really?”Yes really. Because I can’t really tolerate that outfit for much longer. No hustle to the store, there are clothes to be worn!

“So long my possible friends. I’m off for a make-over!”

Such dainty new clothes and much better in my eyes.

And wonderful electronics in order to pass the time during Uni, for better or worse. But that’s enough Uni. Let’s cut to the chase!

The Back Story

There once lived a happy family in the middle of nowhere of the hood known as ‘Apoca This!’. True story. There was a mommy. A father.

But most importantly of all, there was little Cali Smellstrom. She is our apoca founder as a little girl. For backstory purposes. Which is highly important! Everyone knows that if you have backstory, your story is gonna sell. It say, “Hey look everyone! I put in extra effort!” Not really. It just says, “I’ve got the time, so I’m gonna use it wisely. For science!”

Mommy, “Shall we go inside our undecorated house? The one that looks complete from the outside, but inside is completely unfurnished?”Father, “Of course, dear. But first...”


Then one fine day, or rather the same day thanks to boolpropian powers, little Cali was no longer little. She grew into a wonderful teenager and rolled knowledge as an aspiration.“For science, mom and pop!”

Sadly, science had other plans. Science killed poor Mommy and Father Smellstrom because they knew too much.Mommy, “Blargh!”Father, “Curse you science! What have you done?”

The two parents died in perfect synch of each other. For science.

Cali had no idea what to do.“I have no idea what to do. What should I do death?”“If I were you, I’d get my scholarship for dead parents.”“That’s a great idea! I’ll go to uni!”

“Hello? My parents just died so I’d like to attend Uni. Plus I get a scholarship, right?”“Yes you do.”“Great, send the shuttle and I’ll be ready.”

The shuttle arrives and ferries Cali off to Academie Le Tour where she meets her destiny.

Chick from the Past, “Hi, you’re new here right?”Cali, “Yes. What’s up?”Chick from the Past, “We’re all here for some casting call for some great thing. Ain’t that cool? Hey you should join us!”Cali, “Ok. What’s it for?”Chick from the Past, “Something about getting to be founder of some great challenge. Everyone’s doing it. It’ll be fun.”

And so, Cali arrives on the dorm rooftop with 4 strangers and waits for… well I’m sure you know the rest. Onward to the future!

The Challenge!

And her she is ladies and gentlemen! Our founder, all grown up form uni and all that jazz. Important stats to follow: Knowledge aspiration with Prestigitator (or whatever topping Entertainment is called) as a LTW; 11 friends; turn ons being logic and cleaning, off being blondes; neat - 5, outgoing – 8, active – 6, playful – 3, nice – 3; 4 cooking, 10 mechanical, 10 charisma, 10 body, 10 logic, 4 creativity, and 4 cleaning. And a partridge in a pear tree!And that is Cali Smellstrom in a nutshell.

Now let’s check out the shack! Note: Cali is perma platinum via the genie. She got one in uni of all places which seemed really weird, but I figured to just go with it since genies are still game during uni (am I right?). So she wished for money x2 and perma plat-hood.




And that’s the house in a nutshell. Feel free to scream obscenities if there is something there that shouldn’t be.

I did notice too little, too late that I forgot to install a grill so… food rounds down to cereal, lunch meat sammiches, and the almighty uh… Insta Food in a can?

Cali accomplishes two goals at once: raising the bladder meter and searching for a job. Hey look! An opening in the Athlete department. Why the whootnanny not?

The use of green stairs (and most likely the brown ones too) adds a little weirdness when scaling floors.

Our first walk-by turns out to be Lorin of all people. Whoot! Sadly, Cali is far too busy typing out her first novel to give her a greeting. Sorry!

Type faster Cali! We need books for reading in case people aren’t in the mood for chess and daydreaming is just plain silly. And I don’t even know if diary writing is allowed even!

Ah, the familiar sight of any good or half-way decent apocalypse: a busted sink.

Cali works hard at her job and climbs the ranks like a champ. Course, the akwardness of the work week makes it more annoying than anything else.

It isn’t long until we see the next screen…


And in this short sweet chapter, we leave off with Cali finishing her novel and left wondering: who will be her spouse? It’s a surprise!

Any-who, until next time, this is Blue saying, “What time is it?”


Hoop, “So Maxi, how’s the house building going?”Maxi, “I’m just getting started. I only have stilts as of right now.”

Hoop, “Maxi, this house has too many stilts!”Maxi, “This house is nothing but stilts!”Hoop, “I don’t care. Tear it down or I will!”

Willow’s turn…

Hoop, “This house is nothing but foundation, no stairs! How do you expect people to live?”

Willow, “I’ll build some stairs.”Hoop, “Ah ha! And break the rules on my watch? No-sir-ee-bob!”

Lorin, “How about my house hoop? Is it perfect or what?”

Hoop, “How dare you build this house out of… of… whatever it is!”Lorin, “Bricks?”Hoop, “My point exactly! Now bring it down or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll bulldoze your house in.

Nemo, “Hey Hoopty. What’s up?”Hoop, “Where’s your house?”Nemo, “I’m still talking to the mailbox. No time to build just yet.”

Hoop, “CHEATER! BLASPHAMY!”Nemo, “But-”Hoop, “Not another word! Your challenge is over!


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