the position of sitidos.doc

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  • 8/12/2019 The Position of Sitidos.doc




    Positive Interpretation onto the Roe o! the Wi!e o! Jo"

    Rev# Dr# A$%s Santoso


    Jobs wife has a conceivably bad image as Counselor. She does not say a lot in this case,

    almost nothing, and otherwise hardly any acting role plays on Jobs way. A report of Jobs

    wife is found for the first time in Job 2: !His wife said to him: Are you still holding on to

    your integrity? "Curse God and die!# $%&'(. )his verse was placed in the second Jobs

    suffering. )he first Jobs suffering $Job ":*+22( was begun with the sentence: !One day the

    angels came to present themselves before the LO" and #atan also came with them # $Job

    ":*( and the second Jobs suffering $Job 2:"+"-( was begun also with the sentence: !On

    another day the angels came to present themselves before the LO" and #atan also came

    with them to present himself before him$# $Job 2:"(. &f in the first sufferings, Job lost his

    property and his children, in the second sufferings Job lost his healthy. )his signal, that that isthe complete and complicated sufferings of Job. &n this second sufferings was reported, !%hen

    &ob too' a piece of bro'en pottery and scraped himself with it as he sat among the ashes$# &n

    this compassionate situation, Jobs wife came before her husband and invited him, in order to

    curse his od, and in order to do suicide $!Curse God and die!#(. A report of Jobs wife is

    found for the second time in Job ":"/ 0(y breath is offensive to my wife" )0 As Job to the

    last time the sons has had again $Job 12:"-(, was not reported here about Jobs wife. or this

    purpose there is a tradition: Jobs wife died before his restoration so that his new children

    came of another woman.

    3ecause there is so little report and is loo'edso negatively, there are three interpretations.

    (&) )he role of Jobs wife in the first group has a conceivably bad image. )here are so many

    interpretations and 3ible translations, which see so negatively onto Jobs wife.

    His wife said to him: Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!


    %&' see so negatively onto Jobs wife. )he same translation is, for e4ample *nglish #tandard

    +ersion, ,ing &ames +ersion, -ew American .ible, -ew &erusalem .ible, etc. )o see very

    surprise is the translation from Lutherbibel editions ""2 and "51, that so negatively

    translated: 6#age Gott ab und stirb! $Curse God and die!(.2&n the overwhelmingly strong

    tradition one interpreted she to ad malem partemand almost interpreted as demon-with the

    cynical 7uestion: !Are you still holding on to your integrity?# Jobs wife wants to moc8 herhusband in analogy the Satans words in 2:9 as adiuvatri/ diaboli, his belief prove and float

    for the suicide and for a so difficult blasphemy, that she involves the death of Job as a 7uic8

    conse7uence. or the saying his wife, Job answered: !0ou are tal'ing li'e a foolish woman$

    #hall we accept good from God" and not trouble?# $%&'(. or the most part of nglish

    translations translated this: !a foolish woman#. Jobs wife stands here as opponents of Job,

    that is in her same function with Satan.

    "%&' translated in the form of 7uestion.2)he translation fromLutherbibeledition ""2 and "51 stands in the opposite with the translation from ;uther

    edition "919, that positively translated: 6&a" #egene Gott vnd stirb!

  • 8/12/2019 The Position of Sitidos.doc


    &n the >aul+Apocalypse, demon spea8s with the resemble words that was spo8en by the Jobs

    wife in 2:. Ambrosius thin8, that Jobs wife as tester was of the faith of Job, therefore she

    had a same function with the satan. Augustinus called she as adiuvatri/ diaboli. &n one

    pictures of "9th century?s is formed, as Satan hits Job, his wife is by the side of him and her

    hands into the hips lift. )here is one te4t: !Satan hits eoli+

    Dlgiati thin8s, that advice from Jobs wife is very negative and this advice is a pragmatic und

    very immanent way out.*

    (*) )he second interpretation is an ambiguity interpretation. &n one ree8s manuscript of ""th

    century?s is formed, Job is on the e4crement, his wife stands so far of him, she covers her nose

    with head scarf. She will bring water to him with water scoop, which has so long stic8.

    %evertheless, Job cannot drin8, because she stands so far of him. She is the only companion

    for Job nevertheless, she stands so far of patient.

