the presentations from the joint management, review planning workshop july 2011

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2nd Progress Review & Planning Workshop 2011

Codec Training Centre, Patuakhali, July 13-14, 2011

Presentation from JM on:Progress in Implementation,Observed Shortcomings andRecommendations for Focus

2011-12 An up-date«

Kenneth H. O. Høegh, SA, RFLDC ± Barisal TSU

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2011 ± The peak year of Implementation

Issues to be covered ± an up-date from the March workshop:

Progress, as seen from the table of SA  Shortcomings in our implementation

Special focus in the period to come No figures or numbers to be presented« has been/will be

done by Managers, Specialists and DCs«

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Present general focus of RFLDC� RFLDC-Barisal is focusing on the District Teams as the

implementers« meaning the fully equipted and establishedDistrict Offices must be (and are) working well together«as according to the now approved RDPP (April 2011)

Observed progress in 2010-11, continued«

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Observed progress in 2010-11

General observations

� RFLDC-Barisal is now fully staffed, as according tothe proposed RDPP

� Institutional strengh has been highly increased,mainly due to the establishment of five DistrictOffices and recruitments of a number of new fieldlevel staff 

� So« Barisal TSU is fully staffed and to implement

the peak year 2011, and JM are expecting targets to be fulfilled«

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Observed progress in 2010-11, continued«

 Addressing Gender� Firstly, an on-going consultancy is addressingGender HR GG in RFLDC and among beneficiaries

� RFLDC-Barisal is trying to achieve a higher level of Gender Equality, and the concept of AssistantUpazila Coordinators are being tested ± with greatsuccess

� The idea is to engage women professionals astrainees, as to enhance the number of women in our

implementation� The concept will be considered for other positions as well

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Observed progress in 2010-11, seen from SA

Farmers Field Schools:

� FFS has been progressing very smoothly, achieving more thanoriginal DPP goals, and CBOs/LFs seems very capable asextension and facilitator providers to the locale community

� A stronger link between FFS and BG proposal, focusing ongender, has to be developed:

o More BG from FFS-participants to be implemented bywomen oriented FFS-groups

o More BG to be developed and implemented by groupsdirectly from FFS groups

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Observed progress in 2010-11, seen from SA

Farmers Field Schools:� SLL is now being implemented, with six venues for IFM-FFS ±

and two others in the pipeline«� Alternative Income Generating Activities within CBOs, especially

in LCS-FFS this has been initiated, i.e. TARANGO and SewingMachine project has to further developed and responsibleperson(s) for facilitating the process has to be found«

� The sustainability of Local facilitators in relation to FFS has beenincreased, as to preparing CBOs for a situation without Danidasupport, by having an activity based payment system from 2011,e.g. ³no work - no pay´

Please share your experiences here with the new paymentsystems among the LFs and CBOs

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Observed progress in 2010-11, seen from SA 

FFS ± continued«� Substantial progress on the developing IFM-FFS

Good corporation with RFLDC-N and AEC on developing theconcept during a number of meetings and workshops ± with thelast meeting on June 2nd ± a new meeting on gender will behosted by RFLDC-B on 17/8

Training of LFs into IFM is on-going, (in 2010 in a closecorporation with FAO), preparing Barisal TSU for futurechallenges«

Rice SLL for RFLDC MTs has been arranged, with support fromDAE/AEC

� No news from the FAO cooperation« «and we should take initiative in the next few month to

reactivate the cooperation« especially facilitate the involvementof LFs and CBOs in FAO activities

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Observed progress in 2010-11, seen from SA 

Organizing farmers:� All CBOs should develop their business capabilities, and

progress is being observed« with business oriented BG projectsand input supply centers in all CBOs

� 4 District CBO Associations (DCAs) has been developed asbusiness centers, « and in all four districts good progress isbeing observed, but it is naturally slower among the newestCBOs

� Intensive trainings into proper Block Grant management has tobe finished for all CBOs and UPs working with RFLDC funds.

