the possibility of wormholes

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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The Possibility of Wormholes . By Mason Russell. What are Wormholes?. A wormhole is a hypothetical connection between widely separated regions of space or time. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Possibility of Wormholes By Mason Russell

What are Wormholes?• A wormhole is a hypothetical connection between widely separated regions of

space or time. • Wormholes are also referred to as Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Named after an idea

thought of by Einstein do to his and Nathan Rosen’s study of black holes , although Einstein’s wormhole was more mathematical than the futuristic views of Stephen Hawkings ideas of time travel. Below on the left a great metaphor to help envision a wormhole which is also where it gets its name. The hole that the worm has formed has created a shorter path than the original route around the apple.

Explaining the Concept• Some scientists along with Stephen Hawking bring fourth that wormholes are

everywhere. On any surface no matter how it may appear it is not smooth on a microscopic or near microscopic level you will always find that the surface may have cracks or crevices. This is true for the three dimensions it is also true for the 4th as well. In time there could be imperfections as well, little gaps in time but on such a microscopic level trillions of times smaller than atoms.

The Fourth Dimension

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• Einstein• Stephen Hawking• Nathan Rosen• Carl Sagan

History of Wormholes

• The theory first came along in 1916 composed of by Einstein and an obscured Australian physicist named Schwarzchild. Later in 1935 Einstein and Rosen further explored the wormhole and then in the 70s the theory of the wormhole was taken to a new level of creativity by Stephen Hawking.

Is Time Travel Possible?• Today obviously not but if there are wormholes we must keep in mind that they

are smaller than atoms if we where to attempt to time travel we would need to hold them open doing so would take a tremendous amount of energy, energy known as negative energy which is anti-gravitational and which has not been proven to exist. If you where somehow capable to harness this energy and hold open the wormhole who knows where it would take you or weather it would cause you to be distorted being crushed by the gravity. Time travel is not possible in this day and age but shouldn’t be called a fantasy because someday we may gain the knowledge we need to travel through time.


• The main problem is that there is very small amounts of evidence making wormholes just a theory but with time and advances in technology and research in due time it may develop to something more.

Some Writings Including Wormholes • In Philip Pullman's trilogy His Dark Materials, wormholes are an immensely important plot device, one which is first

discovered in the trilogy by protagonist Will Parry, when fleeing from his home after an accidental murder; he finds a window in the air in an Oxford street which leads to a totally different universe, the town of Cittagazze. In the rest of the trilogy, the other main characters use wormholes in the form of these extradimensional windows in order to travel "between worlds" and thus speed their journeys.

• In Madeleine L'Engle's Young-adult novel A Wrinkle in Time, the process by which the characters travel through space and time is explained in a manner similar to the wormhole theory. Say an ant wants to get from one part on a tablecloth to another some distance away; it is a lot quicker to just "wrinkle up" the space between them so that the two points touch, and travel directly from one to the other.

• In Joe Haldeman's classic war novel The Forever War, interstellar travel is achieved through gateways located at collapsars. This is an early word for a black hole, and the novel refers to the (now obsolete) theory that black holes may contain Einstein–Rosen Bridges.

• Wormholes are a centerpiece of Carl Sagan's novel Contact, in which a crew of five humans make a trip to the center of the Milky Way galaxy through a transportation system consisting of a series of wormholes. The novel is notable in that Kip Thorne advised Sagan on the possibilities of wormholes. Likewise, wormholes are also central to the film version (discussed below).

• In The Power of Five series by Anthony Horowitz, wormholes are an important plot device: the Gatekeepers can travel anywhere they wish in the world instantly by using wormholes in the form of doors found in holy places such as churches, and the wormholes are also used as an important plot device in Book Two of the series, Evil Star, this time for a much more sinister purpose; the Old Ones, the antagonists, use the Nazca Lines as a gigantic wormhole to unlock the Lines in order to escape onto the Earth.


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• wormhole.htm&docid=fYo4wyDDD31r9M&imgurl=,r:8,s:0,i:168&page=1&tbnh=141&tbnw=190&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0,i:183

• Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking.••,r:0,s:0,i:154&tx=44&ty=82









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