    (+) )he third interpretation is an positive interpretation. Septuaginta translated Job 2: longer

    $not only one verse(:2:And when much time had passed, his wife said to him $to Job(, ow long wilt thou hold out, saying,

  • 8/12/2019 The Position of Sitidos.doc


    ". ust the first sentence in Job 2: be translated as a 7uestion+sentence $with !E#(E

    Alternatively, is this sentence as an admiration+sentence $with !B#(E

    2. ust the word $rbis translated !bless# or !curse# $euphemism(E-. &s it correct that Jobs wife support Job for the suicideE

    1. &s it correct that the position of Jobs wife is as adiuvatri/ diaboli$ad malem partem(E

    Dn the contrary, that the position of Jobs wife is as positive counselor for Job $adbonam partem(E

    *# Positive Roe o! Jo",s Wi!e as Co%nseor !or Jo"

    & want to begin now with the syntactic analysis for the first sentence in Job 2:, that 7uestion+

    particle must not be translated with the 7uestion sentenceB, but can be translated also with

    admiration+sentence. )his case can be found in >salm.

    )he sentence in >salm 5:2 can be translated verbally !O LO" our Lord" is ma1estic your name in all

    the earth?# because this sentence has 7uestion+particle. &n this case, 7uestion+particle must not always be

    translated with the 7uestion+sentence. %&' is correct: !O LO" our Lord" how ma1estic is your name inall the earth!#

    &n the same case with >salm 5:2, the first sentence in Job 2: must not be translated with

    7uestion+sentence, but with admiration+sentence: !How great is assiduity in your piety!#

    Deming paraphrases Job 2:.

    !& admire you, Job, because you can remain according to all the misfortune still for so long in your ta8en

    beliefB 3ut & guess to you: Fo your peace with od, because your death is near and desirable to you. Fo

    end B#"I


    !& surprising, that you remain for so long in your completeness. %evertheless, be honestB a8e air toyour heart and your true feelingB Curse your miserable e4istence and that which is responsible for that,


    Deming positions Jobs wife not as adiuvatri/ diaboli, but as counselor"2of Job. $rbis betranslated with !bless 2 peace# and she support Job not for the suicide. 0oung3s Literal

    %ranslation translates !#till thou art 'eeping hold on thine integrity: bless God and die$#

    'ulgata translates also !benedic eo et morere#. )hat is means, !the first time" bless45your

    God" and then you can find your rest in peace$# Ghen she loo8s her husband in his sufferings,

    she not borne. &n this situation, her support is only one: always to bless of od in allsituations, also in sufferings.

    See also D?Connor, "*:15+*9 Deming K Schmid, 2II":12+1-."IDeming K Schmid, 2II":1-.""So %ewsom "-2: !Jobs wife is the one who recognies, long before Job himself does, what is at sta8etheologically in innocent suffering: the conflict between innocence and integrity, on the one hand, and an

    affirmation of the goodness of od, on the other. &t is the issue with which Job will struggle in the followingchapters.#"2Simundson, "5*:-5 says: !She is so desperately moved by his suffering that she hopes that he willdie and not suffer any more. any husbands or wives or sons or daughters have stood over the bed

    of their tormented loved ones and had similar thoughts#"-

    )he word 0bara'h0 can be translated with 0bless0, but this can be translated also with 0praise0. Ge can see inthe >salms, that this word is translated with 0praise0, for e4ample 06raise the LO!0

  • 8/12/2019 The Position of Sitidos.doc


    )he Jobs answer is also not so hart li8e the translating of ;A&: !perempuan gila# $cray

    woman(. )he obs answer is more as a discussion: !0ou are tal'ing li'e a foolish woman$

    #hall we accept good from God" and not trouble?#

    +# En- Note

    Jobs wife has a good and positive position in the counseling for Job. Jobs friends $lipha,

    3ildad and Lophar lihu( have a positive position too. Job self has one position in the

    counseling for himself $as counselor for himself, especially in Job - he stands himself assub

    specie dei(. All persons have positive role in this counseling.