Especially the new UP chairmen, UP secretaries and new CBO cashiers has tobe trained into proper BG management

The new CBO cashiers should perform a simple test« documenting their skills.Only the ones who passed will be able to manage RFLDC funds.

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Observed progress« continued

Block Grants:� A batch of Block Grants has been provided to a number of CBOs

in September-October 2010 and another batch in May-June 2011 ± why we are catching up on the BG distribution

� But, remember« RFLDC-B is open for BG-proposals year round,whenever a good initiative come from the CBOs ± especially on:

Business Development, especially input supply centers, Women's participation; especially with women leading BG


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Observed Progress« continued

Block Grants:o Block Grants is generally being provided through UPs, if 

they can manage« ± and direct provision to the CBOs isnow ³the exception from the rule´ Long start for the implementation of BGs from September/Oct.

2010, mainly due to seasonal reasons. Implementation goingon«

o Block grant schemes for ward committees, from FFSgroups, has been developed

o Especially women's groups has to be focused on..o  A short summary in English is needed for each proposal,

describing the project with comments on BusinessSustainability and Gender Issues

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Observed Progress« continued

Private Sector Linkages and business development:o The work with creating contracts/dealerships between

DCAs/CBOs and larger input supplying companies is stillon-going« by the CDOs

o The work with local Private Sector is still continued,

through the technical assistance to agro-businesscompanies; hatcheries within the livestock and fisheriessectors New innovative initiatives should have focus and support,

o Business training modules for LF¶s should be on-goingnow (JOBS), and new initiatives are being looked into;

incl. in corporation with Noakhali TSU.

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Observed Progress« continued

Web-site development:o Progress observed on web page development into an

instrument for distributing information within and outsidethe project

o  And I am considering it to become mandatory with a

monthly orientation on the web-page on activities/casestories every month from each District

o « see and www.rfldc.orgo  And support:o «.We will share the web-consultant (AVS) in the future

with Noakhali. The consultant will support us on-line, andcontributions for the web-page should go to him

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Observed Progress« continued

Monitoring & Evaluation:� Good progress with theMonthly Review & Planning Mini-

Workshops� Daily work is on-going smoothly� Very good work on data-base development and management� Good corporation has been observed between the Monitoring

units of Barisal and Noakhali.� The unit has been strengthen with new staff, that seems to have

had a very positive effect on outcomes� The unit has been cooperating and supported the Impact Study

team from AgroMech, and lastly the Danida FFS approachevaluation team«

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Observed Progress« continued

 Applied Research Projects and other research� 2 applied research projects has been initiated and is on-going,

with FHRC (Dhaka) and Khulna University� One project is soon to be implemented; with PSTU and

University of Copenhagen ± awaits a pier-review«� A project addressing quality of Carp Seed - implemented by

WorldFish and financed jointly with RFLDC-N.

Fund Management:� Fund management capacity of our TA Districts and Upazilla

offices has been increased ± indicated in better quality financialdocs received by the Joint Management

� Though problems still occur, the fund management capacity of CBOs and UP¶s has been developed within the last year 

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Observed Progress« continued

Danida Fellowship Trainings� 5 GoB field officers, working within the RFLDC implementation

area, has received scholarships in 2011� 4 TA-staff member has received scholarships (all for ³Farmer Managed Advisory Services´), a tailor-made training intoextension

� 1 private sector partner of RFLDC has received a scholarship

Focus from Danida:� - GoB staff and especially women are being prioritized«

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Shortcomings to address«

Fund management capacity of CBO and UPs is still aconcern� Still problems arise with improper use of RFLDC funds� Still more capacity building is needed of CBOs and UPs� Project staff, UCs and CDOs, must actively participate in

implementation of BGs ± to secure an orderly use of funds and toinstruct those to the concerned CBOs

 A reminder« (again):� «. The success of a Danida project will often be determined by

financial practices (good or bad), and financial failures will

overshadow good technical results«

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Shortcomings and solutions to address«

Future fund management at field level

� A solution has been found, with advise from EoD� Every staff person, dealing with project funds, will have a project

bank account, only for project funds« the project will have unrestricted access, for control and auditing

purposes.� The HQ will transfer project funds to the accounts, against

approved activities and budgets� With good planning, with no ³last minute requests´« this could

be a way out«

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Shortcomings to address«continued

Fund management capacity« continued:

� Refresher training: Originally planned for a one daytraining in April, but has not taken place, toconcentrate on " Supporting Documents". This is toimprove the project financial management, and thesubjects to be covered will be:o Budget Preparation Procedureso Budget implementation Procedureso Budget money adjustment Procedureso Collecting procedures of accommodation and food billo Procedures to collect an ideal bill/memo etc.

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Shortcomings and finally progress«

 Approval of the 1st RDPP of Barisal TSU« after morethan 20 month in the pipeline«

� The legal document of project implementation� Has been finally approved in April

� There will be a need for a new revision, 2nd revision, a revionswithout new funding, to be prepared in the latter part of the year � The new revision should be less complicated, from a

bureaucratic point of view« hopefully

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� Handing over of Management of Jalmohal from MoL to MoFL� Still very critical for the CBFM-initiatives of our TSU� Seems to be very hard to hand-over the management rights

between MoL and MoFL

� Very little time left of project period..

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Internal coordination in RFLDC-Barisal TSU

� Monthly (or as required) Management Meetings is beingconducted

Ensures good communication between the unit-managers andthe Joint Management

� Monthly progress review & planning mini-workshops, has beenon-going since April 2011

� Bi-Monthly/Quarterly meetings between Management andGoB/MoFL Divisional and District staff 

� Unit-vise meetings, as per the need of the Managers� District meetings: Being conducted nicely, with participation from

District and Upazilla Staff ± and from HQ (UnitManagers or/andSpecialists) ± more participation fromManagers and JM is being

planned, by conducting monthly meetings in one go over 3days«

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Recommendations for focus 2011-12:

� Focus on developing and implementing IFM-FFS as the sole FFSmode, with a good corporation and coordination with AEC &RFLDC-N

� Focus on BGs as business project.. moving away from ´charity´projects«

� BG proposal development into a ́ banking mode´, making

commercial proposals� More focus on women's role in proposals� Focus on further strengthening the capacity of CBO and UP¶s

into handling funds, especially BG funds� Two new batches of BG:

Second batch April 2011

Third batch Sept./October 2011

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Recommendations for focus«. continued

Private Sector Linkages:� Focus on further developing and strenghtening DCAs as the link

between the individual CBO and Private Sector companies� Focus on further developing the linkages to the private sector,

through agent contracts, and the CBOs will invest both their ownfunds and BGs/training input funds

� Focus on timely linking the RFLDC supported hatcheries andCBO, for increasing fisheries production, using the BGs as thelinking instrument

� Arranging a over-seas studytrip to Thailand for good functioningbusiness CBO leaders (in all probably 20 participants), lookinginto cooperatives and agri-business - as to encourage moredevelopment

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Recommendations for focus«. continued

Monitoring and Evaluation:

� As mentioned before« good progress with the Monthly Review &Planning Workshops

� But« focus on further developing and strenghtening the internalinformation on physical and financial progress, through the

monthly progress up-date meetings by Monitoring & EvaluationUnit, together with the Admin.& Finance Unit

� Continue the Corporation with the monitoring unit of RFLDC-N,ensuring the same formats for monitoring within RFLDC

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Recommendations for focus«. continued

Monitoring and Evaluation:

� Focus on evaluations on the Gender and HRGG in surveys;addressing these issues

� More discussions/workshops on planning, formats and reportingin relation to studies, are needed ± especially with the individual

units� A study on the new initiatives into handicrafts should be initiated

in mid-2012� Finally, I expect to go in the field to follow the daily work of DMOs

and UMOs ± hopefully I will be able to do so before going onannual leave in August

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Thank you all for your good work inthe past quarter !!!

«and please continue thegood work in the next quarter

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