    &n short, the boo8 of Job is a !pastoral treatise#."1)hat is in connection with the verb ~xnMbe sorry" moved to pity" have compassion7 rue" suffer grief" repent7 comfort oneself" be

    comforted" ease oneself7 comfort" console $M parakale,w(. )his word stands in the boo8 ofJob in important position.

    a. Job 2:"" N After 2:"" Jobs friends are agree and met together by agreement

    Am*x]n:l.W Al-dWn*l'$%&': !sympathi8e with him and comfort him# OJ>S: !console and comfort him# O 'ulgata: visitare et consolare(. )he met together to

    become as visitor and counselor $~xn( N )hat is the visitation and counseling.b. &n his depression, Job says $Job /:"-(: yfi_r>! yn"m#x]n:%.$!9hen thin'

    my bed will comfort me#(. &n this depression, Job needs counseling $~xn(.c. 3ecause of his depression Pob names his friends as ~k,&.() lm''

    yme+x]n:m.$!miserable counselors are you all#( $Job "*:2(,d. he says to his friends ~k,&yemWx/n>%! a0123-y4i.W

    yi_'mi :Am5'6 Wm.5i $!Listen well to what say" And let that be yourconsolation#( $Job 2":2( and

    e. he comforts lb,4'_ yn"Wmx]n:%. 7yaew>6 $!And how do ye comfortme with vanity#( $Job 2":-1(.

    f. )o the end of the boo8, Job brings up from his hearth and says: rp,ae&w8 rp8/'-l! $%iphal( y%im.x!_n"w> 9a!m.a, (e6-l! $!%herefore" recentand console myself ortrayal of Jobs Gife and her Qepresentation in the 'isual Arts!.

    ;ortunate the *yes %hat #ee, A.3. 3ec8 $d.( rand Qapids: Gilliam 3. erdmans


    an, J.. 2II*. !iob und sein Schmer N Gie wenig wir wissen#. An article, that was

    accomplished in the Society of the Dld )estament $Alttestamentliche SoietRt( at the

    niversity of eidelberg.

    "1See Deming, 2II":-9 as !;ehrstHc8e der >oimeni8#. See too Deming K Frechsel, 2II9:"ff.

  • 8/12/2019 The Position of Sitidos.doc


    aier C. K Schroer, S. "5. !Fas 3uch &Pob#.,ompendium feministischer .ibelauslegung.

    ;. Schottroff K .+). Gac8er $ds.(. Htersloh: Htersloher 'erlagshaus erd ohn.

    D?Connor, F. !3less od and Fie $Job 2:(: uphemism or &ronyE# >&3A " $"*(:15+*9.

    Deming, . K Schmid, T. 2II".Hiobs 9eg$ #tationen von (enschen im Leid. 3)hSt 19

    %eu8irchen+'luyn: %eu8irchener 'erlag.

    Deming, . K Frechsel, G. 2II9. #Fer bittere eschmac8 ottes: Fas iobbuch ine4egetischer und poimenischer >erspe8tive!. Still not publishes Article, that was

    accomplished in the &nternational Symposium #as .uch Hiob und seine

    nterpretationen# in onte 'eritU, Ascona, Swiss, August "1+", 2II9.

    >eoli+Dlgiati, F. 2II9. #;eben N )od, nterwelt N Gelt: Strategien der

    TontingenbewRltigung in iob -!. Still not publishes Article, that was accomplished in

    the &nternational Symposium #as .uch Hiob und seine nterpretationen# in onte

    'eritU, Ascona, Swiss, August "1+", 2II9.

    Schaller, 3. #Fas )estament iobs und die Septuaginta des 3uches iob!. 3ib *"


    Simundson, F.J. 2II". %he (essage of &ob: A %heological Commentary. AD)S ;ima:

    Academic Qenewal >ress.Strau@, . !)heologische, form+ und traditionsgeschichtliche 3emer8ungen ur

    ;iterargeschichte des $vorderen( iobrahmens. iob "+2!. LAG ""- $2II"(: 99-+9*9.

    A$%s Santoso, since "1 lecturer of biblical language and interpretation at Abdiel

    )heological Seminary in ngaran, Christian niversity Satya Gacana in Salatiga, 3andung

    )heological Seminary, etc. e studied in doctor program at niversity of eidelberg with

    honors(agna cum Laude. >ublications:ie Apo'alypti' als 1

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